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Summary Mitochondrial DNA was isolated from fertile and cytoplasmic male sterile lines of rice. Restriction analysis showed specific modifications in the male sterile cytoplasm. In addition to the major mitochondrial DNA, three small plasmid-like DNA molecules were detected by agarose gel electrophoresis in both cytoplasms. An additional molecule was specifically found in the sterile cytoplasm. These mitochondrial DNA modifications support the hypothesis of the mitochondrial inheritance of the cytoplasmic male sterility in rice.  相似文献   

Summary Two large double-stranded RNA molecules, 15 and 16 kilobases, were detected in cytoplasmic male sterile (CMS) Phaseolus vulgaris by agarose gel electrophoresis. A number of smaller RNA molecules were observed in Sprite, a maintainer line, and recurrent backcrossing of CMS P. vulgarisxSprite resulted in a combined electrophoretic pattern of the two large and numerous small RNA molecules. The large RNA molecules were seed and pollen-transmissible, but were not transmitted by grafting. The RNAs were present in revertant and restored lines derived from CMS-Sprite and therefore were not associated with the cytoplasmic male sterile trait.Florida Agr. Exp. Stn. Journal Series No. 8405  相似文献   

Cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) is widely known in higher plants, the mechanism of which is believed to involve incompatibility between nuclei and cytoplasms. In rice lines with the CMS trait, fertility is restored by the aid of a nuclear-encoded gene, Rf-1, whose locus has been determined in chromosome 10. We found a particular PCR-amplified fragment, designated fL601, that specifically amplified using the DNAs from Rf-1 lines tested as templates. RFLP mapping of the fL601 locus revealed that there are two loci for the fL601, and that both are tightly linked to the Rf-1 locus. Progeny analysis also showed high frequency of their co-segregation. Southern analysis of the genomic DNA demonstrated that the Rf-1 lines shared a unique sequence in the fL601 region. These results enabled us to construct a system for specific detection of the corresponding regions. Utilizing this detection system, we established a simple PCR-mediated selection method for the Rf-1 lines, which may facilitate the breeding for hybrid rice.  相似文献   

We related the effects of c-myc expression on the ability of growth inhibitors to block the cells in the G0/G1 phase of the cell cycle. In two different B-cell lines, there was an association between the accumulation of cells in the middle to late G1 phase of the cell cycle and a rapid transient downregulation of c-myc mRNA levels. The phorbol ester TPA and the adenylate cyclase activator forskolin reduced the c-myc RNA, levels and after 3 days of treatment a proportion of the cells accumulated in G1. In contrast, neither interferon-gamma, tumor necrosis factor-alpha nor the monoclonal antibody 33-1 against DQ major histocompatibility antigens changed the cell-cycle distribution or regulated the c-myc RNA levels. Yet, all five growth inhibitors reduced the proliferation to approximately the same extent. The growth reduction was not accompanied by definite differentiation, as judged by the absence of the B-cell differentiation marker B1 (CD20).  相似文献   

Causes of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in plants have beenstudied for two decades, and mitochondrial chimeric genes havebeen predicted to induce CMS. However, it is unclear what happensafter CMS-associated proteins accumulate in mitochondria. Inour previous study of microarray analysis, we found that 140genes are aberrantly regulated in anthers of CW-type CMS ofrice (Oryza sativa L.). In the present study, we investigatedDCW11, one of the down-regulated genes in CW-CMS encoding aprotein phosphatase 2C (PP2C). DCW11 mRNA was preferentiallyexpressed in anthers, with the highest expression in maturepollen. As predicted by the N-terminal sequence, DCW11 signalpeptide–green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion proteinwas localized in mitochondria. Knockdown of DCW11 in wild-typerice by RNA interference caused a major loss of seed-set fertility,without visible defect in pollen development. Since this knockdownphenotype resembled that of CW-CMS, we concluded that the down-regulationof DCW11 is correlated with CW-CMS. This idea was supportedby the up-regulation of alternative oxidase 1a (AOX1a), whichis known to be regulated by mitochondrial retrograde signaling,in DCW11 knockdown lines. Down-regulation of DCW11 and up-regulationof AOX1a were also observed in two other types of rice CMS.Our result indicates that DCW11 could play a role as a mitochondrialsignal transduction mediator in pollen germination.  相似文献   

Jovel J  Walker M  Sanfaçon H 《Journal of virology》2007,81(22):12285-12297
Recovery of plants from virus-induced symptoms is often described as a consequence of RNA silencing, an antiviral defense mechanism. For example, recovery of Nicotiana clevelandii from a nepovirus (tomato black ring virus) is associated with a decreased viral RNA concentration and sequence-specific resistance to further virus infection. In this study, we have characterized the interaction of another nepovirus, tomato ringspot virus (ToRSV), with host defense responses during symptom induction and subsequent recovery. Early in infection, ToRSV induced a necrotic phenotype in Nicotiana benthamiana that showed characteristics typical of a hypersensitive response. RNA silencing was also activated during ToRSV infection, as evidenced by the presence of ToRSV-derived small interfering RNAs (siRNAs) that could direct degradation of ToRSV sequences introduced into sensor constructs. Surprisingly, disappearance of symptoms was not accompanied by a commensurate reduction in viral RNA levels. The stability of ToRSV RNA after recovery was also observed in N. clevelandii and Cucumis sativus and in N. benthamiana plants carrying a functional RNA-dependent RNA polymerase 1 ortholog from Medicago truncatula. In experiments with a reporter transgene (green fluorescent protein), ToRSV did not suppress the initiation or maintenance of transgene silencing, although the movement of the silencing signal was partially hindered. Our results demonstrate that although RNA silencing is active during recovery, reduction of virus titer is not required for the initiation of this phenotype. This scenario adds an unforeseen layer of complexity to the interaction of nepoviruses with the host RNA silencing machinery. The possibility that viral proteins, viral RNAs, and/or virus-derived siRNAs inactivate host defense responses is discussed.  相似文献   

Abstract Dryland salinity presents an overwhelming threat to terrestrial and aquatic habitats in Australia, and yet there remains very little empirical evidence of the impacts of secondary salinization on the biodiversity of riparian communities. Here we describe the response of a riparian plant community to stream and soil salinization, 25 years after the experimental clearing of a catchment in south‐western Australia. Riparian plant species diversity was inversely related to soil salinity, and plant species composition was significantly altered by increased soil salinity. Despite the evidence for an impact of salinization on the taxonomic diversity and composition of the riparian plant community, there was little evidence for any effect of salinization on functional group diversity, or on ecological functioning, as measured by the percentage of above‐ground plant cover.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND AND AIMS: The relationship between ethylene production and both seed dormancy and germination was investigated using red rice (weedy rice) as a model species. METHODS: Both fully dormant and after-ripened (non-dormant) naked caryopses were incubated with or without inhibitors of ethylene synthesis [aminoethoxyvinylglycine (AVG)] and perception [silver thiosulfate (STS)], or in the presence of the natural ethylene precursor 1-aminocyclopropane-1-carboxylic acid (ACC). The kinetics of ethylene emissions were measured with a sensitive laser-photoacoustic system. KEY RESULTS: Dormant red rice caryopses did not produce ethylene. In non-dormant caryopses, ethylene evolution never preceded the first visible stage of germination (pericarp splitting), and ethylene inhibitors completely blocked ethylene production, but not pericarp splitting. Accordingly, endogenous ACC appeared to be lacking before pericarp splitting. However, early seedling growth (radicle or coleoptile attaining the length of 1 mm) followed ethylene evolution and was delayed by the inhibitors. Wounding the dormant caryopses induced them to germinate and produce ethylene, but their germination was slow and pericarp splitting could be speeded up by ethylene. CONCLUSIONS: The findings suggest that, in red rice, endogenous ethylene stimulates the growth of the nascent seedling, but does not affect seed dormancy or germination inception. Correspondingly, this phytohormone does not play a role in the dormancy breakage induced by wounding, but accelerates germination after such breakage has occurred.  相似文献   

Endosymbiotic Wolbachia bacteria are, to date, considered the most widespread symbionts in arthropods and are the cornerstone of major biological control strategies. Such a high prevalence is based on the ability of Wolbachia to manipulate their hosts' reproduction. One manipulation called cytoplasmic incompatibility (CI) is based on the death of the embryos generated by crosses between infected males and uninfected females or between individuals infected with incompatible Wolbachia strains. CI can be seen as a modification‐rescue system (or modresc) in which paternal Wolbachia produce mod factors, inducing embryonic defects, unless the maternal Wolbachia produce compatible resc factors. Transgenic experiments in Drosophila melanogaster and Saccharomyces cerevisiae converged towards a model where the cidB Wolbachia gene is involved in the mod function while cidA is involved in the resc function. However, as cidA expression in Drosophila males was required to observe CI, it has been proposed that cidA could be involved in both resc and mod functions. A recent correlative study in natural Culex pipiens mosquito populations has revealed an association between specific cidA and cidB variations and changes in mod phenotype, also suggesting a role for both these genes in mod diversity. Here, by studying cidA and cidB genomic repertoires of individuals from newly sampled natural C. pipiens populations harbouring wPipIV strains from North Italy, we reinforce the link between cidB variation and mod phenotype variation fostering the involvement of cidB in the mod phenotype diversity. However, no association between any cidA variants or combination of cidA variants and mod phenotype variation was observed. Taken together our results in natural C. pipiens populations do not support the involvement of cidA in mod phenotype variation.  相似文献   

In comparing the genetic organization and exploring the molecular basis of cytoplasmic male sterility (CMS) in wheat, mitochondrial DNAs (mtDNA) from Triticum aestivum, T. timopheevi, CMS alloplasmic wheat with T. aestivum nucleus and T. timopheevi mitochondria, and fertility-restored lines were compared by hybridization analysis with specific probes for three gene regions: CoxII, cob, and coxI. Minor differences between T. aestivum- and T. timopheevi-derived sources were found for gene regions for coxII and cob. For coxI, there are significant differences between T. timopheevi-derived mtDNAs and T. aestivum mtDNA extending beyond an 8 kb distance. All T. timopheevi-derived mtDNA sources have a chimeric gene region (orf256) with part of the upstream coxI gene region, including some coxI-coding region, preceding coxI. The part of orf256 that does not include any of coxI and the 3-flanking region of CMS coxI are not found in T. aestivum mtDNA. Neither orf256 nor the CMS 3-flanking region of coxI are found in T. timopheevi or T. aestivum chloroplastic or nuclear DNA. There do not appear to be DNA sequence differences for the three gene regions studied that are related to either CMS or fertility-restored states.  相似文献   

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