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Pneumocystis carinii is a major opportunistic pathogen which has been found in the lungs of a wide variety of mammalian host species, and the fact suggests the possibility of intraspecific variation. Until now, P. carinii from different mammalian species are differentiated as subspecies, and the rats are known to be infected by two subspecies. The present study investigated genetic heterogeneity of P. carinii isolates from two strains of rats in Korea and China by molecular karyotyping, RFLP and sequencing analysis. Karyotypes of P. carinii were grouped into three, two from two strains of rats in Korea and one from rats in China. However RFLP of PCR product of ribosomal and MSG gene of the P. carinii isolates showed same pattern. The sequence homology rates of alpha-tubulin DNA of the P. carinii isolates were 96% in Seoul Wistar rats, 93% in Seoul Sprague-Dawley rats, and 85% in Chinese Sprague-Dawley rats. The present finding confirmed that P. carinii from rats in Korea are grouped into two karyotype strains which are different from that of P. carinii from rats in China. The Chinese isolate shows a little different sequences of alpha-tubulin DNA.  相似文献   

Molecular Genetic Distinction of Pneumocystis carinii from Rats and Humans   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
Pneumocystis carinii from rats and from humans were compared with respect to electrophoretic karyotype, presence of DNA sequences known to be repeated in rat-derived P. carinii, overall DNA sequence homology, and the sequences at two genetic loci. The organisms from each host species were different in each respect. Neither of two repeated DNAs from rat-derived P. carinii was found in the genome of human-derived organisms, and total DNA from rat-derived P. carinii failed to hybridize to human-derived P. carinii DNA. The sequences of the α-tubulin genes from the two P. carinii were strikingly different and the base composition of the α-tubulin gene from rat-derived P. carinii was rich in adenine and thymine, while the base composition of this gene from human-derived P. carinii was rich in guanine and cytosine. The sequence from the 18S rRNA gene of human-derived P. carinii was twice as divergent from that of rat-derived P. carinii as the sequence from the corresponding region of Candida albicans was from that of Candida tropicalis. These data show that rats and humans can harbor distinct types of P. carinii that are sufficiently different to suggest that P. carinii from the two hosts could be different species.  相似文献   

An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) with antibodies specific to beta, epsilon and iota ib toxins of Clostridium perfringens was developed to detect beta, epsilon and iota ib toxins, respectively. The ELISA was sensitive enough to detect as little as 1.0 ng/ml of purified beta and iota ib toxins and 0.1 ng/ml of purified epsilon toxin. By means of the ELISA method, 192 isolates of C. perfringens from food samples in Japan and Thailand, and 58 isolates from patients suffering from gas gangrene or gastroenteritis were examined. One isolate from food samples in Japan, three from food samples in Thailand and five from stools of patients with gastroenteritis were C. perfringens type D. One type B and one type C were detected from the stools of patients with gastroenteritis.  相似文献   

采用RAMP分子标记技术对80份甘蔗种质(32份祖亲种、48份栽培品种或品系)的遗传基础进行了分析。从30对引物组合中筛选出4对多态性较强引物,构建了甘蔗80份种质的RAMP指纹图谱,这四对引物组合共扩增出84条带,其多态性为91.7%。80份种质的遗传相似系数变化范围在0.433~0.988,平均0.710。聚类分析表明,随着相似系数结合线的不同,可分别将参试的甘蔗种质从属间(甘蔗属与斑茅种)、野生种(割手密种、大茎野生种、印度种、中国种)与栽培种(热带种)间、栽培种与杂交栽培品种(或品系)间区别开来。各祖亲种与杂交栽培品种(或品系)的遗传相似性由大到小依次为热带种>印度种和中国种>大茎野生种>云南割手密种>其它割手密种>斑茅。另外,本试验首次利用RAMP标记,获得了部分热带种、野生种及斑茅种特异片段,并发现这些特异片段能不同程度地在具有其血缘的栽培种中得到传递。  相似文献   

The por genes of the predominant serovars of Neisseria gonorrhoeae circulating in a high-frequency transmitter core group located in Nairobi, Kenya, were examined for nucleotide sequence polymorphism. The level of por gene diversity did not differ significantly between core group-derived gonococcal strains and gonococcal strains originating elsewhere. However, por mosaicism appeared to be more frequent among core group-derived strains, suggesting that recombination of different por sequences may be a important strategy by which N. gonorrhoeae generates por gene diversity within core group populations. Despite extensive sequence variability, por expressed by gonococcal isolates of different geographic origin exhibited conserved patterns of nucleotide change, suggesting that diversity among por alleles may also be finite.  相似文献   

The MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 idiomorphs associated with the MAT1 locus of Histoplasma capsulatum were identified by PCR. A total of 28 fungal isolates, 6 isolates from human clinical samples and 22 isolates from environmental (infected bat and contaminated soil) samples, were studied. Among the 14 isolates from Mexico, 71.4% (95% confidence interval [95% CI], 48.3% to 94.5%) were of the MAT1-2 genotype, whereas 100% of the isolates from Brazil were of the MAT1-1 genotype. Each MAT1 idiomorphic region was sequenced and aligned, using the sequences of the G-217B (+ mating type) and G-186AR (− mating type) strains as references. BLASTn analyses of the MAT1-1 and MAT1-2 sequences studied correlated with their respective + and − mating type genotypes. Trees were generated by the maximum likelihood (ML) method to search for similarity among isolates of each MAT1 idiomorph. All MAT1-1 isolates originated from Brazilian bats formed a well-defined group; three isolates from Mexico, the G-217B strain, and a subgroup encompassing all soil-derived isolates and two clinical isolates from Brazil formed a second group; last, one isolate (EH-696P) from a migratory bat captured in Mexico formed a third group of the MAT1-1 genotype. The MAT1-2 idiomorph formed two groups, one of which included two H. capsulatum isolates from infected bats that were closely related to the G-186AR strain. The other group was formed by two human isolates and six isolates from infected bats. Concatenated ML trees, with internal transcribed spacer 1 (ITS1) -5.8S-ITS2 and MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 sequences, support the relatedness of MAT1-1 or MAT1-2 isolates. H. capsulatum mating types were associated with the geographical origin of the isolates, and all isolates from Brazil correlated with their environmental sources.  相似文献   

Pneumocystis carinii organisms were isolated from viral antibody-negative rats that had been infected by intratracheal intubation of organism preparations tested negative for common bacteria and fungi. Infection scores of lungs from infected animals at the time of parasite isolation was > 5 (100-1,000 organisms/oil immersion field). Electron microscopy of heavily infected lungs revealed that the pathogens adhered to Type I pneumocytes and to each other, resulting in obstructions up to several cell layers thick, which extended into the alveolar lumen. Protocols for purifying the organisms were developed to optimize separation from each other and from host cells, and to optimize preparation purity, recovery efficiency, and organism viability. The study tested mucolytic agents, sieving, various centrifugation speeds, lysis of host cells by osmotic shock and filtration through membranes of different pore diameter. Final preparations contained no intact host cells as determined by light microscopy. Only minor amounts (< 5%) of host debris were detected by electron microscopy. Most organisms and their pellicles were ultrastructurally intact but no longer adhered to one another. The final preparation was characterized biochemically by quantitation of the specific lung surfactant marker surfactant protein A, which indicated > 99.5% purity. The total non-P. carinii protein in the final preparation (< 6%, depending on the level of infection) was estimated by the protein content of pelletable material resulting from processing uninfected lungs in an identical manner. Elimination of free cholesterol and phospholipids from host lung tissue was monitored during the purification process. Exogenous stigmasterol, added as an extracellular marker, decreased during the purification process and was undetectable in the final organism preparation. Yields of 108-109 organisms/rat were routinely obtained. Viability, assessed by the calcein acetoxymethyl ester-propidium iodide assay, was 80–95%.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT. The degree of strain and/or species diversity among Pneumocystis carinii isolates is unknown. As a first approach to the study of P. carinii genetic relatedness, we compared the pulsed field gel electrophoretic karyotypes of P. carinii derived from lung homogenates of three immunosuppressed host animals: rats transtracheally inoculated with P. carinii -infected rat lung; mice transtracheally inoculated with P. carinii -infected mouse lung; and ferrets which developed reactivated latent P. carinii pneumonia. Rat P. carinii propagated on HEL299 cells was also examined. Karyotypes of P. carinii DNA from both rat lung homogenate and cell culture were identical (14 bands, 315–680 kb). In contrast, mouse and ferret P. carinii DNA karyotypes were each distinctly different from the rat P. carinii samples (mouse P. carinii 15 bands, 315–610 kb; ferret P. carinii nine bands, 410–760 kb). Three distinct rat P. carinii gene probes reacted with both Southern-transferred rat and mouse P. carinii DNA but not with ferret P. carinii DNA. Thus, P. carinii from rat, mouse, and ferret are genetically diverse. The results are consistent with recently reported antigenic and nucleic acid sequence differences among P. carinii isolates recovered from different hosts.  相似文献   

Ubiquinone, coenzyme Q, plays a pivotal role in electron transport and is a target for chemotherapy against a number of eukaryotic infectious agents, including Pneumocystis carinii. Coenzyme Q10 was previously identified as the major ubiquinone homolog in P. carinii isolated and purified from rat lungs; CoQ9 was also present. In contrast, CoQ9 and CoQ8 (but not CoQ10) were detected in the lungs of uninfected rat controls. These observations suggested that the pathogen synthesizes CoQ10, and perhaps CoQ9 as well. In the present study, CoQ biosynthesis in P. carinii was examined in greater detail. Radiolabeled mevalonate, a precursor of the CoQ polyprenyl chain, was incorporated in vitro into P. carinii ubiquinones. Incorporation of radiolabeled mevalonate into P. carinii CoQ was not enhanced by treating cells with lovastatin, suggesting that the cells did not transport the drug, or that a lovastatin-insensitive pathway for de novo synthesis of isoprenoids may also function in this organism. Radiolabeled precursors of the ring moiety, including shikimic acid, p-hydroxybenzoic acid, and tyrosine were also incorporated into P. carinii CoQ. Unexpectedly, it was found that not only CoQ9 and CoQ10, but also CoQ7, and CoQ8, were metabolically radiolabeled by all the precursors tested, indicating that the organism synthesizes CoQ7, CoQ8, CoQ9, and CoQ10. Metabolic radiolabeling of ubiquinones in rat lung controls was not detected in experiments using either radioactive mevalonate or p-hydroxybenzoate. Thus the incorporations measured using purified P. carinii preparations were due to the enzymes of the organism.  相似文献   

孟紫强 《遗传学报》1997,24(5):403-409
本文研究了亚砷酸钠对CHO-AS52细胞gpt基因的致突变作用。实验结果表明,亚砷酸钠能诱发该基因发生突变,且其突变频率随砷浓度的增加而增高。PCR分析指出,绝大多数亚砷酸钠诱发的CHO-AS52突变体的gpt基因完全缺失。在CHO-AS52细胞自发的、50μmol/L和100μmol/L亚砷酸钠诱发的突变体中,gpt基因完全缺失者所占比率分别为36.00%、54.72%及66.67%。对亚砷酸钠诱发的非缺失型gpt基因突变的PCR产物直接进行DNA序列分析表明,在9个突变细胞克隆中,有2个发生移码突变,其余7个突变细胞克隆的gpt基因结构未发现改变,碱基的改变可能发生在基因启动子区。  相似文献   

Three culture systems employing mammalian lung cell monolayers were evaluated in terms of their ability to support the replication of primary isolates of rat-derived Pneumocystis carinii. For each system, analysis of variance was used to identify changes in the numbers of P. carinii over time. Significant replication was consistently demonstrated over lung fibroblasts (MRC-5), however, increases perceived in the culture supernatant were clearly influenced by the density of the underlying monolayer.  相似文献   

Abstract: The tryptophan-containing subunit (α-subunit) of bovine brain S-100 protein was purified from a S -aminoethyl derivative of S-100a protein, and its amino acid sequence was determined. The α-subunit contained 93 residues, including one tryptophan, and had a molecular weight of 10,400. The sequence shows an extensive homology (58% identity) to the sequence of another "tryptophan-free" subunit (β-subunit) found in both S-100a and S-100b protein, and has a calcium binding site characteristic of the "E-F hand" proteins, such as calmodulin or troponin C. The tryptophan residue is located at position 90 which is presumably adjacent to the C-terminal end of the α-helix following the calcium binding loop, and thus appears likely to serve as a specific probe in structure-function studies of S-100a protein.  相似文献   

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