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Population densities ofMeloidogyne konaensis were determined in March and July of 1991 and 1992 on coffee cultivars Guatemalan and 502, and on four rootstocks (Purpuree, Congensis, Deweveri, and Kaffe) with Guatemalan or 502 as a scion. Three-dimensional spatial patterns were characterized on roots of Guatemalan and Deweveri. Population densities differed among rootstocks (P < 0.05) and times (P < 0.01). The greatest number of second-stage juveniles (J2) occurred on Guatemalan and fewest J2 on Purpuree and Deweveri rootstocks. More nematodes were found in March than in July of both years. The spatial distribution varied by positions and depths on Guatemalan. The highest nematode population density occurred at 60 cm from the base of the tree and 15-45 cm deep. Numbers of nematodes were relatively low at all positions and all depths on the Guatemalan-Deweveri combination.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature on embryogenesis and postinfection development in Meloidogyne konaensis were examined. Embryogenesis was evaluated at 5, 8, 10, 13, 16, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 35, and 40 C. No embryonic development occurred at 5 C. Some development, although incomplete, occurred at 8 and 10 C. The rate of embryogenesis was linear from 13 to 30 C, but decreased at 35 C. The lowest egg mortality occurred at 24 C, whereas all eggs died within 24 hours at 40 C. Postinfection development was determined on coffee and tomato in a greenhouse at an average temperature of 30 C and in a growth chamber with a constant temperature of 26 C. Development of M. konaensis J2 to mature female required 38 and 48 days on coffee at 30 and 26 C, respectively. This process took 20 and 26 days, respectively, on tomato.  相似文献   

The continual detection of a slow (I1) esterase band in greenhouse cultures of Meloidogyne konaensis isolated from the field led to a hypothesis that the nematode may be polymorphic for esterase. A survey of coffee fields demonstrated at least four esterase phenotypes were present in Meloidogyne recovered. An F1 phenotype predominated (60% of the females), but an I1 phenotype was also common (30% of samples). A series of greenhouse and laboratory experiments were undertaken to understand this polymorphism. Esterase phenotype was not affected by development at 22º, 25º, or 33 ºC on tomato. Two different esterase phenotypes (I1 and F1-I1) were detected after M. konaensis was grown on tomato for several generations, even in single-egg-mass lines derived from an F1 female. Three isolates of M. konaensis differing in esterase phenotype (F1, I1, and F1-I1) did not differ morphologically but did differ in their parasitic ability. Only the F1 isolate parasitized Coffea arabica. The F1-I1 isolate had greater reproduction on Lycopersicon esculentum and Cucumis sativus than either the I1 or F1 isolate. The mechanism of the development of the polymorphism has yet to be determined. However, the F1 esterase may be useful as a marker for future research on parasitism of coffee by M. konaensis.  相似文献   

Minas Gerais is the major coffee-producing state of Brazil, with 28% of its production coming from the region of Zona da Mata. Four major species of root-knot nematode attacking coffee (Meloidogyne incognita, M. paranaensis, M. coffeicola, and M. exigua) have been reported from Brazil. To determine the variability in Meloidogyne spp. occurring in that region, 57 populations from 20 localities were evaluated for morphological, enzymatic, and physiological characteristics. According to the perineal pattern, all the populations were identified as M. exigua; however populations from the municipality of São João do Manhuaçu exhibited patterns very similar to M. arenaria. The identity of all the populations was confirmed by the phenotypes of esterase, malate dehydrogenase, superoxide dismutase, and glutamate-oxaloacetate transaminase. Thirteen populations (22.8%) showed the typical one-band (E1) esterase phenotype, whereas the others (77.2%) had a novel two-band phenotype (E2). No intraspecies variability was found in any population. All populations were able to reproduce on tomato, pepper, beans, cacao, and soybean. Reproduction was greater on tomato and pepper than on coffee seedlings, the susceptible standard.  相似文献   

A root-knot nematode parasitizing coffee in Paran  State, Brazil, is described as Meloidogyne paranaensis n. sp. The suggested common name is Paraná coffee root-knot nematode. The perineal pattern is similar to that of M. incognita; the labial disc and medial lips of the female are fused and asymmetric and rectangular; the lateral lips are small, triangular, and fused laterally with the head region. The female stylet is 15.0-17.5 μm long, with broad, distinctly set-off knobs; the distance from the dorsal esophageal gland orifice (DGO) to the stylet base is 4.2-5.5 μm. Males have a high, round head cap continuous with the body contour. The labial disc is fused with the medial lips to form an elongate lip structure. The head region is frequently marked by an incomplete annulation. The stylet is robust, 20-27 μm long, usually with round to transversely elongate knobs, sometimes with one or two projections protruding from the shaft. The stylet length of second-stage juveniles is 13-14 μm, the distance of the DGO to the stylet base is 4.0-4.5 μm, and the tail length is 48-51 μm. Biochemically, the esterase (F₁) and malate dehydrogenase (N₁) phenotypes are the most useful characters to differentiate M. paranaensis from other species. However, the esterase phenotype appears similar to that of M. konaensis. Reproduction is by mitotic parthenogenesis, 3n = 50-52. In differential host tests, tobacco, watermelon, and tomato were good hosts, whereas cotton, pepper, and peanut were nonhosts.  相似文献   

Seven-day-old seedlings of two cultivars (Cristalina and UFV ITM1) of Glycine max were inoculated with 0, 3,000, 9,000, or 27,000 eggs of Meloidogyne incognita race 3 or M. javanica and maintained in a greenhouse. Thirty days later, plants were exposed to ¹⁴CO₂ for 4 hours. Twenty hours after ¹⁴CO₂ exposure, the root fresh weight, leaf dry weight, nematode eggs per gram of root, total and specific radioactivity of carbohydrates in roots, and root carbohydrate content were evaluated. Meloidogyne javanica produced more eggs than M. incognita on both varieties. A general increase in root weight and a decrease in leaf weight with increased inoculum levels were observed. Gall tissue appeared to account for most of the root mass increase in seedlings infected with M. javanica. For both nematodes there was an increase of total radioactivity in the root system with increased levels of nematodes, and this was positively related to the number of eggs per gram fresh weight and to the root fresh weight, but negatively related to leaf dry weight. In most cases, specific radioactivities of sucrose and reducing sugars were also increased with increased inoculum levels. Highest specific radioactivities were observed with reducing sugars. Although significant changes were not observed in endogenous levels of carbohydrates, sucrose content was higher than reducing sugars. The data show that nematodes are strong metabolic sinks and significantly change the carbon distribution pattern in infected soybean plants. Carbon partitioning in plants infected with nematodes may vary with the nematode genotype.  相似文献   

Phaseolus vulgaris plants, 3, 8, 11, and 13 days old, were inoculated with 0, 2,000, 4,000, or 8,000 second-stage Meloidogyne incognita larvae and maintained under controlled conditions. The photosynthetic rate and the shoot and root concentration of K, Ca, Mn, Fe, Cu, and Zn were determined by destructive assay at 1-27-day intervals and by nondestructive assay of leaves, stems, and roots at 27 or 28 days after inoculation. In the destructive assay, the concentration of the elements in the plant tissues did not change until 1 week after inoculation. Thereafter, the trend was mostly decreasing for shoot K and Fe and increasing in the root, whereas Ca had the opposite trend in the shoots. Manganese, Cu, and Fe showed variable trends. Generally, the concentration of K and Mn increased, whereas Ca and Fe decreased, with duration of infection in all treatments. Zinc and Cu decreased in the highest nematode treatments. The overall elemental content generally decreased with level of infection from 1 week after inoculation. Photosynthetic rate based on shoot K concentration significantly decreased with level of infection. In most of the nondestructive assays, the concentrations of shoot K, Zn, and Mn decreased, whereas Ca increased with increasing nematode treatment. One of the first effects of the nematode on host physiology appears to be a change in concentration of nutrient elements in the host plant.  相似文献   

Egg hatch of Meloidogyne exigua was significantly inhibited in 14 days pretreatment with aldicarb, ethoprop, or carbofnran at concentrations higher than 0.1 μg/ml; these eggs were found to delay hatch in 19 days posttreatment in ethoprop. Aldicarb and carbofuran solutions at concentrations greater than 0.1 μg/ml significantly decreased the motility and the life span of the second-stage juveniles; aldicarb was more toxic than carbofuran to the nematode. In a field test, aldicarb (Temik 10G), ethoprop (Mocap 10G), and carbofuran (Furadan 5G and Furadan Liquid 350F) significantly decreased M. exigua populations.  相似文献   

The effects of different-colored polyethylene mulches on the quantity and spectra of reflected light, earliness of fruit set, fruit yield and quality, and root-knot disease were studied in field-grown, staked tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum). White mulch reflected more photosynthetic light and a lower far-red-to-red ratio than red mulch, whereas black mulch reflected less than 5 percent of any color. Soil temperatures and fruit yields were recorded for tomato plants inoculated with Meloidogyne incognita race 3 at initial populations of 0, 1,000, 10,000, 50,000, or 100,000 eggs/plant and grown over black, white, or red plastic mulch in both spring and fall. Soil temperatures were lower under white mulch than under red or black mulch. Tomato yields declined as inoculum level increased. Plants grown over red mulch in the spring and inoculated with 50,000 eggs of M. incognita had greater early marketable yields than similarly inoculated plants grown over black or white mulch. Tomato plants inoculated with 100,000 eggs and grown over white mulch or red mulch in the spring had greater total yields per plot than similar plants grown over black mulch (7.39 kg and 7.71 kg vs. 3.65 kg, respectively).  相似文献   

An unusual population of Meloidogyne hapla, earlier thought to be an undescribed species, was found causing large galls, without adventitious roots, and substantial damage to coffee in Maui, Hawaii. Only in Brazil had similar damage to coffee been reported by this species. Unlike M. exigua from South and Central America, this population reproduced well on coffee cv. Mokka and M. incognita-susceptible tomato but poorly on tomato with the Mi resistance gene. Characterization included SEM images, esterase isozymes, and five DNA sequences: i) the D3 segment of the large subunit (LSU-D3 or 28S) rDNA, ii) internal transcribed spacer (ITS-1) rDNA, iii) intergenic spacer (IGS) rDNA, iv) the mitochondrial interval from cytochrome oxidase (CO II) to 16S mtDNA, and v) the nuclear gene Hsp90. Sequences for ITS-1, IGS, and COII were similar to other M. hapla populations, but within species ITS-1 variability was not less than among species. One LSU-D3 haplotype was similar to a previously analyzed population with two minor haplotypes. Hsp90 exhibited some variation between Maryland and Hawaiian populations distinct from other species. Females were narrow with wide vulval slits, large interphasmidial distances, and more posterior excretory pores; 20% of perineal patterns had atypical perivulval lines. Males had a low b ratio (<12 µm). Juveniles had a short distance between stylet and dorsal gland orifice. Juvenile body length was short (<355 µm) and was different between summer and winter populations.  相似文献   

Resistant plant introductions, PI 230977 and PI 200538, and partially resistant Jackson and susceptible CNS were evaluated for seed yield in response to races 1 and 2 of Meloidogyne arenaria. Initial soil population densities (Pi) of the nematode were 0, 31, 125, and 500 eggs/100 cm³ soil. At the highest Pi, yield suppressions of CNS, Jackson, PI 230977, and PI 200538 were 55, 28, 31, and 29%, and 99, 86, 66, and 58% for races 1 and 2 compared with uninfested controls. Numbers of second-stage juveniles (J2) present in roots 14 days after planting increased as Pi increased, but did not differ between the two races. At the highest Pi, fewer race 1 (40-57%) and race 2 (53-68%) J2 were present in roots of the plant introductions than in roots of Jackson. Soil population densities of race 1 J2 at 135 days after planting were 83-89% lower on the resistant genotypes than on CNS. These numbers did not differ for race 2. Reproductive factors were considerably higher for race 2 compared to race 1 for all genotype by Pi combinations, except for CNS at the highest Pi.  相似文献   

Pathogenicity of Meloidogyne hapla to lettuce was influenced by inoculum level, age of plant at inoculation and temperature. Top weight of ''Minetto'' lettuce was reduced 32% when 2-week-old lettuce plants were each inoculated with five egg masses. Higher inoculum levels did not further decrease top weight significantly. Inoculation at seeding reduced top growth more than inoculation of 1-, 2- or 3-week-old seedlings. M. hapla reduced growth more at the intermediate (21.1 C night and 26.7 C day), than at the low (15.5 C night and 21.1 C day) or high (26.7 C night and 32.2 C day), temperature regimes.  相似文献   

Pre-plant soil fumigation with methyl bromide and host resistance were compared for managing the southern root-knot nematode (Meloidogyne incognita) in pepper. Three pepper cultivars (Carolina Cayenne, Keystone Resistant Giant, and California Wonder) that differed in resistance to M. incognita were grown in field plots that had been fumigated with methyl bromide (98% CH₃Br : 2% CCl₃NO₂ [w/w]) before planting or left untreated. Carolina Cayenne is a well-adapted cayenne-type pepper that is highly resistant to M. incognita. The bell-type peppers Keystone Resistant Giant and California Wonder are intermediate to susceptible and susceptible, respectively. None of the cultivars exhibited root galling in the methyl bromide fumigated plots and nematode reproduction was minimal (<250 eggs/g fresh root), indicating that the fumigation treatment was highly effective in controlling M. incognita. Root galling of Carolina Cayenne and nematode reproduction were minimal, and fruit yields were not reduced in the untreated plots. The root-galling reaction for Keystone Resistant Giant was intermediate (gall index = 2.9, on a scale of 1 to 5), and nematode reproduction was moderately high. However, yields of Keystone Resistant Giant were not reduced in untreated plots. Root galling was severe (gall index = 4.3) on susceptible California Wonder, nematode reproduction was high, and fruit yields were reduced (P ≤ 0.05) in untreated plots. The resistance exhibited by Carolina Cayenne and Keystone Resistant Giant provides an alternative to methyl bromide for reducing yield losses by southern root-knot nematodes in pepper. The high level of resistance of Carolina Cayenne also suppresses population densities of M. incognita.  相似文献   

The overwintering of Meloidogyne incognita in and around Vitis vinifera cv. French Colombard roots was studied in a naturally infested vineyard at the Kearney Agricultural Center, in a growth chamber, in inoculated vines in microplots at the University of California, Davis, and in a greenhouse. Infected roots were sampled at intervals from onset of vine dormancy until plants accumulated about 800 degree days (DD - base 10 C). Embryogenesis within eggs, classified as less than or more than 16 cells and fully differentiated, and numbers of juveniles (second to fourth stage) and preovipositional and mature (egg-laying) adult stages in roots were determined. All stages were present at the onset of dormancy. Juveniles and immature females were not recovered during the dormant period. Mature females and eggs were always present in roots, although the number of mature females generally decreased with time after onset of dormancy. In contrast, in a greenhouse experiment that accumulated comparable DD without the host plant going through dormancy, the number of mature females increased. After bud break, the number of eggs per female increased and all nematode stages were found in host roots. Eggs in all stages of embryogenesis were observed at all times of sampling, indicating that females overwinter and are capable of laying eggs when conditions improve in the spring and need to be considered in nematode management decisions.  相似文献   

The southern root-knot nematode, Meloidogyne incognita, is the most damaging pathogen of cotton in the United States, and both resistance and tolerance to M. incognita could be valuable management approaches. Our objectives were to evaluate advanced cotton breeding lines for resistance and tolerance to M. incognita and to determine if a relationship between resistance and tolerance exists. Reproduction of M. incognita was evaluated on 17 breeding lines, a susceptible control (Delta and Pine Land DP5415), and a resistant control (M-120) in two greenhouse trials with six replications in a randomized complete block design. Two-week-old seedlings were inoculated with 8,000 M. incognita eggs and assessed for egg production 8 weeks later. Reproduction on the resistant control was only 10% of that on the susceptible control. Eight breeding lines supported 45% to 57% less (P <= 0.05) nematode reproduction than the susceptible control, and none of them were as resistant as M-120. Yield was determined in 2001 and 2002 in fumigated (1,3-dichloropropene at 56 liters/ha) and nonfumigated plots in a strip-plot design with three replications in a field naturally infested with M. incognita. Yield suppression caused by nematode infection differed among genotypes (P ≤ 0.05 for genotype × fumigation interaction). Six genotypes in 2001 and nine in 2002 were tolerant to M. incognita based on no difference in yield between the fumigated and nonfumigated plots (P ≥ 0.10). However, only three genotypes had no significant yield suppression in both years, of which two also were resistant to M. incognita. Regression analysis indicated that yield suppression decreased linearly as nematode resistance increased.  相似文献   

Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 1 reproduced on Piper sudangrass (Sorghum bicolor (L.) Moench), 332 (sudangrass hybrid), and P855F and P877F (sorghum-sudangrass hybrids), but failed to reproduce efficiently on Trudan 8, Trudex 9 (sudangrass hybrids), and Sordan 79, SS-222, and Bravo II (sorghum-sudangrass hybrids). Meloidogyne chitwoodi race 2 behaved similarly and reproduced more efficiently on Piper, P855F, and P877F than on Trudan 8, Trudex 9, or Sordan 79. The mean reproductive factor for M. chitwoodi races on the poorer hosts ranged from <0.1 to 0.9 under greenhouse and field conditions. Meloidogyne hapla failed to reproduce on any of the cultivars tested. In the laboratory, leaves of each cultivar chopped and incorporated as green manure reduced the M. chitwoodi population in infested soil more than unamended or wheat green manure treatments. Trudan 8, although limited to the zone of incorporation, protected this zone from colonization of upward migrating second stage juveniles (J2) for up to 6 weeks. Leaves of Trudan 8 but not roots were effective against M. chitwoodi, and J2 appeared to be more sensitive than egg masses. Trudan 8 and Sordan 79 as green manure reduced M. chitwoodi in bucket microplots under field conditions.  相似文献   

Root zones of grape (Fitis vinifera cv Thompson Seedless) cuttings were infested with chlamydospores of Glomus fasciculatus or eggs of Meloidogyne arenaria or both. Growth of grapevines was greatest in mycorrhizal (G. fasciculatus) plants. Mycorrhizal development and growth of mycorrhizal and nonmycorrhizal plants were reduced in the presence of M. arenaria. At low initial nematode inoculum (PI) levels (approx. 200 eggs/plant), the presence of mycorrhizae enhanced plant growth during 1 yr, but no significant benefit was achieved by mycorrhizae where PI was high (approx. 2,000 eggs/plant). Final nematode populations were highest in mycorrhizal plants.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to examine under differing temperatures (12, 16, 20, 24, 28, and 32 C) the penetration anti development of Meloidogyne hapla in resistant lines ''298'' and ''Nev. Syn XX'', and susceptible ''Lahontan'' and ''Ranger'' hardy-type alfalfas. The results indicated that resistance to M. hapla was similar to that previously described for M. incognita in nonhardy alfalfa. Although initial penetration in resistant seedlings was similar to that of susceptible seedlings, nematode larvae failed to establish and develop in root tissues and nematode numbers subsequently declined. In susceptible seedlings, nematode development proceeded rapidly, and egg production began after 5 weeks. Temperature had little influence on the nematode development except to slow the response at the lower temperatures. Other studies were conducted to verify a previously reported immune (no penetration) reaction to M. hapla by the ''Vernal'' selection ''M-4''. When compared to the resistant (penetration without nematode development) Vernal selection ''M-9'' under differing temperatures (20, 24, 28, and 32 C), each selection was equally penetrated by M. hapla but at a lower level than in susceptible Ranger cuttings. Generally, no root galling was observed in either M-4 or M-9; however, very slight galling was found 35 days after inoculation on about 50% of these cuttings when grown at 32 C.  相似文献   

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