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Measurements of the optical absorption spectra of the sublimed films of adenine, guanine, cytosine, thymine, and uracil were extended down to 120 mμ at room temperature. Several remarkable absorption peaks were found to exist below 190 mμ in addition to the already known ones near 260 mμ and 200 mμ. The intensities of these peaks were comparable to or, in some cases, even larger than those near 260 mμ and 200 mμ. It was found that the relative intensities of the absorption peaks differed considerably from sample to sample for all five bases, probably due to variation in the arrangement of the bases in the sublimed films. It was found also that the absorption spectra of the sublimed films change with aging on standing in vacuo at room temperature. On comparing the spectra of several fresh samples it was found that the intensities of the transitions with wavelength longer than 160 mμ of adenine, guanine, and uracil films are inversely correlated with those of the transitions shorter than 160mμ.  相似文献   

A FORTRAN computer program called SHIFTS is described. Through SHIFTS, one can calculate the NMR chemical shifts of the proton resonances of single and double-stranded nucleic acids of known sequences and of predetermined conformations. The program can handle RNA and DNA for an arbitrary sequence of a set of 4 out of the 6 base types A, U, G, C, I and T. Data files for the geometrical parameters are available for A-, A′-, B-, D- and S-conformations.The positions of all the atoms are calculated using a modified version of the SEQ program [1]. Then, based on this defined geometry three chemical shift effects exerted by the atoms of the neighboring nucleotides on the protons of each monomeric unit are calculated separately: the ring current shielding effect; the local atomic magnetic susceptibility effect (including both diamagnetic and paramagnetic terms); and the polarization or electric field effect. Results of the program are compared with experimental results for a γ(ApApGpCpUpU)2 helical duplex and with calculated results on this same helix based on model building of A′-form and B-form and on graphical procedure for evaluating the ring current effects.  相似文献   

There are seven significantly variable torsion angles in each monomer unit of a polynucleotide. Because of this, it is computationally infeasible to consider the energetics of all conformations available to a nucleic acid without the use of simplifications. In this paper, we develop functions suggested by and regression fit to crystallographic data which allow three of these torsion angles, alpha (O3'-P-O5'-C5'), delta (C5'-C4'-C3'-O3') and epsilon (C4'-C3'-O3'-P), to be calculated as dependent variables of those remaining. Using these functions, the seven independent torsions are reduced to four, a reduction in complexity sufficient to allow an examination of the global conformational energetics of a nucleic acid for the remaining independent torsion angles. These functions are the first to quantitatively relate a dependent nucleic acid torsion angle to several different independent angles. In all three cases the data are fit reasonably well, and in one case, alpha, the fit is exceptionally good, lending support for the suitability of the functions in conformational searches. In addition, an examination of the most significant terms in each of the correlation functions allows insight into the physical basis for the correlations.  相似文献   

Dexter S. Moore 《Biopolymers》1980,19(5):1017-1038
A combination of the DeVoe and Kirkwood polarizability concepts is developed to calculate CD spectra of nucleic acid monomers. The method is perfectly general and applies to any system where the constituents have absorption properties which are widely separated in terms of frequency. The theory is applied to calculate the CD spectra of adenosine and 2′-deoxyadenosine conformers. Bond polarizabilities are evaluated for the ribosyl moiety of adenosine, as a function of glycosidic rotational angles and polarizability anisotropies. It is found that a wide range of C-C and C-O bond polarizabilities give similar CD results. Isotropic atom polarizabilities are also evaluated. It is found that the CD results using these polarizabilities do not differ significantly from those obtained with bond polarizabilities. The CD spectra of adenosine and 2′-deoxyadenosine are calculated for three x-ray diffraction determined geometries: A-form RNA, B-form DNA, and C-form DNA. The results indicate that the monomer CD spectra are strongly dependent on the precise geometry and appear to be of importance in understanding the spectra of oligomers and polymers. The deoxyadenosine conformers are found to have calculated CD spectra which are less intense than those of the ribosyl conformers. These results indicate that the measured differences between the CD magnitudes of ribo- and deoxyriboadenosine are due to the presence or absence of the 2′-hydroxyl. Weighted averaged adenosine CD spectra are calculated with the aid of probability distributions from conformational energy calculations. The results suggest a new method for obtaining empirical monomer parameters for use in optical calculations. The calculations in this paper indicate for the first time that DeVoe theory, in combination with the Kirkwood theory, provides a useful method for the calculation of the CD spectra of nonpolymeric molecules.  相似文献   

Computer programs are described which help during the collection and analysis of nucleic acid sequence data. They are written in FORTRAN and have been implemented on a PDP 11/60 computer.  相似文献   

The near-ultraviolet absorption and circular dichroic spectra of plastocyanin are dependent upon the redox state, solution pH, and ammonium sulfate concentration. This dependency was observed in plastocyanin isolated from spinach, poplar, and lettuce. Removal of the copper atom also perturbed the near-ultraviolet spectra. Upon reduction there are increases in both extinction and ellipticity at 252 nm. Further increases at 252 nm were observed upon formation of apo plastocyanin eliminating charge transfer transitions as the cause. The spectral changes in the near-ultraviolet imply a flexible tertiary conformation for plastocyanin. There are at least two charge transfer transitions at approximately 295-340 nm. One of these transitions is sensitive to low pH's and is attributed to the His 87 copper ligand. The redox state dependent changes observed in the near-ultraviolet spectra of plastocyanin are attenuated either by decreasing the pH to 5 or by increasing the ammonium sulfate concentration to 2.7 M. This attenuation cannot be easily explained by simple charge screening. Hydrophobic interactions probably play an important role in this phenomenon. The pH and redox state dependent conformational changes may play an important role in regulating electron transport.  相似文献   

Difference spectra of progesterone-binding globulin (PBG) complexes with progesterone and testosterone were measured. The contributions of steroid and protein to the difference spectra were resolved by use of 5alpha-pregane-3,20-dione and dihydrotestosterone to compensate for the perturbation of PBG. The absorption spectra of seven bound steroids all showed increased extinction coefficients, sharpened absorption bands, a small blue shift, and an increased area implying an enhanced transition moment. This is in contrast to the steroid complexes with the low affinity binders, human serum albumin, and alpha 1-acid glycoprotein, which exhibit decreased extinction coefficients and reduced transition moments.  相似文献   

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