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The Tana River forest patches significantly decreased in total area by 1875 ha (34.5%), from 5439 to 3564 ha between 1979 and 2000. The area covered by forests outside the Tana River Primate National Reserve declined by 1246 ha (38%) from 3283 to 2037 ha. This loss was higher than that inside the reserve, where total forest area reduced by 629 ha (29%) from 2156 to 1527 ha. The numbers of Tana River red colobus (Procolobus rufomitratus) and Tana crested mangabey (Cercocebus galeritus galeritus) groups were significantly correlated with forest sizes suggesting that both red colobus and crested mangabeys are likely to be affected by forest loss and fragmentation. However, comparison of the 1974/75 and 2001 census data did not reveal any significant change in the number of groups of either the red colobus or crested mangabey. The two endangered primates may have developed strategies to cope with a shrinking habitat.  相似文献   

A general expression for the covariance of allele frequencies among cohorts in age-structured populations is derived. The expression is used to extend the so-called temporal method for estimating effective population size from allele frequency shifts among samples from cohorts born any number of years apart. Computer simulations are used to check on the accuracy and precision of the method, and an application to coastal Atlantic cod is presented.  相似文献   

Aim Describing the landscape variables that accurately reflect how environmental and topographic variations affect population connectivity and demography is a major goal of landscape genetics and conservation biology. However, few landscape genetics studies have quantified the relationships between landscape variables and effective population size (Ne), although Ne is a key conservation and population genetics parameter. In this study, I estimated genetic structure and effective population sizes in the Yosemite toad (Bufo canorus) and tested for associations with environmental and geographic variables. Location Yosemite National Park, California, USA. Methods I estimated FST, Dps and Ne using 10 microsatellite loci amplified from 781 individuals from 24 populations. I used three landscape variables (environmental variation, topography and slope) to generate geographic distance models and a series of regression analyses to identify the variables that contributed to genetic structure in this species. I also tested for correlations between Ne and a suite of variables, including geographic and genetic isolation, habitat suitability, elevation, temperature and precipitation. Results I found substantial variation in genetic distances between populations (FST = 0.004–0.396, Dps = 0.045–0.839) and in effective population sizes (Ne = 9–52). Environmental variation and slope played important roles in explaining variation in genetic distances, and precipitation variables were significantly correlated with Ne. Main conclusions These results show that environmental and topographic variables are both important for understanding population connectivity in B. canorus and provide some of the first evidence, in any species, for a link between environmental variables and effective population size.  相似文献   

Four tributaries of Lake St-Jean (Québec, Canada) are used for spawning and juvenile habitat by land-locked Atlantic salmon. Spawning runs have drastically declined since the mid-1980s, and consequently, a supportive-breeding programme was undertaken in 1990. In this study, we analysed seven microsatellite loci and mtDNA, and empirically estimated effective population sizes to test the hypotheses that (i) fish spawning in different tributaries form genetically distinct populations and (ii) the supportive breeding programme causes genetic perturbations on wild populations. Allele frequency distribution, molecular variance and genetic distance estimates all supported the hypothesis of genetic differentiation among salmon from different tributaries. Gene flow among some populations was much more restricted than previously reported for anadromous populations despite the small geographical scale (40 km) involved. Both mtDNA and microsatellites revealed a more pronounced differentiation between populations from two tributaries of a single river compared with their differentiation with a population from a neighbouring river. The comparison of wild and F1-hatchery fish (produced from breeders originating from the same river) indicated significant changes in allele frequencies and losses of low-frequency alleles but no reduction in heterozygosity. Estimates of variance and inbreeding population size indicated that susceptibility to genetic drift and inbreeding in one population increased by twofold after only one generation of supplementation.  相似文献   

IAN J. WANG 《Molecular ecology》2009,18(18):3847-3856
Environmental variables can strongly influence a variety of intra- and inter-population processes, including demography, population structure and gene flow. When environmental conditions are particularly harsh for a certain species, investigating these effects is important to understanding how populations persist under difficult conditions. Furthermore, species inhabiting challenging environments present excellent opportunities to examine the effects of complex landscapes on population processes because these effects will often be more pronounced. In this study, I use 16 microsatellite loci to examine population structure, gene flow and demographic history in the black toad, Bufo exsul , which has one of the most restricted natural ranges of any amphibian. Bufo exsul inhabits four springs in the Deep Springs Valley high desert basin and has never been observed more than several meters from any source of water. My results reveal limited gene flow and moderately high levels of population structure ( F ST = 0.051–0.063) between all but the two closest springs. I found that the geographic distance across the arid scrub habitat between springs is significantly correlated with genetic structure when distance accounts for topography and barriers to dispersal. I also found very low effective population sizes ( N e = 7–30) and substantial evidence for historical population bottlenecks in all four populations. Together, these results suggest that the desert landscape and B.   exsul 's high habitat specificity contribute significantly to population structure and demography in this species and emphasize the importance of considering behavioural and landscape data in conservation genetic studies of natural systems.  相似文献   

Genetic and morphological similarity between populations separated by large distances may be caused by frequent long-distance dispersal or retained ancestral polymorphism. The frequent lack of differentiation between disjunct conspecific moss populations on different continents has traditionally been explained by the latter model, and has been cited as evidence that many or most moss species are extremely ancient and slowly diverging. We have studied intercontinental differentiation in the amphi-Atlantic peat moss Sphagnum angermanicum using 23 microsatellite markers. Two major genetic clusters are found, both of which occur throughout the distributional range. Patterns of genetic structuring and overall migration patterns suggest that the species probably originated in North America, and seems to have been established twice in Northern Europe during the past 40,000 years. We conclude that similarity between S. angermanicum populations on different continents is not the result of ancient vicariance and subsequent stasis. Rather, the observed pattern can be explained by multiple long-distance dispersal over limited evolutionary time. The genetic similarity can also partly be explained by incomplete lineage sorting, but this appears to be caused by the short time since separation. Our study adds to a growing body of evidence suggesting that Sphagnum, constituting a significant part of northern hemisphere biodiversity, may be more evolutionary dynamic than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The ratio of the effective population size to adult (or census) population size (Ne/N) is an indicator of the extent of genetic variation expected in a population. It has been suggested that this ratio may be quite low for highly fecund species in which there is a sweepstakes-like chance of reproductive success, known as the Hedgecock effect. Here I show theoretically how the ratio may be quite small when there are only a few successful breeders (Nb) and that in this case, the Ne/N ratio is approximately Nb/N. In other words, high variance in reproductive success within a generation can result in a very low effective population size in an organism with large numbers of adults and consequently a very low Ne/N ratio. This finding appears robust when there is a large proportion of families with exactly two progeny or when there is random variation in progeny numbers among these families.  相似文献   

By using both mitochondrial and nuclear multiloci markers, we explored population genetic structure, gene flow and sex-specific dispersal of frillneck lizards ( Chlamydosaurus kingii ) sampled at three locations, separated by 10 to 50 km, in a homogenous savannah woodland in tropical Australia. Apart from a recombinant lizard, the mitochondrial analyses revealed two nonoverlapping haplotypes/populations, while the nuclear markers showed that the frillneck lizards represented three separate clusters/populations. Due to the small population size of the mtDNA, fixation may occur via founder effects and/or drift. We therefore suggest that either of these two processes, or a combination of the two, are the most likely causes of the discordant results obtained from the mitochondrial and the nuclear markers. In contrast to the nonoverlapping mitochondrial haplotypes, in 12 out of 74 lizards, mixed nuclear genotypes were observed, hence revealing a limited nuclear gene flow. Although gene flow should ultimately result in a blending of the populations, we propose that the distinct nuclear population structure is maintained by frequent fires resulting in local bottlenecks, and concomitant spatial separation of the frillneck lizard populations. Limited mark–recapture data and the difference in distribution of the mitochondrial and nuclear markers suggest that the mixed nuclear genotypes were caused by juvenile male-biased dispersal.  相似文献   

The coastal plain of the south‐eastern United States shows multiple biogeographic patterns of plant and animal dispersal; however, few freshwater fish taxa span these biogeographic barriers. Percina nigrofasciata, the Blackbanded Darter (Teleostomi: Percidae), is a small, benthic, freshwater fish species with an extensive range in the south‐eastern United States. Recently, two species have been elevated from within P. nigrofasciata: P. crypta and P. westfalli, but their ranges have not been established. We broadly sampled across the south‐eastern United States, encompassing the range of P. nigrofasciata sensu lato. We reconstruct the phylogeny of Percina using both mitochondrial and nuclear markers. Eighty‐four specimens of Percina nigrofasciata were sampled for the mitochondrial gene cytochrome b (1,119 bp) to form a base phylogeny. The nuclear marker S7‐I1 was subsampled across populations to detect instances of hybridization. Phylogenetic relationships with other members of the genus Percina were assessed through Bayesian inference. Our results suggest that Percina nigrofasciata sensu stricto occurs from the Lake Pontchartrain Basin in Louisiana to the rivers of the Mobile Basin with little genetic structuring throughout its range. Percina westfalli occurs from the Apalachicola River drainages to the Atlantic Slope from the Savannah River to the St. Johns River. We find that P. crypta is not genetically distinct from P. westfalli in the Chattahoochee and Flint Rivers. Possible ancestral hybridization occurred between the P. nigrofasciata and P. westfalli in the panhandle of Florida between Mobile Bay and the Apalachicola River.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of habitat discontinuities on gene flow among puma (Puma concolor) populations across the southwestern USA. Using 16 microsatellite loci, we genotyped 540 pumas sampled throughout the states of Utah, Colorado, Arizona, and New Mexico, where a high degree of habitat heterogeneity provides for a wide range of connective habitat configurations between subpopulations. We investigated genetic structuring using complementary individual- and population-based analyses, the latter employing a novel technique to geographically cluster individuals without introducing investigator bias. The analyses revealed genetic structuring at two distinct scales. First, strikingly strong differentiation between northern and southern regions within the study area suggests little migration between them. Second, within each region, gene flow appears to be strongly limited by distance, particularly in the presence of habitat barriers such as open desert and grasslands. Northern pumas showed both reduced genetic diversity and greater divergence from a hypothetical ancestral population based on Bayesian clustering analyses, possibly reflecting a post-Pleistocene range expansion. Bayesian clustering results were sensitive to sampling density, which may complicate inference of numbers of populations when using this method. The results presented here build on those of previous studies, and begin to complete a picture of how different habitat types facilitate or impede gene flow among puma populations.  相似文献   

We present here a spatial and temporal population genetic survey of a common freshwater snail, also a predominantly selfing species, Lymnaea truncatula. The rate of genetic diversity loss was quantified by estimating the effective size (Ne) of the snail populations, using two different methods. A temporal survey allowed estimation of a variance effective size of the populations, and a spatial survey allowed the estimation of an inbreeding effective size, from two-locus identity disequilibria estimates. Both methods were consistent and provided low Ne values. Drift due to (i) high amounts of selfing and (ii) fluctuations in population sizes because of temporary habitats, and also selection coupled to genome-wide linkage disequilibria, could explain such reductions in Ne. The loss of genetic diversity appears to be counterbalanced only very partially by low apparent rates of gene flow.  相似文献   

Dendritic ecological network (DEN) architecture can be a strong predictor of spatial genetic patterns in theoretical and simulation studies. Yet, interspecific differences in dispersal capabilities and distribution within the network may equally affect species’ genetic structuring. We characterized patterns of genetic variation from up to ten microsatellite loci for nine numerically dominant members of the upper Gila River fish community, New Mexico, USA. Using comparative landscape genetics, we evaluated the role of network architecture for structuring populations within species (pairwise FST) while explicitly accounting for intraspecific demographic influences on effective population size (Ne). Five species exhibited patterns of connectivity and/or genetic diversity gradients that were predicted by network structure. These species were generally considered to be small‐bodied or habitat specialists. Spatial variation of Ne was a strong predictor of pairwise FST for two species, suggesting patterns of connectivity may also be influenced by genetic drift independent of network properties. Finally, two study species exhibited genetic patterns that were unexplained by network properties and appeared to be related to nonequilibrium processes. Properties of DENs shape community‐wide genetic structure but effects are modified by intrinsic traits and nonequilibrium processes. Further theoretical development of the DEN framework should account for such cases.  相似文献   

The current worldwide concern about tropical deforestation raises questions about the sustainability of avian populations in isolated forest fragments. One of the most important issues concerns the sizes of forest fragments necessary to maintain populations and the genetic variation within them. We address this by: (1) using mtDNA sequence variation to infer aspects of the population structure of four species of understory birds from four sites in southern Costa Rican rainforest; and (2) determining whether forest fragmentation that has occurred in the last 50 years has had an effect on the amount of within-population variation for the species in question. High levels of between-population differentiation (D xy ) were found over a relatively small geographic scale (<130 km) for white-breasted wood-wren (Henicorhina leucosticta), bicolored antbird (Gymnopithys leucaspis), and gray-headed tanager (Eucometis penicillata), suggesting that these species are highly sedentary and exhibit strong female philopatry. No mtDNA variation was found in Plain Antvireo (Dysithamnus mentalis). In all three of the polymorphic species there was a significant decrease in mtDNA nucleotide diversity in populations isolated by forest fragmentation as compared to populations in contiguous primary forest. Even in relatively large (250–1000 ha) forest reserves, sedentary avian species have lost roughly half (range 43–85) of the nucleotide diversity in mtDNA over a relatively short period of time. Our results indicate that sedentary avian species in forest fragments isolated by clearing have undergone severe reductions in effective population size due to population bottlenecks perpetuated by prolonged isolation and potential edge effects.  相似文献   

Gene flow and drift shape the distribution of neutral genetic diversity in metapopulations, but their local rates are difficult to quantify. To identify gene flow between demes as distinct from individual migration, we present a modified Bayesian method to genetically test for descendants between an immigrant and a resident in a nonmigratory life stage. Applied to a metapopulation of pond-breeding European newts (Triturus cristatus, T. marmoratus) in western France, the evidence for gene flow was usually asymmetric and, for demes of known census size (N), translated into maximally seven reproducing immigrants. Temporal sampling also enabled the joint estimation of the effective demic population size (Ne) and the immigration rate m (including nonreproductive individuals). Ne ranged between 4.1 and 19.3 individuals, Ne/N ranged between 0.05 and 0.65 and always decreased with N; m was estimated as 0.19-0.63, and was possibly biased upwards. We discuss how genotypic data can reveal fine-scale demographic processes with important microevolutionary implications.  相似文献   

Polyploid speciation has played an important role in evolutionary history across the tree of life, yet there remain large gaps in our understanding of how polyploid species form and persist. Although systematic studies have been conducted in numerous polyploid complexes, recent advances in sequencing technology have demonstrated that conclusions from data-limited studies may be spurious and misleading. The North American gray treefrog complex, consisting of the diploid Hyla chrysoscelis and the tetraploid H. versicolor, has long been used as a model system in a variety of biological fields, yet all taxonomic studies to date were conducted with only a few loci from nuclear and mitochondrial genomes. Here, we utilized anchored hybrid enrichment and high-throughput sequencing to capture hundreds of loci along with whole mitochondrial genomes to investigate the evolutionary history of this complex. We used several phylogenetic and population genetic methods, including coalescent simulations and testing of polyploid speciation models with approximate Bayesian computation, to determine that H. versicolor was most likely formed via autopolyploidization from a now extinct lineage of H. chrysoscelis. We also uncovered evidence of significant hybridization between diploids and tetraploids where they co-occur, and show that historical hybridization between these groups led to the re-formation of distinct polyploid lineages following the initial whole-genome duplication event. Our study indicates that a wide variety of methods and explicit model testing of polyploid histories can greatly facilitate efforts to uncover the evolutionary history of polyploid complexes.  相似文献   

For free‐swimming marine species like sharks, only population genetics and demographic history analyses can be used to assess population health/status as baseline population numbers are usually unknown. We investigated the population genetics of blacktip reef sharks, Carcharhinus melanopterus; one of the most abundant reef‐associated sharks and the apex predator of many shallow water reefs of the Indian and Pacific Oceans. Our sampling includes 4 widely separated locations in the Indo‐Pacific and 11 islands in French Polynesia with different levels of coastal development. Four‐teen microsatellite loci were analysed for samples from all locations and two mitochondrial DNA fragments, the control region and cytochrome b, were examined for 10 locations. For microsatellites, genetic diversity is higher for the locations in the large open systems of the Red Sea and Australia than for the fragmented habitat of the smaller islands of French Polynesia. Strong significant structure was found for distant locations with FST values as high as ~0.3, and a smaller but still significant structure is found within French Polynesia. Both mitochondrial genes show only a few mutations across the sequences with a dominant shared haplotype in French Polynesia and New Caledonia suggesting a common lineage different to that of East Australia. Demographic history analyses indicate population expansions in the Red Sea and Australia that may coincide with sea level changes after climatic events. Expansions and flat signals are indicated for French Polynesia as well as a significant recent bottleneck for Moorea, the most human‐impacted lagoon of the locations in French Polynesia.  相似文献   

Due to climate change, the ranges of many North American tree species are expected to shift northward. Sugar maple (Acer saccharum Marshall) reaches its northern continuous distributional limit in northeastern North America at the transition between boreal mixed‐wood and temperate deciduous forests. We hypothesized that marginal fragmented northern populations from the boreal mixed wood would have a distinct pattern of genetic structure and diversity. We analyzed variation at 18 microsatellite loci from 23 populations distributed along three latitudinal transects (west, central, and east) that encompass the continuous–discontinuous species range. Each transect was divided into two zones, continuous (temperate deciduous) and discontinuous (boreal mixed wood), based on sugar maple stand abundance. Respective positive and negative relationships were found between the distance of each population to the northern limit (D_north), and allelic richness (AR) and population differentiation (FST). These relations were tested for each transect separately; the pattern (discontinuous–continuous) remained significant only for the western transect. structure analysis revealed the presence of four clusters. The most northern populations of each transect were assigned to a distinct group. Asymmetrical gene flow occurred from the southern into the four northernmost populations. Southern populations in Québec may have originated from two different postglacial migration routes. No evidence was found to validate the hypothesis that northern populations were remnants of a larger population that had migrated further north of the species range after the retreat of the ice sheet. The northernmost sugar maple populations possibly originated from long‐distance dispersal.  相似文献   

As coral reefs continue to decline worldwide, it becomes ever more necessary to understand the connectivity between coral populations to develop efficient management strategies facilitating survival and adaptation of coral reefs in the future. Orbicella faveolata is one of the most important reef‐building corals in the Caribbean and has recently experienced severe population reductions. Here, we utilize a panel of nine microsatellite loci to evaluate the genetic structure of O. faveolata and to infer connectivity across ten sites spanning the wider Caribbean region. Populations are generally well‐mixed throughout the basin (FST = 0.038), although notable patterns of substructure arise at local and regional scales. Eastern and western populations appear segregated with a genetic break around the Mona Passage in the north, as has been shown previously in other species; however, we find evidence for significant connectivity between Curaçao and Mexico, suggesting that the southern margin of this barrier is permeable to dispersal. Our results also identify a strong genetic break within the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef System associated with complex oceanographic patterns that promote larval retention in southern Belize. Additionally, the diverse genetic signature at Flower Garden Banks suggests its possible function as a downstream genetic sink. The findings reported here are relevant to the ongoing conservation efforts for this important and threatened species, and contribute to the growing understanding of large‐scale coral reef connectivity throughout the wider Caribbean.  相似文献   

Population size is a central parameter for conservation; however, monitoring abundance is often problematic for threatened marine species. Despite substantial investment in research, many marine species remain data‐poor presenting barriers to the evaluation of conservation management outcomes and the modeling of future solutions. Such is the case for the white shark (Carcharodon carcharias), a highly mobile apex predator for whom recent and substantial population declines have been recorded in many globally distributed populations. Here, we estimate the effective number of breeders that successfully contribute offspring in one reproductive cycle (Nb) to provide a snapshot of recent reproductive effort in an east Australian–New Zealand population of white shark. Nb was estimated over four consecutive age cohorts (2010, 2011, 2012, and 2013) using two genetic estimators (linkage disequilibrium; LD and sibship assignment; SA) based on genetic data derived from two types of genetic markers (single nucleotide polymorphisms; SNPs and microsatellite loci). While estimates of Nb using different marker types produced comparable estimates, microsatellite loci were the least precise. The LD and SA estimates of Nb within cohorts using SNPs were comparable; for example, the 2013 age cohort Nb(SA) was 289 (95% CI 200–461) and Nb(LD) was 208.5 (95% CI 116.4–712.7). We show that over the time period studied, Nb was stable and ranged between 206.1 (SD ± 45.9) and 252.0 (SD ± 46.7) per year using a combined estimate of Nb(LD+SA) from SNP loci. In addition, a simulation approach showed that in this population the effective population size (Ne) per generation can be expected to be larger than Nb per reproductive cycle. This study demonstrates how breeding population size can be monitored over time to provide insight into the effectiveness of recovery and conservation measures for the white shark, where the methods described here may be applicable to other data‐poor species of conservation concern.  相似文献   

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