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Total RNA was isolated from the diatom Cyclotella cryptica and separated into poly(A)+ and poly(A) fractions. These fractions were subjected to in vitro translation/immunoprecipitation experiments using an antiserum directed against the predominant light-harvesting complex of Cy. cryptica (ccry antiserum) and a heterologous antiserum raised against the light-harvesting complex of the cryptophyte Cryptomonas maculata (cmac antiserum). From translation reactions programmed with poly(A)+ RNA the ccry-antiserum immunoprecipitated polypeptides with relative molecular weights (Mr) of 27 000, 25 000, 23 000 and 21 000, while the cmac-antiserum precipitated proteins with Mrs of 32 500 and 27 000, respectively. Subsequent cDNA synthesis and immunological screening of the cDNA library with both antisera resulted in the isolation of six cDNA clones encoding light-harvesting subunits. Full-length precursors were 199-210 amino acids in length and had Mrs of 20 000–23 000. The lengths of the putative signal peptides were 29 or 30 amino acids. Pairwise comparison revealed that the similarity between the clones ranged from 54–99% on the nucleotide level and from 36–99% at the amino acid level. In agreement with the data from the screens with the two antisera, the genes clustered into two groups. The data provide evidence that the genes constitute a heterogeneous multigene family and that the light-harvesting system of Cy. cryptica might be as complex as that of higher plants and green algae. Received: 23 March 1998 / Accepted: 25 July 1998  相似文献   

Intracytoplasmic membranes of the mutant strain NK3 of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata lacking the lightharvesting complex B800-850 were fused with proteoliposomes containing the B800-850 complex. Fluorescence emission spectroscopy at 77K showed that after fusion the fluorescence of the B850 bacteriochlorophyll disappeared nearly completely and the B870 fluorescence became prominent. This result and control experiments with proteoliposome-chromatophore mixture and with chromatophore and solubilized B800-850 complexes, respectively, indicate that in fused membranes a reorientation of membrane particles took place and excitons migrated from B850 to B870 bacteriochlorophyll.In fused proteoliposome-chromatophore vesicles a light-induced carotenoid band shift was observed, reflecting the building of an electrical membrane potential due to chargeseparation. Carotenoid band shift was not observed in separated proteoliposomes and NK3 chromatophores.It is concluded that by membrane fusion and lateral diffusion of membrane particles reaction center-light-harvesting B870 complexes came in functional contact with B800-850 antenna complexes.Abbreviations Bchl bacteriochlorophyll - LDAO lauryl dimethylamine oxide - RC reaction center Dedicated to Professor R. Clinton Fuller, Amherst, MA, USA, on the occasion of his 60th birthday in recognition of his work on photosynthetic bacteria and the cooperation between our laboratories  相似文献   

Membranes of Rhodobacter capsulatus strain U43 (pTX35) showed qualitatively very similar phosphorylation patterns under in vitro and in vivo conditions. In vitro, it was irrelevant whether the phosphate source was orthophosphate or ATP. Inhibitors of electron transport did not inhibit light-harvesting complex I (LHIα) (B870) polypeptide phosphorylation, except for o-phenanthroline, which was strongly inhibitory. Redox conditions regulated the amount of protein phosphorylated; external redox potentials between +200 and +300 mV promoted the reaction. Phosphorylation was inhibited by uncouplers such as carbonyl cyanide m-chlorophenyl hydrazone and nigericin plus valinomycin plus potassium ions. Inhibitors of the H+-ATPase were also inhibitory when the phosphate source was [32P]Pi or [γ-32P]ATP. From these results, it was concluded that an operative reaction center, a coupled membrane, and external redox potentials higher than +200 mV are required for optimum LHIα phosphorylation. We also demonstrated that phosphorylation of LHIα polypeptide occurs before insertion into the membrane and that phosphate is preferentially incorporated into specific domains within the cytoplasmic membrane. Intracytoplasmic membranes, identified here as light membranes, were found to contain a dephosphorylated LHIα polypeptide. Received: 24 April 1995 / Accepted: 6 November 1995  相似文献   

Antenna and reaction centre complexes purified from photosynthetically-grown cells of Rhodopseudomonas sphaeroides have been mixed with cytoplasmic membranes prepared from an aerobically-grown bacteriochlorophyll-less mutant of Rp. sphaeroides (designated 01) in the presence of 1% sodium cholate. After removal of the cholate by dialysis, the dialysate was subjected to isopycnic centrifugation. Reconstituted cytochrome c2 photooxidation and cytochrome b photoreduction were demonstrated in a pigmented fraction recovered from the sucrose gradient, suggesting that the pigment-proteins were incorporated into the 01 membrane.

The fluorescence properties of the system were examined. The appearance of a variable component after the initial fast fluorescence rise indicated that energy transfer occurred between the antenna and reaction centre proteins in the presence of 01 membrane. The order in which the system was assembled was important. Reconstituted energy transfer with a pre-dialysed reaction centre-antenna complex was more effective than when all the components were mixed at once. Energy transfer was also reconstituted between added reaction centre protein and the endogenous antenna present in membranes from the pigmented, but aerobically-grown reaction centre-less mutant PM8dp of Rp. sphaeroides.

Preparations of 01 membranes reconstituted with reaction centre exhibited a light intensity dependent cytochrome c2 photooxidation. At low exciting light intensities, preparations containing reconstituted antenna protein in addition to reaction centres showed greater membrane cytochrome c2 photooxidation than preparations with the antenna omitted; this improvement was maximal when a pre-dialysed antenna-reaction centre complex was used.  相似文献   

The core complex of purple bacteria is a supramolecular assembly consisting of an array of light-harvesting LH1 antenna organized around the reaction center. It has been isolated and characterized in this work using a Rubrivivax gelatinosus mutant lacking the peripheral LH2 antenna. The purification did not modify the organization of the complex as shown by comparison with the intact membranes of the mutant. The protein components consisted exclusively of the reaction center, the associated tetraheme cyt c and the LH1 αβ subunits; no other protein which could play the role of pufX could be detected. The complex migrated as a single band in a sucrose gradient, and as a monomer in a native Blue gel electrophoresis. Comparison of its absorbance spectrum with those of the isolated RC and of the LH1 antenna as well as measurements of the bacteriochlorophyll/tetraheme cyt c ratio indicated that the mean number of LH1 subunits per RC-cyt c is near 16. The polypeptides of the LH1 antenna were shown to present several modifications. The α one was formylated at its N-terminal residue and the N-terminal methionine of β was cleaved, as already observed for other Rubrivivax gelatinosus strains. Both modifications occurred possibly by post-translational processing. Furthermore the α polypeptides were heterogeneous, some of them having lost the 15 last residues of their C-terminus. This truncation of the hydrophobic C-terminal extension is similar to that observed previously for the α polypeptide of the Rubrivivax gelatinosus LH2 antenna and is probably due to proteolysis or to instability of this extension.  相似文献   

Optimal photosynthetic reaction centre (RC) and core antenna (LH1) levels in the purple bacterium Rhodobacter capsulatus require the puhC gene. Deletion of puhC had little effect on RC and LH1 assembly individually, but significantly inhibited the photosynthetic growth of RC+ LH1- strains, suggesting that maximal RC catalytic activity is PuhC-dependent. Consistent with post-assembly reorganization of the RC/LH1/PufX core complex by PuhC to include latecomer proteins, spatial separation of pufX from the RC/LH1 genes inhibited PufX accumulation and photosynthetic growth only in PuhC- strains. Photosynthetic activity improved to different degrees when PuhC homologues from three other species were expressed in PuhC- R. capsulatus, indicating that PuhC homologues function similarly but may interact inefficiently with a heterologous core complex. Anaerobic photosynthetic growth of PuhC- strains was affected by the duration of prior semiaerobic growth, and by two genes that modulate bacteriochlorophyll production: pufQ and puhE. These observations agree with a speculative model in which reorganization of the core complex is an important regenerative process, accelerated by PuhC.  相似文献   

Total RNA was isolated from the diatom Cyclotella cryptica and separated into poly(A)+ and poly(A)? fractions. These fractions were subjected to in vitro translation/immunoprecipitation experiments using an antiserum directed against the predominant light-harvesting complex of Cy. cryptica (ccry antiserum) and a heterologous antiserum raised against the light-harvesting complex of the cryptophyte Cryptomonas maculata (cmac antiserum). From translation reactions programmed with poly(A)+ RNA the ccry-antiserum immunoprecipitated polypeptides with relative molecular weights (Mr) of 27?000, 25?000, 23?000 and 21?000, while the cmac-antiserum precipitated proteins with Mrs of 32?500 and 27?000, respectively. Subsequent cDNA synthesis and immunological screening of the cDNA library with both antisera resulted in the isolation of six cDNA clones encoding light-harvesting subunits. Full-length precursors were 199-210 amino acids in length and had Mrs of 20?000–23?000. The lengths of the putative signal peptides were 29 or 30 amino acids. Pairwise comparison revealed that the similarity between the clones ranged from 54–99% on the nucleotide level and from 36–99% at the amino acid level. In agreement with the data from the screens with the two antisera, the genes clustered into two groups. The data provide evidence that the genes constitute a heterogeneous multigene family and that the light-harvesting system of Cy. cryptica might be as complex as that of higher plants and green algae.  相似文献   

Abstract Sporozoites and unsporulated oocysts of Eimeria tenella were shown to contain a pyrophosphate-dependent phosphofructokinase (PPi-PFK) but apparently lack an ATP-specific activity. The PPi-PFK resembles those that occur in a number of other protists in being reversible and not subject to metabolic control. In contrast, the ADP-utilising pyruvate kinase, present in two developmental stages of the parasite, exhibited strong positive cooperativity with respect to its substrate, phosphoenolpyruvate, and was shown to be allostetically activated by glucose 6-phosphate, fructose 6-phosphate and AMP. It is suggested that the PPi-PFK represents an adaptation of the parasite towards life in an environment containing only low concentrations of oxygen and that the unusual allosteric regulation of pyruvate kinase evolved to compensate for glycolysis not being controlled at the PPi-PFK step.  相似文献   

The light-harvesting complex B 880 from Rhodospirillum rubrum S 1 (wild type) and B 870 from the carotenoidless mutant G-9+ was shown to consist mainly of an organic solvent-(chloroform/methanol-) soluble and an organic solvent-insoluble polypeptide. The isolation and separation of these two low-molecular-mass polypeptides (Mr 6101 and Mr 6079) were achieved by a two-step extraction procedure of chromatophores using in the first step chloroform/methanol containing 0.1M ammonium acetate. Following Sephadex LH-60 chromatography of this first extract a light-harvesting polypeptide (B 870-alpha) was isolated and its complete amino acid sequence was determined (R. Brunisholz et al. (1981) FEBS Lett. 129/1, 150-154, B 880-alpha: G. Gogel et al. (1983) Biochim. Biophys. Acta 746, 32-39). Upon reextraction of the chromatophore pellet with chloroform/methanol/ammonium acetate containing in addition acetic acid a second low-molecular-mass polypeptide (B 880-beta of B 870-beta) was generated. The complete amino acid sequences of the chloroform/methanol-insoluble light-harvesting polypeptide of Rs. rubrum S 1 (B 880-beta) and of Rs. rubrum G-9+ (B 870-beta) were determined. They are identical and consist of 54 amino acid residues. The conserved histidine residue within the hydrophobic stretch raises more evidence for ligand complexation of bacteriochlorophyll to this specific histidine residue which therefore possibly plays the key role in pigment-protein interactions. Both polypeptides (B 880-alpha and B 880-beta) are part of the light-harvesting complex B 880 in an apparent ratio of 1:1. Based on the primary structure data a possible arrangement of both light-harvesting polypeptides within the membrane will be discussed.  相似文献   

An LH2- strain of Rhodobacter sphaeroides, DBC1, has been constructed by deleting the puc operon, which encodes the LH2 alpha and beta polypeptides, from the chromosome and replacing it with a kanamycin resistance gene. Southern blot analysis indicates that the 950 bp BamHI restriction fragment which contains the puc operon has been lost and has been replaced by the 1.25 kb Km(R) cassette derived from Tn903. Strain DBC1 lacked the LH2 complex, as shown by loss of the characteristic absorbance bands at 800 and 850 nm. The LH2 polypeptides were also found to be absent after SDS-PAGE. The wild-type phenotype was restored to DBC1 by the transfer of a 3.8 kb BscI fragment containing the puc operon in plasmid pMA81. Transconjugants possessed a wild-type absorbance spectrum and LH2 polypeptides.  相似文献   

The small bacteriochlorophyll-binding polypeptide of the light-harvesting complex B870 was extracted from the intracytoplasmic membrane of the strain A1a+ of Rhodopseudomonas capsulata with chloroform/methanol/ammonium acetate and separated by chromatography on Sephadex LH60 using the same solvent. The polypeptide obtained from the peak fraction III was found to be homogeneous and identical with the small polypeptide isolated from the B870 complex as shown by dodecyl sulfate/polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis, amino acid composition and N-terminal sequence. The complete amino acid sequence is given. The relative molecular mass based on the amino acid sequence is 5341. The polarity of amino acids is 35.42%. The C-terminal part of the peptide chain from residue 29 to 48 is hydrophobic and includes one His residue.  相似文献   

Photosynthetic membranes comprise a network of light harvesting and reaction center pigment-protein complexes responsible for the primary photoconversion reactions: light absorption, energy transfer and electron cycling. The structural organization of membranes of the purple bacterial species Rb. sphaeroides has been elucidated in most detail by means of polarized light spectroscopy and atomic force microscopy. Here we report a functional characterization of native and untreated membranes of the same species adsorbed onto a gold surface. Employing fluorescence confocal spectroscopy and light-induced electrochemistry we show that adsorbed membranes maintain their energy and electron transferring functionality. Gold-adsorbed membranes are shown to generate a steady high photocurrent of 10 μA/cm2 for several minutes and to maintain activity for up to three days while continuously illuminated. The surface-adsorbed membranes exhibit a remarkable functionality under aerobic conditions, even when exposed to light intensities well above that of direct solar irradiation. The component at the interface of light harvesting and electron cycling, the LH1 complex, displays exceptional stability, likely contributing to the robustness of the membranes. Peripheral light harvesting LH2 complexes show a light intensity dependent decoupling from photoconversion. LH2 can act as a reversible switch at low-light, an increased emitter at medium light and photobleaches at high light.  相似文献   

The csmB gene, encoding the 7.5-kDa “Gerola-Olson” protein of chlorosomes, has been cloned and sequenced from the green sulfur bacteria Chlorobium vibrioforme strain 8327D and Chlorobium tepidum. Two potential start codons were identified, and the csmB gene may be translated into a preprotein with an amino-terminal extension. Two forms of the mature CsmB protein (74 or 75 amino acids in length) were identified that differ by the presence or absence of a methionine residue at the amino terminus. The csmB gene of Chl. tepidum is transcribed as an abundant monocistronic mRNA of approximately 350 nucleotides; primer extension mapping of the 5′ endpoint of the csmB mRNA suggests there is strong similarity between the csmB promoter and the σ70 promoters of Escherichia coli. The CsmB protein of Chl. tepidum was overproduced as a histidine-tagged fusion protein in E. coli, purified to homogeneity by Ni2+ chelation affinity chromatography, and used to raise polyclonal antibodies in rabbits. Protease susceptibility mapping and agglutination experiments with isolated chlorosomes using anti-CsmB antibodies indicate that the CsmB protein is a component of the chlorosome envelope. Received: 28 May 1996 / Accepted: 17 July 1996  相似文献   

The structure of the major light-harvesting chlorophyll a/b complex (LHCII) was analyzed by pulsed EPR measurements and compared with the crystal structure. Site-specific spin labeling of the recombinant protein allowed the measurement of distance distributions over several intra- and intermolecular distances in monomeric and trimeric LHCII, yielding information on the protein structure and its local flexibility. A spin label rotamer library based on a molecular dynamics simulation was used to take the local mobility of spin labels into account. The core of LHCII in solution adopts a structure very similar or identical to the one seen in crystallized LHCII trimers with little motional freedom as indicated by narrow distance distributions along and between α helices. However, distances comprising the lumenal loop domain show broader distance distributions, indicating some mobility of this loop structure. Positions in the hydrophilic N-terminal domain, upstream of the first trans-membrane α helix, exhibit more and more mobility the closer they are to the N terminus. The nine amino acids at the very N terminus that have not been resolved in any of the crystal structure analyses give rise to very broad and possibly bimodal distance distributions, which may represent two families of preferred conformations.  相似文献   

Reconstitution experiments with a chemically synthesized core light-harvesting (LH1) beta-polypeptide analogue having 3-methylhistidine instead of histidine in the position that normally donates the coordinating ligand to bacteriochlorophyll (Bchl) have provided the experimental data needed to assign to B820 one of the two possible alphabeta.2Bchl pairs that are observed in the crystal structure of LH2 from Phaeospirillum (formerly Rhodospirillum) molischianum, the one with rings III and V of Bchl overlapping. Consistent with the assigned structure, experimental evidence is provided to show that significant stabilizing interactions for both the subunit complex (B820) and LH1 occur between the N-terminal regions of the alpha- and beta-polypeptides. On the basis of the results with the chemically synthesized polypeptides used in this study, along with earlier results with protease-modified polypeptides, mutants, and chemically synthesized polypeptides, the importance of a stretch of 9-13 amino acids at the N-terminal end of the alpha- and beta-polypeptides is underscored. A progressive loss of interaction with the LH1 beta-polypeptide was found as the first three N-terminal amino acids of the LH1 alpha-polypeptide were removed. The absence of the N-terminal formylmethionine (fMet), or conversion of the sulfur in this fMet to the sulfoxide, resulted in a decrease in LH1 formation. In addition to the removal of fMet, removal of the next two amino acids also resulted in a decrease in K(assoc) for B820 formation and nearly eliminated the ability to form LH1. It is suggested that the first three amino acids (fMetTrpArg) of the LH1 alpha-polypeptide of Rhodospirillum rubrum form a cluster that is most likely involved in close interaction with the side chain of His -18 (see Figure 1 for numbering of amino acids) of the beta-polypeptide. The results provide evidence that the folding motif of the alpha- and beta-polypeptides in the N-terminal region observed in crystal structures of LH2 is also present in LH1 and contributes significantly to stabilizing the complex.  相似文献   

A subunit complex was formed from the core light-harvesting complex (LH1) of bacteriochlorophyll(BChl)-b-containing Rhodopseudomonas viridis. The addition of octyl glucoside to a carotenoid-depleted Rps. viridis membrane preparation resulted in a subunit complex absorbing at 895 nm, which could be quantitatively dissociated to free BChl b and then reassociated to the subunit. When carotenoid was added back, the subunit could be reassociated to LH1 with a 25% yield. Additionally, the Rps. viridis - and -polypeptides were isolated, purified, and then reconstituted with BChl b. They formed a subunit absorbing near 895 nm, similar to the subunit formed by titration of the carotenoid depleted membrane, but did not form an LH1-type complex at 1015 nm. The same results were obtained with the -polypeptide alone and BChl b. Isolated polypeptides were also tested for their interaction with BChl a. They formed subunit and LH1-type complexes similar to those formed using polypeptides isolated from BChl-a-containing bacteria but displayed 6–10 nm smaller red shifts in their long-wavelength absorption maxima. Thus, the larger red shift of BChl-b-containing Rps. viridis is not attributable solely to the protein structure. The -polypeptide of Rps. viridis differed from the other -polypeptides tested in that it could form an LH1-type complex with BChl a in the absence of the - and -polypeptides. It apparently contains the necessary information required to assemble into an LH1-type complex. When the -polypeptide was tested in reconstitution with BChl a and BChl b with the - and -polypeptides, it had no effect; its role remains undetermined.Abbreviations B820 the subunit form of the core light-harvesting complex in BChl-a-containing bacteria which has an absorption maximum at or near 820 nm - B875 the core light-harvesting complex of Rhodobacter sphaeroides which has an absorption maximum at 875 nm - B881 the core light-harvesting complex of wild-type Rhodospirillum rubrum which has an absorption maximum at 881 nm - B895 the subunit form of the core light-harvesting complex in Rps. viridis which has an absorption maximum near 888–895 nm - B1015 the core light-harvesting complex of Rps. viridis which has an absorption maximum at 1015 nm - CD circular dichroism - LH1 the core light-harvesting complex - OG n-octyl -d-glucopyranoside  相似文献   

Phosphorylation in vitro of the light-harvesting chlorophyll ab protein complex associated with Photosystem II (LHCII) resulted in the lateral migration of a subpopulation of LHCII from the grana to the stroma lamellae. This movement was characterized by a decrease in the chlorophyll ab ratio and an increase in the 77 K fluorescence emission at 681 nm in the stroma lamellae following phosphorylation. Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis indicated that the principal phosphoproteins under these conditions were polypeptides of 26–27 kDa. These polypeptides increased in relative amount in the stroma lamellae and decreased in the grana during phosphorylation. Pulse/chase experiments confirmed that the polypeptides were labelled in the grana and moved to the stroma lamellae in the subsequent chase period. A fraction at the phospho-LHCII, however, was unable to move and remained associated with the grana fraction. LHCII which moved out into the stroma lamellae effectively sensitized Photosystem I (PS I), since the ability to excite fluorescence emission at 735 nm (at 77 K) by chlorophyll b was increased following phosphorylation. These data support the ‘mobile antenna’ hypothesis proposed by Kyle, Staehelin and Arntzen (Arch. Biochem. Biophys. (1983) 222, 527–541) which states that the alterations in the excitation-energy distribution induced by LHCII phosphorylation are, in part, due to the change in absorptive cross-section of PS II and PS I, resulting specifically from the movement of LHCII antennae chlorophylls from the PS-II-enriched grana to the PS-I-enriched stroma lamellae.  相似文献   

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