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Leonardi  S.  Rapp  M.  Denes  A. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):219-224
Located at 1100 m above sea level, on the western site of the Etna volcano, the ecophysiology of the Mount Minardo holm oak coppice has been investigated for more then twenty years. In this stand, now 31 years old, the above ground biomass amounts to 15000 g m-2 of organic material, including leaves and perennial woody material. During these 31 years, the mean annual production has been around 775 g m-2. The yearly mean litterfall amounts to 310 g m-2, including 200 g m-2 of leaves, mostly two years old. The soil surface is covered by a litter layer amounting to 3150 g m-2. Each year, following Jenny's decomposition rate and field measurements, 290 g m-2 of the litter turns into CO2, or becomes incorporated in the soil organic matter.  相似文献   

Ducrey  M.  Toth  J. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):365-376
This article studies the influence of cleaning or thinning intensity and of coppice age at the time of silvicultural treatment, on the growth of shoots remaining on the stool, in Quercus ilex coppices.Two experimental designs were used to answer these questions. The first studied the effect of two cleaning intensities on 4, 8, 15, 20, and 25 year old coppices. The second studied the effect of 4 thinning intensities (26%, 42%, 58%, or 78% removal of the initial basal area) on 43 and 57 year old coppices. In both cases, control plots undergoing no silvicultural treatment were maintained for each age class.The results, 4 and 5 years after silvicultural treatment, concerned girth increment and height growth of coppice shoots.Cleaning or thinning consistently had a positive influence on girth increment. In young coppices, less than 25 years old, mean annual girth increment was approximately 6 mm in the controls and double that under heavy cleaning. In older coppices, girth increment was lower in controls (3 mm per year) but the effect of thinning was very positive and, under very heavy thinning, growth was more than 11 mm per year.Cleaning and thinning often modify height growth. This effect was found to be either positive or negative and no general trend could be defined which was valid for all the age classes.Silvicultural treatments also had a positive effect on the appearance and growth of epicormic shoots on the holm oak trunks.The results were also analysed at the stool level. The number or percentage of shoots removed had a positive effect on the individual growth of selected shoots.  相似文献   

N. Bertin  M. Staudt 《Oecologia》1996,107(4):456-462
We investigated the effects of a short period of water stress on monoterpene emissions from Quercus ilex, a common oak species of the Mediterranean vegetation and a strong emitter of monoterpenes. The experiment was carried out on two young saplings with a branch enclosure system under semi-controlled conditions. Under unstressed conditions, small qualitative (cis--ocimene, trans--ocimene, -caryophyllene and 1,8-cineol) and large quantitative (as much as 40% for the main compounds emitted) differences were observed between the two apparently similar trees. Nevertheless these differences did not affect the short-and long-term responses to temperature and water stress. Daily courses of emissions and gas exchanges were similar before and after the stress. During the most severe stress, emissions were reduced by a factor of two orders of magnitude and the log-linear relationship between emissions and temperature no longer existed. Photosynthesis and transpiration rates decreased as soon as the soil started to dry, whereas monoterpene emissions slightly increased for few days and then dropped when the daily CO2 balance approached zero. We concluded that under water stress monoterpene emissions were highly limited by monoterpene synthesis resulting from a lack of carbon substrate and/or ATP. After rewatering, both emissions and gas exchanges recovered immediately, but to a level lower than the pre-stress level. These results have many implications for monoterpene emission modelling in the Mediterranean area, since the dry period generally extends from May to August. If our results are confirmed by field experiments, water stress could lead to a large overestimation of the emissions under summer conditions, when the algorithms based on light and temperature would give high emission rates.  相似文献   

Pitacco  A.  Gallinaro  N.  Giulivo  C. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):163-168
Actual evapotranspiration from a closed-canopy Quercus ilex L. stand has been estimated by applying the Bowen Ratio-Energy Budget method. Daily water loss was 3.5 mm day–1, with a peak rate near 0.6 mm hour–1. The phenomenon of thermal inversion, quite common in mediterranean climates, seemed to play a significant role in reducing evapotranspiration, by promoting dew formation and delaying the establishment of fluxes of latent and sensible heat away from the canopy. Dew, which may form over many hours in the night, appears to be a major sink of available energy in the early morning and may represent a useful water source for stressed foliage. The alternating processes of condensation and evaporation may have a beneficial effect on the closed stand micro-environment.  相似文献   

Successful regeneration of holm oaks is the key to the conservation of the outstanding biodiversity levels in Spanish dehesa parklands. However, low densities of regeneration were measured in this study. The threshold for livestock stocking levels supporting regeneration was below all figures presently found in the dehesas. In the analysis of stand structure, a positive relationship between tree age and the age of agro-silvo-pastoral use of the dehesas was detected. This suggests that the forest cycle has been disrupted, and stands may dissolve gradually. Regeneration failure is an implicit component of this agroforestry system. An analysis of long-term abandoned dehesas situated at roadsides showed that holm oak stands are able to recover if grazing and cultivation are set aside. In a mail survey, managers of private large landholdings highly appreciated having holm oaks on their land, both for income- and non-income-related motivations, e.g. for the preservation of real estate value or family tradition. Land managers identified over-maturity of stands and regeneration failure among the top five problems of dehesas. Conservation policy should be directed towards incentive schemes, environmental education, and technical assistance.  相似文献   

Barberis  G.  Peccenini  S.  Paola  G. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):35-50
The climatic characteristics of the Liguria region have been outlined by means of raw data and derived indices (water balance related to potential evapotraspiration, Rivas-Martinez's index of mediterraneity and thermicity, De Martonne's index of dryness, and Emberger's pluviothermic quotient and index of summer dryness). Their interpretation suggests that Liguria is a boundary region between two different climatic areas: the Mediterranean and that of Central Europe.The distribution of Quercus ilex communities in Liguria have suffered the heavy consequences of human activity on the coastal belt of the region. There is, however, sufficient evidence to show that their presence is closely linked to climatic conditions. Quercus ilex communities are absent from the western coastal belt where the annual water balance is below –50 mm and high mean temperatures occur. They are also absent from marly limestone dominated areas where annual water balance is below 300 mm. Quercus ilex woods show a preference for water balance values between 0 and 600, with the better developed forests being found in central and eastern coastal Liguria.The Ligurian Quercus ilex woods are ascribed to Quercetum ilicis Br.-Bl. 1915. Given that the presence within their floristic composition of a group of species of Querco-Fagetea (more species in eastern stands, few in western ones) is an almost constant characteristic, the subass. fraxino-ostryetosum Mariotti 1984 can be retained for many of them. Quercus ilex is not present in the initial succession stages of Mediterranean Liguria vegetation. It can be found in later stages when the vegetation is more fully developed towards a maquis type structure. In this case it tends to become dominant and the community develops (if no fire or other human interference occurs) into a Quercus ilex forest. Frequently, this succession takes place under an old tree layer cover (generally Pinus sp.), a remanant of man's past management of the vegetation in the area.  相似文献   

Michaud  H.  Lumaret  R.  Romane  F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):107-113
Five polymorphic enzymatic loci were studied in 30 populations of Quercus ilex distributed from Crete to North Africa. A high within-population genetic diversity was found for each locus studied. Most of the alleles were common to all the populations, indicating that the holm oak corresponds to a single genetic entity. Observation of breeding system characteristics showed that the holm oak is monoecious, wind-pollinated, and likely to possess genetic autoincompatibility. Furthermore, studies of flowering phenology in a single population showed that the period of flowering varied notably among trees. An average of 29% of the trees showed inter-annual variation in flowering time. The male, female or vegetative investment also varied widely among trees from one year to another. This results in a diversification of pollen source received by a given tree each year, and also from one year to another.  相似文献   

Cierjacks  A.  Hensen  I. 《Plant Ecology》2004,173(2):215-223
Mediterranean ecosystems are traditionally influenced by human disturbance. In the mountain chains of south-eastern Spain, holm oak forests representing the potential natural vegetation are currently highly fragmented and subjected to extensive grazing by goats and sheep. This grazing activity by large herbivores has important impacts on community structure and dynamics of the remaining remnants because several processes associated with reproduction are affected. The present research analyses the variation of stand structure and regeneration of six forests dominated by Quercus ilex along a gradient of increasing grazing intensity. Stands of higher grazing intensity are characterized by a lower trunk number. Particularly, trees > 1.3 m height and diameter classes < 20 cm are clearly less represented. In addition, more intensively grazed forests show a highly aggregated dispersion of trees, which might be explained by an increase of clonally produced ramets by silvipastoral use. On the other hand, no Quercus ilex seedlings were found in any of the stands examined, although acorn production was high and did not correlate with grazing intensity. However, grazing clearly influences the quality of acorn harvest. We found a significant negative correlation between acorn length, acorn mass and grazing intensity and a positive correlation between the percentage of aborted acorns, acorn predation and herbivore activity. Thus, management of grazing in holm oak forests must take the high influence that livestock exerts on the regeneration of Quercus ilex into account, and maximum sustainable grazing intensity should be significantly lower than 0.8 animals per ha.  相似文献   

Lumaret R  Mir C  Michaud H  Raynal V 《Molecular ecology》2002,11(11):2327-2336
Variation in the lengths of restriction fragments (RFLPs) of the whole chloroplast DNA molecule was studied in 174 populations of Quercus ilex L. sampled over the entire distribution of this evergreen and mainly Mediterranean oak species. By using five endonucleases, 323 distinct fragments were obtained. From the 29 and 17 cpDNA changes identified as site and length mutations, respectively, 25 distinct chlorotypes were distinguished, mapped and treated cladistically with a parsimony analysis, using as an outgroup Q. alnifolia Poech, a closely related evergreen oak species endemic to Cyprus where Q. ilex does not grow. The predominant role of Q. ilex as maternal parent in hybridization with other species was reflected by the occurrence of a single very specific lineage of related chlorotypes, the most ancestral and recent ones being located in the southeastern and in the northwestern parts of the species’ geographical distribution, respectively. The lineage was constituted of two clusters of chlorotypes observed in the ‘ilex’ morphotyped populations of the Balkan and Italian Peninsulas (including the contiguous French Riviera), respectively. A third cluster was divided into two subclusters identified in the ‘rotundifolia’ morphotyped populations of North Africa, and of Iberia and the adjacent French regions, respectively. Postglacial colonization probably started from three distinct southerly refugia located in each of the three European peninsulas, and a contact area between the Italian and the Iberian migration routes was identified in the Rhône valley (France). Chlorotypes identical or related to those of the Iberian cluster were identified in the populations from Catalonia and the French Languedoc region, which showed intermediate morphotypes, and in the French Atlantic populations which possessed the ‘ilex’ morphotype, suggesting the occurrence of adaptive morphological changes in the northern part of the species’ distribution.  相似文献   

Bonilla  D.  Rodà  F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):247-257
Soil nitrogen (N) dynamics were studied in a dense, holm oak (Quercus ilex ssp. ilex) stand in the Montseny mountains to determine annual and seasonal patterns of N availability and uptake in an undisturbed Mediterranean forest on acidic soil. Soil mineral N content, net N mineralization (NNM), and net nitrification (NN) were determined by monthly sampling at two soil depths followed by in situ incubation in polyethylene bags. NNM per unit of soil mass was much higher at 0–5 cm than at 5–20 cm (annual means 24 and 2.5 mg N/kg, respectively) but on an area basis NNM was similar at both depths. A total of 80 kg N/ha/yr were mineralized from the first 20 cm of soil. NN amounted to only 9% of the annual NNM (7.5 kg N/ha/yr) and it occurred only in the upper 5 cm. NNM was maximum in June and July, while the NN peaked in May. Despite favourable soil temperature and moisture, NNM was negative in autumn because of microbial immobilization. Seasonal and depth variations of NNM appeared to be controlled more by substrate quality than by organic matter quantity, temperature or moisture. NN was not limited by ammonium availability. Calculated N uptake amounted to 91 kg/ha yr, peaking in June and July. The investigated stand showed a moderately high N availability, but ammonium was the major form of mineral N supply for holm oak.  相似文献   

Gratani  L.  Marzi  P.  Crescente  M. F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):155-161
The annual course of vegetative growth of the most representative species of a Quercus ilex L. forest in Castelporziano (Latium, Italy) was studied through periodical analysis of selected ecophysiological leaf indexes, for the period 1987–1990. The results demonstrate that the local climate facilitates continuous vegetative activity of the sclerophyllous species without a latent phase. The variable morphology of sun and shade leaves of Q. ilex illustrates the plant's response to environmental stress.  相似文献   

Floret  C.  Galan  M. J.  Le Floc'h  E.  Romane  F. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):97-105
Holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest is one of the most widespread biocoenoses in the southern part of France. Until recently, clearcutting of wood for domestic use was carried out every 20 years or so in these coppice stands. In order to study coppice stand dynamics after cutting this paper presents results of observations of some items describing the vegetation structure, the floral composition, and the life cycles in a holm oak coppice stand during a six year period after clearcutting. One of the questions addressed in this study was whether these coppice stands reach a steady state based on auto-succession, or if they continue to change. The results of the floristic changes after cutting suggest that the model of auto-succession best fits with the vegetation dynamics, even if changes in the density and life cycles of herbaceous species still exist six years after clearcutting.  相似文献   

Escudero  A.  Del Arco  J. M.  Garrido  M. V. 《Plant Ecology》1992,99(1):225-237
Nitrogen retranslocation from senescing leaves represents a crucial adaptation by tree species towards a more efficient use of this nutrient. As a result, this part of the nitrogen cycle has received increasing attention in recent years. However, there remain strong discrepancies with respect to the factors responsible for interspecific differences in the efficiency of this process.In the present work the seasonal pattern of leaf growth and the movement of nitrogen in leaves have been studied in a series of Quercus ilex plots with different levels of rainfall and soil quality in central-western Spain, as well as in 20 other woody species typical of this area. The percentage of nitrogen retranslocated was estimated from the difference between the maximum mass of nitrogen stored in the leaf biomass and the amount of this nutrient returned annually to the soil through leaf fall. Q. ilex appears as one of the least efficient species in the Mediterranean region in the recovery of nitrogen from senescing leaves (29.7% of the maximum pool). Furthermore, the older leaves of Q. ilex do not show the cycles of nitrogen withdrawal during new flushes of shoot growth, such as occurs in Pinus spp. This suggests that older leaves in Q. ilex do not play an important role as nitrogen storage organs.  相似文献   

López  B.  Sabaté  S.  Gracia  C.A. 《Plant and Soil》2001,230(1):125-134
The biomass, production and mortality of fine roots (roots with diameter <2.5 mm) were studied in a typical Mediterranean holm oak (Quercus ilex L.) forest in NE Spain using the minirhizotron methodology. A total of 1212 roots were monitored between June of 1994 and March of 1997. Mean annual fine root biomass in the holm oak forest of Prades was 71±8 g m–2 yr–1. Mean annual production for the period analysed was 260+11 g m–2 yr–1. Mortality was similar to production, with a mean value of 253±3 g m–2 yr–1. Seasonal fine root biomass presented a cyclic behaviour, with higher values in autumn and winter and lower in spring and summer. Production was highest in winter, and mortality in spring. In summer, production and mortality values were the lowest for the year. Production values in autumn and spring were very similar. The vertical distribution of fine root biomass decreased with increasing depth except for the top 10–20 cm, where values were lower than immediately below. Production and mortality values were similar between 10 and 50 cm depth. In the 0–10 cm and the 50–60 cm depth intervals, both production and mortality were lower.  相似文献   

The impact of domestic and wild Caprini browsing on Quercus ilex has been examined in an area of the Sierra de Cazorla. Vegetation as a herbivore food supply, herbivore feeding regime and density in the study area during six sampling periods throughout two years, has been quantified. Wild Caprini show diets similar to the available vegetation, whereas domestic Caprini tend more towards the trophic specialities (browsing or grazing) of their genus. Nevertheless, this tendency was more pronounced in domestic goats than in sheep. A hypothetical estimate of Q. ilex intake by each species under the study conditions was carried out. It was found that domestic Caprini have a greater impact on the holm oak than wild Caprini, density and feeding-niche deviations being the main factors responsible for this situation.Abbreviations DM= dry matter  相似文献   

The effect of wind loading on seedlings of English oak (Quercus robur L.) was investigated. Instead of using a traditional wind tunnel, an innovative ventilation system was designed. This device was set up in the field and composed of a rotating arm supporting an electrical fan, which emitted an air current similar to that of wind loading. Oaks were sown from seed in a circle around the device. A block of control plants was situated nearby, and was not subjected to artificial wind loading. After 7 months, 16 plants from each treatment were excavated, and root architecture and morphological characteristics measured using a 3D digitiser. The resulting geometrical and topological data were then analysed using AMAPmod software. Results showed that total lateral root number and length in wind stressed plants were over two times greater than that in control trees. However, total lateral root volume did not differ significantly between treatments. In comparing lateral root characters between the two populations, it was found that mean root length, diameter and volume were similar between the two treatments. In trees subjected to wind loading, an accentuated asymmetry of root distribution and mean root length was found between the windward and leeward sides of the root system, with windward roots being significantly more numerous and longer than leeward roots. However, no differences were found when the two sectors perpendicular to the wind direction were compared. Mean tap root length was significantly higher in control samples compared to wind stressed plants, whilst mean diameter was greater in the latter. Wind loading appears to result in increased growth of lateral roots at the expense of the tap root. Development of the lateral root system may therefore ensure better anchorage of young trees subjected to wind loading under certain conditions.  相似文献   

Rambal  S. 《Plant Ecology》1992,(1):147-153
A boundary line analysis of the scatterplot relating pre-dawn leaf water potential to pre-dawn minus minimum leaf water potential was applied to study the efficiency of the Mediterranean evergreen oak species to buffer the effects of variability in water resources. The results are discussed in term of stomatal regulation and changes in soil-to-leaf hydraulic conductance of water flow, both induced by changes in leaf water potential. For this purpose, we used data for leaf water potential measured in three stands of Quercus ilex across a soil water availability gradient in Southern France, and two others obtained in California and Arizona for Quercus turbinella and Portugal for Quercus coccifera. A classification of plant responses from mesic to xeric sites is proposed.  相似文献   

Two study plots, burned and control, were established in autumn 1998 in a Quercus ilex forest located in northern Spain, part of which had been affected by a low intensity fire in 1994. Soil samples for ectomycorrhizae (ECM) were taken over a 3-year period in each study plot in spring, summer, autumn and winter. ECM morphotypes were identified and the relative abundance of each morphotype in each soil sample calculated, along with species richness, Shannon diversity index and percentage of mycorrhization in each soil sample. The relative abundance of certain ECM morphotypes differed between burned and control plots, and the percentage of mycorrhizal tips was significantly lower in the burned than in the control plot. Nevertheless, there were no significant differences in the diversity, species richness or species composition of the ECM community in the burned and control plots. The dominant ECM morphotypes in both stands were Cenococcum geophilum and several thelephoroid fungi. Sphaerosporella brunnea and Pisolithus tinctorius thrived especially in the burned plot, whereas three ectomycorrhizal morphotypes assigned to the genus Hebeloma were especially abundant in the control plot. There was no significant variation in the relative abundance of the ECM morphotypes between seasons, but ECM community species richness was highest in autumn and lowest in summer. The percentage of mycorrhizal tips reached a maximum in winter, with its minimum in autumn. Collection of samples over the 3-year period also enabled us to detect a significant increase in percentage of ECM colonisation in the burned stand over time.  相似文献   

Sabaté  Santiago  Sala  Anna  Gracia  Carlos A. 《Plant and Soil》1995,(1):297-304
Spatial and temporal changes in canopy nutrient content were studied in 1988 and 1989 in a Mediterranean Quercus ilex ssp. ilex L. forest in north-eastern Spain. Sampling was conducted in parallel at two sites which represent endpoints along a slope gradient within a small catchment (ridge top at 975 m and valley bottom at 700 m). Deeper soils resulted in significantly higher N and P concentrations, and N content on a leaf area basis at the valley bottom site. In contrast, K concentration in leaves was significantly higher at the ridge top site, where soil K concentration was also higher. At both sites, N and P content on a leaf area basis was highest at the top of the canopy, where leaf area is highest. N resorption efficiency decreased from top to bottom of the canopy. Results suggested a minor role of shaded leaves as nutrient storage sites. Lower P resorption efficiency was found at the ridge top site. Seasonal changes of P and N concentration on a leaf area basis suggest P replenishment, and to a lesser degree N, during periods of lower growth activity due to low temperatures, but coinciding with higher water availability (autumn-early spring period). Thus, N and P resorption from the remaining foliage in the canopy took place, and to a larger degree at the valley bottom site, coinciding with a slightly higher leaf area index and productivity at this site.  相似文献   

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