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A new species,Lepanthes caritensis, is described and illustrated. There are now nine species ofLepanthes known to occur in Puerto Rico. Plant habitat and floral morphology ofL. caritensis is most similar to that ofL. sanguinea. A survey of the area where the new species is located suggests that it is rare and should be protected under the Federal Endangered Species Act. Una especic nueva,Lepanthes caritensis, es descrita e ilustrada para Puerto Rico. Con ésta hay ahora nueve especies deLepanthes en Puerto Rico. El hábito de la planta y la morfología de la flor deL. caritensis es más similar aL. sanguinea. Un muestreo del área donde se encuentra la nueva especie sugiere que ésta es rara y que debería ser protegida por el Federal Endangered Species Act.  相似文献   

Lepanthes variabilis, a new species from Costa Rica, is described and illustrated. It is endemic to the northern part of the Talamanca mountain range, from 2750–2850 m. It is compared to the similar L. minutilabia, which also occurs in Costa Rica.  相似文献   

Six species of the orchid speciesLepanthes are described as new. A seventh species,L. sanguined, previously known only from Jamaica, is reported from Puerto Rico. The current misspelling ofL. selenitepala, the only species of the genus previously reported from Puerto Rico, is corrected. A key to the eight Puerto Rican species ofLepanthes is presented, and the value of several interesting taxonomic characters is discussed. The possibility of apogamy in this genus is raised, and detailed biosystematic investigations are indicated as necessary for a complete understanding of the group.  相似文献   

Sixteen new species are proposed in the generaAckermania, Dressleria, Epidendrum, Maxillaria, Oncidium, Rodriguezia, Sigmatostalix, andTrigonidium. All new species are illustrated.Maxillaria vittariifolia L. O. Williams is newly recorded for Peru. A key is provided forTrigonidium of Peru.Trigonidium loretoense Schltr. andT. peruvianum Schltr. are lectotypified.  相似文献   

Kerry Barringer 《Brittonia》1991,43(4):240-252
Epidendrum subgenusEpidanthus (L. O. Williams) Barringer (Orchidaceae) is a group of small, slender-stemmed epiphytes formerly classified in the genusEpidanthus L. O. Williams. The seven species are distributed from southern Mexico to Columbia in wet forests, usually above 1000 m in elevation. Species of subgenusEpidanthus are distinguished from the rest ofEpidendrum by their linear leaves, slender stems, and two pollinia. The new speciesEpidendrum aurigineum is described and the new nameEpidendrum, insolatum is created forE. crassum (Dressler) Mora-Retana & J. García.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relations among selected Micropsectra (Diptera: Chironomidae) species are inferred using mitochondrial COII gene sequences and morphological characters. Both maximum parsimony and Bayesian analyses indicate a monophyletic atrofasciata species group. However, some species morphologically similar to M. atrofasciata (Kieffer) in the adult male, i.e. M. appendica sp. nov. and M. logani (Johannsen), are placed outside the atrofasciata group in the gene trees. The phylogenetic hypotheses based on parsimony analyses of the combined molecular and morphological data sets weakly support a monophyletic atrofasciata group including M. appendica sp. nov. and M. logani if third positions in the COII gene sequences are excluded. In the taxonomic part of this study, adult males, pupae and larvae of Micropsectra aristata Pinder, M. atrofasciata, M. bavarica sp. nov., M. klinki sp. nov., M. logani, M. pallidula (Meigen) and M. schrankelae sp. nov. , and adult males and pupae of M. appendica sp. nov. and M. sofiae sp. nov. as well as adult males of M. andalusiaca Marcuzzi, M. calcifontis sp. nov., M. freyi Storå, M. longicrista sp. nov., M. robusta sp. nov. , and M. zernyi Marcuzzi are described and diagnosed. Micropsectra bidentata (Goetghebuer), M. jokaquarta Sasa & Ogata, M. miki Marcuzzi, M. pallida Goetghebuer, M. subnitens Goetghebuer, M. suecica (Kieffer) and M. shouharasima Sasa are new junior synonyms of M. atrofasciata; Micropsectra groenlandica Andersen and M. utonaitertia Sasa are new junior synonyms of M. logani; Micropsectra candida Chaudhuri & Datta, M. franzi Goetghebuer and M. viridiscutellata Goetghebuer are new junior synonyms of M. pallidula. Comments on the ecology, distribution and systematics of each species are provided. Keys to all known life stages are presented, as well as an annotated list of species morphologically similar to species in the atrofasciata group and nomina dubia in the atrofasciata group. Chironomus mimulus Holmgren is transferred to the genus Micropsectra. © 2006 The Linnean Society of London, Zoological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2006, 146 , 165–225.  相似文献   

Habenaria sect.Macroceratitae from Brazil is revised, and seven species are recognized:H. bractescens, H. gourlieana, H. johannensis, H. longicauda, H. macronectar, H. nabucoi, and the newly describedH. paulistana. A main feature of these species is the presence of long, separated, involute stigmatic processes.Habenaria bractescens, H. gourlieana, H. johannensis, andH. macronectar are distributed mainly from central and southeastern Brazil to southern Brazil and southern South America, whereasH. longicauda andH. nabucoi are distributed mainly from west central, southeastern and northeastern Brazil to northern South America.Habenaria paulistana is restricted to the state of São Paulo.Habenaria bradei, H. juergensii, andH. sartoroides are lectotypified, andH. kleyi is neotypified. The identity ofH. fastor is discussed andH. nabucoi is recognized as the valid name for this species. Seven other species previously placed in sect.Macroceratitae are sufficiently distinct and are removed from the section.  相似文献   

The Old World species of the genus Pouzolzia have been revised and 24 species and 13 infraspecific taxa recognised. Worldwide, the genus now totals 36 species and 17 infraspecific taxa. Pouzolzia sect. Memorialis Bennett & Brown (including the genera Gonostegia Turcz. and Hyrtanandra Miq.) is maintained here as a section of Pouzolzia. The characters used to separate Pouzolzia from Boehmeria are found to work worldwide. In the Old World, the genus ranges, west to east, from Senegal to Japan and the Solomon Islands, and, north to south, from China, the Himalayas and Yemen to South Africa, Madagascar, Australia and the Lord Howe, Norfolk and Kermadec Is. Some species are common and occur almost throughout tropical Indomalesia or are widespread in Africa; others are rare and with a narrow range, for example restricted to one or a few oceanic islands. Each of the taxa occurring in the Old World is described and illustrated, habitats and geographical ranges are indicated, conservation status is discussed on the basis of our impression of old and new collecting activity, and distributions are mapped. The following new taxa are described: P. tsaratananensis Friis & Wilmot Dear from Madagascar, P. herpetophyton Friis & Wilmot‐Dear from the Comoro Is., and P. zeylanica subsp. calcicola Friis & Wilmot‐Dear and P. thailandica Friis & Wilmot‐Dear, both from southern Thailand. A new name, P. variifolia Friis & Wilmot‐Dear, is proposed for P. heterophylla (Blume) Wedd., nom. illeg. The following new combinations are published here: P. australis (Endl.) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear, P. sanguinea (Blume) Merr. var. formosana (Li) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear, P. sanguinea (Blume) Merrill var. cinerascens (Blume) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear, P. mixta Solms var. shirensis (Rendle) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear, P. hirta (Blume) Hasskarl var. parvifolia (Wight) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear, P. pentandra (Roxb.) Benn. & R. Br. subsp. wightii (Benn. & R. Br.) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear. and subsp. wightii (Benn. & R. Br.) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear var. gracilis (Miq.) Friis & Wilmot‐Dear. The following taxa are reduced to synonymy for the first time: Pouzolzia argenteonitida W.‐T. Wang, P. bracteosa Friis, P. calophylla W.‐T. Wang & C.‐J. Chen, P. guineensis Benth. var. seyrigii Leandri, P. guineensis Benth. var. madagascariensis Wedd., P. baronii Leandri, and P. auriculata Wight.  相似文献   

Lobopoda wittmeri n. sp. is described from the Dominican Republic; the male of L. notapuncta Campbell is described for the first time. Lobopoda haitensis, L. notapuncta, and Hymenorus haitius previously known only from Haiti are reported from the Dominican Republic; Allecula ramosi previously known from Puerto Rico is also reported from the Dominican Republic. Hymenorus convexus and H. jamaicensis known previously from the Bahama Islands and Cuba and from Jamaica respectively are reported for the first time from the Cayman Islands.

A key is presented to aid in identification of the Alleculidae of the Cayman Islands and Hispaniola.  相似文献   

A taxonomic revision of Encyclia (Orchidaceae) in Costa Rica is presented. The taxonomic history of the genus and its phylogenetic position are discussed. Characters of vegetative and floral morphology are described and their taxonomic significance is discussed. The genus is treated as comprising nine species in the country and a key to species is provided. Each taxon is described on the basis of Costa Rican material, illustrated in a composite plate, and its distribution within the country is assessed. Distribution maps for all the taxa are given. Overall distribution, derivation of name, synonymy, notes on species ecology and diagnostic features are presented for each taxon. The names Encyclia tonduziana and Epidendrum mooreanum are typified. © 2012 The Linnean Society of London, Botanical Journal of the Linnean Society, 2012, 168 , 395–448.  相似文献   

《Journal of bryology》2013,35(2):95-97

The new species Omphalanthus baracoensis, from the Yunque de Baracoa plateau, southeastern Cuba, is described and illustrated. The species is related to the widely distributed Omphalanthus filiformis, but differs in the presence of a large tooth at the lobule apex.  相似文献   

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