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P2X receptors are ATP-gated ion channels made up of three similar or identical subunits. It is unknown whether ligand binding is intersubunit or intrasubunit, either for agonists or for allosteric modulators. Zinc binds to rat P2X2 receptors and acts as an allosteric modulator, potentiating channel opening. To probe the location of this zinc binding site, P2X2 receptors bearing mutations of the histidines at positions 120 and 213 were expressed in Xenopus oocytes. Studies of H120C and H213C mutants produced five lines of evidence consistent with the hypothesis that the residues in these positions bind zinc. Mixing of subunits containing the H120A or H213A mutation generated receptors that showed zinc potentiation, even though neither of these mutant receptors showed zinc potentiation on its own. Furthermore, expression of trimeric concatamers with His --> Ala mutations at some but not all six positions showed that zinc potentiation correlated with the number of intersubunit histidine pairs. These results indicate that zinc potentiation requires an interaction across a subunit interface. Expression of the H120C/H213C double mutant resulted in the formation of ectopic disulfide bonds that could be detected by changes in the physiological properties of the receptors after treatment with reducing and oxidizing agents. Immunoblot analysis of H120C/H213C protein separated under nonreducing conditions demonstrated that the ectopic bonds were between adjacent subunits. Taken together, these data indicate that His120 and His213 sit close to each other across the interface between subunits and are likely to be key components of the zinc binding site in P2X2 receptors.  相似文献   

P2X receptor subunits have intracellular N and C termini, two membrane-spanning domains, and an extracellular loop of about 280 amino acids. We expressed the rat P2X(2) receptor in human embryonic kidney cells, and used alanine-scanning mutagenesis on 30 residues with polar side chains conserved among the seven rat P2X receptor subunits. This identified a region proximal to the first transmembrane domain which contained 2 lysine residues that were critical for the action of ATP (Lys(69) and Lys(71)). We substituted cysteines in this region (Asp(57) to Asp(71)) and found that for S65C and I67C ATP-evoked currents were inhibited by methanethiosulfonates. At I67C, the inhibition by negatively charged ethylsulfonate and pentylsulfonate derivatives could be overcome by increasing the ATP concentration, consistent with a reduced affinity of ATP binding. The inhibitory action of the methanethiosulfonates was prevented by pre-exposure to ATP, suggesting occlusion of the binding site. Finally, introduction of negative charges into the receptor by mutagenesis at this position (I67E and I67D) also gave receptors in which the ATP concentration-response curve was right-shifted. The results suggest that residues close to Ile(67) contribute to the ATP-binding site.  相似文献   

To assess the mechanism of P2X2 receptor modulation by transition metals, the cDNA for the wild-type receptor was injected to Xenopus laevis oocytes and examined 48-72 h later by the two-electrode voltage-clamp technique. Copper was the most potent of the trace metals examined; at 10 microm it evoked a 25-fold potentiation of the 10 microm ATP-gated currents. Zinc, nickel or mercury required 10-fold larger concentrations to cause comparable potentiations, while palladium, cobalt or cadmium averaged only 12- and 3-fold potentiations, respectively. Platinum was inactive. The non-additive effect of copper and zinc at 10-100 microm suggests a common site of action; these metals also shifted to the left the ATP concentration-response curves. To define residues necessary for trace metal modulation, alanines were singly substituted for each of the nine histidines in the extracellular domain of the rat P2X2 receptor. The H120A and H213A mutants were resistant to the modulator action of copper, zinc and other metals with the exception of mercury. Mutant H192A showed a reduction but not an abrogation of the copper or zinc potentiation. H245A showed less affinity for copper while this mutant flattened the zinc-induced potentiation. Mutant H319A reduced the copper but not the zinc-induced potentiation. In contrast, mutants H125A, H146A, H152A and H174A conserved the wild-type receptor sensitivity to trace metal modulation. We propose that His120, His192, His213 and His245 form part of a common allosteric metal-binding site of the P2X2 receptor, which for the specific coordination of copper, but not zinc, additionally involves His319.  相似文献   

P2X receptor immunoreactivity in the male genital organs of the rat   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
The distribution of ATP ionotropic P2X receptors in the genital organs of the male rat has been investigated with immunohistochemical techniques using specific antibodies to P2X1-7 receptors. In the excretory ducts of the testis (ductus epididymidis, vas deferens and its associated seminal vesicles), the major signals were seen with antibodies to P2X1 and P2X2 in the membranes of the smooth muscle layer, suggesting that these receptors are involved in the process of sperm transport and ejaculation. In the penis body, strong P2X1 and weaker P2X2 immunoreactivity was seen in the smooth muscle of blood vessels and the corpus cavernosum, suggesting a participation in the detumescence process. P2X5 immunoreactivity, a marker for differentiating cells in stratified squamous epithelia, was observed in the epithelia of the terminal urethra, the "horny spur" (spine-studded epithelium of the glans) and the inner surface of the prepuce. Antibodies to P2X3 reacted with nerve fibres in the adventitia of vas deferens, and the P2X6 receptor was localised in the basal lamina of the epithelium. In the prostate, there was immunostaining of the smooth muscle between the tubules with antibody for P2X1, but not with P2X2; P2X3 immunostaining of nerves and strong P2X7 immunostaining of the glandular epithelium of the prostate were also present.  相似文献   

Homomeric P2X3 receptors are present in sensory ganglia and participate in pain perception. Amino acid (AA) residues were replaced in the four supposed nucleotide binding segments (NBSs) of the human (h) P2X3 receptor by alanine, and these mutants were expressed in HEK293 cells and Xenopus laevis oocytes. Patch clamp and two-electrode voltage clamp measurements as well as the Ca(2+) imaging technique were used to compare the concentration-response curves of the selective P2X1,3 agonist α,β-methylene ATP obtained at the wild-type P2X3 receptor and its NBS mutants. Within these NBSs, certain Gly (Gly-66), Lys (Lys-63, Lys-176, Lys-284, Lys-299), Asn (Asn-177, Asn-279), Arg (Arg-281, Arg-295), and Thr (Thr-172) residues were of great importance for a full agonist response. However, the replacement of further AAs in the NBSs by Ala also appeared to modify the amplitude of the current and/or [Ca(2+)](i) responses, although sometimes to a minor degree. The agonist potency decrease was additive after the simultaneous replacement of two adjacent AAs by Ala (K65A/G66A, F171A/T172A, N279A/F280A, F280A/R281A) but was not altered after Ala substitution of two non-adjacent AAs within the same NBS (F171A/N177A). SDS-PAGE in the Cy5 cell surface-labeled form demonstrated that the mutants appeared at the cell surface in oocytes. Thus, groups of AAs organized in NBSs rather than individual amino acids appear to be responsible for agonist binding at the hP2X3 receptor. These NBSs are located at the interface of the three subunits forming a functional receptor.  相似文献   

The distribution of the P2X2 subtype of the purine receptor associated with the extracellular signalling activities of ATP was studied in the rat hypothalamo-neurohypophysial system at the electron microscope level. Receptors were labelled with ExtrAvidin-horseradish peroxidase preembedding immunocytochemistry using a polyclonal antibody against a fragment of an intracellular domain of the receptor. Immunoreactivity to P2X2 receptors was localised in: (i) paraventricular and supraoptic nuclei—in subpopulations of endocrine neurones, neurosecretory and non-neurosecretory axons and dendrites; and (ii) the neurohypophysis—in pituicytes and subpopulation of neurosecretory axons. In both the hypothalamic nuclei examined, labelled asymmetric axo-dendritic synapses were commonly observed. These synapses involved either P2X2-labelled axon terminals (synaptic buttons) and unlabelled dendrites or labelled dendrites and unlabelled axon terminals. Axo-somatic synapses established by P2X2-positive axons on P2X2-positive endocrine cell bodies as well as on P2X2-negative somata were also observed. The functional significance of these findings is discussed.  相似文献   

P2X receptors mediate the effects of ATP in micturition and nociception. During postnatal maturation, a spinobulbospinal reflex and voluntary voiding replace primitive voiding reflexes. This may involve changes in neuroactive compounds and receptors in bladder reflex pathways. We examined P2X2 and P2X3 receptors in bladder and spinal cord from postnatal (P0-P36, indicating number of days) and adult Wistar rats. Western blot of whole bladders for P2X2 and P2X3 expression was performed. Immunostaining for P2X2 and P2X3 receptors in urothelium and detrusor smooth muscle whole mounts and spinal cord sections was examined. Western blot demonstrated an age-dependent decrease (R(2) = 0.96, P 相似文献   

A truncated naturally occurring variant of the human receptor P2X7 was identified in cancer cervical cells. The novel protein (P2X7-j), a polypeptide of 258 amino acids, lacks the entire intracellular carboxyl terminus, the second transmembrane domain, and the distal third of the extracellular loop of the full-length P2X7 receptor. The P2X7-j was expressed in the plasma membrane; it showed diminished ligand-binding and channel function capacities and failed to form pores and mediate apoptosis in response to treatment with the P2X7 receptor agonist benzoyl-ATP. The P2X7-j interacted with the full-length P2X7 in a manner suggesting heterooligomerization and blocked the P2X7-mediated actions. Interestingly, P2X7-j immunoreactivity and mRNA expression were similar in lysates of human cancer and normal cervical tissues, but full-length P2X7 immunoreactivity and mRNA expression were higher in normal than in cancer tissues, and cancer tissues lacked 205-kDa P2X7 immunoreactivity suggesting lack of P2X7 homo(tri)-oligomerization. These results identify a novel P2X7 variant with apoptosis-inhibitory actions, and demonstrate a distinct regulatory property for a truncated variant to antagonize its full-length counterpart through hetero-oligomerization. This may represent a general paradigm for regulation of a protein function by its variant.  相似文献   

Thyroid cells express a variety of P2Y and P2X purinergic receptor subtypes. G protein-coupled P2Y receptors influence a wide variety of thyrocyte-specific functions; however, functional P2X receptor-gated channels have not been observed. In this study, we used whole cell patch-clamp recording and fluorescence imaging of the plasma membrane marker FM1-43 to examine the effects of extracellular ATP on membrane permeability and trafficking in the Fisher rat thyroid cell line FRTL. We found a cation-selective current that was gated by ATP and 2',3'-O-(4-benzoylbenzoyl)-ATP but not by UTP. The ATP-evoked currents were inhibited by pyridoxal phosphate 6-azophenyl-2',4'-disulfonic acid, adenosine 5'-triphosphate-2',3'-dialdehyde, 100 µM Zn2+, and 50 µM Cu2+. Fluorescence imaging revealed pronounced, temperature-sensitive stimulation of exocytosis and membrane internalization by ATP with the same pharmacological profile as observed for activation of current. The EC50 for ATP stimulation of internalization was 440 µM in saline containing 2 mM Ca2+ and 2 mM Mg2+, and 33 µM in low-Mg2+, nominally Ca2+-free saline. Overall, the results are most consistent with activation of a P2X7 receptor by ATP4–. However, low permeability to N-methyl-D-glucamine+ and the propidium cation YO-PRO-1 indicates absence of the cytolytic pore that often accompanies P2X7 receptor activation. ATP stimulation of internalization occurs in Na+-free, Ca2+-free, or low-Mg2+ saline and therefore does not depend on cation influx through the ATP-gated channel. We conclude that ATP activation of a P2X7 receptor stimulates membrane internalization in FRTL cells via a transduction pathway that does not depend on cation influx. purinergic receptor; internalization; patch clamp  相似文献   

目的:观察硫化氢(H2S)供体硫氢化钠(NaHS)对ATP致伤的大鼠小胶质细胞细胞活力、细胞膜通透性及P2X7受体表达的影响。方法:实验取对数期形态结构及生长分化良好的大鼠小胶质细胞,随机分4组,每组设3个复孔。①正常对照组:常规培养,不进行ATP处理。②ATP组:接种细胞24 h后ATP处理。③NaHS+ATP组:NaHS预先孵育30 min后再用ATP处理,并且NaHS始终存在于反应体系中。④KN-62(P2X7受体阻断剂)+ATP组:KN-62预先孵育30 min,其余同NaHS+ATP组。MTT检测各组细胞活力,荧光染料YO-PRO-1检测各组相对荧光单位(RFU)反映膜的通透性,Western blot检测各组P2X7受体表达水平。结果:①与对照组相比,不同浓度的ATP (1、3、5、10 mmol/L)作用3 h均可明显降低大鼠小胶质细胞活力,NaHS (200 μmol/L)干预后大鼠小胶质细胞活力较ATP组明显增加(P<0.01),但NaHS达400 μmol/L浓度时,其保护作用未进一步增加。②随着ATP浓度的增加,大鼠小胶质细胞内YO-PRO-1的荧光强度显著增加,NaHS预处理可明显减少细胞对YO-PRO-1的摄取(P<0.01)。③ATP (3 mmol/L)能上调P2X7受体蛋白表达水平,而NaHS (200 μmol/L)预孵育则可明显抑制ATP引起的P2X7受体蛋白表达的上调(P<0.01)。结论:NaHS可减少ATP致伤的大鼠小胶质细胞的P2X7受体表达、降低通透性、增加细胞活力,提示调控P2X7受体的表达和功能可能是H2S神经保护作用的重要环节。  相似文献   

The synthesis and pharmacological evaluation of a new series of potent P2X(7) receptor antagonists is disclosed. The compounds inhibit BzATP-mediated pore formation in THP-1 cells. The distribution of the P2X(7) receptor in inflammatory cells, most notably the macrophage, mast cell and lymphocyte, suggests that P2X(7) antagonists have a significant role to play in the treatment of inflammatory disease.  相似文献   

P2X2 receptor channel, a homotrimer activated by the binding of extracellular adenosine triphosphate (ATP) to three intersubunit ATP-binding sites (each located ∼50 Å from the ion permeation pore), also shows voltage-dependent activation upon hyperpolarization. Here, we used tandem trimeric constructs (TTCs) harboring critical mutations at the ATP-binding, linker, and pore regions to investigate how the ATP activation signal is transmitted within the trimer and how signals generated by ATP and hyperpolarization converge. Analysis of voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating in these TTCs showed that: (a) Voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating of P2X2 requires binding of at least two ATP molecules. (b) D315A mutation in the β-14 strand of the linker region connecting the ATP-binding domains to the pore-forming helices induces two different gating modes; this requires the presence of the D315A mutation in at least two subunits. (c) The T339S mutation in the pore domains of all three subunits abolishes the voltage dependence of P2X2 gating in saturating [ATP], making P2X2 equally active at all membrane potentials. Increasing the number of T339S mutations in the TTC results in gradual changes in the voltage dependence of gating from that of the wild-type channel, suggesting equal and independent contributions of the subunits at the pore level. (d) Voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating in TTCs differs depending on the location of one D315A relative to one K308A that blocks the ATP binding and downstream signal transmission. (e) Voltage- and [ATP]-dependent gating does not depend on where one T339S is located relative to K308A (or D315A). Our results suggest that each intersubunit ATP-binding signal is directly transmitted on the same subunit to the level of D315 via the domain that contributes K308 to the β-14 strand. The signal subsequently spreads equally to all three subunits at the level of the pore, resulting in symmetric and independent contributions of the three subunits to pore opening.  相似文献   

The P2X7 receptor (P2X7R) is a member of the ATP-gated ion channel family that exhibits distinct electrophysiological and pharmacological properties. This includes low sensitivity to ATP, lack of desensitization, a sustained current growth during prolonged receptor stimulation accompanied with development of permeability to large organic cations, and the coupling of receptor activation to cell blebbing and death. The uniquely long C-terminus of P2X7R accounts for many of these receptor-specific functions. The aim of this study was to understand the role of conserved ectodomain cysteine residues in P2X7R function. Single- and double-point threonine mutants of C119-C168, C129-C152, C135-C162, C216-C226, and C260-C269 cysteine pairs were expressed in HEK293 cells and studied using whole-cell current recording. All mutants other than C119T-P2X7R responded to initial and subsequent application of 300-μM BzATP and ATP with small amplitude monophasic currents or were practically nonfunctional. The mutagenesis-induced loss of function was due to decreased cell-surface receptor expression, as revealed by assessing levels of biotinylated mutants. Coexpression of all double mutants with the wild-type receptor had a transient or, in the case of C119T/C168T double mutant, sustained inhibitory effect on receptor trafficking. The C119T-P2X7R mutant was expressed on the plasma membrane and was fully functional with a slight decrease in the sensitivity for BzATP, indicating that interaction of liberated Cys168 with another residue rescues the trafficking of receptor. Thus, in contrast to other P2XRs, all disulfide bonds of P2X7R are individually essential for the proper receptor trafficking.  相似文献   

P2X receptors are nonselective cation channels gated by extracellular ATP. Recombinant mammalian P2X subunits assemble in homomeric ionotropic ATP receptors that differ by their agonist sensitivity and desensitization rate in heterologous expression systems. Using site-directed mutagenesis and voltage clamp recording in Xenopus oocytes, we identified the highly conserved protein kinase C site TX(K/R) located in the intracellular N terminus of P2X subunits as a critical determinant of kinetics in slowly desensitizing (time constant, >1 min) rat P2X(2) receptors. Mutant receptors P2X(2)T18A, T18N, and K20T devoid of this consensus site exhibited quickly desensitizing properties (time constant, <1 s). In contrast with wild-type receptors, mutant P2X(2) receptors with truncated C terminus exhibited variable cell-specific kinetics with quickly desensitizing currents converted to slowly desensitizing currents by phorbol ester-mediated stimulation of protein kinase C. Phosphorylation of Thr(18) was demonstrated directly by immunodetection using specific monoclonal antibodies directed against the phosphothreonine-proline motif. Our data indicate that both phosphorylation of the conserved threonine residue in the N-terminal domain by protein kinase C and interaction between the two cytoplasmic domains of P2X(2) subunits are necessary for the full expression of slowly desensitizing ATP-gated channels.  相似文献   

Of the three major classes of ligand-gated ion channels, nicotinic receptors and ionotropic glutamate receptors are known to be organized as pentamers and tetramers, respectively. The architecture of the third class, P2X receptors, is under debate, although evidence for a trimeric assembly is accumulating. Here we provide biochemical evidence that in addition to the rapidly desensitising P2X1 and P2X3 receptors, the slowly desensitising subtypes P2X2, P2X4, and P2X5 are trimers of identical subunits. Similar (heteromeric) P2X subunits also formed trimers, as shown for co-expressed P2X1 and P2X2 subunits, which assembled efficiently to a P2X1+2 receptor that was exported to the plasma membrane. In contrast, P2X6 subunits, which are incapable of forming functional homomeric channels in Xenopus oocytes, were retained in the ER as apparent tetramers and high molecular mass aggregates. Altogether, we conclude from these data that a trimeric architecture is the structural hallmark of functional homomeric and heteromeric P2X receptors.  相似文献   

The P2X(7) receptor is a ligand-gated channel that is highly expressed on mononuclear cells of the immune system and that mediates ATP-induced apoptosis. Wide variations in the function of the P2X receptor have been observed, explained in part by (7)loss-of-function polymorphisms that change Glu(496) to Ala (E496A) and Ile(568) to Asn (I568N). In this study, a third polymorphism, which substitutes an uncharged glutamine for the highly positively charged Arg(307) (R307Q), has been found in heterozygous dosage in 12 of 420 subjects studied. P2X(7) function was measured by ATP-induced fluxes of Rb(+), Ba(2+), and ethidium(+) into peripheral blood monocytes or various lymphocyte subsets and was either absent or markedly decreased. Transfection experiments showed that P2X(7) carrying the R307Q mutation lacked either channel or pore function despite robust protein synthesis and surface expression of the receptor. The monoclonal antibody (clone L4) that binds to the extracellular domain of wild type P2X(7) and blocks P2X(7) function failed to bind to the R307Q mutant receptor. Differentiation of monocytes to macrophages up-regulated P2X(7) function in cells heterozygous for the R307Q to a value 10-40% of that for wild type macrophages. However, macrophages from a subject who was double heterozygous for R307Q/I568N remained totally non-functional for P2X(7), and lymphocytes from the same subject also lacked ATP-stimulated phospholipase D activity. These data identify a third loss-of-function polymorphism affecting the human P2X(7) receptor, and since the affected Arg(307) is homologous to those amino acids essential for ATP binding to P2X(1) and P2X(2), it is likely that this polymorphism abolishes the binding of ATP to the extracellular domain of P2X(7).  相似文献   

Adenosine triphosphate (ATP) and other nucleotides can be released in the central and peripheral nervous systems and act as neurotransmitters/neuromodulators. They can activate G-protein coupled receptors and ligand-gated ion channels, which are present throughout the central nervous system (CNS). P2X2 is one of seven known ion channels gated by ATP, and is characterized by having two transmembrane domains, a large extracellular loop and intracellular N- and C-termini. Recently, work from several laboratories has shown that neurotransmitter receptors can interact with other proteins thereby changing their functional attributes. More specifically, it was demonstrated that P2X2 binds beta-tubulin. Our goal was to investigate this interaction, by comparing P2X2 with a naturally occurring splicing variant named P2X2b. These isoforms differ in their C-terminal regions which contain the proposed beta-tubulin-binding domain. Indeed we were able to demonstrate that only the long variant P2X2 binds beta-tubulin I in various biochemical assays. In addition, this interaction can be direct since it also occurred when the P2X2 C-terminus was exposed to purified brain tubulin. When expressed in heterologous cells, P2X2 interacted with beta-tubulin I while present on the outer membrane, as demonstrated by biotinylation of surface proteins. Therefore, the present data strongly support a functional interaction between an ATP-gated channel and the cytoskeleton. Moreover, we show a biochemical difference between the splicing alternatives that might account for novel distinct functional roles.  相似文献   

The P2X purinergic receptor channels (P2XRs) differ among themselves with respect to the rates of desensitization during prolonged agonist stimulation. Here we studied the desensitization of recombinant channels by monitoring the changes in intracellular free Ca(2+) concentration in cells stimulated with ATP, the native and common agonist for all P2XRs. The focus in our investigations was on the relevance of the P2XR C terminus in controlling receptor desensitization. When expressed in GT1 cells, the P2XRs desensitized with rates characteristic to each receptor subtype: P2X(1)R = P2X(3)R > P2X(2b)R > P2X(4)R > P2X(2a)R > P2X(7)R. A slow desensitizing pattern of P2X(2a)R was mimicked partially by P2X(3)R and fully by P2X(4)R when the six-amino acid sequences of these channels located in the cytoplasmic C terminus were substituted with the corresponding arginine 371 to proline 376 sequence of P2X(2a)R. Changing the total net charge in the six amino acids of P2X(4)R to a more positive direction also slowed the receptor desensitization. On the other hand, substitution of arginine 371-proline 376 sequence of P2X(2a)R with the corresponding sequences of P2X(1)R, P2X(3)R, and P2X(4)R increased the rate of receptor desensitization. Furthermore, heterologous polymerization of wild-type P2X(2a)R and mutant P2X(3)R having the C-terminal six amino acids of P2X(2a)R at its analogous position resulted in a functional channel whose desensitization was significantly delayed. These results suggest that composition of the C-terminal six-amino acid sequence and its electrostatic force influence the rate of receptor desensitization.  相似文献   

Immunohistochemical techniques were performed on freshly frozen sections of the duodenum of the rat using specific polyclonal antibodies to unique peptide sequences of P2X1-7 receptors. Of the antibodies to the seven known P2X receptor subtypes that mediate extracellular signalling by nucleotides, three reacted with discrete structures in the duodenal villus of the rat. Anti-P2X1 reacted with the capillary plexus in the intestinal villus, which did not extend to the crypt region, suggesting that nucleotides may be involved in the uptake and transport of metabolites. Anti-P2X5 immunostained the membranes of the narrow "stem" of villus goblet cells, where the nucleus and cell organelles reside, possibly influencing synthesis and release of mucins. P2X7 receptor immunoreactivity was only seen in the membranes of enterocytes and goblet cells at the tip of the villus, where cells are exfoliated into the lumen, consistent with earlier findings that P2X7 is involved in apoptotic events. Thus, in complex structures such as the intestinal villus, purinoceptors appear to participate in several and diverse signalling functions.  相似文献   

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