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Aim The distinct nature of island populations has traditionally been attributed either to adaptation to particular insular conditions or to random genetic effects. In order to assess the relative importance of these two disparate processes, insular effects were addressed in the European wood mouse, Apodemus sylvaticus (Linnaeus, 1758). Location Wood mice from 33 localities on both mainland and various Atlantic and western Mediterranean islands were considered. This sampling covers only part of the latitudinal range of A. sylvaticus but included the two main genetic clades identified by previous studies. Islands encompass a range of geographical conditions (e.g. small islands fringing the continent through large and isolated ones). Methods The insular syndrome primarily invokes variations in body size, but ecological factors such as release from competition, niche widening and food availability should also influence other characters related to diet. In the present study, the morphology of the wood mice was quantified based on two characters involved in feeding: the size and shape of the mandibles and first upper molars. The size of the mandible is also a proxy for the body size of the animal. Patterns of morphological differentiation of both features were estimated using two‐dimensional outline analysis based on Fourier methods. Results Significant differences between mainland and island populations were observed in most cases for both the mandibles and molars. However, molars and mandibles displayed divergent patterns. Mandible shape diverged mostly on islands of intermediate remoteness and competition levels, whereas molars exhibited the greatest shape differentiation on small islands, such as Port‐Cros and Porquerolles. A mosaic pattern was also displayed for size. Body and mandible size increased on Ibiza, but molar size remained similar to mainland populations. Mosaic patterns were, however, not apparent in the mainland populations. Congruent latitudinal variations were evident for the size and shape of both mandibles and molars. Main conclusions Mosaic evolution appears to characterize insular divergence. The molar seems to be more prone to change with reduced population size on small islands, whereas the mandible could be more sensitive to peculiar environmental conditions on large and remote islands.  相似文献   

The histamine content of uteri from mice was analyzed in terms of both concentration and total amount per uterine horn a) at two stages of the estrous cycle (estrous and diestrous), b) under sex hormone treatment, c) during pregnancy and after delivery. Histamine concentration and mast cell density were greater during diestrous and in mice treated with progesterone (p less than 0.001). This effect was attributed to a reduction in uterine mass weight, since the amount of histamine per uterine horn remained constant throughout the estrous cycle. During pregnancy, both concentration and amount of histamine per uterine horn were increased, values were significantly higher than in estrous (p less than 0.001) from day 14-17 until day 21 when labor occurred. After six to eight hours post-partum an abrupt reduction on histamine content was observed. Mast cells were more abundant in myometrium than in endometrium, their density followed the same pattern as histamine concentration throughout the estrous cycle.  相似文献   

Highly synchronized cultures of HSF-55 human diploid fibroblasts contain subpopulations of cells with intact plasma membranes that do not participate in the parasynchronous division wave. To determine the fate of these laggard cells, cultures were incubated with BrdU for variable periods to label newly replicated DNA in both the readily synchronizable and nonsynchronizable subpopulations. The kinetics of labeling with BrdU were determined with a two-laser flow cytometric technique that did not employ antibody to BrdU, but instead monitored emission of fluorescence from DNA-specific stains that differed in the degree of BrdU-induced quenching of their fluorescence signals. Approximately 90% of the cells rapidly incorporated BrdU and later divided within a 3 hr period. The remaining 10% of the cells, however, were found to reside within a minority subpopulation that maintained the capacity to traverse the cell cycle, but at a greatly reduced rate relative to the progression capacity of the majority of cells. Cells were viably sorted from these cohorts within the synchronized culture, and their kinetic behavior was determined through direct measurement of their growth rates and plating efficiencies. As predicted by the BrdU labeling studies, the sorted cells from the minority, slowly traversing subpopulation divided at a rate that was 30 to 50% lower than that obtained with cells sorted from the readily synchronizable subpopulation. From consideration of the kinetics of entry into S-phase of the majority and minority subpopulations, protocols are described that should allow preparation of relatively pure populations of both early- and late-replicating species of human DNA.  相似文献   

In the developing mouse embryo the first definitive (transplantable-into-the-adult) haematopoietic stem cells/long-term repopulating units (HSC/RUs) emerge in the AGM region and umbilical vessels on 10-11 days post coitum (d.p.c.). Here, by limiting dilution analysis, we anatomically map the development of definitive HSC/RUs in different embryonic tissues during early colonisation of the liver. We show that by day 12 p.c. the mouse embryo contains about 66 definitive HSC/RUs (53 in the liver, 13 in other tissues), whereas on the previous day the total number of definitive HSC/RUs in the entire conceptus is only about 3. Owing to the length of the cell cycle this dramatic increase in the number of definitive HSC/RUs in only 24 hours is unlikely to be explained purely by cell division. Therefore, extensive maturation of pre-definitive HSCs to a state when they become definitive must take place in the day 11-12 embryo. Here we firstly identify the numbers of HSCs in various organs at 11-13 d.p.c. and secondly, using an organ culture approach, we quantitatively assess the potential of the aorta-gonadmesonephros (AGM) region and the yolk sac to produce/expand definitive HSC/RUs during days 11-12 of embryogenesis. We show that the capacity of the AGM region to generate definitive HSC/RUs is high on 11 d.p.c. but significantly reduced by 12 d.p.c. Conversely, at 12 d.p.c. the YS acquires the capacity to expand and/or generate definitive HSCs/RUs, whereas it is unable to do so on 11 d.p.c. Thus, the final steps in development of definitive HSC/RUs may occur not only within the AGM region, as was previously thought, but also in the yolk sac microenvironment. Our estimates indicate that the cumulative activity of the AGM region and the yolk sac is sufficient to provide the day 12 liver with a large number of definitive HSC/RUs, suggesting that the large pool of definitive HSC/RUs in day 12 foetal liver is formed predominantly by recruiting 'ready-to-use' definitive HSC/RUs from extra-hepatic sources. In accordance with this we observe growing numbers of definitive HSC/RUs in the circulation during days 11-13 of gestation, suggesting a route via which these HSCs migrate.  相似文献   

韩红香  李静  薛大勇 《昆虫学报》2008,51(3):315-321
本文对赞青尺蛾属Xenozancla Warren, 1893进行研究,重新描述了属、种特征,总结了属的鉴别特征;描述了种内雄外生殖器的变化并附图,提供了成虫形态、外生殖器图。提出银尺蛾属Yinchie Yang, 1978和枣灰银尺蛾Y. zaohuiYang, 1978 分别是赞青尺蛾属Xenozancla 和赞青尺蛾X. vericolor Warren 的新异名,并为赞青尺蛾X. vericolor Warren指定了选模。同时,采用临近距离平均法(mean propinquity method)结合GIS技术绘制了赞青尺蛾属分布格局图,并据此分析了其分布格局和分布特点,结果表明:该属为亚洲东部特有属,呈西南 华北走向;它在中国华北、华中、西南地区至印度可能存在一个连续的分布区,其分布格局应属于东洋界的东南亚热带-亚热带型。  相似文献   

Efferent reproductive ducts of male mice, including ductuli efferentes, epididymis, and vas deferens, were fixed and embedded in paraffin, and sections were stained with a battery of lectin-horseradish peroxidase conjugates to localize specific sugars or sugar sequences in glycoconjugates. Cilia and the apical surfaces of ciliated cells in the ductuli efferentes stained intensely with lectin specific for sialic acid and terminal alpha-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. Flask cells and clear cells in the epididymis reacted positively and similarly with most lectins used, providing evidence that these cell types are related. In contrast, disparities in lectin staining suggest that flask cells and clear cells are a cell type distinct from principal cells. Basal cells were not present in the ductuli efferentes but formed a continuous layer in the epididymis and vas deferens. Basal cells contained oligosaccharides terminated by sialic acid and alpha-D-galactose and varying amounts of terminal beta-D-galactose and alpha-N-acetyl-D-galactosamine. Basal cells also stained variably with lectins specific for the core region of complex type N-glycosidic side chains. The basal cells varied structurally, having long spinous apical processes approaching or reaching the lumen in region I of the epididymis and being low cuboidal or squamoid and lacking apical processes in epididymal regions II-V and in the vas deferens. The contiguous nature of the basal cells and the presence of glycoconjugates bearing terminal alpha-galactosyl residues in all basal cells suggest a possible role for these cells in a regulatory influence on transepithelial movement of fluid and/or ions in the epididymis and vas deferens.  相似文献   

The basement membrane is important for proper tissue development, stability, and physiology. Major components of the basement membrane include laminins and type IV collagens. The type IV procollagens Col4a1 and Col4a2 form the heterotrimer [alpha1(IV)]2[alpha2(IV)], which is ubiquitously expressed in basement membranes during early developmental stages. We present the genetic, molecular, and phenotypic characterization of nine Col4a1 and three Col4a2 missense mutations recovered in random mutagenesis experiments in the mouse. Heterozygous carriers express defects in the eye, the brain, kidney function, vascular stability, and viability. Homozygotes do not survive beyond the second trimester. Ten mutations result in amino acid substitutions at nine conserved Gly sites within the collagenous domain, one mutation is in the carboxy-terminal noncollagenous domain, and one mutation is in the signal peptide sequence and is predicted to disrupt the signal peptide cleavage site. Patients with COL4A2 mutations have still not been identified. We suggest that the spontaneous intraorbital hemorrhages observed in the mouse are a clinically relevant phenotype with a relatively high predictive value to identify carriers of COL4A1 or COL4A2 mutations.  相似文献   

The regional distribution of poly(A)+ RNA was examined in the embryonic cells of the milkweed bug, Oncopeltus fasciatus, by in situ hybridization of histological sections with a [3H]poly(U) probe. As shown by a number of control experiments, this probe interacts specifically with poly(A) sequences preserved in the sections. Using this method, it was shown that labeling of periplasmic and vitellophage nuclei increases markedly early during syncytial blastoderm formation. At this time, label also increases in the vitellophage cytoplasm but not in the cytoplasm surrounding the blastodermal nuclei. Labeling continues to increase in the blastodermal nuclei during cellularization and germ band differentiation without a concomitant accumulation in the blastodermal cell cytoplasm. At the time of germ band invagination, the region of the most intense subcellular labeing shifts from the nucleus to the cytoplasm of the invaginated cells. This shift is not evident in the blastodermal cells which remain at the surface of the egg to become the serosa. In the serosa and the vitellophage energids, labeling then decreases as histogenesis proceeds. Significant labeling of the nuclei and cytoplasm of the invaginated germ band cells continues through germ layer formation. It is concluded that poly(A)+ RNA, probably synthesized de novo following oviposition, is subject to differential intracellular distribution in three types of Oncopeltus embryonic cells which may reflect cell-specific patterns of mRNA or poly(A) metabolism.  相似文献   

A comparison has been made between the course of Leishmania tropica infection of BALB/ c, CBA, and (BALB/c × CBA)F1 mice in vivo and the growth of the parasite in isolated adherent skin cells in vitro. The susceptible phenotype of the BALB/c mouse was reflected in an innate susceptibility of a discrete subpopulation of adherent skin cells to permit extensive and prolonged growth and replication of the parasite in tissue culture. When cells infected in culture were used to stimulate proliferation of immune lymphocytes from “cured” mice, the skin cells of susceptible BALB/c mice were deficient in their ability to induce proliferation of lymphocytes of BALB/c, CBA, or BCF1 origin (all immunized in the appropriate bone marrow reconstituted irradiated BCF1 hosts). In contrast, these skin cells were able to induce proliferation of immune lymphocytes if the L. tropica antigen source used was a soluble excreted extract (EF), rather than that produced by a live parasite infection. Stimulation of naive lymphocytes using an infected adherent skin cell population from BALB/c mice was found to produce a cell population(s) (Thy-1.2+, Lyt-2+ and including some Lyt-1+ cells) able to inhibit subsequent sensitization of normal BCF1 lymph node cells by L. tropica antigens. The susceptibility of the BALB/c mouse in vivo thus may be attributable to the early contact of T-lymphocyte subsets in BALB/c mice with the high-antigen load maintained in this discrete skin cell population. These particular skin cells were also found to express low levels of Ia antigens.  相似文献   

A mouse mRNA, provisionally designated 5B10, has been cloned based on its inducibility by serum in quiescent murine fibroblasts. Here we report the full-length complementary DNA sequence and a partial characterization. There are about five copies of the gene in the mouse genome. Sequence analysis of the 5B10 coding region reveals 94 and 97% amino acid identity to human and rat calcyclin, respectively. Although the coding region has been highly conserved during evolution of the rodent and human genomes, the untranslated flanking sequences differ significantly. A protein of Mr about 8000 was produced by in vitro translation of the mRNA transcribed in vitro from 5B10 complementary DNA in a riboprobe vector. An antiserum raised against a portion of the predicted human calcyclin protein cross-reacted with this mouse protein. 5B10 mRNA was found in greatest amount in organs containing proliferating cells, e.g., epidermis, skin, stomach, uterus of pregnant mouse, placenta, and decidua. Brain, liver, mature thymus, and skeletal muscle had little or no detectable 5B10 mRNA. 5B10 mRNA levels were higher in cells treated with 7,12-dimethylbenzanthracene and 12-O-tetradecanoylphorbol-13-acetate than in their normal counterparts, suggesting a role in tumorigenesis. In addition, high 5B10 mRNA levels were associated with metastatic ability in a series of ras-transformed cells, in proportion to levels of ras p21 expressed by the cells, implicating 5B10 even more deeply in carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

Campsurus nymphs are among the most abundant mayflies in neotropical aquatic habitats. The abundance patterns and secondary production of Campsurus violaceus were analyzed monthly from April 2005 to March 2006 in lakes with different degrees of connectivity in the floodplain of the Middle Paraná River. Significant differences were estimated for the abundance and secondary production of the species among the studied lakes. The patterns in the abundance of nymphs were correlated to substrate characteristics (type of substrate, content of detritus), water transparency, and conductivity of lakes and the variations in the life cycle were related to temperature. Degree of connectivity of lakes was the main factor in determining differences among populations, as it influenced local conditions, finally determining regional dissimilarities in abundance pattern and secondary production for the species.

Las ninfas de Campsurus se encuentran dentro de las efímeras más abundantes en ambientes acuáticos neotropicales. Se analizaron los patrones de abundancia y la producción secundaria de Campsurus violaceus en lagunas con diferente nivel de conectividad mensualmente entre Abril de 2005 y Marzo de 2006. Se estimaron diferencias significativas entre las lagunas estudiadas en la abundancia y producción secundaria de la especie. Los patrones de abundancia de ninfas se correlacionaron con las características del sustrato (tipo de sustrato, contenido de detrito), transparencia del agua y conductividad de las lagunas y las variaciones en el ciclo de vida se relacionaron con la temperatura. El nivel de conectividad fue el factor principal en determinar diferencias entre las poblaciones al influenciar las condiciones locales, determinando disimilitudes regionales en el patrón de abundancia y en la producción secundaria de la especie.  相似文献   

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