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In a cladistic analysis of Recent seed plants, Loconte and Stevenson (1990) obtained results that conflict with our 1986 analysis of both extant and fossil groups and argued that fossil data had led us to incorrect conclusions. To explore this result and the general influence of fossils on phylogeny reconstruction, we assembled new “Recent” and “Complete” (extant plus fossil) data sets incorporating new data, advances in treatment of characters, and those changes of Loconte and Stevenson that we consider valid. Our Recent analysis yields only one most parsimonious tree, that of Loconte and Stevenson, in which conifers are linked with Gnetales and angiosperms (anthophytes), rather than with Ginkgo, as in our earlier Recent and Complete analyses. However, the shortest trees derived from our Complete analysis show five arrangements of extant groups, including that of Loconte and Stevenson and our previous arrangements, suggesting that the result obtained from extant taxa alone may be misleading. This increased ambiguity occurs because features that appear to unite extant conifers and anthophytes are seen as convergences when fossil taxa are interpolated between them. All trees found in the Complete analysis lead to inferences on character evolution that conflict with those that would be drawn from Recent taxa alone (e.g., origin of anthophytes from plants with a “seed fern” morphology). These results imply that conclusions on many aspects of seed plant phylogeny are premature; new evidence, which is most likely to come from the fossil record, is needed to resolve the uncertainties.  相似文献   

Fifty-two taxa of living and extinct vascular plants were evaluated in an unconstrained numerical cladistic analysis using 101 morphological characters to simultaneously resolve the phylogenetic relationships of ferns sensu lato. Included in the analysis were ferns assignable to the Cladoxylales, Stauropteridales, Rhacophytales, Zygopteridales, Ophioglossales, Marattiales, Filicales, and Hydropteridales, as well as a rhyniophyte, a trimerophyte, equisetophytes, lignophytes, and the psilotophytesPsilotum andTmesipteris. The results placed ferns and fernlike plants in three distinct clades, indicating that ferns s.l. are a polyphyletic grade group. Fern clades consist of extinct stauropterids; extinct cladoxylaleans, rhacophytaleans, and zygopteridaleans; and eusporangiates and leptosporangiates with living and extinct species. Psilotophytes occur near the base of the tree rather than nesting with the Filicales, as hypothesized by some. These results place Ophioglossales as the sister group to Marattiales plus the leptosporangiates, supporting the hypothesis that Ophioglossales represent ferns rather than progymnosperms. These analyses are a first attempt, which includes extinct plants, to develop cladistic hypotheses for the overall topology of fern phylogeny and to lay the groundwork for more detailed analyses of relationships among the homosporous leptosporangiates.  相似文献   

Recently, two squirrel species (Spermophilus spp.) were discovered to anoint their bodies with rattlesnake scent as a means of concealing their odour from these chemosensory predators. In this study, we tested multiple species with predator scents (rattlesnake and weasel) to determine the prevalence of scent application across the squirrel phylogeny. We reconstructed the evolutionary history of the behaviour using a phylogenetic analysis and fossil records of historic predator co‐occurrence. Squirrels with historical and current rattlesnake co‐occurrence all applied rattlesnake scent, whereas no relationship existed between weasel scent application and either weasel or rattlesnake co‐occurrence. This was surprising because experimental tests confirmed rattlesnake and weasel scent were both effective at masking prey odour from hunting rattlesnakes (the primary predator of squirrels). Ancestral reconstructions and fossil data suggest predator scent application in squirrels is ancient in origin, arising before co‐occurrences with rattlesnakes or weasels in response to some other, now extinct, chemosensory predator.  相似文献   

It is proposed that any future revision of the International Stratigraphic Guide should explicitly approve the use of characteristic faunal and floral assemblages in the definition of lithostratigraphical units, providing that the fossils are readily observable and identifiable in the field and assist in the mapping of the rocks.  相似文献   

Jessen, H. L.: Schultergürtel und Pectoralflosse hci Actinopterygiern. [Shoulder girdle and pectoral fin in actinopterygians.] Fossils and Strata , Number 1, pp. 1–101, Pls. 1–25. Oslo, 5th May 1972.
The anatomy of the shoulder girdle and pectoral fin is investigated in adults and larvae of Asperser, Amia, Lepisosteus, Elops, Salmo , and Polypterus . In comparison with similar structures in other gnathostomian fishes these studies yielded certain conclusions as concerns the interrelationships of the recent actinopterygian groups and the affinities of the hrachiopterygians, the latter by this evidence belonging to an evolutionary line of their own. With regard to actinopterygian phylogeny, a comparison with the shoulder girdle and pectoral fin in fossil forms, including Chondrosteus, Moythomoasia, Palaeoniscus, Pteronisculus, Pachycormus, Catarus, Hypsocormus , and Birzeria , shows that teleosteans presumably are closer to chondrosteans than holosteans, and that holosteans seem to have branched off comparatively early from the actinopterygian stem.  相似文献   

Eldredge, N. & Stanley, S. M. (eds.) 1984: Living Fossils. (Casehooks in Earth Sciences; series Editor R. N. Ginsburg.)  相似文献   

In the Miocene Belait formation of northern Sarawak, Brunei and Sabah burrows ofOphiomorpha Lundgren were found, described here asOphiomorpha borneensis n. ichnosp. A few associated spiral tunnels of theXenohelix-type were also found. Two species ofHäntzschelinia Vialov occurred on Labuan Island. A third type of structure was found in Brunei and it probably represents castings of an unknown lamellibranch. The burrows and castings were made in a brackish water environment, probably in the littoral zone of an embayment or delta.  相似文献   

SYNOPSIS. Paleontology and the fossil record contribute an historicalperspective on the form-function relationship that is essentialto an understanding of the particular range of biological formsand functions that exist in the living world. The record containsrich evidence of forms and functions that do not exist in themodern world and provides a context for exploring arenas oftheoretical possibility and impossibility for organisms. Althoughthe basic data of the fossil record are static forms and patternsin the rocks, paleontologists have developed methods of inferringfunction. Analogy is the most important source of hypothesesfor the function of extinct organisms and enigmatic structures.Paleontological analogy frequently extends beyond biologicalform and structure to engineering solutions in familiar simplemachines and a variety of other human artifacts. Three tools have proved especially useful in the analysis andinterpretation of form in fossils. The paradigm method is auseful procedure for rigorous evaluation of alternative functionalpossibilities for enigmatic structures in a predominantly adaptivecontext. Constructional morphology reaches beyond the adaptivecontext to provide a conceptual framework for understandingthe full range of factors that contribute to organic form. Theoreticalmorphology provides the basis for examining the range of formsand functions that have actually evolved against possible morphologicaland functional space. This essay is structured to provide applicationsof these paleontological tools and to encourage incorporationof paleontological data and perspective into instruction inintroductory biology courses.  相似文献   

Polychaete shell-borings are widespread but not often commonin Paleozoic strata of most continents, occurring in pelecypod,gastropod, cephalopod, coral, stromatoporoid, crinoid, brachiopod,ectoproct, and calcareous algal skeletons of Ordovician to Permianage. Four genera are known: Vermiforichnus (Spionidae), Ordovicianto Permian; Caulostrepsis (Spionidae) , Devonian to Oligocene;Myzoslomites (Myzostomidae), Ordovician to Jurassic: and possiblyConchotrema, Devonian to Permian. The Silurian Citonia siphois a worm-boring, not a calcareous worm tube, referable to Vermiforichnus. An exceedingly well preserved Devonian fossilized polychaete,Vermiforafacta rollhisi, with complex setigerous parapodia,dorsal cirri, peristomial cirri, prostomium, and tentacle-likepalps, occurs entombed in an agglutinated tube-lined worm-boring(Vermiforichnus) . It may have been a shell-borer consideringits many similarities to the spionid, Polydora, which apparentlyecologically replaced it. Like Polydora, Vermiforafacta probably filtered food and sedimentfrom sea water and constructed agglutinated tubes which linedits borings. In bivalves, borings parallel valves and are usuallyperpendicular to commissures; in massive skeletons, they radiateoutward and laterally. Distorted later growth and "blisters"indicate that the host was often alive. Commensal to pathogenicparasitism existed and worms benefited from their hosts's feedingcurrents and protective shells. One polychaete nestler is reported.Life positions of hosts are sometimes indicated.  相似文献   

寇瑾  白学良  冯超  福英  张乐 《西北植物学报》2012,32(12):2570-2578
苔藓植物化石为探索植物界物种进化发展和重建古气候环境提供了重要的科学基础。该文通过大量的化石资料,结合当今前沿科学技术和热点问题,从苔藓植物起源分化及物种多样性分布、形态表现及分子进化及古气候环境的重建等方面对该领域的研究成果进行了综述和总结。(1)苔藓植物起源于早古生代的赤道低纬度区,至少在奥陶纪时期就有了苔类与藓类的分化;其物种多样性总体上呈增加趋势,并具有低纬度区物种多样性高的特点,但个别地质年代苔类与藓类的物种多样性具有明显差异,凸显了二者对气候环境的敏感程度不同。(2)苔藓植物具有缓慢的形态和分子进化,其中苔类的进化速率相对较快。(3)对于显生宙古气候环境的变迁及重建,苔藓植物化石自身的形态特征、孢粉学和古分子化石的分析、以及碳和氧同位素的测量均提供了重要的科学依据。针对苔藓植物化石研究中存在的问题,作者提出了自己的观点。  相似文献   

Tectonic displacement and small-scale tsunamis apparently affected deposition of the Kolymbia limestone, Cape Vagia, Rhodes, Eastern Mediterranean. Coarse beds interrupt the sequential build-up of this Pliocene–Pleistocene bryomol limestone. Celleporid bryozoans, bivalves, and brachiopods dominate these beds. The palaeoecology of the thicket-forming Celleporaria palmata is re-evaluated and subsequently revised. The limestone comprises two parasequences in a transgressive systems tract, and deposition occurred at palaeodepths between 30 and 120 m. At intervals, tectonic movements lowered relative sea level and sent slumps of shallow-water fauna downslope. The depositional history was validated using independent sets of data: sediment structure and grain size, palaeobathymetry using bryozoan growth forms and occurrences of modern representatives of bryozoans and other taxa, basin configuration, and regional tectonics. Concordance of these lines of evidence provides a means of evaluating confidence in palaeoenvironmental inferences.  相似文献   

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