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Ammonium acetate and protein hydrolysate baited and unbaited green spheres (3.6, 9.0, and 15.6 cm diameter) were evaluated for effectiveness in capturing blueberry maggot flies, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. Early in the season, baited spheres (9.0 cm diameter) captured significantly more R. mendax flies than spheres of 3.6 and 15.6 cm diameter. As the season progressed, the differences in trap captures became less pronounced among the 3.6-, 9.0-, and 15.6-cm-diameter spheres. In other experiments, the effects of trap positions and age on captures of blueberry maggot flies were assessed. Traps were positioned 15 cm above the bush canopy, 15 cm inside the canopy (from top of the bush), and 45 cm from the ground. Traps placed within the canopy captured 2.5 and 1.5 times as many flies compared with traps placed above the canopy and 45 cm from the ground, respectively. When sticky yellow Pherocon AM boards and green sphere traps were allowed to age in field cages, freshly baited (0 d) yellow sticky boards captured significantly more blueberry maggot flies than boards aged for 11, 28, and 40 d, respectively. No significant differences were observed among boards aged for 11, 28, and 40 d. However, when baited 9-cm sticky spheres were aged in field cages, there were no significant differences between freshly baited spheres and spheres aged for 11 and 28 d, respectively. Spheres aged for 40 d differed significantly from freshly baited ones. The study demonstrated that the baited 9-cm-diameter sphere was more effective in capturing blueberry maggot flies than spheres of 3.6 and 15.6 cm diameter. When this trap is deployed in the center of the bush canopy approximately 15 cm from the top of the bush, it is attractive and accessible to R. mendax flies. The data also indicated that a baited 9-cm sphere has a longer effective life span than Pherocon AM boards when deployed under the same field conditions.  相似文献   

Laboratory bioassays and field trials were conducted to evaluate an "attract-and-kill" system using methyl eugenol (ME) with neonicotinoid insecticides against male oriental fruit fly, Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (Diptera: Tephritidae). In laboratory bioassays, mortality of male flies resulting from the conventional toxicant, naled was 98.3-100% at 24 through 72 h after treatment, whereas the neonicotinoid insecticides imidacloprid and acetamiprid caused only approximately 60-80% at 24 through 72 h after treatment. In the assays of residual effect, naled was persistent up to 96 wk, whereas imidacloprid or acetamiprid was persistent up to 150 wk, resulting in 38.9 or 61.2% male mortality, respectively. Imidacloprid, in particular, caused a delayed lethal effect on flies. In another experiment, male mortality within 28 wk from clothianidin, another neonicotinoid insecticide, was approximately 80% after exposure for 24 h, suggesting a delayed lethal effect similar to those treated with imidacloprid, and mortality was up to 91.8%, if observed, 72 h after treatment. In field trials, attractiveness was similar between ME alone and ME incorporated with naled or neonicotinoids, indicating that addition of these insecticides to ME in traps is not repellent to B. dorsalis males. Using an improved wick-typed trap with longer attractiveness for simulating field application, addition of imidacloprid or acetamiprid maintained 40.1 or 64.3% male mortality, respectively, when assayed once every 2 wk from traps placed in orchards for 42 wk without changing the poison, whereas incorporation with naled resulted in as high as 98.1% after 34 wk and approximately 80% at 42 wk, indicating that persistence is increased compared with sugarcane fiberboard blocks for carrying poison attractants. This study also suggests that neonicotinoid insecticides could be used as an alternative for broad-spectrum insecticides as toxicants in fly traps.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted to evaluate the mortality of blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran, flies exposed to thiamethoxam- and imidacloprid-coated biodegradable (8-cm-diameter) red spheres, under both laboratory and field conditions. Laboratory studies with spheres coated with 0.1-2.0% (AI) of thiamethoxam indicated that they are effective against R. mendax; however, no dose-dependent response was observed. Studies on the effect of visitation time on thiamethoxam-coated spheres showed a decrease in R. mendax mortality as the duration of visitation time decreased from 60 to 10 s. Under field conditions, significantly more flies were captured on Plexiglas panes below the 2% (AI) thiamethoxam-coated spheres when compared with similar panes below untreated spheres. In field evaluations of thiamethoxam- and imidacloprid-coated spheres, imidacloprid-coated spheres (2.0% [AI]) were found to be significantly more effective than thiamethoxam-coated spheres (0.5-4.0% [AI]). Field trials to characterize the levels of mortality associated with aging pesticide-coated spheres revealed that the effectiveness of treated spheres decreased with increasing age of sphere, and this reduction in effectiveness is greater in thiamethoxam-coated spheres than in imidacloprid-coated spheres. These results provide comparative data on the effectiveness of thiamethoxam- and imidacloprid-coated spheres and support the potential of using pesticide-treated spheres for control of blueberry maggot flies.  相似文献   

Field-based studies and laboratory bioassays were conducted with apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), and blueberry maggot, Rhgoletis mendax Curran, flies to investigate the performance and duration of activity of insecticide-treated biodegradable and wooden spheres for control of Rhagoletis species. Four neonicotinoid insecticide treatments including imidacloprid, thiamethoxam, and thiocloprid at 2% (AI) were evaluated with biodegradable spheres. In 1999, significantly more apple maggot flies were found killed by imidacloprid-treated spheres compared with thiamethoxam-treated spheres during early and late season. In 2000, spheres treated with either of two formulations of imidacloprid killed significantly more apple maggot flies compared with thiamethoxam, thiocloprid, and untreated spheres. In blueberries, there were no significant differences between the numbers of blueberry maggot flies killed by both imidacloprid-treated or thiamethoxam-treated spheres in 1999. However, during the 2000 blueberry field season, both formulations of imidacloprid were significantly more effective in killing blueberry maggot flies compared with spheres treated with thiamethoxam, thiocloprid and untreated controls. Overall, spheres treated with thiocloprid were ineffective and did not kill significantly more apple maggot or blueberry maggot flies compared with the controls. Laboratory bioassays showed that the effectiveness of field-exposed spheres treated with imidacloprid at 4 and d 8% (AI) and thiamethoxam at 4% (AI) in killing apple maggot flies was not significantly reduced over a 12-wk aging period. Additionally, wooden spheres aged outdoors for 12 wk with and without mold maintained residual activity in laboratory tests, whereas biodegradable spheres of equal aging, with and without mold lost their effectiveness in killing apple maggot flies. In other studies, we confirmed that the addition of an external feeding stimulant (sucrose) significantly increases the effectiveness of both biodegradable and wooden spheres treated with imidacloprid at 2% (AI).  相似文献   

Drosophila suzukii (Matsumura) (Diptera: Drosophilidae) were trapped in the field using colored plastic sphere traps coated with insect Tangle‐trap. Red and black spheres captured significantly more D. suzukii than white spheres. Translucent deli‐cup traps deployed in cherry orchards and baited with yeast, the Alpha Scents lure, or the Scentry lure captured significantly more flies than the Trécé lure and Suzukii bait; all attractants had poor selectivity for D. suzukii. No‐choice evaluations of attractants conducted in field cages corroborated the cherry orchard field study, though translucent deli‐cup traps provisioned with the yeast bait captured significantly more flies than those baited with the Alpha Scents lure. Red sphere traps baited with the Scentry lure captured 3–6× more flies than the deli‐cup trap baited with the same lure, and 3–4× more flies than the deli‐cup trap baited with yeast bait, demonstrating that a trap integrating both visual and olfactory cues is a superior tool for monitoring D. suzukii. Moreover, this simple sticky, dry trap design requires far less labor and maintenance than does a liquid‐based deli‐cup trap.  相似文献   

Laboratory and field assays using insecticides for organic pest management were conducted on the blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. Topical exposure of flies to spinosad (Entrust), pyrethrum (PyGanic 1.4 EC), azadirachtin (Aza-Direct), and phosmet (Imidan 70-W) resulted in significantly higher mortality compared with the water control after 2 and 24 h. After 24 h, there were no significant differences in fly mortality among treatments of Entrust, PyGanic, or Imidan, whereas fly mortality to Aza-Direct was significantly lower. Another laboratory assay evaluated mortality of flies after residual exposure to these insecticides on leaves, after 24 and 48 h. In this assay, there were no significant differences in fly mortality after 48 h among treatments of PyGanic, Aza-Direct, and the water control, whereas significantly higher fly mortality resulted from exposure to Entrust and Imidan. A repellency assay found no measurable effects of Aza-Direct. Large-scale field trials found no treatment effect for number of adults of the blueberry maggot captured in sticky traps; however, there were significantly lower levels of fruit-infesting larvae in treated plots compared with the untreated control. Spinosad bait (GF-120 NF Naturalyte Fruit Fly Bait), Entrust, and PyGanic were not different from imidacloprid (Provado 1.6 F). However, there was a significantly higher infestation in the plot treated with azadirachtin (Agroneem) compared with Provado. Overall, the insecticides evaluated in these trials showed good ability to control blueberry maggot, suggesting that they can be incorporated in a blueberry maggot management program under organic standards.  相似文献   

Abstract: Two new, comparatively safe insecticides (spinosad and imidacloprid) were compared with dimethoate (each at 1.5% active ingredient) for behavioural and mortality effects on Mexican fruit flies, Anastrepha ludens . Insecticide was mixed with sugar (as a feeding stimulant) and yellow latex paint (as an extending agent) applied to the surface of fruit-mimicking biodegradable 7 cm spheres made of sugar, flour and glycerin. Flies feeding on spinosad-treated spheres did not differ from flies feeding on untreated spheres in post-feeding intra-tree flight capability, amount of oviposition or mortality. Flies that fed on imidacloprid- or dimethoate-treated spheres for as little as 30 s experienced both high reduction in oviposition and high mortality compared with flies that fed on untreated spheres, and the flies from imidacloprid-treated spheres also showed a much reduced intra-tree flight capability. If baited with attractive odour, biodegradable yellow spheres treated with a surface coating of imidacloprid in latex paint and sugar could have potential for suppressing Mexican fruit flies on host trees.  相似文献   

Abstract:  Aiming to minimize visual competition between large red apples and red sphere traps from influencing effectiveness of traps for apple maggot fly (AMF) control, we compared AMF captures by red spheres in standard recommended position (no fruit within 15 cm), red spheres in similar position but with all fruit removed within a 30-cm radius (fruitless), red spheres with additional visual competition provided by three plastic red spheres hung 15 cm from sphere traps, and yellow panels. Traps were coated with adhesive, baited with synthetic fruit odour, and hung on trees of an apple cultivar bearing red fruit (Akeene) and trees of an apple cultivar bearing pale yellow fruit (Golden Delicious). On Akeene trees, red spheres in recommended position and fruitless red spheres caught more AMF than red spheres surrounded by plastic spheres and than yellow panels. Towards harvest, effectiveness of red spheres in recommended position decreased as reflectance of the surface of Akeene apples approached that of red spheres. By contrast, effectiveness of fruitless spheres increased over time. On Golden Delicious trees, fruitless spheres were the most effective, followed by spheres surrounded by uncoated plastic spheres and red spheres in recommended position. We conclude that removing all fruit within a 30-cm radius around red sphere traps results in similar or increased trap effectiveness relative to red spheres in recommended position.  相似文献   

Biodegradable, ammonium-baited spheres treated with the neonicotinoid insecticide Provado (imidacloprid) at 2% (AI) were evaluated for controlling blueberry maggot flies, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. Three strategies for sphere deployment in highbush blueberries, Vaccinium corymbosum L., were compared with untreated control plots in 1999 and once again compared against control plots and organophosphate insecticide sprays in 2000. The patterns of sphere deployment were as follows: (1) perimeter deployment in which spheres were hung individually and spaced equally around the perimeter of experimental plots; (2) cluster deployment in which four groups of three spheres were hung in equally spaced perimeter locations of experimental plots; and (3) uniform deployment in which spheres were placed 10 m apart (in a grid-like pattern) within experimental plots. In 1999, there were no significant differences in fruit injury levels based on observed R. mendax oviposition scars and reared larvae among plots containing imidacloprid-treated spheres in perimeter, cluster, and internal-grid patterns. However, all plots containing spheres had significantly lower fruit infestation levels (<2%), compared with unsprayed control plots with no spheres deployed, which had infestation levels (>20%). In 2000, there were no significant differences in fruit injury based on observed R. mendax oviposition scars between plots containing imidacloprid-treated spheres in the three deployment strategies tested and plots that received Guthion (Azinphosmethyl) spray applications. However, significantly fewer R. mendax larvae were reared from berries collected from plots that received two applications of Guthion compared with plots in which imidacloprid-treated spheres were deployed. Irrespective of sphere deployment strategies, all sphere-treated and sprayed plots had significantly lower injury levels (<1.5%), based on numbers of reared larvae compared with berries collected from the control plots (>4.0%). Based on captures of flies on unbaited Pherocon AM boards placed in the center of treatment plots, we observed a suppression of R. mendax in plots containing imidacloprid-treated spheres compared with control plots. The potential of using imidacloprid-treated spheres as a behavioral control integrated pest management tactic for blueberry maggot flies is discussed.  相似文献   

Alighting and capture of wild olive fruit flies, Bactrocera oleae (Rossi) (Diptera, Tephritidae), on spheres of seven different colours was studied on Chios island, Greece. The 70-mm-diam plastic spheres, coated with adhesive, were suspended on olive trees. Yellow and orange spheres trapped the greatest number of males while red and black spheres trapped the greatest number of females. White and blue spheres were the least effective for both sexes. Peak captures occurred in the late afternoon and especially around sunset. Since mating takes place in the last hours of the photophase, the increased captures during that period may be related to the sexual behaviour of the fly. When red spheres were assessed against glass McPhail traps baited with 2% ammonium sulphate, which consist a standard tool for monitoring the olive fruit fly in Greece, there were no significant differences in male captures. However, spheres trapped almost three times as many females as McPhail traps. The possible mechanisms underlying colour discrimination, the motivation of alighting flies and the possible use of red spheres for monitoring and controlling B. oleae are discussed.  相似文献   

The activity of spinosad, imidacloprid, and methomyl baits and technical actives were assessed against susceptible house flies, Musca domestica L. (Diptera: Muscidae). In a feeding assay, imidacloprid affected flies more rapidly than methomyl or spinosad, but spinosad was 2.7 times more potent than methomyl and 8 times more potent than imidacloprid. The profile of technical actives correlated with their respective fly bait formulations in laboratory assays. Although having the most rapid onset of activity in laboratory tests, up to 50% of flies remained alive after exposure to imidacloprid bait. In contrast, <5% of flies survived 24-h exposure to spinosad or methomyl baits. High temperature reduced the knockdown activity of imidacloprid bait and slowed the speed of kill for spinosad and methomyl baits over a 24-h exposure period. Spinosad and methomyl baits were also superior to imidacloprid when applied to the floors of environmentally controlled rooms at label recommended rates, providing good fly control for up to 21 d. The fact that a significant percentage of flies exposed to imidacloprid were rapidly knocked down but subsequently remained alive in all of the assays suggested that flies were recovering from initial exposure to this compound. Given its favorable safety profile, a high degree of initial and residual activity comparable with methomyl and lack of cross-resistance to other chemistries, spinosad bait may be a valuable component of house fly control programs to help control or delay the emergence of resistant populations.  相似文献   

Amulet C-L (cue-lure) and Amulet ME (methyl eugenol) molded paper fiber "attract-and-kill" dispensers containing fipronil were tested under Hawaiian weather conditions against Bactrocera cucurbitae (Coquillett) (melon fly) and Bactrocera dorsalis (Hendel) (oriental fruit fly), respectively. In paired tests (fresh versus weathered), C-L dispensers were effective for at least 77 d, whereas ME dispensers were effective for at least 21 d. Thus, C-L dispensers exceeded, whereas ME dispensers did not meet the label interval replacement recommendation of 60 d. Addition of 4 ml of ME to 56-d-old ME dispensers restored attraction and kill for an additional 21 d. This result suggested the fipronil added at manufacture was still effective. By enclosing and weathering ME dispensers inside small plastic bucket traps, longevity of ME dispensers was extended up to 56 d. Fipronil ME and C-L dispensers also were compared, inside bucket traps, to other toxicants: spinosad, naled, DDVP, malathion, and permethrin. Against B. dorsalis, fipronil ME dispensers compared favorably only up to 3 wk. Against B. cucurbitae, fipronil C-L dispensers compared favorably for at least 15 wk. Our results suggest that fipronil C-L dispensers can potentially be used in Hawaii; however, fipronil ME dispensers need to be modified or protected from the effects of weathering to extend longevity and meet label specifications. Nonetheless, Amulet C-L and ME dispensers are novel prepackaged formulations containing C-L or ME and fipronil that are more convenient and safer to handle than current liquid insecticide formulations used for areawide suppression of B. dorsalis and B. cucurbitae in Hawaii.  相似文献   

No-choice cage tests were used to study the toxicity of imidacloprid-treated spheres to Caribbean fruit fly, Anastrepha suspensa (Loew), and its associated parasitoid, Diachasmimorpha longicaudata (Ashmead), in the laboratory. Three imidacloprid sphere treatments (2, 4, and 8% active ingredient [AI] Provado 1.6 F) and an untreated control sphere (no toxicant) were evaluated against A. suspensa. Throughout the observation period (2-72 h), all concentrations of imidacloprid-treated spheres killed significantly more A. suspensa compared with control spheres. After 4 h of exposure to imidacloprid-treated spheres, significantly more A. suspensa were killed on spheres treated with 8% compared with 2% (AI). At 48 and 72 h, there were no significant differences in the mean number of A. suspensa killed at 2, 4, and 8% (AI), potentially indicating that a period of 24 h was sufficient for flies to ingest a lethal dose of the pesticide. Overall, significantly more A. suspensa males were killed after 72 h of exposure to imidacloprid-treated spheres compared with females. For D. longicaudata, only two imidacloprid sphere treatments, 2 and 4% (AI), and an untreated sphere (control) were evaluated for mortality in cage tests. There were no significant differences in mortality of D. longicaudata between the 2 and 4% (AI) imidacloprid-treated spheres. Both rates killed significantly more D. longicaudata compared with the control. However, after 24, 48, and 72 h of exposure to imidacloprid-treated spheres, significantly more D. longicaudata were killed in cages containing 4% compared with 2% (AI) and untreated control spheres. The study demonstrates the potential use of imidacloprid-treated spheres for control of A. suspensa in areas where it may be difficult to apply broad-spectrum insecticides.  相似文献   

Sticky yellow rectangle traps have been used for many years to capture Rhagoletis (Diptera: Tephritidae) fruit flies. Traditional sticky yellow traps are coated with a sticky gel (SG) that can leave residues on the hands of users. An alternative to SG on traps are hot melt pressure sensitive adhesives (HMPSAs), which are less messy. The main objective here was to evaluate two rectangle traps of two yellow colors, the Alpha Scents Yellow Card coated with HMPSA (Alpha Scents, West Linn, OR), and the Pherocon AM trap coated with SG (Pherocon; Trécé, Adair, OK), for capturing western cherry fruit fly, Rhagoletis indifferens Curran. Flies captured on both traps and held in the laboratory and field did not escape their surfaces. Flies caught on HMPSA were damaged when removed from traps without citrus solvent, whereas flies caught on SG could be removed intact without solvent. In field tests, Alpha Scents traps baited with an ammonium bicarbonate lure captured 1.4-2.2 times more R. indifferens than Pherocon traps baited with the same lure. Results of an experiment that eliminated differences in surface sticky material type, overall size, and surface sticky area between Alpha Scents and Pherocon traps suggested, although did not show conclusively, that more flies were caught on the Alpha Scents than Pherocon traps because of their different yellow color and/or lower fluorescence and not the HMPSA. Overall, the Alpha Scents trap is a viable alternative to the Pherocon trap for detecting R. indifferens.  相似文献   

In field experiments conducted in a citrus orchard in Chios, Greece, we tested the efficacy of yellow, sticky, plastic, hollow spheres baited with long-lasting dispensers of the food attractants ammonium acetate, 1,4-diaminobutane (putrescine), and trimethylamine (FA-3) to capture adults of the Mediterranean fruit fly, Ceratitis capitato (Wiedemann) (Diptera: Tephritidae). Yellow spheres (7.5 cm in diameter) baited internally or externally with FA-3 were approximately 30 and approximately 12 times more attractive for females and males respectively than unbaited spheres. However, they were approximately 3 times less attractive for both sexes than plastic McPhail type traps baited with the same attractants and provided with water and a drop of a surfactant in their bases (wet traps), and only 1.5 and 2.8 times less attractive for females and males, respectively, than likewise-baited McPhail type traps provided with a killing agent (dimethyl dichlorovinyl phosphate) but not water in their bases (dry trap). Baited spheres were more C. capitata female selective than either wet or dry McPhail traps. The importance of these findings in developing lure and kill devices for the Mediterranean fruit fly is discussed.  相似文献   

Two insecticide formulations containing the naturalyte insecticide spinosad, GF-120 Fruit Fly Bait and SpinTor 2 SC, were compared for control of apple maggot, Rhagoletis pomonella (Walsh), and blueberry maggot, Rhagoletis mendax Curran. In 2002 and 2003, larval infestation in blueberries and apples was significantly lower in plots treated with GF-120 (spinosad bait) or SpinTor than in untreated control plots. Fruit fly infestation in apples was reduced by 67% in 2002 after weekly application of GF-120 for 6 wk. Six weeks of GF-120 treatment reduced infestation in blueberries by 85% in 2002 and 98% in 2003. Plots treated weekly with the bait component of GF-120 for 6 wk had significantly higher infestation of blueberry maggot larvae compared with untreated plots in 2002. Observations of wild R. mendax flies revealed that similar numbers of flies landed on blueberry foliage treated with spinosad bait, the bait component alone, or water droplets. However, flies on spinosad bait and bait treated plants spent significantly more time within 5 cm of the treatment droplets compared with control (water) droplets. Overall, the results demonstrate a high degree of efficacy of baited spinosad formulations against these key pests of temperate fruit and suggest that GF-120 is an arrestant for foraging flies.  相似文献   

Wooden pesticide-treated red spheres and biodegradable sugar/flour pesticide-treated red spheres were compared with wooden sticky-coated red spheres and insecticide sprays for controlling apple maggot flies, Rhagoletis pomonella(Walsh) (Diptera: Tephritidae), in small blocks of apple trees in Massachusetts commercial orchards in 1997, 1998 and 1999. Pesticide-treated spheres received a coating of 70% latex paint, 20% feeding stimulant (sucrose), and 10% formulated insecticide (containing 20% imidacloprid). To replenish sucrose lost during rainfall, wooden spheres were capped with a disc comprised of hardened sucrose that seeped onto the sphere surface, whereas the surface of sugar/flour spheres received sucrose that seeped from the interior. Each year, each of the 24 perimeter trees of each non-sprayed block received a sphere baited with butyl hexanoate (an attractive component of host fruit odor), with the intent of intercepting immigrating flies. Based on captures of flies on unbaited sticky-coated red spheres placed near the center of each block and on periodic samples of fruit for injury, there was a consistent pattern of treatment performance. Each year, sticky-coated spheres were only slightly less effective than two or three sprays of organophosphate insecticide, sugar/flour pesticide-treated spheres were only slightly less effective than sticky spheres, and wooden pesticide-treated spheres were least effective. Versions of pesticide-treated spheres used in 1999 were more durable than those used in previous years, but further improvement is needed before either wooden or sugar/flour pesticide-treated spheres can be recommended for grower use.  相似文献   

Melon fly, Zeugodacus cucurbitae (Coquillett) (Diptera: Tephritidae), is an important quarantine tephritid fruit fly with resident populations established in Hawai'i, USA. In the male‐annihilation approach, male flies are targeted using dispensers with cue‐lure (C‐L) and insecticides, typically organophosphates. The efficacy of the male annihilation approach is thought to be limited to individual male flies, contacting the lure and the pesticide, after which they die. Alternative classes of insecticides, such as fipronil, have been investigated for use in male‐annihilation. We hypothesized that ingestion of fipronil by male flies could lead to horizontal transfer and mortality in female flies. Horizontal insecticide transfer extends pesticide control beyond the individual contacting the toxicant through indirect contact via food sharing or other mechanisms. We tested the possibility for horizontal transfer of fipronil from male to female Z. cucurbitae through field and laboratory studies. Two repeated field trials were conducted to compare the numbers of female flies collected in fields treated with Amulet C‐L (0.34% fipronil active ingredient) bait stations, sanitation, and spot treatments of GF‐120 Fruit Fly Bait to numbers collected in fields where sanitation and spot‐treatments were used without Amulet C‐L. In fields with Amulet C‐L bait stations in conjunction with sanitation and weekly protein bait spot treatments of GF‐120 Fruit Fly Bait, female captures were significantly lower than those in field plots treated with weekly protein bait spot treatments and sanitation. In subsequent laboratory studies, all females died within 6 h after direct exposure to male flies that had access to Amulet C‐L for 1–4 min. The possibility that male regurgitant could be a mechanism for horizontal transfer and subsequent female mortality was determined by collecting regurgitated droplets from fipronil‐fed male flies and feeding them to males and females. Both male and female flies exposed to regurgitant from fipronil‐fed male flies or droplets containing fipronil had higher mortality than the male and female flies that were exposed to regurgitant or droplets with only the C‐L compound or sugar solution. Thus, female flies do experience mortality from exposure to regurgitant from males that have fed on fipronil laced solutions. This provides evidence of at least one mechanism of horizontal transfer of insecticide in tephritid fruit flies. These findings are discussed in the context of Zcucurbitae integrated pest management programs in Hawai'i.  相似文献   

We examined the responses of oriental fruit flies, Bactrocera dorsalis Hendel, to the odors of different stages and types of fruit presented on potted trees in a field cage. Females were most attracted to odors of soft, ripe fruit. Odors of common guava were more attractive to females than papaya and starfruit, and equally as attractive as strawberry guava, orange, and mango. In field tests, McPhail traps baited with mango, common guava, and orange captured equal numbers of females. Traps baited with mango were compared with 2 commercially available fruit fly traps. McPhail traps baited with mango captured more females than visual fruit-mimicking sticky traps (Ladd traps) and equal numbers of females as McPhail traps baited with protein odors. Results from this study indicate that host fruit volatiles could be used as lures for capturing oriental fruit flies in orchards.  相似文献   

We tested the recent hypothesis that the"fly factor"phenomenon(food cur-rently or previously fed on by flies attracts more flies than the same type of food kept inccessible to flies)is mediated by bacterial symbionts deposited with feees or regur-gitated by feeding flies.We allowed laboratory-reared black blow flies,Phormia regina(Meigen),to feed and de fecate on bacterial Luria-Bertani medium solidified with agar,and isolated seven morphologically distinct bacterial colonies.We identified these us-ing matrix-assisted laser desorption/ionization mass spectrometry and sequencing of the 165 rRNA gene.In two-choice laboratory experiments,traps baited with cultures of Pro-teus mirabilis Hauser,Morganella morganii subsp.sibonii Jensen,or Serratia marcescens Bizio,captured significantly more flies than corresponding control jars baited with tryptic soy agar only.A mixture of seven bacterial strains as a trap bait was more attractive to flies than a single bacterial isolate(M.m.siboni).In a field experiment,traps baited with agar cultures of P:mirabilis and M.m siboni in combination captured significantly more flies than lraps baited with either bacterial isolate alone or the agar control.As evident by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry,the odor profiles of bacterial isolates differ,which may explain the additive effect of bacteria to the attractiveness of bacterial trap baits.As"generalist bacteria,"P mirabilis and M.m.sibonii growing on animal protein(beef liver)or plant protein(tofu)are similarly effective in attracting flies.Bacteria-derived airborne semiochemicals appear to mediate foraging by flies and to inform their feeding and oviposition decisions.  相似文献   

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