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Bufo marinus (L) has been present in the northern edge of the Darling River catchment for more than 25 years and the species currently occupies an area north of Chinchilla on the northern Darling Downs. This paper reports on preliminary findings of competition trials between larvae of B. marinus and native anurans in the Darling Downs area. Trials conducted in artificial ponds (1.4 × 1.2 × 0.2 m) indicated that Bufo reduced the growth of three native species (Limnodynastes tasmaniensis (Gunther), Limnodynastes terraereginae (Fry) and Notaden bennetti (Gunther)), and in some trials reduced the survival of two species (L. tasmaniensis and L. terraereginae). A fourth species (Limnodynastes ornatus (Grey)) showed higher growth rates with Bufo resulting from a non-significant reduction in survival in those treatments. One of two trials conducted in enclosures (1.0 × 0.5 × 0.4 m) placed in a permanent water body indicated that B. marinus had a negative effect on growth of L. tasmaniensis. A survey of 30 breeding sites in the area found that Bufo used only a small number of water bodies in one breeding season and showed little overlap of pool use with most native species. Therefore, although B. marinus may negatively affect growth and survival of native anurans under some circumstances, the potential impact of B. marinus may be minimal if there are always many breeding sites where native anurans can breed in the absence of B. marinus. A more extensive assessment of temporal and spatial overlap of water body use by B. marinus and native anurans is needed to understand the exact impact of B. marinus in this region.  相似文献   

Abstract The early life history stages of anurans in the Family Bufonidae often possess chemicals that are noxious or toxic to predators. Predators with no evolutionary history of exposure to bufomds may be particularly susceptible to these toxins. We conducted a series of laboratory experiments to investigate the toxic effects of eggs, hatchlings and tadpoles of the introduced toad, Bufo marinus (Linnaeus), on native Australian aquatic predators. There was considerable interspecific and intraspecific variation in these effects. Bufo marinus were highly toxic to some predator species, but were readily consumed by other species without apparent ill effect. Interspecific variation in toxic effects was not related to predator feeding mode or the number of B. marinus ingested by predators, and there was no clear pattern of distribution of vulnerability among species within higher taxa. Intraspecific variation in responses to toxins may result from individual variation in the resistance of predators to B. marinus toxins, or from individual variation in toxicity among B. marinus. Some native species adversely affected by B. marinus appeared unable to detect and avoid B. marinus toxins. This may result from a general inability to assess the toxicity of food items or from a lack of evolutionary exposure to B. marinus toxins.  相似文献   

Thirty-four adult cane toads Bufo marinus L. (12 males and 22 females) collected from 2 localities in Mexico (Cerro de Oro and Temascal Dams, Oaxaca) in September 2003 were examined for helminth parasites. In total, 14,749 helminths belonging to 14 taxa were collected. Included were 2 adult digeneans (Choledocystus hepaticus, Mesocoelium monas); 1 larval cestode (an unidentified pseudophyllidean); and 11 nematodes, including 3 species of larvae (Contracaecum sp., Physaloptera sp., Physocephalus sexalatus) and 8 species of adults (Aplectana itzocanensis, Cosmocerca sp., Cruzia morleyi, Ochoterenella digiticauda, Oswaldocruzia sp., Raillietnema sp., Rhabdias americanus, and Rhabdiasfuelleborni). Higher species richness was recorded in B. marinus from Cerro de Oro (12 taxa versus 9 in those from Temascal); hosts from both localities shared 7 taxa. There were 25 new locality records, and 2 taxa were registered in Mexico for the first time. To date, 112 helminth species have been recorded parasitizing B. marinus along its native and introduced range of distribution, with 40.5% of them reported from Mexico.  相似文献   

The pattern of colonization of the Moreton Bay region in southeast Queensland, Australia, by the giant toad, Bufo marinus , is described. Estimates are made of the rates of colonization in this and other regions. The mean values obtained range from 2.5 km/year in the south to 15.1 km/year in the north. The analysis suggests that colonization has been discontinuous in many areas, probably as a result of occasional, long-distance transportation of toads by humans. The variation in colonization rate is related in a predictable way to variation in environmental factors such as temperature and topography. In areas where discontinuities are least likely, colonization rates are used to estimate rates of continuous dispersal. These are combined with estimates of population density, sex ratios and offspring number variance to obtain estimates of genetic neighbourhood size. These are much greater than estimates of the effective size of B. marinus populations determined from gene frequency variances. The reasons for and implications of this discrepancy are discussed.  相似文献   

Like other amphibians native to Britain, the natterjack toad Bufo calamita must have colonized the islands during the relatively short period between the end of the last glaciation and the separation of Britain from mainland Europe by rising sea levels. Unlike the other native amphibians, however, B. calamita is a habitat specialist at the north-westerly edge of its biogeographical range and for most of the 8000–10000 years since its colonization has probably been restricted to open dunes, heathlands and upper saltmarshes, as isolated populations in a few discrete areas of the country. We have investigated the genetic diversity and relatedness of six widely separated British natterjack populations by allozyme analysis, and shown that all have very low diversity (Overall P 95%= 2.7%, H = 0.004) by comparison with other anurans, including natterjack populations in mainland Europe and common frogs ( Rana temporaria , L) in Britain. Eighty percent of loci were fixed for the same allele in all six British natterjack populations and genetic differentiation between colonies was extremely low. The possible significance of these findings to the persistence of small isolated populations at range edges is discussed.  相似文献   

The effects of corticosterone (CORT)-treatment on various tissues were examined in two species of anuran larvae, the discoglossid Bombina orientalis, and the bufonid Bufo boreas. Corticosterone was administered directly into aquarium water for 15 days. After treatment, histological analyses were conducted on skin, gut, spleen, thymus, and neural and muscle tissue. Corticosterone treatment prevented sloughing of the skin, which resulted in a build-up of stratum corneum, and inhibited the development of gland nests and the subsequent formation of dermal granular and mucous glands in both species. Corticosterone treatment also decreased epithelial folding in the gut and caused vesiculation of the gut epithelial cells. The thymus of CORT-treated animals was significantly reduced in size (P < .05) and cell density (P < .05), and the spleen of CORT-treated animals was completely involuted. The brain and pituitary of CORT-treated animals had a decreased cell density (P < .05) and many pyknotic cells. An examination of muscle revealed that muscle fibers of CORT-treated animals had a decreased cross-sectional area (P < .05). The dose of CORT used (1.1 μM) was within the range used in other studies in the literature and resulted in tissue levels within the range experienced by larvae at metamorphic climax. Thus, this study is appropriate to address the histological effects of CORT in experimental manipulations and the role of increasing CORT at metamorphic climax. The data suggest that increasing endogenous CORT at metamorphosis may be involved in degeneration of larval tissue, prior to regeneration, which is stimulated by thyroid hormones. © 1995 Wiley-Liss, Inc.  相似文献   

Of two native Australian fishes naïve to the introduced toad Bufo marinus most barramundi Lates calcarifer rapidly learned to avoid B. marinus tadpoles, while sooty grunter Hephaestus fuliginosus exhibited considerable intraspecific variation in their learning ability. Some sooty grunter learned to avoid tadpoles after only a few attacks, while other individuals continued to attack and reject tadpoles throughout the entire laboratory trials. Individuals of both species recognized and avoided tadpoles 1 day after their previous encounter. None of the fishes died during the trials. The observed variation in behavioural responses of fishes to B. marinus may be due to differences in (1) learning ability, (2) fish hunger levels, and or (3) tadpole palatability and toxicity. The results demonstrate that most barramundi and sooty grunter learn to avoid B. marinus tadpoles with minimal trauma. Consequently, it is anticipated that the toads are unlikely to have a significant negative impact on wild populations of these fishes through direct toxic effects.  相似文献   

This study deals primarily with the morphology and ultrastructure of the pronephros in the green toad Bufo viridis during prometamorphosis when the pronephros and the developing mesonephros function simultaneously. Furthermore, the mesonephros was studied during pro- and postmetamorphosis with emphasis on the distal segments of the nephron. The paired kidneys consist of two cranial pronephroi immediately behind the gill region and two more caudal elongated mesonephroi. Each pronephros consists of a single convoluted tubule which opens into the coelom via three nephrostomes. This tubule is divided into three ciliated tubules, three proximal tubule branches, a common proximal tubule and a distal tubule, which in turn continues into the nephric duct. No intermediate segment is present. The length of the pronephric tubule is 12 mm, including the three branches of the ciliated tubules and proximal tubules. Primary urine is formed upon filtration from an external glomerulus, which is a convoluted capillary lined by podocytes, a specialization of the coelomic epithelium. From the coelom the filtrate is swept into the ciliated tubules. In the collecting duct system of the developing mesonephric nephron epithelial cells with conspicuous, apical osmiophilic granules appear in larvae of 9-10 mm. Heterocellularity of mixed intercalated (mitochondria rich) cells and principal cells is observed in the collecting duct system and nephric duct from a larval body length of 14 mm. As the proliferation of mitochondria-rich cells proceeds, the osmiophilic granules disappear and are completely absent from the adult amphibian mesonephros.  相似文献   

Understanding patterns of genetic structure is fundamental for developing successful management programmes for deme‐structured organisms, such as amphibians. We used five microsatellite loci and DNA sequences of the mitochondrial control region to assess the relative influences of landscape (geographic distance, altitude and rivers as corridors for dispersal) and historical factors on patterns of gene flow in populations of the toad Bufo bufo in Central Spain. We sampled 175 individuals from eight populations distributed along two major river drainages and used maximum‐likelihood and Bayesian approaches to infer patterns of gene flow and population structure. The mitochondrial DNA data show closely‐related haplotypes distributed across the Iberian Peninsula with no geographic structuring, suggesting recent differentiation of haplotypes and extensive gene flow between populations. On the other hand, microsatellites provide finer resolution, showing that high altitude populations (> 2000 m) exchange lower numbers of migrants with other populations. The results of Bayesian estimates for recent migration rates in high altitude populations suggest source‐sink dynamics between ponds that are consistent with independent data from monitoring over the past 20 years. © 2008 The Linnean Society of London, Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, 2008, 95 , 824–839.  相似文献   

Two new Rhabdias species are described from the lungs of the cane toad Bufo marinus (L.) from Costa Rica and Nicaragua. Rhabdias alabialis n. sp. differs from other known species of the genus by the remarkable morphology of its head end, i.e., the absence of lips or pseudolabia, the slitlike oral opening, and the triangular shape of the buccal capsule in apical view. Rhabdias pseudosphaerocephala n. sp. is identified as a form previously known in Central and South America as Rhabdias sphaerocephala Goodey, 1924, a species initially described from toads in Europe. The new species is differentiated from R. sphaerocephala based on head-end morphology and sequences of nuclear rDNA.  相似文献   

Abstract Cane toads (Bufo marinus) are large toxic anurans that have spread through much of tropical Australia since their introduction in 1935. Our surveys of the location of the toad invasion front in 2001 to 2005, and radiotracking of toads at the front near Darwin in 2005, reveal much faster westwards expansion than was recorded in earlier stages of toad invasion through Queensland. Since reaching the wet‐dry tropics of the Northern Territory, the toads have progressed an average of approximately 55 km year−1 (mean rate of advance 264 m night−1 along a frequently monitored 55‐km road transect during the wet season of 2004–2005). Radiotracking suggests that this displacement is due to rapid locomotion by free‐ranging toads rather than human‐assisted dispersal; individual toads frequently moved >200 m in a single night. One radiotracked toad moved >21 800 m in a 30‐day period; the fastest rate of movement yet recorded for any anuran. Daily displacements of radiotracked toads varied with time and local weather conditions, and were highest early in the wet season on warm, wet and windy nights. The accelerated rate of expansion of the front may reflect either, or both: (i) evolved changes in toads or (ii) that toads have now entered an environment more favourable to spread. This accelerated rate of expansion means that toads will reach the Western Australian border and their maximal range in northern Australia sooner than previously predicted.  相似文献   

Leptospires were isolated from the kidneys of four of 211 toads (Bufo marinus) caught on Barbados. Two of the isolates were identified as Leptospira interrogans serovar bim in the Autumnalis serogroup (the most common cause of leptospiral illness on Barbados), and two as possibly new serovars in the Australis serogroup. Sera from 198 of the toads were examined by the leptospire microscopic agglutination test. Forty-two (21%) were positive at titers of greater than or equal to 1:100, and 54 (27%) at greater than or equal to 1:50. The predominating serogroups were Australis (50%), Autumnalis (23%) and Panama (13%). The agglutination tests on the culture-positive toads showed that serologic studies alone may be of limited value in these animals. Bufo marinus can harbor pathogenic leptospires, and it may be a significant source of the Autumnalis serogroup infections in the Caribbean.  相似文献   

Summary Microbodies (peroxisomes), a group of cytoplasmic organelles enriched in catalase, are demonstrated in the toad, Bufo marinus, by light and electron microscopy by means of a cytochemical staining procedure that demonstrates the peroxidatic activity of catalase with diaminobenzidine (DAB). Amphibian microbodies are similar to those of other classes in their fine structure and localization in hepatocytes and kidney, where they are prominent in the proximal tubular cells. Nucleoids are present only in renal microbodies. In the proximal renal tubule an unusual group of large brown granules are identified as lysosomes by their acid phosphatase, -glucosaminidase and -glucuronidase activities.This work was supported by U.S. Public Health Service Grants Nos. NS-06856 and HD 00674. We wish to thank Dr. Richard M. Hays who generously supplied us with toads; Dr. Alex B. Novikoff for making available facilities for ultramicrotomy, Miss Betty De Prest for technical assistance; Miss Marianne Van Hooren for preparation of the photomicrographs.  相似文献   

The renal vasculature of the toad, Bufo marinus, was studied mainly by means of scanning electron microscopy of vascular corrosion casts. All arterial branches terminated in a glomerulus. Each glomerulus was supplied by only one afferent arteriole. No shunts between afferent and efferent arterioles were observed. The glomerular channels appeared to be permanent capillaries. No evidence supporting the theory of freely shifting glomerular blood channels was found. Efferent arterioles radiated out towards the dorsal surface of the kidney where they connected with peritubular vessels. The renal portal veins produced an anastomosing plexus on the dorsal surface of the kidney, giving rise to the peritubular vessels. Peritubular vessels ran radially toward the ventral surface of the kidney, where they formed the roots of the renal veins. Attention is drawn to the possibility of hairpin countercurrent exchange between the capillary-like efferent arterioles and the peritubular vessels in the dorsal kidney.  相似文献   

The challenges posed by parasites and pathogens evoke behavioral as well as physiological responses. Such behavioral responses are poorly understood for most ectothermic species, including anuran amphibians. We quantified effects of simulated infection (via injection of bacterial lipopolysaccharide [LPS]) on feeding, activity, and thermoregulation of cane toads Bufo marinus within their invasive range in tropical Australia. LPS injection reduced feeding rates in laboratory trials. For toads in outdoor enclosures, LPS injection reduced activity and shifted body temperature profiles. Although previous research has attributed such thermal shifts to behavioral fever (elevated body temperatures may help fight infection), our laboratory studies suggest instead that LPS-injected toads stopped moving. In a thermal gradient, LPS-injected toads thus stayed close to whichever end of the gradient (hot or cold) they were first introduced; the introduction site (rather than behavioral thermoregulation) thus determined body temperature regimes. Shifts in thermal profiles of LPS-injected toads in outdoor enclosures also were a secondary consequence of inactivity. Thus, the primary behavioral effects of an immune response in cane toads are reduced rates of activity and feeding. Thermoregulatory modifications also occur but only as a secondary consequence of inactivity.  相似文献   

Summary We designed a series of field experiments to investigate the importance of interactions between biotic and abiotic factors on the survival and development of larval cohorts of Bufo terrestris. Five blocks in a large pond represented environments of varying physical harshness. In the more severe blocks, increased density inhibited growth rates, yet in the more benign blocks, increased density enhanced growth rate. Although different blocks produced very different levels of survival to metamorphosis and size at metamorphosis, there were no interactions with density. Increased density produced lengthened development times in the harsher blocks, but had no effect in the less stressful blocks. Hatchlings that were in the lowest of 3 initial size classes never caught up with their larger contemporaries and survived poorly. Hatchlings in the middle and largest size classes performed equivalently in all parameters of growth and development, but hatchlings from the middle size class were less likely to survive than their larger contemporaries. The effects of initial size did not interact with block. The inhibitory patterns displayed by density in conjunction with varying physical environments are similar to those found in comparable experiments with plants.  相似文献   

I analyzed temporal variation in hybridization between the southwestern toad (Bufo microscaphus) and Woodhouse's toad (Bufo woodhousii) along the Virgin River in southwestern Utah and northwestern Arizona. Bufo woodhousii is largely restricted to the floodplain of the Virgin River from southern Nevada to the vicinity of St. George, Utah. By contrast, B. microscaphus is confined primarily to the tributaries of the Virgin River, only occupying the Virgin River proper exclusive of B. woodhousii along its upper reaches east of La Verkin Creek. As in all other zones of sympatry for these bufonids, behavior and morphology provide clear evidence of hybridization at a number of sites along the Virgin River. Analysis of morphology and behavior indicates that the distribution of these taxa and their hybrids is largely unchanged relative to that documented forty years ago by Blair (1955). Comparisons of morphological hybrid index scores reveal slight shifts in relative numbers of parental taxa at only one site. Hybridization between these anurans has been relatively stable geographically, and may be related to the nature of the riparian habitat available for breeding.  相似文献   

During a survey of the helminth parasites of the introduced toad, Bufo marinus, on O'ahu, Hawaii, an acanthocephalan corresponding to Acanthocephalus bufonis (Shipley, 1903) was found in the intestinal tract. This is a new host and locality record for A. bufonis which has only previously been recorded from amphibians in the Orient. Possible mechanisms for the introduction of A. bufonis to Hawaii, and its transmission to the toad, are discussed. Almost 98% of toads were infected with a mean intensity of 28.6 acanthocephalans per infected toad. There was a significant negative correlation between host length and intensity of infection with subadult toads having significantly higher infection levels than adult male and female toads. Trunk length of both male and female acanthocephalans was significantly related to host length.  相似文献   

The marine toad, Bufo marinus, was introduced to Australia from Hawaii in 1935. From 1935 to 1974, the toad population expanded exponentially to occupy 584,000 km2, and now has a continuous distribution from Cape York to Tweed River on the eastern coast of the continent. Genetic analysis of the population indicates a difference in allele frequency at the sorbitol dehydrogenase locus. There are two alleles segregating at the locus (NAD-Sdha and NAD-Sdhb). The NAD-Sdhaa homozygote is common in the two southern populations, but uncommon in northern populations. The north-south difference has been established in less than 25 generations.  相似文献   

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