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The numbers of antigen-reactive antibody-secreting cells, levels of parasite antigen-specific serum antibodies and numbers of red blood cells staining positive for surface immunoglobulin were determined for susceptible and resistant mouse strains following infection with Plasmodium yoelii 17x. As a control, these parameters also were measured using antigen prepared from normal red blood cells. The relatively susceptible C57BL/6 mice produced more antigen-specific antibody-secreting cells and had higher levels of immunoglobulin positive red blood cells than did DBA/2 mice, but the DBA/2 mice had more antigen-specific IgG in their sera. Both mouse strains possessed cells secreting antibody reactive with soluble normal red blood cell antigen; however, C57BL/6 mice had more IgG positive unparasitized RBC than did DBA/2 mice. Despite possessing fewer antibody positive normal RBC, DBA/2 mice had significantly higher levels of serum antibodies that reacted with soluble red blood cell antigen. These data indicate that levels of serum antibody may not reflect the amounts of antibody produced and that use of any single assay to assess the magnitude of the antibody response may give rise to misleading results.  相似文献   

The outcome of Trypanosoma cruzi infection in inbred strains of mice is under genetic control. The lymphocyte responses to T-cell mitogens and their regulation were investigated in strains of mice resistant or susceptible to T. cruzi. Six to eight days after the inoculation of T. cruzi, resistant and susceptible mice had depressed responses to T-cell mitogens. In resistant B6 mice, suppression was maximal 18 days after infection and it persisted for at least 320 days. The duration of immunosuppression correlated with the persistence of a subpatent parasitemia. In cell mixing experiments, it was determined that the concanavalin A (Con A) responses in the resistant B6 and B6C3F1 mouse strains were suppressed by highly active T-suppressor cells. In the susceptible C3H mice, intense suppression of the Con A responses was detected 14 days after inoculation of T. cruzi. Nevertheless, only weak suppressor cell activity was detected in the infected C3H mice, and suppression was not abrogated by passage through a nylon wool column nor by treatment with antitheta antibodies and complement. Thus, it was suggested that, during the course of infection with T. cruzi, splenic T cells from C3H mice acquired a block in the metabolic pathway for cellular activation by Con A. The influences of T. cruzi epimastigotes on the Con A responses of spleen cells from uninfected mice were then studied. The Con A responses of spleen cells from C3H mice were depressed in the presence of epimastigotes, whereas they were either unaffected or enhanced in spleen cells from B6 mice. Hence, the immunoregulatory events provoked by T. cruzi infection differed in genetically resistant and susceptible mice, and lymphocytes from C3H mice were predisposed to a parasite-induced block in the responses to Con A. Thus, the gene(s) determining the outcome of infection with T. cruzi may be phenotypically expressed through an influence on immunoregulatory events.  相似文献   

The effect of selection for methidathion resistance on fitness components of aP. persimilis strain was analysed by different means. The resistant strain was compared with the susceptible one from which it was selected. The life history and some parameters essential to the successful use of this species in biological control (voracity, resistance to starvation and drought) were analysed. Methidathion resistance was followed for 6 months under rearing conditions free of insecticide in the resistant and in a mixed strain. The investigations showed that the fitness of resistant mites did not seem altered by methidathion selection. It thus appears possible to increase pesticide resistance in beneficial arthropods without adversely affecting their main fitness components.  相似文献   

A congenic strain of C3HSS mice, which is histocompatible with C3H mice but differs from them in susceptibility to mouse hepatitis virus (MHV), has been developed by introducing the gene for susceptibility to the MHV-PRI virus from the PRI mice. This was accomplished by continual back-crossing of the hybrids to the C3H mice, but at the same time by selection of susceptibility by use of macrophage culture tests. After 20 back-crosses, a strain homozygous for susceptibility was produced by brother-sister mating of individual mice whose potential for carrying the recessive gene for resistance was tested in progeny. Since the original choice of mice for breeding was based on in vitro macrophage susceptibility, and since highly susceptible mice were developed on the same basis, it seems evident that macrophage susceptibility is an integral aspect of mouse susceptibility. The continued production of almost 50% susceptible mice in the back-crosses is further evidence of the dominant one-locus explanation of genetic susceptibility to this agent. Incomplete penetrance may also be present in 8 and 9 week old mice of the C3HSS strain since there was a sharp decrease in susceptibility of these mice even though their macrophages in culture maintained full susceptibility.  相似文献   

Natural resistance to the growth of Leishmania donovani in mice is controlled by a gene (Lsh) which is expressed, in an unknown fashion, in macrophages. Early net growth rate of the parasite is much higher in mice strains bearing the susceptible allele (Lshs) than in resistant (Lshr) mice. Intracellular events occurring in the Kupffer cells during this period have been studied at the ultrastructural level. It was found that the number of dividing amastigotes per thin section of infected cell was approximately 10-fold greater in susceptible (B10.A SgSn) than in resistant (A/J) strains of mice, both 7 and 14 days following infection. These findings support the hypothesis that high natural resistance to leishmaniasis (Lshr) is expressed as a microbistatic effect, exerted within the parasitized macrophage of the host.  相似文献   

Cytokines and chemokines play an important role in the first line of defence against viral infections. Moreover, these groups of proteins also contribute significantly to regulation of the acquired immune response. Therefore, knowledge of the expression of cytokines, chemokines and factors involved in their action may provide information about the immune reaction responsible for elimination of viral infections and for immune-mediated pathology. Using cDNA arrays, we have evaluated the expression of cytokines and genes related to cytokine function in resting murine peritoneal cells and in inflammatory macrophages infected with Herpes simplex virus (HSV)-1 and -2. To allow comparison, the experiments were performed using both the resistant mouse strain C57BL/6 and the susceptible strain BALB/c. The work identified a group of genes that is differentially expressed during HSV infection of cells from the two strains. Another group of genes was affected by HSV-1 but not HSV-2 infection and vice versa. Further analysis of these genes may provide new information about host defense against viral infections and could also lead to identification of the molecular basis for the pathological differences between infections with HSV-1 and -2.  相似文献   

T Itoh  M Saitoh  H Iwai 《Jikken dobutsu》1989,38(3):269-273
Susceptibility of inbred mouse strains to Sendai virus (Mol strain) infection was studied. Although some mouse strains showed age differences in susceptibility between 3-to 4-week-old and 7-to 8-week-old mice, such age differences in susceptibility were not observed in susceptible DBA/2N and resistant BALB/cA mice. In 7-to 8-week-old mice, remarkable strain differences were observed in mortality and intensity of the lung lesions, but not in lung virus titers and serum antibody, between resistant BALB/cA and susceptible DBA/2N mice.  相似文献   

Inbred mouse strains exhibit differences in susceptibility to influenza A infections. However, the molecular mechanisms underlying these differences are unknown. Therefore, we infected a highly susceptible mouse strain (DBA/2J) and a resistant strain (C57BL/6J) with influenza A H1N1 (PR8) and performed genome-wide expression analysis. We found genes expressed in lung epithelium that were specifically down-regulated in DBA/2J mice, whereas a cluster of genes on chromosome 3 was only down-regulated in C57BL/6J. In both mouse strains, chemokines, cytokines and interferon-response genes were up-regulated, indicating that the main innate immune defense pathways were activated. However, many immune response genes were up-regulated in DBA/2J much stronger than in C57BL/6J, and several immune response genes were exclusively regulated in DBA/2J. Thus, susceptible DBA/2J mice showed a hyper-inflammatory response. This response is similar to infections with highly pathogenic influenza virus and may serve as a paradigm for a hyper-inflammatory host response to influenza A virus.  相似文献   

The Ag-presentation ability of Bcgr and Bcgs spleen cells was studied in two sets of Bcg-congenic systems; namely, the BALB/c-BALB/c.Bcgr pair and the B10.A-B10.A-Bcgr pair, by using three sonicated soluble bacterial Ag (mycobacterium bovis bacillus Calmette-Guérin, Salmonella typhimurium, and Brucella abortus) as well as a particulate Ag (heat-killed Escherichia coli). Pulsed Bcgr spleen cells were shown to induce a stronger proliferation of the T cell-indicator system than their Bcgs counterparts. No difference in Ag-presenting ability could be shown between Bcgr and Bcgs peritoneal macrophages from normal animals. However, elicited peritoneal macrophages from immune Bcgr mice were superior in their Ag-presentation ability. Differences at the level of Ag presentation of Bcgr and Bcgs splenic cells were investigated further. Depletion of T cells and B cells did not alter the differences in Ag-presenting ability between Bcgr and Bcgs spleen cells. Furthermore, splenic dendritic cells of Bcgr or Bcgs allelic types were equally efficient in presenting bacillus Calmette-Guérin Ag to accessory cell-depleted T cells. In a final experiment, it was shown that spleen macrophages were the cell type involved in the superior Ag presentation by Bcgr splenic cells.  相似文献   

Litomosoides sigmodontis in the BALB/c mouse is the only model of filariasis which allows the observation of the complete development in an immunocompetent mouse. In this study, we injected microfilariae (mf) intravenously, as well as into the pleural cavity, the site of natural release of mf from adult female worms, and followed the kinetics of elimination within the host. In susceptible BALB/c mice, mf circulated at high levels in the blood. In contrast, in C57BL/6 mice, which are refractory to full development, mf were eliminated rapidly from the peripheral blood. However, 6 days after intrapleural injection, viable larvae could be found in the pleural cavity and lung capillaries of both susceptible and resistant strains. The numbers of mf in the pleural cavity and lung capillaries in individual mice were significantly correlated, but not dependent on strain or peripheral microfilaraemia. Thus, although C57BL/6 mice showed enhanced production of nitric oxide by pleural exudate cells and a faster change in the numbers of circulating leukocytes after injection, rapid killing of mf by cell or nitric oxide-mediated mechanisms were not the reason for the different outcome. Furthermore, 3 h after iv injection, only a small percentage of mf could be recovered from the peripheral circulation, indicating the presence of a reservoir for mf containment. In conclusion, injected mf showed disparate dynamics of persistence within susceptible and resistant hosts, which is similar to the disparate outcome of natural infections with L. sigmodontis. This difference became obvious within 1 day after injection. The lung capillary system plays obviously a crucial part in regulation of microfilaremia. Our model also provides a possible means to explain frequent cases of occult infections in human filariasis.  相似文献   

The underlying mechanism of predisposition to Ascaris infection is not yet understood but host genetics are thought to play a fundamental role. We investigated the association between the Intelectin-2 gene and resistance in F2 mice derived from mouse strains known to be susceptible and resistant to infection. Ascaris larvae were isolated from murine lungs and the number of copies of the Intelectin-2 gene was determined in F2 mice. Intelectin-2 gene copy number was not significantly linked to larval burden. In a pilot experiment, the response to infection in parental mice of both sexes was observed in order to address the suitability of female F2 mice. No overall significant sex effect was detected. However, a divergence in resistance/susceptibility status was observed between male and, female hybrid offspring. The responsiveness to Ascaris in mice is likely to be controlled by multiple genes and, despite a unique absence from the susceptible C57BL/6j strain, the Intelectin-2 gene does not play a significant role in resistance. The observed intra-strain variation in larval burden requires further investigation but we hypothesize that it stems from social/dominance hierarchies created by the presence of female mice and possibly subsequent hormonal perturbations that modify the intensity of the immune response.  相似文献   

Median threshold responses of dieldrin-treated susceptible and resistant houseflies to sucrose solutions were compared to determine the exent of functional derangement produced by the toxicant in the central nervous system. ED50 values of sucrose were lowered below the level exhibited by untreated flies. The size of this effect depends on dose and length of exposure. The overall patterns of dieldrin-induced alterations in chemosensitivity were similar in the two strains except for the difference in the doses of the insecticide required to produce these changes. This difference in doses corresponded well with the difference in the susceptibility levels of the two strains to dieldrin. Sublethal/asymptomatic doses of the insecticide also produced increased sensitivity to sucrose in the resistant flies after 4–8 hours' exposure.
Résumé L'effet de la dieldrine sur le système nerveux central à été comparé chez des mouches sensibles et des mouches résistantes en déterminant leur sensibilité limite à des solutions de sucrose, au cours des différentes phases de l'intoxication et avec différentes doses. Il y a une apparente identité du syndrome de l'intoxication dans les deux lots de mouches, qui se manifeste par une augmentation de la sensibilité chimiotactile, la seule différence résidant dans la dose d'insecticide nécessaire pour produire ces changements. Il faut approximativement 5000 fois la dose de dieldrine causant le premier accroissement appréciable de sensibilité au sucrose chez les mouches sensibles, pour produire des effets comparables chez les mouches résistantes. On peut conclure que dans chacun des lots de mouches la résistance à la dieldrine peut s'exprimer d'après ses effets sur le comportement d'extension réflexe du proboscis en réponse à une solution de sucrose. Il y a corrélation entre le degré d'accroissement de la sensibilité chimiotactile et l'intensité de l'intoxication, que celle-ci soit produite par de fortes doses ou de plus longues expositions à de faibles doses. La sensibilité des mouches résistantes à une solution de sucrose est modifiée par des doses sublétales appliquées pendant un temps plus long, ce qui indique qu'un processus de restauration intervient.

Oviposition of three strains of Drosophila melanogaster in the presence of deltamethrin was observed. These strains had different levels of physiological susceptibility to deltamethrin. Two-choice tests were conducted with couples of flies in petri-dish arenas containing two oviposition dishes. On the first day of the experiment, females were given a choice between a treated oviposition dish and an untreated control dish. On the second day of the experiment, two control oviposition dishes were given to females. Although individual females showed a tendency to aggregate their eggs in one of the dishes, control experiments demonstrated an overall equal distribution of eggs between the dishes. When one of the two oviposition dishes in the arena was treated with deltamethrin, the percentage of females ovipositing and the mean number of eggs laid by females were reduced, compared with control arenas. Females avoided the treated oviposition dish and laid significantly more eggs on the control dish. Furthermore, when the deltamethrin concentration was increased on the first day, female flies postponed their oviposition and laid significantly more eggs on the second day. The resistant strain, SR, demonstrated the same capacity to select the untreated site for oviposition as the susceptible strain, but it showed a smaller oviposition reduction and egg retention. The relationship between physiological and behavioural susceptibility to deltamethrin is discussed.  相似文献   

We used AKR/J mice to produce monoclonal antibodies specific for a neurotropic ecotropic (WM-E) virus initially isolated from wild mice. The rationale for this approach involved the observation that these mice were immunologically hyporesponsive to endogenous ecotropic virus (Akv) but fully responsive to type-specific determinants of WM-E. Hybridoma cell lines derived from mice immunized with both denatured and viable virus produced antibodies with specificity for three viral membrane-associated polypeptides, gp70, p15(E), and p15gag. Epitopes specific for WM-E virus were detected in each of these polypeptides. Cross-reactivity with Friend ecotropic virus (Friend murine leukemia virus) was observed with some gp70- and p15gag-specific antibodies, but no reactivity with endogenous Akv ecotropic virus was seen. The majority of these antibodies did not react with either xenotropic or mink cell focus-forming viruses. Two WM-E-specific anti-gp70 antibodies reacting with different determinants had virus-neutralizing activity in the absence of complement, suggesting that the respective epitopes may participate in receptor binding or virus penetration events. We used these monoclonal antibodies in initial studies to examine the replication of WM-E virus in neonatally inoculated AKR/J mice which are fully resistant to the paralytic disease induced by this virus. Since these mice express high levels of endogenous ecotropic virus, standard assays for ecotropic virus cannot be used to study this question. We present evidence that the resistance to disease does not involve a resistance to virus replication, since these mice expressed levels of viremia and virus replication in spleen and lumbar spinal cord comparable to susceptible NFS/N mice at a time when the latter began to manifest clinical signs of lower-motor-neuron pathology.  相似文献   

The course of anemia and the erythropoietic response in the bone marrow, spleen, and blood were studied during Plasmodium chabaudi AS infection in resistant C57BL/6 (B6) and susceptible A/J (A) mice. Infections in B6 mice were characterized by moderate levels of both parasitemia and anemia and survival. In contrast, A mice experienced high parasitemia, severe anemia, and high mortality rates. During the period of anemia, erythropoiesis, as measured by in vivo 59Fe incorporation, was significantly more depressed in bone marrow and more increased in the spleen in resistant B6 mice. The increase in splenic 59Fe incorporation was a function of the size of the spleen. Bone marrow CFU-E were decreased to 50% of control in both strains, while splenic CFU-E were increased twofold greater in B6 mice compared to those in A mice. However, the absolute numbers of CFU-E per spleen in the two strains were not significantly different during peak parasitemia. Bone marrow BFU-E were transiently increased before peak parasitemia whereas splenic BFU-E peaked during peak parasitemia. A mice had significantly lower numbers of BFU-E per spleen on all days except at peak parasitemia. The frequency of blood-borne BFU-E and plasma erythropoietin titers was increased earlier and to a greater extent in A mice. These results suggest that an impaired amplification of late-stage splenic erythropoiesis may be an important determinant in the severity of anemia and lethality of infection with P. chabaudi AS in A mice. Moreover, these results demonstrate that the defective amplification of splenic erythropoiesis in A mice is neither caused by a defect in the mobilization of BFU-E from the bone marrow to the spleen nor caused by a defect in erythropoietin production.  相似文献   

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