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The repeated occurrence of similar morphologies in organisms from similar habitats provides good evidence of convergent selection, and convergent patterns of evolutionary change. In lizards, a flattened morphology has often been noted; however, whether this trait is convergent in specific habitats has never been tested using phylogenetic methods. The present study examined patterns of morphological convergence in 18 species of tropical Lygosomine skinks from three broad habitat categories (generalist, leaf litter-dwelling, and rock-using species). In general, although there where relatively few morphological differences of species from different habitats, phylogenetic analyses revealed that rock-using species have consistently and repeatedly evolved a dorsoventrally flattened head and body. The adaptive basis of this flattened morphology is consistent with both biomechanical predictions of performance (e.g. climbing locomotion) and ecology (e.g. use of rock crevices, camouflage) of species that occupy rocky habitats.  © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2008, 94 , 399–411.  相似文献   

Within the families Agamidae, Lacertidae and Scincidae, the carpal and tarsal elements, the sesamoidea and the ossification pattern show considerable variability. Furthermore, carpal and tarsal structure in the lizards studied here is not unique to the genera in question and identical or very similar conditions occur in other lizards. These elements contain sufficient anatomical information to make them taxonomically valuable.  相似文献   

In addition to the effects of temperature fluctuations on metabolic rate, entrained endogenous rhythms in metabolism, which are independent of temperature fluctuations, may be important in overall energy metabolism in ectotherms. Daily entrained endogenous rhythms may serve as energy-conserving mechanisms during an animal's active or inactive phase. However, because nocturnal lizards often take advantage of thermal opportunities during the photophase (light), their daily metabolic rhythms may be less pronounced than those of diurnal species. We measured the rate of oxygen consumption (VO(2)) as an index of metabolic rate of eight temperate lizard species (four nocturnal, three diurnal, and one crepuscular/diurnal; n = 7-14) over 24 h at 13 degrees C and in constant darkness to test whether daily patterns (including amplitude, magnitude, and time of peak VO(2)) of metabolic rate in lizards differ with activity period. We also tested for phylogenetic differences in metabolic rate between skinks and geckos. Three daily patterns were evident: 24-h cycle, 12-h cycle, or no daily cycle. The skink Cyclodina aenea has a 12-h crepuscular pattern of oxygen consumption. In four other species, VO(2) increased with, or in anticipation of, the active part of the day, but three species had rhythms offset from their active phase. Although not correlated with activity period or phylogeny, amplitude of VO(2) may be correlated with whether a species is temperate or tropical. In conclusion, the metabolic rate of many species does not always correlate with the recorded activity period. The dichotomy of ecology and physiology may be clarified by more in-depth studies of species behaviors and activity periods.  相似文献   

The present study quantified microhabitat use, morphology, performance (sprinting, climbing, clinging, and jumping), and escape behaviour of two closely related tropical rock-using lizards. Specifically, the study tested whether: (1) a flatter body and longer limbs enhance performance in rocky habitats; (2) escape behaviour supports predictions based on habitat openness; and (3) there is a trade-off between sprinting and climbing performance. Despite the occupation of generally similar rocky habitats, the habitat of Carlia scirtetis was more open and composed of larger boulders with more regular surfaces, whereas the habitat of Carlia mundivensis was composed of more undergrowth and leaf litter, consisting of smaller boulders with irregular surfaces. The longer legs, flatter body, and greater sprinting and climbing ability of C. scirtetis, supports ecomorphological predictions. By contrast to predictions based on habitat openness, C. scirtetis allowed a potential threat to approach closer and ran further to a refuge than C. mundivensis , suggesting that escape behaviour as determined by performance may be species-specific or decoupled in these two species. The increased sprint speed of C. scirtetis highlighted a performance trade-off, with climbing speed lagging behind that of sprint speed. These results suggest that subtle differences in the structural microhabitat and the degree of habitat openness may ultimately result in substantial differences in morphology, performance, and threat behaviour in closely-related lizard species.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 85–98.  相似文献   

A study was carried out on conventionally stained mitotic and meiotic chromosomes of two species of lizards of the Scincidae: Mabuya caissara and M. macrorhyncha.On the basis of morphological, numerical and metric data, the chromosomes were divided into three groups: two groups of macrochromosomes (A and B) and one of microchromosomes (C). The karyotypes of males and females of both species showed 2n=32 and FN=50 and no differences were detected between the species.  相似文献   

Phylogenies with even a rough time scale can be used to investigate the history of non‐volant taxa with disjunct distributions in widely separated land areas that were once connected. Basic methods for doing this are discussed. A partial phylogeny of Mabuya based on mtDNA (305 bp cytochrome b, 379 bp 12S rRNA and 388 bp 16S rRNA) is used to show that this genus invaded tropical America from Africa twice in the last 9 Myr, once reaching the American mainland and once the oceanic island of Fernando de Noronha, two journeys each of at least 3000 km. In general, phylogenetic evidence for multiple invasions is less equivocal than that suggesting a single invasion, which is more prone to sampling artefacts. Two alternative hypotheses explaining the presence of Mabuya in both Africa and tropical America are refuted on the basis of molecular clock considerations, namely that the occurrence of Mabuya in these continents pre‐dated their separation over 100 My ago and that it was introduced from one continent to the other by human activities. Like several other lizard groups that have made successful long‐distance transmarine colonizations, Mabuya has done this on many occasions. Phylogenetic results are also compatible with a SE Asian or Australasian origin of Mabuya followed by westward expansion.  相似文献   

Mesopneumonia of 28 and lungs of 44 species of scincomorph lizards are described, representing mesopneumonia in six of the seven scincomorph families and lungs of all seven families of this taxon. Except for gymnophthalmids and scincids, a family typical organization of mesopneumonia occurs. In cordylids, gerrhosaurids, xantusiids and lacertids the complete right ventral mesopneumonium (VMp) inserts cranially on the posterior vena cava and caudally on the dorsal surface of the right liver lobe. The left VMp is attached to the ventrolateral body wall in cordylids and lacertids; in gerrhosaurids the left VMp is short and inserts on the pericardium and the posterior vena cava; in xantusiids the left VMp is reduced and the lungs are fused cranially with the pericardium. In scincids the VMp of both sides vary in length and insert on the ventral mesentery, or may be lacking completely. The visceral topology of the gymnophthalmids Calyptommatus and Notobachia differs from the general scincomorph pattern, with the liver and stomach elongated and situated on the right and left side of the body cavity, respectively. The left and the right VMp extend over the entire length of the lungs and insert on the ventral mesentery. All lungs examined in the study are single-chambered and show no major structural variability of the inner surfaces, except in lacertids, some gerrhosaurids, Cordylus, and two genera of gymnophthalmids (Echinosaura and Neusticurus). In these groups, rows of dorsomedial niches are present.See also Electronic Supplement at: http://www.senckenberg.de/odes/05-06.htm  相似文献   

In this paper the Authors decribe the karyogram of three species of Scincidae (Chalcides chalcides chalcides, Chalcides ocellatus tiligugu, and Mabuya striata). The diploid number of these species is 2n=28. It is not possible to subdivide the chromosome set in micro- and macrochromosomes or to recognize the heterochromosomes morphologically. Ch. ocellatus and M. striata have very similar karyograms; that of Ch. ch. chalcides is different in that chromosomes 6, 7, 8, 9, and 10 are acrocentric. Pericentric inversion is probably involved in the karyotypic evolution of these species.  相似文献   

No lizards are strictly aquatic, but at least 73 species in 11 different families can be considered to regularly utilize freshwater habitats. There are no aquatic lizards in the Nearctic or Palearctic regions, whereas the Neotropics, Southeast Asia, and the Indo-Australian Archipelago support the greatest diversity of freshwater forms, particularly in the families Gymnophthalmidae, Scincidae and Varanidae. A number of larger aquatic lizards are harvested for food and for the reptile skin trade and several are CITES listed. Guest editors: E. V. Balian, C. Lévêque, H. Segers & K. Martens Freshwater Animal Diversity Assessment  相似文献   

Sexual dimorphism and the female reproductive cycle were studied in a population of the viviparous lizard Trachylepis vittata at 2000 m a.s.l. on Mount Sannine, Lebanon. Females have larger body sizes than males and males have relatively larger heads than females. Females reach maturity at 56 mm snout-vent length. They spend at least six months in hibernation, from October to March. Adult females emerge from hibernation in April. Fertilization occurs mid-May and gestation lasts for 8-10 weeks. All females collected on the same date had embryos at the same embryonic developmental stage. Females produced 1-4 embryos. There is a significant positive relationship between female body size and number of embryos. Parturition lasts for two weeks and new-borns achieve adult size within about ten months.  相似文献   

The scincid lizards of the Cape Verde islands comprise the extinct endemic giant Macroscincus coctei and at least five species of Mabuya, one of which, Mabuya vaillanti, also had populations with large body size. Phylogenetic analysis based on DNA sequences derived from the mitochondrial cytochrome b, cytochrome oxidase I and 12S rRNA genes (711, 498 and 378 base pairs (bp), respectively) corroborates morphological evidence that these species constitute a clade and that Macroscincus is unrelated to very large skinks in other areas. The relationships are ((M. vaillanti and Mabuya delalandii) (Mabuya spinalis and Macroscincus coctei (Mabuya fogoensis nicolauensis (Mabuya fogoensis antaoensis and Mabuya stangeri)))). The Cape Verde archipelago was colonized from West Africa, probably in the Late Miocene or Early Pliocene period. The north-eastern islands were probably occupied first, after which the ancestor of M. vaillanti and M. delalandii may have originated on Boavista, the ancestor of the latter species arriving on Santiago or Fogo later. The M. fogoensis--M. stangeri clade colonized the islands of Branco, Razo, Santa Luzia and São Vicente from São Nicolau and reached Santo Antão after this. Colonization of these northeastern islands was slow, perhaps because the recipient islands had not developed earlier or because colonization cut across the path of the Canary Current and the Northeast Trade Winds, the main dispersing agents in the region. Rapid extension of range into the southwestern islands occurred later in M. spinalis and then in M. vaillanti and M. delalandii. The long apparent delay between the origin of these species and their southwestern dispersal may have been because there were earlier colonizations of the southern islands which excluded later ones until the earlier inhabitants were exterminated by volcanic or climatic events. The evolution of large size in Macroscincus occurred in the northwestern islands and was paralleled in the eastern and southern islands by populations of M. vaillanti. Both cases of size increase in Cape Verde skinks were accompanied by the development of herbivory.  相似文献   


The mohua (or yellowhead, Mohoua ochrocephala) is an endangered hole‐nesting passerine which is now absent from >75% of its former range. This paper describes an 11 year monitoring programme, which was set up to survey 14 populations at 12 key sites throughout the range of the mohua, in order to document the pattern of population change and provide early warning of likely local extinctions. Between 1983 and 1993, one mohua population became extinct. Five of the 14 populations declined significantly, and three of these were on the verge of extinction by 1993. One population increased, and seven did not change significantly, although a declining trend was recorded at five of these. Six population crashes coincided with irruptions of stoats (Mustela erminea) following heavy beech (Nothofagus) seeding.  相似文献   

BackgroundKnowledge of spermiogenesis in reptiles, especially in lizards, is very limited. Lizards found in Arabian deserts have not been considered for detailed studies due to many reasons and the paucity of these animals. Therefore, we designed a study on the differentiation and morphogenesis of spermiogenesis, at an ultrastructural level, in a rare lizard species, Scincus scincus.ResultsThe spermiogenesis process includes the development of an acrosomal vesicle, aggregation of acrosomal granules, formation of subacrosomal nuclear space, and nuclear elongation. A role for manchette microtubules was described in nuclear shaping and organelle movement. During head differentiation, the fine granular chromatin of the early spermatid is gradually replaced by highly condensed contents in a process called chromatin condensation. Furthermore, ultrastructural features of sperm tail differentiation in S. scincus were described in detail. The commencement was with caudal migration toward centrioles, insertion of the proximal centriole in the nuclear fossa, and extension of the distal centrioles to form the microtubular axoneme. Subsequently, tail differentiation consists of the enlargement of neck portion, middle piece, the main and end pieces.ConclusionsThis study aids in the understanding of different aspects of spermiogenesis in the lizard family and unfurls evolutionary links within and outside reptiles.  相似文献   

Phylogenetic relationships of the Oriental semiaquatic lygosomine skinks of the genus Tropidophorus were inferred from 1219 base positions of mitochondrial 12S and 16S rRNA genes. Results of the phylogenetic analyses incorporating data for representatives of other lygosomine genera indicated that the basal phylogenetic split within Tropidophorus separated a clade of continental Indochinese species exclusive of T. cocincinensis and T. microlepis from one comprising T. cocincinensis , T. microlepis and species from Borneo, Sulawesi and the Philippines. Of the latter group, the two continental species form the sister taxon to a clade comprising the island species. Diversification among species in Indochina and among Borneo, the Philippines and Sulawesi was likely concentrated in the Miocene, with no apparent dispersal among these regions during the Pleistocene. The body depression recognized in several Indochinese species is likely to have occurred twice in parallel as an adaptation to saxicolous habitats.  相似文献   

Mean thermal preferenda for the head and body were found to be similar in Egernia whitei, E. cunninghami, and E. bungana (range in TH= 33.6o -33.8o C; range in TB= 34.0o-35.3oC). However, those for E. majors were significantly lower (TH= 31.1o C, TB=32.9oC). Significant differences were found between mean head and body preferred temperatures in E. cunninghami and E. major. Higher temperatures were tolerated by the body than the head in all four species. Gaping was not observed to occur prior to cessation of respiration in any of the four species during radiant or solar heating. Based upon thermal preferenda and critical thermal maxima data, thermal safety margins for body temperature were calculated for E. whitei and E. cunninghami Postural orientation to the sun's rays increased and decreased heat gain. The seeking of shade was the most effective method employed by all four species for reducing head and body temperature.  相似文献   

Several recent studies have focused on the ability of the gekkonid Ptychozoon lionatum to parachute, utilizing its enlarged lateral body folds. Little attention has been paid, however, to the evolution of such behavious and here several aspects pertaining to the origin of parachuting are integrated. Behavioural shifts and morphological modifications are considered together and evaluated in the light of ecological information. It is apparent that certain behavioural shifts were the precursors of subsequent morphological changes. The structural design of the body folds is also considered in relation to parachuting behaviour and both the gross morphology and histology are shown to be significantly modified to permit effective parachuting. The absene of musculature in the lateral body flaps of geckos is confirmed and a model for the integration of the various factors involved in effective parachuting is presented. Here the importance of the "structure-function" and "habitat-behaviour" sets are emphasized together with their new interrelationships when a protoadaptation becomes functional.  相似文献   

Bergmann's rule predicts larger body sizes in species living in higher latitudes and altitudes. This rule appears to be valid for endotherms, but its relevance to ectotherm vertebrates has largely been debated. In squamate reptiles (lizards and snakes), only one study, based on Liolaemus species of the boulengeri clade, has provided phylogenetic evidence in favour of Bergmann's clines. We reassessed this model in the same lizard clade, using a more representative measure of species body size and including a larger number of taxa in the sample. We found no evidence to support Bergmann's rule in this lineage. However, these non-significant results appear to be explained only by the inclusion of further species rather than by a different estimation of body size. Analyses conducted on the 16 species included in the previous study always revealed significant relationships between body size and latitude-altitude, whereas, the enlarged sample always rejected the pattern predicted by Bergmann's rule.  相似文献   

The reproductive tracts of female ground skinks, Scincella laterale, collected at various times throughout their reproductive cycle were examined by light and transmission electron microscopy. Examination of the tracts revealed that sperm are retained in the posterior vagina after mating but prior to the ovulation of oocytes. The sperm are not sequestered in specialized glands but occur in scattered clusters in the lumen or among the deep, narrow rugae. The simple columnar lining of the vagina consists mostly of ciliated cells interspersed with occasional secretory cells. After ovulation, as indicated by the presence of eggs in the uterus, sperm are not found in the vagina. No sperm or sperm storage tubules occur in the infundibulum, the characteristic location for sperm storage in scleroglossid squamates that have been studied. Our results are a further indication that too few species have been examined to construct a rigorous phylogenetic hypothesis about the occurrence of sperm storage tubules in lizards.  相似文献   

Skinks are the largest family of lizards and are found worldwide in a diversity of habitats. One of the larger and more poorly studied groups of skinks includes members of the subfamily Scincinae distributed in sub-Saharan Africa. Sub-Saharan African scincines are one of the many groups of lizards that show limb reduction and loss, and the genus Scelotes offers an excellent opportunity to look at limb loss in a phylogenetic context. Phylogenetic relationships were reconstructed for a total of 52 taxa representing all subfamilies of skinks as well as other Autarchoglossan families using sequence from six gene regions including; 12S, 16S, and cytochrome b (mitochondrial), as well as alpha-Enolase, 18S, and C-mos (nuclear). The family Scincidae is recovered as monophyletic and is the sister taxon to a (Cordylidae+Xantusiidae) clade. Within skinks the subfamily Acontinae is monophyletic and sister group to all remaining skinks. There is no support for the monophyly of the subfamilies Lygosominae and Scincinae, but sub-Saharan African scincines+Feylinia form a well supported monophyletic group. The monophyly of Scelotes is confirmed, and support is found for two geographic groups within the genus. Reconstructions of ancestral states for limb and digital characters show limited support for the reversal or gain of both digits and limbs, but conservative interpretation of the results suggest that limb loss is common, occurring multiple times throughout evolutionary history, and is most likely not reversible.  相似文献   

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