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Efficacy of Gemacide PN-50TM (a quaternary ammonium compound) as a commercial formulation recommended for disinfecting heat exchangers was determined for both planktonic and sessile populations of variousLegionella pneumophila strains. The quaternary ammonium compound (QAC) was preferred as an alternative due to the emerging resistance of potentially pathogenic bacteria against different biocides. PlanktonicL. pneumophila strains were suspended in tap water while sessile ones were grown on stainless steel that is used in construction of the cooling towers, then both group of strains were exposed to the biocide. The sensitivity of both planktonic and sessile populations ofL. pneumophila strains to the biocide was different. The biocide was found effective below recommended dosages (1000–2000 mg/L) against planktonic populations ofL. pneumophila, whereas it was determined that higher than the recommended dosages were required for sessile populations. The environmental isolates were more resistant to the biocide than the ATCC isolate was. The results indicated that studying only the planktonic populations ofL. pneumophila for biocide tests might not be sufficient to provide the optimum dosage and contact time information for field trials. Therefore, biocidal activity of a water treatment chemical must be evaluated in terms of dosage and contact times on both planktonic and sessile bacteria.  相似文献   

We have examined whether assimilation of CO2 can be used as a measure of metabolic activity in planktonic and sessile heterotrophic bacteria. CO2 assimilation by environmental samples and pure cultures of heterotrophic bacteria was studied using 14CO2 and 13CO2 as tracers. Heterotrophic growth on complex organic substrates resulted in assimilation of CO2 into cell biomass by activated sludge, drinking water biofilm, and pure cultures of Escherichia coli ATCC 25922, Es. coli ATCC 13706, Rhodococcus ruber, Burkholderia sp., Bacillus circulans, Pseudomonas putida, Pseudomonas stutzeri, and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Analysis of 13C-labelled phospholipid fatty acids (PLFAs) confirmed that heterotrophic bacteria may assimilate 13CO2 into cell macromolecules such as membrane lipids. All major PLFAs extracted from activated sludge and drinking water biofilm samples were enriched in 13C after incubation with CO2. Between 1.4% and 6.5% of the biomass produced by cultures of P. putida and a drinking water biofilm during growth in complex media was apparently derived from assimilation of CO2. Resting cells assimilated less CO2 compared to actively growing cells, and CO2 assimilation activity correlated with the amount of biomass produced during heterotrophic growth. The 14CO2 assimilation assay was evaluated as a tool to examine inhibitory effects of biocides on planktonic and sessile heterotrophs (biofilms). On the basis of 14CO2 assimilation activity, the minimum inhibitory concentration (MIC) of benzalkonium chloride was estimated to 21.1 and 127.2 mg l(-1) for planktonic and biofilm samples, respectively. The results indicate that assimilation of isotopically labelled CO2 can be used as a relatively simple measure of metabolic activity in heterotrophic bacteria. CO2 assimilation assays may be used to study the effects of antimicrobial agents on growth and survival of planktonic and sessile heterotrophic organisms.  相似文献   

An entomopathogenic bacterium, Xenorhabdus nematophila, is known to have potent antibiotic activities to maintain monoxenic condition in its insect host for effective pathogenesis and ultimately for optimal development of its nematode symbiont, Steinernema carpocapsae. In this study we assess its antibacterial activity against plant-pathogenic bacteria and identify its unknown antibiotics. The bacterial culture broth had significant antibacterial activity that increased with development of the bacteria and reached its maximum at the stationary growth phase. The antibiotic activities were significant against five plant-pathogenic bacterial strains: Agrobacterium vitis, Pectobacterium carotovorum subsp. atrosepticum, P. carotovorum subsp. carotovorum, Pseudomonas syringae pv. tabaci, and Ralstonia solanacearum. The antibacterial factors were extracted with butanol and fractionated using column chromatography with the eluents of different hydrophobic intensities. Two active antibacterial subfractions were purified, and the higher active fraction was further fractionated and identified as a single compound of benzylideneacetone (trans-4-phenyl-3-buten-2-one). With heat stability, the synthetic compound showed equivalent antibiotic activity and spectrum to the purified compound. This study reports a new antibiotic compound synthesized by X. nematophila, which is a monoterpenoid compound and active against some Gram-negative bacteria.  相似文献   

Cooling water treatment requires effective, environmentally-safe biocides compatible with system operation. The unique combination of high biocidal activity during use with no toxic discharge, could render dissolved ozone a safe biocide for cooling water treatment. Planktonic and sessile cells of Pseudomonas fluorescens (a frequent microbial contaminant of industrial systems) were used in this work to assess the biocidal effectiveness of ozone. Dissolved ozone showed to be effective at concentrations between 0.1 and 0.3 ppm, to eliminate completely the levels of planktonic cells used in this paper (107–108 cell/ml) within a range of contact times between 10 and 30 min. However, ozone at 0.15 ppm was only able to diminish sessile cell population by two or three orders of magnitude. This minor biocidal effectiveness of ozone against bacterial biofilms is discussed in this paper, taking into account recent concepts on structure and dynamics of biofilms. Different metallic substrata were assayed to verify if there was any effect of metal nature on the biocidal action. Open circuit potentials vs. time experiments and potentiodynamic polarization curves were made for assessing the effect of dissolved ozone on the corrosion behavior of the metals tested.  相似文献   

Kåre Elgmork 《Ecography》1981,4(4):278-290
The limnetic copepod Cyclops scutifer Sars shows an extraordinarily prolonged life cycle in a temperate lake near Oslo, Norway. Developmental sequences become one, two, and three years old, and there are circumstantial evidence of a four year old fraction. Prolongation of the cycle is mainly caused by two consecutive periods of diapause, the first as small copepodids during the second winter, the other as large copepodids during the third winter. There is a marked concentration of diapausing individuals in a small area of the bottom at the deepest part of the lake. There is evidence that this concentration is caused by a horizontal migration to areas with optimal oxygen conditions. The adaptive value of a prolongation of the life cycle is assumed to be an increase in the reproductive potential caused by a spreading out of the reproductive period by three year classes succeeding each other throughout the summer.  相似文献   

Lenticular, and commonly flanged, microfossils in 3.0–3.4 Ga sedimentary deposits in Western Australia and South Africa are unusually large (20–80 μm across), robust, and widespread in space and time. To gain insight into the ecology of these organisms, we performed simulations of fluid dynamics of virtual cells mimicking lenticular forms of variable sizes, oblateness, flange presence, and flange thickness. Results demonstrate that (a) the flange reduces sedimentation velocity, (b) this flange function works more effectively in larger cells, and (c) modest oblateness lowers sedimentation rate. These observations support interpretations that the lenticular microbes were planktonic—a lifestyle that could have been advantageous in an early Earth harsh environment including violent volcanic activities, repeated asteroid impacts, and relatively high UV‐radiation. Although the robustness of these organisms could have provided additional protection on the early Earth, this architecture may have impeded a planktonic lifestyle by increasing cell density. However, our data suggest that this disadvantage could have been compensated by enlargement of cell volume, which could have enhanced the ability of the flange to slow sedimentation rate, especially if coupled with vacuolation. The results of this simulation study may help to explain the unique morphology and unusually large size of these Archean microfossils.  相似文献   

The morphological adaptations of protozoans to sessile mode life and evolutionary changes in ontogeny are considered. There are main morphotypes of sessile protists: stalked organisms that attached to substrate by the extended base of body (basal disk), and unstalked organisms that are flatted on substrate. The origin of the morphotypes was independent in different taxa and involved nonhomologous structures. Adaptation to the sessile mode of life in the protists was connected with the progressive increase in the body size and intensity of organelle functions by polymerisation, subsequent division of function and change of functions. Evolution of adhesive organelles is characterised by growing intensity of their functions by allometric growth (usually without polymerisation), and in some cases with the subsequent division of functions and change of functions. The evolution manifests itself primarily in the organelles that provide interaction of cell with environment. The organelles that ensuring functioning of cell change due to correlations with the organelles of the first group. These two groups of organelles are similar to A.N. Sewertsoff's ecto- and endosomatic organs in multicellular organisms. The ontogeny of the sessile protists included three stages: formation of the migratory stage, distribution and choice of substrate and metamorphosis of the migratory stage after adhesion. As a rule there are no recapitulations on the first stage. The majority of structures tomotes or zoospores are inherited from the parent cell. Thus the present of some ancestral characteristics at the earlier stages of protistean ontogeny is display of the Baer's law. The main features of ontogeny evolution in sessile protists are the anaboly of the additional stages of life cycle, the displays of archallaxis or deviation during the migratory stage formation, and anaboly at the stage of buds morphogenesis after adhesion. At the last stage, the study of recapitulations is most perspective with the decision of phylogenetic problems in sessile protists.  相似文献   



Every safety-critical industry devotes considerable time and resource to investigating and analysing accidents, incidents and near misses. The systematic analysis of incidents has greatly expanded our understanding of both the causes and prevention of harm. These methods have been widely employed in healthcare over the last 20 years but are now subject to critique and reassessment. In this paper, we reconsider the purpose and value of incident analysis and methods appropriate to the healthcare of today.

Main text

The primary need for a revised vision of incident analysis is that healthcare itself is changing dramatically. People are living longer, often with multiple co-morbidities which are managed over very long timescales. Our vision of safety analysis needs to expand concomitantly to embrace much longer timescales. Rather than think only in terms of the prevention of specific incidents, we need to consider the balance of benefit, harm and risks over long time periods encompassing the social and psychological impact of healthcare as well as physical effects.We argued for major changes in our approach to the analysis of safety events: assume that patients and families will be partners in investigation and where possible engage them fully from the beginning, examine much longer time periods and assess contributory factors at different time points in the patient journey, be more proportionate and strategic in analysing safety issues, seek to understand success and recovery as well as failure, consider the workability of clinical processes as well as deviations from them and develop a much more structured and wide-ranging approach to recommendations.


Previous methods of incident analysis were simply adopted and disseminated with little research into the concepts, methods, reliability and outcomes of such analyses. There is a need for significant research and investment in the development of new methods. These changes are profound and will require major adjustments in both practical and cultural terms and research to explore and evaluate the most effective approaches.

The present study aimed to investigate the inhibitory effect of a bacterial biosurfactant (TIM96) on clinical strains of Trichosporon. Additionally, the effect of TIM96 on the ergosterol content, cell membrane integrity, and the hydrophobicity of planktonic cells was assessed. The inhibitory activity of TIM96 against Trichosporon biofilms was evaluated by analyzing metabolic activity, biomass and morphology. MIC values ranged from 78.125 to 312.5 μg ml?1 for TIM96; time-kill curves revealed that the decline in the number of fungal cells started after incubation for 6 h with TIM96 at both MIC and 2×MIC. The biosurfactant reduced the cellular ergosterol content and altered the membrane permeability and the surface hydrophobicity of planktonic cells. Incubation at 10×MIC TIM96 reduced cell adhesion by up to 96.89%, thus interfering with biofilm formation. This concentration also caused up to a 99.2% reduction in the metabolic activity of mature biofilms. The results indicate potential perspectives for the development of new antifungal strategies.  相似文献   

The major pneumococcal autolysin (N-acetylmuramoyl-L-alanine amidase) has been localized in the cellular envelope of Streptococcus pneumoniae and Escherichia coli by using immunocytochemical labeling on ultrathin sections and whole-mounted cells. Cell fractionation experiments in E. coli confirmed the peripheral localization of the pneumococcal amidase and suggested that this enzyme is weakly bound to the outer face of the cytoplasmic membrane. This interaction does not depend on the presence of choline but represents an intrinsic property of the amidase. The autolysin, that is synthesized without any N-terminal signal sequence (García, P., García, J. L., García, E., and López, R. (1986) Gene (Amst.) 43, 265-272) was not processed during translocation. A new regulatory mechanism that might be specific for bacterial autolysins is discussed.  相似文献   

Psoriatic arthritis is a multigenic autoimmune disease that involves synovial tissue, entheseal sites and skin, and that may result in significant joint damage. Although there are no diagnostic tests for psoriatic arthritis, research has identified consistent features that help to distinguish the condition from other common rheumatic diseases. Comparison of HLA-B and HLA-C regions in psoriatic arthritis with those in psoriasis without joint involvement demonstrates significant differences, such that psoriatic arthritis cannot be viewed simply as a subset of genetically homogeneous psoriasis. T-cell receptor phenotypic studies have failed to identify antigen-driven clones, and an alternative hypothesis for CD8 stimulation involving innate immune signals is proposed. Finally, imaging studies have highlighted entheseal involvement in psoriatic arthritis, and it is possible that entheseal-derived antigens may trigger an immune response that is critically involved in disease pathogenesis.  相似文献   

The main focus of this study was to investigate the effects of lime treatment with Ca(OH)2 on a hypereutrophic hardwater lake (Lake Alserio, Northern Italy), focusing on its impact on plankton communities. We performed a mesocosm experiment using two large enclosures, one for treatment and one control, in the lake. The addition of Ca(OH)2 proved to be effective in reducing phosphorus concentration, but the effect was limited in time. Redissolution of the precipitating calcium carbonate as it came into contact with the deep water determined a phosphorus increase about 2 weeks after the liming. The liming had a strong impact on the plankton assemblage, as was demonstrated by the sharp decrease in phytoplankton and zooplankton biomass and density, and 1 month after the treatment we observed a different taxonomic composition inside the enclosure from that of the lake. The result of the experiment showed that liming with Ca(OH)2 can be regarded as a suitable treatment for accelerating recovery of the lake. Multiple treatments will be necessary to improve the trophic level over a longer period.  相似文献   

The five-hour day visit by the Pope to Coventry Airport on 30 May 1982 required a major exercise in medical planning. First- and second-line first-aid facilities were provided by the British Red Cross Society and the St John Ambulance Association. Hospital facilities were provided in a 30-bed Territorial Army field hospital. The visit attracted a crowd of 350,000; 1424 casualties were seen at first-aid stations and 152 at the field hospital. Twenty patients required transfer to NHS hospitals for further treatment, and one woman died. Most ailments experienced were headaches and effects of heat, blisters, and abdominal symptoms. The field hospital treated a wide range of conditions including cardiac conditions, fractures, premature labour, and acute abdominal emergencies.  相似文献   

In an attempt to compensate for their sessile nature, plants have developed growth responses to deal with the copious and rapid changes in their environment. These responses are known as tropisms and they are marked by a directional growth response that is the result of differential cellular growth and development in response to an external stimulation such as light, gravity or touch. While the mechanics of tropic growth and subsequent development have been the topic of debate for more than a hundred years, only recently have researchers been able to make strides in understanding how plants perceive and respond to tropic stimulations, thanks in large part to mutant analysis and recent advances in genomics. This paper focuses on the recent advances in four of the best-understood tropic responses and how each affects plant growth and development: phototropism, gravitropism, thigmotropism and hydrotropism. While progress has been made in deciphering the events between tropic stimulation signal perception and each characteristic growth response, there are many areas that remain unclear, some of which will be discussed herein. As has become evident, each tropic response pathway exhibits distinguishing characteristics. However, these pathways of tropic perception and response also have overlapping components - a fact that is certainly related to the necessity for pathway integration given the ever-changing environment that surrounds every plant.  相似文献   

Viruses have coevolved with their hosts, acquiring strategies to subvert host cellular pathways for effective viral replication and spread. Human cytomegalovirus (HCMV), a widely-spread β-herpesvirus, is a major cause of birth defects and opportunistic infections in HIV-1/AIDS patients. HCMV displays an intricate system-wide modulation of the human cell proteome. An impressive array of virus–host protein interactions occurs throughout the infection. To investigate the virus life cycle, proteomics has recently become a significant component of virology studies. Here, we review the mass spectrometry-based proteomics approaches used in HCMV studies, as well as their contribution to understanding the HCMV life cycle and the virus-induced changes to host cells. The importance of the biological insights gained from these studies clearly demonstrate the impact that proteomics has had and can continue to have on understanding HCMV biology and identifying new therapeutic targets.  相似文献   

The heart is the first organ to form and undergoes adaptive remodelling with age. Ventricular hypertrophy is one such adaptation, which allows the heart to cope with an increase in cardiac demand. This adaptation is necessary as part of natural growth from foetal life to adulthood. It may also occur in response to resistance in blood flow due to various insults on the heart and vessels that accumulate with age. The heart can only compensate to this increase in workload to a certain extent without losing its functional architecture, ultimately resulting in heart failure. Many genes have been implicated in cardiac hypertrophy, however none have been shown conclusively to be responsible for pathological cardiac hypertrophy. MicroRNAs offer an alternative mechanism for cellular regulation by altering gene expression. Since 1993 when the function of a non‐coding DNA sequence was first discovered in the model organism Caenorhabditis elegans, many microRNAs have been implicated in having a central role in numerous physiological and pathological cellular processes. The level of control these antisense oligonucleotides offer can often be exploited to manipulate the expression of target genes. Moreover, altered levels of microRNAs can serve as diagnostic biomarkers, with the prospect of diagnosing a disease process as early as during foetal life. Therefore, it is vital to ascertain and investigate the function of microRNAs that are involved in heart development and subsequent ventricular remodelling. Here we present an overview of the complicated network of microRNAs and their target genes that have previously been implicated in cardiogenesis and hypertrophy. It is interesting to note that microRNAs in both of these growth processes can be of possible remedial value to counter a similar disease pathophysiology.  相似文献   

Direct microscopic quantification of respiring (i.e., viable) bacteria was performed for drinking water samples and biofilms grown on different opaque substrata. Water samples or biofilms developed in flowing drinking water were incubated with the vital redox dye 5-cyano-2,3-ditolyl tetrazolium chloride (CTC) and R2A medium. One hour of incubation with 0.5 mM CTC was sufficient to obtain intracellular reduction of CTC to the insoluble fluorescent formazan (CTF) product, which was indicative of cellular respiratory (i.e., electron transport) activity. This result was obtained with both planktonic and biofilm-associated cells. Planktonic bacteria were captured on 0.2-microns-pore-size polycarbonate membrane filters and examined by epifluorescence microscopy. Respiring cells containing CTF deposits were readily detected and quantified as red-fluorescing objects on a dark background. The number of CTC-reducing bacteria was consistently greater than the number of aerobic CFU determined on R2A medium. Approximately 1 to 10% of the total planktonic population (determined by counterstaining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole) were respirometrically active. The proportion of respiring bacteria in biofilms composed of drinking water microflora was greater, ranging from about 5 to 35%, depending on the substratum. Respiring cells were distributed more or less evenly in biofilms, as demonstrated by counterstaining with 4,6-diamidino-2-phenylindole. The amount of CTF deposited in single cells of Pseudomonas putida that formed monospecies biofilms was quantified by digital image analysis and used to indicate cumulative respiratory activity. These data indicated significant cell-to-cell variation in respiratory activity and reduced electron transport following a brief period of nutrient starvation.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

On relation to substrate in sessile rotifers   总被引:3,自引:3,他引:0  
Information on the distribution of 45 sessile rotifers from diverse freshwaters in south and central Sweden was analyzed to reveal possible relationships to their substrates. Almost all of them showed an exclusively periphytic occurrence. The highest number of species was found on Utricularia, but otherwise it was not possible to correlate rotifer presence to any special macrophyte or category of plants (e.g., fine-leaved or floating-leaved species).  相似文献   

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