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Investigating the relative importance of multiple cues for mate choice within a species may highlight possible mechanisms that led to the diversification of closely related species in the past. Here, we investigate the importance of close-range pheromones produced by male Bicyclus anynana butterflies and determine the relative importance of these chemical cues versus visual cues in sexual selection by female choice. We first blocked putative androconial organs on the fore- and hindwings of males, while also manipulating the ability of females to perceive chemical signals via their antenna. We found that male chemical signals were emitted by both fore- and hindwing pairs and that they play an important role in female choice. We subsequently tested the relative importance of these chemical cues versus visual cues, previously identified for this species, and found that they play an equally important role in female choice in our laboratory setting. In addition, females will mate with males with only one signal present and blocking both androconial organs on males seems to interfere with male to male recognition. We discuss the possible functions of these signals and how this bimodal system may be used in intra- and interspecific mate evaluation.  相似文献   

Aggregation pheromones are used by fruit flies of the genus Drosophila to assemble on breeding substrates, where they feed, mate and oviposit communally. These pheromones consist of species-specific blends of chemicals. Here, using a phylogenetic framework, we examine how differences among species in these pheromone blends have evolved. Theoretical predictions, genetic evidence, and previous empirical analysis of bark beetle species, suggest that aggregation pheromones do not evolve gradually, but via major, saltational shifts in chemical composition. Using pheromone data for 28 species of Drosophila we show that, unlike with bark beetles, the distribution of chemical components among species is highly congruent with their phylogeny, with closely related species being more similar in their pheromone blends than are distantly related species. This pattern is also strong within the melanogaster species group, but less so within the virilis species group. Our analysis strongly suggests that the aggregation pheromones of Drosophila exhibit a gradual, not saltational, mode of evolution. We propose that these findings reflect the function of the pheromones in the ecology of Drosophila, which does not hinge on species specificity of aggregation pheromones as signals.  相似文献   

Successful mating is essentially a consequence of making the right choices at the correct time. Animals use specific strategies to gain information about a potential mate, which is then applied to decision-making processes. Amongst the many informative signals, odor cues such as sex pheromones play important ecological roles in coordinating mating behavior, enabling mate and kin recognition, qualifying mate choice, and preventing gene exchange among individuals from different populations and species. Despite overwhelming behavioral evidence, the chemical identity of most cues used in aquatic organisms remains unknown and their impact and omnipresence have not been fully recognized. In many crustaceans, including lobsters and shrimps, reproduction happens through a cascade of events ranging from initial attraction to formation of a mating pair eventually leading to mating. We examined the hypothesis that contact pheromones on the female body surface of the hermaphroditic shrimp Lysmata boggessi are of lipophilic nature, and resemble insect cuticular hydrocarbon contact cues. Via chemical analyses and behavioural assays, we show that newly molted euhermaphrodite-phase shrimp contain a bouquet of odor compounds. Of these, (Z)-9-octadecenamide is the key odor with hexadecanamide and methyl linoleate enhancing the bioactivity of the pheromone blend. Our results show that in aquatic systems lipophilic, cuticular hydrocarbon contact sex pheromones exist; this raises questions on how hydrocarbon contact signals evolved and how widespread these are in the marine environment.  相似文献   

Spider sex pheromones: emission, reception, structures, and functions   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Spiders and their mating systems are useful study subjects with which to investigate questions of widespread interest about sexual selection, pre- and post-copulatory mate choice, sperm competition, mating strategies, and sexual conflict. Conclusions drawn from such studies are broadly applicable to a range of taxa, but rely on accurate understanding of spider sexual interactions. Extensive behavioural experimentation demonstrates the presence of sex pheromones in many spider species, and recent major advances in the identification of spider sex pheromones merit review. Synthesised here are the emission, transmission, structures, and functions of spider sex pheromones, with emphasis on the crucial and dynamic role of sex pheromones in female and male mating strategies generally. Techniques for behavioural, chemical and electrophysiological study are summarised, and I aim to provide guidelines for incorporating sex pheromones into future studies of spider mating. In the spiders, pheromones are generally emitted by females and received by males, but this pattern is not universal. Female spiders emit cuticular and/or silk-based sex pheromones, which can be airborne or received via contact with chemoreceptors on male pedipalps. Airborne pheromones primarily attract males or elicit male searching behaviour. Contact pheromones stimulate male courtship behaviour and provide specific information about the emitter's identity. Male spiders are generally choosy and are often most attracted to adult virgin females and juvenile females prior to their final moult. This suggests the first male to mate with a female has significant advantages, perhaps due to sperm priority patterns, or mated female disinterest. Both sexes may attempt to control female pheromone emission, and thus dictate the frequency and timing of female mating, reflecting the potentially different costs of female signalling and/or polyandry to both sexes. Spider sex pheromones are likely to be lipids or lipid soluble, may be closely related to primary metabolites, and are not necessarily species specific, although they can still assist with species recognition. Newer electrophysiological techniques coupled with chemical analyses assist with the identification of sex pheromone compounds. This provides opportunities for more targeted behavioural experimentation, perhaps with synthetic pheromones, and for theorising about the biosynthesis and evolution of chemical signals generally. Given the intriguing biology of spiders, and the critical role of chemical signals for spiders and many other animal taxa, a deeper understanding of spider sex pheromones should prove productive.  相似文献   

Interactions between species can alter selection on sexual displays used in mate choice within species. Here we study the epicuticular pheromones of two Drosophila species that overlap partially in geographic range and are incompletely reproductively isolated. Drosophila subquinaria shows a pattern of reproductive character displacement against Drosophila recens, and partial behavioral isolation between conspecific sympatric versus allopatric populations, whereas D. recens shows no such variation in mate choice. First, using manipulative perfuming experiments, we show that females use pheromones as signals for mate discrimination both between species and among populations of D. subquinaria. Second, we show that patterns of variation in epicuticular compounds, both across populations and between species, are consistent with those previously shown for mating probabilities: pheromone compositions differ between populations of D. subquinaria that are allopatric versus sympatric with D. recens, but are similar across populations of D. recens regardless of overlap with D. subquinaria. We also identify differences in pheromone composition among allopatric regions of D. subquinaria. In sum, our results suggest that epicuticular compounds are key signals used by females during mate recognition, and that these traits have diverged among D. subquinaria populations in response to reinforcing selection generated by the presence of D. recens.  相似文献   

Sexual communication in copepods and rotifers   总被引:9,自引:4,他引:5  
Snell  Terry W.  Morris  Pamela D. 《Hydrobiologia》1993,255(1):109-116
The problem of locating mates and identifying them as conspecifics is similar for Copepoda, Cladocera, and Rotifera since they are all relatively small animals moving in a large volume of water. Chemoreception is a potentially effective means of identifying mates in aquatic environments. In zooplankton, mate recognition systems based on chemoreception have evolved which can distinguish conspecifics from other species and can discriminate males from females. The evidence for the role of chemical signals in copepod mating is indirect, based on observations of mating behavior. The small size and limited metabolic capability of zooplankton, and high diffusion rates at 1–10 mm spatial scales, restrict the volume through which chemical signals can be effectively transmitted. An alternative to using diffusible molecules for sexual communication is to bind signal molecules to cell surfaces, allowing energetically costly molecules like proteins to serve as signals without their loss through diffusion. Contact chemoreception has been described in copepod and rotifer mating and perhaps represents a general solution to the problem of chemical communication by small zooplankters. The types of signals used, their mechanisms of transmission and reception, and their role in maintaining reproductive isolation among species has yet to be characterized for any aquatic invertebrate. In this review, I compare the methods used by copepods and rotifers for mate seeking and recognition, describe the behavioral evidence supporting the existence of chemical cues, and examine experiments describing the biochemical characteristics of the signal molecules. In copepods, male mate seeking behavior occurs without previous female contact, suggesting the reception of a diffusible signal. The signal molecule is small and lacks species specificity in the species investigated. Male rotifers do not respond to females from a distance. Mates are located by random male swimming and contact chemoreception of a species-specific signal. Mate recognition in both copepods and rotifers is based on contact chemoreception of a species-specific signal. The pheromones responsible are not known for copepods, but surface glycoproteins with pheromonal activity have been identified in rotifers. The structure of the rotifer sex pheromone has been probed by selective enzymatic degradation and lectin binding, electrophoretic characterization, and attachment to agarose beads to assess its biological activity. Glycoproteins play a key role in the sexual communication of some algal and ciliate species and have well characterized roles in cellular recognition phenomena like sperm-egg binding. The significance of these studies lies in their contribution to our understanding of zooplankton reproductive biology, the chemical ecology of male-female communication, the molecular basis of chemoreception in the aquatic environment, and the evolution of pre-mating reproductive isolating mechanisms in zooplankton.  相似文献   

Many animal species communicate using chemical signals. In Drosophila, cuticular hydrocarbons (CHCs) are involved in species and sexual identification, and have long been thought to act as stimulatory pheromones as well. However, a previous study reported that D. melanogaster males were more attracted to females that were lacking CHCs. This surprising result is consistent with several evolutionary hypotheses but is at odds with other work demonstrating that female CHCs are attractive to males. Here, we investigated natural variation in male preferences for female pheromones using transgenic flies that cannot produce CHCs. By perfuming females with CHCs and performing mate choice tests, we found that some male genotypes prefer females with pheromones, some have no apparent preference, and at least one male genotype prefers females without pheromones. This variation provides an excellent opportunity to further investigate the mechanistic causes and evolutionary implications of divergent pheromone preferences in D. melanogaster males.  相似文献   

1. The elements that make up the courtship behaviour of males and of females are briefly described. It is pointed out that some of the terms used, such as female ‘repelling’ behaviour, are misleading as they do not reflect the known functions of the behaviours. 2. Evidence has been presented for a number of distinct pheromones with different functions during courtship. These claims are critically examined as the evidence is incomplete and at times conflicting. It seems unlikely that any pheromones other than those acting over a very short distance are involved in courtship. There is sound evidence for an aphrodisiac pheromone produced by all females which stimulates male courtship. A pheromone, which may be the same one, is produced by males less than 12 h old, which also stimulates male courtship. No function is ascribed to this pheromone. Fertilized females either produce less aphrodisiac pheromone or they may, in addition, produce one that inhibits male courtship. Mature males may also produce an inhibitory pheromone. Females produce a contact pheromone which is species-specific and involved in sexual isolation. It is not at present clear whether this is different from the aphrodisiac pheromone. 3. There is considerable variability in the importance of vision in courtship. Many species will mate satisfactorily in the dark, suggesting that visual stimuli are not critical. Most species use vision to orient towards one another and for males to track and follow females. Even in light-independent species such as D. melanogaster, specific visual signals may be used in courtship although they are not obligatory. Thus the red eye of the male is a sexual signal for females. Conversely, some light-dependent species do not appear to make use of visual signals as a major factor in courtship. Some, however, do perform behaviours that are clearly visual and which may act to emphasize markings on wings, head or body. 4. The majority of Drosophila species perform courtship songs by vibrating one or both wings. The songs produced by males sexually stimulate the females. They are species specific and there is considerable indirect and some direct evidence that the songs are involved in sexual isolation. Males of many species produce two different songs during courtship and it is probable that one is concerned mainly with sexual stimulation and the other with species recognition. Females of certain species of Drosophila and Zaprionus also sing during courtship and these songs may aid species recognition by males. In addition males and unreceptive females perform ‘aggressive’ songs. 5. Almost all studies of Drosophila courtship have been made in very confined conditions in the laboratory. Interpretation of some of the results obtained in this way may require modification in the light of ecological research and observation of courtships under more natural conditions.  相似文献   

Chemoreception, symmetry and mate choice in lizards   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
Research on fluctuating asymmetry (FA)-mediated sexual selection has focused almost exclusively on visual signals and ignored chemical communication despite the fact that many species rely on chemical signals for attracting mates. Female mate choice based on visual traits appears to be rare in lizards. However, the femoral glands of male lizards produce pheromones which might transmit chemical information about an individual's developmental stability. Therefore, we hypothesized that mate choice may be based on chemical cues. We analysed the effect of the developmental stability levels of males on the attractiveness of males' scents to females in a laboratory experiment with the lizard Lacerta monticola. When we offered two males of similar body size, females preferentially associated with the scents of males with low FA in their femoral pores and also with the scents of males with a higher number of femoral pores. This suggested that the females were able to discriminate the FA of the males by chemical signals alone and that the females preferred to be in areas marked by males of high quality, thus increasing their opportunities of mating with males of high quality. We suggest that the quality and/or amount of male pheromones could communicate the heritable genetic quality of a male to the female and thereby serve as the basis for adaptive female choice in lizards.  相似文献   

Male American cockroaches (Periplaneta americana) are attracted to virgin females by volatile sex pheromones. After antennal contact with the female they turn through 180° and spread their wings in courtship display. A chemical contact stimulus releasing male courtship is demonstrated in the female cuticle. Experiments with standardized olfactory stimulation by volatile sex pheromones revealed that the contact stimulus is sex-specific and species-specific. It can be washed off the cuticle with non-polar solvents and was successfully transferred to glass dummies. However, it is not effective in the absence of volatile sex pheromones. Thus volatile sex pheromones are responsible for male attraction and sexual motivation, while mate recognition is accomplished through the contact pheromone.  相似文献   

Long-range sex pheromones have been subjected to substantial research with a particular focus on their biosynthesis, peripheral perception, central processing and the resulting orientation behaviour of perceivers. Fundamental to the research on sex attractants was the assumption that they primarily coordinate species recognition. However, especially when they are produced by the less limiting sex (usually males), the evolution of heightened condition dependence might be expected and long-range sex pheromones might, therefore, also inform about a signaller''s quality. Here we provide, to our knowledge, the first comprehensive study of the role of a male''s long-range pheromone in mate choice that combines chemical analyses, video observations and field experiments with a multifactorial manipulation of males'' condition. We show that the emission of the long-distance sex pheromone of the burying beetle, Nicrophorus vespilloides is highly condition-dependent and reliably reflects nutritional state, age, body size and parasite load—key components of an individual''s somatic state. Both, the quantity and ratio of the pheromone components were affected but the time invested in pheromone emission was largely unaffected by a male''s condition. Moreover, the variation in pheromone emission caused by the variation in condition had a strong effect on the attractiveness of males in the field, with males in better nutritional condition, of older age, larger body size and bearing less parasites being more attractive. That a single pheromone is influenced by so many aspects of the somatic state and causes such variation in a male''s attractiveness under field conditions was hitherto unknown and highlights the need to integrate indicator models of sexual selection into pheromone research.  相似文献   

Glenea cantor (Fabricius) is an important pest of kapok trees [Bombax ceiba L.=Gossampinus malabaricus (DC.) Merr.] in southern China and Vietnam, and its adults are diurnally active. We carried out both field and laboratory experiments to examine the mechanisms that brought G. cantor sexes together from a long distance and facilitated mate location and recognition in a close range. Long-range sex pheromones are not involved in mate location. Mutual attraction of sexes to weakened kapok trees where adult feeding, mating, and oviposition occur plays the key role in mate location from a long distance. In a close range, vision and a female sex pheromone that operates over a short distance (3-3.5 cm) and/or by contact are major cues males use for mate location and recognition. Males seem to use combined chemical and visual cues to achieve mating. Male antennae, particularly the terminal five segments, are critical for males to detect and recognize females. Removal of male palpi has no significant effect on mate location and recognition by males.  相似文献   

We found empirical evidence for the exploitation of the host's chemical communication in a parasitic wasp foraging for a concealed host. Female Halticoptera laevigata wasps (Hym., Pteromalidae) searched longer and probed more frequently on honeysuckle fruit that carried fresh marking pheromone or harbored a first instar larva of its host, the tephritid fruit fly, Myoleja lucida . They further increased their searching efforts on fruits that provided both host-related cues. While the exploitation of host marking pheromones for host location had previously been shown in two parasitoid species attacking the eggs of their tephritid hosts, this is the first evidence for the exploitation of a host's marking pheromone in a parasitoid attacking the larvae of an herbivorous host. Taking into account the time interval between application of host marking pheromones and parasitoid attack plus the fact that these pheromones are generally water soluble and thus might be washed off by rains, we discuss the reliability-detectability problem for the exploitation of those cues for host location in parasitoids attacking a larval host.  相似文献   

The study of fish pheromones is particularly relevant because of the conserved nature of chemoreception in vertebrates. However, most fish pheromone systems remain unstudied. All the major known pheromones of freshwater fish and their associated behaviours were reviewed. Importantly, those studies that have demonstrated the connection between behaviour and pheromones in freshwater fishes have resulted in a wide range of applications in management. For example, pheromones released by the sea lamprey Petromyzon marinus have a practical function in pheromone traps, showing how chemical communication can be used in the management of invasive species. Future research on fish pheromones should include olfactory systems in a wider range of species testing the possibility that a few distinct models could be applied to the all fishes. Progress in research on fish pheromones should include a closer collaboration with other research fields such as evolutionary biology to allow a better understanding of fish pheromones systems divergence and mate selection where correlation between phenotypic dominance and pheromone production is still largely ignored. Finally, the example of pheromone interaction between an invasive species topmouth gudgeon Pseudorasbora parva and a native endangered species sunbleak Leucaspius delineatus is provided to illustrate the concept of pheromone pollution that assists its establishment in a novel ecosystem.  相似文献   

In insects and other animals, intraspecific communication between individuals of the opposite sex is mediated in part by chemical signals called sex pheromones. In most moth species, male moths rely heavily on species-specific sex pheromones emitted by female moths to identify and orient towards an appropriate mating partner among a large number of sympatric insect species. The silkmoth, Bombyx mori, utilizes the simplest possible pheromone system, in which a single pheromone component, (E, Z)-10,12-hexadecadienol (bombykol), is sufficient to elicit full sexual behavior. We have previously shown that the sex pheromone receptor BmOR1 mediates specific detection of bombykol in the antennae of male silkmoths. However, it is unclear whether the sex pheromone receptor is the minimally sufficient determination factor that triggers initiation of orientation behavior towards a potential mate. Using transgenic silkmoths expressing the sex pheromone receptor PxOR1 of the diamondback moth Plutella xylostella in BmOR1-expressing neurons, we show that the selectivity of the sex pheromone receptor determines the chemical response specificity of sexual behavior in the silkmoth. Bombykol receptor neurons expressing PxOR1 responded to its specific ligand, (Z)-11-hexadecenal (Z11-16:Ald), in a dose-dependent manner. Male moths expressing PxOR1 exhibited typical pheromone orientation behavior and copulation attempts in response to Z11-16:Ald and to females of P. xylostella. Transformation of the bombykol receptor neurons had no effect on their projections in the antennal lobe. These results indicate that activation of bombykol receptor neurons alone is sufficient to trigger full sexual behavior. Thus, a single gene defines behavioral selectivity in sex pheromone communication in the silkmoth. Our findings show that a single molecular determinant can not only function as a modulator of behavior but also as an all-or-nothing initiator of a complex species-specific behavioral sequence.  相似文献   

L Xu  E Petit  M E Hood 《Heredity》2016,116(1):44-51
Mate recognition is an essential life-cycle stage that exhibits strong conservation in function, whereas diversification of mating signals can contribute directly to the integrity of species boundaries through assortative mating. Fungi are simple models, where compatibility is based on the recognition of pheromone peptides by corresponding receptor proteins, but clear patterns of diversification have not emerged from the species examined, which are few compared with mate signaling studies in plant and animal systems. In this study, candidate loci from Microbotryum species were used to characterize putative pheromones that were synthesized and found to be functional across multiple species in triggering a mating response in vitro. There is no significant correlation between the strength of a species'' response and its genetic distance from the pheromone sequence source genome. Instead, evidence suggests that species may be strong or weak responders, influenced by environmental conditions or developmental differences. Gene sequence comparisons reveals very strong purifying selection on the a1 pheromone peptide and corresponding receptor, but significantly less purifying selection on the a2 pheromone peptide that corresponds with more variation across species in the receptor. This represents an exceptional case of a reciprocally interacting mate-recognition system in which the two mating types are under different levels of purifying selection.  相似文献   

Chemical signals are prevalent in sexual communication systems. Mate recognition has been extensively studied within the Lepidoptera, where the production and recognition of species-specific sex pheromone signals are typically the defining character. While the specific blend of compounds that makes up the sex pheromones of many species has been characterized, the molecular mechanisms underpinning the evolution of pheromone-based mate recognition systems remain largely unknown. We have focused on two sets of sibling species within the leafroller moth genera Ctenopseustis and Planotortrix that have rapidly evolved the use of distinct sex pheromone blends. The compounds within these blends differ almost exclusively in the relative position of double bonds that are introduced by desaturase enzymes. Of the six desaturase orthologs isolated from all four species, functional analyses in yeast and gene expression in pheromone glands implicate three in pheromone biosynthesis, two Δ9-desaturases, and a Δ10-desaturase, while the remaining three desaturases include a Δ6-desaturase, a terminal desaturase, and a non-functional desaturase. Comparative quantitative real-time PCR reveals that the Δ10-desaturase is differentially expressed in the pheromone glands of the two sets of sibling species, consistent with differences in the pheromone blend in both species pairs. In the pheromone glands of species that utilize (Z)-8-tetradecenyl acetate as sex pheromone component (Ctenopseustis obliquana and Planotortrix octo), the expression levels of the Δ10-desaturase are significantly higher than in the pheromone glands of their respective sibling species (C. herana and P. excessana). Our results demonstrate that interspecific sex pheromone differences are associated with differential regulation of the same desaturase gene in two genera of moths. We suggest that differential gene regulation among members of a multigene family may be an important mechanism of molecular innovation in sex pheromone evolution and speciation.  相似文献   

Mating signals often encode information important for both species recognition and mate quality assessment and endure selection pressures that combine both stabilizing and directional components. Here, we present a family of models of mate preference for multiple-message signals. Our models are process based rather than purely normative, they assume the existence of one (or more) "utility function" that order signals along a scale of perceived appropriateness, and interpret preferences either as the differential probability of signals recognition or as the combined effect of differential recognition and direct comparison between signal alternatives. These models show the critical role played by the proximate mechanisms of information processing in influencing the ultimate function of female mate choice. They show that if preferences are an emergent property of the way animals recognize signals then species recognition and mate quality assessment are expected to constrain each other severely and to limit the overall discrimination power of the system. In contrast, if preferences result from two computational processes, recognition and comparison, the constraining effects of species recognition and mate quality assessment are sensibly reduced. In these cases, females may improve discrimination in mate quality by adopting permissive recognition rules and limiting the risks of heterospecific mating.  相似文献   

The sensory systems employed by animals to locate potential mates are diverse. Among insects, chemical and acoustic signals are commonly used over long distances, with visual signals playing a role in close-range orientation and courtship. Within groups that exhibit a scramble competition mating system, selection on mate searching ability will be particularly strong. Clearly, aspects of the species ecology, such as habitat complexity and population density, will be crucial in the evolution of mate searching systems and sexual signals. Praying mantids exhibit both chemical and visual sexual signalling behaviour, and also vary in their ecology. This study employs scanning electron microscopy of antennal sensory morphology and behavioural assays to investigate the relative importance of chemical and visual signalling in two Australian praying mantid species: Pseudomantis albofimbriata and Ciulfina biseriata . As predicted, the high level of habitat complexity, low population density and strong male dispersal capability of P. albofimbriata corresponded to the use of airborne sex pheromones. Conversely, the open habitat, high population density, and poor dispersal of C. biseriata corresponded to a greater reliance on short-range visual cues for mate location.  © 2007 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society , 2007, 91 , 307–313.  相似文献   

Interest in sex pheromones has mainly been focused on mate finding, while relatively little attention has been given to the role of sex pheromones in mate choice and almost none to competition over mates. Here, we study male response to male pheromones in the lekking Drosophila grimshawi, where males deposit long-lasting pheromone streaks that attract males and females to the leks and influence mate assessment. We used two stocks of flies and both stocks adjusted their pheromone depositing behaviour in response to experimental manipulation, strongly indicating male ability to distinguish between competitors from qualitative differences in pheromone streaks alone. This is the first example of an insect distinguishing between individual odour signatures. Pheromone signalling influenced competition over mates, as males adjusted their investment in pheromone deposition in response to foreign pheromone streaks. Both sexes adapt their behaviour according to information from olfactory cues in D. grimshawi, but the relative benefits from male-female, as compared to male-male signalling, remain unknown. It seems likely that the pheromone signalling system originally evolved for attracting females to leks. The transition to a signalling system for conveying information about individuals may well, however, at least in part have been driven by benefits from male-male signalling.  相似文献   

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