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To explore the feeding ecology of the Pfiesteria-like dinoflagellate (PLD) Luciella masanensis (GenBank Accession no. AM050344, previously Lucy), we investigated the feeding behavior and the kinds of prey species that L. masanensis fed on and determined its growth and ingestion rates of L. masanensis when it fed on the dinoflagellate Amphidinium carterae and an unidentified cryptophyte species (equivalent spherical diam., ESD=5.6 microm), which were the dominant phototrophic species when L. masanensis and similar small heterotrophic dinoflagellates were abundant in Masan Bay, Korea in 2005. Additionally, these parameters were also measured for L. masanensis fed on blood cells of the perch Lateolabrax japonicus and the raphidophyte Heterosigma akashiwo in the laboratory. Luciella masanensis fed on prey cells by using a peduncle after anchoring the prey with tow filament, and was able to feed on diverse prey such as cryptophytes, raphidophytes, diatoms, mixotrophic dinoflagellates, and the blood cells of fish and humans. Among the prey species tested in the present study, perch blood cells were observed to be the optimal prey for L. masanensis. Specific growth rates of L. masanensis feeding on perch blood cells, A. carterae, H. akashiwo, and the cryptophyte, either increased continuously or became saturated with increasing the mean prey concentration. The maximum specific growth rate of L. masanensis feeding on perch blood cells (1.46/day) was much greater than that of A. carterae (0.59/day), the cryptophyte (0.24/day), or H. akashiwo (0.20/day). The maximum ingestion rate of L. masanensis on perch blood cells (2.6 ng C/grazer/day) was also much higher than that of A. carterae (0.32 ng C/grazer/day), the cryptophyte (0.44 ng C/grazer/day), or H. akashiwo (0.16 ng C/grazer/day). The kinds of prey species which L. masanensis is able to feed on were the same as those of Pfiesteria piscicida, but very different from those of another PLD Stoeckeria algicida. However, the maximum growth and ingestion rates of L. masanensis on perch blood cells, A. carterae, H. akashiwo, and the cryptophyte were considerably lower than those of P. piscicida. Therefore, these three dinoflagellates may occupy different ecological niches in marine planktonic communities, even though they have a similar size and shape and the same feeding mechanisms.  相似文献   

Black band disease (BBD) is a virulent polymicrobial disease primarily affecting massive-framework-building species of scleractinian corals. While it has been well established that the BBD bacterial mat is dominated by a cyanobacterium, the quantitative composition of the BBD bacterial mat community has not described previously. Terminal-restriction fragment length polymorphism (T-RFLP) analysis was used to characterize the infectious bacterial community of the bacterial mat causing BBD. These analyses revealed that the bacterial composition of the BBD mat does not vary between different coral species but does vary when different species of cyanobacteria are dominant within the mat. On the basis of the results of a new method developed to identify organisms detected by T-RFLP analysis, our data show that besides the cyanobacterium, five species of the division Firmicutes, two species of the Cytophaga-Flexibacter-Bacteroides (CFB) group, and one species of delta-proteobacteria are also consistently abundant within the infectious mat. Of these dominant taxa, six were consistently detected in healthy corals. However, four of the six were found in much higher numbers in BBD mats than in healthy corals. One species of the CFB group and one species of Firmicutes were not always associated with the bacterial communities present in healthy corals. Of the eight dominant bacteria identified, two species were previously found in clone libraries obtained from BBD samples; however, these were not previously recognized as important. Furthermore, despite having been described as an important component of the pathogenetic mat, a Beggiatoa species was not detected in any of the samples analyzed. These results will permit the dominant BBD bacteria to be targeted for isolation and culturing experiments aimed at deciphering the disease etiology.  相似文献   

Aims: To determine the effects of wilting, storage period and bacterial inoculant on the bacterial community and ensiling fermentation of guinea grass silage. Methods and Results: Fermentation products, colony counts and denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE) profiles were determined. There was more lactic acid than acetic acid in all silages, but the lactic acid to acetic acid ratio decreased with storage time. This shift from lactic to acetic acid was not prevented even with a combination of wilting and bacterial inoculant. The DGGE analyses suggest that facultatively heterofermentative lactic acid bacteria (Lactobacillus plantarum, Lactobacillus brevis and Lactobacillus pentosus) were involved in the shift to acetic acid fermentation. Conclusions: Lactic acid can dominate the fermentation in tropical grass silage with sufficient wilting prior to ensiling. Prolonged storage may lead to high levels of acetic acid without distinctive changes in the bacterial community. Significance and Impact of the Study: The bacterial community looks stable compared to fermentation products over the course of long storage periods in tropical grass silage. Acetic acid fermentation in tropical grass silage can be a result of the changes in bacterial metabolism rather than community structure.  相似文献   

The bacteria associated with oceanic algal blooms are acknowledged to play important roles in carbon, nitrogen, and sulfur cycling, yet little information is available on their identities or phylogenetic affiliations. Three culture-independent methods were used to characterize bacteria from a dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)-producing algal bloom in the North Atlantic. Group-specific 16S rRNA-targeted oligonucleotides, 16S ribosomal DNA (rDNA) clone libraries, and terminal restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis all indicated that the marine Roseobacter lineage was numerically important in the heterotrophic bacterial community, averaging >20% of the 16S rDNA sampled. Two other groups of heterotrophic bacteria, the SAR86 and SAR11 clades, were also shown by the three 16S rRNA-based methods to be abundant in the bloom community. In surface waters, the Roseobacter, SAR86, and SAR11 lineages together accounted for over 50% of the bacterial rDNA and showed little spatial variability in abundance despite variations in the dominant algal species. Depth profiles indicated that Roseobacter phylotype abundance decreased with depth and was positively correlated with chlorophyll a, DMSP, and total organic sulfur (dimethyl sulfide plus DMSP plus dimethyl sulfoxide) concentrations. Based on these data and previous physiological studies of cultured Roseobacter strains, we hypothesize that this lineage plays a role in cycling organic sulfur compounds produced within the bloom. Three other abundant bacterial phylotypes (representing a cyanobacterium and two members of the alpha Proteobacteria) were primarily associated with chlorophyll-rich surface waters of the bloom (0 to 50 m), while two others (representing Cytophagales and delta Proteobacteria) were primarily found in deeper waters (200 to 500 m).  相似文献   

The structure and composition of microbial communities inhabiting the soft coral Alcyonium antarcticum were investigated across three differentially contaminated sites within McMurdo Sound, Antarctica. Diverse microbial communities were revealed at all sites using culture-based analysis, denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis (DGGE), 16S rRNA gene clone-library analysis, and FISH. Phylogenetic analysis of isolates and retrieved sequences demonstrated close affiliation with known psychrophiles from the Antarctic environment and high similarity to Gammaproteobacteria clades of sponge-associated microorganisms. The majority of bacteria detected with all techniques reside within the Gammaproteobacteria, although other phylogenetic groups including Alpha- and Betaproteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Actinomycetales, Planctomycetes, and Chlorobi and bacteria from the functional group of sulfate-reducing bacteria were also present. Multivariate (nMDS) analysis of DGGE banding patterns and principal component analysis of quantitative FISH data revealed no distinct differences in community composition between differentially contaminated sites. Rather, conserved coral-associated bacterial groups were observed within and between sites, providing evidence to support specific coral-microbial interactions. This is the first investigation of microbial communities associated with Antarctic soft corals, and the results suggest that spatially stable microbial associations exist across an environmental impact gradient.  相似文献   

采用非分离培养分析方法,直接提取链状亚历山大藻(Alexandrium catenella)共附生细菌总DNA,以之为模板进行PCR扩增获得细菌16S rDNA基因片段,并构建16S rDNA克隆文库。通过16S rDNA限制性酶切片段长度多态性(restriction fragment length polymorphism,RFLP)和测序方法对链状亚历山大藻共附生细菌的多样性进行了研究。84个16S rDNA克隆片段经限制性内切酶HaeⅢ酶切分析,得到30种不同的酶切指纹类型。挑选50个克隆子进行测序获得其16S rDNA部分序列,并对16S rDNA序列进行聚类分析构建了系统进化树。结果表明,链状亚历山大藻共附生的细菌多样性较强,优势细菌类群为变形菌α亚群(α-Proteobacteria)和拟杆菌(Bacteroidetes),其中玫瑰杆菌(Roseobacter sp.)在α-Proteobacteria中占绝对优势。  相似文献   

Bacterial species associated with the dimethylsulfoniopropionate (DMSP)-producing phytoplankton Scrippsiella trochoidea were cultured and identified, with the aim of establishing their ability to metabolise DMSP, dimethylsulfide (DMS) and dimethylsulfoxide (DMSO). Results demonstrate that of the cultivable bacteria only α-Proteobacteria were capable of producing DMS from DMSP. The concentration of DMSP was shown to affect the amount of DMS produced. Lower DMSP concentrations (1.5?μmol?dm?3) were completely assimilated, whereas higher concentrations (10?μmol?dm?3) resulted in increasing amounts of DMS being produced. By contrast to the restricted set of bacteria that metabolised DMSP,?~?70% of the bacterial isolates were able to ‘consume’ DMS. However, 98-100% of the DMS removed was accounted for as DMSO. Notably, a number of these bacteria would only oxidise DMS in the presence of glucose, including members of the γ-Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes. The observations from this study, coupled with published field data, identify DMS oxidation to DMSO as a major transformation pathway for DMS, and we speculate that the fate of DMS and DMSP in the field are tightly coupled to the available carbon produced by phytoplankton.  相似文献   

Wang  Yaoyue  Cao  Pinghua  Wang  Lei  Zhao  Zhaoyan  Chen  Yulin  Yang  Yuxin 《Applied microbiology and biotechnology》2017,101(9):3717-3728
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology - The sheep rumen microbial community plays an important role in animal performance and the environment. Few studies have paid close attention to the impact...  相似文献   

Bacterial contaminants of micropropagated plant cultures   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
Bacterial contaminants of micropropagated plant cultures were isolated and characterized with standard bacteriological tests and appropriate API strips. Results obtained were analysed by the API identification software. Of 198 bacterial strains isolated from nine plant species, 90% were identified as Bacillus, Enterobacter, Micrococcus, Staphylococcus, Pseudomonas or Lactobacillus species. Possible sources of contamination are discussed.  相似文献   

AIMS: To examine the relationships among increasing estuarine shellfish closings due to bacterial contamination, adjacent shoreline land uses and environmental variables. METHODS AND RESULTS: A 1 year study of faecal coliform bacterial contamination of a small estuary in central NC, USA was done relative to adjacent land uses. The area has experienced rapid growth in residential shoreline development including the installation of adjacent, separate docking facilities for larger boats, each <11 slips (pseudomarina) that appear to be a single marina (individual facilities of >10 slips). Six near-shore sites were selected [old developed shore (OD), undeveloped shore (UD), two pseudomarinas (P1, P2), newly developed shore (ND) and a real marina (RM)]. Five locations were spaced along the shore near each site. Paired Thursday/Monday samples were collected biweekly (summer) and monthly (other seasons). Results indicate that OD had the highest bacteria counts followed by ND, RM and P1 & P2. Three sites (OD, ND and RM) failed to meet NC shellfishing waters standards at all locations. At the pseudomarina sites 4 of 10 locations failed to meet shellfish standards while two locations at UD failed to meet these standards. There were no significant differences between paired Thursday/Monday samples. At three sites (OD, UD and P2) bacteria counts were positively correlated with increased water level due to wind tides. CONCLUSIONS: Any type of estuarine shoreline development may result in closing of adjacent shellfishing waters. ND had bacterial counts second only to OD in spite of the retention of vegetated shoreline buffers and very new septic systems. As expected, the RM also failed to meet shellfish standards. Unexpectedly, only four of the 10 pseudomarina locations failed to meet the standards. Weekend boat use had no effect on bacterial counts. Surface runoff from rain and shoreline flooding from increased water levels increased bacterial counts, probably as a result of suspension of surface deposited faeces from wildlife and domestic animals. SIGNIFICANCE AND IMPACT OF THE STUDY: Multiple docking facilities do not necessarily result in violations of shellfish water quality standards. However, the elevated bacterial counts observed along the newly developed shore suggest caution in approving the practice of allowing individual 'oyster gardening' off private piers if the oysters are intended for human consumption. The practice of automatic closure of shellfish waters around RMs was supported. Correlations of bacterial counts with time following significant rainfall suggests a sampling strategy to separate local sources of bacteria from more remote sources thus focusing limited remedial resources more effectively.  相似文献   

During attempts to obtain axenic the cultures of the marine dinoflagellate Prorocentrum micans, a microorganism with peculiar features was isolated. This contaminant resisted the physical and antibiotic treatments performed. Subsequent characterization showed that in agar plates this microorganism develops round granular pink colonies. It is a salt-dependent mesophilic and chemoheterotrophic Gram negative bacterium with a rod to ovoid shape, presenting cell motility in young cultures. Cell division occurs by cell budding. The bacterium forms aggregates with a variable number of cells that are stacked by fibrillar glycoproteic material, the holdfast. A tuft of numerous short glycoproteic fimbriae emerges from one pole of the cell. Preeminent granular inclusions, also of glycoproteic nature, are present in the cytoplasm. Several structural and compositional aspects of the cell envelope and cytoplasm are provided. The production of fibrillar material and the existence of the polar appendages suggest that this microorganism should occur in aquatic environments bound to substrates and could be associated with P. micans in natural marine habitats. Based on the characteristics displayed, this microorganism is a member of the Planctomycetes, order Planctomycetales.  相似文献   

Bacterial communities associated with the lichen symbiosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Lichens are commonly described as a mutualistic symbiosis between fungi and "algae" (Chlorophyta or Cyanobacteria); however, they also have internal bacterial communities. Recent research suggests that lichen-associated microbes are an integral component of lichen thalli and that the classical view of this symbiotic relationship should be expanded to include bacteria. However, we still have a limited understanding of the phylogenetic structure of these communities and their variability across lichen species. To address these knowledge gaps, we used bar-coded pyrosequencing to survey the bacterial communities associated with lichens. Bacterial sequences obtained from four lichen species at multiple locations on rock outcrops suggested that each lichen species harbored a distinct community and that all communities were dominated by Alphaproteobacteria. Across all samples, we recovered numerous bacterial phylotypes that were closely related to sequences isolated from lichens in prior investigations, including those from a lichen-associated Rhizobiales lineage (LAR1; putative N(2) fixers). LAR1-related phylotypes were relatively abundant and were found in all four lichen species, and many sequences closely related to other known N(2) fixers (e.g., Azospirillum, Bradyrhizobium, and Frankia) were recovered. Our findings confirm the presence of highly structured bacterial communities within lichens and provide additional evidence that these bacteria may serve distinct functional roles within lichen symbioses.  相似文献   

The organophosphate pesticide chlorpyrifos (CP) has been used extensively since the 1960s for insect control. However, its toxic effects on mammals and persistence in environment necessitate its removal from contaminated sites, biodegradation studies of CP-degrading microbes are therefore of immense importance. Samples from a Pakistani agricultural soil with an extensive history of CP application were used to prepare enrichment cultures using CP as sole carbon source for bacterial community analysis and isolation of CP metabolizing bacteria. Bacterial community analysis (denaturing gradient gel electrophoresis) revealed that the dominant genera enriched under these conditions were Pseudomonas, Acinetobacter and Stenotrophomonas, along with lower numbers of Sphingomonas, Agrobacterium and Burkholderia. Furthermore, it revealed that members of Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, α- and γ-Proteobacteria and Actinobacteria were present at initial steps of enrichment whereas β-Proteobacteria appeared in later steps and only Proteobacteria were selected by enrichment culturing. However, when CP-degrading strains were isolated from this enrichment culture, the most active organisms were strains of Acinetobacter calcoaceticus, Pseudomonas mendocina and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. These strains degraded 6–7.4 mg L?1 day?1 of CP when cultivated in mineral medium, while the consortium of all four strains degraded 9.2 mg L?1 day?1 of CP (100 mg L?1). Addition of glucose as an additional C source increased the degradation capacity by 8–14 %. After inoculation of contaminated soil with CP (200 mg kg?1) disappearance rates were 3.83–4.30 mg kg?1 day?1 for individual strains and 4.76 mg kg?1 day?1 for the consortium. These results indicate that these organisms are involved in the degradation of CP in soil and represent valuable candidates for in situ bioremediation of contaminated soils and waters.  相似文献   

Bacterial diversity stabilizes community productivity   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  


Stability is a crucial ecosystem feature gaining particular importance in face of increasing anthropogenic stressors. Biodiversity is considered to be a driving biotic force maintaining stability, and in this study we investigate how different indices of biodiversity affect the stability of communities in varied abiotic (composition of available resources) and biotic (invasion) contexts.

Methodology/Principal Findings

We set up microbial microcosms to study the effects of genotypic diversity on the reliability of community productivity, defined as the inverse of the coefficient of variation of across-treatment productivity, in different environmental contexts. We established a bacterial diversity gradient ranging from 1 to 8 Pseudomonas fluorescens genotypes and grew the communities in different resource environments or in the presence of model invasive species. Biodiversity significantly stabilized community productivity across treatments in both experiments. Path analyses revealed that different aspects of diversity determined stability: genotypic richness stabilized community productivity across resource environments, whereas functional diversity determined stability when subjected to invasion.


Biodiversity increases the stability of microbial communities against both biotic and abiotic environmental perturbations. Depending on stressor type, varying aspects of biodiversity contribute to the stability of ecosystem functions. The results suggest that both genetic and functional diversity need to be preserved to ensure buffering of communities against abiotic and biotic stresses.  相似文献   

The fact that species of harmful algae maintained in the laboratory harbor a complex bacterial flora increases the difficulties involved in the study of the relationship between bacteria and algae. An efficient method to remove bacteria from a laboratory culture of the marine dinoflagellate Alexandrium tamarense is presented in this paper. The alga was subjected to repeated washing, lysozyme/SDS and antibiotic treatment with a mixture of gentamycin, streptomycin, cephalothin and rifampicin. Axenic status was confirmed after subculturing three times in sterile f/2 medium without antibiotics. Bacteria could not be detected in various media, both solid and liquid, nor by epifluorescence microscopy and PCR amplification of 16S rDNA of both eubacteria and archaea. Bacterial presence was monitored throughout a full growth cycle and, following subculture, no bacteria were detected using the above methods. This method is more efficient and less time-consuming than other methods and the resultant axenic A. tamarense cultures would provide a simpler system for further study of bacteria-alga interactions.  相似文献   

Culture-independent 16S rDNA-DGGE fingerprinting and phylogenetic analysis were used to reveal the community structure and diversity of the predominant bacteria associated with the four sponges Stelletta tenui, Halichrondria, Dysidea avara, and Craniella australiensis from the South China Sea for the first time. Sponge total community DNA extracted with a direct grinding disruption based method was used successfully after series dilution for 16S rDNA PCR amplification, which simplifies the current procedure and results in good DGGE banding profiles. 16S rDNA-V3 fragments from 42 individual DGGE bands were sequenced and the detailed corresponding bacteria were found in sponges for the fist time based on BLAST results. The sponge-associated bacteria are sponge host-specific because each of the tested four sponges from the same geographical location has different predominant bacterial diversity. Proteobacteria, e.g. α, β and γ subdivisions, make up the majority of the predominant bacteria in sponges and are perhaps in close symbiotic relationship with sponges. Though similar bacteria with close phylogenetic relationships were found among different sponges, the sponge-associated predominant bacterial community structures differ. Sponge C. australiensis has the greatest bacterial diversity, with the four bacteria phyla Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Actinobacteria, followed by the sponge D. avara with the two phyla Proteobacteria and Bacteroidetes, and the sponges S. tenui and Halichrondria with the phylum Proteobacteria. DGGE fingerprint-based analysis should ideally be integrated with band cloning and sequencing, phylogenetic analysis and molecular techniques to obtain precise results in terms of the microbial community and diversity.  相似文献   

Information on the adaptive behavior of cells in the process of the formation of a colony by bacteria Shigella flexneri Rd, used as a model, was obtained with the use of light, transmission and scanning microscopy. The process of the formation of a microcolony was demonstrated; at the initial stages (8 hours) it included 3 groups of cells, and 24 hours later it exhibited sharply defined structurization. The conclusion was made on the possibility of the joint use of different methods of microscopy for the study of the development of microcolonies and colonies of bacteria.  相似文献   

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