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Semen analysis is subject to great variability, partly due to the mechanism of ejaculation. This variability can be reduced by taking certain precautions, such as interviewing the patient to eliminate any external factor of variability, by imposing a 3- to 5-day period of sexual abstinence, by explaining the procedures to avoid bacterial contamination of the sample, by verifying whether the whole semen sample has been collected, by checking that the temperature of the sample is maintained at 37°C and finally, by carefully homogenising the sample to obtain good quality liquefaction.  相似文献   

A. Mirimanoff 《Protoplasma》1953,42(2):250-260
Résumé Le présent travail expose quelles sont les réactions de la cellule végétale lorsque cette dernière est soumise à l'association d'un toxique et d'un « mouillant » (Netzmittel).Les variables sont: la nature de la cellule végétale, celle du toxique et celle du mouillant.Alors que les mouillants cationiques, eux-mêmes toxiques, exercent une simple action additive, les mouillants anioniques révèlent dans de nombreux cas une synergie de toxicité. Celle-ci se manifeste surtout avec les champignons et les bactéries Gram+, les végétaux supérieurs se montrant indifférents. Cette synergie varie également avec la structure moléculaire du mouillant.Les mouillants non ioniques peuvent au contraire exercer une action antagoniste, c'est-à-dire diminuer la toxicité.Ce dernier phénomène se produit dans certains cas à la suite d'une réaction chimique entre le mouillant et le toxique; la nature de la cellule est alors indifférente. Dans d'autres cas, il y a absence de réaction chimique et le phénomène ne se produit qu'avec certains types de cellules (champignons surtout).La nature chimique du toxique joue, dans la synergie, un rôle moins important que dans l'antagonisme.Des hypothèses sont formulées pour tenter d'élucider le mécanisme des cas de synergie et d'antagonisme.  相似文献   

This paper reports the birth of the first fourteen infants conceived after preimplantation genetic diagnosis (PGD) in our unit. Fifty-nine couples were enrolled between January 2000 and July 2001. They had a total of 71 oocyte pick-up cycles. The collected oocytes were inseminated by intracytoplasmic sperm injection. The resulting embryos were biopsied on the third day of development and genetic analysis was performed on the same day. Most of the embryo transfers were carried out on the fourth day. The 71 oocyte pick-up cycles yielded 872 oocytes of which 731 were suitable for intacytoplasmic sperm injection. Among the 505 embryos obtained, 421 embryos were biopsied and genetic diagnosis was performed for 312 (74%) of them. 127 embryos were transferred during 58 transfer procedures. There were 18 biochemical and 12 ongoing (7 singles, 4 twins and 1 triple) pregnancies. Sixteen infants have been born and 2 are expected. PGD now constitutes an alternative for couples at risk of transmission of a serious and incurable genetic disease.  相似文献   

Seven years after the publication of the first diagnostic reference levels (DRL) order, the analysis of the data allows the French Institute for radiation protection and nuclear safety (IRSN) to assess and evaluate the increase of the nuclear medicine departments involvement and of the level administered activities to the patients during the most common examinations performed in France. IRSN analyses show a good agreement between the distribution of transmitted examinations and the frequency of examinations performed in France, taking into account 95% of the number of examinations and 95% of the dose delivered to patients by nuclear medicine. These analyses highlight the necessary consistency between DRL regulation, the French society of nuclear medicine (SFMN) recommendations and national practice. The IRSN recommendations established from data analyses have leaded the authorities to publish a new DRL order in January 2012. This first update of the regulation takes into account actual clinical practice in nuclear medicine and introduces fundamental points as pediatric DRL. In the future, periodical updates will be implemented in order to take into account procedures and devices evolutions.  相似文献   

Marcel Ferron 《CMAJ》1962,87(21):1121-1123
This study attempted to evaluate the effect of dihexyverine HCl (Metaspas), an anticholinergic and direct smooth muscle relaxant (spasmolytic), in shortening the first stage of labour. One hundred and five patients constituted the series: 31 were primiparae, 27 secundiparae and 47 multiparae. The majority of these (95) received one intramuscular injection (10 mg.) of dihexyverine. Alphaprodine (Nisentil), 40 mg., was administered in all but 10 cases, since dihexyverine has no analgesic action. Seventy-five control patients were used: 25 were primiparae, 25 secundiparae and 25 multiparae. Alphaprodine alone was administered to these control patients. The length of time for dilatation from 4 cm. to 10 cm. was the selected criterion. In the control group, the average time for complete cervical dilatation was 4 hours, 10 minutes. In the group treated by dihexyverine, complete dilatation was achieved in 1 hour, 16 minutes. On the average, the first stage of labour was 2 hours and 54 minutes shorter with dihexyverine; the clinical effect begins 10-30 minutes after administration. The only side effect encountered was a skin rash in one patient.  相似文献   

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