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Properties of lung parenchyma in distortion.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
This study offers a basis for evaluating and developing models of stress-strain behavior of the lung in distortion. Tensile forces were applied along three axes to cubes of dog lung parenchyma. With axially symmetrical force-loading, expansion was reasonably symmetrical and pressure-volume relationships were reasonably conventional in range, hysteresis, and time-dependent behavior. When the force load was changed on one axis only, that axis appeared more compliant than it did during symmetrical loading and the other axes changed length in the opposite sign. Similar distortion was apparent at the alveolar level. Data for five specimens over a range of applied loads are filed with the National Auxiliary Publications Service; graphical examples are presented herein. Relationship among the compliances for symmetrical and asymmetrical loadings were consistent with elastic theory. We derived the elastic coefficients, bulk and Young's moduli, and Poisson's ratio from the data. Poison's ratio was about 0.30 in air-filled specimens, but was lower (0.16-0.24) and increases with stress in saline-filled specimens.  相似文献   

V B Serikov 《Biofizika》1988,33(4):681-685
Velocity and behaviour of the fluid stream into lung interstitium was experimentally evaluated during and after hydrodynamic loading. A mathematical model of unsteady fluid movement in interstitium able to relaxation was proposed.  相似文献   

The electric circuit analogy has had a profound influence on how tree physiologists measure, model and think about tree water flow. For example, previous models that attempt to account for changes in saturation use the electric circuit analogy to define capacitance as the change in saturation per change in pressure. Given that capacitance is constant, this relationship implies that subjecting a block of wood to a pressure of -2.5 MPa for 2 min results in the same change in saturation as subjecting the same block to the same pressure for 2 days. Given the definition of capacitance, it is unclear how the electric circuit analogy could be used to predict changes in saturation separately from changes in pressure. The inadequacies in the electric circuit analogy discussed in this paper necessitate a new theory of tree water flow that recognizes the sapwood as being a porous medium and explicitly deals with the full implications of the unsaturated flow occurring in the sapwood. The theory proposed in this paper combines the Cohesion theory with a mathematical theory of multiphase flow through porous media. Based on this theory, both saturated and unsaturated tree water flow models are presented. Previous partial differential equation models of tree water flow based on the electric circuit analogy are shown to be mathematically equivalent to the model of saturated porous flow. The unsaturated model of tree water flow explicitly models the pressure profile and the rates of change in saturation and specific interfacial area (a measure of how the water in the unsaturated sapwood is partitioned between mobile and immobile components). The unsaturated model highlights the differences between saturated and unsaturated flow and the need to measure the variables governing tree water flow at higher spatial and temporal resolutions.  相似文献   

Elasticity of excised dog lung parenchyma   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Cryopreservation is likely the choice for long-term preservation of natural and engineered tissues, and high concentration multiple cryoprotective agents (CPAs) are usually used in such a process. To achieve high cell viability after cryopreservation, cells at all locations within the tissue must be protected properly by the CPAs during freezing. It is hence essential to know the distribution and concentration of CPAs within the tissue during multiple-CPA addition, to maximize cell survival and minimize tissue damage. In this work, a model to describe the CPA transport during multiple-CPA addition in a one-dimensional porous medium, as a simplified model of living tissue, was developed on the basis of the Maxwell-Stefan (M-S) equations. The UNIFAC and UNIQUAC models were used to evaluate the activity coefficients, and the Siddiqi-Lucas correlation was used for estimation of Maxwell-Stefan diffusivities. Simulations were carried out to examine the effect of temperature, tissue property, CPA type and the interactions between solutes on the CPA transport within construct during the CPA addition. It was found that these parameters, especially the interactions between the different CPA molecules, which was neglected before, significantly affect the transport of each individual CPA component. It is hence concluded that the traditional single-component analysis on the CPA diffusion is not adequate to quantify the multiple-CPA distribution in the tissue, particularly when the CPA concentrations are relatively high.  相似文献   

A method is described for preparing human lung parenchymal membranes essentially free of carbon contamination. Using this technique, a high-affinity 125I-VIP-binding site has been characterised. The receptor density is approx. 200 fmol/mg protein, and the Kd of 125I-VIP by saturation binding is 200 pM. The dissociation kinetics are complex and cannot be described by first-order kinetics. Several VIP-related peptides displace 125I-VIP from this binding site with a rank order of potency: VIP greater than rat GRF greater than PHM greater than PHI greater than human GRF greater than secretin greater than glucagon. Displacement curves of these peptides exhibited slope factors significantly less than unity with the exception of human GRF.  相似文献   

The aim of this study is to test the hypothesis that the early changes in lung mechanics and the amount of type III collagen fiber do not predict the evolution of lung parenchyma remodeling in pulmonary and extrapulmonary acute lung injury (ALI). For this purpose, we analyzed the time course of lung parenchyma remodeling in murine models of pulmonary and extrapulmonary ALI with similar degrees of mechanical compromise at the early phase of ALI. Lung histology (light and electron microscopy), the amount of elastic and collagen fibers in the alveolar septa, the expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9, and mechanical parameters (lung-resistive and viscoelastic pressures, and static elastance) were analyzed 24 h, 1, 3, and 8 wk after the induction of lung injury. In control (C) pulmonary (p) and extrapulmonary (exp) groups, saline was intratracheally (it; 0.05 ml) instilled and intraperitoneally (ip; 0.5 ml) injected, respectively. In ALIp and ALIexp groups, mice received Escherichia coli lipopolysaccharide (10 microg it and 125 microg ip, respectively). At 24 h, all mechanical and morphometrical parameters, as well as type III collagen fiber content, increased similarly in ALIp and ALIexp groups. In ALIexp, all mechanical and histological data returned to control values at 1 wk. However, in ALIp, static elastance returned to control values at 3 wk, whereas resistive and viscoelastic pressures, as well as type III collagen fibers and elastin, remained elevated until week 8. ALIp showed higher expression of matrix metalloproteinase-9 than ALIexp. In conclusion, insult in pulmonary epithelium yielded fibroelastogenesis, whereas mice with ALI induced by endothelial lesion developed only fibrosis that was repaired early in the course of lung injury. Furthermore, early functional and morphological changes did not predict lung parenchyma remodeling.  相似文献   

CO(2) regulation of lung compliance is currently explained by pH- and CO(2)-dependent changes in alveolar surface forces and bronchomotor tone. We hypothesized that in addition to, but independently of, those mechanisms, the parenchyma tissue responds to hypercapnia and hypocapnia by relaxing and contracting, respectively, thereby improving local matching of ventilation (Va) to perfusion (Q). Twenty adult rats were slowly ventilated with modified Krebs solution (rate = 3 min(-1), 37 degrees C, open chest) to produce unperfused living lung preparations free of intra-airway surface forces. The solution was gassed with 21% O(2), balance N(2), and CO(2) varied to produce alveolar hypocapnia (Pco(2) = 26.1 +/- 2.4 mmHg, pH = 7.56 +/- 0.04) or hypercapnia (Pco(2) = 55.0 +/- 2.3 mmHg, pH = 7.23 +/- 0.02). The results show that lung recoil, as indicated from airway pressure measured during a breathhold following a large volume inspiration, is reduced approximately 30% when exposed to hypercapnia vs. hypocapnia (P < 0.0001, paired t-test), but stress relaxation and flow-dependent airway resistance were unaltered. Increasing CO(2) from hypo- to hypercapnic levels caused a substantial, significant decrease in the quasi-static pressure-volume relationship, as measured after inspiration and expiration of several tidal volumes, but hysteresis was unaltered. Furthermore, addition of the glycolytic inhibitor NaF abolished CO(2) effects on lung recoil. The results suggest that lung parenchyma tissue relaxation, arising from active elements in response to increasing alveolar CO(2), is independent of (and apparently in parallel with) passive tissue elements and may actively contribute to Va/Q matching.  相似文献   

Greater than 90% of the proteoglycans of sheep lung parenchyma, as measured by uronic acid, were solubilized employing a sequential procedure with guanidine hydrochloride, dithiothreitol and Triton X-100. The amounts solubilized were 68.7%, 16.2% and 5.9%, respectively. The guanidine hydrochloride extract was chromatographed using DEAE-cellulose in urea and eluted with increasing concentrations of NaCl. A major fraction (containing a 6.5-fold enrichment of uronic acid) was obtained with 0.5 M NaCl and further purified by Sepharose Cl-6B chromatography in guanidine hydrochloride. To demonstrate the presence of protein-linked glycosaminoglycans, the void volume peak containing protein and uronic acid was digested with papain and rechromatographed. Evidence for the presence of proteoglycans was obtained by observing an almost complete loss of uronic acid in the void volume and the appearance of a uronic acid peak in the included volume, migrating in the same area as single-chain glycosaminoglycans. Electrophoretic migration and disappearance of bands in electrophoresis after digestion with specific mucopolysaccharide lyases indicated that the small amount of uronic acid remaining in the void volume was hyaluronic acid whereas the included volume contained hyaluronic acid, heparan sulfate, chondroitin sulfates and/or dermatan sulfate.  相似文献   

A finite element model of mammalian lung parenchyma is used to study the effect of large non-uniform distortions on lung elastic behaviour. The non-uniform distortion is a uni-axial stretch from an initial state of uniform pressure expansion. For small distortions, the parenchymal properties are linearly isotropic and described by two elastic moduli. However, for large distortions, the parenchyma has anisotropic non-linear elastic properties described by five independent elastic moduli dependent on the degree of distortion; they are computed for a range of distortions and initial pressures. Ez, the Young's modulus in the direction of stretch, increases significantly with distortion (epsilon(z)) while Ex, the Young's modulus in the plane perpendicular to the stretch, is approximately constant. The greater the initial pressure, the bigger the difference between the two moduli at larger distortion strains. The shear modulus G(xz) is approximately independent of degree of distortion except at the highest initial pressure. The Poisson's ratio, nu(xz) is approximately constant with distortion strain for lower initial pressures, but increases significantly with epsilon(z) at higher pressures. Model predictions of the relation between G(xz) and initial uniform inflation pressure show a good correlation with reported experimental data for small distortion strains in a range of species. The model also exhibits similar behaviour to the experimentally measured uni-axial large deformations of a tri-axially pre-loaded block of parenchyma (Hoppin et al., 1975, Journal of Applied Physiology 39, 742-751).  相似文献   

The combined techniques of light microscopy, scanning (SEM) and transmission (TEM) electron microscopy were used for the first time to study the structure of unicameral lungs of a Tegu lizard (Tupinambis nigropunctatus). The lungs are prolate spheroid bags with blood supplied by superficial branches of a dorsal pulmonary artery and returned by diffuse, more deeply located veins. The primary bronchus enters the medial aspect near the apex of the lung. The lung wall is composed of trabeculae: (1) arranged in a faviform pattern, (2) forming individual faveoli (gas exchange chambers) which appear deepest in the cranial one-half of the lung, (3) all of which have a smooth muscle core overlain by either a ciliated or nonciliated epithelium. A ciliated epithelium lines the luminal surfaces of the large primary trabeculae and parts of smaller secondary trabeculae; it is composed of cone-shaped cells with ciliated-microvillous surfaces, and of columnar serous secreting cells. Nonciliated epithelium covers the luminal surface of portions of some secondary trabeculae, abluminal surfaces of primary and secondary trabeculae and all surfaces of the small tertiary trabeculae forming the faveoli. The nonciliated epithelium overlies an extensive superficial capillary network. The blood-gas barrier (0.7-1.0 μm thick) is composed of a thin cytoplasmic flange of Type I pneumonocytes, a thick homogeneous basal lamina and an attenuated endothelial cytoplasm. Numerous surfactant-producing Type II pneumonocytes are closely associated with the Type I pneumonocytes. The nonrespiratory ciliated epithelium may function in humidification of air and clearing of the lungs.  相似文献   

Undernutrition thwarts lung structure and function, but there are disagreements about the behavior of lung mechanics in malnourished animals. To clarify this issue, lung and chest wall mechanical properties were subdivided into their resistive, elastic, and viscoelastic properties in nutritionally deprived (ND) rats and correlated with the data gathered from histology (light and electron microscopy and elastic fiber content), and bronchoalveolar lavage fluid analysis (lipid and protein content). Twenty-four Wistar rats were assigned into two groups. In the control (Ctrl) group the animals received food ad libitum. In the ND group, rats received one-third of their usual daily food consumption until they lost 40% of their initial body weight. Lung static elastance, viscoelastic and resistive pressures (normalized by functional residual capacity), and chest wall pressures were higher in the ND group than in the Ctrl group. The ND group exhibited patchy atelectasis, areas of emphysema, interstitial edema, and reduced elastic fiber content. The amount of lipid and protein in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was significantly reduced in the ND group. Electron microscopy showed 1) type II pneumocytes with a reduction in lamellar body content, multilamellated structures, membrane vesicles, granular debris, and structurally aberrant mitochondria; and 2) diaphragm and intercostals with atrophy, disarrangement of the myofibrils, and deposition of collagen type I fibers. In conclusion, undernutrition led to lung and chest wall mechanical changes that were the result from a balance among the following modifications: 1) distorted structure of diaphragm and intercostals, 2) surfactant content reduction, and 3) decrease in elastic fiber content.  相似文献   

Interdependence between airways and thelung parenchyma is thought to be a major mechanism preventing excessiveairway narrowing during bronchoconstriction. Because theelastance of the lung increases during bronchoconstriction, the lung'stethering force could also increase, further attenuatingbronchoconstriction. We hypothesized that the bulk () and shearmoduli (µ) of the lung increase similarly during bronchoconstriction.To test this hypothesis, we excised rabbit lungs and measured the lungvolume, pulmonary elastance, , and µ at transpulmonary pressuresof 4, 6, 8, 12, and 16 cmH2O usingpressure-volume curves, slow oscillations of the lung, and anindentation test. Bronchoconstriction was induced by nebulizingcarbachol by using small tidal-volume ventilation to preventhyperinflation. The measurement of  and µ was repeated aftercarbachol treatment. After carbachol treatment, the increase in  wassignificantly greater than that in µ. The estimated value for µ was~0.5 × transpulmonary pressure both before and after carbachol treatment. These datasuggest that the tethering effect of the lung parenchyma, which servesto attenuate bronchoconstriction, is not significantly increased duringcarbachol administration unless there is hyperinflation.  相似文献   

A biotrickling filter (BTF) packed with porous polyurethane (PU) foam sheets was developed and operated for removal of gas-phase styrene. The specific surface area and void fraction of the PU foam sheet were determined to be 497 m2/m3 and 0.92, respectively, by using mathematical modeling and experimental measurement. The effects of gas flow direction (co-current and counter-current), styrene loading rate and empty bed residence time on the efficiency of the BTF were analyzed. The BTF achieved a high elimination capacity of 4.0 ∼ 5.0 kg styrene/m3 day due to the high specific surface area of the PU foam. The BTF could be operated repeatedly when excessively-grown biomass was periodically removed, using circulating NaOH solution for 2 h every four days.  相似文献   

Previous studies of isolated piglet lungs suggested that local distending forces around bronchi might be relatively weak before postnatal growth and maturation. The present study used tantalum bronchograms to compare pressure-diameter relationships of bronchi in situ and after excision from the parenchyma in immature (3- to 7-day-old) and mature (3-mo-old) piglets. The mature group reproduced behavior that is well established in mature lungs from other species; i.e., bronchial diameters maintained a constant relationship to the parenchyma as the lungs were deflated from maximum to minimum volume. In sharp contrast, diameters failed to change until the immature lungs were deflated to <5 cmH(2)O transpulmonary pressure. Total percent change in bronchial diameter was then only 24% in the immature lungs compared with 47% in the mature lungs (P < 0.002). Total elastances of mature generation 3-8 bronchi did not change when they were excised from the parenchyma. However, in the same generations of immature bronchi, total elastances were lower after than before (1.06 vs. 1.60 cmH(2)O/%, P < 0.05) excision from the parenchyma. Elastances of the excised immature and mature bronchi were then the same (1.06 vs. 1.03 cmH(2)O/%, not significant). Because elastic moduli of the lung parenchyma are also similar in the two age groups, it was concluded that local features of airway-parenchyma coupling limited the generation of local parenchymal recoil around bronchi in the immature lungs.  相似文献   

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