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The intraorganic venous bed of the gastric cardial part has been studied in 27 organs, obtained from children corpses of both sex beginning from birth up to three years of life. They died from causes that were not connected with gastric or vascular system pathology. The results of the investigation prove the presence of mucous, submucous, muscular and serous-subserous venous plexuses in the wall of the gastric cardial part in children of the first three years of life. Every membrane of the stomach wall has its specific structure of the venous link in the microcirculatory bed. In the stomach mucous membrane already in a newborn there are complexly built microcirculatory pathways. Age changes are mostly expressed in the venous link of the gastric mucous membrane; this is probably connected with functional activity of the given layer of the organ. The largest venous vessels are situated in the gastric submucous base. By the end of the newborn period and, especially fully, during the successive age periods immune protection of the gastric wall is formed as an accumulation of lymphoid tissue to an antigenic effect of food. In these age groups certain structural mechanisms of blood outflow from the gastric wall appear.  相似文献   

Basing on numerous facts, obtained during last years at investigation of the immune system organs, a definite idea has been formed on peculiarities of their structure during certain stages of human ontogenesis. The immune organs appear early in embryogenesis and by birth they have reached their morphological maturation. This is evident as formation of diffuse lymphoid tissue in lymphoid noduli, that can have germinative centers, where young cells of the lymphoid line are formed. The immune system organs develop especially quickly after birth during first years of the postnatal ontogenesis. The peak in development of the organs of immunogenesis, amount and size of the lymphoid noduli occurs during the childhood and adolescent age. Each immune organ has its peculiarities that are determined by their place in the organism, value and intensity of antigenic effect. Beginning from the adolescence and youth amount of the lymphoid tissue and lymphoid noduli in the organs decreases, in their place connective and adipose tissue grows out.  相似文献   

Basing on macro- microscopical investigation of the urinary bladder in 94 persons, died at the period of birth up to old years and by the time of death having not any disease of the urinary apparatus, structure and topography of the lymphoid nodules, their amount, density of distribution in the mucous membrane of various parts of the organ have been studied. The germinative centers in the lymphoid nodules of the urinary bladder are not revealed. The external appearance of the nodules is not the same; some have clear contours others have no clearly manifested borders. We call them prenodules. The lymphoid nodules are situated near to each other without any definite order. And only near the ureteral openings they are always revealed in a small amount, in the area of the triangle; they are oriented, as a rule, from the ureteral openings towards the exit from the urinary bladder. The amount of the lymphoid nodules in the organ's wall varies (at an average) from 18, in newborns, up to 415, in adolescents, and up to 129, in old persons. Distribution density of the lymphoid nodules in the fundal area of the urinary bladder is somewhat greater, than in its superior parts. The size of the lymphoid nodules during all age periods is not more than 900 mcm.  相似文献   

Longitudinal histological sections of lymphoid patches (LP) in the small intestine, stained after van Gieson and with hematoxylin--eosin, obtained from 105 corpses of persons at the age of 0 up to 90 years have been studied. The LP parenchyma is presented as accumulation of lymphoid nodules++ with a germinative center, or without it and diffuse lymphoid tissue. The lymphoid nodules++ situate both in the mucous membrane and in the submucous tela of the small intestine. The area of the LP components in the newborns is the greatest--84% from the whole area of the LP section. During the human life it decreases and by the old age it makes 47%. The lymphoid nodules++ area with the germinative center in the newborns makes 21% from the area of the LP section, in children from 1 to 3 years of age it increases up to 50%, then it gradually decreases and in the elderly age it makes only 3.8%. The diffuse lymphoid tissue in the LP composition is revealed in all age periods. Size of the lymphoid nodules++ patches, situating in the jejunum and ileum walls in the newborns is the same. In children at the age of 10 days--12 years the LP nodules++ in the ileum are larger than those in the sejunum. The size of the LP noduli increase up to the period of the second childhood then decreases. The height of the lymphoid noduli in persons of mature, elderly and old ages decreases twice in comparison with the children of 3-12 years of age.  相似文献   

Spleens (27) obtained from human corpses (from 1 year up to 85 years) have been investigated. By means of morphometrical grid amount of cells in the periarterial lymphoid muffs (PLM) and in marginal zones (MZ) of the spleen have been counted. In both structures of the white pulp small lymphocytes make the greatest number. Middle lymphocytes in comparison to the small ones are 1.5-4 times less in most of the age groups investigated. Amount of plasma cells is small. The part of reticular cells is 21-46% in MZ and 20-36% in PLM from the total amount of cells. In PLM immediately around the artery tightly packed to each other small lymphocytes are situated. Among small lymphocytes reticular cells are situated. A similar arrangement of cells is kept along the whole thickness of PLM. In MZ distance between cells of the lymphoid line is a little greater than in PLM. To singularly situating reticular cells small and middle lymphocytes are immediate neighbours. Plasma cells, as a rule, occur seldom; either middle lymphocytes, or reticular cells adjoin them. Sometimes, in PLM and MZ macrophages occur; they are situated in the areas free from other cells.  相似文献   

Strong and weak sulfate baths produce certain increase in amount and in area of the lymphoid noduli with the germinative center, in the deep cortex and a decrease in the relative area of the medullary substance, while iodobromine baths facilitate to an outgrowth of the medullary cords and to ectasia of sinus lumens. After the balneoprocedures lymphoid noduli appear in the deep cortex; amount of destructive cells in the medullary sinuses, in the medullary cords and in the intermedullary zone decreases; amount of mast cells, eosinophiles and neutrophiles increases (slightly). Blast transformation of small lymphocytes and increase in number of middle lymphocytes are observed in the germinative centers.  相似文献   

Lymphoid aggregates in the wall of the human oesophagus have been studied in corpses of 107 persons died a sudden death and who had not any disease in the digestive organs and in the immune system (total plane preparations, slices stained with hematoxylin--eosin, azure-2-eosin and after van Gieson). The lymphoid aggregates are arranged as longitudinal chains. Their number increases from birth towards the second childhood, and then decreases towards the old age. In the upper oesophageal parts these aggregates are more numerous than in the lower ones. The lymphoid aggregates look like convexoconvex lenses. Their size is maximal during the second childhood, the longitudinal dimensions are nearly two times as great as their thickness. With time, the sizes of the formations become small. The arrangement density of the lymphoid cells in the subepithelial layer of the mucous membrane is maximal in newborns, and then it decreases up to the old age. The lymphoid aggregates are situated in the oesophageal wall, mainly, near the ducts of the oesophageal glands.  相似文献   

Microscopical investigation of oesophagus, obtained from corpses of 33 men and 33 women has been carried out (staining with hematoxylin and eosin, van Gieson). The cardial glands have been revealed in 92.4% of cases in the inferior and in 4.6% of cases in the superior third of the oesophageal wall. They have not been revealed in the superior third of the oesophageal wall. They have not been revealed in its medial third. Amount of acini in the section is essentially changeable. In elderly and old persons the ducts of the glands often form ampullar dilatations. The acinar areas on the section remain stable during the greatest++ period of the postnatal ontogenesis and only during old age they decrease slightly. The proper plate of the mucous membrane in the inferior part of the oesophagus in the zone, where the cardial glands are situated, is always thicker than in the area free from the acini. Close interrelations have been revealed between the cardial glands and lymphoid tissue of the oesophageal wall. The intensity of the glandular-lymphoid interrelations is insignificant in newborns and in children of suckling age. It is maximal in persons of mature and elderly age. Remaining at a sufficiently high level, the glandular-lymphoid associations in old persons are manifested in a less degree than in the previous age groups. No difference in organization of the cardial glands has been revealed in the superior and inferior parts of the oesophageal wall, as well as any sex peculiarities.  相似文献   

Lymphoid formations of human endometrium are presented in stroma of the uterine corpus mucous membrane as lymphoid cells (so called diffuse lymphoid tissue), lymphoid nodules and interepithelial lymphocytes in glandular and covering epithelium++. Peculiarities in organization of these formations are seen as slight saturation of the endometrium with lymphoid tissue, small size of lymphoid nodules++. The lymphoid structures in question reach their maximal development during the adolescent and first mature age. During the generative period among diffusely arranged T-lymphocytes sub-populations of T-suppressors predominate. This is probably connected with participation of suppressive mechanisms of local immunity in ensuring blastocyst implantation.  相似文献   

In the lymphoid tissue of the iliac lymph node at an aseptic inflammation in the uterus the greatest changes have been revealed in 48 h from the moment, when the foreign body has been introduced. They are manifested at the tissue level (increasing content of macrophages, lymphoblasts, large lymphocytes, plasmoblasts, immature plasmocytes, mast cells, neutrophils), as well as at the organic level (increasing amount of secondary lymph noduli, increasing area of the paracortical zone, decreasing area of the cortical plateau, of the medullary intermediate sinus, medullary cords). Use of carbomineral sorbents ensures correction of the inflammation; this is demonstrated as reduction of reactive changes in the regional lymph node.  相似文献   

By means of certain microscopical methods areas from the middle third of trachea have been examined in children, died from various causes not connected with diseases in the pulmonary pathways. At birth in the mucous membrane of the trachea there is no lymphoid tissue. Its elements in a small amount appear at the initial stage of the suckling period. In two-month-old infants the first signs of lymphoid perinucleoli appear. During the early period of infancy the main regions of the lymphoid cells localization are clearly defined, in the area of some ducts of the tracheal glands including. In children, whose age corresponds to the first period of childhood, lymphoid accumulations have a pattern, resembling similar structures of the trachea in mature persons and the greatest concentration of cells, in comparison to the preceding groups of children in the ages examined.  相似文献   

Proper glands in 248 total preparations and lymphoid accumulations in 112 preparations have been investigated macro-microscopically in the human oesophageal preparations at various age. The organs have been obtained from 152 corpses of persons died from the death by violence and having no pathological changes in the organs of digestive and immune systems. The lymphoid tissue in the oesophageal wall is presented as accumulations of cells (prenodules++) and as diffusely scattered immune-competent cells. The glands and lymphoid accumulations are oriented as longitudinal rows. The lymphoid tissue accumulations are situated near to the glandular ducts, because the latter can serve as pathways for penetrating antigenic material into the organ's wall. The amount of the glands is maximal mature and elderly age, and that of lymphoid accumulations--at the second childhood. The dimensions of the gland body increase in the cranio-caudal direction, while the lymphoid accumulations, just the reverse, have their maximal dimensions in the upper third of the oesophagus. The gland bodies in places of the organ's anatomical narrowings in the section have more alveoles and are situated nearer to the covering epithelium than the glands in the neighbouring areas of the wall.  相似文献   

The lymphatic capillaries are firstly determined in fetuses at the age of 3-4 months in the oesophagus submucous lamina. In fetuses of 5-6 months of age transition of the lymphatic capillaries from the submucous lamina into the mucous membrane proper is noted. In fetuses of 6 months of age perivascular lymphatic capillaries and vessels appear. They form peculiar paths around arterioles, venules, arterial branches and venous tributaries. The lymphatic bed of the oesophageal wall is rather well developed in mature fetuses and newborns. In adult and old persons a partial reduction of the lymphatic bed in the oesophageal wall is observed.  相似文献   

The tubal tonsil (TT) has been investigated in 60 preparations of the auditory tube (right and left), obtained from 30 corpses of persons at various age, those died from traumas and having neither any pathological changes in their acoustic organs, nor chronic inflammatory diseases by the time of death. The TT is presented as a solid or interrupted lymphoid tissue plate, situating in the mucosal membrane in the area of the pharyngeal opening to some extent in the inferior, posterior and anterior walls of the auditory tube. In newborns the TT is presented as a diffuse lymphoid tissue, where lymphoid nodules begin to form. The greatest amount of the lymphoid nodules in the TT are revealed in the infantile age and this sign is kept during subsequent age periods, including the first period of mature age. During these age periods on the surface of the mucosal membrane in the area of the pharyngeal opening numerous small eminences are seen--tubercles, corresponding in their position to lymphoid nodules under them. Beginning from the second mature period and up to old age the amount and size of the lymphoid nodules in the TT decreases. At that time on the surface of the mucosal membranes in the area of TT only single tubercles are revealed.  相似文献   

The following stages in lymphoid patches (LP) development have been revealed: I-1-6, II-7-14, III-15-21, IV-22-30 days; during these periods lymphoid noduli with germinative centers, cupolae and internodular areas are formed. Amount of all kinds of cells in the LP parenchyma and their rearrangement in the zones takes place. In one-month-old rats blast forms predominate in the LP germinative centers, and small lymphocytes--in the zone of small lymphocytes of the noduli and internodular areas. Under conditions of antenatal effect of an antibiotic on the system mother--fetus there is no disturbances in formation of the anatomical structures. However at each stage of development the small intestine LP are not mature, concerning their cellular composition. Amount of cells decreases, their interrelationship changes. Lympho- and plasmocytopoiesis decreases.  相似文献   

Morphological state of connective tissue (stromal) cells of the stomach mucous membrane has been studied in healthy persons, having a habitual regime of feeding. During digestive period in the stomach mucous membrane, certain changes develop, which are considered as a digestive reaction. Three stages of the digestive reaction, having strict morphological signs are determined, their connections being stated by means of morphometry and mathematical analysis. I stage (preparatory) is characterized with a moderate vascular reaction, degranulation of mast cells under the superficial++ epithelium of the mucous membrane, with a moderate neutrophilic leukopedesis and a moderate lymphocytic infiltration; II stage (developed) is distinguished as a definitely demonstrated reaction of the microcirculatory bed, intensive degranulation of mast cells at all levels of the mucous membrane, massive discharge of neutrophilic granulocytes and lymphocytes into stroma; III stage (restorative) is characterized with a predominance of fibroblasts and fibrocytes, with reparation of mast cells, with decreasing saturation of stroma with neutrophilic granulocytes, lymphocytes, an increased number of eosinophilic granulocytes takes place. The data obtained widen our knowledge on functional morphology of the stomach mucous membrane, normal and at gastroduodenal pathology.  相似文献   

The lymphoid structures in the gastrointestinal tract of immunized and non-immunized adult Xenopus laevis were studied by light and fluorescent microscopy. Serial sections stained with May-Grunnwald Giemsa showed that lymphoid aggregations and scattered lymphoid cells are present along the whole digestive tract. The aggregations are few and rather small in the oesophagus and stomach, they are particularly voluminous in the duodenum. An indirect immunofluorescent technique using antisera against Xenopus laevis 19S and 7S immunoglobulins and their heavy polypeptide chains, revealed the presence of immunoglobulin-containing cells in the duodenal region. The oesophagus and stomach were devoid of these. It has been shown that the immunoglobulins produced in the duodenal lamina propria are formed of both heavy and light polypeptide chains, and that the heavy chains are of the 19S H-type.  相似文献   

By means of morphometrical methods in histological preparations the quantitative relations of various cell types of lymphoid formations has been studied in newborns and in suckling children. The trachea in the newborns practically does not possess any morphological substrate in the form of lymphoid accumulations, responsible for immune defense of the organ from any external influence. Development of the lymphoid tissue begins in the suckling age and its cytoarchitectonics depends on their localization in the organ's wall. A special place among the accumulations of the lymphoid cells occupy connective tissue spaces of the tracheal glands, where besides lymphocytes and fibroblasts a great amount of plasma cells is situated. Under epithelium these cells are in the least amount, in the prenoduli they are of an intermediate amount. In all the lymphoid structures investigated reproductive function is absent; this is proved by absence of blasts and mitotically dividing cells. Increase in amount of the tracheal lymphoid formations in all age groups studied takes place at the expense of cells migration across blood vessels.  相似文献   

Effect of antigen (cholera toxoid) has been studied on distribution of specific antibody-containing plasma cells in the lamina propria of the mucous membrane of the guinea pig small and large intestine. Since it is known that experimental cholera is easily reproduced in these animals, amount of plasmocytes is determined after primary intraperitoneal and secondary intraduodenal immunization with cholera toxoid. At the primary immunization maximal increase in amount of plasmocytes is noted in the jejunum on the 70th day; at the secondary--on the 19th day. At the primary parenteral immunization of the animals with the antigen, the intensity of the immune response in the lamina propria of the mucous membrane increases. At the secondary immunization the local immunity is more manifested in comparison with the primary one.  相似文献   

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