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It was reported that avidin and streptavidin induce lysis of prebiotinylated red blood cells via the alternative pathway of both homologous and heterologous complement. Both of these proteins have four biotin-binding sites, providing a polyvalent interaction with biotinylated components of the erythrocyte membrane. We have compared the effects of mono- and multipoint avidin attachment on the sensitivity of biotinylated erythrocytes to lysis by the complement system. In the presence of anti-avidin antibody, avidin-bearing biotinylated erythrocytes were rapidly lysed by heterologous serum. This lysis was independent from the mode of avidin attachment, implying that complement activation by the classical pathway triggered by interaction between C1 and avidin-bound antibody on the erythrocyte surface is independent from the avidin's ability of polyvalent (multipoint) binding with biotinylated membrane components. In the absence of anti-avidin antibody, biotinylated erythrocytes bearing polyvalently attached avidin were lysed by homologous complement better than cells bearing avidin, which possesses reduced ability for multipoint binding with biotinylated erythrocyte. Two independent approaches to reduce avidin's ability of multipoint binding were used: decrease in surface density of biotin on the erythrocyte membrane and blockage of biotin-binding sites of avidin. Both methods result in reduced lysis of avidin-bearing erythrocytes as compared with erythrocytes bearing an equal amount of polyvalent-bound avidin. Thus the activation of homologous complement via the alternative pathway depends on avidin's ability to 'cross-link' to the biotinylated components of the erythrocyte membrane.  相似文献   

The effect of glycophorin on complement activation via the alternative pathway was examined by incorporating it into the liposome membrane with trinitrophenylaminocaproyldipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (TNP-Cap-DPPE). Liposomes having incorporated TNP-Cap-DPPE onto the membrane activate the alternative complement pathway of guinea pig as reported previously, and the additional insertion of glycophorin was found to reduce their activating capacity on the alternative complement pathway. This inhibitory effect was cancelled by pretreatment of the glycophorin-containing liposomes with neuraminidase indicating that the sialic acid in glycophorin is playing a role in the regulation of alternative complement pathway-activation on the biological membrane.  相似文献   

Activation of complement via the alternative pathway   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
Activation of complement via the alternative pathway represents one means of natural resistance to infection because it is capable of neutralizing a wide variety of potential pathogens in the total absence of antibody. The pathway involves six serum proteins and possesses a unique amplification system capable of depositing large numbers of C3b molecules on the surfaces of activating particles. C3b deposition enhances phagocytosis and results in activation of the membrane attack pathway of complement. C3b attachment is covalent, arising from a reaction between an intramolecular thiolester bond in nascent C3b and nucleophiles such as hydroxyl groups on surface carbohydrates. The reactions that initiate C3b attachment are not specific interactions like those initiating other biological cascade systems, but involve slow, spontaneous hydrolysis of the thiolester bond in C3 and subsequent random deposition of C3b onto all nearby surfaces. Once bound, C3b is capable of discriminating between host-derived cells and activating particles. Recognition is evidenced by a lower affinity between activator-bound C3b and the complement control protein factor H. Measurements of the association constant between unbound, soluble C3b and factor H suggest that activator-bound C3b recognizes structures on activators that inhibit factor H binding.  相似文献   

Prior absorption of normal human serum (NHS) or C2-deficient human serum (C2D) with zymosan at 0 degrees C results in diminished consumption of C3 and factor B during subsequent incubation of the sera in Mg-EGTA buffer with zymosan at 37 degrees C for 30 min. An acid eluate from the zymosan restores the defect of absorbed NHS and C2D, and also enhances C3 and factor B utilization in hypogammaglobulinemic serum (H gamma S) in a dose-dependent fashion. The activity is specific in that the eluate from zymosan fails to enhance C3 and B depletion in H gamma S or absorbed NHS by lipopolysaccharide or Sepharose. The active component of th zymosan eluate emerges from both Sepharose 4B and Sephacryl S-200 in the region of molecules with m.w. of 150,000. Absorption with protein A-Sepharose removes the activity, demonstrating that it is IgG. Digestion of the IgG with pepsin fails to diminish activity, indicating that the Fc region is not required for activity; reduction to monovalent Fab' fragments, however, abrogates activity. When IgG antibody is bound to Protein A-Sepharose, it fails to enhance C3 depletion in H gamma S by Sepharose, indicating that binding of IgG antibody by the Fab region is necessary for enhancement of alternative pathway activity in human serum.  相似文献   

Mannose-binding lectin (MBL)-associated serine proteases (MASPs) are responsible for activation of the lectin complement pathway. Three types of MASPs (MASP-1, MASP-2, and MASP-3) are complexed with MBL and ficolins in serum. Although MASP-1 and MASP-2 are known to contribute to complement activation, the function of MASP-3 remains unclear. In this study, we investigated the mechanism of MASP-3 activation and its substrate using the recombinant mouse MASP-3 (rMASP-3) and several different types of MASP-deficient mice. A proenzyme rMASP-3 was obtained that was not autoactivated during preparation. The recombinant enzyme was activated by incubation with Staphylococcus aureus in the presence of MBL-A, but not MBL-C. In vivo studies revealed the phagocytic activities of MASP-1/3-deficient mice and all MASPs (MASP-1/2/3)-deficient mice against S. aureus and bacterial clearance in these mice were lower than those in wild-type and MASP-2-deficient mice. Sera from all MASPs-deficient mice showed significantly lower C3 deposition activity on the bacteria compared with that of wild-type serum, and addition of rMASP-3 to the deficient serum restored C3 deposition. The low C3 deposition in sera from all MASPs-deficient mice was probably caused by the low level factor B activation that was ameliorated by the addition of rMASP-3. Furthermore, rMASP-3 directly activated factors B and D in vitro. These results suggested that MASP-3 complexed with MBL is converted to an active form by incubation with bacterial targets, and that activated MASP-3 triggered the initial activation step of the alternative complement pathway.  相似文献   

Ischemia reperfusion injury (IRI) is an unavoidable event during solid organ transplantation and is a major contributor to early graft dysfunction and subsequent graft immunogenicity. In a therapeutic paradigm using targeted complement inhibitors, we investigated the role of complement, and specifically the alternative pathway of complement, in IRI to heart isografts. Mouse heterotopic isograft heart transplants were performed in C57BL/6 mice treated with a single injection of either CR2-Crry (inhibits all complement pathways) or CR2-fH (inhibits alternative complement pathway) immediately posttransplantation. Transplanted hearts were harvested at 12 and 48 h for analysis. Both inhibitors resulted in a significant reduction in myocardial IRI, as measured by histology and serum cardiac troponin I levels. Furthermore, compared with untreated controls, both inhibitors reduced graft complement deposition, neutrophil and macrophage infiltration, adhesion molecule expression (P-selectin, E-selectin, and I-CAM-1), and proinflammatory cytokine expression (TNF-α, IL-1β, KC, and MCP-1). The reduction in myocardial damage and cellular infiltration was not significantly different between CR2-Crry- and CR2-fH-treated mice, although adhesion molecule and cytokine levels were significantly lower in CR2-Crry-treated mice compared with CR2-fH-treated mice. In conclusion, the alternative complement pathway plays a major contributing role in myocardial IRI after heart transplantation, and local (targeted) complement inhibition has the potential to provide an effective and safe therapeutic strategy to reduce graft injury. Although total complement blockade may be somewhat more efficacious in terms of reducing inflammation, specific blockade of the alternative pathway is likely to be less immunosuppressive in an already immunocompromised recipient.  相似文献   

We have studied the complement-activating properties of liposomes. We show that surface charge is a key determinant of complement-activating liposomes. The nature of the charge, whether negative or positive, appears to dictate which pathway of the complement system is activated. Phosphatidylcholine:cholesterol (PC:CHOL, 55:45 mol/mol) liposomes were made to exhibit a positive or negative surface charge by the addition of cationic or anionic lipids, respectively. Normal human or guinea pig serum was incubated with liposomes, followed by determining the residual hemolytic activity of the serum as a measure of complement activation. Negatively charged liposomes containing phosphatidyl-glycerol, phosphatidic acid, cardiolipin, phosphatidylinositol, or phosphatidylserine activated complement in a Ca(2+)-dependent manner suggesting activation occurred via the classical pathway. Positively charged liposomes containing stearylamine or 1,2-bis(oleoyloxy)-3-(trimethylammonio)propane activated complement via the alternative pathway. Neutral liposomes, PC:CHOL (55:45) and PC:CHOL:dipalmitoylphosphatidylethanolamine (35:45:20), failed to activate complement as measured by the hemolytic assays. We show that unsaturated liposomes are more potent complement activators than saturated liposomes and that 45 mol% cholesterol promotes complement protein-liposome interactions. Immunoblot analysis of phosphatidylglycerol-containing liposomes showed that C3b and C9 were associated with these liposomes. Thus, the complement consumption measured in the hemolytic assays represents active cleavage of the complement components and not passive adsorption to the liposome surface. These studies suggest that membranes composed of net charged phospholipids can activate the complement system. This observation underlines the importance in biologic membranes of complement regulatory proteins that protect normal cells from complement attack.  相似文献   

By means of cobra venom factor (CVF) it is demonstrated that the stimulation of hexosemonophosphate shunt (HMPS) of human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMN) by zymosan (Z) and dextran sulfate (DS) is caused by at least two models of activation: (a) via activation caused by phagocytosis, (b) via activated alternative pathway of complement activation (APC). Active factors of APC presented with phagocytizable objects strongly enhance activation of PMN. The effect of APC can be observed in serum-containing as well as in serum-free cultures. It can be demonstrated that in serum-free cultures the factors of APC participating in the activation of PMN are supplied by monocytes. By use of synthetic hexapeptide (HP) representing the COOH-terminal sequence of human C3 further evidence is provided that factors of APC are able to activate the PMN.  相似文献   

The central role of the alternative complement pathway in human disease   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
The complement system is increasingly recognized as important in the pathogenesis of tissue injury in vivo following immune, ischemic, or infectious insults. Within the complement system, three pathways are capable of initiating the processes that result in C3 activation: classical, alternative, and lectin. Although the roles that proinflammatory peptides and complexes generated during complement activation play in mediating disease processes have been studied extensively, the relative contributions of the three activating pathways is less well understood. Herein we examine recent evidence that the alternative complement pathway plays a key and, in most instances, obligate role in generating proinflammatory complement activation products in vivo. In addition, we discuss new concepts regarding the mechanisms by which the alternative pathway is activated in vivo, as recent clinical findings and experimental results have provided evidence that continuous active control of this pathway is necessary to prevent unintended targeting and injury to self tissues.  相似文献   

Although some of the membrane glycoproteins that serve as activators or regulators of C activation have been identified, the influence of membrane lipids has not been studied extensively. A model of alternative C pathway activation was established using liposomes composed of cholesterol and synthetic phospholipids. Liposomes containing phosphatidylcholine (PC) as the sole phospholipid did not activate C as measured by C3 binding after incubation in normal human serum containing 2.5 mM MgCl2 and 10 mM EGTA. When phosphatidylethanolamine (PE) was included as 20% or more of the phospholipid, C3 binding was observed. C3 binding to liposomes was inhibited by salicylhydroxamic acid indicating binding through the C3 thioester bond. The phospholipid composition did not influence C3 binding to liposomes in an unregulated system of C3, B, D, and P indicating equivalent C3b binding sites on activating and nonactivating liposomes. When the regulatory proteins H and I were added to the other components, liposomes containing PE bound three times more C3 than PC liposomes suggesting that the phospholipid affects C3 regulation. This was tested directly in a radiolabeled H binding assay. In the presence of equal amounts of C3b, PC liposomes showed a greater number of high affinity H binding sites than PE liposomes. Using different PE derivatives, C activation could be directly related to the phospholipid polar head group. Liposomes containing PE, trinitrophenyl-PE or monomethyl-PE did activate the alternative C pathway, whereas those containing dimethyl-PE, PC, or phosphatidylserine did not. These studies provide evidence that primary and secondary amino groups on lipid membranes can decrease the interaction between H and C3b and provide sites for alternative pathway activation.  相似文献   

E from individuals with the Inab blood group phenotype have an isolated deficiency of decay accelerating factor (DAF, CD55). DAF is a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchored membrane protein that inhibits activation of both the classical and alternative pathways of complement. Deficiency of DAF from the E of paroxysmal nocturnal hemoglobinuria (PNH) is thought to contribute to their greater sensitivity to complement-mediated lysis. Unlike PNH E, however, Inab cells are not susceptible to acidified serum lysis, a process that is mediated through activation of the alternative pathway. This observation led us to hypothesize that membrane constituents other than DAF control susceptibility to acidified serum lysis. To investigate this hypothesis, Inab E were incubated in acidified serum, and hemolysis and C3 deposition (as a measure of alternative pathway activation) were quantitated. C3 deposition of Inab cells was approximately 20 times greater than normal, however, hemolysis was not observed. Inab E expressed a normal amount of membrane inhibitor of reactive lysis (MIRL, CD59), a glycosyl phosphatidylinositol anchored protein that is also deficient in PNH. When MIRL function was blocked with antibody, C3 deposition markedly increased, and 100% of the Inab cells hemolyzed in acidified serum. These studies demonstrate that susceptibility to acidified serum lysis is controlled primarily by MIRL, and that in addition to its regulatory affect on the membrane attack complex, MIRL also modulates the activity of the C3 convertase of the alternative pathway by a mechanism that remains to be determined.  相似文献   

By virtue of its amplifying property, the alternative complement pathway has been implicated in a number of inflammatory diseases and constitutes an attractive therapeutic target. An anti-factor D Fab fragment (AFD) was generated to inhibit the alternative complement pathway in advanced dry age-related macular degeneration. AFD potently prevented factor D (FD)-mediated proteolytic activation of its macromolecular substrate C3bB, but not proteolysis of a small synthetic substrate, indicating that AFD did not block access of the substrate to the catalytic site. The crystal structures of AFD in complex with human and cynomolgus FD (at 2.4 and 2.3 Å, respectively) revealed the molecular details of the inhibitory mechanism. The structures show that the AFD-binding site includes surface loops of FD that form part of the FD exosite. Thus, AFD inhibits FD proteolytic function by interfering with macromolecular substrate access rather than by inhibiting FD catalysis, providing the molecular basis of AFD-mediated inhibition of a rate-limiting step in the alternative complement pathway.  相似文献   

Liposomes as defined model membranes were used to quantitatively study the effects of specific sialic acid containing glycolipids on activation of the alternative pathway of human C. Liposomes containing dimyristoylphosphatidylethanolamine, cholesterol, and cerebrosides at molar ratios of 1.0/0.75/0.33 activated the alternative pathway in human serum treated with MgEGTA. Activation was measured by C3 conversion and the deposition of total C3 and functional C3b on the liposome surface. The monosialoganglioside GM1, when incorporated into the activating liposome membrane at molar ratios between 10(-5) and 10(-2), inhibited activation in a dose-dependent manner. Sialosylparagloboside also inhibited activation in human serum, and inhibition was completely reversed after neuraminidase treatment. The degree of inhibition by GM1 correlated with the relative amount of GM1 exposed on the liposome surface. Sialic acid did not directly inhibit the binding of C3b when liposomes containing gangliosides were incubated with the purified components C3, B, D, and P. GM1 did inhibit activation when liposomes were incubated with a mixture of purified C3, B, D, P, H, and I. Binding assays with radiolabeled H showed increased binding of H to liposome-bound C3b in the presence of GM1. These results establish the ability of sialic acid on glycolipids to promote H binding to C3b and thereby regulate alternative pathway activation on a defined lipid membrane.  相似文献   

The responses of mouse lymphoid cell cultures to mitogens such as concanavalin A or antigen were inhibited by the addition of small amounts of fresh human serum. This inhibitory effect was reduced by specific decomplementation procedures such as heating at 50 °C to inactivate factor B or absorption with zymosan at 17 °C to deplete properdin from the serum. Human factor-B preparations reconstituted the inhibitory effect lost from human serum preparations heated at 50 °C. These findings are interpreted to indicate a fundamental role of activation of the alternative complement pathway (ACP) as an underlying mechanism of inhibition. Additional experiments designed to demonstrate a role of natural antibodies activating the classical complement pathway, while successful in these respects, also provided confirmatory evidence for an antibody-independent role of the ACP. Furthermore, data derived from experiments utilizing mouse sera tested on syngeneic mouse lymphoid target cells, were qualitatively similar to the results obtained employing human sera. The data suggest that the functional activities of mouse lymphocytes in vitro are inhibited by antibody-independent activation of the ACP, implying that this pathway may exercise a role in regulating lymphocyte function.  相似文献   

Mouse thymocytes activated the alternative complement pathway of mouse serum in the presence of heated fetal calf serum. The activation required C3 from the fetal calf serum but was independent of antibody either in the murine or bovine serum. No other murine cells tested, including erythrocytes, peripheral blood lymphocytes, lymph node cells, spleen cells, and various cultured cell lines, activated the alternative complement pathway as effectively as thymocytes. In addition, sera from species other than cows could not substitute for fetal calf serum. The C3 deposited on thymocytes was in the form of both C3b (immune adherence positive) and C3bi (conglutinable). We propose that the basis of activation in this system is the specific protection of bovine C3b on mouse thymocyte surface.  相似文献   

When exposed to normal human or guinea pig sera, promastigotes of Leishmania enriettii and L. tropica activate the complement cascade by the alternative pathway and fix C3 on their surfaces. In high (25%) serum concentrations, the result of complement activation is parasite lysis. At lower concentrations (4%), complement fixation results in enhanced parasite binding and uptake into murine peritoneal macrophages. Parasites are lysed in normal guinea pig, C4-deficient guinea pig, normal human, and C2-deficient human sera when they are incubated at 37 degrees C for 30 min. Fetal calf and normal mouse sera are poorly lytic. Lysis requires Mg++ but not Ca++, is mediated by heat labile (56 degrees C, 30 min) component(s), and does not occur when the incubations are maintained at 4 degrees C. Guinea pig serum preadsorbed with promastigotes of L. tropica in EDTA at 4 degrees C for 30 min is fully lytic. Immunofluorescence studies with anti-C3 antibodies show that under these conditions C3 is deposited on the surface of the parasite. The serum-dependent binding of parasites to macrophages is also mediated by heat-labile, nonadsorbable factor(s) present in normal guinea pig and mouse sera, as well as C2-deficient and C4-deficient sera. The serum-dependent macrophage recognition mechanism is trypsin sensitive but relatively resistant to chymotrypsin. Parasites but not macrophages can be presensitized at room temperature with low levels (8%) of serum to enhance their binding to macrophages. Presensitization does not occur at 4 degrees C. These results show that Leishmania promastigotes of several species can fix complement by activating the alternative complement pathway. This may then result either in parasite lysis or in an accelerated uptake of the parasite into phagocytic cells. In vivo, the biologic outcome of infection may reflect a balance between extracellular lysis and enhanced uptake into phagocytic cells.  相似文献   

MBL is a serum lectin that activates the lectin pathway of the complement system. MBL forms complexes with three types of MASPs. Upon binding to Salmonella serogroup C-specific oligosaccharide, MBL activates the alternative pathway via a C2-bypass pathway without involving MASP-2, C2 or C4. We demonstrate that mannan-bound MBL activates the alternative pathway via a C2-bypass pathway that requires MASP-2 and C4. Thus, depending on the ligands to which MBL binds, there may be two distinct MBL-mediated C2-bypass pathways.  相似文献   

The GSH concentration of rabbit erythrocytes was monitored under conditions of large net transport of alanine, phenylalane and lysine in the absence of glucose. In no case was there an appreciable alteration in GSH concentration during amino acid uptake. It is suggested that the gamma-glutamyltransferase-gamma-glutamylcyclotransferase pathway does not participate in amino acid transport by these cells.  相似文献   

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