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Spectrins are members of the superfamily of F-actin cross linking proteins that are important as scaffolding proteins for protein sorting, cell adhesion, and migration. In addition, spectrins have been implicated in TGF-beta signaling. The aim of the present study was to analyze the expression and localization of beta1-spectrin (SPTBN1) in pancreatic tissues. mRNA levels of SPTBN1 in cultured pancreatic cancer cell lines, as well as in normal pancreatic tissues (n=18), chronic pancreatitis (n=48) and pancreatic cancer tissues (n=66) were analyzed by real time quantitative RT-PCR. Localization of SPTBN1 in pancreatic tissues was determined by immunohistochemistry. SPTBN1 staining was assessed semi-quantitatively in 55 cancer tissues and survival analysis was carried out using the Kaplan-Meier method. Median SPTBN1 mRNA levels were 6.0-fold higher in pancreatic cancer tissues compared to the normal pancreas (p<0.0001) and 2.2-fold higher compared to chronic pancreatitis tissues (p=0.0002). In the normal pancreas, SPTBN1 was present in the cytoplasm of normal ductal cells and occasionally in pancreatic acinar and centroacinar cells. In pancreatic cancer tissues, SPTBN1 was present in the cytoplasm of pancreatic cancer cells. Low SPTBN1 protein expression indicated a tendency for worsened prognosis with a median survival of 14.0 months, versus 23.8 months for patients whose tumors expressed moderate/high levels of SPTBN1. In conclusion, reduced SPTBN1 expression correlated with shorter survival of pancreatic cancer patients, suggesting a tumor suppressor function of this gene, as has already been shown for other malignancies of the gastrointestinal tract.  相似文献   

The Hippo pathway is an important regulator of organ growth and cell fate. In the R8 photoreceptor cells of the Drosophila melanogaster eye, the Hippo pathway controls the fate choice between one of two subtypes that express either the blue light-sensitive Rhodopsin 5 (Hippo inactive R8 subtype) or the green light-sensitive Rhodopsin 6 (Hippo active R8 subtype). The degree to which the mechanism of Hippo signal transduction and the proteins that mediate it are conserved in organ growth and R8 cell fate choice is currently unclear. Here, we identify Crumbs and the apical spectrin cytoskeleton as regulators of R8 cell fate. By contrast, other proteins that influence Hippo-dependent organ growth, such as the basolateral spectrin cytoskeleton and Ajuba, are dispensable for the R8 cell fate choice. Surprisingly, Crumbs promotes the Rhodopsin 5 cell fate, which is driven by Yorkie, rather than the Rhodopsin 6 cell fate, which is driven by Warts and the Hippo pathway, which contrasts with its impact on Hippo activity in organ growth. Furthermore, neither the apical spectrin cytoskeleton nor Crumbs appear to regulate the Hippo pathway through mechanisms that have been observed in growing organs. Together, these results show that only a subset of Hippo pathway proteins regulate the R8 binary cell fate decision and that aspects of Hippo signalling differ between growing organs and post-mitotic R8 cells.  相似文献   

Ankyrins are a family of adapter proteins required for localization of membrane proteins to diverse specialized membrane domains including axon initial segments, specialized sites at the transverse tubule/sarcoplasmic reticulum in cardiomyocytes, and lateral membrane domains of epithelial cells. Little is currently known regarding the molecular basis for specific roles of different ankyrin isoforms. In this study, we systematically generated alanine mutants of clusters of charged residues in the spectrin-binding domains of both ankyrin-B and -G. The corresponding mutants were evaluated for activity in either restoration of abnormal localization of the inositol trisphosphate receptor in the sarcoplasmic reticulum in mutant mouse cardiomyocytes deficient in ankyrin-B or in prevention of loss of lateral membrane in human bronchial epithelial cells depleted of ankyrin-G by small interfering RNA. Interestingly, ankyrin-B and -G share two homologous sites that result in loss of function in both systems, suggesting that common molecular interactions underlie diverse roles of these isoforms. Ankyrins G and B also exhibit differences; mutations affecting spectrin binding had no effect on ankyrin-B function but did abolish activity of ankyrin-G in restoring lateral membrane biogenesis. Depletion of beta(2)-spectrin by small interfering RNA phenocopied depletion of ankyrin-G and resulted in a failure to form new lateral membrane in interphase and mitotic cells. These results demonstrate that ankyrin-G and beta(2)-spectrin are functional partners in biogenesis of the lateral membrane of epithelial cells.  相似文献   

The transforming protein of polyomavirus, middle T antigen, is associated with cellular membranes. We have examined the subcellular location of the middle T antigen in two different cell types by fractionation and detergent phase partitioning. Middle T antigen expressed in human cells by a recombinant adenovirus was detected primarily in the membrane skeleton. Sucrose gradient fractionation revealed that the middle T antigen was associated with complexes with molecular weights of 500,000 to 1,000,000. Several markers for cytoskeleton cofractionate with these complexes, including actin, tubulin, and vimentin. Electron micrographs of membrane skeleton prepared from cells expressing middle T antigen demonstrated that this material contained primarily fibrous structures and was clearly devoid of bilayer membranes. These structures were distinct from the filamentous structures observed in fractions enriched for cytoskeleton. Consistent with a role for membrane skeleton localization in transformation, middle T antigen was detected exclusively in fractions enriched for membrane skeleton in middle T antigen-transformed Rat-2 cells. Our results may resolve the apparent difference between middle T antigen localization as determined by immunomicroscopy and that determined by subcellular fractionation.  相似文献   

beta-Amyloid precursor protein binding protein 1 (APP-BP1) was previously identified based on its binding to the carboxyl terminal of beta-amyloid precursor protein. In this report, we have discovered that a mutation of dAPP-BP1 (Drosophila ortholog of APP-BP1) hinders tissue development, causes apoptosis in imaginal disc cells, and blocks the NEDD8 conjugation pathway. We show that dAPP-BP1 specifically binds the intracellular domain of APP-like protein (APPL). The dAPP-BP1 mutation partially suppresses the abnormal macrochaete phenotype of Appl(d), while overexpression of dAPP-BP1 causes abnormal macrochaetes. When APPL is overexpressed, the normal bristle pattern in the fly thorax is disturbed and apoptosis is induced in wing imaginal discs. APPL overexpression phenotypes are enhanced by reducing the level of dAPP-BP1. APPL overexpression is shown to inhibit the NEDD8 conjugation pathway. APPL-induced apoptosis is rescued by overexpression of dAPP-BP1. Our data suggest that APPL and dAPP-BP1 interact antagonistically during Drosophila development.  相似文献   

The Crumbs (Crb) complex is a key regulator of epithelial cell architecture where it promotes apical membrane formation. Here, we show that binding of the FERM protein Yurt to the cytoplasmic domain of Crb is part of a negative-feedback loop that regulates Crb activity. Yurt is predominantly a basolateral protein but is recruited by Crb to apical membranes late during epithelial development. Loss of Yurt causes an expansion of the apical membrane in embryonic epithelia and photoreceptor cells similar to Crb overexpression and in contrast to loss of Crb. Analysis of yurt crb double mutants suggests that these genes function in one pathway and that yurt negatively regulates crb. We also show that the mammalian Yurt orthologs YMO1 and EHM2 bind to mammalian Crb proteins. We propose that Yurt is part of an evolutionary conserved negative-feedback mechanism that restricts Crb complex activity in promoting apical membrane formation.  相似文献   

Transmembrane proteins BRI2 and amyloid precursor protein (APP) co-localize with amyloid beta (Abeta) lesions in sporadic Alzheimer disease and mutations in both precursor proteins are linked to early-onset familial cases of cerebral amyloidosis associated with dementia and/or cerebral hemorrhage. A specific interaction between BRI2 and APP was unveiled by immunoprecipitation experiments using transfected and non-transfected cells. The use of deletion mutants further revealed that stretches 648-719 of APP751 and 46-106 of BRI2, both inclusive of the full transmembrane domains, are sufficient for the interaction. Removal of most of the APP and BRI2 extracellular domains without affecting the interaction implies that both proteins interact when are expressed on the same cell membrane (cis) rather than on adjacent cells (trans). The presence of BRI2 had a modulatory effect on APP processing, specifically increasing the levels of cellular APP as well as beta-secretase-generated COOH-terminal fragments while decreasing the levels of alpha-secretase-generated COOH-terminal fragments as well as the secretion of total APP and Abeta peptides. Determining the precise molecular pathways affected by the specific binding between APP and BRI2 could result in the identification of common therapeutic targets for these sporadic and familial neurodegenerative disorders.  相似文献   

The Rho(D) antigen was recently identified as a 28,000 to 33,000 m.w. polypeptide expressed on the surface of human Rho(D)+ cells. We now show that 70 to 80% of the Rho(D) polypeptides remain firmly associated with the membrane skeleton (detergent-insoluble matrix) obtained after treatment of isolated membranes with Triton X-100. The same treatment solubilized most of the major sialoglycoprotein, glycophorin A. The membrane skeleton-bound Rho(D) polypeptides were not solubilized by procedures that dissociated spectrin, actin, and glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase from the membrane. Affinity-purified 125I-labeled anti-Rho(D) antibodies bound to intact Rho(D)+ cells, Rho(D)+ membranes, and isolated membrane skeletons from Rho(D)+ cells, but not to Rho(D)- cells. The binding to Rho(D)+ cells was competitively inhibited efficiently by Rho(D)+ membranes and weakly by Rho(D)- membranes. When isolated unsealed Rho(D)+ and Rho(D)- membranes were labeled by lactoperoxidase-catalyzed iodination and solubilized in Triton X-100, Rho(D) polypeptides were immune precipitated only from Rho(D)+ membranes.  相似文献   

The growth arrest-specific-3 (GAS3)/PMP22 proteins are members of the four-transmembrane (tetraspan) superfamily. Although the function of these proteins is poorly understood, GAS3/PMP22 proteins have been implicated in the control of growth and progression of certain cancers. Epithelial membrane protein-2 (EMP2), a GAS3/PMP22 family member, was recently identified as a putative tumor suppressor gene. Here, we addressed the normal function of EMP2 by testing the prediction that it influences integrin-related cell functions. We observed that EMP2 associates with the beta(1) integrin subunit. Co-immunoprecipitation and immunodepletion experiments indicated that approximately 60% of beta(1) integrins and EMP2 can be isolated in common protein complexes. Whereas this association between EMP2 and beta(1) integrin may be direct or indirect, it has features of integrin heterodimer selectivity. Thus, by laser confocal microscopy, EMP2 colocalized with alpha(6)beta(1) but not alpha(5)beta(1) integrin. Increased expression of EMP2 also influenced the integrin heterodimer repertoire present on the plasma membrane. EMP2 specifically increased the surface expression of the alpha(6)beta(1) integrin while decreasing that of the alpha(5)beta(1) protein. Reciprocally, reduction in EMP2 expression using a specific ribozyme decreased surface expression of alpha(6)beta(1) integrin. Accordingly, these EMP2-mediated changes resulted in a dramatic alteration in cellular adhesion to extracellular matrix proteins. This study demonstrates for the first time the interaction of a GAS3/PMP22 family member with an integrin protein and suggests that such interactions and their functional consequences are a physiologic role of GAS3/PMP22 proteins.  相似文献   

Proper growth and development require the orderly synthesis and deposition of individual components of the extracellular matrix (ECM) into well ordered networks. Once formed, the ECM maintains tissue structure and houses resident cells. One ECM component, (beta)ig-h3, is a highly conserved transforming growth factor-beta-inducible protein that has been hypothesized to function as a bifunctional linker between individual matrix components and resident cells. To gain insights into its physiological function, full-length (beta)ig-h3 protein was produced using a baculovirus expression system and purified under native conditions. Human fibroblasts attached and spread on (beta)ig-h3-coated plates and developed actin stress fibers. Purified (beta)ig-h3 binds fibronectin (FN) and type I collagen (Col I) but does not bind gelatin. Using defined fragments of FN, we localized the (beta)ig-h3 recognition region to the gelatin/collagen binding domain present in the N-terminal region of the FN molecule. Our results identify FN and Col I as two ligands of (beta)ig-h3 in the ECM.  相似文献   

Nanos (Nos) is a translational regulator that governs abdominal segmentation of the Drosophila embryo in collaboration with Pumilio (Pum). In the embryo, the mode of Nos and Pum action is clear: they form a ternary complex with critical sequences in the 3'UTR of hunchback mRNA to regulate its translation. Nos also regulates germ cell development and survival in the ovary. While this aspect of its biological activity appears to be evolutionarily conserved, the mode of Nos action in this process is not yet well understood. In this report, we show that Nos interacts with Cup, which is required for normal development of the ovarian germline cells. nos and cup also interact genetically--reducing the level of cup activity specifically suppresses the oogenesis defects associated with the nos(RC) allele. This allele encodes a very low level of mRNA and protein that, evidently, is just below the threshold for normal ovarian Nos function. Taken together, these findings are consistent with the idea that Nos and Cup interact to promote normal development of the ovarian germline. They further suggest that Nos and Pum are likely to collaborate during oogenesis, as they do during embryogenesis.  相似文献   



Tissue morphogenesis and organogenesis require that cells retain stable cell-cell adhesion while changing shape and moving. One mechanism to accommodate this plasticity in cell adhesion involves regulated trafficking of junctional proteins.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Here we explored trafficking of junctional proteins in two well-characterized model epithelia, the Drosophila embryonic ectoderm and amnioserosa. We find that DE-cadherin, the transmembrane protein of adherens junctions, is actively trafficked through putative vesicles, and appears to travel through both Rab5-positive and Rab11-positive structures. We manipulated the functions of Rab11 and Rab5 to examine the effects on junctional stability and morphogenesis. Reducing Rab11 function, either using a dominant negative construct or loss of function alleles, disrupts integrity of the ectoderm and leads to loss of adherens junctions. Strikingly, the apical junctional regulator Crumbs is lost before AJs are destabilized, while the basolateral protein Dlg remains cortical. Altering Rab5 function had less dramatic effects, not disrupting adherens junction integrity but affecting dorsal closure.


We contrast our results with what others saw when disrupting other trafficking regulators, and when disrupting Rab function in other tissues; together these data suggest distinct mechanisms regulate junctional stability and plasticity in different tissues.  相似文献   

The apical plasma membrane of epithelial cells plays a central role in producing and shaping the apical extracellular matrix (aECM) that eventually adopts a stereotypic architecture required for the physical and physiological needs of the epithelium. To assess the implication of the apical plasma membrane on aECM differentiation, we have studied the function of the apical plasma membrane t-SNARE Syntaxin 1A in the embryo of the fruit fly Drosophila melanogaster during differentiation of the stratified exoskeleton, the cuticle, which is composed of proteins and the polysaccharide chitin. The cuticle layers of syntaxin1A deficient larvae are rudimentary. Consistently, Syntaxin 1A is required for the secretion of O-glycosylated proteins and components involved in pigmentation and protein cross-linking. By contrast, localization of chitin synthesis and organising proteins to the apical plasma membrane or to the extracellular space does not depend on Syntaxin 1A activity. However, chitin microfibrils have a random orientation instead of being arranged in parallel. This correlates with the lack of corrugations at the apical plasma membrane of epidermal cells, the apical undulae that have been proposed to be crucial for chitin microfibril orientation. Hence, Syntaxin 1A contributes to cuticle differentiation by controlling correct apical plasma membrane topology as well as mediating secretion of a subset of extracellular proteins required for layer organisation. Our data also indicate that yet another unidentified t-SNARE is needed in parallel to Syntaxin 1A to deliver extracellular material for complete cuticle assembly. Evidently, coordination of apical membrane modelling and two secretion routes are essential for stereotypic aECM organisation.  相似文献   

In developing Drosophila photoreceptors, rhodopsin is trafficked to the rhabdomere, a specialized domain within the apical membrane surface. Rab11, a small GTPase implicated in membrane traffic, immunolocalizes to the trans-Golgi network, cytoplasmic vesicles and tubules, and the base of rhabdomeres. One hour after release from the endoplasmic reticulum, rhodopsin colocalizes with Rab11 in vesicles at the base of the rhabdomere. When Rab11 activity is reduced by three different genetic procedures, rhabdomere morphogenesis is inhibited and rhodopsin-bearing vesicles proliferate within the cytosol. Rab11 activity is also essential for development of MVB endosomal compartments; this is probably a secondary consequence of impaired rhabdomere development. Furthermore, Rab11 is required for transport of TRP, another rhabdomeric protein, and for development of specialized membrane structures within Garland cells. These results establish a role for Rab11 in the post-Golgi transport of rhodopsin and of other proteins to the rhabdomeric membranes of photoreceptors, and in analogous transport processes in other cells.  相似文献   

Dialysis related amyloidosis (DRA) is a progressive and serious complication in patients under long-term hemodialysis and mainly leads to osteo-articular diseases. Although beta(2)-microglobulin (beta2-m) is the major structural component of beta2-m amyloid fibrils, the initiation of amyloid formation is not clearly understood. Here, we have identified procollagen C-proteinase enhancer-1 (PCPE-1) as a new interacting protein with beta2-m by screening a human synovium cDNA library. The interaction of beta2-m with full-length PCPE-1 was confirmed by immunoprecipitation, solid-phase binding and pull-down assays. By yeast two-hybrid analysis and pull-down assay, beta2-m appeared to interact with PCPE-1 via the NTR (netrin-like) domain and not via the CUB (C1r/C1s, Uegf and BMP-1) domain region. In synovial tissues derived from hemodialysis patients with DRA, beta2-m co-localized and formed a complex with PCPE-1. beta2-m did not alter the basal activity of bone morphogenetic protein-1/procollagen C-proteinase (BMP-1/PCP) nor BMP-1/PCP activity enhanced by PCPE-1. PCPE-1 did not stimulate beta2-m amyloid fibril formation from monomeric beta2-m in vitro under acidic and neutral conditions as revealed by thioflavin T fluorescence spectroscopy and electron microscopy. Since PCPE-1 is abundantly expressed in connective tissues rich in type I collagen, it may be involved in the initial accumulation of beta2-m in selected tissues such as tendon, synovium and bone. Furthermore, since such preferential deposition of beta2-m may be linked to subsequent beta2-m amyloid fibril formation, the disruption of the interaction between beta2-m and PCPE-1 may prevent beta2-m amyloid fibril formation and therefore PCPE-1 could be a new target for the treatment of DRA.  相似文献   

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