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The ongoing Childhood Leukemia Survival Study is examining the possible association between magnetic field exposure and survival of children with newly diagnosed acute lymphocytic leukemia (ALL). We report the results of the first year 24 h personal magnetic field monitoring for 356 US and Canadian children by time weighted average TWA and alternative exposure metrics. The mean TWA of 0.12 microT was similar to earlier personal exposure studies involving children. A high correlation was found between 24 h TWA and alternative metrics: 12 h day TWA, 12 night TWA, geometric mean, 95th percentile value, percentage time over 0.2 and 0.3 microT, and an estimate of field stability (Constant Field Metric). Two measures of field intermittency, rate of change metric (RCM) and standardized rate of change metric (RCMS), were not highly correlated with TWA. The strongest predictor of TWA was location of residence, with highest TWAs associated with urban areas. Residence in an apartment, lower paternal educational level, and residential mobility were also associated with higher TWAs. There were no significant differences in the appliance use patterns of children with higher TWA values. Children with the highest field intermittency (high RCM) were more likely to sit within 3 feet of a video game attached to the TV. Our results suggest that 24 h TWA is a representative metric for certain patterns of exposure, but is not highly correlated with two metrics that estimate field intermittency.  相似文献   

We conducted a pilot study to assess magnetic field levels in electric compared to gasoline‐powered vehicles, and established a methodology that would provide valid data for further assessments. The sample consisted of 14 vehicles, all manufactured between January 2000 and April 2009; 6 were gasoline‐powered vehicles and 8 were electric vehicles of various types. Of the eight models available, three were represented by a gasoline‐powered vehicle and at least one electric vehicle, enabling intra‐model comparisons. Vehicles were driven over a 16.3 km test route. Each vehicle was equipped with six EMDEX Lite broadband meters with a 40–1,000 Hz bandwidth programmed to sample every 4 s. Standard statistical testing was based on the fact that the autocorrelation statistic damped quickly with time. For seven electric cars, the geometric mean (GM) of all measurements (N = 18,318) was 0.095 µT with a geometric standard deviation (GSD) of 2.66, compared to 0.051 µT (N = 9,301; GSD = 2.11) for four gasoline‐powered cars (P < 0.0001). Using the data from a previous exposure assessment of residential exposure in eight geographic regions in the United States as a basis for comparison (N = 218), the broadband magnetic fields in electric vehicles covered the same range as personal exposure levels recorded in that study. All fields measured in all vehicles were much less than the exposure limits published by the International Commission on Non‐Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP) and the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers (IEEE). Future studies should include larger sample sizes representative of a greater cross‐section of electric‐type vehicles. Bioelectromagnetics 34:156–161, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

Electric fields induced in a conductive body by the magnetic field of a current-carrying wire were analyzed theoretically and experimentally to assess the dosimetric importance of highly nonuniform, field-exposure conditions. Experimentation revealed that a 60-Hz magnetic field was inversely proportional to the radius of a wire bundle carrying 100 A within a 0.5-m2 test area. A miniaturized electric field probe was used to measure the electric fields induced in 5-cm-deep, saline-filled models. In the theoretical analysis, numerical estimates of induced fields were made by a spreadsheet method. The theoretical calculations and the measured values of induced electric fields were generally in good agreement. The induced fields were in a plane perpendicular to a vertically incident magnetic field; the maximally induced fields were in areas nearest the wire bundle. The strength of the induced field increased with model size: from 96 microV/cm in a 10 x 10 cm model to 176 microV/cm in a 40 x 40 cm model. The strength of the field induced in a 20 x 20 cm model decreased with increasing model-to-wire spacing: from 132 microV/cm for a 1-cm spacing (2-mT maximum, incident field) to 50 microV/cm for a 6-cm spacing (0.33-mT maximum). The results indicate that increases in local values of nonuniformly incident fields produce relatively small increases in induced electric fields. This finding may be important in dosimetric consideration of circumstances, such as use of electric blankets, in which fields of low average strength are accompanied by intense local fields.  相似文献   

We have previously reported that exposing the vegetative plasmodia stage of Physarum polycephalum to either individual or simultaneously applied electric and magnetic fields (45-75 Hz, 0.14-2.0 G, and 0.035-0.7 V/m) lengthens their mitotic cycle, depresses their rate of reversible shuttle streaming, and lowers their respiration rate. In this article we report the effects of simultaneously applied electromagnetic fields (60 Hz, 1.0 G, 1.0 V/m), electric fields only (60 Hz, 1.0 V/m), magnetic fields only (60 Hz, 1.0 G) on the haploid amoeba of Physarum exposed for 120-180 days. Statistically significant depressions (about 8-11%) in ATP levels were observed with all field conditions; however, respiration was significantly decreased only when amoebae were subjected to either combined fields or electric fields alone. Magnetic fields alone failed to induce a significant decrease in respiration.  相似文献   

We examined the association between magnetic field (MF) exposure and the presence of prognostic risk factors among 482 children diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL) between 1996 and 2001. Personal 24-h MF measurements were obtained for 412 children; 386 children were included in analyses. There were no trends seen between increasing exposure to MF and the presence of adverse clinical and tumor-specific prognostic factors. Our results suggest that exposure to MF is not associated with the presence of unfavorable cytogenetic abnormalities in leukemic blast cells or with clinical factors at the time of diagnosis that predict poor survival.  相似文献   

Recent laboratory and epidemiological results have stimulated interest in the hypothesis that human beings may exhibit biological responses to magnetic and/or electric field transients with frequencies in the range between 100 Hz and 100 kHz. Much can be learned about the response of a system to a transient stimulation by understanding its response to sinusoidal disturbances over the entire frequency range of interest. Thus, the main effort of this paper was to compare the strengths of the electric fields induced in homogeneous ellipsoidal models by uniform 100 Hz through 100 kHz electric and magnetic fields. Over this frequency range, external electric fields of about 25–2000 V/m (depending primarily on the orientation of the body relative to the field) are required to induce electric fields inside models of adults and children that are similar in strength to those induced by an external 1 μT magnetic field. Additional analysis indicates that electric fields induced by uniform external electric and magnetic fields and by the nonuniform electric and magnetic fields produced by idealized point sources will not differ by more than a factor of two until the sources are brought close to the body. Published data on electric and magnetic field transients in residential environments indicate that, for most field orientations, the magnetic component will induce stronger electric fields inside adults and children than the electric component. This conclusion is also true for the currents induced in humans by typical levels of 60 Hz electric and magnetic fields in U.S. residences. Bioelectromagnetics 18:67–76, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

We measured magnetic fields and two sources of contact current in 36 homes in Pittsfield, MA. The first source, V(P-W), is the voltage due to current in the grounding wire, which extends from the service panel neutral to the water service line. This voltage can cause contact current to flow upon simultaneous contact with a metallic part of the water system, such as the faucet, and the frame of an appliance, which is connected to the panel neutral through the equipment-grounding conductor. The second is V(W-E), the voltage between the water pipe and earth, attributable to ground currents in the water system and magnetic induction from nearby power lines. In homes with conductive water systems and drains, V(W-E) can produce a voltage between the faucet and drain, which may produce contact current into an individual contacting the faucet while immersed in a bathtub. V(P-W) was not strongly correlated to the magnetic field (both log transformed) (r = 0.28; P < 0.1). On the other hand, V(W-E) was correlated to the residential magnetic field (both log transformed) (r = 0.54; P < 0.001), with the highest voltages occurring in homes near high voltage transmission lines, most likely due to magnetic induction on the grounding system. This correlation, combined with both frequent exposure opportunity for bathing children and substantial dose to bone marrow resulting from contact, lead us to suggest that contact current due to V(W-E) could explain the association between high residential magnetic fields and childhood leukemia.  相似文献   

Several authors have concluded that thermal electromagnetic noise will be of sufficient magnitude to overwhelm electric and/or magnetic fields induced by environmentally generated, power frequency electric and magnetic fields in the membranes of living cells located in the bodies of humans. Yet, there are research reports that indicate that living cells may respond to power frequency electric and/or magnetic field levels well below the limits set by these thermal noise arguments. The purpose of this study is to suggest that published thermal arguments may not make a full accounting of all membrane force fields of thermal origin, and that when such an accounting is made, the net thermal noise fields may be smaller in the power frequency range than previously thought. If this analysis is correct, there may be no thermal noise barrier that precludes the possibility of cellular membranes of human cells responding to environmental levels of power frequency electric or magnetic fields.  相似文献   

The main aim of this study was to investigate occupational exposure to electric fields, and current densities and contact currents associated with tasks at air-insulated 110 kV substations and analyze if the action value of EU Directive 2004/40/EC was exceeded. Four workers volunteered to simulate the following tasks: Task (A) maintenance of an operating device of a disconnector at ground or floor level, Task (B) maintenance of an operating device of a circuit breaker at ground or floor level, Task (C) breaker head maintenance from a man hoist, and Task (D) maintenance of an operating device of a circuit breaker from a service platform. The highest maximum average current density in the neck was 1.8 mA/m(2) (calculated internal electric field 9.0-18.0 mV/m) and the highest contact current was 79.4 μA. All measured values at substations were lower than the limit value (10 mA/m(2)) of the EU Directive 2004/40/EC and the 2010 basic restrictions (0.1 and 0.8 V/m for central nervous system tissues of the head, and all tissues of the head and body, respectively) of the International Commission on Non-Ionizing Radiation Protection (ICNIRP).  相似文献   

The occupational exposure to electric and magnetic fields during various work tasks at seven 110 kV substations in Finland's Tampere region was studied. The aim was to investigate if the action values (10 kV/m for the E‐field and 500 µT for the B‐field) of the EU Directive 2004/40/EC were exceeded. Electric and magnetic fields were measured during the following work tasks: (1) walking or operating devices on the ground; (2) working from a service platform; (3) working around the power transformer on the ground or using a ladder; and (4) changing a bulb from a man hoist. In work task 2 “working from a service platform” the measured electric field (maximum value 16.6 kV/m) exceeded 10 kV/m in three cases. In the future it is important to study if the limit value (10 mA/m2) of Directive 2004/40/EC is exceeded at 110 kV substations. The occupational 500 µT action value of the magnetic flux density field (B‐field) was not exceeded in any working situation. Bioelectromagnetics 31:252–254, 2010. © 2009 Wiley‐Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

This investigation studied the effect of 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields on the human heart. The electrocardiograms of 27 transmission-line workers and 26 male volunteers were recorded with a Holter recorder both in and outside the fields. The measurements took from half an hour to a few hours. The electric field strength varied from 0.14 to 10.21 kV/m and the magnetic flux density from 1.02 to 15.43 μT. Analysis of the ECG recordings showed that extrasystoles or arrhythmias were as frequent outside the field as in the field. In some cases a small decrease in heart rate was observed after field exposure. © 1993 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

A discussion of the general implication of the existance of non-thermal biological effects of electromagnetic fields is presented.  相似文献   

An attempt has been made to understand whether 50 Hz electric and magnetic fields (EMFs) are involved in producing bioeffects by exposing human erythrocytes in vitro. The study evaluated some key glycolytic enzymes, glucose consumption, lactate production, energy charge, 2,3-diphosphoglycerate, and reduced glutathione levels. all of which are biochemical parameters significant to erythrocyte function. Cells exposed to individual or superimposed EMFs have not shown any significant difference compared with the controls. © 1993 Wiley-Liss. Inc.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to investigate the influence of humidity on analyzing electric field exposure using extremely low frequency (ELF) electric field measurements. The study included 322 measurements in a climate room. We used two commercial three‐axis meters, EFA‐3 and EFA‐300, and employed two measurement techniques in the climate room where we varied the temperature from 15 to 25 °C, the relative humidity from 55% to 95%, and the electric field from 1 to 25 kV/m. We calculated Pearson correlations between humidity and percentage errors for all data and for data at different levels of humidity. When the relative humidity was below 70%, the results obtained by the different measurement methods in terms of percentage errors were of the same order of magnitude for the considered temperatures and field strength, but the results were less reliable when the relative humidity was higher than 80%. In the future, it is important to take humidity into account when electric field measurement results will be compared to the values given in different exposure guidelines. Bioelectromagnetics 34:414–418, 2013. © 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

The electric fields within a planar slab of material due to both charges and dipoles within the slab and near to its surface are simply calculated using the method of images. If the slab is immersed in a fluid of high dielectric constant the electric field within the slab due to the charge is always reduced but that of a suitably oriented electric dipole is enhanced by as much as a factor of two.  相似文献   

There are large disparities between basic restrictions for exposure to extremely low-frequency (0-3 kHz) Electric and Magnetic Fields set by two major international bodies. Both bodies agree that these basic restrictions should prevent neuro-stimulatory effects: the retinal phosphene at frequencies up to a few hundred Hertz and peripheral nervous stimulation (PNS) at higher frequencies. The disparity arises from differences in estimated thresholds and frequency dependence, and whether restrictions should be of tissue induced current density or electric field. This paper argues that the latter metric more directly relates to neurostimulatory processes. By analysing available literature, a threshold for retinal phosphenes occurrence is found to be 56 mV/m (95% Confidence Interval 2-1330 mV/m), with a characteristic frequency of 20 Hz. Similarly, the smallest PNS sensation threshold is identified at 2 V/m (characteristic frequency above 3 kHz). In the case of the former, the large range of uncertainty suggests a 'power of ten' value of 100 mV/m. For the latter, because of the small margin between sensation and pain threshold, and because of the large individual variation, the smallest estimate of sensation threshold (2 V/m) represents a basic restriction with precaution incorporated.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of electric fields (EFs) on the activity and subcellular distribution of protein kinase C (PKC) of living HL60 cells. Sixty Hertz AC sinusoidal EFs (1.5–1.000 mV/cm p-p) were applied for 1 h to cells (107/ml) in Teflon chambers at 37 °C in the presence or absence of 2 μM phorbol 12-myristate 13-acetate (PMA). PMA stimulation alone evoked intracellular translocation of PKC from the cytosolic to particulate fractions. In cells that were exposed to EFs (100–1,000 mV/cm) without PMA, a loss of PKC activity from the cytosol, but no concomitant rise in particulate PKC activity, was observed. In the presence of PMA. EFs (33–330 mV/cm) also accentuated the expected loss of PKC activity from the cytosol and augmented the rise in PKC activity in the particulate fraction. These data show that EFs alone or combined with PMA promote down-regulation of cytosolic PKC activity similar to that evoked by mitogens and tumor promoters but that it does not elicit the concomitant rise in particulate activity seen with those agents. © 1996 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

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