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In eubacteria, termination of translation is signaled by any one of the stop codons UAA, UAG, and UGA moving into the ribosomal A site. Two release factors, RF1 and RF2, recognize and bind to the stop codons with different affinities and trigger the hydrolysis of the ester bond that links the polypeptide with the P-site tRNA. Cryo-electron microscopy (cryo-EM) results obtained in this study show that ribosome-bound RF1 is in an open conformation, unlike the closed conformation observed in the crystal structure of the free factor, allowing its simultaneous access to both the decoding center and the peptidyl-transferase center. These results are similar to those obtained for RF2, but there is an important difference in how the factors bind to protein L11, which forms part of the GTPase-associated center of the large ribosomal subunit. The difference in the binding position, C-terminal domain for RF2 versus N-terminal domain for RF1, explains a body of L11 mutation studies that revealed differential effects on the activity of the two factors. Very recent data obtained with small-angle X-ray scattering now reveal that the solution structure of RF1 is open, as here seen on the ribosome by cryo-EM, and not closed, as seen in the crystal.  相似文献   

In bacteria, disassembly of the ribosome at the end of translation is facilitated by an essential protein factor termed ribosome recycling factor (RRF), which works in concert with elongation factor G. Here we describe the crystal structure of the Thermus thermophilus RRF bound to a 70S ribosomal complex containing a stop codon in the A site, a transfer RNA anticodon stem-loop in the P site and tRNA(fMet) in the E site. The work demonstrates that structures of translation factors bound to 70S ribosomes can be determined at reasonably high resolution. Contrary to earlier reports, we did not observe any RRF-induced changes in bridges connecting the two subunits. This suggests that such changes are not a direct requirement for or consequence of RRF binding but possibly arise from the subsequent stabilization of a hybrid state of the ribosome.  相似文献   

The 2.0 A resolution crystal structure of the ribosome inactivating protein saporin (isoform 6) from seeds of Saponaria officinalis is presented. The fold typical of other plant toxins is conserved, despite some differences in the loop regions. The loop between strands beta7 and beta8 in the C-terminal region which spans over the active site cleft appears shorter in saporin, suggesting an easier access to the substrate. Furthermore we investigated the molecular interaction between saporin and the yeast ribosome by differential chemical modifications. A contact surface inside the C-terminal region of saporin has been identified. Structural comparison between saporin and other ribosome inactivating proteins reveals that this region is conserved and represents a peculiar motif involved in ribosome recognition.  相似文献   

During protein synthesis, translational release factors catalyze the release of the polypeptide chain when a stop codon on the mRNA reaches the A site of the ribosome. The detailed mechanism of this process is currently unknown. We present here the crystal structures of the ribosome from Thermus thermophilus with RF1 and RF2 bound to their cognate stop codons, at resolutions of 5.9 Angstrom and 6.7 Angstrom, respectively. The structures reveal details of interactions of the factors with the ribosome and mRNA, including elements previously implicated in decoding and peptide release. They also shed light on conformational changes both in the factors and in the ribosome during termination. Differences seen in the interaction of RF1 and RF2 with the L11 region of the ribosome allow us to rationalize previous biochemical data. Finally, this work demonstrates the feasibility of crystallizing ribosomes with bound factors at a defined state along the translational pathway.  相似文献   

Affinity grids (AG) are specialized EM grids that bind macromolecular complexes containing tagged proteins to obtain maximum occupancy for structural analysis through single-particle EM. In this study, utilizing AG, we show that His-tagged activated PKC βII binds to the small ribosomal subunit (40S). We reconstructed a cryo-EM map which shows that PKC βII interacts with RACK1, a seven-bladed β-propeller protein present on the 40S and binds in two different regions close to blades 3 and 4 of RACK1. This study is a first step in understanding the molecular framework of PKC βII/RACK1 interaction and its role in translation.  相似文献   

Annexin A8 is a relatively infrequent and poorly studied member of this large family of calcium-binding and membrane-binding proteins. It is, however, associated with a specific disease, acute promyelocytic leukemia. We have solved its three-dimensional structure, which includes a moderately long and intact N terminus. The structure is closest to that of annexin A3 and highlights several important regions of inherent flexibility in the annexin molecule. The N terminus resembles that of annexin A3, as it lies along the concave surface of the molecule and inserts partially into the hydrophilic channel in its centre. Since both annexins A3 and A8 are expressed in promyelocytic cells during their differentiation, the similarity in their structures might suggest a functional relationship.  相似文献   

The reassembly of the S-layer protein SlpA of Lactobacillus brevis ATCC 8287 on positively charged liposomes was studied by small angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) and zeta potential measurements. SlpA was reassembled on unilamellar liposomes consisting of 1-palmitoyl-2-oleyl-sn-glycero-3-phosphocholine and 1,2-dioleoyl-3-trimethylammonium-propane, prepared by extrusion through membranes with pore sizes of 50 nm and 100 nm. Similarly extruded samples without SlpA were used as a reference. The SlpA-containing samples showed clear diffraction peaks in their SAXS intensities. The lattice constants were calculated from the diffraction pattern and compared to those determined for SlpA on native cell wall fragments. Lattice constants for SlpA reassembled on liposomes (a = 9.29 nm, b = 8.03 nm, and γ = 84.9°) showed a marked change in the lattice constants b and γ when compared to those determined for SlpA on native cell wall fragments (a = 9.41 nm, b = 6.48 nm, and γ = 77.0°). The latter are in good agreement with values previously determined by electron microscopy. This indicates that the structure formed by SlpA is stable on the bacterial cell wall, but SlpA reassembles into a different structure on cationic liposomes. From the (10) reflection, the lower limit of crystallite size of SlpA on liposomes was determined to be 92 nm, corresponding to approximately ten aligned lattice planes.  相似文献   

The 2.0 Å resolution crystal structure of the ribosome inactivating protein saporin (isoform 6) from seeds of Saponaria officinalis is presented. The fold typical of other plant toxins is conserved, despite some differences in the loop regions. The loop between strands β7 and β8 in the C-terminal region which spans over the active site cleft appears shorter in saporin, suggesting an easier access to the substrate. Furthermore we investigated the molecular interaction between saporin and the yeast ribosome by differential chemical modifications. A contact surface inside the C-terminal region of saporin has been identified. Structural comparison between saporin and other ribosome inactivating proteins reveals that this region is conserved and represents a peculiar motif involved in ribosome recognition.  相似文献   

The structure of human telomere DNA is of intense interest because of its role in the biology of both cancer and aging. The sequence [5′-AGGG(TTAGGG)3] has been used as a model for telomere DNA in both NMR and X-ray crystallographic studies, the results of which show dramatically different structures. In Na+ solution, NMR revealed an antiparallel G-quadruplex structure that featured both diagonal and lateral TTA loops. Crystallographic studies in the presence of K+ revealed a flattened, propeller-shaped structure featuring a parallel-stranded G-quadruplex with symmetrical external TTA loops. We report the results of biophysical experiments in solution and computational studies that are inconsistent with the reported crystal structure, indicating that a different structure exists in K+ solutions. Sedimentation coefficients were determined experimentally in both Na+ and K+ solutions and were compared with values calculated using bead models for the reported NMR and crystal structures. Although the solution NMR structure accurately predicted the observed S-value in Na+ solution, the crystal structure predicted an S-value that differed dramatically from that experimentally observed in K+ solution. The environments of loop adenines were probed by quantitative fluorescence studies using strategic and systematic single-substitutions of 2-aminopurine for adenine bases. Both fluorescence intensity and quenching experiments in K+ yielded results at odds with quantitative predictions from the reported crystal structure. Circular dichroism and fluorescence quenching studies in the presence of the crowding agent polyethylene glycol showed dramatic changes in the quadruplex structure in K+ solutions, but not in Na+ solutions, suggesting that the crystal environment may have selected for a particular conformational form. Molecular dynamics simulations were performed to yield model structures for the K+ quadruplex form that are consistent with our biophysical results and with previously reported chemical modification studies. These models suggest that the biologically relevant structure of the human telomere quadruplex in K+ solution is not the one determined in the published crystalline state.  相似文献   

Ribosome-associated chaperone Trigger Factor (TF) initiates folding of newly synthesized proteins in bacteria. Here, we pinpoint by site-specific crosslinking the sequence of molecular interactions of Escherichia coli TF and nascent chains during translation. Furthermore, we provide the first full-length structure of TF associated with ribosome-nascent chain complexes by using cryo-electron microscopy. In its active state, TF arches over the ribosomal exit tunnel accepting nascent chains in a protective void. The growing nascent chain initially follows a predefined path through the entire interior of TF in an unfolded conformation, and even after folding into a domain it remains accommodated inside the protective cavity of ribosome-bound TF. The adaptability to accept nascent chains of different length and folding states may explain how TF is able to assist co-translational folding of all kinds of nascent polypeptides during ongoing synthesis. Moreover, we suggest a model of how TF's chaperoning function can be coordinated with the co-translational processing and membrane targeting of nascent polypeptides by other ribosome-associated factors.  相似文献   

Two recent reports provide atomic resolution information detailing the interaction of the class II release factor, RF3, with the bacterial ribosome. Differences in the composition of the two crystal forms allow us to learn a considerable amount about how translational GTPases engage the ribosome to facilitate and define conformational rearrangements involved in protein synthesis.  相似文献   

Unlike bovine cationic trypsin, rat anionic trypsin retains activity at high pH. This alkaline stability has been attributed to stabilization of the salt bridge between the N-terminal Ile16 and Asp194 by the surface negative charge (Soman K, Yang A-S, Honig B, Fletterick R., 1989, Biochemistry 28:9918-9926). The formation of this salt bridge controls the conformation of the activation domain in trypsin. In this work we probe the structure of rat trypsinogen to determine the effects of the surface negative charge on the activation domain in the absence of the Ile16-Asp194 salt bridge. We determined the crystal structures of the rat trypsin-BPTI complex and the rat trypsinogen-BPTI complex at 1.8 and 2.2 A, respectively. The BPTI complex of rat trypsinogen resembles that of rat trypsin. Surprisingly, the side chain of Ile16 is found in a similar position in both the rat trypsin and trypsinogen complexes, although it is not the N-terminal residue and cannot form the salt bridge in trypsinogen. The resulting position of the activation peptide alters the conformation of the adjacent autolysis loop (residues 142-153). While bovine trypsinogen and trypsin have similar CD spectra, the CD spectrum of rat trypsinogen has only 60% of the intensity of rat trypsin. This lower intensity most likely results from increased flexibility around two conserved tryptophans, which are adjacent to the activation domain. The NMR spectrum of rat trypsinogen contains high field methyl signals as observed in bovine trypsinogen. It is concluded that the activation domain of rat trypsinogen is more flexible than that of bovine trypsinogen, but does not extend further into the protein core.  相似文献   

The crystal structure of human CD1b with a bound bacterial glycolipid   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The human MHC class I-like molecule CD1b is distinctive among CD1 alleles in that it is capable of presenting a set of glycolipid species that show a very broad range of variation in the lengths of their acyl chains. A structure of CD1b complexed with relatively short acyl chain glycolipids plus detergent suggested how an interlinked network of channels within the Ag-binding groove could accommodate acyl chain lengths of up to 80 carbons. The structure of CD1b complexed with glucose monomycolate, reported in this study, confirms this hypothesis and illustrates how the distinctive substituents of intracellular bacterial glycolipids can be accommodated. The Ag-binding groove of CD1b is, uniquely among CD1 alleles, partitioned into channels suitable for the compact accommodation of lengthy acyl chains. The current crystal structure illustrates for the first time the binding of a natural bacterial lipid Ag to CD1b and shows how its novel structural features fit this molecule for its role in the immune response to intracellular bacteria.  相似文献   

Interleukin (IL-1)alpha and IL-1beta are important mediators of inflammation. The binding of IL-1 to interleukin-1 receptor (IL-1R) type 1 is the initial step in IL-1 signal transduction and therefore is a tempting target for anti-inflammatory therapeutics. To advance our understanding of IL-1R1 binding interactions, we have determined the structure of the extracellular domains of IL-1R1 bound to a 21-amino acid IL-1 antagonist peptide at 3.0-A resolution. The antagonist peptide binds to the domain 1/2 junction of the receptor, which is a conserved binding site for IL-1beta and IL-1 receptor antagonist (IL-1ra). This co-crystal structure also reveals that considerable flexibility is present in IL-1R1 because the carboxyl-terminal domain of the receptor is rotated almost 170 degrees relative to the first two domains of the receptor compared with the previously solved IL-1R1.ligand structures. The structure shows an unexpected binding mode for the peptide and may contribute to the design of smaller IL-1R antagonists.  相似文献   

The highly sulfated polysaccharides heparin and heparan sulfate (HS) play key roles in the regulation of physiological and pathophysiological processes. Despite its importance, no molecular structures of free HS have been reported up to now. By combining analytical ultracentrifugation, small angle x-ray scattering, and constrained scattering modeling recently used for heparin, we have analyzed the solution structures for eight purified HS fragments degree of polymerization 6-18 (dp6-dp18) and dp24, corresponding to the predominantly unsulfated GlcA-GlcNAc domains of heparan sulfate. Unlike heparin, the sedimentation coefficient s(20,)(w) of HS dp6-dp24 showed a small rotor speed dependence, where similar s(20,)(w) values of 0.82-1.26 S (absorbance optics) and 1.05-1.34 S (interference optics) were determined. The corresponding x-ray scattering measurements of HS dp6-dp24 gave radius of gyration (R(G)) values from 1.03 to 2.82 nm, cross-sectional radius of gyration (R(XS)) values from 0.31 to 0.65 nm, and maximum lengths (L) from 3.0 to 10.0 nm. These data showed that HS has a longer and more bent structure than heparin. Constrained scattering modeling starting from 5000-8000 conformationally randomized HS structures gave best fit dp6-dp16 molecular structures that were longer and more bent than their equivalents in heparin. No fits were obtained for HS dp18 or dp24, indicating their higher flexibility. We conclude that HS displays an extended bent conformation that is significantly distinct from that for heparin. The difference is attributed to the different predominant monosaccharide sequence and reduced sulfation of HS, indicating that HS may interact differently with proteins compared with heparin.  相似文献   

The NMR structure of cyclosporin A bound to cyclophilin in aqueous solution   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
Cyclosporin A bound to the presumed receptor protein cyclophilin was studied in aqueous solution at pH 6.0 by nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy using uniform 15N- or 13C-labeling of cyclosporin A and heteronuclear spectral editing techniques. Sequence-specific assignments were obtained for all but one of the cyclosporin A proton resonances. With an input of 108 intramolecular NOEs and four vicinal 3JHN alpha coupling constants, the three-dimensional structure of cyclosporin A bound to cyclophilin was calculated with the distance geometry program DISMAN, and the structures resulting from 181 converged calculations were energy refined with the program FANTOM. A group of 120 conformers was selected on the basis of the residual constraint violations and energy criteria to represent the solution structure. The average of the pairwise root-mean-square distances calculated for the backbone atoms of the 120 structures was 0.58 A. The structure represents a novel conformation of cyclosporin A, for which the backbone conformation is significantly different from the previously reported structures in single crystals and in chloroform solution. The structure has all peptide bonds in the trans form, contains no elements of regular secondary structure and no intramolecular hydrogen bonds, and exposes nearly all polar groups to its environment. The root-mean-square distance between the backbone atoms of the crystal structure of cyclosporin A and the mean of the 120 conformers representing the NMR structure of cyclosporin A bound to cyclophilin is 2.5 A.  相似文献   

Allen GS  Zavialov A  Gursky R  Ehrenberg M  Frank J 《Cell》2005,121(5):703-712
The 70S ribosome and its complement of factors required for initiation of translation in E. coli were purified separately and reassembled in vitro with GDPNP, producing a stable initiation complex (IC) stalled after 70S assembly. We have obtained a cryo-EM reconstruction of the IC showing IF2*GDPNP at the intersubunit cleft of the 70S ribosome. IF2*GDPNP contacts the 30S and 50S subunits as well as fMet-tRNA(fMet). IF2 here adopts a conformation radically different from that seen in the recent crystal structure of IF2. The C-terminal domain of IF2 binds to the single-stranded portion of fMet-tRNA(fMet), thereby forcing the tRNA into a novel orientation at the P site. The GTP binding domain of IF2 binds to the GTPase-associated center of the 50S subunit in a manner similar to EF-G and EF-Tu. Additionally, we present evidence for the localization of IF1, IF3, one C-terminal domain of L7/L12, and the N-terminal domain of IF2 in the initiation complex.  相似文献   

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