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Juan C. Paggi 《Hydrobiologia》1992,231(3):141-151
I. elegans n.sp. from the Parana River, northeastern Argentina is proposed and its morphological features are compared with those of the apparently related I. agilis. Its outstanding characteristics are the long 2rd to 5th setae of ventral margin of the valves, the rudimentary nature of defensive setae, the low number of spines in the preanal lobe of postabdomen and the unequality of the length of the setae in the outer distal lobe of first trunk limbs.Finding of this new species suggests that I. agilis would be a complex of species and its records should be revised.  相似文献   

A new species of Tzeltalia (Solanaceae) from Chiapas, Mexico is described and illustrated: Tzeltalia esenbeckii. A key and a table, distinguishing the members of the genus, are included.  相似文献   

Carol A. Todzia 《Brittonia》1999,51(3):255-279
Ten new species of Tibouchina (T. almedae, T. congestiflora, T. connata, T. hintonii, T. macvaughii, T. nanifolia, T. patens, T. roseotincta, T. sinaloensis, andT. thulia) are described from western Mexico. Distinguishing characteristics, phenology, distribution, and phylogenetic relationships are discussed. Illustrations of all these new species are provided.  相似文献   

During a revisionary study ofSpigelia, three new species from Mexico were discovered. Two of these new species appear to be narrow endemics, one in the state of Chiapas and one in the state of Guerrero, and the third is more widespread in Mexico and Guatemala. These new species are described, illustrated, and distinguished from other North AmericanSpigelias.  相似文献   

Three new species ofOcotea (O. disjuncta, O. iridescens, andO. rovirosae) from southern Mexico are described and illustrated.Ocotea disjuncta is related to theO. effusa group, whileO. iridescens seems to be related to theO. heydeana group. The relationships ofO. rovirosae are not clear.   相似文献   

A new species from the Mexican state of Morelos, Malaxis lyonnetii, is described and illustrated. It is similar to M. lepanthiflora but is distinguished by its much smaller flowers, distally uncinate basal lip lobes, and entire, rounded apical lip lobe.
Resumen  Se describe e ilustra a Malaxis lyonnetii, una nueva especie del estado mexicano de Morelos. Esta especie es similar a M. lepanthiflora, de la que se distingue por las flores mucho menores, los lóbulos basales del labelo distalmente uncinados y el lóbulo apical del labelo entero y redondeado.

Igor Hudec 《Hydrobiologia》2000,421(1):165-178
The genus Kurzia is divided into two subgenera: Kurzia s. str. and Rostrokurzia n. subg. Subgenus Kurzia includes Kurzia (K.) latissima Kurz, 1874, with a palearctic -, Kurzia (K.) polyspina n. sp. with a neotropic - , and Kurzia (K.) cf. media (Birge, 1879) with a nearctic distribution. Rostrokurzia includes Kurzia (R.) longirostris Daday, 1898 (pantropical distribution), and Kurzia (R.) brevilabris Rajapaksa & Fernando, 1986, from subtropical and tropical Asia. Kurzia latissima Kurz, 1874, from Central Europe is redescribed in detail.  相似文献   

John T. Mickel 《Brittonia》2001,53(4):487-489
Elaphoglossum trichomidiatum is described from northeastern Mexico. The new species is a member of theE. petiolatum comples, which is widespread in tropical America, Africa, Southeast Asia, and the Pacific Islands. It is unique in the complex and in sectionLepidoglossa in bearing trichomidia on the abaxial blade surface.  相似文献   

Sicyos mcvaughii, a new species from Oaxaca, is described and illustrated. It is similar to Sicyos sertuliferus Cogn., and grows in secondary tropical deciduous forest, between 20 and 630 meters.  相似文献   

We redescribe Macrothrix rosea (females and males) based on material collected in Belgium. We also compare seven populations of Macrothrix `triserialis' from different parts of the world, including a topotypical population of M. triserialis s. str. from Sri Lanka, and males from South India (here first described), relying heavily on the structure of the trunk limbs, beside classical features of morphology. M. rosea and M. triserialis are extremely closely related: males are easily separated, but the identification of females requires micro-characters such as the relative length of the apical segment of the setae natatoriae and the adornment of the first antenna and of the longest swimming seta of the antenna. M. rosea and triserialis together constitute a sub-group of the rosea-group. Macrothrix triserialis-like animals occur in the tropical–subtropical belts of four continents. We compare populations from Asia, South America and Africa, and find differences in microcharacters of the trunk limbs, but cannot decide whether these represent random variation or sound taxonomical differences. One of the basic characters of the Macrothrix rosea-triserialis subgroup is that the setae natatoriae of the postabdomen are implanted on a prominence, the `heel'. Other characters include the fact that the Fryer' forks are adorned with one or two big teeth only, and that the scrapers of trunk limb two form a row of eight without any doublings. Possibly, scraper five, and scraper four to a lesser degree has an enlarged subapical tooth. The exopodite of trunk limb three has four plumose setae, the back and front row of the endopodite six setae and/or receptors, the exopodite of trunk limb four has two setae, and the back row of the endopodite six setae, plus one on the gnathobase. The pre-epipodite of trunk limb five consists of three lobes, the `endopodite' is small, and the `exopodite' is reduced to a single seta. The male postabdomen has a tubular ending, without true end-claws, although a rudiment of an end-claw is seen in M. triserialis. Two new species are described: M. tabrizensis and M. agsensis. A comparison, including the males of Macrothrix triserialis, M. rosea, M. smirnovi and M. tabrizensis confirms the relationship of all these taxa, but also reveals a morphological series in the shape of the postabdomen, from a complete absence of end-claws, over rudiments of a pair of end-claws, to complete endclaws. Absence of end-claws is here considered to represent an evolved character state. Macrothrix smirnovi Ciros & Elías (1987) is less closely related to the rosea-triserialis group, and is considered to form a sub-group in its own right. It shows a short `heel' on the postabdomen, but carries a supplementary seta behind scraper 4 of the endopodite of trunk limb two, and has a male with a postabdomen that closely resembles that of the female. These are primitive characters, which are also found in Wlassicsia, Bunops and Onchobunops and provide a possible phylogenetic link between Macrothrix and these three genera, although the genetic distance between them is considered to be quite large.  相似文献   

Three new species of ferns are described from Mexico:Athyrium tripinnatum, Cystopteris millefolia, andPolypodium praetermissum.  相似文献   

Thirteen new species of the genusStevia are described and illustrated from Mexico:S. chilapensis, S. coahuilensis, S. crassifolia, S. ecatepecana, S. filodecaballoana, S. mascotensis, S. mexicana, S. oaxacana, S. oligophylla, S. potosina, S. rotundifolia, S. scabrelloides, andS. viejoana. In addition, two varieties,Stevia aschenborniana Sch. Bip. ex Klotzsch var.occidentalis Grashoff andS. palmeri A. Gray var.constricta Grashoff are herein redefined as being distinct species,S. occidentalis andS. constricta stat. nov.Stevia mexicana resemblesStevia trifida Lagasca but differs in the habit.  相似文献   

Two new species of Nolinaceae are described and illustrated. The first is a ponytail palm,Beaucarnea compacta, occuring in xerophytic scrub in the Sierra Madre Oriental near Atarjea, Guanajuato. The second new species isCalibanus glassianus, adding the second species to the genusCalibanus. This new species is found in the transition between tropical deciduous forest to subontane scrub in the Sierra Madre Oriental near Xichú, Guanajuato.
Se describen e ilustran dos nuevas especies de Nolinaceae. La primera es una pata de elefante o palma petacona,Beaucarnea compacta. Se distribuye en matorrales xerófitos de la Sierra madre Oriental cerca de Atarjea, Guanajuato. La segunda nueva especie esCalibanus glassianus, que adiciona una especie más al géneroCalibanus. Esta nueva especie se encuentra en la transición de bosques tropicales caducifolios con matorrales xerófilos de la sierra Madre Oriental en los alrededores de Xichú, Guanajuato.

Ponthieva rinconii, a new orchid species from the foothills of the Sierra Madre Oriental in Veracruz, Mexico, is described and illustrated. It is similar in overall appearance to the wide-ranging upland speciesP. schaffneri, but differs from it in habitat preferences (tropical semi-evergreen forest at 650 m elevation), presence of a loose raceme, and three-lobed labellum with a basal cavity.  相似文献   

J. Mark Egger 《Brittonia》2002,54(3):190-195
Castilleja hidalgensis is described from several collections from xeric limestone sites in central Hidalgo, Mexico. The new species belongs to a small complex of poorly known and uncommon species within sect.Euchroma, sharing important characteristics withC. macrostigma, the first-described taxon in this assemblage. The new species appears to be rare and highly restricted both geographically and ecologically. A key to the species of theC. macrostigma group is provided.  相似文献   

Dalea pseudocorymbosa is described from the western part of the state of Durango, Mexico. It is referred to Dalea subgenus Parosela section Parosela series Psoraleoides. It is morphologically most similar to Dalea tomentosa var. mota but is distinguished from it by characters of the leaf, inflorescence, and flower.
Resumen   Dalea pseudocorymbosa es descrita de la parte oeste del estado de Durango, México. Pertenece al subgénero Parosela sección Parosela serie Psoraleoides. Es morfológicamente muy similar a Dalea tomentosa var. mota pero se distingue de esta por sus caracteres de hoja, inflorescencia y flores.

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