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Studies on elevation diversity gradients have covered a large number of taxa and regions throughout the world; however, studies of freshwater fish are scarce and restricted to examining their changes along a specific gradient. These studies have reported a monotonic decrease in species richness with increasing elevation, but ignore the high taxonomic differentiation of each headwater assemblage that may generate high β‐diversity among them. Here, we analyzed how fish assemblages vary with elevation among regional elevation bands, and how these changes are related to four environmental clines and to changes in the distribution, habitat use, and the morphology of fish species. Using a standardized field sampling technique, we assessed three different diversity and two structural assemblage measures across six regional elevation bands located in the northern Andes (Colombia). Each species was assigned to a functional group based on its body shape, habitat use, morphological, and/or behavioral adaptations. Additionally, at each sampling site, we measured four environmental variables. Our analyses showed: (1) After a monotonic decrease in species richness, we detected an increase in richness in the upper part of the gradient; (2) diversity patterns vary depending on the diversity measure used; (3) diversity patterns can be attributed to changes in species distribution and in the richness and proportions of functional groups along the regional elevation gradient; and (4) diversity patterns and changes in functional groups are highly correlated with variations in environmental variables, which also vary with elevation. These results suggest a novel pattern of variation in species richness with elevation: Species richness increases at the headwaters of the northern Andes owing to the cumulative number of endemic species there. This highlights the need for large‐scale studies and has important implications for the aquatic conservation of the region.  相似文献   

Aim To investigate the potential impacts of climate change on stream fish assemblages in terms of species and biological trait diversity, composition and similarity. Location One‐thousand one‐hundred and ten stream sections in France. Methods We predicted the future potential distribution of 35 common stream fish species facing changes in temperature and precipitation regime. Seven different species distribution models were applied and a consensus forecast was produced to limit uncertainty between single‐models. The potential impacts of climate change on fish assemblages were assessed using both species and biological trait approaches. We then addressed the spatial distribution of potential impacts along the upstream–downstream gradient. Results Overall, climate change was predicted to result in an increase in species and trait diversity. Species and trait composition of the fish assemblages were also projected to be highly modified. Changes in assemblages’ diversity and composition differed strongly along the upstream–downstream gradient, with upstream and midstream assemblages more modified than downstream assemblages. We also predicted a global increase in species and trait similarity between pairwise assemblages indicating a future species and trait homogenization of fish assemblages. Nevertheless, we found that upstream assemblages would differentiate, whereas midstream and downstream assemblages would homogenize. Our results suggested that colonization could be the main driver of the predicted homogenization, while local extinctions could result in assemblage differentiation. Main conclusions This study demonstrated that climate change could lead to contrasted impacts on fish assemblage structure and diversity depending on the position along the upstream–downstream gradient. These results could have important implications in terms of ecosystem monitoring as they could be useful in establishing areas that would need conservation prioritization.  相似文献   

Summary Soil temperature, moisture, and CO2 were monitored at four sites along an elevation transect in the eastern Mojave Desert from January to October, 1987. Climate appeared to be the major factor controlling CO2 partial pressures, primarily through its influence of rates of biological reactions, vegetation densities, and organic matter production. With increasing elevation, and increasing actual evapotranspiration, the organic C, plant density, and the CO2 content of the soils increased. Between January and May, soil CO2 concentrations at a given site were closely related to variations in soil temperature. In July and October, temperatures had little effect on CO2, presumably due to low soil moisture levels. Up to 75% of litter placed in the field in March was lost by October whereas, for the 3 lower elevations, less than 10% of the litter placed in the field in April was lost through decomposition processes.  相似文献   

岷江上游干旱河谷海拔梯度上白刺花叶片生态解剖特征研究   总被引:19,自引:4,他引:19  
对岷江上游干旱河谷海拔梯度上(1 650~1 950 m)白刺花(Sophora davidii)叶片进行生态解剖学研究.观测指标包括叶片形态特征(叶长宽比、叶面积、叶片厚度)、解剖结构(表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度(P)、海绵组织厚度(S)、P/S比值、表皮角质膜厚度)及叶表皮特征(气孔器密度和面积、表皮细胞密度和面积、表皮毛密度和长度).结果表明,白刺花叶片面积为0.144~0.208 cm2,叶总厚度为171.58~195.83 μm;叶肉组织分化明显,栅栏组织厚度与海绵组织厚度分别为69.83~82.42和62.00~ 80.67 μm,P/S的比值为1.14~1.01,上下表皮厚度分别为14.03~15.33和13.88~16.17 μm,上下角质膜厚度分别为2.66~4.56和2.76~2.02 μm;气孔密度为13.71~15.02个·mm-2,其面积为249.86~280.43 μm2;表皮细胞密度为160.54~178.43个·mm-2,其面积为557.43~626.85 μm2;表皮毛长度为186.51~260.99 μm,其密度为18.29~32.27个·mm-2.随海拔升高叶面积、叶厚度、栅栏组织和海绵组织的厚度、气孔器面积、表皮细胞面积以及表皮毛密度呈增加趋势,而角质膜厚度、表皮细胞密度和表皮毛长度则呈减小趋势;叶长宽比、P/S的比值、表皮厚度与气孔器密度无明显差异.  相似文献   

Altitudinal changes in the diversity of plants and animals have been well documented; however, soil animals received little attention in this context and it is unclear whether their diversity follows general altitudinal distribution patterns. Changbai Mountain is one of few well‐conserved mountain regions comprising natural ecosystems on the Eurasian continent. Here, we present a comprehensive analysis of the diversity and community composition of Collembola along ten altitudinal sites representing five vegetation types from forest to alpine tundra. Among 7834 Collembola individuals, 84 morphospecies were identified. Species richness varied marginally significant with altitude and generally followed a unimodal relationship with altitude. By contrast, the density of Collembola did not change in a consistent way with altitude. Collembola communities changed gradually with altitude, with local habitat‐related factors (soil and litter carbon‐to‐nitrogen ratio, litter carbon content, and soil pH) and climatic variables (precipitation seasonality) identified as major drivers of changes in Collembola community composition. Notably, local habitat‐related factors explained more variation in Collembola assemblages than climatic variables. The results suggest that local habitat‐related factors including precipitation and temperature are the main drivers of changes in Collembola communities with altitude. Specifically, soil and litter carbon‐to‐nitrogen ratio correlated positively with Collembola communities at high altitudes, whereas soil pH correlated positively at low altitudes. This documents that altitudinal gradients provide unique opportunities for identifying factors driving the community composition of not only above‐ but also belowground invertebrates.  相似文献   

Little is known about the potential effect of climate warming on phyllosphere fungi, despite their important impact on the dynamics and diversity of plant communities. The structure of phyllosphere fungal assemblages along elevation gradients may provide information about this potential effect, because elevation gradients correspond to temperature gradients over short geographic distances. We thus investigated variations in the composition of fungal assemblages inhabiting the phyllosphere of European beech (Fagus sylvatica) at four sites over a gradient of 1000?m of elevation in the French Pyrénées Mountains, by using tag-encoded 454 pyrosequencing. Our results show that the composition of fungal assemblages varied significantly between elevation sites, in terms of both the relative abundance and the presence-absence of species, and that the variations in assemblage composition were well correlated with variations in the average temperatures. Our results therefore suggest that climate warming might alter both the incidence and the abundance of phyllosphere fungal species, including potential pathogens. For example, Mycosphaerella punctiformis, a causal agent of leaf spots, showed decreasing abundance with elevation and might therefore shift to higher elevations in response to warming.  相似文献   



The potential for reduced pollination ecosystem service due to global declines of bees and other pollinators is cause for considerable concern. Habitat degradation, destruction and fragmentation due to agricultural intensification have historically been the main causes of this pollinator decline. However, despite increasing and accelerating levels of global urbanization, very little research has investigated the effects of urbanization on pollinator assemblages. We assessed changes in the diversity, abundance and species composition of bee and hoverfly pollinator assemblages in urban, suburban, and rural sites across a UK city.

Methodology/Principal Findings

Bees and hoverflies were trapped and netted at 24 sites of similar habitat character (churchyards and cemeteries) that varied in position along a gradient of urbanization. Local habitat quality (altitude, shelter from wind, diversity and abundance of flowers), and the broader-scale degree of urbanization (e.g. percentage of built landscape and gardens within 100 m, 250 m, 500 m, 1 km, and 2.5 km of the site) were assessed for each study site. The diversity and abundance of pollinators were both significantly negatively associated with higher levels of urbanization. Assemblage composition changed along the urbanization gradient with some species positively associated with urban and suburban land-use, but more species negatively so. Pollinator assemblages were positively affected by good site habitat quality, in particular the availability of flowering plants.


Our results show that urban areas can support diverse pollinator assemblages, but that this capacity is strongly affected by local habitat quality. Nonetheless, in both urban and suburban areas of the city the assemblages had fewer individuals and lower diversity than similar rural habitats. The unique development histories of different urban areas, and the difficulty of assessing mobile pollinator assemblages in just part of their range, mean that complementary studies in different cities and urban habitats are required to discover if these findings are more widely applicable.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to explore the environmental drivers of the aquatic macrophyte assemblage in a large, heterogeneous Spanish region covering a wide altitudinal range. We hypothesized that physicochemical variables affecting assemblages would differ depending on altitude. The study was conducted in 46 plateau ponds and 21 mountain ponds. Our results revealed a shift in hydrophyte assemblage composition and structure along an altitude and water chemistry gradient. However, altitude was not a good predictor of species richness. Conductivity and nutrient concentrations were higher in plateau ponds than in mountain ponds and binary logistic regression showed that conductivity was the best variable for differentiating between both pond types. Canonical correspondence analysis indicated that conductivity was the main factor responsible for the species distribution in both pond types. Generalized linear models showed that in plateau ponds, total phosphorus and mean depth were the strongest predictors of submerged macrophyte coverage, and no model could be created for richness. In the mountain ponds, conductivity and pond area explained coverage of submerged plants, while richness was related to pond area. Our results corroborated the hypothesis to be tested, and the conclusions obtained may be of relevance for making decisions on conservation and restoration.  相似文献   

The distribution and the diet of 28 fish species were evaluated, during the dry season, in 12 streams of the Upper Beni watershed (Amazon basin, Bolivia). The 12 streams were of similar size (stream width and water depth) but situated on a gradient of altitude in the Andean and sub‐Andean areas. The environmental conditions in the stream changed in relation to the altitude. As altitude decreased, slope and water velocity also decreased, while temperature, conductivity, pH and the proportion of pools increased. Although the diets of the species were mainly based on two aquatic autochthonous food resources, invertebrates and sediment, species were classified into five trophic guilds: detritivores, algivores, piscivores, invertivores‐omnivores and aquatic specialist invertivores. In all streams invertivores dominated or co‐dominated with detritivores. The trophic structure of the assemblages, however, changed in relation to the environmental gradient. The fish species richness increased and the trophic composition became more diverse at lower altitudes, when slope decreased and temperature increased. At the same time, the relative number of invertivore species decreased, whereas the relative number of detritivore, algivore and piscivore species increased. Decreasing altitude appeared to play a role similar to increasing stream size along the longitudinal gradient. This could be explained by geomorphological and temperature variations that may generate environmental conditions favourable to an increase of productivity.  相似文献   

  1. Deciphering patterns in species distributions and species interactions along ecological gradients are fundamental topics in ecology. Theory holds that species diversity is greater and interactions are stronger under warmer and more stable environments, such as low elevations and latitudes. However, recent findings have shown conflicting evidence, potentially due to seasonal effects.
  2. We aimed to address this gap by studying seasonal changes in arthropod communities over an elevation gradient in the Swiss Alps, as well as herbivore-predator interactions and their resulting consequences on plant herbivory levels.
  3. Overall, we found hump-shaped patterns in arthropod abundance, richness and diversity with increasing elevation, with all factors peaking below the tree line. However, these patterns varied seasonally, with strong mid-elevation peaks at the beginning of the summer, shifting to a pattern of linear decrease at the beginning of the fall. In searching for mechanisms explaining these changes, we found that shifts in arthropod communities over elevation and seasons usually followed shifts in vegetation productivity estimates. Other factors, such as top-down control by natural enemies, which was generally stronger at low elevations, and plant species-specific resistance rates along elevation gradients were also implicated as drivers of diversity and herbivory rates.
  4. These results highlight the complexity of arthropod communities' responses to environmental gradients, which vary during the season in response to relative changes in both bottom-up and top-down forces.



We investigated changes in dung beetle β‐diversity components along a subtropical elevational gradient, to test whether turnover or nestedness‐related processes drive the dissimilarity of assemblages at spatial and temporal scales.


An elevational gradient (200–1,600 m a.s.l.) of the Atlantic Forest in southern Brazil.


We investigated the extent to which β‐diversity varied along the elevational gradient (six elevations) at both spatial (among sites at different elevations) and temporal (different months at the same site) scales. We compared both the turnover and nestedness‐related dissimilarity of species and genera using multiple‐site or multiple‐month measures and tested whether these measurements were different from random expectations.


A mid‐elevation peak in species richness along the elevational gradient was observed, and the lowest richness occurred at the highest elevations. We found two different groups of species, lowland and highland species, with a mixing of groups at intermediate elevations. The turnover component of β‐diversity was significantly higher for both spatial (i.e. elevational) and temporal changes in species composition. However, when the data for genera by site were considered, the elevational turnover value decreased in relative importance. Nestedness‐related processes are more important for temporal dissimilarity patterns at higher elevation sites.

Main conclusions

Spatial and temporal turnover of dung beetle species is the most important component of β‐diversity along the elevational gradient. High‐elevation assemblages are not subsets of assemblages that inhabit lower elevations, but this relationship ceases when β‐diversity is measured at the generic level. Environmental changes across elevations may be the cause of the differential establishment of distinctive species, but these species typically belong to the same higher taxonomic rank. Conservation strategies should consider elevational gradients in case‐specific scenarios as they may contain distinct species assemblages in lowlands vs. highlands.

Distribution of biodiversity along the elevation gradient have been a subject of curiosity and a much argued topic in macroecology. Despite considerable attention, there is a lack of consensus on the pattern and the causal factors across regions and taxa. We studied amphibian distribution along the elevational gradient in Sikkim, Eastern Himalaya, part of a globally significant biodiversity hotspot. We conducted intensive field studies covering 300–4600 m elevation using Visual Encounter Survey and Night Stream Survey methods. We examined the effects of both spatial factors (area and mid-domain effect) and environmental variables (temperature, precipitation, moisture, potential evapotranspiration and actual evapotranspiration) on the distribution of amphibians along the elevational gradient. We recorded 25 species and 1368 individuals of amphibians after 1236 man-hours of visual encounter survey and 27 km night stream survey. Species richness of total amphibians and their sub groups (endemic, non-endemic, large-range and small-range) followed unimodal pattern showing a peak at middle elevation but with slight shift towards higher elevation for endemic species. Various environmental variables, especially actual evapotranspiration and mean annual precipitation, explained the elevational distribution trend of amphibians in the Eastern Himalaya. Spatial factors played no significant role in shaping the pattern of amphibian distribution (except endemics and large-range species showing fit to mid-domain effect). Local communities of the study area extract amphibians for food and medicine, especially from the diverse mid elevation zone, which should be closely monitored and curbed by the wildlife authorities.  相似文献   

Geographic variation in the diversity, abundance or composition of plant and frugivore assemblages may have consequences for seed dispersal processes. Such variations may be related to climatic conditions as well as habitat characteristics such as fruit availability and forest complexity. Studying frugivore assemblages and seed dispersal processes along an elevational gradient can help to elucidate the interplay between the extent of dispersal services provided by frugivores and the geographic variability of the food resources. We studied frugivore assemblages on and fruit removal from 28 rowan trees (Sorbus aucuparia) along an elevational gradient in the Bavarian Forest, Germany. Both, the number of frugivore species and the number of frugivore individuals were significantly enhanced by high fruit availability. In both cases we found a slight interaction between elevation and fruit availability indicating a higher attractiveness of fruits for frugivores at lower than at higher elevations. A high number of frugivore individuals in turn significantly increased fruit removal from rowan trees. Here, we found a significant interaction between elevation and the number of frugivore individuals suggesting that the number of frugivores is of major importance for fruit removal particularly at lower elevations. Path analysis corroborated that the number of frugivore individuals indirectly mediated the effect of fruit availability on fruit removal. These findings suggest that fruit removal is rather influenced by changes in habitat characteristics than in climatic conditions across space.  相似文献   

Tibet is one of the most threatened regions by climate warming, thus understanding how its microbial communities function may be of high importance for predicting microbial responses to climate changes. Here, we report a study to profile soil microbial structural genes, which infers functional roles of microbial communities, along four sites/elevations of a Tibetan mountainous grassland, aiming to explore the potential microbial responses to climate changes via a strategy of space-for-time substitution. Using a microarray-based metagenomics tool named GeoChip 4.0, we showed that microbial communities were distinct for most but not all of the sites. Substantial variations were apparent in stress, N and C-cycling genes, but they were in line with the functional roles of these genes. Cold shock genes were more abundant at higher elevations. Also, gdh converting ammonium into urea was more abundant at higher elevations, whereas ureC converting urea into ammonium was less abundant, which was consistent with soil ammonium contents. Significant correlations were observed between N-cycling genes (ureC, gdh and amoA) and nitrous oxide flux, suggesting that they contributed to community metabolism. Lastly, we found by Canonical correspondence analysis, Mantel tests and the similarity tests that soil pH, temperature, NH4+–N and vegetation diversity accounted for the majority (81.4%) of microbial community variations, suggesting that these four attributes were major factors affecting soil microbial communities. On the basis of these observations, we predict that climate changes in the Tibetan grasslands are very likely to change soil microbial community functional structure, with particular impacts on microbial N-cycling genes and consequently microbe-mediated soil N dynamics.  相似文献   

It has been predicted that environmental changes will radically alter the selective pressures on phenological traits. Long‐lived species, such as trees, will be particularly affected, as they may need to undergo major adaptive change over only one or a few generations. The traits describing the annual life cycle of trees are generally highly evolvable, but nothing is known about the strength of their genetic correlations. Tight correlations can impose strong evolutionary constraints, potentially hampering the adaptation of multivariate phenological phenotypes. In this study, we investigated the evolutionary, genetic and environmental components of the timing of leaf unfolding and senescence within an oak metapopulation along an elevation gradient. Population divergence, estimated from in situ and common‐garden data, was compared to expectations under neutral evolution, based on microsatellite markers. This approach made it possible (1) to evaluate the influence of genetic correlation on multivariate local adaptation to elevation and (2) to identify traits probably exposed to past selective pressures due to the colder climate at high elevation. The genetic correlation was positive but very weak, indicating that genetic constraints did not shape the local adaptation pattern for leaf phenology. Both spring and fall (leaf unfolding and senescence, respectively) phenology timings were involved in local adaptation, but leaf unfolding was probably the trait most exposed to climate change‐induced selection. Our data indicated that genetic variation makes a much smaller contribution to adaptation than the considerable plastic variation displayed by a tree during its lifetime. The evolutionary potential of leaf phenology is, therefore, probably not the most critical aspect for short‐term population survival in a changing climate.  相似文献   

Fungi play important roles in ecosystem processes, and the elevational pattern of fungal diversity is still unclear. Here, we examined the diversity of fungi along a 1,000 m elevation gradient on Mount Nadu, Southwestern China. We used MiSeq sequencing to obtain fungal sequences that were clustered into operational taxonomic units(OTUs) and to measure the fungal composition and diversity. Though the species richness and phylogenetic diversity of the fungal community did not exhibit significant trends with increasing altitude, they were significantly lower at mid-altitudinal sites than at the base. The Bray-Curtis distance clustering also showed that the fungal communities varied significantly with altitude. A distance-based linear model multivariate analysis(DistLM) identified that soil pH dominated the explanatory power of the species richness(23.72%),phylogenetic diversity(24.25%) and beta diversity(28.10%) of the fungal community. Moreover, the species richness and phylogenetic diversity of the fungal community increased linearly with increasing soil pH(P0.05). Our study provides evidence that pH is an important predictor of soil fungal diversity along elevation gradients in Southwestern China.  相似文献   

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