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The intracellular bacterial pathogen, Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. typhimurium), causes disease in a variety of hosts. To invade and replicate in host cells, these bacteria subvert host molecular machinery using bacterial proteins, called effectors, which they translocate into host cells using specialized protein delivery systems. One of these effectors, SopD, contributes to gastroenteritis, systemic virulence and persistence of S. typhimurium in animal models of infection. Recently, SopD has been implicated in invasion of polarized epithelial cells and here we investigate the features of SopD-mediated invasion. We show that SopD plays a role in membrane fission and macropinosome formation during S. typhimurium invasion, events previously shown to be mediated by the SopB effector. We further demonstrate that SopD acts cooperatively with SopB to promote these events during invasion. Using live cell imaging we show that a SopD-GFP fusion does not localize to HeLa cell cytosol as previously described, but instead is membrane associated. Upon S. typhimurium infection of these cells, SopD-GFP is recruited to the invasion site, and this recruitment required the phosphatase activity of SopB. Our findings demonstrate a role for SopD in manipulation of host-cell membrane during S. typhimurium invasion and reveal the nature of its cooperative action with SopB.  相似文献   

SigD is translocated into eucaryotic cells by a type III secretion system. In this work, evidence that the putative chaperone SigE directly interacts with SigD is presented. A bacterial two-hybrid system demonstrated that SigE can interact with itself and SigD. In addition, SigD was specifically copurified with SigE-His(6) on a nickel column.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium (S. Typhimurium) is one of the leading causes of food-borne illnesses worldwide. To colonize the gastrointestinal tract, S. Typhimurium produces multiple virulence factors that facilitate cellular invasion. Chitinases have been recently emerging as virulence factors for various pathogenic bacterial species, and the S. Typhimurium genome contains two annotated chitinases: STM0018 (chiA) and STM0233. However, the role of these chitinases during S. Typhimurium pathogenesis is unknown. The putative chitinase STM0233 has not been studied previously, and only limited data exists on ChiA. Chitinases typically hydrolyze chitin polymers, which are absent in vertebrates. However, chiA expression was detected in infection models and purified ChiA cleaved carbohydrate subunits present on mammalian surface glycoproteins, indicating a role during pathogenesis. Here, we demonstrate that expression of chiA and STM0233 is upregulated in the mouse gut and that both chitinases facilitate epithelial cell adhesion and invasion. S. Typhimurium lacking both chitinases showed a 70% reduction in invasion of small intestinal epithelial cells in vitro. In a gastroenteritis mouse model, chitinase-deficient S. Typhimurium strains were also significantly attenuated in the invasion of small intestinal tissue. This reduced invasion resulted in significantly delayed S. Typhimurium dissemination to the spleen and the liver, but chitinases were not required for systemic survival. The invasion defect of the chitinase-deficient strain was rescued by the presence of wild-type S. Typhimurium, suggesting that chitinases are secreted. By analyzing N-linked glycans of small intestinal cells, we identified specific N-acetylglucosamine-containing glycans as potential extracellular targets of S. Typhimurium chitinases. This analysis also revealed a differential abundance of Lewis X/A-containing glycans that is likely a result of host cell modulation due to the detection of S. Typhimurium chitinases. Similar glycomic changes elicited by chitinase deficient strains indicate functional redundancy of the chitinases. Overall, our results demonstrate that S. Typhimurium chitinases contribute to intestinal adhesion and invasion through modulation of the host glycome.  相似文献   

Three-dimensional reconstructions from electron cryomicrographs of the rotor of the flagellar motor reveal that the symmetry of individual M rings varies from 24-fold to 26-fold while that of the C rings, containing the two motor/switch proteins FliM and FliN, varies from 32-fold to 36-fold, with no apparent correlation between the symmetries of the two rings. Results from other studies provided evidence that, in addition to the transmembrane protein FliF, at least some part of the third motor/switch protein, FliG, contributes to a thickening on the face of the M ring, but there was no evidence as to whether or not any portion of FliG also contributes to the C ring. Of the four morphological features in the cross section of the C ring, the feature closest to the M ring is not present with the rotational symmetry of the rest of the C ring, but instead it has the symmetry of the M ring. We suggest that this inner feature arises from a domain of FliG. We present a hypothetical docking in which the C-terminal motor domain of FliG lies in the C ring, where it can interact intimately with FliM.  相似文献   

Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain LT2 possesses two nonallelic structural genes, fliC and fljB, for flagellin, the component protein of flagellar filaments. Flagellar phase variation occurs by alternative expression of these two genes. This is controlled by the inversion of a DNA segment, called the H segment, containing the fljB promoter. H inversion occurs by site-specific recombination between inverted repetitious sequences flanking the H segment. This recombination has been shown in vivo and in vitro to be mediated by a DNA invertase, Hin, whose gene is located within the H segment. However, a search of the complete genomic sequence revealed that LT2 possesses another DNA invertase gene that is located adjacent to another invertible DNA segment within a resident prophage, Fels-2. Here, we named this gene fin. We constructed hin and fin disruption mutants from LT2 and examined their phase variation abilities. The hin disruption mutant could still undergo flagellar phase variation, indicating that Hin is not the sole DNA invertase responsible for phase variation. Although the fin disruption mutant could undergo phase variation, fin hin double mutants could not. These results clearly indicate that both Hin and Fin contribute to flagellar phase variation in LT2. We further showed that a phase-stable serovar, serovar Abortusequi, which is known to possess a naturally occurring hin mutation, lacks Fels-2, which ensures the phase stability in this serovar.  相似文献   

The capability of Salmonella enterica serovar Typhimurium strain 14028 (S. Typhimurium 14028) to utilize myo-inositol (MI) is determined by the genomic island GEI4417/4436 carrying the iol genes that encode enzymes, transporters, and a repressor responsible for the MI catabolic pathway. In contrast to all bacteria investigated thus far, S. Typhimurium 14028 growing on MI as the sole carbon source is characterized by a remarkable long lag phase of 40 to 60 h. We report here that on solid medium with MI as the sole carbon source, this human pathogen exhibits a bistable phenotype characterized by a dissection into large colonies and a slow-growing bacterial background. This heterogeneity is reversible and therefore not caused by mutation, and it is not observed in the absence of the iol gene repressor IolR nor in the presence of at least 0.55% CO(2). Bistability is correlated with the activity of the iolE promoter (P(iolE)), but not of P(iolC) or P(iolD), as shown by promoter-gfp fusions. On the single-cell level, fluorescence microscopy and flow cytometry analysis revealed a gradual switch of P(iolE) from the "off" to the "on" status during the late lag phase and the transition to the log phase. Deletion of iolR or the addition of 0.1% NaHCO(3) induced an early growth start of S. Typhimurium 14028 in minimal medium with MI. The addition of ethoxyzolamide, an inhibitor of carboanhydrases, elongated the lag phase in the presence of bicarbonate. The positive-feedback loop via repressor release and positive induction by bicarbonate-CO(2) might allow S. Typhimurium 14028 to adapt to rapidly changing environments. The phenomenon described here is a novel example of bistability in substrate degradation, and, to our knowledge, is the first demonstration of gene regulation by bicarbonate-CO(2) in Salmonella.  相似文献   

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