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Small heat shock proteins form large cytosolic assemblies from an “α-crystallin domain” (ACD) flanked by sequence extensions. Mutation of a conserved arginine in the ACD of several human small heat shock protein family members causes many common inherited diseases of the lens and neuromuscular system. The mutation R120G in αB-crystallin causes myopathy, cardiomyopathy and cataract. We have solved the X-ray structure of the excised ACD dimer of human αB R120G close to physiological pH and compared it with several recently determined wild-type vertebrate ACD dimer structures. Wild-type excised ACD dimers have a deep groove at the interface floored by a flat extended “bottom sheet.” Solid-state NMR studies of large assemblies of full-length αB-crystallin have shown that the groove is blocked in the ACD dimer by curvature of the bottom sheet. The crystal structure of R120G ACD dimer also reveals a closed groove, but here the bottom sheet is flat. Loss of Arg120 results in rearrangement of an extensive array of charged interactions across this interface. His83 and Asp80 on movable arches on either side of the interface close the groove by forming two new salt bridges. The residues involved in this extended set of ionic interactions are conserved in Hsp27, Hsp20, αA- and αB-crystallin sequences. They are not conserved in Hsp22, where mutation of the equivalent of Arg120 causes neuropathy. We speculate that the αB R120G mutation disturbs oligomer dynamics, causing the growth of large soluble oligomers that are toxic to cells by blocking essential processes.  相似文献   

In human lenses, C-terminal cleavage of αA-crystallin at residues 172,168, and 162 have been reported. The effect of C-terminal truncation of αA-crystallin on subunit exchange and heterooligomer formation with αB-crystallin and homooligomer formation with native αA-crystallin is not known. We have conducted fluorescence resonance energy transfer studies which have shown that the rates of subunit exchange of αA1–172 and αA1–168 with αB-wt were two-fold lower than for αA-wt interacting with αB-wt. The subunit exchange rate between αA1–162 and αB-wt was six-fold lower. These data suggest that cleavage of the C-terminal residues could significantly affect heterooligomerization. On the other hand, the subunit exchange rates between αA-wt and the truncated αA-crystallins were either unchanged or only slightly decreased, which suggest that homooligomerization may not be significantly influenced by C-terminal truncation. The main conclusion from this study is that cleavage of C-terminal residues of αA-crystallin including the nine residues of the flexible tail is expected to significantly affect the formation of heteroaggregates. Reconstitution experiments showed that the presence of an intact C-terminus is essential for the formation of fully integrated heteroaggregates with equal proportion of αA and αB subunits.  相似文献   

B-crystallin, a member of the small heat-shock protein (hsp) family of proteins, is able to function as a molecular chaperone by protecting other proteins from stress-induced aggregation by recognizing and binding to partially unfolded species of damaged proteins. The present work has investigated the role of phenylalanine-28 (F28) of the 22RLFDQFF28 region of B-crystallin in maintaining chaperone function and oligomeric structure under physiological condition and under thermal stress. Bovine B-crystallin was cloned for the first time and the cDNA sequence revealed greater than 90% homology to that of human, rat and mouse B-crystallins. F28 was mutated to a serine followed by expression of the mutant F28S and the wild-type B (B-wt) in E. coli and subsequent purification of the protein by size-exclusion chromatography. Secondary and tertiary structure analyses showed some structural changes in the mutant. Chaperone activity and oligomeric size of the mutant was unchanged at 37°C whereas at 58°C the chaperone activity was significantly decreased and the oligomeric size ranged from low molecular weight to high molecular weight showing disintegration of the oligomeric structure. The data support the idea that the participation of large oligomeric structure rather than smaller units is required to have optimal chaperone activity and the hydrophobic F28 residue is needed for maintaining the native oligomeric structure under thermal stress.  相似文献   

A half-molecular fragment of 2-macroglobulin has been prepared by reducing and alkylating the inter-subunit disulfide bonds in the tetrameric 2-macroglobulin molecule with 1 mM dithiothreitol (40 min) and 3 mM iodoacetamide (40 min). Further purification was made by gel chromatography and the homogeneous population of halfmolecules has been characterized by the techniques of small-angle X-ray and neutron scattering. The radii of gyration found by the two methods are 57.0 and 58.0 Å, respectively. The match point, obtained by neutron scattering from solutions with different H2O/D2O rations, is at 43% D2O; the data are consistent with a particle having a higher scattering density at large distances from the particle centre. From the X-ray and neutron intensities scattered at zero angle, the specific volume was determined to be 0.73 cm3/g at+5°C and the molecular weight to be 390,000; the latter value is associated with a relatively large error due to the uncertainty in the concentration determination. Shape analysis indicates that the best-fitting scattering-equivalent threeaxial bodies are oblate shaped, with two of their axial dimensions about three to four times larger than the third one. From the volume of the best-fitting scattering-equivalent three-axial bodies, 0.72×106 Å3, we obtain a water content equal to 0.38 g H2O/g protein (dry weight).Abbreviations SANS small-angle neutron scattering - SAXS small-angle X-ray scattering - 2 M 2-macroglobulin - DTT dithiothreitol - Tris tris(hydroxymethyl)aminomethane  相似文献   

Summary A cDNA for mature human salivary -amylase was directly joined to a sequence encoding the signal peptide of the middle wall protein (MWP) gene of Bacillus brevis 47. This hybrid gene was placed downstream from the multiple promoter region of the MWP gene on a low copy-number plasmid vector, pHW1. B. brevis 47 carrying the plasmid produced 0.9 mg/l of active human -amylase in the medium. A B. brevis 47 mutant obtained on mutagenesis with N-methyl-N-nitro-N-nitrosoguanidine produced an increased amount of the -amylase (6 mg/l). When the fused gene was inserted into a high copy-number expression vector, pNU200, and then introduced into the mutant, a large amount (60 mg/l) of the -amylase was produced in the medium. The -amylase showed approximately the same specific activity and molecular weight as those of the natural enzyme. The mutant showed higher sensitivity to various antibiotics than the original strain, and altered cell wall and cytoplasmic membrane protein compositions. The results of reversion analysis suggested that a single mutation is responsible for the above phenotypes and hyper-productivity of human -amylase. Offprint requests to: H. Yamagata  相似文献   

The therapeutic benefit of the small heat shock protein αB-crystallin (HspB5) in animal models of multiple sclerosis and ischemia is proposed to arise from its increased capacity to bind proinflammatory proteins at the elevated temperatures within inflammatory foci. By mass spectral analysis, a common set of ~70 ligands was precipitated by HspB5 from plasma from patients with multiple sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and amyloidosis and mice with experimental allergic encephalomyelitis. These proteins were distinguished from other precipitated molecules because they were enriched in the precipitate as compared with their plasma concentrations, and they exhibited temperature-dependent binding. More than half of these ligands were acute phase proteins or members of the complement or coagulation cascades. Consistent with this proposal, plasma levels of HspB5 were increased in patients with multiple sclerosis as compared with normal individuals. The combination of the thermal sensitivity of the HspB5 combined with the high local concentration of these ligands at the site of inflammation is proposed to explain the paradox of how a protein believed to exhibit nonspecific binding can bind with some relative apparent selectivity to proinflammatory proteins and thereby modulate inflammation.  相似文献   

Residual acidic α-mannosidase, varying in amount up to approx. 15% of normal values, can be measured in various organs of a calf with mannosidosis. The highest specific activity and relative proportion of residual activity were found in the liver. Chromatography on DEAE-cellulose showed that the residual activity was associated with two components, which were eluted at comparable positions with those found in normal tissues. The residual activity had a lower thermal stability and a higher Km value for a synthetic substrate than did the normal enzyme. No differences in molecular weight or electrophoretic mobility between normal acidic α-mannosidase and the residual activity were observed by gel filtration and electrophoresis on cellulose acetate respectively. The isoelectric focusing profiles for the α-mannosidase in the normal and pathological livers were very similar. It is suggested that a mutant enzyme, resulting from a mutation in a structural gene, accounts for the residual acidic α-mannosidase in mannosidosis. The mutant enzyme, which cross-reacts with antiserum raised against normal bovine acidic α-mannosidase, is present at a decreased concentration compared with the normal enzyme. There is a correlation between the concentrations of residual activity and cross-reacting material in mannosidosis. α-Mannosidase with a pH optimum of 5.75 and which is activated by Zn2+ was also detected in the liver of the calf with mannosidosis. However, it is probably not a product of the defective gene because addition of Zn2+ indicated that it was also present in normal tissues.  相似文献   

We report the regional assignment on Chromosome (Chr) 11q of two cDNA clones selected as sequences expressed in mature kidney and not expressed in Wilms' tumor. Clone T70 was identified as an B-crystallin sequence (CRYA2). CRYA2 has previously been mapped to 11q22.3–23.1 by in situ hybridization. Clone 6.2 represents a new gene expressed in adult and fetal kidney, pancreas, and liver. In order to map sequences corresponding to clone 6.2 and to physically define the boundaries of the localization of CRYA2, we used somatic cell hybrids carrying either different human chromosomes or Chr 11 segments and a cell line established from a patient with an interstitial deletion of region 11q14.3–q22.1. We showed that CRYA2 lies proximal to the 11q23.2 breakpoint defined by the constitutional t(11;22) and distal to the 11q22.1 breakpoint (between D11S388 and D11S35) of a constitutional interstitial deletion. This is in agreement with previous data obtained by in situ hybridization and provides proximal and distal physical benchmarks for this localization. Clone 6.2-related sequence (D11S877E) was assigned to region 11q23.2–q24.2 defined by the breakpoints of the constitutional t(11;22) and of the Ewing's sarcoma neuroepithelioma t(11;22).  相似文献   



Mutation in αA-crystallin contributes to the development of congenital cataract in humans. Heterooligomerization of αA-crystallin and αB-crystallin is essential for maintaining transparency in the eye lens. The effect of congenital cataract causing mutants of αA-crystallin on subunit exchange and interaction with αB-crystallin is unknown. In the present study, interaction of the mutants of αA-crystallin with αB-crystallin was studied both in vitro and in situ by the fluorescence resonance energy transfer (FRET) technique.

Methodology/Principal Findings

In vitro FRET technique was used to demonstrate the rates of subunit exchange of αB-wt with the following αA-crystallin mutants: R12C, R21L, R21W, R49C, R54C, and R116C. The subunit exchange rates (k values) of R21W and R116C with αB-wt decreased drastically as compared to αA-wt interacting with αB-wt. Moderately decreased k values were seen with R12C, R49C and R54C while R21L showed nearly normal k value. The interaction of αA- mutants with αB-wt was also assessed by in situ FRET. YFP-tagged αA mutants were co-expressed with CFP-tagged αB-wt in HeLa cells and the spectral signals were captured with a confocal microscope before and after acceptor laser photobleaching. The interaction of R21W and R116C with αB-wt was decreased nearly 50% as compared to αA-wt while the rest of the mutants showed slightly decreased interaction. Thus, there is good agreement between the in vitro and in situ FRET data.


Structural changes occurring in these mutants, as reported earlier, could be the underlying cause for the decreased interaction with αB may contribute to development of congenital cataract.  相似文献   

Previous research has shown that production of the high levels of oxidants overwhelms the body's antioxidant defense system during diabetes mellitus. Under this circumstance, ocular lens proteins are one of the main molecular targets for oxidative damage. In the present study, the individual effect of partial and extensive oxidation on the structure and function of human αB-crystallin was investigated using electrophoresis and various spectroscopic methods. The results of our study suggested that widespread oxidation causes loss of the chaperone activity of this protein, while partial oxidation significantly enhances this activity. Our studies also suggested that partial and extensive oxidation induces the formation of different structures in this protein. In fact, the chaperone-active and chaperone-inactive states of this protein are respectively associated with a minor and extensive structural alteration. Moreover, the oligomeric size distribution shows an inverse relationship with the chaperone activity of this protein. Increasing the chaperone activity of this protein during partial oxidation may be a natural defense mechanism to overcome the damages caused by oxidative stress, especially in diabetes and other pathological diseases.  相似文献   

We prepared and characterized golimumab (CNTO148), a human IgG1 tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) antagonist monoclonal antibody chosen for clinical development based on its molecular properties. Golimumab was compared with infliximab, adalimumab and etanercept for affinity and in vitro TNFα neutralization. The affinity of golimumab for soluble human TNFα, as determined by surface plasmon resonance, was similar to that of etanercept (18 pM versus 11 pM), greater than that of infliximab (44 pM) and significantly greater than that of adalimumab (127 pM, p=0.018). The concentration of golimumab necessary to neutralize TNFα-induced E-selectin expression on human endothelial cells by 50% was significantly less than those for infliximab (3.2 fold; p=0.017) and adalimumab (3.3-fold; p=0.008) and comparable to that for etanercept. The conformational stability of golimumab was greater than that of infliximab (primary melting temperature [Tm] 74.8 °C vs. 69.5 °C) as assessed by differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, golimumab showed minimal aggregation over the intended shelf life when formulated as a high concentration liquid product (100 mg/mL) for subcutaneous administration. In vivo, golimumab at doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg significantly delayed disease progression in a mouse model of human TNFα-induced arthritis when compared with untreated mice, while infliximab was effective only at 10 mg/kg. Golimumab also significantly reduced histological scores for arthritis severity and cartilage damage, as well as serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines associated with arthritis. Thus, we have demonstrated that golimumab is a highly stable human monoclonal antibody with high affinity and capacity to neutralize human TNFα in vitro and in vivo.  相似文献   

We prepared and characterized golimumab, a human IgG1 tumor necrosis factor alpha (TNFα) antagonist monoclonal antibody chosen for clinical development based on its molecular properties. Golimumab was compared with infliximab, adalimumab and etanercept for affinity and in vitro TNFα neutralization. The affinity of golimumab for soluble human TNFα, as determined by surface plasmon resonance, was similar to that of etanercept (18 pM versus 11 pM), greater than that of infliximab (44 pM) and significantly greater than that of adalimumab (127 pM, p = 0.018). The concentration of golimumab necessary to neutralize TNFα-induced E-selectin expression on human endothelial cells by 50% was significantly less than those for infliximab (3.2-fold; p = 0.017) and adalimumab (3.3-fold; p = 0.008) and comparable to that for etanercept. The conformational stability of golimumab was greater than that of infliximab (primary melting temperature [Tm] 74.8°C vs. 69.5°C) as assessed by differential scanning calorimetry. In addition, golimumab showed minimal aggregation over the intended shelf life when formulated as a high concentration liquid product (100 mg/mL) for subcutaneous administration. In vivo, golimumab at doses of 1 and 10 mg/kg significantly delayed disease progression in a mouse model of human TNFα-induced arthritis when compared with untreated mice, while infliximab was effective only at 10 mg/kg. Golimumab also significantly reduced histological scores for arthritis severity and cartilage damage, as well as serum levels of pro-inflammatory cytokines and chemokines associated with arthritis. Thus, we have demonstrated that golimumab is a highly stable human monoclonal antibody with high affinity and capacity to neutralize human TNFα in vitro and in vivo.Key words: TNF, golimumab, neutralization, affinity, bioassay, arthritis, stability, solubility  相似文献   

In many age-related and neurological diseases, formerly native proteins aggregate via formation of a partially unfolded intermediate. γS-Crystallin is a highly stable structural protein of the eye lens. In the mouse Opj cataract, a non-conservative F9S mutation in the N-terminal domain core of γS allows the adoption of a native fold but renders the protein susceptible to temperature- and concentration-dependent aggregation, including fibril formation. Hydrogen/deuterium exchange and denaturant unfolding studies of this mutant protein (Opj) have suggested the existence of a partially unfolded intermediate in its aggregation pathway. Here, we used NMR and fluorescence spectroscopy to obtain evidence for this intermediate. In 3.5 M urea, Opj forms a stable and partially unfolded entity that is characterized by an unstructured N-terminal domain and a largely intact C-terminal domain. Under physiologically relevant conditions, Carr-Purcell-Meiboom-Gill T2-relaxation dispersion experiments showed that the N-terminal domain residues were in conformational exchange with a loosely structured intermediate with a population of 1-2%, which increased with temperature. This provides direct evidence for a model in which proteins of native fold can explore an intermediate state with an increased propensity for formation of aggregates, such as fibrils. For the crystallins, this shows how inherited sequence variants or environmentally induced modifications can destabilize a well-folded protein, allowing the formation of intermediates able to act as nucleation sites for aggregation and the accumulation of light-scattering centers in the cataractous lens.  相似文献   

Cataract is the major reason for human blindness worldwide. α-Crystallin, as a key chaperone of eye lenses, keeps the lenticular tissues in its transparent state over time. In this study, cataract-causing familial mutations, P20R and A171T, were introduced in CRYАB gene. After successful expression in Escherichia coli and subsequent purification, the recombinant proteins were subjected to extensive structural and functional analyses using various spectroscopic techniques, gel electrophoresis, and electron microscopy. The results of fluorescence and Raman assessments suggest important but discreet conformational changes in human αB-Cry upon these cataractogenic mutations. Furthermore, the mutant proteins exhibited significant secondary structural alteration as revealed by FTIR and Raman spectroscopy. An increase in conformational stability was seen in the human αB-Cry bearing these congenital cataractogenic mutations. The oligomeric size distribution and chaperone-like activity of human αB-Cry were significantly altered by these mutations. The P20R mutant protein was observed to loose most of the chaperone-like activity. Finally, these cataractogenic mutant proteins exhibited an increased propensity to form the amyloid fibrils when incubated under environmental stress. Overall, the structural and functional changes in mutated human αB-Cry proteins can shed light on the pathogenic development of congenital cataracts.  相似文献   

αB-Crystallin, ubiquitously expressed in many tissues including the ocular lens, is a small heat shock protein that can prevent protein aggregation. A number of post-translation modifications are reported to modify αB-crystallin function. Recent studies have identified αB-crystallin lysine residues are modified by acetylation and ubiquitination. Therefore, we sought to determine the effects of lysine to alanine substitution on αB-crystallin functions including chaperone activity and modulation of actin polymerization. Analysis of the ten substitution mutants as recombinant proteins indicated all the proteins were soluble and formed oligomeric complexes similar to wildtype protein. Lysozyme aggregation induced by chemical treatment indicated that K82, K90, K121, K166 and K174/K175 were required for efficient chaperone activity. Thermal induction of γ-crystallin aggregation could be prevented by all αB-crystallin substitution mutants. These αB-crystallin mutants also were able to mediate wildtype levels of actin polymerization. Further analysis of two clones with either enhanced or reduced chaperone activity on individual client substrates or actin polymerization indicated both retained broad chaperone activity and anti-apoptotic activity. Collectively, these studies show the requirements for lysine residues in αB-crystallin function.  相似文献   

A recently identified mutant of human γS-crystallin, G57W is associated with dominant congenital cataracts, the familial determinate of childhood blindness worldwide. To investigate the structural and functional changes that mediate the effect of this cataract-related mutant to compromise eye lens transparency and cause lens opacification in children, we recently reported complete sequence-specific resonance assignments of γS-G57W using a suite of heteronuclear NMR experiments. As a follow up, we have determined the 3D structure of γS-G57W and studied its conformational dynamics by solution NMR spectroscopy. Our structural dynamics results reveal greater flexibility of the N-terminal domain, which undergoes site-specific structural changes to accommodate W57, than its C-terminal counterpart. Our structural inferences that the unusual solvent exposure of W57 is associated with rearrangement of the N-terminal domain suggest an efficient pathway for increased aggregation in γS-G57W and illuminates the molecular dynamics underlying cataractogenic aggregation of lens crystallins in particular and aggregation of proteins in general.  相似文献   

The propensity of α-synuclein to form amyloid plays an important role in Parkinson's disease. Three familial mutations, A30P, E46K, and A53T, correlate with Parkinson's disease. Therefore, unraveling the structural effects of these mutations has basic implications in understanding the molecular basis of the disease. Here, we address this issue through comparing details of the hydration of wild-type α-synuclein and its A53T mutant by a combination of wide-line NMR, differential scanning calorimetry, and molecular dynamics simulations. All three approaches suggest a hydrate shell compatible with a largely disordered state of both proteins. Its fine details, however, are different, with the mutant displaying a somewhat higher level of hydration, suggesting a bias to more open structures, favorable for protein-protein interactions leading to amyloid formation. These differences disappear in the amyloid state, suggesting basically the same surface topology, irrespective of the initial monomeric state.  相似文献   

An autosomal dominant missense mutation in αB-crystallin (αB-R120G) causes cataracts and desmin-related myopathy, but the underlying mechanisms are unknown. Here, we report the development of an αB-R120G crystallin knock-in mouse model of these disorders. Knock-in αB-R120G mice were generated and analyzed with slit lamp imaging, gel permeation chromatography, immunofluorescence, immunoprecipitation, histology, and muscle strength assays. Wild-type, age-matched mice were used as controls for all studies. Both heterozygous and homozygous mutant mice developed myopathy. Moreover, homozygous mutant mice were significantly weaker than wild-type control littermates at 6 months of age. Cataract severity increased with age and mutant gene dosage. The total mass, precipitation, and interaction with the intermediate filament protein vimentin, as well as light scattering of αB-crystallin, also increased in mutant lenses. In skeletal muscle, αB-R120G co-aggregated with desmin, became detergent insoluble, and was ubiquitinated in heterozygous and homozygous mutant mice. These data suggest that the cataract and myopathy pathologies in αB-R120G knock-in mice share common mechanisms, including increased insolubility of αB-crystallin and co-aggregation of αB-crystallin with intermediate filament proteins. These knock-in αB-R120G mice are a valuable model of the developmental and molecular biological mechanisms that underlie the pathophysiology of human hereditary cataracts and myopathy.  相似文献   

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