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In this paper we discuss the hypothesis that cell proliferation is controlled by the number of generations after leaving an 'eternal' stem cell. The theory is based on a simulation of the kinetic behaviour of cells in the intestinal crypts. There is evidence of three, four and five generations of cells which are allowed to enter mitosis in the lower and upper part of the normal intestinal tract, and in some disease states, respectively. We suggest an internal proliferation control: some kind of knowledge that cells carry from generation to generation. It is an open question what sets and changes the generation counter: internal genetic information or external influences such as growth factors or chalones. The geometric shape of the epithelial tissue in the intestinal tract can be understood as the steady state of a highly dynamic process. Age and death are determined from the beginning; cell-cell interaction or communication is not necessary and can be neglected. Our theory will be illustrated using the intestinal crypts as they are easily accessible, of a simple structure and completely described in the literature.  相似文献   

The standard model of epithelial cell renewal in the intestine proposes a gradual transition between the region of the crypt containing actively proliferating cells and that containing solely terminally differentiating cells (Cairnie, Lamerton and Steel, 1965 a, b). The experimental justification for this conclusion was the gradual decrease towards the crypt top of the measured labeling and mitotic indices. Recently, however, we have proposed that intestinal crypts normally undergo a replicative cycle so that at any time in any region of the intestine, crypts will be found to have a wide range of sizes. We show here that if this intrinsic size variation is taken into account, then a sharp transition between the proliferative and nonproliferative compartments of individual intestinal crypts is consistent with the labeling and mitotic index distributions of mouse and rat jejunal crypts. Thus there is no need to invoke the region of gradual transition from proliferating to nonproliferating cells as is done in the standard model. The position of this sharp transition is estimated for both the mouse and rat. Experiments to further test our model are suggested and the significance of the results discussed.  相似文献   

We examined the effects of thermal injury on intestinal epithelial cell proliferation and death. We recorded histologically identifiable mitotic and apoptotic crypt cells in relation to cell position after a 60% full thickness cutaneous thermal injury in the rat. The injury significantly reduced mitosis (0.53 +/- 0.11 vs. 1. 50 +/- 0.70, P < 0.05) at cell positions 4-6, stem cells, 6 h after injury. A similar reduction in mitosis (1.13 +/- 0.59 vs. 3.50 +/- 0. 80, P < 0.05) was observed at higher cell positions 7-9 12 h after injury, indicating a positional cell shift. In addition, a significant increase in the number of apoptotic bodies occurred at cell positions 7-9 (2.32 +/- 0.87 vs. 0.13 +/- 0.22, P < 0.05) and 10-12 (2.2 +/- 0.12 vs. 0.00, P < 0.05) 6 h after injury. Thermal injury-induced alterations in mitotic and apoptotic activities were transient since crypts recovered with a moderate increase in mitotic activity 24 h after injury. In control and thermal-injury rats 24 h after injury, crypt cell mitosis and apoptosis did not differ significantly. This demonstrates that cutaneous thermal injury causes a transient suppression of mitosis as well as induction of apoptosis in a cell position-dependent manner in the small intestinal crypt.  相似文献   

A widely accepted model of the temporal and spatial organization of proliferation and differentiation in intestinal epithelia is based on a cellular pedigree with all cells descending from a few active stem cells and undergoing a sequence of transitory divisions until the non-proliferating maturing cell stages develop. Model simulations have shown that such a pedigree concept can explain a large variety of data. However, so far there is neither a direct experimental proof for the existence of an intrinsic age structure in the transitory proliferative cell stages nor for the distinction between stem and transitory cells. It is our objective to suggest an alternative model which is based on evidence for intercellular communications such as might be mediated through gap junctions. We consider the diffusion of a hypothetical intraepithelial growth factor in a chain of cells which are connected via gap junctions. Individual cells can divide if a critical growth factor concentration is exceeded. Simulation studies show that the model is consistent with many observed features of the small intestinal crypt in steady state and after perturbation.  相似文献   

Biological phenomena at the cellular level can be represented by various types of mathematical formulations. Such representations allow us to carry out numerical simulations that provide mechanistic insights into complex behaviours of biological systems and also generate hypotheses that can be experimentally tested. Currently, we are particularly interested in spatio-temporal representations of dynamic cellular phenomena and how such models can be used to understand biological specificity in functional responses. This review describes the capability and limitations of the approaches used to study spatio-temporal dynamics of cell signalling components.  相似文献   

We present a development of a model [Tomlinson, I.P.M., Bodmer, W.F., 1995. Failure of programmed cell death and differentiation as causes of tumors: Some simple mathematical models. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 92, 11130-11134.] of the relationship between cells in three compartments of the intestinal crypt: stem cells, semi-differentiated cells and fully differentiated cells. Stem and semi-differentiated cells may divide to self-renew, undergo programmed death or progress to semi-differentiated and fully differentiated cells, respectively. The probabilities of each of these events provide the most important parameters of the model. Fully differentiated cells do not divide, but a proportion undergoes programmed death in each generation. Our previous models showed that failure of programmed death--for example, in tumorigenesis--could lead either to exponential growth in cell numbers or to growth to some plateau. Our new models incorporate plausible fluctuation in the parameters of the model and introduce nonlinearity by assuming that the parameters depend on the numbers of cells in each state of differentiation. We present detailed analysis of the equilibrium conditions for various forms of these models and, where appropriate, simulate the changes in cell numbers. We find that the model is characterized by bifurcation between increase in cell numbers to stable equilibrium or explosive exponential growth; in a restricted number of cases, there may be multiple stable equilibria. Fluctuation in cell numbers undergoing programmed death, for example caused by tissue damage, generally makes exponential growth more likely, as long as the size of the fluctuation exceeds a certain critical value for a sufficiently long period of time. In most cases, once exponential growth has started, this process is irreversible. In some circumstances, exponential growth is preceded by a long plateau phase, of variable duration, mimicking equilibrium: thus apparently self-limiting lesions may not be so in practice and the duration of growth of a tumor may be impossible to predict on the basis of its size.  相似文献   

As a rapidly cycling tissue capable of fast repair and regeneration, the intestinal epithelium has emerged as a favored model system to explore the principles of adult stem cell biology. However, until recently, the identity and characteristics of the stem cell population in both the small intestine and colon has remained the subject of debate. Recent studies based on targeted lineage tracing strategies, combined with the development of an organotypic culture system, have identified the crypt base columnar cell as the intestinal stem cell, and have unveiled the strategy by which the balance between proliferation and differentiation is maintained. These results show that intestinal stem cells operate in a dynamic environment in which frequent and stochastic stem cell loss is compensated by the proliferation of neighboring stem cells. We review the basis of these experimental findings and the insights they offer into the mechanisms of homeostatic stem cell regulation.  相似文献   

The cells of an intestinal crypt are tightly packed and, consequently, cell renewal must proceed in accordance with topological laws implicit in the hexagonal cell patterns. The division wave is proposed as the simplest way of proliferation, satisfying topological requirements in steady state. Six pentagonal cells, persisting by topological necessity in the crypt bottom, are the sources of division waves for the whole crypt. The positions of the six pentagonal cells specify the order of cell division. The division, reciprocally, changes the positions of the pentagons which, in turn, specify the order of division in the new cells, and so on. The resulting order of cell division accounts for maintenance of the crypt structure, cell movement toward the villus and cessation of division. Since the pattern of elastic growth is dictated entirely by topological considerations, it does not depend on the genetic constitution of the organism. This model is different from conventional models in which the crypt is assumed to be composed of fixed longitudinal cell columns, the cells of the bottom contributing collectively to the proliferative potential of the whole crypt.  相似文献   

Here, we describe a proteomics approach to study protein expression changes in differentiating Caco-2 cells. Caco-2 is a colorectal carcinoma cell line, which upon differentiation loses its tumorigenic phenotype and displays characteristics of mature enterocytes, including brush borders with microvilli. Cells were grown in culture flasks and harvested at different stages of differentiation (days post-confluence: -3, 0, 3, 7, 10, 14, and 18). Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to analyse proteome changes. Approximately 1400 protein spots were detected within the Caco-2 proteome, within the pH 4-7 range. Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis allowed for the detection of 18 proteins from which the levels of expression were found to be associated with differentiation. Of these proteins, 11 were identified by means of MALDI-TOF or NANO-ESI-MS/MS mass spectrometry and include liver fatty acid binding protein (FABL), three forms of alpha-enolase (ENOA), nucleoside diphosphate kinase A (NDKA), cofilin-1 (COF1), translationally controlled tumour protein (TCTP), mitochondrial 60-kDa heat shock protein (CH60), probable protein disulfide isomerase (ER60), creatine kinase B (KCRB), and glutathione S-transferase alpha (GTA1). Thus, proteomics revealed that the differentiation-related change in phenotype of Caco-2 involves changes in a variety of distinct biochemical pathways. Some of these proteins have not been shown before to be associated with Caco-2 differentiation (ER60; COF1; CH60; NDKA; TCTP and ENOA). Therefore, processes related to protein folding and disulfide bridge formation, cytoskeleton formation and maintenance, nucleotide metabolism, glycolysis as well as tumorigenesis-associated proteins may be involved in Caco-2 differentiation. Changes in the expression of CH60, TCTP, GTA1, NDKA, and FABL have also been reported to be associated with in vivo colon carcinogenesis. These findings illustrate that a combination of proteomics and cell culture is a useful approach to find markers for Caco-2 differentiation, which could contribute to the comprehension of the process of colon carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The intestinal mucosa receives an adrenergic innervation for which there is no commonly accepted function. However, in recent years, cell kinetic studies have raised the possibility that this innervation may be an important regulator of crypt cell proliferation. The effects of noradrenaline released from adrenergic nerves is terminated principally by re-uptake of the amine into the nerve and this process can be inhibited by the antidepressant drug, desipramine. In this report desipramine is shown to accelerate crypt cell proliferation in intact, but not in chemically sympathectomized rats, thus adding support to the notion that regulation of crypt cell division is an important function of the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

The intestinal mucosa receives an adrenergic innervation for which there is no commonly accepted function. However, in recent years, cell kinetic studies have raised the possibility that this innervation may be an important regulator of crypt cell proliferation. The effects of noradrenaline released from adrenergic nerves is terminated principally by re-uptake of the amine into the nerve and this process can be inhibited by the antidepressant drug, desipramine. In this report desipramine is shown to accelerate crypt cell proliferation in intact, but not in chemically sympathectomized rats, thus adding support to the notion that regulation of crypt cell division is an important function of the sympathetic nervous system.  相似文献   

A formula is given, and proved, for the expected position of the highest labelled cell in an individual crypt column, if the labelling index distribution is known.  相似文献   

Abstract A formula is given, and proved, for the expected position of the highest labelled cell in an individual crypt column, if the labelling index distribution is known.  相似文献   

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