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Size-dependent changes in chlorophyll a and uptake of inorganiccarbon (C) and nitrogen (N) by phytoplankton were measured inthe shallow South Basin of Lake Biwa, before and during a periodof typhoons (high winds). The latter period was characterizedby complete mixing of the water column, a major decline in underwaterirradiance, and a transient increase in dissolved reactive Nand phosphorus (P). Nutrient concentrations, seston N:P ratiosand uptake rates indicate that P and not N limited phytoplanktonover the whole study period. The typhoon-induced increase inphosphorus supply resulted in Blackman-type (increased C- andN-specific growth rates) and Liebig-type (increased biomassyield) responses by the phytoplankton. Picoplankton were dominantin the relatively stable and clear water column prior to thetyphoons, but were rapidly outgrown by larger cells during andafter wind-induced mixing. The slower response of picoplanktonindicates lower maximum intrinsic growth rates and photosyntheticefficiency. These observations are contrary to the view thatpicoplankton have higher light-harvesting abilities and growthrates than larger cells. Typhoon-induced mixing stimulated theshift to fast-growing, dim light-adapted larger cells. The resultsquestion the allometric paradigm of increasing growth ratesand light-capturing efficiency with decreasing cell size, butare consistent with the oceanographic view that large-celledphytoplankton control the major fluctuations in biomass andprimary productivity, while picoplankton account for a comparativelystable background productivity.  相似文献   

Big Soda Lake is an alkaline, saline lake with a permanent chemocline at 34.5 m and a mixolimnion that undergoes seasonal changes in temperature structure. During the period of thermal stratification, from summer through fall, the epilimnion has low concentrations of dissolved inorganic nutrients (N, Si) and CH4, and low biomass of phytoplankton (chlorophyll a ca. 1 mgm -3). Dissolved oxygen disappears near the compensation depth for algal photosynthesis (ca. 20 m). Surface water is transparent so that light is present in the anoxic hypolimnion, and a dense plate of purple sulfur photosynthetic bacteria (Ectothiorhodospira vacuolata) is present just below 20 m (Bchl a ca. 200 mgm-3). Concentrations of N H4 +, Si, and CH4 are higher in the hypolimnion than in the epilimnion. As the mixolimnion becomes isothermal in winter, oxygen is mixed down to 28 m. Nutrients (NH4 +, Si) and CH4 are released from the hypolimnion and mix to the surface, and a diatom bloom develops in the upper 20 m (chlorophyll a > 40 mgm-3). The deeper mixing of oxygen and enhanced light attenuation by phytoplankton uncouple the anoxic zone and photic zone, and the plate of photosynthetic bacteria disappears (Bchl a ca.10mgm-3). Hence, seasonal changes in temperature distribution and mixing create conditions such that the primary producer community is alternately dominated by phytoplankton and photosynthetic bacteria: the phytoplankton may be nutrient-limited during periods of stratification and the photosynthetic bacteria are light-limited during periods of mixing.  相似文献   

It is widely recognized that the mesoscale eddies play an important part in the biogeochemical cycle in ocean ecosystem, especially in the oligotrophic tropical zones. So here a heterogeneous cyclonic eddy in its flourishing stage was detected using remote sensing and in situ biogeochemical observation in the western South China Sea (SCS) in early September, 2007. The high-performance liquid chromatography method was used to identify the photosynthetic pigments. And the CHEMical TAXonomy (CHEMTAX) was applied to calculate the contribution of nine phytoplankton groups to the total chlorophyll a (TChl a) biomass. The deep chlorophyll a maximum layer (DCML) was raised to form a dome structure in the eddy center while there was no distinct enhancement for TChl a biomass. The integrated TChl a concentration in the upper 100 m water column was also constant from the eddy center to the surrounding water outside the eddy. However the TChl a biomass in the surface layer (at 5 m) in the eddy center was promoted 2.6-fold compared to the biomass outside the eddy (p < 0.001). Thus, the slight enhancement of TChl a biomass of euphotic zone integration within the eddy was mainly from the phytoplankton in the upper mixed zone rather than the DCML. The phytoplankton community was primarily contributed by diatoms, prasinophytes, and Synechococcus at the DCML within the eddy, while less was contributed by haptophytes_8 and Prochlorococcus. The TChl a biomass for most of the phytoplankton groups increased at the surface layer in the eddy center under the effect of nutrient pumping. The doming isopycnal within the eddy supplied nutrients gently into the upper mixing layer, and there was remarkable enhancement in phytoplankton biomass at the surface layer with 10.5% TChl a biomass of water column in eddy center and 3.7% at reference stations. So the slight increasing in the water column integrated phytoplankton biomass might be attributed to the stimulated phytoplankton biomass at the surface layer.  相似文献   

In order to yield some insights into the planktonic food web structure of new reservoirs, size‐fractionated biomass and productivity of phytoplankton were examined from 1996 to 1997 (following the 1995 flooding of the Sep Reservoir, Puy‐de‐Dôme, France), in relation to nutrients (P, N) and metazooplankton (Rotifers, Cladocera, Copepods). Autotrophic nanoplankton (ANP, size class 3–45 μm) dominated the phytoplankton biomass (as Chlorophyll a) and production, while autotrophic picoplankton (APP, 0.7–3 μm) exhibited the lowest and relatively constant biomass and production. Cells of the autotrophic microplankton (AMP, >45 μm) were considered inedible for planktonic herbivores. The production‐biomass diagram for the different size classes and the positive correlation between APP production and ANP + AMP production suggested that grazing was potentially more important than nutrients in shaping the phytoplankton size structure. Metazooplankton biomass was low compared to other newly flooded reservoirs or to natural lakes with phytoplankton biomass similar to that of the Sep Reservoir. This resulted in low ratios (metazooplankton to edible phytoplankton) both in terms of production (average 0.43% in 1996 and 0.76% in 1997) and biomass, suggesting that only a small fraction of phytoplankton was directly consumed by metazooplankton. We suggest that the observed low ratios in the Sep Reservoir, reflect possible low metazooplankton inputs in the main influents, changes in hydrologic conditions and a high potential role of microheterotrophs. The latter role was supported by (i) the positive inter‐annual correlation between ciliates and phytoplankton, (ii) the significant and negative correlations between ciliates and metazooplankton, and (iii) the significant and negative correlations between total metazooplankton biomass and total phosphorus (TP), whereas neither TP nor total metazooplankton biomass was correlated with phytoplankton variables.  相似文献   

1. Variation in depth of the mixed surface layer of temperate lakes should affect phytoplankton dynamics because, with increasing mixing depth, average light intensity in and specific sedimentation losses out of the mixed layer both decrease. 2. Our aim was to test a recent dynamic model which relates phytoplankton biomass and the availability of production‐limiting resources (light and dissolved mineral nutrients) to mixing depth and nutrient supply from external sources. 3. During summer stratification we sampled the mixed layers of 30 dimictic, phosphorus‐limited, oligo‐ to mesotrophic, mostly non‐humic lakes north of the Alps. 4. The results agree well qualitatively with model expectations. Algal concentration in the mixed layer was negatively related to mixing depth or its surrogate log‐transformed lake area. Light intensity at the bottom of the mixed layer decreased whereas the concentration of available, inorganic phosphorus increased with increasing mixing depth. Across all depths, higher total phosphorus content was accompanied by higher phytoplankton biomass, lower light availability, and higher inorganic phosphorus concentration. 5. Our data match the predicted shift with increasing mixing depth from predominantly nutrient limitation towards increased light limitation of algal biomass.  相似文献   

The temporal variability of size-fractioned autotrophic biomassat three depth levels (1, 8 and 25 m) was studied during thewinter-spring transition at two oceanographic stations in ConcepciónBay. Size spectra were obtained on eight occasions by two differentmethods: (i) determining the biomass of seven autotrophic sizefractions by in vivo fluorescence; and (ii) measuring the filamentlength of chain-forming diatoms through direct microscopy. Aclear vertical gradient of biomass was found in all profiles,with maximum values in the surface layer (1 and 8 m levels).Values of chlorophyll were on average 6.2 (range 1.08–25.67)times higher at 1 m than at 25 m, and 7.4 (range 1.15–26.83)times more at 8 m than at 25 m. On a temporal basis, total biomassincreased from low average values in winter (2.5 mg chl-a m–3)to high values in late spring (11.6 mg chl-a m–3). Duringthe whole sampling period (June 8-November 19), the nano- andnet-plankton (1.8–40 µm and 40–335 µmsize fractions respectively) were more abundant near the surface(1 and 8 m depth) than close to the bottom (25 m depth); however,the picoplankton fraction (<1.8 (µm) showed an inverserelationship, with a slight trend to increase near the bottomtoward spring. The highest absolute biomass was concentratedin the net-plankton fraction during the whole period and therelative importance of the picoplankton decreased from winter(6.50 and 15.5% for shallow and bottom levels) to spring (1.5and 10.3% for shallow and bottom levels). This relative effectis caused by the higher absolute values of biomass observedin the net-plankton fraction toward spring. These changing patternsshould have an impact in the size-composition and abundanceof higher trophic levels, mainly through grazing, in particularby modifying food availability to microfJagellates, ciliatesand filter-feeding zooplankton.  相似文献   

Seasonal investigations of size-fractionated biomass and productionwere carried out from February 1992 to May 1993 in JiaozhouBay, China. Microplankton assemblages were separated into threefractions: pico- (0.7–2 µm), nano- (2–20 µm)and netplankton (20–200 µm). The biomass was measuredas chlorophyll a (Chi a), paniculate organic carbon (POC) andparticipate organic nitrogen (PON). The production was determinedby 14C and 15N tracer techniques. The seasonal patterns in biomass,though variable, were characterized by higher values in springand lower values in autumn and summer (for Chi a only). Theseasonal patterns in production, on the other hand, were moreclear with higher values occurring in summer and spring, andlower values occurring in autumn and winter. Averaged over thewhole study period, the respective proportions of total biomassaccounted for by net-, nano- and picoplankton were 26, 45 and29% for Chi a, 32, 33 and 35% for POC, and 26, 32 and 42% forPON. The contributions to total primary production by net-,nano- and picoplankton were 31, 35 and 34%, respectively. Therespective proportions of total NH4+–N uptake accountedfor by net-, nano- and picoplankton were 28, 33 and 39% in thedaytime, and 10, 29 and 61% at night. The respective contributionsto total NO3-N uptake by net-, nano- and picoplanktonwere 37, 40 and 23% in the daytime, and 13, 23 and 64% at night.Some comprehensive ratios, including C/N biomass ratio, Chla/C ratio, C uptake/Chl a ratio, C:N uptake ratio and the f-ratio,were also calculated size separately, and their biological andecological meanings are discussed.  相似文献   

1. Size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass was examined in relation to the hydrodynamics of tropical Lake Alchichica from 1999 to 2002.
2. Alchichica is a warm monomictic lake, in which mixing takes place from late December to early March. The lake is oligotrophic (mean total chlorophyll- a concentration 4.2 ± 4.2  μ g L−1) and its phytoplankton biomass is dominated (72.3 ± 16.4%) by large individuals (>2  μ m). The degree of dominance of the large size class (nano- and microplankton) over the small size class (picoplankton) throughout the year is mainly determined by the availability of silicate and the Si/N ratio in the hypolimnion prior to the mixing period.
3. This is the first record of an oligotrophic tropical lake dominated by large size fractions of phytoplankton. Because of this dominance, the fate of most primary productivity is rapid sedimentation to the bottom followed by decomposition that promotes an anoxic hypolimnion.
4. Our findings in tropical Lake Alchichica challenge the idea that oligotrophic waters are dominated by small phytoplankton, as has been well established for the oligotrophic ocean and temperate lakes.  相似文献   

The dynamics of phytoplankton biomass were studied in an Eastern Mediterranean semi-enclosed coastal system (Maliakos Gulf, Aegean Sea), over 1 year. In particular, chlorophyll a (chl a) was fractionated into four size classes: picoplankton (0.2–2 μm), nanoplankton (2–20 μm), microplankton (20–180 μm) and net phytoplankton (>180 μm). The spatial and temporal variation in dissolved inorganic nutrients and particulate organic carbon (POC) were also investigated. The water column was well mixed throughout the year, resulting in no differences between depths for all the measured parameters. Total chl a was highest in the inner part of the gulf and peaked in winter (2.65 μg l–1). During the phytoplankton bloom, microplankton and net phytoplankton together dominated the autotrophic biomass (67.2–95.0% of total chl a), while in the warmer months the contribution of pico- and nanoplankton was the most significant (77.5–93.4% of total chl a). The small fractions, although showing low chl a concentrations, were important contributors to the POC pool, especially in the outer gulf. No statistically significant correlations were found between any chl a size fraction and inorganic nutrients. For most of the year, phytoplankton was not limited by inorganic nitrogen concentrations. Electronic Publication  相似文献   

Enriched bottle experiments were conducted in situ during winter (January and February) and summer (July and August) 2001 to examine the effects of nutrient enrichments (+ N, + P and + NP) on phytoplankton in Bizerte Lagoon, Tunisia. Chlorophyll a (Chl a), ranging from 3.05 μg L−1 in winter to 4.52 μg L−1 in summer, was dominated by the small size-faction (<5 μm) during both seasons. However, the contribution of the large size-fraction (5-200 μm) to Chl a increased from winter (26%) to summer (37%). Similarly, the carbon biomass of the 5-200 μm algae increased during the July/August period that was characterised by the high proliferation of several diatom taxa. In winter, N was the limiting element for phytoplankton growth. Its addition alone (+ N) or with P (+ NP) increased both the <5 μm and 5-200 μm Chl a concentrations. There was no change in the phytoplankton size structure, with the small cells dominating the final algal biomass in all treatments after 5 days. In summer, N and P limited the phytoplankton, but small and large algae exhibited diverse responses to different nutrient enrichments: addition of P increased the Chl a only in the 5-200 μm fraction, the + N treatment enhanced both size classes, and the NP fertilisation mostly stimulated the biomass of large cells. Consequently, the N and P addition in summer was followed by a significant change in the phytoplankton size structure, since both size-fractions contributed equally to the final Chl a biomass. Within the 5-200 μm algal community, various taxa had diverse responses to the nutrient supply during both seasons, leading to a change in the final community composition. The autotrophic flagellates appeared to grow well under N-deficient conditions. In contrast, diatom growth and biomass were mostly stimulated by the N enrichment while dinoflagellates exhibited the highest increase in their growth and biomass with P fertilisation. Our results suggest that the increasing anthropogenic supply of nutrients in the lagoon may influence algal dynamics as well as productivity in different ways depending on the nutrient composition.  相似文献   

The phytoplankton dynamics of a Chinese integrated fish culture pond in the suburbs of Shanghai were studied in September and October 1989. The chlorophyll a concentration was high with a range of 62.5–127.3 µg l–1; however, daily net production of phytoplankton was relatively low, with a range of 0.53–1.94 gC m –2 d–1. Of the total phytoplankton biomass, 70–87% was composed of nanoplankton (<10 µm) and picoplankton, probably because of the selective feeding by phytoplanktivorous carp. In particular, the chlorophyll a concentration of picoplankton was 2.1 – 14.1 mg m –3, and its contribution to total phytoplankton production rate was high (18–68%).  相似文献   

Typhoons can cause strong disturbance, mixing, and upwelling in the upper layer of the oceans. Rich nutrients from the subsurface layer can be brought to the euphotic layer, which will induce the phytoplankton to breed and grow rapidly. In this paper, we investigate the impact of an intense and fast moving tropical storm, Typhoon Matsa, on phytoplankton chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentration off East China. By using satellite remote sensing data, we analyze the changes of Chl-a concentration, Sea Surface Temperature (SST) and wind speed in the pre- and post-typhoon periods. We also give a preliminary discussion on the different responses of the Chl-a concentration between nearshore and offshore waters. In nearshore/coastal regions where nutrients are generally rich, the Chl-a maximum occurs usually at the surface or at the layer close to the surface. And, in offshore tropical oligotrophic oceans, the subsurface maxima of Chl-a exist usually in the stratified water column. In an offshore area east of Taiwan, the Chl-a concentration rose gradually in about two weeks after the typhoon. However, in a coastal area north of Taiwan high Chl-a concentration decreased sharply before landfall, rebounded quickly to some degree after landfall, and restored gradually to the pre-typhoon level in about two weeks. The Chl-a concentration presented a negative correlation with the wind speed in the nearshore area during the typhoon, which is opposite to the response in the offshore waters. The phenomena may be attributable to onshore advection of low Chl-a water, coastal downwelling and intensified mixing, which together bring pre-typhoon surface Chl-a downward in the coastal area. In the offshore area, the typhoon may trigger increase of Chl-a concentration through uptake of nutrients by typhoon-induced upwelling and entrainment mixing.  相似文献   

The US Antarctic Marine Living Resources (AMLR) program has, since 1990, conducted annual surveys from early January through mid-March in a large sampling grid around Elephant Island, Antarctica. Approximately 100 hydrographic stations were occupied twice during each field season, with physical, chemical, optical, and biological data acquired from the surface to 750 m depth or to within 10 m of the bottom at shallower stations. During these 14 years, most of the stations in pelagic waters to the northwest of Elephant Island had very low chlorophyll-a (Chl-a) concentrations (<0.2 mg m–3) in the upper mixed layer (UML) of ~45 m, but a deep chlorophyll-a maximum (DCM) existed between 50 and 100 m, with a peak at approximately 75 m. This was in contrast to adjacent stations which had higher Chl-a concentrations (approximately 1.0 mg m–3) in the UML and no DCM. We provide evidence that the higher Chl-a concentrations that occur at depths of 50–100 m result from increased photosynthetic activity and not from a passive sinking of cells from the UML or by the intrusion of Chl-a rich coastal waters. Data to support this conclusion include (1) elevated dissolved oxygen concentrations between 50 and 100 m, (2) evidence of active photosynthesis at the depth of the DCM as indicated by increased natural upwelling radiation at 683 nm, and (3) water samples obtained from the DCM at 75 m and incubated under simulated conditions of temperature and light had assimilation numbers of approximately 1.0–1.5 mg carbon fixed per milligram Chl-a per hour. DCMs occur in the same depth range as the temperature minimum layer (TML) (the winter remnant of Antarctic surface water, AASW), which is known to have elevated concentrations of inorganic nutrients essential for growth of phytoplankton. Our data indicate that a DCM develops as a result of (1) depletion of iron (Fe) in the UML with the onset of the summer season, and (2) growth of phytoplankton in the TML where both Fe concentrations and solar irradiance levels are high enough to permit an increase of phytoplankton biomass.  相似文献   

We conducted a 1-year survey in two humic shallow lakes from the floodplain of the Lower Paraná River, Laguna Grande Lake (LGL) and a relictual oxbow lake (ROL). We aimed to test two hypotheses: (1) the efficiency in light use of picoplankton (0.2–3 μm) is greater as light restriction increases and (2) the contribution of picoplankton to the total productivity is higher when the total photosynthetic biomass is lower. We performed PE curves for picoplankton and nano- and microplankton (>3 μm) using the 14C assimilation technique. The light environments of the water bodies differed mainly owing to the development of free floating plants on the surface of the ROL and the dominance of phytoplankton in LGL. Primary productivity patterns in LGL were seasonality driven whilst in the ROL they were related to the coverage of floating macrophytes, which promoted light limitation and a lower productivity. In LGL, nano- and microplankton were in general more productive and the relative contribution of picoplankton to the total phytoplankton production decreased with the increase in total photosynthetic biomass. Hence, our study extends previously observed patterns to subtropical shallow lakes, where seasonality and free floating plants may influence the dynamics of phytoplankton production.  相似文献   

  • 1 Picoplankton community production (0.2–2μm) was investigated over 3 months, June-September 1991, in Llyn Padarn, a mesotrophic upland lake in north Wales.
  • 2 The picoplankton was differentiated into autotrophic algae (<1–3μm) and heterotrophic bacteria (<0.2–1 μm) using differential filtration through a 1 μm pore size Nuclepore filter.
  • 3 Efficient separation of these distinct metabolic constituents of picoplankton was obtained. A good correlation (r= 0.81, P < 0.001) was found between physical separation of bacterial and picoalgal cells from fluorescence microscopy and the distribution of heterotrophic metabolic activity between different cell size fractions measured by uptake of 14C-glucose.
  • 4 Picoplankton community production was differentiated into the ‘absolute’ autotrophic production by picoalgae, corrected for overestimation due to retention of bacteria with the picoalgae, and the heterotrophic component, bacterial uptake of ‘extracellular organic carbon’ (EOC), derived from the entire phytoplankton community.
  • 5 The heterotrophic contribution to picoplankton community production ranged from 88 to 1%, mean value 55% of total. Autotrophic picoplankton production was dominant in June and July, but in August and September heterotrophic uptake of EOC was the major input to picoplankton community production.
  • 6 During the 3 months, the mean contributions to plankton production were autotrophic picoplankton 10.3%, heterotrophic bacterial uptake of EOC 9.7%, EOC in lake water 11.6% and phytoplankton (>3μm) 68.3%.
  • 7 Bacteria accounted for about half the picopfankton community production via uptake of EOC. Thus although autotrophic picoplankton were ubiquitous, it is likely that their contribution via primary production to the carbon balance of planktonic environments has been overestimated in previous studies.

The abundance and relative importance of autotrophic picoplankton were investigated in two lakes of different trophic status. In the eutrophic lake, measurements of primary production were performed on water samples in situ and in a light incubator three times during the day whereas for the oligotrophic lake, only one measurement of primary production was performed on water samples in the incubator. Dark-carbon losses of phytoplankton from Lake Loosdrecht were investigated in time series. Cell numbers of autotrophic picoplankton in eutrophic Lake Loosdrecht (3.2 × 104 cells ml–1) were lower than in meso-oligotrophic Lake Maarsseveen (9.8 and 11.4 × 104 cells ml–1 at the surface and bottom respectively). In the phytoplankton of both lakes the ratio of picoplankton production increased with decreasing light intensity. In Lake Loosdrecht depth-integrated contribution of picoplankton to total photosynthesis was less than 4%. The P-I-relationship showed diurnal variations in light saturated photosynthesis, while light limited carbon uptake remained constant during the day. Dark carbon losses from short-term labelled phytoplankton during the first 12 hours of the night period accounted for 10–25% of material fixed during the preceeding light period.  相似文献   

 Phytoplankton biomass, community structure and productivity of the Great Astrolabe lagoon and surrounding ocean were studied using measurements of chlorophyll concentration and carbon uptake. The contribution of picophytoplankton to biomass, productivity and community structure was estimated by size fractionation, 14C-incubation and flow cytometry analysis. Picoplankton red fluorescence was demonstrated to be a proxy for chlorophyll <3 μm. Consequently, the percentage contribution to chl a<3 μm from each picoplankton group could be calculated using regression estimated values of ψ i (fg chl a per unit of red fluorescence). In the lagoon, average chlorophyll concentration was 0.8 mg m-3 with 45% of phytoplankton <3 μm. Primary production reached 1.3 g C m-2 day-1 with 53% due to phytoplankton <3 μm. Synechococcus was the most abundant group at all stations, followed by Prochlorococcus and picoeukaryotes. At all stations, Prochlorococcus represented less than 4% of the chl a <3 μm, Synechococcus between 85 and 95%, and Picoeukaryotes between 5 and 10%. In the upper 40 m of surrounding oceanic waters, phytoplankton biomass was dominated by the >3 μm size fraction. In deeper water, the <1 μm size fraction dominated. Prochlorococcus was the most abundant picoplankton group and their contributions to the chlorophyll a<3 μm were close to that of the picoeukaryotes (50% each). Accepted: 27 May 1999  相似文献   

The seasonal abundance and composition of photosynthetic picoplankton (0.2-2 μm) was compared among five oligotrophic to mesotrophic lakes in Ontario. Epilimnetic picocyanobacteria abundance followed a similar pattern in all lakes; maximum abundance (2-4 × 105 cells · ml−1) occurred in late summer following a period of rapid, often exponential increase after epilimnetic temperatures reached 20 °C. In half of the lakes picocyanobacteria abundance was significantly correlated with temperature, while in other lakes the presence of a small spring peak resulted in a poor correlation with temperature. In all lakes there was a significant correlation between epilimnetic abundance and day of the year. Correlations with water chemistry parameters (soluble reactive phosphorus, total phosphorus, particulate C: P and C: N) were generally weaker or insignificant. However, in the three lakes with the highest spring nitrate concentrations, a significant negative correlation with nitrate was observed. During summer stratification, picocyanobacteria abundance reached a maximum within the metalimnion and at or above the euphotic zone (1% of incident light) in all lakes. These peaks were not related to nutrient gradients. The average total phytoplankton biomass ranged from 0.5 g m−3 (wet weight) in the most oligotrophic lake to 1.4 g m−3 for the most mesotrophic with picoplankton biomass ranging from 0.01 g m−3 to 0.3 g m−3. Picocyanobacteria biomass comprised 1 to 9 % of total phytoplankton biomass in late summer, but in one year for one lake represented a maximum of 56%. Other photosynthetic picoplankton (unidentified eukaryotes, Chlorella spp. Nannochloris spp.), although less abundant (103 cells · ml−1) than picocyanobacteria, represented biomass equal or greater than that of the picocyanobacteria in spring and early summer. On average, half of the photosynthetic picoplankton biomass was eukaryotic in the more coloured lakes, while in the clear lakes less than 20% was eukaryotic. Among the lakes there was a significant positive correlation between the average light extinction coefficient and the proportion of eukaryotic biomass of the picoplankton. In mesotrophic Jack's Lake, the contribution of picoplankton to the maximum photosynthetic rate ranged from 10 to 47% with the highest values in the spring (47%) and late summer (33%), as a result of eukaryotic picoplankton and picocyanobacteria respectively. Picocyanobacteria cell specific growth rates were high during July (0.6-0.8 day−1) and losses were close to 80% of the growth rate. Thus, despite low biomass, photosynthetic picoplankton populations appeared to turn over rapidly and potentially contributed significantly to planktonic food webs in early spring and late summer.  相似文献   

Nitrogen uptake by net- (15–200 µm), nano- (1–15µm) and picoplankton (<1 µm) was measured overseasonal cycles at two stations with different patterns of biologicaland chemical cycles in the Morlaix Bay (western English Channel).Though assimilable dissolved N nutrient pool at both stationswas nitrate-dominated, characteristics of biomass and N uptakeby netplankton differed from conventional patterns in two respects.In the first, biomass (26–30%) and N uptake (36–43%)were less important than those of nanoplankton. In the second,the netplankton did not show any marked preference for nitrateover ammonium (nitrate to ammonium uptake ratios of 0.98 and1.08). In contrast, nanoplankton had a preference for ammoniumover nitrate (ammonium to nitrate uptake ratios of 2 and 1.2).N uptake by picoplankton was only 8% of total N uptake at bothstations and was supported mainly by regenerated N (66% ammoniumand 17% urea), with nitrate uptake detectable in only one instanceand nitrite uptake in none. Substrate-dependent uptake of ammoniumin all fractions and a higher ammonium uptake in the nanoplanktonfraction in summer at both stations when ambient ammonium concentrationswere high indicated that while nitrate may satisfy a part ofN requirements, availability of ammonium and its flux throughnanoplankton determine the magnitude of total N uptake in thesewaters. Most of the N uptake in picoplankton appears to be autotrophic,suggesting that a substantial part of heterotrophic uptake,if any, could be localized in the fractions >1 µm,and mediated by free-living and particle-bound bacteria.  相似文献   

The spatial distribution of phytoplankton cell abundance, carbon(C) biomass and chlorophyll a (Chl a) concentration was analysedduring three summers (1996, 1997 and 1999) in a seasonal sea-icearea, west of the Antarctic Peninsula. The objective of thestudy was to assess interannual variability in phytoplanktonspatial distribution and the mechanisms that regulate phytoplanktonaccumulation in the water column. Phytoplankton C biomass andChl a distributions were consistent from year to year, exhibitinga negative on/offshore gradient. The variations in C concentrationhad a close and non-linear relationship with the upper mixedlayer depth, suggesting that the vertical mixing of the watercolumn is the main factor regulating phytoplankton stock. Themagnitude of C gradients was 5-fold higher during 1996 thanduring 1997 and 1999. This was ascribed to interannual variationsin the concentration of diatom blooms in the region influencedby sea-ice melting. Vertical distribution of the phytoplankton,as estimated from Chl a profiles, also varied along an on/offshoregradient: Chl a was distributed homogeneously in the upper mixedlayer in coastal and mid-shelf stations and concentrated inthe deep layer (40–100 m) occupied by the winter waters(WW, remnants of the Antarctic surface waters during summer)in more offshore stations. The region with a deep Chl a maximumlayer (DCM layer) was dominated by a phytoplankton assemblagecharacterized by a relatively high concentration of diatoms.The extent of this region varied from year to year: it was restrictedto pelagic waters during 1996, extended to the shelf slope during1997 and occupied a major portion of the area during 1999. Itis hypothesized that iron depletion in near surface waters dueto phytoplankton consumption, and a higher concentration inWW, regulated this vertical phytoplankton distribution pattern.Furthermore, we postulate that year-to-year variations in thespatial distribution of the DCM layer were related to interannualvariations in the timing of the sea-ice retreat. The similaritybetween our results and those reported in literature for otherareas of the Southern Ocean allows us to suggest that the mechanismsproposed here as regulating phytoplankton stock in our areamay be applicable elsewhere.  相似文献   

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