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The detection of acoustic communication signals in the presence of sinusoidally amplitude modulated noise was investigated in males of the grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus. The auditory system of grasshoppers exhibits only poor spectral resolution. Hence, these animals are ideally suited to investigate noise tolerance in a system operating in the temporal domain. As a sensitive indicator for signal recognition the conspicuous phonotactic turning responses of males were recorded. The main result was that noise modulated at low frequencies (1.5-5 Hz) did not impair recognition compared to a unmodulated noise. With long stimuli even a moderate improvement of noise tolerance was observed, an effect that can probably be attributed to the existence of long troughs at low modulation frequencies during which the masking of the signal was reduced. Higher modulation frequencies (15-150 Hz), however, rendered detection and recognition increasingly difficult, due to a strong interference of the sound pulses of the masking noise with the syllable-pause structure of the species-specific signals. There are no indications for the operation of mechanisms analogous to comodulation masking release as found in vertebrates, nor for a spatial release from masking.  相似文献   

Recently we reported that rapid fluctuations of ion currents flowing through open gramicidin A channels exceed the expected level of pure transport noise at low ion concentrations (Heinemann, S. H. and F. J. Sigworth. 1990. Biophys. J. 57:499-514). Based on comparisons with kinetic ion transport models we concluded that this excess noise is likely caused by current interruptions lasting approximately 1 microsecond. Here we introduce a method using the higher-order cumulants of the amplitude distribution to estimate the kinetics of channel closing events far below the actual time resolution of the recording system. Using this method on data recorded with 10 kHz bandwidth, estimates for gap time constants on the order of 1 microsecond were obtained, similar to the earlier predictions.  相似文献   

Recent work on the identification and perception of fricatives has focussed on the use by listeners of spectral moments derived from the whole spectrum and there appears to be no work in the literature on the use of prominent spectral peaks. In this study, we map the response of a single listener to narrow bands of noise that "mimic" the spectral peaks of English voiceless fricatives. The stimuli are based on the critical-band rate scale (Zwicker and Fastl, 1990) which divides the audible frequency range up to 15,500 Hz into 24 abutting critical bands. The results suggest that listeners have knowledge that enables them to connect a narrow-band spectral peak with a particular fricative consonant. We demonstrate that such knowledge, particularly in conjunction with a normalization metric that takes account of an individual speaker's vocal tract characteristics (F0 of the vowel following the fricative), could be used to good effect, particularly in noisy conditions which impair the use of the whole spectrum.  相似文献   

Simultaneous recordings of an increasing number of neurons have recently become available, but few methods have been proposed to handle this activity. Here, we extract and investigate all the possible temporal neural activity patterns based on synchronized firings of neurons recorded on multiple electrodes, or based on bursts of single-electrode activity in cat primary auditory cortex. We apply this to responses to periodic click trains or sinusoïdal amplitude modulated noise by obtaining for each pattern its temporal modulation transfer function. An algorithm that maximizes the mutual information between all patterns and stimuli subsequently leads to the identification of patterns that optimally decode modulation frequency (MF). We show that stimulus information contained in multi-electrode synchronized firing is not redundant with single-electrode firings and leads to improved efficiency of MF decoding. We also show that the combined use of firing rate and temporal codes leads to a better discrimination of the MF.  相似文献   

Steady-state auditory-evoked potentials were recorded noninvasively from alert bottlenosed dolphins, Tursiops truncates, using suction cup electrodes placed on the scalp surface. Responses were elicited using continuous acoustic signals consisting of 2, 3, or 4 tones with lowest frequency at 1000 Hz or 5000 Hz, and having a maximum frequency separation of 171 Hz. Due to the interaction of the stimulus tones, the stimulus waveform was comprised of 1 to 6 dominant temporal envelope components. Evoked responses were averaged in the time domain and Fourier transformed for analysis. The spectrum of the averaged evoked potential contained peaks at Fourier components corresponding to all stimulus envelope frequencies. Thus, scalp potentials, representing the synchronized discharge of large neuronal assemblies, followed the low-frequency temporal envelope of the stimulating waveform whether comprised of 1, 3, or 6 dominant envelope components; this envelope following response (EFR) was the dependent variable in all experiments.  相似文献   

Calcium(45Ca2 +) efflux from preloaded synaptosomes was studied with a continuous perfusion technique and the rate constants of a two-phase efflux process calculated. When 16-Hz sinusoidally amplitude modulated 450-MHz microwave field (maximal incident intensity 0.5 mW/ cm2, modulation depth 75%) was applied during the second phase, the rate constant increased by 38%. Unmodulated or 60-Hz modulated signals were not effective. This microwave fieldinduced change can be distinguished from CaCl2-stimulated 45Ca2 + efflux which is most probably derived intracellularly. These data suggest that the microwave-field-induced change in calcium efflux probably did not involve intracellular calcium. Also, this change in the dynamic property of synaptosomes did not require gross anatomically intact tissue as a substrate for field tissue interaction.  相似文献   

The present study aims to identify the narrow spectral bands that are most suitable for characterizing rice biophysical parameters. The data used for this study come from ground-level hyperspectral reflectance measurements for five rice species at three levels of nitrogen fertilization during the growing period. Reflectance was measured in discrete narrow bands between 350 and 2 500 nm. Observed rice biophysical parameters included leaf area index (LAI), wet biomass and dry biomass. The stepwise regression method was applied to identify the optimal bands for rice biophysical parameter estimation. This research indicated that combinations of four narrow bands in stepwise regression models explained 69% to 83% variability for LAI, 56% to 73% for aboveground wet biomass and 70% to 83% for leaf wet biomass. An overwhelming proportion of rice information was in a particular portion of near infrared (NIR) (1 100-1 150 nm), red-edge (700-750 nm), and a longer portion of green (550-600 nm). These were followed by the moisture-sensitive NIR (950-1 000 nm), the intermediate portion of shortwave infrared (SWlR) (1 650-1 700 nm), and another portion of NIR (1 000-1 050 nm).  相似文献   

Dramatic changes in neocortical electroencephalogram (EEG) rhythms are associated with the sleep–waking cycle in mammals. Although amphibians are thought to lack a neocortical homologue, changes in rest–activity states occur in these species. In the present study, EEG signals were recorded from the surface of the cerebral hemispheres and midbrain on both sides of the brain in an anuran species, Babina daunchina, using electrodes contacting the meninges in order to measure changes in mean EEG power across behavioral states. Functionally relevant frequency bands were identified using factor analysis. The results indicate that: (1) EEG power was concentrated in four frequency bands during the awake or active state and in three frequency bands during rest; (2) EEG bands in frogs differed substantially from humans, especially in the fast frequency band; (3) bursts similar to mammalian sleep spindles, which occur in non-rapid eye movement mammalian sleep, were observed when frogs were at rest suggesting sleep spindle-like EEG activity appeared prior to the evolution of mammals.  相似文献   



Tinnitus is an auditory sensation characterized by the perception of sound or noise in the absence of any external sound source. Based on neurobiological research, it is generally accepted that most forms of tinnitus are attributable to maladaptive plasticity due to damage to auditory system. Changes have been observed in auditory structures such as the inferior colliculus, the thalamus and the auditory cortex as well as in non-auditory brain areas. However, the observed changes show great variability, hence lacking a conclusive picture. One of the reasons might be the selection of inhomogeneous groups in data analysis.


The aim of the present study was to delineate the differences between the neural networks involved in narrow band noise and pure tone tinnitus conducting LORETA based source analysis of resting state EEG.


Results demonstrated that narrow band noise tinnitus patients differ from pure tone tinnitus patients in the lateral frontopolar (BA 10), PCC and the parahippocampal area for delta, beta and gamma frequency bands, respectively. The parahippocampal-PCC current density differences might be load dependent, as noise-like tinnitus constitutes multiple frequencies in contrast to pure tone tinnitus. The lateral frontopolar differences might be related to pitch specific memory retrieval.  相似文献   

Acoustic signals consist of pressure changes over time and can thus be analyzed in the frequency- or in the time-domain. With behavioural experiments we investigated which frequency components (FC) are necessary for the recognition of the periodic envelope of the conspecific song by females of the grasshopper Chorthippus biguttulus. Further, we determined up to which frequency component phase information is required which would indicate processing in the time domain. Responses of females revealed that signals composed of FC between 10 and 50 Hz are sufficient for recognition of the song envelope. A systematic reduction in the number of FC showed that no single frequency component was required; signals without the fundamental frequency were still highly attractive and only three FC may be sufficient for song recognition. Phase changes for frequencies up to 40 Hz strongly changed the attractiveness of song signals but only little at 50 Hz. Females were also tested with rectangular signals in which pause duration was varied. Evidently, and despite the high attractiveness of song signals with a “missing fundamental”, females evaluated the attractiveness of signals in the time-domain, since the selectivity for pause duration predicted the responses to signals composed from FC well.  相似文献   

Natural auditory environment consists of multiple sound sources that are embedded in ambient strong and weak noise. For effective sound communication and signal analysis, animals must somehow extract biologically relevant signals from the inevitable interference of ambient noise. The present study examined how a weak noise may affect the amplitude sensitivity of neurons in the mouse central nucleus of the inferior colliculus (IC) which receives convergent excitatory and inhibitory inputs from both lower and higher auditory centers. Specifically, we studied the amplitude sensitivity of IC neurons using a probe (best frequency pulse) and a masker (weak noise) under simultaneous masking paradigm. For most IC neurons, weak noise masking increases the minimum threshold and decreases the number of impulses. Noise masking also increased the slope and decreased the dynamic range of the rate amplitude function of these IC neurons. The strength of this noise masking was greater at low than at high sound amplitudes. This variation in the amplitude sensitivity of IC neurons in the presence of the weak noise was mostly mediated through GABAergic inhibition. These data indicate that in the real world the ambient weak noise improves amplitude sensitivity of IC neurons through GABAergic inhibition while inevitably decreases the range of overall auditory sensitivity of IC neurons.  相似文献   

Averaged electroencephalogram (EEG) frequency spectra were studied in eight unanesthetized and unmyorelaxed adult male rats with chronically implanted carbon electrodes in symmetrical somesthetic areas when a weak (0.1–0.2 mW/cm) microwave (MW, 945 MHz) field, amplitude-modulated at extremely low frequency (ELF) (4 Hz), was applied. Intermittent (1 min “On,” 1 min “Off”) field exposure (10-min duration) was used. Hemispheric asymmetry in frequency spectra (averaged data for 10 or 1 min) of an ongoing EEG was characterized by a power decrease in the 1.5–3 Hz range on the left hemisphere and by a power decrease in the 10–14 and 20–30 Hz ranges on the right hemisphere. No differences between control and exposure experiments were shown under these routines of data averaging. Significant elevations of EEG asymmetry in 10–14 Hz range were observed during the first 20 s after four from five onsets of the MW field, when averaged spectra were obtained for every 10 s. Under neither control nor pre- and postexposure conditions was this effect observed. These results are discussed with respect to interaction of MW fields with the EEG generators. Bioelectromagnetics 18:293–298, 1997. © 1997 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Goense JB  Feng AS 《PloS one》2012,7(2):e31589
Natural auditory scenes such as frog choruses consist of multiple sound sources (i.e., individual vocalizing males) producing sounds that overlap extensively in time and spectrum, often in the presence of other biotic and abiotic background noise. Detection of a signal in such environments is challenging, but it is facilitated when the noise shares common amplitude modulations across a wide frequency range, due to a phenomenon called comodulation masking release (CMR). Here, we examined how properties of the background noise, such as its bandwidth and amplitude modulation, influence the detection threshold of a target sound (pulsed amplitude modulated tones) by single neurons in the frog auditory midbrain. We found that for both modulated and unmodulated masking noise, masking was generally stronger with increasing bandwidth, but it was weakened for the widest bandwidths. Masking was less for modulated noise than for unmodulated noise for all bandwidths. However, responses were heterogeneous, and only for a subpopulation of neurons the detection of the probe was facilitated when the bandwidth of the modulated masker was increased beyond a certain bandwidth - such neurons might contribute to CMR. We observed evidence that suggests that the dips in the noise amplitude are exploited by TS neurons, and observed strong responses to target signals occurring during such dips. However, the interactions between the probe and masker responses were nonlinear, and other mechanisms, e.g., selective suppression of the response to the noise, may also be involved in the masking release.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate whether radiofrequency (RF) electromagnetic field (EMF) exposure affects cell death processes of yeast cells. Saccharomyces cerevisiae yeast cells of the strains KFy417 (wild-type) and KFy437 (cdc48-mutant) were exposed to 900 or 872 MHz RF fields, with or without exposure to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, and incubated simultaneously with elevated temperature (+37 degrees C) to induce apoptosis in the cdc48-mutated strain. The RF exposure was carried out in a special waveguide exposure chamber where the temperature of the cell cultures can be precisely controlled. Apoptosis was analyzed using the annexin V-FITC method utilizing flow cytometry. Amplitude modulated (217 pulses per second) RF exposure significantly enhanced UV induced apoptosis in cdc48-mutated cells, but no effect was observed in cells exposed to unmodulated fields at identical time-average specfic absorption rates (SAR, 0.4 or 3.0 W/kg). The findings suggest that amplitude modulated RF fields, together with known damaging agents, can affect the cell death process in mutated yeast cells. Bioelectromagnetics 25:127-133, 2004.  相似文献   

We have recorded membrane impedance and voltage noise in the pacemaker range of potentials (-70 to -59 mV) from spheroidal aggregates of 7-d embryonic chick ventricle cells made quiescent by exposure to tetrodotoxin in medium containing 4.5 mM K+. The input capacitance is proportional to aggregate volume and therefore to total membrane area. The specific membrane capacitance is 1.24 microF/cm2. The input resistance at constant potential is inversely proportional to aggregate volume and therefore to total membrane area. The specific membrane resistance in 18 k omega . cm2 at -70 mV and increases to 81 k omega . cm2 at -59 mV. The RC time constant is 22 ms at -70 mV and increases to 146 ms at -59 mV. The aggregate transmembrane small-signal impedance can be represented by a parallel RC circuit itself in parallel with an inductive branch consisting of a resistor (rL) and an inductor (L) in series. The time constant of the inductive branch (L/rL) is 340 ms, and is only weakly dependent on potential. Correlation functions of aggregate voltage noise and the impedance data were modeled by a population of channels with simple open-close kinetics. The time constant of a channel (tau s) derived from the noise analysis is 300 ms. The low frequency limit of the pacemaker current noise (SI[0]), derived from the voltage noise and impedance, increases from 10(-20) A2/Hz . cm2 at -67 mV to 10(-19) A2/Hz . cm2 at -61 mV.  相似文献   

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