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Activation of peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor-γ (PPARγ) inhibits growth of cancer cells including non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC). Clinically, use of thiazolidinediones, which are pharmacological activators of PPARγ is associated with a lower risk of developing lung cancer. However, the role of this pathway in lung cancer metastasis has not been examined well. The systemic effect of pioglitazone was examined in two models of lung cancer metastasis in immune-competent mice. In an orthotopic model, murine lung cancer cells implanted into the lungs of syngeneic mice metastasized to the liver and brain. As a second model, cancer cells injected subcutaneously metastasized to the lung. In both models systemic administration of pioglitazone increased the rate of metastasis. Examination of tissues from the orthotopic model demonstrated increased numbers of arginase I-positive macrophages in tumors from pioglitazone-treated animals. In co-culture experiments of cancer cells with bone marrow-derived macrophages, pioglitazone promoted arginase I expression in macrophages and this was dependent on the expression of PPARγ in the macrophages. To assess the contribution of PPARγ in macrophages to cancer progression, experiments were performed in bone marrow-transplanted animals receiving bone marrow from Lys-M-Cre+/PPARγ(flox/flox) mice, in which PPARγ is deleted specifically in myeloid cells (PPARγ-Mac(neg)), or control PPARγ(flox/flox) mice. In both models, mice receiving PPARγ-Mac(neg) bone marrow had a marked decrease in secondary tumors which was not significantly altered by treatment with pioglitazone. This was associated with decreased numbers of arginase I-positive cells in the lung. These data support a model in which activation of PPARγ may have opposing effects on tumor progression, with anti-tumorigenic effects on cancer cells, but pro-tumorigenic effects on cells of the microenvironment, specifically myeloid cells.  相似文献   

The role of peritoneal macrophages induced by Bacillus Calmette-Guérin (BCG) in the induction of immune responses to Listeria monocytogenes was studied in mice. The peritoneal macrophages from mice treated with BCG 14 days previously contained a high proportion of Ia-bearing macrophages (approximately 56%) and the cells showed not only a high level of listericidal activity but also a strong ability for presentation of listerial antigen to Listeria-immune T cells. An intraperitoneal inoculation with a low dose of Listeria, which can induce the maximal level of delayed footpad reaction (DFR) and positive migration inhibitory activity of macrophages in untreated mice, did not induce a detectable level of such responses in BCG-treated mice. The bacterial growth at an early stage of infection was suppressed by scavenger macrophages in these mice. On the other hand, BCG-treated mice showed the early development of DFR and macrophage migration inhibitory activity after an inoculation with a high dose of Listeria. It is revealed in transfer experiments that Listeria-pulsed peritoneal exudate cells induced by BCG elicited the highest level of DFR and positive migration inhibition of macrophages in normal mice at the earlier period of injection compared with Listeria-pulsed resident peritoneal cells. These results suggested that the increased activities of macrophages acting as scavenger cells and as antigen-presenting cells play important roles in the modification of immune responses to Listeria in BCG-treated mice.  相似文献   

During the course of a microbial infection, different antigen presenting cells (APCs) are exposed and contribute to the ensuing immune response. CD8α(+) dendritic cells (DCs) are an important coordinator of early immune responses to the intracellular bacteria Listeria monocytogenes (Lm) and are crucial for CD8(+) T cell immunity. In this study, we examine the contribution of different primary APCs to inducing immune responses against Lm. We find that CD8α(+) DCs are the most susceptible to infection while plasmacytoid DCs are not infected. Moreover, CD8α(+) DCs are the only DC subset capable of priming an immune response to Lm in vitro and are also the only APC studied that do so when transferred into β2 microglobulin deficient mice which lack endogenous cross-presentation. Upon infection, CD11b(+) DCs primarily secrete low levels of TNFα while CD8α(+) DCs secrete IL-12 p70. Infected monocytes secrete high levels of TNFα and IL-12p70, cytokines associated with activated inflammatory macrophages. Furthermore, co-culture of infected CD8α(+) DCs and CD11b+ DCs with monocytes enhances production of IL-12 p70 and TNFα. However, the presence of monocytes in DC/T cell co-cultures attenuates T cell priming against Lm-derived antigens in vitro and in vivo. This suppressive activity of spleen-derived monocytes is mediated in part by both TNFα and inducible nitric oxide synthase (iNOS). Thus these monocytes enhance IL-12 production to Lm infection, but concurrently abrogate DC-mediated T cell priming.  相似文献   

The family of type I interferons (IFN), which consists of several IFN-α and one IFN-β, are produced not only after stimulation by viruses, but also after infection with non-viral pathogens. In the course of bacterial infections, these cytokines could be beneficial or detrimental. IFN-β is the primary member of type I IFN that initiates a cascade of IFN-α production. Here we addressed the question which cells are responsible for IFN-β expression after infection with the intracellular pathogen Listeria monocytogenes by using a genetic approach. By means of newly established reporter mice, maximum of IFN-β expression was observed at 24 hours post infection in spleen and, surprisingly, 48 hours post infection in colonized cervical and inguinal lymph nodes. Colonization of lymph nodes was independent of the type I IFN signaling, as well as bacterial dose and strain. Using cell specific reporter function and conditional deletions we could define cells expressing LysM as the major IFN-β producers, with cells formerly defined as Tip-DCs being the highest. Neutrophilic granulocytes, dendritic cells and plasmacytoid dendritic cells did not significantly contribute to type I IFN production.  相似文献   

Macrophage polarization to an anti-inflammatory phenotype upon contact with apoptotic cells is a contributing hallmark to immune suppression during the late phase of sepsis. Although the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor γ (PPARγ) supports this macrophage phenotype switch, it remains elusive how apoptotic cells activate PPARγ. Assuming that a molecule causing PPARγ activation in macrophages originates in the cell membrane of apoptotic cells we analyzed lipid rafts from apoptotic, necrotic, and living human Jurkat T cells which showed the presence of 5-lipoxygenase (5-LO) in lipid rafts of apoptotic cells only. Incubating macrophages with lipid rafts of apoptotic, but not necrotic or living cells, induced PPAR responsive element (PPRE)-driven mRuby reporter gene expression in RAW 264.7 macrophages stably transduced with a 4xPPRE containing vector. Experiments with lipid rafts of apoptotic murine EL4 T cells revealed similar results. To verify the involvement of 5-LO in activating PPARγ in macrophages, Jurkat T cells were incubated with the 5-LO inhibitor MK-866 prior to induction of apoptosis, which failed to induce mRuby expression. Similar results were obtained with lipid rafts of apoptotic EL4 T cells preexposed to the 5-LO inhibitors zileuton and CJ-13610. Interestingly, Jurkat T cells overexpressing 5-LO failed to activate PPARγ in macrophages, while their 5-LO overexpressing apoptotic counterparts did. Our results suggest that during apoptosis 5-LO gets associated with lipid rafts and synthesizes ligands that in turn stimulate PPARγ in macrophages.  相似文献   

Activation of adaptive mechanisms plays a crucial role in cancer progression and drug resistance by allowing cell survival under stressful conditions. Therefore, inhibition of the adaptive response is considered as a prospective therapeutic strategy. The PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation pathway is an important arm of the unfolded protein response (UPR), which is induced under conditions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Our previous work showed that ER stress is induced in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells. Herein, we demonstrate that the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation pathway is upregulated in CML cell lines and CD34+ cells from CML patients and is associated with CML progression and imatinib resistance. We also show that induction of apoptosis by imatinib results in the downregulation of the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm. Furthermore, we demonstrate that inactivation of the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm decreases the clonogenic and proliferative capacities of CML cells and sensitizes them to death by imatinib. These findings provide evidence for a pro-survival role of PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm that contributes to CML progression and development of imatinib resistance. Thus, the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm may represent a suitable target for therapeutic intervention for CML disease.  相似文献   

Activation of adaptive mechanisms plays a crucial role in cancer progression and drug resistance by allowing cell survival under stressful conditions. Therefore, inhibition of the adaptive response is considered as a prospective therapeutic strategy. The PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation pathway is an important arm of the unfolded protein response (UPR), which is induced under conditions of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) stress. Our previous work showed that ER stress is induced in chronic myeloid leukemia (CML) cells. Herein, we demonstrate that the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation pathway is upregulated in CML cell lines and CD34+ cells from CML patients and is associated with CML progression and imatinib resistance. We also show that induction of apoptosis by imatinib results in the downregulation of the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm. Furthermore, we demonstrate that inactivation of the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm decreases the clonogenic and proliferative capacities of CML cells and sensitizes them to death by imatinib. These findings provide evidence for a pro-survival role of PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm that contributes to CML progression and development of imatinib resistance. Thus, the PERK-eIF2α phosphorylation arm may represent a suitable target for therapeutic intervention for CML disease.  相似文献   

Microbial safety of food products is often accomplished by the formulation of food-grade preservatives into the product. Because of the growing consumer demand for natural substances (including preservatives) in the composition of consumed foods, there is also a growing interest in the natural antimicrobial nisin, which has generally recognized as safe (GRAS) status for certain applications. During the products storage time, concentrations of preservative(s) are decreasing, which may eventually cause a serious problem in the food’s microbial safety. Here, for the first time we report on the non-linear response of a foodborne pathogen, Listeria monocytogenes, to sub-lethal concentrations of nisin.  相似文献   

There are few animal models of dengue infection, especially in immunocompetent mice. Here, we describe alterations found in adult immunocompetent mice inoculated with an adapted Dengue virus (DENV-3) strain. Infection of mice with the adapted DENV-3 caused inoculum-dependent lethality that was preceded by several hematological and biochemical changes and increased virus dissemination, features consistent with severe disease manifestation in humans. IFN-γ expression increased after DENV-3 infection of WT mice and this was preceded by increase in expression of IL-12 and IL-18. In DENV-3-inoculated IFN-γ(-/-) mice, there was enhanced lethality, which was preceded by severe disease manifestation and virus replication. Lack of IFN-γ production was associated with diminished NO-synthase 2 (NOS2) expression and higher susceptibility of NOS2(-/-) mice to DENV-3 infection. Therefore, mechanisms of protection to DENV-3 infection rely on IFN-γ-NOS2-NO-dependent control of viral replication and of disease severity, a pathway showed to be relevant for resistance to DENV infection in other experimental and clinical settings. Thus, the model of DENV-3 infection in immunocompetent mice described here represents a significant advance in animal models of severe dengue disease and may provide an important tool to the elucidation of immunopathogenesis of disease and of protective mechanisms associated with infection.  相似文献   

Although best characterized for sustaining T cell exhaustion during persistent viral infection, programmed death ligand-1 (PDL-1) also stimulates the expansion of protective T cells after infection with intracellular bacterial pathogens. Therefore, establishing the molecular signals that control whether PDL-1 stimulates immune suppression or activation is important as immune modulation therapies based on manipulating PDL-1 are being developed. In this study, the requirement for PDL-1 blockade initiated before infection with the intracellular bacterium Listeria monocytogenes in reducing pathogen-specific T cell expansion is demonstrated. In turn, the role of proinflammatory cytokines triggered early after L. monocytogenes infection in controlling PDL-1-mediated T cell stimulation was investigated using mice with targeted defects in specific cytokines or cytokine receptors. These experiments illustrate an essential role for IL-12 or type I IFNs in PDL-1-mediated expansion of pathogen-specific CD8(+) T cells. Unexpectedly, direct stimulation by neither IL-12 nor type I IFNs on pathogen-specific CD8(+) cells was essential for PDL-1-mediated expansion. Instead, the absence of early innate IFN-γ production in mice with combined defects in both IL-12 and type I IFNR negated the impacts of PDL-1 blockade. In turn, IFN-γ ablation using neutralizing Abs or in mice with targeted defects in IFN-γR each eliminated the PDL-1-mediated stimulatory impacts on pathogen-specific T cell expansion. Thus, innate IFN-γ is essential for PDL-1-mediated T cell stimulation.  相似文献   

Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) represents a potential target to treat airway mucus hypersecretion in cystic fibrosis (CF). We aimed to determine if PPARγ is altered in CF human airway epithelial cells (HAECs), if PPARγ contributes to mucin expression and HAEC differentiation, and if PPARγ ligand therapy corrects the CF phenotype. To this end, well-differentiated CF and NCF HAEC primary cultures were wounded to monitor the expression of key genes involved in PPARγ activation and mucus homeostasis, and to evaluate the effect of a PPARγ agonist, at different times of repair. Hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase (HPGD) converts prostaglandin E2 to 15-keto PGE2 (15kPGE2), an endogenous PPARγ ligand. Interestingly, PPARγ and HPGD expression dramatically decreased in CF HAECs. These changes were accompanied by an increase in the expression of MUC5B. The correlation between PPARγ and MUC5B was confirmed in an airway epithelial cell line after CFTR knock-down. Exposure of HAECs to 15kPGE2 did not correct the CF phenotype but revealed a defect in the process of basal cell (BC) differentiation. The HPGD/PPARγ axis is deregulated in primary HAEC cultures from CF patients, which may impact the maturation of BCs to differentiated luminal cells. Importantly, PPARγ therapy was inefficient in correcting the CF defect.  相似文献   

A cluster of at lest six interferon- (IFN)-inducible genes designated Ifi201-204 and located on mouse chromosome 1 has recently been described. Here , we report a human IFN--inducible gene, IFI 16, which has nucleotide sequence similarity with portions of two of the mouse genes, Ifi202 and Ifi204. A full-length cDNA clone derived from IFI 16 [2.709 kilobases (kb)] contained a single open reading frame of 2.187 kb which encoded a putative polypeptide of 729 amino acids and a predicted non-glycosylated M r of 80020. IFI 16 mRNA was found to be constitutively expressed in lymphoid cells and in cell lines of both the T and B lineages. By contrast, the mRNA was not expresed by the cell lines HL-60, U937, and K562, which represent early stages of myeloid development, but was strongly inducible in HL-60 and U937 with IFN-. The IFI 16 protein demonstrated a putative domain structure with patchy similarity to the proteins expressed from gene Ifi202 and Ifi204. The mouse and human proteins each contain two analogous 200 amino acid domains which are imperfect copies, but IFI 16 demonstrated additional unique regions, including a Lys-rich N-terminal portion and a spacer region between the reiterated domains, analogous to spacer regions in the CD5 and CD8 molecules. Using a panel of inter-species somatic cell hybrid cell lines, IFI 16 was localized to the chromosomal region 1q121qter, a region systenic between mouse an man. DNA blotting indicated that, in contrast to the mouse, IFI 16 is present as a single copy gene in the human genome.The authors are pleased to make the cDNA clones described in this paper available to interested investigators.The nucleotide sequence data reported in this paper have been submitted to the Genbank database and have been assigned the accession number M63838. Correspondence to: J. A. Trapani.  相似文献   

Epidermal growth factor receptor (EGFR)-mutant lung adenocarcinoma cells in suspension undergo apoptosis to a greater extent than adherent cells in a monolayer when EGFR autophosphorylation is inhibited by EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitors (TKIs). This suggests that cell adhesion to a culture dish may activate an anti-apoptotic signaling pathway other than the EGFR pathway. Since the microenvironment of cells cultured in a monolayer are substantially different to that of cells existing in three-dimension (3D) in vivo, we assessed whether two EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma cell lines, HCC827 and H1975, were more resistant to EGFR TKI-induced apoptosis when cultured in a 3D extracellular matrix (ECM) as compared with in suspension. The ECM-adherent EGFR-mutant cells in 3D were significantly less sensitive to treatment with WZ4002, an EGFR TKI, than the suspended cells. Further, a marked degradation of IκBα, the inhibitor of nuclear factor (NF)-κB, was observed only in the 3D-cultured cells, leading to an increase in the activation of NF-κB. Moreover, the inhibition of NF-κB with pharmacological inhibitors enhanced EGFR TKI-induced apoptosis in 3D-cultured EGFR-mutant cells. These results suggest that inhibition of NF-κB signaling would render ECM-adherent EGFR-mutant lung adenocarcinoma cells in vivo more susceptible to EGFR TKI-induced cell death.  相似文献   

Skp2 is frequent amplified and overexpressed in breast cancer, making it a potential molecular target for cancer therapy. The objective of this study was to examine the effect of PPARγ overexpression on Skp2 expression in breast cancer cell lines. First, we investigated the role of PPARγ and Skp2 in human breast cancer progression. Immunohistochemical analysis of 70 specimens on formalin-fixed paraffin sections was performed. Furthermore in vitro, Western blot analysis was used to study the relationship between PPARγ and Skp2. We found that the expression of PPARγ and Skp2 expression was inverse correlation whether in vivo or in vitro. In addition, PPARγ overexpression can down-regulate the expression of Skp2 mRNA and protein in breast cancer cells. PPARγ overexpression decreased breast cancer cell proliferation and induced spontaneous apoptosis even in the absence of exogenous ligand. These PPARγ-overexpressing cells were dramatically more sensitive to PPARγ ligand-induced apoptosis compared with parental or Myc-control transfected cells. Overexpressing of Skp2 partially reversed PPARγ’s pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative abilities. These results suggested that PPARγ’s pro-apoptotic and anti-proliferative abilities appear to be triggered at least in part by the modulation of Skp2.  相似文献   

Thiazolidinedione (TZD) compounds targeting the nuclear receptor peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor gamma (PPARγ) demonstrate unique benefits for the treatment of insulin resistance and type II diabetes. TZDs include rosiglitazone, pioglitazone and rivoglitazone, with the latter being the most potent. The TZDs are only marginally selective for the therapeutic target PPARγ as they also activate PPARα and PPARδ homologues to varying degrees, causing off-target effects. While crystal structures for TZD compounds in complex with PPARγ are available, minimal structural information is available for TZDs bound to PPARα and PPARδ. This paucity of structural information has hampered the determination of precise structural mechanisms involved in TZD selectivity between PPARs. To help address these questions molecular dynamic simulations were performed of rosiglitazone, pioglitazone and rivoglitazone in complex with PPARα, PPARδ, and PPARγ in order to better understand the mechanisms of PPAR selectivity. The simulations revealed that TZD interactions with residues Tyr314 and Phe318 of PPARα and residues Phe291 and Thr253 of PPARδ as well as the omega loop, are key determinants of TZD receptor selectivity. Notably, in this study, we solve the first X-ray crystal structure of rivoglitazone bound to any PPAR. Rivoglitazone forms a unique hydrogen bond network with the residues of the PPARγ co-activator binding surface (known as AF2) and makes more extensive contacts with helix 3 and the β-sheet as compared to model TZD compounds such as rosiglitazone.  相似文献   

Effective inhibition of angiogenesis targeting the tumor endothelial cells requires identification of key cellular and molecular mechanisms associated with survival of vasculatures within the tumor microenvironment. Intracellular autocrine (intracrine) VEGF production by endothelial cells plays a critical role on the vasculature homeostasis. In vitro breast cancer cell-stimulated activation of the unfolded protein response (UPR) of the endothelial cells contributes to maintenance of the intracrine VEGF levels in the endothelial cells through the upregulation of a previous undescribed downstream effector- αB-crystallin (CRYAB). siRNA-mediated knockdown of two major UPR proteins-inositol requiring kinase 1 and ATF6, led to attenuated CRYAB expression of the endothelial cells. Finally, inhibition of CRYAB blocked the breast cancer cell-stimulated increase in the endogenous VEGF levels of the endothelial cells. A VEGF limited proteolysis assay further revealed that CRYAB protected VEGF for proteolytic degradation. Here, we report that the molecular chaperone-CRYAB was significantly increased and colocalized with tumor vessels in a breast cancer xenograft. Specifically, neutralization of VEGF induced higher levels of CRYAB expression in the endothelial cells cocultured with MDA-MB-231 or the breast cancer xenograft with a significant survival benefit. However, knockdown of CRYAB had a greater inhibitory effect on endothelial survival. These findings underscore the importance of defining a role for intracrine VEGF signaling in sustaining aberrant tumor angiogenesis and strongly implicate UPR/CRYAB as dichotomous parts of a crucial regulation pathway for maintaining intracrine VEGF signaling.  相似文献   

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