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Mutant ts21-66 of the tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) differs from the wild-type TMV-U1 by two mutations (Ile21 Thr and Asp66 Gly) in the coat protein (CP) gene and in symptoms produced in infected N" plants. The CP structure in TMV-U1 and ts21-66 virions was probed by tritium planigraphy. Compared with the wild-type CP, labeling of the N-terminal region of mutant CP was half as high and suggested its greater shielding. The role of this CP region in virus interactions with the N" resistance system is discussed.  相似文献   

Plants cope with pathogens with distinct mechanisms. One example is a gene-for-gene system, in which plants recognize the pathogen molecule by specified protein(s), this being called the R factor. However, mechanisms of interaction between proteins from the host and the pathogen are not completely understood. Here, we analyzed the mode of interaction between the N factor, a tobacco R factor, and the helicase domain (p50) of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). To this end, domain dissected proteins were prepared and subjected to Agroinfiltration into intact leaves, followed by yeast two hybrid and pull-down assays. The results pointed to three novel features. First, the N factor was found to directly bind to the p50 of TMV, second, ATP was pre-requisite for this interaction, with formation of an ATP/N factor complex, and third, the N factor was shown to possess ATPase activity, which is enhanced by the p50. Moreover, we found that intra- and/or inter-molecular interactions take place in the N factor molecule. This interaction required ATP, and was disrupted by the p50. Based on these results, we propose a following model for the TMV recognition mechanism in tobacco plants. The N factor forms a complex with ATP, to which the helicase domain interacts, and enhances ATP hydrolysis. The resulting ADP/N factor complex then changes its conformation, thereby facilitating further interaction with the down-stream signaling factor(s). This model is consistent with the idea of ‘protein machine’.  相似文献   

Changes in photosynthetic activities were studied with tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.) leaves and chloroplasts infected by cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) at the top, middle and bottom located leaves. Net photosynthetic rate was reduced at all three positioned leaves, with the maximum reduction occurring at the top leaves (31.9% of control). The infected chloroplasts showed a reduction in electron transport rates of the whole chain electron transport, photosystem Ⅱ (PSⅡ) and photosystem Ⅰ (PSⅠ). Since the decline in the whole chain electron transport (15.6% of control, H2O→MV) closely paralleled the decline in PSⅡ activity (20.9% of control, H2O→PBQ), the inhibition of the latter was probably responsible for the overall decrease. Chlorophyll a fluorescence measurements showed a variable reduced fluorescence yield (Fv/Fo) which indicated that PSⅡ was impaired and the CO2 assimilation was disturbed by CMV infection. Fluorescence emission spectra at 77 K indicated that energy distribution between PSⅡ and PSⅠ was affected. F686/F734 of infected leaves and chloroplasts increased and the greatest increase (331.1% of control ) was found in the top leaves. These data may conclude that the infection inhibited mainly the PSⅡ activity.  相似文献   

During efforts for cloning disease resistance-responsive genes, a cDNA encoding a putative Nicotiana glutinosa glycine-rich RNA binding protein (ngRBP) was isolated from TMV induced cDNA library. Northern blot hybridization revealed that ngRBP gene is negatively regulated during early hours of TMV induced acute hypersensitive response (HR). Under greenhouse conditions induced expression of ngRBP gene was observed after 24 h following TMV infection. Salicylic acid and copper also induced ngRBP mRNA expression. Our findings are suggestive of some possible role for ngRBP in plant-pathogen interaction.  相似文献   

CMV(Y/GM2)tr is a variant of Cucumber mosaic virus strain Y [CMV(Y)] which infects Nicotiana species, including N. glutinosa, to induce necrotic local lesions (NLLs) in inoculated leaves, although all other CMV strains including CMV(Y) systemically infect Nicotiana species. To investigate the morphological features of this unique host response in N. glutinosa leaves infected with CMV(Y/GM2)tr, the ultrastructure of cells surrounding completely collapsed NLLs in virus‐inoculated N. glutinosa leaves was compared with that of normal cells of mock‐inoculated N. glutinosa leaves. The changes, which have been reported in other several virus–host plant systems showing the hypersensitive response (HR), were frequently observed in cells surrounding the NLLs. Furthermore, clumping of the nuclear matrix within the nuclei, which is a feature of programmed cell death, also occurred in these cells. These results indicated that the HR‐like host response occurred at the fine structural level in the cells of N. glutinosa plants infected with CMV(Y/GM2)tr.  相似文献   

黄瓜花叶病毒及抗病转基因烟草研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄瓜花叶病毒(Cucumber mosaic virus,CMV)是世界上分布最广的植物病毒之一,其株系繁多,给烟草生产造成很大的损失。近些年来,各国学者对CMV开展了大量研究。该文主要介绍了黄瓜花叶病毒的基因组结构、亚组以及抗CMV的烟草基因工程的研究进展。  相似文献   

The short-term polyamine response to inoculation, with tobacco mosaic virus (TMV), of TMV-inoculated NN (hypersensitive) and nn (susceptible) plants of Nicotiana tabacum (L.) cv. Samsun was investigated. Free and conjugated polyamine concentrations, putrescine biosynthesis, evaluated through arginine decarboxylase (ADC) and ornithine decarboxylase (ODC) activities, and putrescine oxidation, via diamine oxidase (DAO) activity, were analysed during the first 24 h from inoculation. Results were compared with those of mock-inoculated control plants. In NN TMV-inoculated plants undergoing the hypersensitive response (HR), free putrescine and spermidine concentrations had increased after 5 h compared with controls; polyamine conjugates also tended to increase compared with controls. In both virus- and mock-inoculated plants, ADC and ODC activities generally increased whereas DAO activity, which was present in controls, was detectable only in traces in inoculated tissues.
In TMV-infected susceptible plants, free putrescine and spermidine concentrations were lower at 5 h relative to controls, as were polyamine conjugates. No differences were revealed in ADC and ODC activities whereas DAO activity was not detectable. These results further support the hypothesis that polyamines are involved in the response of tobacco to TMV and that, only a few hours after inoculation, the response of hypersensitive plants is distinct from that of susceptible ones.  相似文献   

Biomolecules are increasingly attractive templates for the synthesis of functional nanomaterials. Chief among them is the plant tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) due to its high aspect ratio, narrow size distribution, diverse biochemical functionalities presented on the surface, and compatibility with a number of chemical conjugations. These properties are also easily manipulated by genetic modification to enable the synthesis of a range of metallic and non-metallic nanomaterials for diverse applications. This article reviews the characteristics of TMV and related viruses, and their virus-like particle (VLP) derivatives, and how these may be manipulated to extend their use and function. A focus of recent efforts has been on greater understanding and control of the self-assembly processes that drive biotemplate formation. How these features have been exploited in engineering applications such as, sensing, catalysis, and energy storage are briefly outlined. While control of VLP surface features is well-established, fewer tools exist to control VLP self-assembly, which limits efforts to control template uniformity and synthesis of certain templated nanomaterials. However, emerging advances in synthetic biology, machine learning, and other fields promise to accelerate efforts to control template uniformity and nanomaterial synthesis enabling more widescale industrial use of VLP-based biotemplates.  相似文献   

烟草花叶病毒(Tobaccomosaicvirus,TMV)为Tobamovirus代表成员,以此病毒介导的外源蛋白在植物中表达,经过了十几年的研究和不断完善,已被证实为一种有效的表达外源蛋白的途径.这项技术已经在医用活性多肽以及疫苗的研制、功能基因的鉴定、植物体内生物合成途径的研究等方面发挥越来越重要的作用.重点阐述了TMV基因组RNA的结构和分子生物学特征,并着重对重组载体的构建及其利用加以了论述.  相似文献   

H. Sato    S. Hase    M. Sugiyama    A. Karasawa    T. Suzuki    H. Takahashi  Y. Ehara 《Journal of Phytopathology》2000,148(1):47-51
The CMV(YW) isolate of cucumber mosaic virus (CMV) induced unique line‐pattern mosaic symptoms in systemically infected leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Ky57). By northern hybridization analysis using cDNA to CMV(Y) satellite RNA as a probe, it was confirmed that CMV(YW) contained a satellite RNA. which was designated sat‐YW RNA; this was 388 nucleotides in length and did not have either a conserved domain that induces necrosis in tomato or chlorosis in tobacco. CMV(YW) free of sat‐YW RNA. which was isolated by the single lesion isolation method using Chenopodium amaranticolor, did not induce the unique line‐pattern mosaic symptom. Furthermore, the sat‐YW RNA‐mediated line‐pattern mosaic symptom was also induced by in vitro transcribed infectious sat‐YW RNA in tobaccos infected with either CMV(YW) or CMV(Y) genomic RNA. These results clearly demonstrated that sat‐YW RNA induces the unique line‐pattern mosaic symptom on CMV‐infected tobaccos.  相似文献   

对野生型烟草花叶病毒(TMV-U1)的外壳蛋白羧端序列进行系列缺失突变,观察到TMV-U1株系的外壳蛋白羧端序列缺失6个氨基酸(保留152个氨基酸),仍能较强系统侵染烟草并高水平表达外壳蛋白,且能在新生叶里复制大量完整的病毒粒子。该研究结果表明:外壳蛋白羧端6个氨基酸序列并非烟草花叶病毒感染和复制所必需,并对利用外壳蛋白羧端缺失型病毒载体表达外源多肽具有一定的启示性。  相似文献   

A mutation resulting in substitution of positively charged Lys53 with negatively charged Glu in the coat protein was introduced in the infectious cDNA copy of the genome of wild-type tobacco mosaic virus strain U1. Kinetic analysis of long-distance virus transport in plants showed that systemic spread of the mutant virus was delayed by 5–6 days as compared with the wild-type one. On evidence of RNA sequencing in the mutant progeny, Glu50 of the coat protein was substituted with Lys after passage I to compensate for the loss of the positive charge at position 53. Electron microscopy revealed atypical inclusions (rodlike structures, multiple electron-dense globular particles) in the nuclear interchromatin space of leaf mesophyll cells infected with the mutant but not with the wild-type virus.  相似文献   

The influence of the 30 kDa movement protein of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV-MP) on carbon partitioning in trans-genie tobacco plants (Nicotiana tabacum cv. Xanthi) expressing the TMV-MP was investigated. Using reciprocal grafting of transgenic tobacco plants expressing this movement protein and vector control plants, as well as transgenic tobacco plants expressing the TMV-MP in phloem cells only, we showed that the interactive site involved in carbon allocation to roots is localized to the mesophyll tissue. Biomass partitioning experiments conducted on transgenic plants, in which various deletion mutant forms of the TMV-MP (two of which included deletions in the domain responsible for increasing the size exclusion limit) were expressed, revealed that the TMV-MP exerts its influence on carbon allocation via a mechanism that is completely independent of the TMV-MP-induced increase in the plasmodesmal size exclusion limit. Furthermore, small N- and C-terminal deletions in the MP revealed the complexity of the interactions likely to be involved between the MP and an endogenous regulatory mechanism. We propose that the TMV-MP interferes with an endogenous signal transduction pathway that involves macromolecular trafficking through plasmodesmata to regulate biomass partitioning between the source and various sink tissues.  相似文献   

缺磷胁迫下烟草叶片磷脂酰甘油(PG)含量降低的分子机理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
缺磷胁迫下,PLDα和PLDβ在烟草成熟叶片中的转录活性升高,幼叶中却明显降低;幼叶和成熟叶片中PG水解酶的活性变化与PLDα和PLDβ mRNA表达量成正相关。与对照相比,缺磷幼叶与成熟叶片中的PG含量有不同程度的下降,成熟叶片中下降幅度较大。磷脂酸(PA)是叶片酶粗提液水解外源PG后的重要产物,n-丁醇的加入显著抑制PA的生成。上述结果表明,PG水解酶活性的增强是缺磷胁迫导致烟草成熟叶片中PG含量降低的重要原因,而PG水解酶活性的变化是由于受到了转录水平上的调控造成的。  相似文献   

The effect of fucoidan (1.3; 1.4-α-L-fucan), a sulfated polysaccharide from the brown alga Fucus evanescens on the formation of specific granular and tubular inclusions induced by tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) and consisted presumably of the virus-coded protein components of the viral replicase was investigated in the TMV-infected leaves of tobacco (Nicotiana tabacum L.). In four days after inoculation of the leaves with a TMV preparation (1 mg/ml), the signature of infection in a presence of fucoidan (1 mg/ml) was a preferential formation of intracellular granular inclusions, which were related to early stages of the virus reproduction. When infected leaves were not treated with fucoidan, their cells contained mainly tubular inclusions, which were presumably formed from the granular ones on the last stages of the infection process. These observations demonstrated that fucoidan delayed the development of the TMV-induced infection.  相似文献   

以云烟87植株为材料,通过覆盖白、红、黄、蓝、紫色滤膜获得不同光质,于大田条件下研究了光质对烟草叶片生长发育过程中超氧化物歧化酶(SOD)、过氧化氢酶(CAT)、过氧化物酶(POD)、抗坏血酸过氧化物酶(APX)、谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPX)、谷胱甘肽还原酶(GR)等抗氧化酶活性,抗氧化剂谷胱甘肽(GSH)和抗坏血酸(AsA)以及丙二醛(MDA)含量的影响.结果表明,在烟草植株第11片叶生长发育的7~70 d内,其抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化物质含量呈现先升高后下降的变化趋势.与白光(对照)相比,黄光诱导烟草叶片SOD、CAT、APX和GR活性升高,以及AsA和GSH含量增加;而红光诱导APX和GR活性上升,以及GSH和AsA含量升高;但紫光却使SOD、CAT、POD、GR和GPX活性下降,GSH和AsA含量降低,而蓝光则使所有抗氧化酶活性和抗氧化物质含量降低.紫光和蓝光处理的烟草叶片中MDA含量较高,而黄光和红光处理的则较低.总体而言,在大田条件下,相对红光和黄光而言,蓝光和紫光处理下的烟草叶片更容易发生光氧化胁迫.  相似文献   

一种病毒侵染性全长cDNA克隆的快速构建方法   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
利用RT-PCR技术获得了含烟草花叶病毒蚕豆分离物(TMV-B)的他长基因组cDNA,并克隆pT7Blue载体中。以获得的全长cDNA及其PCR产物为模板分别进行体外转录,接种试验发现转录产物均具有侵染活性。比较两种方法发现以PCR产物为模板的体外转录物的侵染效率更高。  相似文献   

A panel of seven SR1 tobacco mutants (ATER1 to ATER7) derived via T‐DNA activation tagging and screening for resistance to a microtubule assembly inhibitor, ethyl phenyl carbamate, were used to study the role of microtubules during infection and spread of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV). In one of these lines, ATER2, α‐tubulin is shifted from the tyrosinylated into the detyrosinated form, and the microtubule plus‐end marker GFP–EB1 moves significantly slower when expressed in the background of the ATER2 mutant as compared with the SR1 wild type. The efficiency of cell‐to‐cell movement of TMV encoding GFP‐tagged movement protein (MP‐GFP) is reduced in ATER2 accompanied by a reduced association of MP‐GFP with plasmodesmata. This mutant is also more tolerant to viral infection as compared with the SR1 wild type, implying that reduced microtubule dynamics confer a comparative advantage in face of TMV infection.  相似文献   

An antiviral factor (AVF) was separated by removing virus particles from extracts of tobacco mosaic virus (TMV) infected leaves using calcium phosphate gel and by column chromatography on DEAE cellulose. AVF was not found in the extracts from healthy plants. The AVF restricted the virus infectivity in vivo and significantly decreased the activity of key enzymes of metabolic pathways tending to the purine and pyrimidine nucleotides biosynthesis of viral- RNA (glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase, ribonucleases, phosphomonoesterase and phosphodiesterase). No inhibition of these enzymes was observed in vitro when the effect of different concentrations of AVF (0.25 – 250 µg cm–3) was examined.  相似文献   

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