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Mast cells in the ovary of cyclic hamsters were observed exclusively in the hilum and in the vicinity of blood vessels that enter and exit the ovary. Ovaries were collected on proestrus from hamsters at 0900 h preluteinizing hormone (LH) surge, 1500 h (peak LH surge), and 2100 h (post-LH surge) and processed for routine histologic staining with toluidine blue. A significant increase in the percentage of extensively degranulating mast cells was observed coincident with the gonadotropin surge (0900 h: 5.39 +/- 0.97%; 1500 h: 20.39 +/- 2.76%). At the peak of the LH surge the ovarian histamine concentration was also significantly higher than those before and after the surge (1500 h: 5.13 +/- 0.94 ng/mg ovary; 0900 h and 2100 h: 2.84 +/- 0.35 and 3.02 +/- 0.48 ng/mg, respectively). The results indicate that a major source of ovarian histamine may be mast cells residing in the ovarian hilum and surrounding the ovarian blood vessels that enter and exit the ovary. In addition, the gonadotropin surge on the day of proestrus may be a trigger for release of mast cell histamine.  相似文献   

Constant infusion of LH (400 micrograms NIH-S24) through an osmotic minipump inserted on Day 1 (oestrus) of the cycle in the hamster resulted in spontaneous superovulation (approximately equal to 29 ova) at the next expected oestrus, increased blood flow (P less than 0.001) to the ovary on Day 3, and slight depletion (0.1 greater than P greater than 0.05) of histamine in the ovary. Treatment with antihistamine (alpha-fluoromethylhistidine, an irreversible inhibitor of histidine decarboxylase, or cimetidine, an H2 blocker) by injections or by infusion using separate osmotic minipumps significantly (P less than 0.01) reduced the number of ova shed in the LH-treated hamsters. Infusion of LH with alpha-fluoromethylhistidine in the same osmotic minipump reduced the bioactivity of the LH. Infusion of antihistamine alone did not alter the normal number of ova shed. The results suggest that the LH-induced superovulation involves stimulation of histamine release; the histamine than may increase ovarian blood flow thus allowing more gonadotrophins to reach the ovary.  相似文献   

Uterine blood volume increases after administration of estrogen to ovariectomized mice. The effect on uterine blood volume was not altered by depletion of mast cell histamine with compound 48/80 or by depletion of norepinephrine from uterine nerves by 6-hydroxydopamine. Thus, neither reduction in the adrenergic transmitter content nor release of mast cell histamine appears to play any primary role in mediating the changes in uterine hemodynamics produced by estrogen, at least as they are reflected by changes in uterine blood volume.  相似文献   

Changes in intracellular and extracellular rat mast cell adenosine 3':5' monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations during stimulation of histamine release by 48/80 were studied. There was a rapid and progressive fall in intracellular cAMP beginning within 10 sec after the addition of 48/80. The lowest cAMP values were obtained at 10 min, with return to control levels by 30 min. The fall in cAMP was dose-related with progressive decreases in 10-min cAMP measurements as the 48/80 concentration was increased from 0.25 to 1.00 mug/ml. There was a graded increase in histamine release over the same concentration range. Attempts to demonstrate significant amounts of cAMP in the medium during 48/80 stimulation were unsuccessful, indicating that the changes in cAMP intracellularly are not due to altered cellular permeability. There was a general correlation between the ability of pharmacologic agents to sustain high intracellular levels of cAMP in the presence of 48/80, and inhibition of histamine release. Theophylline (20 mM) which increased cAMP levels 2- 3-fold prevented a detectable decrease in cAMP after 1 mug/ml 48/80 (measured at 10 min) and almost completely inhibited histamine release. Prostaglandin E1 (27 muM) also raised cAMP levels, decreased the 48/80-induced fall in cAMP (by 42%). Epinephrine increased mast cell cAMP levels, but did not prevent the subsequent 48/80-induced decrease in cAMP and did not inhibit histamine release. Carbamylcholine (1 nM), adenine (1 muM), and diazoxide (10 muM) lowered mast cell cAMP and potentiated 48/80 induced release. In view of previous studies from this laboratory indicating that 48/80 stimulates mast cell phosphodiesterase, it seems likely that the 48/80-induced fall in cAMP is due, at least in part, to increased cAMP destruction. Since agents which prevent the fall in cAMP inhibit histamine release, it is apparent that cAMP is an important part of the control mechanism of histamine secretion. On the other hand, it cannot be concluded that a decrease in cAMP alone is sufficient to produce a response since carbamylcholine, diazoxide, and adenine which lower cAMP do not alter histamine release unless 48/80 is also present.  相似文献   

The hypothesis is proposed that histamine released from mast cells in the theca of ovarian follicles increases thecal hyperemia and vessel permeability, and thus plays a role in follicular growth in Anolis carolinensis. Mast cells are present in the stroma and theca, and the number of thecal mast cells increases as follicles grow. The levels of histamine in follicular walls varies with follicular size. Histamine causes vasodilatation of thecal vessels. Antihistamine blocks the effects of histamine and, when given alone, stimulates vasoconstriction. Antihistamine also blocks estradiol-induced growth of large follicles. These findings are consistent with the above hypothesis.  相似文献   

Rate of skin blood flow in various regions of the body.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Skin blood flow was measured by local clearance of 133Xe, and skin temperature was measured by medical thermography in various parts of the body. 1. A significant linear decrease in skin blood flow was observed with increasing age in the deltoid region. 2. The skin blood flow in the facial and pectoral areas was considerably higher than in the deltoid region. 3. The skin blood flow in the posterior cervical, lateral thoracic, lateral abdominal, and gluteal sites was less than in the deltoid region.  相似文献   

The serotonin and histamine content of mast cells and white blood cells in adult male and female rats was compared, using a flow cytometric immunological method. Serotonin was significantly higher in female peritoneal mast cells, peritoneal monocyte-ganulocyte-macrophage cells, blood lymphocytes and blood thymocytes. Histamine was significantly higher in female peritoneal monocyte-granulocyte-macrophage cells, and blood lymphocytes, monocytes and granulocytes, but was significantly less in thymocytes. Peritoneal lymphocytes and the monocyte-granulocyte-macrophage group contained significantly more histamine than mast cells. These experiments call attention to gender differences in the levels of biogenic amines in cells participating in defence reactions, and to the possible non-unique role of mast cells in serotonin and histamine supply.  相似文献   

Changes in rat mast cell cyclic adenosine 3',5' monophosphate (cAMP) concentrations during stimulation of histamine release by concanavalin A (con A) and anti-IgE were studied. Con A caused an increase in cAMP with a mean peak level at 20 sec of 232% of control (range 164% to 365%). Con A-stimulated cells demonstrated falls toward control levels after 20 sec, but generally remained above control for at least 5 min. By 10 min cAMP had returned to control values. The con A effect on cAMP occurred in the absence of phosphatidyl serine but was markedly inhibited by 5 mM alpha-methyl-D-mannose. Anti-IgE induced a less marked increase in cAMP (157% of control, range 110% to 540% of control) which reached a peak at 20 sec. Two monospecific goat anti-rat myeloma IgE antisera induced similar changes in cAMP whereas normal goat IgG had no effect. These peak values were followed by a rapid decrease in cAMP. Within 2 min the cAMP content of anti-IgE stimulated cells had fallen to levels well below control and remained below control levels from 45 sec to over 15 min. Histamine release in both systems began after the peak cAMP levels, during the period of rapid destruction of cAMP.  相似文献   

The insulin or proinsulin response of the isolated rat adipocyte was destroyed by preincubation with trypsin. After 120 minutes, biological responsiveness partially regenerated. Similarly, the biological responsiveness of the isolated fat cell to non-suppressible insulin-like activity (NSILA) was only partially destroyed following trypsin digestion, and did not regenerate. In contrast to the above, cyclic AMP or dibutyryl cyclic AMP effects were unaltered by trypsin or neuraminidase digestion.  相似文献   

The golden hamster ovarian bursa was studied by light and electron microscopy to clarify the process of its complete closure and the development of lymphatics that leads to morphogenesis of stomata. The results were as follows. 1) The bursa completely closed at 9 days of age primarily due to development of the mesotubarium superius. 2) With the closure, the ovary and bursa became closely apposed, and most of the original bursal cavity disappeared. 3) Between 9 and 12 days of age U-shaped folds of the bursal mesothelium began to invade the connective tissue of the bursa. 4) Widening of the internal angle of the U-shaped folds contributed to reappearance of the bursal cavity, and thus separation of the bursa from the ovary. It also contributed to future geometrical proximity of lymphatics to the cavity of the bursa. 5) The separation of the bursa from the ovary began as early as 12 days of age in the cephalic half of the bursa. It occurred remarkably late in the caudal half. Juxtaposition of the window portion of the bursa to the ovary remained in some adult animals. 6) Development of lymphatics in the cephalic half of the bursa was divided into two stages, before and after days 21-24 of life. In the first stage, lymphatics grew in the submesothelial connective tissue, and the framework of lymphatics was formed. In the second stage, lymphatics extended small branches to form the submesothelial plexus or lymphatic lacuna. 7) Intercellular junctions between contiguous lymphatic endothelial cells were mostly tight and desmosomelike. Open junctions were, if they occurred at all, rare. (8) A smooth-surfaced area lined with the lymphatic endothelium was found in the bursa on day 27 of life, before the initiation of ovulation. Valvelike stomal orifices were absent before the initiation of ovulation and extremely rare even after the first ovulation. They were commonly present in the bursae after the fourth ovulation, however. The process of complete closure of the ovarian bursa is very complex and may be related to the later development of the bursal mesothelium and lymphatics. Some liplike stomal orifices are of purely developmental origin. However, all valvelike stomal orifices are assumed to be formed as a result of damage to the bursal mesothelium, as well as to the submesothelial connective tissue and lymphatics, by repetition of ovulation. It is possible that liplike stomal orifices may be formed in the process of repairing the damage.  相似文献   

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