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Summary The extracellular space of tentacles of Drosera capensis L. is divided into two compartments by cuticular material between cells of an endodermoid layer and by the nonporous cuticle of the stalk and neck. The distal compartment includes the mucilaginous secretion as well as the free space of the secretory cap, since the cuticle covering the cap is perforated by numerous 0.05–0.3 m pores. The proximal compartment includes xylem and the intercellular space of the stalk. The existence of the endodermoid partition is consistent with the observation that action potentials recorded extracellularly from the head may be positive-going while those recorded extracellularly from the stalk are negative-going. The partitioning is also consistent with the hypothesis previously proposed to explain why the amplitude of action potentials recorded from the mucilage varies as a function of the amplitude of the receptor potential.The living cells are united by plasmodesmata. Unusually abundant plasmodesmata were observed in the walls between endodermoid cells and neck cells, between neck cells and the next row of outer stalk cells, in the end walls connecting the outer stalk cells, and the end walls connecting the inner stalk cells: these strategically located plasmodesmata presumably permit the electrotonic spread of receptor potentials and action potentials between cells.  相似文献   

Résumé On peut rendre horizontaux les rayons d'une ruche et verticaux ceux d'un nid de guêpes sans perturbations visibles pour l'élevage ou le comportement des ouvrières.Les abeilles réparent très facilement et immédiatement les trous creusés dans les cellules d'ouvrières ou de reines, elles posent sans difficulté un fond aux cellules d'ouvrières si on l'a enlevé. Elles tordent une lame de cire perpendiculaire aux rayons pour la mettre en position parallèle.Les abeilles peuvent déposer leur miel dans les trous d'une plaque de bois, dans des rayons de métal ou de plastique; elles peuvent élever leur couvain dans des rayons de plastique et leurs reines dans des cellules de verre ou de plastique. Les guêpes peuvent operculer avec du carton les rayons des abeilles. Les guêpes souterraines dont on vient de déterrer le nid le couvrent de terre et l'enterrent en creusant au-dessous. Si une plaque de métal glissée au-dessous s'y oppose, elles le reconstruisent peu à peu de manière à l'amener sur le bord de la plaque et à l'enterrer à nouveau.  相似文献   

Résumé L'enduit grisâtre que laissent les abeilles sur une plaque de verre où elles viennent s'abreuver est, pour une part au moins, formé d'une matière peu volatile, contenant des substances aromatiques; son origine reste inconnue. Une glande de l'extrémité des tarses (glande d'Arnhart) parait capable de sécréter de la cire, et on peut extraire des tarses beaucoup plus de cire que des autres parties du corps, les glandes cirières exceptées.
Summary The grey matter left by bees alighting on a glass plate around a syrup feeder shows a waxy composition, with aromatic substances into. TheArnhart tarsal glands seem able to secret some wax, for one can extract from the tarsi with boiling benzene, much more wax than from the other parts of the body, except abdominal wax glands.

Résumé Les auteurs ont étudié comparativement des souches de Brettanomyces isolées de vins de diverses origines et dans diverses circonstances. En plus des tests habituels de classification, portant surtout sur les caractères morphologiques et sur la fermentation et l'assimilation des différents sucres, il a été procédé notamment aux mesures des intensités respiratoire et fermentatives, à l'établissement des bilans analytiques des produits secondaires formés, à l'étude des besoins en facteurs de croissance.Ces Brettanomyces provenant de vins appartiennent à deux espèces nouvelles, différentes des espèces isolées de la bière. Les auteurs proposent de les nommer Brettanomyces vini et Brettanomyces schanderlii.  相似文献   

Résumé Dans cet exposé, nous avons montré que les Abeilles sont capables de changer de place les réserves sucrées et le couvain. Ces comportements ne correspondent pas à des conditions de vie normales de la colonie.Cependant, le transport des réserves indique la possibilité, pour les Abeilles, de réagir à une perturbation importante selon un ordre que nous avions déjà établi dans l'élevage des larves (Montagner, 1962). C'est ainsi qu'en cas de nourrissement brutal et pendant une période de disette, elles tendent à grouper la majeure partie des réserves près de la reine, tout en laissant une place sur un cadre pour la ponte. La reine représenterait donc bien, dans la ruche, le potentiel survie à partir duquel les ouvrières auraient tendance à répartir leurs activités de façon décroissante.Par contre, les transports de couvain ne semblent répondre à aucun plan d'organisation comme chez les Fourmis. Nous avons montré qu'ils étaient associés à de profondes perturbations, telles que le manque de nourriture ou la perte de la reine.
Summary The results of these studies indicate that bees are able to remove sugary stores and brood.We have established that bees remove their stores according to a certain order that we also made evident when studying brood rearing (Montagner, 1962). So, the bees hoarded the most part of their stores in the side of the hive where the queen stood, when we fed them suddenly during a dearth time.Then, the queen would be in beehive the attractive center from which the workers would share theirs activities in a decreasing way.On the contrary, it never seemed to us that the removals of brood were connected to any right order as for ants. We have established that they were associated to great troubles in beehive such as a want of food or the death of the queen.

Zusammenfassung In diesem Bericht haben wir bewiesen, dass die Bienen die Zuckervorräte und die Brut an andere Plätze zu bringen vermögen. Dieses Verhalten entspricht nich den normalen Lebenszuständen der Kolonie.Soch bezeugt der Transport der Vorräte die Möglichkeit für die Bienen, gegen eine erhebliche Störung, nach einer bestimmten Regel zu reagieren, die wir schon bei der Aufzucht der Larven festgestellt haben (Montagner, 1962).Also, im Falle einer plötzlich verstärkten Zufuhr und während einer Mangelperiode haben sie die Neigung, den grössten Teil der Vorräte um die Königin zu sammeln, indem sie aber einen Platz für das Eierlegen auf einem Rahmen frei lassen. Die Königin würde also im Bienenstock die Möglichkeit der Fortdauer darstellen. Von dieser Tatsache ausgehend würden die Arbeiterinnen also ihre Tätigkeit in abnehmender Weise ausüben.Im Gegenteil scheinen die Brutversetzungen keinem Organisationsplan zu entsprechen, wie es bei den Ameisen der Fall ist. Wir haben gezeigt, dass sie mit schwerwiegenden Störungen, wie z. B. dem Nahrungsmangel oder dem Tod der Königin, in Verbindung stehen.

René Strauss 《Hydrobiologia》1986,141(3):263-267
Chara vulgaris was cultivated in a natural medium containing nickel and cobalt chloride.Growth increased in a culture solution containing Ni and Co in small amounts. Tissue analysis showed that the levels of Ni and Co in the dry matter were high. The two ions are found here as insoluble compounds, which explains why Chara vulgaris is an organism resistant to metal pollution.Université de Dijon, Laboratoire de Nutrition minérale des Végétaux  相似文献   

The recent gain in knowledge concerning enzymes involved in signal transduction pathways is a direct consequence of the considerable advances made in molecular biology. Protein kinases and protein phosphatases, the two major enzymes implicated in post-translational modifications, have been studied in particular. The number of characterized plant genes and/or cDNAs encoding these enzymes is increasing everyday. Since 1991, 26 genes and cDNAs coding for plant protein phosphatases have been isolated and characterized. The huge number of protein kinases (estimated at several thousands) makes it impossible to give an exhaustive list of the genes already identified, but a classification of these enzymes, based on phylogenetic criteria, allows us to appreciate the range of functions this protein family may play in plants.  相似文献   

Résumé L'auteur a étudié la spécificité des réactions considérées spécifiques des radicaux acides sur des modèles obtenus par sulfatation, phosphatation et carboxylation des diverses structures riches en groupes vic-glycols.L'auteur a ainsi démontré que toutes les réactions routinaires pour la visualisation des groupes sulfat sont aspécifiques, étant donné leur positivité aussi envers les radicaux phosphate.L'auteur démontre, au contraire, la spécificité de deux réactions, respectivement pour les radicaux sulfat et phosphate, déjà connues mais oubliées, et en propose des modifications.
On the histochemical reactions of strong acid radicals with special reference to phosphate groups
Summary The specificity of the reactions which are presumed to be specific for acid radicals have been tested in model experiments by means of sulphatation, phosphorylation and carboxylation of structures being rich in vic-glycol groups. The non-specifity of all routine reactions for sulphate groups is proved because they are positive also for phosphate groups. Two other reactions were modified resulting in specifity for sulphate and phosphate groups, respectively.

Electrophoretic mobilities of ten homologous serum proteins and enzymes in Man and anthropoid apes led to estimations of the genetic distances between five species (Homo, Pan, Gorilla, Pongo and Symphalangus). The separation of the Symphalangus (Siamang) lineage from that leading to the great apes and Man is obvious. Less evident is the cluster containing only humans and chimpanzees, and also the fact that orang-utans are placed closer to Man than gorillas.  相似文献   

《L' Année biologique》1998,37(4):233-248
The hydrolysis of proteins in the rumen is a process brought about mainly by bacteria, of which many species produce proteases. The majority of endopeptidases are cysteine proteases, whereas exopeptidases are mainly aminopeptidases. Prevotella ruminicola is distinguished from other bacterial species by its capacity to produce dipeptidases such as type I dipeptidyl aminopeptidase. The mechanisms controlling the synthesis of endo- and exopeptidases have been little studied. Enzyme production seems to depend on the concentrations of peptides, amino acids and carbohydrates. Proteolytic activity varies in relation to pH, and the concentrations of ions and phenolic compounds. Various works have shown that hydrolysis of a protein by enzymes depends on its three-dimensional structure and possible bonding to non-protein structures. These properties determine the peptide and amino acid concentrations that occur in the rumen. The molecular weight, hydrophobic property and primary structure of the peptides are the main factors that affect the hydrolysis and/or uptake of these compounds by rumen bacteria. The methodological problems inherent to assaying these compounds do however lead to current divergences of opinion concerning the physico-chemical characteristics of the peptides that escape rumen fermentation.  相似文献   

Varicocele is considered to be responsible for male infertility by several authors, while varicocele may also exist in fertile men. Hyperthermia or “raised” testicular temperature is one of the pathophysiological mechanisms proposed to explain impaired spermatogenesis when a varicocele is present in infertile men. The reported clinical data in humans and experimental results of surgically-induced varicocele in animals indicate the following findings. In most studies, mean testicular and scrotal temperatures are bilaterally increased in populations of men with unilateral left varicocele compared to control populations. Similar results are observed following surgical induction of experimental left varicocele in animals. In the case of bilateral varicocele, the increase in mean temperature is similar to that observed in unilateral varicocele. Data concerning the effects of varicocelectomy on testicular or scrotal temperatures are still inconclusive in humans because of the discordant results in the small number of studies dealing with this topic. However, experimental data indicate that varicocelectomy results in recovery of normal mean temperature in animals submitted to surgically-induced varicocele, but experimental animal models of varicocele have failed to provide any explanation for the increase in temperature. In conclusion, although there is a relationship between varicocele and testicular temperature, testicular temperature is not increased in every case of varicocele.  相似文献   

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