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  1. Monthly quantitative samples of the invertebrate fauna (except Protozoa) in a small pond were taken over a period of three years. During one year, insect emergence traps were in operation. Water temperatures were recorded during the investigation.
  2. The most abundant organisms in the pond were Phaenocora typhlops, Limnodrilus hoffmeisteri and Chaoborus crystallinus. Certain species of Micro-Crustacea and Chironomidae were also abundant but these groups have been dealt with elsewhere (see p. 66). Dendrocoelum lacteum, Polycelis nigra, Helobdella stagnalis, Lumbriculus aariegatus, Tubifex tubifex, Planorbis complanatus, and Asellus meridianus also occurred in considerable though lower numbers; other species occurred in low numbers.
  3. The life-cycles and changes in numbers of the more numerous species are considered. The life-histories of D. lacteum, P. nigra, H. stagnalis, P. complanatus, A. meridianus are in agreement with published information. P. typhlops is seasonal in occurrence, being active from May to Sept. inclusive. Times of emergence of adults of various insect species agree with information available in the literature.
  4. The life-cycle of L. hoffmeisteri in the pond is as follows: young worms hatch in spring/summer and form the bulk of the population from April to July/Aug; they mature from Aug. onwards and breeding starts in earnest from Feb./March. The life-cycle of T. tubifex is as follows: breeding starts in Feb., recruitment of young takes place from April till June, and these start to mature in Nov./Dec. It is not certain if some animals which breed in the spring/early summer survive to breed the following year.
  5. The life-cycle of C. crystallinus appears to be as follows: first instars present from May to Oct., second instars from May to Dec., third instars from June till following Jan., fourth instars all the year round, pupae from May till Aug., and eggs from May to Sept. Adult emergence takes place from late April till mid-Sept.
  6. A six-week drought in Oct/beginning Nov. in the second year of the investigation caused considerable mortality in most species, but most survived with only a few exceptions.

We studied the seasonal activity pattern of the Kuhl’s pipistrelle Pipistrellus kuhlii in eight sites of the Bou Hedma National Park, central Tunisia, from June 2010 to June 2011, using both mistnetting and acoustic bat detection. Pipistrelles were captured all year-round only at water bodies. Captures peaked in late spring and early autumn. Pregnant females were observed from March to June, lactating females only in June, and flying juveniles from June to August. Echolocation calls and buzzes were recorded in all sites throughout the year. However, activity varied significantly among months and sites. Activity peaked in June and September after a noteworthy decline in August; the minimum was recorded in December and January. Bats mainly foraged at water bodies and around streetlamps. This result supports the previously reported major role of water bodies for bats in arid environments. Bats also foraged in the open acacia forest in summer, during the flowering period of Acacia Acacia tortilis raddiana. The steppe was the least used habitat. Social calls were mainly recorded in autumn around streetlamps, suggesting a swarming behaviour. Despite being a common bat species in the area, P. kuhlii should deserve conservation efforts that would benefit other bat species.  相似文献   

The seasonal vertical migration of adultCalanus hyperboreus Krøyer and their female reproductive biology have been studied in the central Greenland Sea, based on 7-month coverage during one annual cycle. Females dwelled in surface waters only between April and July. Gonad maturation began after the summer descent into deeper waters between September and October in the absence of food. Breeding was assessed from gonad development and egg production experiments. It started around the beginning of November and was mostly completed by March/April, before the spring ascent. The overwintering depth of females ranged from close to the surface to 3000 m, and mature females had a preference for shallower depths. Males were mostly found during the breeding period, where they inhabited the 500- to 1000-m layer. Female dry weight was highest in August and November and lowest in February. Field observations were supplemented by observations on gonad development and egg production of females, which were collected in June and August and kept in the laboratory for up to 6 months. Clutch size, spawning interval and fecundity were determined at 0°C. Females collected in June were mature earlier. Due to their low dry weight, they developed only small gonads and very few of them spawned. Females from August were much fatter and produced up to 1000 eggs in several clutches deposited at regular intervals.  相似文献   

Seasonal changes in the contents of lipids and photosynthetic pigments (PSP) were investigated in a brown alga Saccharina cichorioides Miyabe (Phaeophyceae, the family Laminariaceae). The content of lipids varied from 0.27 to 0.60% of the algal fresh weight. The content of glyceroglycolipids (GL) was much greater in the time of spore formation (June–July and September–October), phospholipids — in the spring and in September–October, and the content of neutral lipids — in the spring and in November. In the period of spore release (August and October), the level of GL and polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA) sharply decreased. A high level of PUFA was observed from March to July and in November. In August and October, the same as in the spring, the proportion of saturated fatty acids (FA) was great. The content of chlorophylls from March to November varied from 20.3 to 26.9%, and the level of carotenoids — from 10.7 to 16.1%. Total content of PSP was relatively high in March and in August–September. Free sterols accounted for 3.4–7.3% of total lipids; their proportion was greater in spring than in summer and autumn.  相似文献   

To analyse the population structure and reproductive biology of the Iberian hareLepus granatensis Rosenhauer, 1856, 498 hares (264 males and 234 females) were collected in monthly samples from October 1998 to September 1999. Females reached larger sizes than males, with approximately 400 g difference in body mass on reaching sexual maturity. The total sex ratio was 1∶1, with a bias in favour of males in winter. Sexually active males and females appeared in every month but August, when no sexually active female was found. Births occurred in every month and were more frequent between March and July. Seasonal variation in kidney fat index (KFI) followed a similar pattern in males and females, with an increase in mid-autumn and a decline at the end of winter. Reproductive activity appeared in every month, with a maximum from February to June. Reproductively hyperactive females (simultaneously pregnant and nursing) appeared in every month except in January, with a first peak in March and a second lower peak in May–June. Litter size fluctuated between 1 and 7 leverets. The most frequent gestations involved 1 or 2 foetuses. The mean annual litter size was 2.08 and the average number of litters per productive female per year was estimated to be 3.48. The maximum productivity was recorded between March and May. The total annual production of young per adult female was estimated to be 7.21. The minimum annual survival rate of young was 27.91%. On the basis of these results we propose to maintain the limit of the hunting period between October and December. We discuss the relationship between the low young/adult ratio obtained and the hunting method used.  相似文献   

罗汉果生长动态与叶片矿质营养的研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
漆小雪  李锋  韦霄   《广西植物》2005,25(6):602-606
对一年生罗汉果种薯苗的生长发育状况和植株体内矿质营养元素含量进行监测,结果表明,6~9月 为罗汉果植株生长速度最快时期,叶片中的N、P、K等矿质营养元素浓度的月变化则随着生长发育的进程而 变化,其中N的浓度变化有两个峰点,分别在5月、7月,P、K的浓度变化最高点分别在6月、7月,N、P和K 的浓度变化最低点分别在11月、10月。相关分析表明,罗汉果植株的月生长总量及各级侧蔓的月生长量与叶 片中的N、P、K含量变化有显著的负相关关系。因此,要提高罗汉果产量,施肥的重点应放在5~9月。6月 以前以有机肥、磷肥为主,施以适量速效性氮肥,10月以后应根据植株的生长状况和叶片中N、P、K含量,施 用适量的N、P、K肥,防止早衰。  相似文献   

Seasonal variation in body mass and wing length, and the onset and duration of primary moult, were investigated for Chestnut Weavers from northern Namibia. Body mass of adult males was 31.2g (SD 2.6), and adult females weighed 27.4g (SD 1.9). Body mass declined from March to April, and started increasing after August (i.e. near the end of moult) in males and females. Wing length in adult males with new primaries (Oct–Feb) was 80.7mm (SD 2.7) and for adult females (Oct–Feb) 76.8mm (SD 2.6). For both sexes wing length declined during and after the breeding season, due to extensive feather wear. Adult males started primary moult significantly earlier than females (9 April vs 30 April) and moult lasted longer (206 days vs 189 days). The peak summer rainfall and the start of primary moult was earliest in 2000 and latest in 2004 for males and females. Individual primary feathers took 11–18 days to grow.  相似文献   

长江口及邻近海域枝角类和涟虫类生态学   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据2002~2003年长江口29°00'~32°00'N、122°00'~123°30'E海域4个季节的海洋调查,运用定量、定性方法,探讨长江口邻近海域枝角类和涟虫类总丰度的季节变化特征,以及丰度的季节差异与水团的关系,分析了种类的数量变动,并与东海外海的生态特征进行比较.结果表明,长江口及邻近海域涟虫类丰度的季节变化主要受温度的影响,而平面分布变化与盐度有关.平均丰度夏季最高(0.59 ind./m3),春季最低(0.05 ind./m3).本次调查共发现涟虫类4种,分别为三叶针尾涟虫(Diastylis tricincta)、卵圆涟虫(Bodotria ovalis)、亚洲异针尾涟虫(Dimorphostylis asiatica)和细长涟虫(Iphinoe tenera).其中,三叶针尾涟虫四季均出现,四季优势度分别为0.04、0.03、0.04和0.06;卵圆涟虫出现在夏、秋和冬季,优势度分别为0.11、0.00和0.07;亚洲异针尾涟虫和细长涟虫仅秋季出现,优势度分别为0.17和0.002.仅在夏季发现两种枝角类,分别为肥胖三角溞(Evadne tergestina)和鸟喙尖头溞(Penilia avirostris).在长江口,枝角类和涟虫类的分布特征与长江冲淡水都有一定的关系,显示出这两大类浮游动物具有咸淡水分布的特征.  相似文献   


Growth cycle and buds differentiation in perennial plants growing in Bari's area. — V. The evolution of the wood ring in Rhammus Alaternus L. from December 1946 to March 1949.

In Rhamnus Alaternus L. the cambium awackens in March with the production of an early wood, characterized by large vessels and loose fibers. It keeps on dividing the following months, producing intermediary wood, whose vessels become narrower and narrower. In June the wood ring is almost complete and the cambial activity slows down. In July late wood is formed, with narrow tracheae and highly lignified fibers. From August to February cambial activity is very scarce and irregular, in the wood produced fibers being tangentially compressed.

In a young branch of R. A. cambium becomes suddenly active in February, that is one month before than in the stem, it goes on during the month of March-June, with an evident diminution in the size of the wood elements. This diminution of size instead of being regular, shows some oscillations, expecially during the month of May. In Sept. the cambium starts again dividing, but rather poorly and irregularly, forming some vessels a little wider than the preceeding ones, so that an incomplete false ring is formed only in some points of the branch. As a rule the autumn wood is a typical late wood. This scarce and irregular cambial activity goes on also during Oct.-Dec. In January is more active and forms rather wide vessels in comparison with those formed in the preceeding month. This new formed wood however does not show the characteristics of the early wood of a new ring.

Concluding, the characteristics of the cambial activity of A. R. are

In the stem: 1) March: early wood. 2) March-June: intermediary wood. 3) July: late wood, resting period. 4) At the end of Autumn a scarce production of late wood is sometimes possible.

In the young branch: 1) February: early wood. 2) March-June: intermediary wood, with positive and negative oscillations in the vessels width. 3) At the end of June the late wood is already differentiated. 4) July-August: resting period. 5) Spt.-Juan.: the cambium starts again dividing very scarcely and producing a transition wood between the two rings. This wood can be regarded neither as a true ring nor a false one, it represents rather the last phase of the late wood formation. 6) In the young branch of the female specimen the cambium starts dividing somewhat later than in the male one. 7) The wood ring width does not vary much in relation to the yearly amount of rainfall. The lack of relation between rainfall and ring width is particularly evident in 1948 (a rainy year). The, «Compleasance» of R. A. could show that this species is, in Puglia, in its own habitat. On the other hand it is rather peculiar that R. A. forms only one wood ring during one year, with production of early wood during the spring, and of late wood in the autumn, instead of producing a second autumn ring following a distint summer rest, as could be expected.  相似文献   

Plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) levels were determined at monthly intervals in intact and ovariectomized squirrels maintained in a constant 14L:10D photoperiod at a temperature of 23 +/- 2 degrees C. LH was undetectable (less than 0.9 ng/ml) in plasma of intact females at all times of year. Females ovariectomized (OVX) at 9.5 months of age in March showed substantial increases in plasma LH in May and June but LH was undetectable between July and November. Females ovariectomized at 13 months of age in July first manifested detectable LH levels the following January and February (6-7 months post-ovariectomy). Very few adult females trapped in May and ovariectomized in August had detectable LH levels within 2 months of ovariectomy; however, females ovariectomized the following February had detectable LH titers 1 month later. Long-term studies of individual OVX squirrels indicated peak LH levels between March and June, 1980, relatively low or undetectable titers between August and December and elevated LH levels between January and March, 1981. The results are suggestive of a circannual rhythm of LH secretion which appears restricted to one season of the year and occurs independently of steroid feedback from the ovaries; ovarian steroids only modulate the levels of plasma LH during the brief annual period of hypothalamo-hypophysial activity. We suggest that onset and termination of LH release are mediated by central nervous system circannual clocks.  相似文献   

Iprodione applied to seed at 250 g a.i./kg controlled white rot in autumn-sown salad onions until July the following year, and reduced losses during the winter caused by Botrytis spp. At 25–150 g a.i./kg seed, iprodione controlled autumn and spring infections but it was less effective later in the summer. Treatment of autumn-sown onions at 50 g a.i./kg seed followed in March by a single stem base spray at 0.031 g a.i./m row (total rate c. 2.4 kg a.i./ha) gave complete control; seed treatment at 25 g a.i./kg followed by a stem base spray at 0.125 g a.i./m row (c. 4.5 kg a.i./ha) was equally effective. Four stem base sprays of iprodione at 0.075 g a.i./m row/spray (9 kg a.i./ha) applied in spring to plants raised from untreated seed, controlled spring and summer infections but yields were low because of losses caused by infection in the previous autumn. A single stem base spray of iprodione at 0.125 g a.i./m row applied in spring to plants raised from thiophanate-methyl treated seed at 125 g a.i./kg gave complete control and high yields.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. 1. Counts of adult Scathophaga stercoraria (L.) on cow pats were made in Houghall, County Durham, in 1964 and 1965.
2. A spring peak of numbers was due to adults (overwintered mainly as pupae or larvae) maturing and going to dung to breed. Numbers then dropped, rising to one or more peaks in late June—early July. In 1964 there was then a summer drop in numbers until late September. In 1965 high numbers persisted in summer associated with cooler, wetter weather. Autumn peaks in both years persisted until severe frosts or snow.
3. Mature adults, developed from eggs laid during the spring peak, form the first generation when breeding in mid-late June. No clear generations can be identified after this, due to eggs being laid daily (females have successive gonotrophic cycles). Changes in adult numbers breeding reflects survival of eggs and newly-hatched larvae 5–6 weeks earlier, and lower survival rates of adults in mid-summer compared with spring and autumn.
4. Adult Scathophaga numbers in vegetation rose as numbers on dung dropped. Females dissected to count ovariole tunica dilatations showed that most flies in vegetation were immature, with some parous flies hunting insects to develop the next batch of eggs.
5. Females on dung were dissected and found to range from immature to seven-parous. Those gravid for the first time were grossly under-represented, possibly due to wider dispersal.
6. It is suggested that seasonal changes in this r-strategist cannot be explained simply in terms of generations nor by the occurrence of adult diapause.  相似文献   

兴隆沙位于长江入海口,1990年11月至1991年2月和2001年10月至2002年2月,用路线统计法对兴隆沙鸟类多样性和栖息环境进行了调查,发现在过去的10年间该岛的生态环境发生了巨大变化。受开发力度加强、人口密度增加等各种因素的影响,大量的滩涂植被为农田、村庄所替代。调查结果表明,鸟的种类减少了45%,其中冬候鸟减少了52%,旅鸟减少了60%,国家重点保护鸟类减少了80%,鸟类多样性指数由1990年秋季的3.872减少到2001年秋季的3.016,鸟类最高密度减少了61%。通过对该岛鸟类现状的分析,对岛屿开发与鸟类保护提出了建设性的意见。  相似文献   

安徽淮北农区大仓鼠和黑线仓鼠种群动态的研究   总被引:8,自引:1,他引:7  
朱盛侃  秦知恒 《兽类学报》1991,11(2):99-108
1982一1988年在安徽淮北农区的调查结果表明:大仓鼠种群数量的季节消长特点是,数量高的年份出现3个波峰(即前峰、中峰和后峰),平常年份有2个波峰(中峰和后峰),数量低的年份仅1个波峰(后峰)。波峰峰度大都是后峰最高。黑线仓鼠的波峰数除个别数量高的年份有2个(前峰和中峰)外,多数年份只有1个前峰。两种仓鼠的年间数量变幅皆较明显,推测两鼠各自从一个高峰期到另一个高峰期之间需经历7—8年左右时间。繁殖期,大仓鼠为7个月(4—10月),黑线仓鼠为10个月(2—11月);两者均有两个繁殖盛期,即春峰和秋峰经相关分析,大仓鼠的年数量与年怀孕率存在密切的正相关关系,而黑线仓鼠则为年怀孕率对次年数量有明显的影响。  相似文献   

This study was conducted at the apiary of the Beekeeping Research Section at the Sakha Agricultural Research Station, ARC, Kafrelsheikh, and other apiaries in Kafrelsheikh province, during two successive years 2015 and 2016. The study aimed to survey nectar and pollen floral resources in Kafrelsheikh province. Ninty seven plant species belonging to 33 families were recorded as nectar sources, and 82 plant species belonging to 36 families were recorded as pollen sources during the whole year. The largest amount of monthly trapped pollen was obtained during May followed by August. It can be concluded that, beekeepers in Kafrelsheikh province can harvest good honey yield at the end of blooming seasons of citrus (Citrus spp.) during March and April, Egyptian clover (Trifolium alexandrinum L.) during May and June, loofah (Luffa aegyptiaca Mill.) during June to October, cotton (Gossypium spp.) during July and August, and banana (Musa spp.) during August and September. They also, could be trapping pollen loads collected from faba bean (Vicia faba L.) and flax (Linum usitatissimum L.) during January to March, date palm (Phoenix dactylifera L.) during March and April, Egyptian clover during May and June, summer seed watermelon (Citrullus lanatus var. colothynthoides L.) during June and July, loofah and maize (Zea mays L.) during June to November.  相似文献   

Data pertaining to records of 1,274 calving intervals for 400 breeding buffaloes maintained at the Livestock Experiment Station, Qadirabad, District Sahiwal (Pakistan), were analyzed to investigate the magnitude of influence of month and season of calving on the length of subsequent calving interval. The longest average calving interval of 609.9 days was recorded for buffaloes calving in January, while the shortest average calving interval of 502.8 days was observed for those calving in June, the difference being highly significant (P < 0.01). When the data were split in accordance with season of calving, the calving intervals for buffaloes calving in winter, spring, summer and autumn averaged 569.1, 570.6, 506.6 and 515.7 days, respectively. The differences between intervals for winter and spring calvings and between intervals for summer and autumn calvings were non-significant. All other differences were highly significant (P < 0.01). Thus, in most of the buffaloes calving in winter or spring, the first post-partum oestrus and conception are delayed till the following autumn or winter, resulting in significantly longer calving intervals. In contrast, animals calving in summer or autumn exhibit post-partum heat and conception during autumn or winter, resulting in shorter calving intervals.  相似文献   


In a study area of 16.3 ha of dairy pasture and pine plantations in the Manawatu region of the southern North Island, 150 hedgehogs were marked and 356 recaptures recorded between 1 January 1970 and 24 June 1971. Population density was estimated at between 1.1/ha in winter and 2.5/ha in summer and autumn. Only 11 females and 5 males were considered to be residents, and these used overlapping feeding ranges of similar extent. Concentrations of food organisms became foci of hedgehog activity. During winter, when an estimated 20% of the population died, movement was restricted to the vicinity of the nest site; the hedgehogs hibernated fitfully during July‐October. The breeding season as such extended at least from November to March; some breeding activity was observed in most months, however. The average life span of adults was 1.97 years. The causes of 6 natural deaths and the incidence of abscesses and external parasites were noted.  相似文献   

Amazonian shrimps (Decapoda, Palaemonidae) of several genera from the generally nutrient‐poor, acid waters of the Rio Negro basin show two different breeding patterns: in the annually inundated (Jan./Feb. to Sept./Oct.) lowland forest (= “igapó") they breed during a period with rising and high water levels only (Dec. to July); in the headwater streams draining the “terra firme”; (= regions not subject to annual inundations), the same species breed continuously the year round. All species from these nutrient‐poor and hence, plankton‐deficient, waters have abreviated life cycles with 1–3 benthic larval stages; this includes several Macrobrachium species. However, Macrobrachium amazonicum from the plankton‐rich floodplain lakes, which are fed by the richer water of the Amazon river, maintains the marine pattern of development with numerous stages of filter‐feeding, planktonic larvae. Phylogenetic convergence (several genera developing independently the same adaptive pattern) and divergence (the same genus/species exhibiting different patterns in different environments) are discussed in relation to recent, general molecular genetics.  相似文献   

There are numerous reports about seasonal cycles on food intake in animals but information is limited in dogs and cats. A 4-year prospective, observational, cohort study was conducted to assess differences in food intake in 38 ad-libitum-fed adult colony cats, of various breeds, ages and genders. Individual food intake was recorded on a daily basis, and the mean daily intake for each calendar month was calculated. These data were compared with climatic data (temperature and daylight length) for the region in the South of France where the study was performed. Data were analysed using both conventional statistical methods and by modelling using artificial neural networks (ANN). Irrespective of year, an effect of month was evident on food intake (P<0.001), with three periods of broadly differing intake. Food intake was least in the summer months (e.g. June, to August), and greatest during the months of late autumn and winter (e.g. October to February), with intermediate intake in the spring (e.g. March to May) and early autumn (e.g. September). A seasonal effect on bodyweight was not recorded. Periods of peak and trough food intake coincided with peaks and troughs in both temperature and daylight length. In conclusion, average food intake in summer is approximately 15% less than food intake during the winter months, and is likely to be due to the effects of outside temperatures and differences in daylight length. This seasonal effect in food intake should be properly considered when estimating daily maintenance energy requirements in cats.  相似文献   

Jenynsia multidentata is an important component of the fish assemblage of the Patos Lagoon estuary in southern South Brazil. In order to investigate its reproductive cycle and abundance patterns, standardized sampling was conducted over large spatial (marine, estuary and lagoon) and temporal (1996–2003) scales. Both females and males were significantly more abundant during summer (December–March) than winter (June–August). Total abundance was significantly positively correlated with water temperature (R=0.91), but not with salinity and Secchi depth. Females achieved higher average (49.1 mm L T) and maximum size (91 mm) than males (37.7 mm; 66 mm), and average sex ratio was female-biased (3.2:1) across all months. An annual reproductive cycle composed of two cohorts was proposed: individuals born from December to March started reproducing during late winter and spring and individuals born from September to November started reproducing during late summer and fall. A 12-month survey conducted throughout the longitudinal gradient of the lagoon indicated that the species was only present in the estuary, and was absent from marine and upper lagoon areas. The abiotic factors analyzed could not explain this spatial distribution. Inter-annual variation in abundance was great, with higher abundance during drier years. A `dilution effect' was proposed to explain the low abundance of the species in the estuary during high-rainfall trigged by El Niño episodes.  相似文献   

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