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Studies on positional behavior and canopy use are essential for understanding how arboreal animals adapt their morphological characteristics and behaviors to the challenges of their environment. This study explores canopy and substrate use along with positional behavior in adult black snub-nosed monkeys Rhinopithecus strykeri, an endemic, critically endangered primate species in Gaoligong Mountains, southwest China. Using continuous focal animal sampling, we collected data over a 52-month period and found that R. strykeri is highly arboreal primarily using the high layers of the forest canopy (15–30 m), along with the terminal zone of tree crowns (52.9%), medium substrates (41.5%), and oblique substrates (56.8%). We also found sex differences in canopy and substrate use. Females use the terminal zones (56.7% versus 40.4%), small/medium (77.7% versus 60.1%), and oblique (59.9% versus 46.5%) substrates significantly more than males. On the other hand, males spend more time on large/very large (39.9% versus 22.3%) and horizontal (49.7% versus 35.2%) substrates. Whereas both sexes mainly sit (84.7%), and stand quadrupedally (9.1%), males stand quadrupedally (11.5% versus 8.3%), and bipedally (2.9% versus 0.8%) more often than females. Clamber, quadrupedalism, and leap/drop are the main locomotor modes for both sexes. Rhinopithecus strykeri populations never enter canopies of degenerated secondary forest and mainly use terminal branches in the middle and upper layers of canopies in intact mid-montane moist evergreen broadleaf forest and hemlock coniferous broadleaf mixed forests across their habitat.  相似文献   

Anthropogenic changes and fragmentation of natural habitats often exert a negative effect on resource availability and distribution, and the nutritional ecology and feeding behavior of nonhuman primates. The goals of this study are to examine food choice and to identify the nutritional profile of foods consumed by the Critically Endangered black snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus strykeri). To accomplish our study goals, we presented cafeteria-style feeding trials of fresh food items collected in the home range of wild black snub-nosed monkeys to the only two captive R. strykeri, and compared the nutritional profiles of the leafy foods (buds, young, and mature leaves, 100 items from 70 plant species) selected with those avoided (54 items from 48 plant species). Overall, the results indicate that captive R. strykeri selected foods that were higher in moisture (Mo; 77.7%), crude protein (CP; 21.2%), total nonstructural carbohydrates (TNC; 34.9%), and phosphorus (P; 0.37%) while tending to avoid foods with a neutral detergent fiber (NDF) content of greater than 46.8%. Leaves collected in autumn and selected by the monkeys were characterized by a slightly higher amount of metabolizable energy (ME) than those rejected (1,350 kJ/100 g vs. 1,268 kJ/100 g). In contrast, the protein content of foods collected and consumed during the spring was greater (22.9%) than in autumn (16.4%). Random Forests modeling, an ensemble learning method, indicated that the proportion of Mo, NDF, ME, CP, P, and TNC were among the most important factors in predicting which items were consumed by the captive R. strykeri during spring and autumn. On the basis of the nutritional profile of foods consumed across the two seasons, we identified 18 nutrient-rich native plant species that we recommend for use in ex- and in-situ conservation management and reforestation programs to provide long-term access to a nutritionally adequate diet.  相似文献   

Shi F  Wang B  Liu Z  Pan H 《Mitochondrial DNA》2011,22(5-6):191-193
The Guizhou snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus brelichi) is an endangered species which is endemic to a small region in the fanjing mountain national nature reserve in Guizhou province, China. In this study, we determined the complete mitochondrial genome of R. brelichi. The results showed that the total length of the mitogenome was 16,548 bp and contained 13 protein-coding genes, 22 transfer RNA genes, two ribosomal RNA genes and one control region. Overall base composition of the complete mitochondrial DNA was 32.35% A, 29.28% T, 25.54% C and 12.83% G. All the genes in R. brelichi were distributed on the H-strand, except for the ND6 subunit gene and eight tRNA genes which were encoded on the L-strand.  相似文献   

The Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellanae) is a species endemic to China, and its distribution is the widest among all snub-nosed monkeys in China. To clarify whether there is subspecific differentiation within this species, we determined partial sequences of the cytochrome-b gene from four populations ofR. roxellanae. First, 402bps of the partial sequences fromR. roxellanae were compared with those fromR. bieti andR. avunculus, and the phylogenetic tree was constructed by the neighbor-joining method. The genetic distance was only 0–0.002 among the four populations, and their sequences constituted a monophyletic group. Further, comparison of longer sequences (735bp) among the four populations revealed that there were only four substitutions and the genetic distance was only 0.001–0.005 among them. Thus, we suggest that, at least on mtDNA phylogeny, the difference among the four populations does not reach the subspecies level, and that this species should be recognized as a monotypic species.  相似文献   

The Natural History of the Doucs and Snub-Nosed Monkeys. Edited by Nina G. Jablonski. River Edge, NJ: World Scientific. 1998. 382 pp. ISBN 981-02-3131-8. $64.00 (cloth).  相似文献   

This paper summarizes the results of 358 interviews we conducted on Rhinopithecus strykeri in the Gaoligong Mountains, northwest Yunnan, China, between April 2011 and December 2012. Based on our interview records and selective field surveys (47 days of field survey for seven possible distribution areas), we suggest that there may be up to 10 groups of R. strykeri occurring in China between the Salween River and the border with Myanmar, and that the total population of R. strykeri in China should be between 490 and 620 animals. According to interviewees, Rhinopithecus strykeri tends to use conifer and mixed conifer–broad-leaved forest, predominantly between 2,600 and 3,100 m above sea level. To better protect this globally threatened species, classified as critically endangered by the International Union for Conservation of Nature (IUCN), we suggest extensions to current nature reserve boundaries to better include the home ranges of China’s remaining population.  相似文献   

川金丝猴食土行为的首次报道(英文)   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
赵大鹏  李保国 《兽类学报》2013,33(3):282-285
2001年10月至2008年3月,我们在对周至国家级自然保护区内秦岭川金丝猴(Rhinopithecus roxellana)的长期观察研究中发现3例成年雌性舔食泥质岩上粘土的行为。川金丝猴的食土行为均发生在深秋季节,所有食土雌性均处于怀孕期。我们初步推测川金丝猴的食土行为主要是为了补充矿物质。本文首次呈现川金丝猴食土行为的研究证据,对于进一步理解川金丝猴的食性具有一定意义,同时也为不同生活类型灵长类食土行为的比较分析提供支撑信息。  相似文献   

Three digestion trials were conducted to quantify aspects of digestive physiology in the Yunnan snub-nosed monkey Rhinopithecus bieti, a foregut fermenter that feeds primarily on lichens. Mean retention time (MRT, the average time plastic markers spent in the animal) had a mean estimate of 47 hr (n = 3) with high variability between trials (standard deviation = 17 hr). Recently captured animals, presumably with gut flora and digestive physiology close to wild animals, had a longer retention time than did long-term captives, although lack of standardization across trials (such as in activity level) confounds analysis. Apparent digestibilities for dry matter (71-80%) were in line with other studies of colobine digestion, but fall below those of ruminant ungulates feeding on lichens. Fecal analysis accurately determined the relative proportions of leaves vs. lichens in diets; mature leaves and lichens were not nutritional equivalents but appeared to be physiological equivalents in terms of digest passage. Fecal analysis does not, however, accurately determine the relative proportions of food types with different digestibilities, such as fruit vs. leaves.  相似文献   

We report on the isolation and characterization of 11 microsatellite loci in the Sichuan snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana) from AC-enriched genomic libraries. 20 microsatellite loci were screened from the libraries, of which 11 were polymorphic. The number of observed alleles among 32 samples of snub-nosed monkey ranged from three to nine. The observed and expected heterozygosity were 0.071–0.815 and 0.201–0.819, respectively. The high variability revealed in this study should be useful tools for further study on social structure and population genetics of snub-nosed monkey in the future.  相似文献   

川金丝猴社会行为节目及其动作模式   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
正确区分和定义川金丝猴各项社会行为节目及其动作模式是研究川金丝猴社会行为的重要基础。本文的目的是按照现代习性学的基本观点,探讨川金丝猴在演化过程中所形成的物种典型行为以及它们的固定动作模式。数据收集时间为1988~2005 年,采用焦点动物取样法和随意取样法,对川金丝猴笼养条件下的繁殖群、半笼养条件下的繁殖群和全雄群、以及其自然栖息地神农架林区的野生猴群进行观察,总计观察约3 000 h。初步确定了川金丝猴54 项物种典型行为节目及其动作模式,其中45 项是群内个体之间用以进行社会交往的社会行为节目,包括8 种在其他灵长类物种中目前还没有报道或比较少见的。  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴的一次家庭雄性替代   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
家庭雄性替代已在亚洲叶猴的许多种类中有所报道。 2 0 0 3年 ,我们在一种亚洲叶猴———秦岭的川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecusroxellana)的一个单雄家庭中观察到一次完整的家庭雄性替代过程。此次替代发生于 4月 2 8日 - 5月 2日的五天时间内。在家庭雄性发生替代后的第六个月 ,该家庭中的婴猴消失。本文是首次对野生川金丝猴家庭雄性替代进行详细的报道。通过本次观察证明野生川金丝猴的确存在家庭雄性替代的现象。且像亚洲叶猴的许多种类一样 ,野生川金丝猴的家庭雄性替代同样发生于产仔季节和交配季节之间。但我们仍无法确定在本次雄性替代中婴猴最终的消失是否是雄性杀婴的结果  相似文献   

Data on social organization of two bands of black-and-white snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti) were collected when the monkeys were crossing an open spot at Nanren and Bamei (northwest of Yunnan, China) using a sampling rule where individuals within one social unit are spatially closer to each other than individuals between social units. The typical pattern of social organization in this sample was multiple adult females (AFs) and their offspring with one adult male (AM) in a one-male unit (OMU), similar to that of many other colobines. In such units, on average one male is associated with 4.0 AFs and 2.5 of their offspring. Moreover, there are multimale/multifemale units and monogamous units besides OMUs. All bisexual units traveled together with at least one all-male unit as a cohesive band. In two bands of monkeys, 87% of AMs in bisexual units were within OMUs, 7.8% within monogamous units and 5.2% within multimale, multifemale units. In the Bamei band, 6.7% of AMs were in the all-male unit. The size of OMUs in the Nanren band was larger than that of the Bamei band, with more AFs and juveniles, which may be related to better conservation in the Nanren band's habitat. For the Nanren band, the average number of AFs in OMUs varied across time, increasing from 4.3 in 1994 to 5.1 in 2001, and then decreasing to 3.8 in 2005. This article suggests three possible explanations for this variation, but more data are needed for these hypotheses to be tested.  相似文献   

秦岭川金丝猴一周岁内个体的行为发育   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
2003年3月至2004年5月在陕西周至国家自然保护区的玉皇庙地区,采用目标动物取样法(Focal ani-mal sampling)对2003年出生的5只金丝猴个体行为发育进行了观察,应用全事件记录法(All-occurrences record-ing)进行数据的收集。结果表明23日龄婴儿首次从母亲怀内爬出在树枝上活动,68日龄开始在树上攀爬跳跃,5月龄主动采食树叶和啃投食区食物,6月龄跟随社群迁移。依据婴幼儿主要行为首次出现时间及其变化,把1周岁内个体发育分为5个时期,即完全依赖期、探索外部世界期、融入社群期、适应生存期和逐步独立期。1周岁内婴幼儿活动和休息的地方是母亲怀里、其它个体怀里、树枝上和地面上。随着发育,婴幼儿在这些地方停留的时间也在变化。1周岁内婴幼儿在母亲怀中的时间与年龄存在明显的负相关,在其它个体怀里的时间与年龄也呈显著负相关。虽然独自在树上的时间与年龄相关性不显著,但在地面上停留的时间与年龄呈正相关。  相似文献   

Although infanticide has been witnessed in many species of Colobinae, and a case was observed in a captive group of golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana), observed cases of infanticide in wild snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus spp.) have not previously been recorded. Here we describe the killing of a 1-month-old infant by a male in a black-and-white snub-nosed monkey (R. bieti) group at Xiaochangdu in Tibet. The infanticidal attack was witnessed as part of a long-term observational study of ecology and behavior that began in June 2003. The male was observed killing and eating the infant. The literature proposes three main explanations for infanticide: two adaptive hypotheses (sexual selection and resource competition), and one nonadaptive hypothesis (social pathology). Individual cases of infanticide, such as this one, are important for comparative purposes, but when examined on their own they are difficult to interpret in relation to established theoretical frameworks. The cases we describe here show some consistency with the sexual selection hypothesis, but the lack of critical information (i.e., as to paternity) makes it impossible to draw a firm conclusion. This is also the first described case of cannibalism in snub-nosed monkeys.  相似文献   

<正>理毛行为(Grooming behavior)的定义是动物个体对自身或其同类个体体表(皮肤、毛发或羽毛等)进行的多种形式护理,包括对体表进行有规律的梳理,以及用舌头或嘴唇舔皮肤和毛发等(Veà et al., 1999)。在灵长类动物中,理毛行为大多表现为个体接触和探查自身或另一个体体表被毛,将毛发分开后从中拣出盐粒或皮肤寄生物放入口中咀嚼或直接用嘴咬食被毛下的盐粒或皮肤寄生物(李银华和李保国, 2002)。依据理毛接收对象的不同,可将  相似文献   

对不同地区川金丝猴食物组成的比较有助于了解其对不同生境食物供应的适应性。本研究通过对陕西川金丝猴猴群食谱的长期记录,并汇集了国内对四川-甘肃和湖北的川金丝猴食性研究结果,集成了这三个地理种群川金丝猴各自的地域性食谱,共计有136 种植物(隶属35 科)被该物种作为采食对象。对来自这三个不同区域(陕西、四川-甘肃、湖北)的川金丝猴食谱组成的比较,发现有近半数的植物是三个地理种群共同的采食对象,但其食谱组成差异明显。这可能源于各地植物本身的多样性差异,及不同地理种群对各种食物采食偏好的不同所致。对其相关聚类分析结果显示,陕西和湖北的猴群在食谱组成上相近,但四川-甘肃的猴群与前两个地区猴群的食谱组成差异极大。然而湖北和四川-甘肃种群在食物的选择上采用了近乎相同的偏好倾向,而陕西的猴群与它们明显不同。我们初步分析认为造成食谱组成和采食偏好差异的原因可能是各地理种群活动地海拔带重叠度不同、森林类型不同、它们在不同林型中活动的时间分配不一。很明显,就我们目前所掌握的有关川金丝猴食谱组成来看,该物种不应该仅仅被认为是一个叶食性灵长类动物,而应该是一个泛化采食者。  相似文献   

尿液类固醇激素检测已经广泛运用于野生动物的生理机能、健康状况和繁殖状态的研究,由于分析条件以及样品采集时间限制,一般尿液样品需保存一段时间后才能在实验室分析,不同物种尿液类固醇在不同保存条件的保存时效有差异。本研究利用2只成年雄性和4只成年雌性的尿液样品共21份,确定川金丝猴尿液类固醇的保存时效和保存方法。结果表明:4℃时,雄性川金丝猴尿液睾酮、雌性尿液睾酮、孕酮的保存时效为7 d左右;雌性尿液雌二醇的保存时效在3 d以内。-20℃时,雄性川金丝猴尿液中睾酮的含量在60 d内保持稳定;雌性尿液中睾酮、孕酮和雌二醇的含量在60 d、45 d、60 d内保持稳定。-20℃保存川金丝猴尿液样品是一种有效、可靠的方法。  相似文献   

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