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<正> 期距预测法使用简便,适于作中期预测的参考。据此,今将我站通过实践所得的有关红铃虫期距方面的多年资料,按虫态和世代间的期距、期距变异原因及其预测方法,整理报告于后。 一、期距观察结果 根据1958—1967年的室内饲养和1960—1977年的田间调查资料统计分析,得知红铃虫各世代和虫态间的期距历年变异较大,如越冬红铃虫化蛹高峰至羽化高峰的期距,最长的1976年18天,最短的1967年仅9天,平均14  相似文献   

白翅叶蝉(Thaia subrufa Motschulsky)在浙江省东阳县,一年大部发生二代。第一、二代成虫分别于6月下旬至7月上、中旬和8月下旬至9月中旬盛发于早稻和双季晚稻,第二代成虫大部分越冬,少数早发的才能发生第三代。第一、二和三代卵历期分别为17—19、11—12和15一19天,若虫历期分别为19、16和24天。成虫4℃开始活动,10℃开始取食,15℃开始羽化和产卵。卵开始发育温度在20℃左右。成虫无孤雌生殖现象,产卵前期在第一、二代分别为23和17天,越冬成虫则长达6—8月之久。每雌产卵量以越冬代最高,以后各代急剧下降。越冬后成虫在4月下旬几乎全部集中于早、中稻秧田,产卵盛期在5月即早稻本田分蘗期。繁殖寄主仅限于水稻。 因白翅叶蝉具有这些生物学特性,所以防治适期为早季秧田。1964—1965年在东阳县早季秧田大面积防治结果,可减低早、中稻本田虫口90%以上,且能压低双季晚稻田的虫口密度。  相似文献   

基于2001—2018年MODIS NDVI数据,采用累计归一化植被指数(NDVI)的Logistic曲线曲率极值法,识别内蒙古植被枯黄期及其时空变化特征,并在生态区尺度上分析枯黄期对气候因子和NDVI的响应特征。结果表明: 研究期间,内蒙古植被平均枯黄期主要集中在第260~280天。森林生态区枯黄期为第270~280天,从南向北推迟;草原生态区枯黄期最早,介于第257~273天,从东北向西南逐渐推迟;荒漠生态区枯黄期为第270~283天,东北向西南呈推迟态势。2001—2018年间,3个生态区植被枯黄期均呈不显著推迟趋势。植被生产力从东北向西南逐渐降低,在时间上呈增加趋势的面积大于呈减小趋势的面积。全内蒙古和各生态区植被枯黄期受季前2~3个月降水量的正面影响较大,与季前平均温度、最高温度和最低温度均呈正相关关系。全内蒙古和各生态区,8和9月植被生产力的增加(或减少)将推迟(或提前)植被枯黄期,而6和7月植被生产力的增加(或减少)将提前(或推迟)草原和荒漠生态区植被枯黄期。  相似文献   

根据1978—1984年我们对两个点数十巢楼燕和家燕迁飞期的观察,楼燕(Apus apus)至期,均在四月份.最早至期为4月5日,最晚至期为4月22日,前后相差17天.家燕(Hirundorustica)至期比楼燕略早,最早在3月27日,最晚为4月23日,变化幅度为28天.楼燕归期最早在7月底,最晚在8月18日.家燕均在8月份,甚至可以留居到8月底.这样,楼燕在我区留居约四个月;家燕则可达五个月之久(表1).  相似文献   

<正> 嫩江地区谷子田玉米螟发生为害比较严重。我们根据生产需要,结合大面积防治实际情况,分析研究了历年谷田玉米螟产卵始期与高峰以及幼虫蛀茎与出现枯心苗之间的关系,得出连续两次见卵块后3—6天出现卵高峰;幼虫孵化后7天开始蛀茎;11天后出现枯心苗的  相似文献   

1956年我们进行連作晚稻移栽期试验时,发现不同移栽期,秧齡愈长,移栽愈晚,植株产生不同程度的分枝现象,这种分枝多半是从地上茎节葉腋间着生,由腋芽生长而成,这些分枝並且同样具有抽穗结实的能力。试验时我们所採用連作晚稻品种分秈、粳两组,秈型品种为“晚成”,粳型品种为“背晚”,均係当地选出的農家种;同在5月30日播种,在8/7、8/17、8/27三期分期移栽,秧齡日数为69—79—89天;根據观察,在各期生育过程中,8月7日移栽,僅分蘖节位较高(在9—8节间  相似文献   

小地老虎变态期脂肪体变化及保幼激素类似物的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文对小地老虎Agrotis ypsilon(Rottemberg)从四龄幼虫开始经预蛹和蛹的变态期及羽化为成虫后的脂肪体出现的超微结构变化,蛋白质含量的变动,以及蛋白质颗粒的形成和消失过程,进行了系统观察和组织化学分析。结果表明:(1)在幼虫期的后期,脂肪体扩大成宽带状,细胞体积增大的同时出现双核和多核。进入预蛹期,细胞内开始出现嗜碱性“蛋白质颗粒”,血细胞吞噬部分脂肪体细胞。蛹龄一天时,脂肪体转变成块状,细胞内充满大型蛋白质颗粒。在蛹龄5—10天内,“幼虫脂肪体”逐步崩解,围膜及细胞膜消失。至蛹龄12天时转变为预成虫,脂肪体细胞重新出现,并以气管分支为中心聚合成花朵状圆球体,再组成串状“成虫脂肪体”,仍充满蛋白质颗粒。幼虫期发达的粗面内质网和线粒体,至预蛹期则衰变成几种类型的蛋白质颗粒。(2)六龄幼虫在1—5日龄期间,每克脂肪体的蛋白质含量稳定在7.1—8.4毫克之间,随后逐步升高,至预蛹期达16.3毫克的峰值。蛹初期,雄蛹和雌蛹的含量分别增高到预蛹期的1.63和2.4倍。但在蛹龄2—8天内迅速下降到六龄幼虫期的水平。至蛹龄9—13天时间(包括预成虫),含量又突然猛增,雌蛹尤为显著。蛹期脂肪体细胞充满着的几种蛋白质颗粒,在羽化为成虫后的24小时内全部消失。在六龄幼虫期用保幼激素类似物ZR-515(20微克)作体壁处理,可使幼虫期延长4天,并使九日龄幼虫的脂肪体仍保持幼虫型状态。  相似文献   

武昌灰稻虱的初步研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
夏温澍 《昆虫学报》1962,(2):105-117
灰稻虱为水稻害虫之一, 据我们在武昌地区观察, 此虫以成虫及若虫为害, 每年发生6—7世代, 以若虫期越冬。越冬期间若虫多隐藏在稻田杂草内。成虫期经过5—42天, 卵期5—15天, 若虫期9—31天, 一世代需42.5天。每只雌虫产卵62—259粒, 卵粒产于寄主植物茎内。成虫分长翅及短翅两个类型。防治方面以拔除稗草最为有效, 药剂方面以1/150—300倍6%666, 1/1000—1500敌百虫及1/200—300异狄氏剂有效。  相似文献   

张明  蔡景霞 《动物学研究》2006,27(4):344-350
采用split-litter法对仔鼠进行分组和处理,共5组NTS组(未经实验人员抓握和标记),PND2—9TS组和PND10—17TS组(分别在仔鼠出生后的2—9天、10—17天,每天短暂抓握和标记仔鼠),PND2—9MS组和PND10—17MS组(分别在仔鼠出生后的2—9天、10—17天,除了按TS组相同方式抓握并在不同部位标记外,每天把仔鼠与母鼠分离1h)。待雌鼠成年后,进行明/暗箱测试和一次性被动回避反应测试。结果发现与NTS组相比,PND2—9TS组和PND10—17TS组的雌鼠在明/暗箱测试中停留于明室的累计时间明显较长,在被动回避作业中的重测试潜伏期也明显较长,表明新生期的触觉刺激经历减少雌性大鼠成年后在新异环境中的焦虑,并改善情绪记忆。与相应TS组相比,MS处理组的所有行为指标都无显著性差异,说明短时间母婴分离对雌鼠成年后的焦虑和情绪记忆无明显影响。结果提示,新生期的触觉刺激和母婴分离经历对仔鼠神经系统的发育产生不同的长期效应。  相似文献   

张志林  郑发科 《四川动物》2006,25(4):798-799
通过红毛羽毛蚜蝇Pararctophila oberthueri Herve室内饲养,对红毛羽毛蚜蝇幼期形态特征及生物学特性进行观察和研究。结果表明:在自然条件下,幼期每世代历期为25~30天,卵的孵化时间为2.52天,幼虫期为18.25天,蛹的羽化时间8.45天,幼期历期的长短受食物及温度影响。  相似文献   

Biochemical basis for D,L,-beta-hydroxybutyrate-induced teratogenesis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
L Shum  T W Sadler 《Teratology》1990,42(5):553-563
Previous investigations have demonstrated that a potential mechanism for D,L,-beta-hydroxybutyrate (BOHB)-induced teratogenesis in neurulating mouse embryos (5-6 somite stage) after 24 hours of exposure in vitro is mediated by an inhibition of the pentose phosphate pathway (PPP) (Hunter, et al. '87). Employing conceptuses of an earlier stage (2-3 somite stage), the biochemistry of BOHB-induced abnormalities was examined further by exposing embryos to 32 mM BOHB for 24 hour and comparing results with controls with respect to the rate of metabolism via the PPP, de novo pyrimidine biosynthesis (PB), and BOHB utilization. Moreover, the capability of these BOHB-exposed embryos to recover from such an insult was also assessed by transferring them to fresh control medium and allowing them to grow for an additional 36 hours. Both controls and BOHB-exposed embryos showed a progressive increase in rate of BOHB utilization between days 9 and 11.5 of gestation in vitro. Exposure to ketone body produced a 100% rate of neural tube defects and a 25.2% decrease in total embryonic protein content. In contrast to results obtained at the 5-6 somite stage, no inhibition of the PPP in whole conceptuses, embryos, or visceral yolk sacs was observed in the group exposed to BOHB at the 2-3 somite stage. Furthermore, a 7.5 mM D-ribose supplement, an intermediate in the PPP, was unable to rescue the younger embryos from BOHB-induced abnormalities and growth retardation. On the other hand, BOHB produced a 34.3% decrease in pyrimidine biosynthesis in the 2-3 somite embryos, but not in the visceral yolk sac. In addition, embryos recovered biochemically after being transferred to control medium, demonstrating a 25.5% overshoot in pyrimidine biosynthesis. Therefore, the mechanism of BOHB-induced teratogenesis appears to differ depending on the stage of embryonic development at the time of initial exposure.  相似文献   

Half embryos produced from 8-cell or compacted stages were cultured in vitro for 1-2 days and transferred to oviducts or uteri of recipients at different stages of pseudopregnancy. The proportion of live fetuses was low (8-12%), except for one group (27%) in which half embryos were cultured in vitro for 1 day and transferred into oviducts on the 1st day of pregnancy. Monozygotic twin production rate, however, was low (1 out of 10) even in this group. Fetal weight on the 18th day of gestation was significantly lower after transfer of half embryos than after transfer of similarly treated but undivided embryos. Half embryos produced from the 2-cell stage were inserted into empty zonae, embedded in agar, cultured in ligated mouse oviducts for 2-4 days and transferred to oviducts of recipient females on the 1st day of pregnancy or pseudopregnancy. When twin embryos cultured for 2-3 days were transferred to pseudopregnant recipients together with control embryos, 4 sets of monozygotic twins and 5 singletons out of 10 sets of twin embryos were obtained on Days 18-19 of gestation, giving a survival rate of 65%.  相似文献   

The sequential processes of in vitro development of whole mouse embryos were classified by stages according to the in vivo criteria of E. Witschi (1972, “Biology Data Book,” Part II: “Rat,” L. Altman and D. S. Dittmer, eds., 2nd ed., Vol. 1, pp. 178–180, Federation of American Societies for Experimental Biology, Bethesda, Md.) and K. Theiler (1972, “The House Mouse,” Springer-Verlag, Berlin/New York). The mouse embryos which developed in vitro in each day of culture were then classified into stages according to the characteristics of mouse embryos developed in vivo. A series of 10 blastocysts were inoculated into 35-mm plastic culture dishes (30–50 blastocysts per experiment). Developing embryos were scored on the fourth, sixth, and eighth days and classified into stages. Among the total of 118 blastocysts cultured in three repeated experiments, 100 mouse embryos had attached and developed in culture dishes. Ninety-four percent of the attached mouse embryos developed to the early egg cylinder stage after 4 days of incubation, and 87% grew to the stage of late egg cylinder after 6 days of culture. An average of 62% of the embryos reached the early somite stage with heart beating after 8 days in culture with frequent medium change. In two separate experiments single mouse blastocysts were placed individually in culture dishes in 2 ml of culture medium. The development of each embryo was followed every day. Each of 10 blastocysts had attached in its respective culture dish and had developed to the early egg cylinder stage after 4 days of culture. About 50 to 70% of each of these 20 individually isolated mouse embryos developed in vitro to the early somite stage after 8 days of culture.  相似文献   

Exposure of postimplantation rat embryos on days 9, 10, 11, and 12 of gestation to an in vitro heat shock of 43 degrees C for 30 min results in the induction of heat shock proteins (HSPs) in day 9 and 10 embryos, a severely attenuated response in day 11 embryos, and no detectable response in day 12 embryos. The heat shock response in day 9 embryos (presomite stage) is characterized by the synthesis of HSPs with molecular weights of 28-78 kDa. In heat shocked day 10 embryos, two additional HSPs are induced (34 and 82 kDa). In addition, two HSPs present on day 9 are absent on day 10. In day 11 heat shocked embryos, only three HSPs (31, 39, and 69 kDa) are induced, while in day 12 embryos no detectable HSPs are induced. Northern blot analysis of HSP 70 RNA levels indicates that the accumulation of this RNA, but not actin RNA, varies depending on developmental stage at the time of exposure to heat as well as the duration of the heat shock. Day 9 embryos exhibit the most pronounced accumulation of HSP 70 RNA while embryos on days 10-12 exhibit an increasingly attenuated accumulation of HSP 70 RNA, particularly after the more acute exposures (43 degrees C for 30 or 60 min). Thus, the ability to synthesize HSP 70 and to accumulate HSP 70 RNA changes dramatically as rat embryos develop from day 9 to day 12 (presomite to 31-35 somite stages).  相似文献   

We studied the effects of fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF2) and insulin-like growth factor 2 (IGF2) on the development of parthenogenetic mouse embryos (CBA x C57BK/6)F1. The parthenogenetic embryos were treated in vitro during the preimplantation period and, at the blastocyst stage, transplanted into the uterus of pseudopregnant females. The addition of FGF2 at an optimal dose (2.5 ng/ml) to the culture medium increased twofold the number of embryos developed in utero to the somite stages as compared to the control: 18 and 43%, respectively. The parthenogenetic embryos (18-21 somites), treated and nontreated with FGF2 during the preimplantation period, were explanted for further development in vitro and treated with IGF2 at 2.5 micrograms/ml. As a result, many more parthenogenetic embryos (> 87%) of both groups developed in vitro to the stage of 30 or more somites as compared to the control (59%). The treatment of the parthenogenetic embryos with FGF2 alone at the preimplantation stages did not improve their development in vitro at the postimplantation stages. The results we obtained suggest that the treatment of parthenogenetic embryos in vitro with FGF2 during the preimplantation period increased twofold the number of somite embryos in utero, while their subsequent treatment in vitro with IGF2 leads to a significant prolongation of their development, as compared to the control.  相似文献   

Most parthenogenetic embryos (PEs) in mammals die shortly after implantation, and this failure to develop is associated with genomic imprinting. We have examined the influence of human recombinant basic fibroblast growth factor 2 (FGF-2) and human recombinant insulin-like growth factor II (ICF-II) on the development of (CBA x C57BL/6)F1 parthenogenetic mouse embryos. Embryos were treated in vitro at the morula stage with different doses of FGF-2 and, after their development to blastocysts, transferred to pseudopregnant recipients. The optimal doses of FGF-2 did not affect the number of forming and implanting blastocysts, but increased, from 20 to 42%, the number of embryos developing to somite stages. PEs (18-21 somites) treated with an optimal dose of FGF-2 were explanted for further development in culture by treatment with the second growth factor, IGF-II. Eighty-three percent of those embryos cultured with IGF-II (2.5 microg/ml) developed to 35 or more somites, as compared with 36% of embryos cultured without any growth factors (P < 0.01). Also, a significantly higher proportion of PEs developed to 40-50 somites in this case. These results show that the in vitro treatment of PEs with FGF-2 at the morula stage increases the number of somite embryos, and the second treatment of somite PEs with IGF-II in culture medium prolongs their development significantly.  相似文献   

The effect of transforming growth factor alpha (TGF alpha) on the development of diploid parthenogenetic mouse embryos (CBA x C57BL/6)F1 was studied. The embryos were in vitro treated with the TGF alpha at the stage of morula. Upon reaching the blastocyst stage, each embryo was implanted into uterus of a pseudopregnant female. At a dose of 5 ng/ml, the TGF alpha was found to improve development of parthenogenetic embryos before implantation, increase significantly the number of developing blastocysts, and promote embryo implantation into uterus. After treatment with TGF alpha at a dose of 10 ng/ml, 4% of parthenogenetic embryos reached the stage of 30-45 somites and had forelimb and hindlimb buds; the embryo size from vertex to sacrum was 2.0 to 3.8 mm. A well-developed placenta was observed in 6% of TGF alpha-treated parthenogenetic embryos that reached the somite stages. In the parthenogenetic embryos with the most prominent development (42-45 somites) treated with 10 ng/ml of TGF alpha, the placental diameter was 4.0 to 4.2 mm on day 12 of gestation, which is close to the placental size of the normal (fertilized) 11-day-old mouse embryos. Our results suggest that endogenous TGF alpha can modulate the effects of genomic imprinting significantly improving formation of trophoblast derivatives and promoting longer postimplantation development of parthenogenetic embryos.  相似文献   

S Tran  B K Hall 《Acta anatomica》1989,135(3):200-207
Whether secondary cartilage develops in the mammalian clavicle has been a matter of controversy. This study documents, in the embryonic mouse: (a) the onset of clavicular osteogenesis at 14 days of gestation (Theiler stage 22); (b) the appearance of secondary cartilage at 16 days of gestation (Theiler stage 24) and its persistence as a prominent cartilage until 18 days of gestation; (c) that the relative growth rate of the clavicle is much higher (0.097 mg/g body weight/day) between 16 and 17 days of gestation than at later ages (mean of 0.005 mg/g/day between 17 days of gestation and 4 days postnatally), and (d) that secondary cartilage failed to form in clavicles from 15-day-old embryos maintained in vitro. We conclude that secondary cartilage is a feature of the developing mouse clavicle, that it arises when the relative growth rate of the clavicle is highest, and that the most likely stimulus for differentiation of this cartilage is mechanical, muscle-based and associated with rapid relative clavicular growth.  相似文献   

L I Penkov  E S Platonov 《Ontogenez》1992,23(4):364-369
We studied preimplantation development in vitro and postimplantation development in vivo of diploid parthenogenetic mouse embryos of C57BL/6 and CBA strains, as well as of (CBA x C57BL/6)F1 hybrids. Development to blastocyst stage of diploid eggs obtained from C57BL/6, CBA, and hybrid mice was observed in 90, 15, and 73% cases, respectively. After implantation, C57BL/6 embryos did not develop to somite stages, while CBA and hybrid embryos reached various stages of somite formation in 45 and 30% cases, respectively. Cultivation of embryos beginning from one-cell stage in the medium containing 2% newborn calf serum increased the yield of blastocysts from 15 to 59% in CBA embryos and from 73 to 90% in hybrids; However, such effect was not observed with C57BL/6 embryos. The latest stages of development observed in CBA and hybrid diploid parthenogenetic embryos were 33-35 somites and 25-30 somites, respectively. Imprinting patterns in chromosomes of CBA and C57BL/6 gametes are discussed.  相似文献   

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