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Rabe E  Lovatt CJ 《Plant physiology》1984,76(3):747-752
Young, fully expanded leaves from 7-month-old P-deficient citrus rootstock seedlings had levels of nonprotein arginine that were 10- to 50-fold greater than those from P-sufficient control plants. Arginine content of the protein fraction increased 2- to 4-fold in P-deficient leaves. Total arginine content, which averaged 72 ± 6 micromoles per gram dry weight of P-sufficient leaf tissue (mean ± se, n = the four rootstocks) was 207, 308, 241, and 178 micromoles in P-deficient leaves from Citrus limon cv rough lemon, Poncirus trifoliata × C. sinensis cv Carrizo citrange and cv Troyer citrange, and P. trifoliata cv Australian trifoliate orange, respectively. For each rootstock, the accumulation of arginine paralleled an increase in the activity of the pathway for the de novo biosynthesis of arginine. The ratio of the nanomoles NaH14CO3 incorporated into the combined pool of arginine plus urea per gram fresh weight intact leaf tissue during a 3-hour labeling period for P-deficient to P-sufficient plants was 91:34, 49:11, 35:11, and 52:41, respectively. When P-deficient plants were supplied with P, incorporation of NaH14CO3 into arginine plus urea was reduced to the level observed for the P-sufficient control plants of the same age and arginine ceased to accumulate. Arginase and arginine decarboxylase activity were either unaffected or slightly increased during phosphorus deficiency. Taken together, these results provide strong evidence that arginine accumulation during phosphorus deficiency is due to increased activity of the de novo arginine biosynthetic pathway.  相似文献   

1. We studied the effects of both acute and chronic exposure of Daphnia pulex to toxic Microcystis aeruginosa . We focused on the effects of Daphnia genotype and temperature (19 and 24 °C).
2. The study revealed variation among ten Daphnia pulex clones in survivorship under acute Microcystis exposure, measured as EC50. An increase in temperature caused a clear decrease in EC50, although the ranking of clones according to sensitivity remained the same at both temperatures.
3. In the chronic exposure of two of the clones, toxic Microcystis reduced survival and reproduction. The two clones differed in their responses, indicating different means of coping with toxic cyanobacteria. Toxic cyanobacteria reduced slightly more at 24 °C than 19 °C.
4. The clonal difference in sensitivity to toxic cyanobacteria at acute exposure was reversed at chronic exposure. This indicates that the results from short-term toxicity cannot be used to predict life history responses under sublethal exposure.  相似文献   

1. We studied the effects of both acute and chronic exposure of Daphnia pulex to toxic Microcystis aeruginosa . We focused on the effects of Daphnia genotype and temperature (19 and 24 °C).
2. The study revealed variation among ten Daphnia pulex clones in survivorship under acute Microcystis exposure, measured as EC50. An increase in temperature caused a clear decrease in EC50, although the ranking of clones according to sensitivity remained the same at both temperatures.
3. In the chronic exposure of two of the clones, toxic Microcystis reduced survival and reproduction. The two clones differed in their responses, indicating different means of coping with toxic cyanobacteria. Toxic cyanobacteria reduced slightly more at 24 °C than 19 °C.
4. The clonal difference in sensitivity to toxic cyanobacteria at acute exposure was reversed at chronic exposure. This indicates that the results from short-term toxicity cannot be used to predict life history responses under sublethal exposure.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to evaluate the sensitivity of two bacterial tests commonly used in metal toxicity screening — the Vibrio fischeri bioluminescence inhibition test and the Pseudomonas putida growth inhibition test — in comparison to the standard acute Daphnia magna test, and to estimate applicability of the selected methods to the toxicity testing of environmental samples. The D. magna acute test proved to be more sensitive to cadmium (Cd), zinc (Zn) and manganese (Mn) than the two bacterial assays, whereas P. putida seems to be the most sensitive species to lead (Pb). Manganese appears to be slightly toxic to D. magna and non-toxic to the two selected bacteria. This leads to the conclusion that even in regions with high background concentrations, manganese would not act as a confounding factor. Low sensitivity of V. fischeri to heavy metals questions its applicability as the first screening method in assessing various environmental samples. Therefore, it is not advisable to replace D. magna with bacterial species for metal screening tests. P. putida, V. fischeri and/or other bacterial tests should rather be applied in a complex battery of ecotoxicological tests, as their tolerance to heavy metals can unravel other potentially present toxic substances and mixtures, undetectable by metal-sensitive species.  相似文献   

Summary Thirty-three strains of different species of rhizobia were seeded into medium 79 agar. Discs impregnated with 3, 0.3, 0.03 and 0.003%, corresponding to 10, 1, 1/10 and 1/100 the recommended rate of application, of fungicides TMTD, Rhizoctole, Phygon, Ceresan and Orthocide 75 were placed on the seeded agar. After 120 hrs, zones of inhibition were measured. The 3, 0.3 and 0.03% concentrations of the five fungicides were inhibitory to most rhizobia tested in different degrees. The 0.003% level of these fungicides while toxic to certain strains, was not so for others.Deceased August 6, 1968.  相似文献   

Phosphorus (P) deficiency increased the secretion of phytases from roots of various plant species. The secretory phytases were collected with a dialysis membrane tube for 24 hours from roots of sixteen plant species grown with low or adequate supply of P in nutrient solutions. The activity of not only secretory phytase, but also acid phosphatase, increased with the low P treatment in all of the plant species examined. Secretion of phytase by the roots under P-deficient conditions was highest in Brachiaria decumbens CIAT 606, Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 184 and tomato, moderate in Brachiaria brizantha CIAT6780, Stylosanthes guianensis CIAT 2950, alfalfa, white clover and orchard grass, and lowest in Andropgon gayanus CIAT 621, Stylosanthes capitata CIAT 10280, upland rice, timothy, redtop, alsike clover, red clover and white lupin plants. An immunoreactive protein band that reacted with a polyclonal antibody raised against wheat bran phytase, corresponding to molecular weight 35–40 kD, could be detected in seven of the species tested. These results indicate that the secretory phytase may provide an efficient mechanism for certain plants to utilize inositol hexaphosphate in soil.  相似文献   

The effect of exposure of bacterial suspensions to UV radiation by means of the dose-response curves was assessed. The D37 and D10 values were used for subsequent statistical analysis of the results. The aim of this article is to evaluate the sensitivity to UV radiation of several microorganisms of different habitats (Rhizobium meliloti, Rhodobacter sphaeroides, Escherichia coli, and Deinococcus radiodurans), two mutants with nonfunctional SOS DNA repair system (R.meliloti recA - and E. coli recA -), and a mutant in the synthesis of carotenoids (R. sphaeroides crtD). The results reveal that D. radiodurans was an extremely resistant bacterium, R. meliloti was more resistant than R. sphaeroides, and E. coli was the most sensitive bacterium tested. The high sensitivity of recA - mutants was also verify. Moreover, it seems that the possession of pigments had no important effect in the sensitivity of R. sphaeroides to UV radiation.  相似文献   

1. Molecular approaches have increasingly revealed hidden genetic structure within ecologically important species, leading to the creation of sibling species whose ecological relevance is often unclear. A prime example is Daphnia galeata mendotae, which was split into D. dentifera and D. mendotae based on differences at two allozyme loci. 2. In a set of lake populations in Michigan USA, we test the geographical and temporal consistency of the genetic structure underlying this species split. We also test the morphological relevance of this molecular variation and its ecological significance in lakes. In essence, we ask: does recognition of these new species provide valuable information for plankton ecologists? 3. We found that D. dentifera and D. mendotae represent morphologically and ecologically distinct forms that are distributed among lakes in non‐random fashion, which were remarkably stable over 6 years. Key differences between the species concern their body and head shape, vertical habitat use within lakes and distribution among lakes of different size. We hypothesise that these differences represent specialisation to habitats that differ in risk of invertebrate predation. 4. Reproductive barriers alone are insufficient to explain the pattern of genetic structure; in some lakes complete introgression is apparent. However, parent species and hybrids exhibit a stable co‐existence in many lakes, which suggests that ecological specialisation reinforces divergence within this taxon.  相似文献   

M. J. Barry 《Oecologia》2000,124(3):396-401
The predator-induced responses of two species of Australian Daphnia, with contrasting distributions and life history patterns, to the kairomones of two species of Anisops predators, were measured. Daphnia longicephala produced a large crest and attained a larger size when exposed to both predators. D. carinata sl matured earlier than D. longicephala and did not produce a crest. Surprisingly, kairomones of both predators inhibited the production of ephippia in D. carinata sl. Anisops stali, the larger of the two predator species, induced a significantly larger crest size in D. longicephala, and larger brood size in both species compared with the smaller A. gratus, indicating a quantitative but not qualitative effect of predator species on inducible defences. Received: 18 August 1999 / Accepted: 14 April 2000  相似文献   

Instar-specific mortalities of Daphnia hyalina and D.cucullatawere studied from May 19 to September 29, 1988 in combinationwith invertebrate predator and phytoplankton abundance. Simultaneouslife-table experiments were conducted under semi-natural conditionsin the laboratory to estimate juvenile mortality in a predator-freeenvironment. Juvenile mortality by predation was calculatedas the difference between juvenile mortality in the field andin the experiments and was the most important factor for thedifferences in abundance of the two species. For D.hyalina juvenilemortality was higher in early summer and probably caused byselective predation by Chaoborus flavicans. Predation by Leptodorakindtii was probably more important during the rest of the summer.Estimated mortality by predation adequately explained juvenilemortality, except for a 3-week period in August. Decreasingflagellate densities in July were accompanied by increased juvenilemortalities of D.hyalina and D.cucullata in the life-table experimentsin August and coincided with a Daphnia population decrease.  相似文献   

Four species of cyclomorphic Daphnia (D.pulex, D.galeata mendotae,D.retrocurva, D.lumholtzi) were exposed to the insecticide carbarylfor a short term (8–4 h) from the final embryonic stageto the first instar. Daphnia pulex formed neckteeth, and theremaining three Daphnia species developed high helmets and longtailspines. The results suggest that the development of suchprotuberant structures (anti-predator morphologies) in responseto the insecticide exposure is a general phenomenon in Daphnia,and that stimuli on the nervous system of Daphnia may inducethe morphological changes, which originally evolved as a responseto predator kairomone. Two clones of D.pulcx were examined anda clone which was more sensitive to the predator Chaobonts kairomonethan another developed more marked neckteeth in response tocarbaryl, suggesting that the sensitivity in morphological responseto the insecticide may be related to the sensitivity to thekairomone. 1Present and permanent address: Regional Environment Division,National Institute for Environmental Studies Onogawa, Tsukuba,Ibaraki 305, Japan  相似文献   

Vascular invasion of calcified cartilage, during endochondral ossification, is initiated and sustained by invasive cells (endothelial cells and macrophages) which degrade the tissue by releasing lytic enzymes. Concurrently, reactive oxygen species (ROS) are also released by these cells and we hypothesize that ROS also contribute to the degradation of the tissue. As a preliminary approach to this problem, the antioxidant activities and the effect of ROS on hypertrophic cartilage and chondrocytes (HCs) were investigated. Compared to resting or articular chondrocytes, HCs exhibited higher catalase but lower SOD specific activities and lower PHGPx concentration, thus revealing a defence activity specific against H2O2. Moreover, dose-dependent depletion of ATP occurred after few minutes of exposure to ROS, and a long-term treatment (16 h incubation with ROS) promoted the release of LDH activity and a significant variation of the poly- to mono-unsaturated fatty acid ratio. Finally, the incubation of HCs with low ROS doses induced the release of sedimentable alkaline phosphatase activity (matrix vesicles). How the obtained results fit the in vivo occurring events is discussed.  相似文献   

Sensitivity to and requirement for iron in Plantago species   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

为探究典型草原植物长期共存的生理生态机制, 以典型草原的优势物种克氏针茅(Stipa krylovii)和冷蒿(Artemisia frigida)为材料, 采用基质培养方法, 通过比较不同供磷浓度对二者生物量、根系形态、质子分泌、酸性磷酸酶和有机酸分泌以及磷吸收利用效率的影响, 探讨克氏针茅和冷蒿对土壤磷缺乏的适应策略。研究结果表明: 冷蒿主要通过根系分泌酸性磷酸酶和酸化根际来适应低磷环境; 而克氏针茅主要是通过根系分泌有机酸(主要是苹果酸)来适应土壤磷缺乏。在低磷条件下, 克氏针茅和冷蒿的磷吸收效率没有显著差异, 但克氏针茅的磷利用效率显著高于冷蒿。随着供磷浓度增加, 二者的磷吸收速率增加, 磷利用效率降低。在生物量、地上部分性状以及根系生长方面, 克氏针茅和冷蒿对磷供给的响应都表现先增长后降低的趋势; 克氏针茅的生物量在外源供0.25 mmol·L-1磷时达到最大, 而冷蒿的生物量在外源供0.50 mmol·L-1磷时达到最大, 表明冷蒿对磷的生理需求高于克氏针茅。因此, 克氏针茅和冷蒿具备各自不同的适应土壤有效磷缺乏的生理策略, 这可能是它们在土壤贫瘠的温带典型草原长期共存的重要机制。  相似文献   

Dudycha JL 《Oecologia》2003,135(4):555-563
Senescence is a general decline of physiological state that accompanies advancing age. It affects nearly all organisms, but patterns of senescence vary markedly, even among closely related taxa. Understanding the evolution of this diversity requires information about environmental effects on the expression of variation among taxa. I examined genetically-based variation of senescence within and between two species complexes of Daphnia in four environments. The environments were defined by large differences in food and temperature, two factors known to influence senescence. The species studied were chosen to represent sister species that likely experience divergent (D. pulex and D. pulicaria) or similar (D. mendotate and D. dentifera) selection pressures on senescence. Overall, D. pulex expressed the greatest demographic senescence, D. mendotae and D. dentifera were intermediate, and D. pulicaria expressed the least. In environments representative of typical natural conditions, D. pulex had greater senescence than D. pulicaria, regardless of how late-life performance was assessed. This shows that genetic-environment interactions do not confound the interpretation of senescence differences between these species as the result of selective differences between their habitats. Comparison of D. mendotae and D. dentifera primarily revealed similar life histories, although differences in reproductive declines occurred in some environments. The joint observation of similar mortality patterns but dissimilar fecundity declines suggests that the trade-off between survival and reproduction changes with age. This calls into question the utility of only studying mortality for understanding evolutionary change of senescence in nature.  相似文献   

M. A. Leibold 《Oecologia》1991,86(4):510-520
Summary Two commonly coexisting species of Daphnia segregate by habitat in many stratified lakes. Daphnia pulicaria is mostly found in the hypolimnion whereas D. galeata mendotae undergoes diel vertical migration between the hypolimnion and the epilimnion. I examined how habitat segregation between these two potentially competing species might be affected by trophic interactions with their resources and predators by performing a field experiment in deep enclosures in which I manipulated fish predation, nutrient levels, and the density of epilimnetic Daphnia. The results of the experiment indicate that habitat use by D. pulicaria can be jointly regulated by competition for food from epilimnetic Daphnia and predation by fishes. Patterns of habitat segregation between the two Daphnia species were determined by predation by fish but not by nutrient levels: The removal of epilimnetic fish predators resulted in higher zooplankton and lower epilimnetic phytoplankton densities and allowed D. pulicaria to expand its habitat distribution into the epilimnion. In contrast, increased resource productivity resulted in higher densities of both Daphnia species but did not affect phytoplankton levels or habitat use by Daphnia. The two species exhibit a trade-off in their ability to exploit resources and their susceptibility to predation by fish. D. g. mendotae (the less susceptible species) may thus restrict D. pulicaria (the better resource exploiter) from the epilimnion when fish are common due to lower minimum resource requirements than those needed by D. pulicaria to offset the higher mortality rate imposed by selective epilimnetic fish predators. D. g. mendotae does not appear to have this effect in the absence of fish.  相似文献   

Despite many ecological and evolutionary studies, the history of several species complexes within the freshwater crustacean genus Daphnia (Branchiopoda, Anomopoda) is poorly understood. In particular, the Daphnia longispina group, comprising several large-lake species, is characterized by pronounced phenotypic plasticity, many hybridizing species and backcrossing. We studied clonal assemblages from lakes and ponds comprising daphnids from several species complexes. In order to reveal patterns of reticulate evolution and introgression among species, we analysed three data sets and compared nuclear, mtDNA and morphological divergence using animals from 158 newly established clonal cultures. By examining 15 nuclear and 11 mitochondrial (12S/16S rDNA) genetic characters (allozymes/restriction enzymes), and 48 morphological traits, we found high clonal diversity and discontinuities in genotypic and morphological space which allowed us to group clones by cytonuclear differentiation into seven units (outgroup D. pulex). In contrast to six groups emerging from nuclear divergence (related to three traditional species, D. cucullata, D. galeata, D. hyalina and three pairwise intermediate hybrids), a seventh group of clones was clearly resolved by morphological divergence: distinct mtDNA haplotypes within one nuclear defined cluster, ‘D. hyalina’, resembled traditional D. hyalina and D. rosea phenotypes, respectively. In other nuclear defined clusters, association between mtDNA haplotype and morphology was low, despite hybridization being bidirectional (reciprocal crosses). Morphological divergence was greatest between young sister species which are separated on the lake/pond level, suggesting a significant role for divergent selection during speciation along with habitat shifts. Phylogenetic analyses were restricted to four cytonuclear groups of clones related to species. mtDNA and nuclear phylogenies were consistent in low genetic divergence and monophyly of D. hyalina and D. rosea. Incongruent patterns of phylogenies and different levels of genetic differentiation between traditional species suggest reticulate evolutionary processes.  相似文献   

Borgeraas  Jan  Hessen  Dag O. 《Hydrobiologia》2002,477(1-3):15-30
To assess their role in photoprotection in the crustacean zooplankton Daphnia spp., activities of the antioxidants catalase (CAT), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione transferase (GST) and content of carotenoids (CAR) were studied in 4 Daphniaspecies from a total of 50 populations. Included in the survey were alpine and lowland populations of both pigmented and non-pigmented D. longispina, rock-pool and laboratory clones of D. magna and Arctic populations of the D. pulex/D. middendorffianacomplex. Most of the surveyed populations inhabit shallow ponds, and are thus highly exposed to UV-radiation during the summer. The results are primarily discussed in relation to antioxidants as possible protection against UV-radiation. D. pulex, D. middendorffianaand D. longispinaoccurred both as hyaline and pigmented (carapace melanization) morphs. The most notable inter-species differences were the high activity of CAT in the D. magnalab-clone, the low activity of GST in melanic animals from the D. pulexgroup and the high activity of SOD in D. longispinafrom a lowland humic pond. Contrary to expectations, we found no differences in antioxidant capacity between melanic and non-pigmented alpine D. longispina. Intraspecies variation in antioxidant activities was studied in relation to pond characteristics. Among the alpine populations of D. longispina there was a significant positive correlation between absorbance (300 nm) of the pond water and CAT activity, which could be related to ambient levels of photoinduced hydrogen peroxide production in these small water bodies. The data from this comparative study provide insight in photo-protective mechanisms in cladocera, and constitute a valuable basis for future research on pro-oxidant and antioxidant processes in alpine and arctic freshwater zooplankton.  相似文献   

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