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We have developed a project for biological radio-controlled electrostimulation, consisting in a three channel telestimulator, which has been used in our laboratories on animals unrestrained and complete freedom of movements. The system has been tested and used in many experiments which excellent results.  相似文献   

A series of radio-controlled glider models was constructed by duplicating the aerodynamic shape of soaring birds (raven, turkey vulture, seagull and pelican). Controlled tests were conducted to determine the level of longitudinal and lateral-directional static stability, and to identify the characteristics that allowed flight without a vertical tail. The use of tail-tilt for controlling small bank-angle changes, as observed in soaring birds, was verified. Subsequent tests, using wing-tip ailerons, inferred that birds use a three-dimensional flow pattern around the wing tip (wing tip vortices) to control adverse yaw and to create a small amount of forward thrust in gliding flight.  相似文献   

The frog transgenesis technique ultimately promises to make mutagenesis possible through random insertion of plasmid DNA into the genome. This study was undertaken to evaluate whether a gene trap approach combined with transgenesis would be appropriate for performing insertional mutagenesis in Xenopus embryos. Firstly, we confirmed that the transgenic technique results in stable integration into the genome and that transmission through the germline occurs in the expected Mendelian fashion. Secondly, we developed several gene trap vectors, using the green fluorescent protein (GFP) as a marker. Using these vectors, we trapped several genes in Xenopus laevis that are expressed in a spatially restricted manner, including expression in the epiphysis, the olfactory bulb and placodes, the eyes, ear, brain, muscles, tail and intestine. Finally, we cloned one of the trapped genes using 5' rapid amplification of cDNA ends polymerase chain reaction (RACE PCR). These results suggest that the transgenic technique combined with a gene trap approach might provide a powerful method for generating mutations in endogenous genes in Xenopus.  相似文献   

The application of live cell imaging allows direct visualization of the dynamic interactions between cells of the immune system. Some preliminary observations challenge long-held beliefs about immune responses to microorganisms; however, the lack of spatial and temporal control between the phagocytic cell and microbe has rendered focused observations into the initial interactions of host response to pathogens difficult. This paper outlines a method that advances live cell imaging by integrating a spinning disk confocal microscope with an optical trap, also known as an optical tweezer, in order to provide exquisite spatial and temporal control of pathogenic organisms and place them in proximity to host cells, as determined by the operator. Polymeric beads and live, pathogenic organisms (Candida albicans and Aspergillus fumigatus) were optically trapped using non-destructive forces and moved adjacent to living cells, which subsequently phagocytosed the trapped particle. High resolution, transmitted light and fluorescence-based movies established the ability to observe early events of phagocytosis in living cells. To demonstrate the broad applicability of this method to immunological studies, anti-CD3 polymeric beads were also trapped and manipulated to form synapses with T cells in vivo, and time-lapse imaging of synapse formation was also obtained. By providing a method to exert fine control of live pathogens with respect to immune cells, cellular interactions can be captured by fluorescence microscopy with minimal perturbation to cells and can yield powerful insight into early responses of innate and adaptive immunity.  相似文献   

N T Parkin  P Chiu    K Coelingh 《Journal of virology》1997,71(4):2772-2778
We have generated new influenza A virus live attenuated vaccine candidates by site-directed mutagenesis and reverse genetics. By mutating specific amino acids in the PB2 polymerase subunit, two temperature-sensitive (ts) attenuated viruses were obtained. Both candidates have 38 degrees C shutoff temperatures in MDCK cells, are attenuated in the respiratory tracts of mice and ferrets, and have very low reactogenicity in ferrets. Infection of mice or ferrets with either mutant conferred significant protection from challenge with the homologous wild-type virus. Three tests for genetic stability were used to assess the propensity for reversion to virulence: 14 days of replication in nude mice, growth at 37 degrees C in tissue culture, and serial passage in ferrets. One candidate, which contains mutations intended to reduce the ability of PB2 to bind to cap structures, was stable in all three assays, whereas the second candidate, which contains mutations found only in other ts strains of influenza virus, lost its ts phenotype in the last two assays. This approach has therefore enabled the creation of live attenuated influenza A virus vaccine candidates suitable for human testing.  相似文献   

A size selective underwater light trap is described. Trap records indicate that the trap is effective in taking a wide variety of organisms within size limits that can be set by the experimenter.  相似文献   

A signal sequence trap based on a constitutively active cytokine receptor.   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Targeting of secreted and cell-surface proteins to the cell membrane is mediated by a short hydrophobic stretch of amino acids, termed the signal sequence. We have developed a method that detects signal sequences in cDNA fragments based on their ability to redirect a constitutively active mutant of a cytokine receptor to the cell surface, thereby permitting interleukin-3 (IL-3)-independent growth of Ba/F3 cells. Retrovirus-mediated expression of the fusions in IL-3-dependent cells was followed by selection of clones for growth in the absence of IL-3. Infection of cells with 5x10(6) viral particles in a pilot experiment led to the isolation of 150 known and 48 novel cDNA clones, and all the known cDNA clones were found to encode secreted and cell-surface proteins. In addition, we isolated type II membrane proteins, which have not been detected by existing signal sequence trap strategies.  相似文献   

A carbon dioxide trap designed to captureIxodes ricinus over periods of up to 7 days is described. The trap compared favourably with blanket dragging and flagging in areas of high tick density, particularly on rough ground and for adult ticks; it was also surprisingly efficient for larvae. Ticks appeared to be captured throughout the 7-day trapping period. The maximum attraction distance recorded for adult female ticks was 3.5 m and for nymphs 1.0 m. Trapping rates were influenced by air temperature.  相似文献   

A new signal sequence trap using alkaline phosphatase as a reporter.   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
Secreted and transmembrane proteins are critical to the cell-cell interactions governing normal development and carcinogenesis. To facilitate the identification of such molecules, we have developed a novel signal sequence trap that uses human placental alkaline phosphatase as a reporter. Libraries from mouse prostate and human prostatic carcinoma were constructed to test the PST (peptide signal trap) system, resulting in the identification of several secreted and transmembrane proteins.  相似文献   

Camera traps are a popular tool for monitoring wildlife though they can fail to capture enough morphological detail for accurate small mammal species identification. Camera trapping small mammals is often limited by the inability of camera models to: (i) record at close distances; and (ii) provide standardised photos. This study aims to provide a camera trapping method that captures standardised images of the faces of small mammals for accurate species identification, with further potential for individual identification. A novel camera trap design coined the ‘selfie trap’ was developed. The selfie trap is a camera contained within an enclosed PVC pipe with a modified lens that produces standardised close images of small mammal species encountered in this study, including: Brown Antechinus (Antechinus stuartii), Bush Rat (Rattus fuscipes) and Sugar Glider (Petaurus breviceps). Individual identification was tested on the common arboreal Sugar Glider. Five individual Sugar Gliders were identified based on unique head stripe pelage. The selfie trap is an accurate camera trapping method for capturing detailed and standardised images of small mammal species. The design described may be useful for wildlife management as a reliable method for surveying small mammal species. However, intraspecies individual identification using the selfie trap requires further testing.  相似文献   

Recently, a hitherto unknown feeding strategy, the toxic mucus trap, was discovered in the dinoflagellate Alexandrium pseudogonyaulax. In this study, over 40 strains of 8 different Alexandrium species (A. ostenfeldii, A. tamarense, A. catenella, A. taylorii, A. margalefii, A. hiranoi, A. insuetum and A. pseudogonyaulax) were screened for their ability to ingest prey and/or to form mucus traps. The mucus trap feeding strategy, where a mucus trap is towed by the longitudinal flagellum remains unique to A. pseudogonyaulax. In additional experiments, details of the trap were examined and quantified, such as speed and frequency of trap formation as well as what happens to the trap after the A. pseudogonyaulax cell detaches from it. The percentage of A. pseudogonyaulax cells producing a mucus trap and the number of prey cells caught increased with increasing prey concentration, whereas the physical size of the traps was independent of prey concentration. In one strain given an excess of prey, within 1 h over 90% of individual A. pseudogonyaulax cells had formed a trap, each containing an average of 45 prey cells. Individual A. pseudogonyaulax cells steadily produced traps and up to 5 traps were produced by a single A. pseudogonyaulax cell after only 24 h. The attachment of an A. pseudogonyaulax cell to the trap only ceased during, and just following, cell division. Prey cells were, to some extent, capable of escaping from the mucus trap, but the trap remained sticky and continued catching prey for up to 48 h after the trap had been abandoned by the A. pseudogonyaulax cell. These results reveal that the effects of the mucus trap extend far beyond the removal of prey through ingestion, and the potential impact of this strategy on surrounding cells is high.  相似文献   

A trap for capturing planktonic chironomid larvae   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This paper describes the construction and field operation of a trap designed to investigate the movements of larval Chironomidae in the open water of lakes. Although the trap was designed to be multidirectional, with six trapping bottles, only two directional components, vertical and horizontal, could be distinguished. This led to examination of three bottles only during later field studies, namely bottle 1 facing into the current, bottle 5 facing the substrate and bottle 6 facing the surface of the lake. Some results are presented and trap operation and sampling efficiency discussed. A major advantage of the trap is its use as a long term accumulator of planktonic organisms as opposed to traditional spot sampling techniques which tend to miss the less numerous plankters.  相似文献   

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