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ENOD40, an early nodulin gene, is expressed following inoculation with Rhizobium meliloti or by adding R. meliloti-produced nodulation (Nod) factors or the plant hormone cytokinin to uninoculated roots. We isolated two MsENOD40 clones, designated MsENOD40–1 and MsENOD40–2, with distinct promoters from an alfalfa (Medicago sativa cv Chief) genomic library. The promoters were fused to the reporter gene uidA (gus), and the constructs were introduced into alfalfa. We observed that the MsENOD40–1 construct was expressed almost exclusively under symbiotic conditions. The MsENOD40–2 construct was transcribed under both symbiotic and nonsymbiotic conditions and in nonnodular and nodular tissues. Both MsENOD40 promoter-gus constructs were similarly expressed as nodules developed, and both were expressed in roots treated with 6-benzylaminopurine or purified Nod factor. However, no blue color was detected in nodule-like structures induced by the auxin transport inhibitor N-1-(naphthyl)phthalamic acid on roots of plants containing the MsENOD40–1 promoter construct, whereas pseudonodules from plants containing the MsENOD40–2 promoter construct stained blue. A 616-bp region at the distal 5′ end of the promoter is important for proper spatial expression of MsENOD40 in nodules and also for Nod-factor and cytokinin-induced expression.  相似文献   

Pladys D  Vance CP 《Plant physiology》1993,103(2):379-384
Plant-controlled ineffective root nodules, conditioned by the in1 gene in Medicago sativa L. cv Saranac, undergo premature senescence and have reduced levels of many late nodulins. To ascertain which factors contribute to premature senescence, we have evaluated proteolysis as it occurs throughout the development of ineffective Saranac (in1Sa) and effective Saranac nodules. Cysteine protease activities with acidic pH optimum and enzyme proteins were present in both genotypes. We found that acidic protease activity was low in effective Saranac nodules throughout their development. In contrast, by 2 weeks after inoculation, acid protease activity of in1Sa nodules was severalfold higher than that of Saranac nodules and remained high until the experiment was terminated 8 weeks later. This increase in protease enzyme activity correlated with an increase in protease protein amounts. Increased protease activity and amount in in1Sa nodules was correlated with a decrease in nodule soluble protein. The time at which in1Sa nodules initially showed increased protease activity corresponded to when symbiosis deteriorated. High levels of phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) protein were expressed in effective nodules by 12 d after inoculation and expression was associated with low proteolytic enzyme activity. In contrast, although PEPC was expressed in in1Sa nodules, PEPC protein was not found 12 d after inoculation and thereafter. Acidic protease from in1Sa nodules could also degrade purified leghemoglobin. These data indicate that premature senescence and low levels of late nodulins in in1Sa nodules can be correlated in part with increased proteolysis.  相似文献   

Effective (N2-fixing) alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) and plant-controlled ineffective (non-N2-fixing) alfalfa recessive for the in1 gene were compared to determine the effects of the in1 gene on nodule development, acetylene reduction activity (ARA), and nodule enzymes associated with N assimilation and disease resistance. Effective nodule ARA reached a maximum before activities of glutamine synthetase (GS), glutamate synthase (GOGAT), aspartate aminotransferase (AAT), asparagine synthetase (AS), and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase (PEPC) peaked. Ineffective nodule ARA was only 5% of effective nodule ARA. Developmental profiles of GS, GOGAT, AAT, and PEPC activities were similar for effective and ineffective nodules, but activities in ineffective nodules were lower and declined earlier. Little AS activity was detected in developing ineffective nodules. Changes in GS, GOGAT, AAT, and PEPC activities in developing and senescent effective and ineffective nodules generally paralleled amounts of immunologically detectable enzyme polypeptides. Effective nodule GS, GOGAT, AAT, AS, and PEPC activities declined after defoliation. Activities of glutamate dehydrogenase, malate dehydrogenase, phenylalanine ammonia lyase, and caffeic acid-o-methyltransferase were unrelated to nodule effectiveness. Maximum expression of nodule N-assimilating enzymes appeared to require the continued presence of a product associated with effective bacteroids that was lacking in in1 effective nodules.  相似文献   

A noninvasive (non-nodulating) mutant of Rhizobium trifolii when mixed with an ineffective (non-nitrogen-fixing) mutant gives rise to effective (nitrogen-fixing) nodules.  相似文献   

High specific activity [3H]indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) was applied to the apical bud of intact pea (Pisum sativum L. cv Greenfeast) plants. Radioactivity was detected in all tissues after 24 hours. More radioactivity accumulated in the nodules than in the parent root on a fresh weight basis and more in effective (nitrogen-fixing) nodules than in ineffective nodules (which do not fix nitrogen).

For most samples, thin layer chromatography revealed major peaks of radioactivity at the RF values of IAA and indole-3-acetylaspartic acid (IAAsp) and further evidence of the identity of these compounds was obtained by chromatography in other systems. Disintegrations per minute due to IAA per unit fresh weight were significantly greater for root than for nodule tissue, but were not significantly different for effective and ineffective nodules. Radioactivity due to IAAsp, expressed both on a percentage basis and per unit fresh weight, was significantly greater for nodule than for root tissue and significantly greater for the effective nodules than for the ineffective nodules. When [3H]IAA was applied to effective nodules, IAAsp was the dominant metabolite in the nodule. The data suggest that metabolism of auxins may be important for the persistence of a functional root nodule.


A region of DNA which determined the production of the insecticidal toxin of Bacillus thuringiensis subsp. israelensis was cloned into a derivative of a broad-host-range group IncQ plasmid vector of gram-negative bacteria. The plasmid which we constructed was transferred by conjugative mobilization into a Bradyrhizobium species that nodulates pigeon peas. In this species the construction was maintained stably in the absence of selection and expressed the gene that was installed. Experiments in a greenhouse with the strain which we constructed indicated that this organism provides protection against root nodule damage by the larvae of the insect Rivellia angulata (Diptera).  相似文献   

The protein composition and enzymatic activities during developmentof ineffective nodules, produced by mutant E135 (sym 13) ofpea (Pisum sativum L.), were compared with those of the nitrogen-fixingnodules of the normal parent, the Sparkle cultivar. The proteincomposition of 3-week-old E135 nodules, as determined by SDS-polyacrylamidegel electrophoresis, was quite similar to that of Sparkle nodules.After 4 weeks, however, the intensities of bands of 15-, 38-,and 87-kDa polypeptides were lower in the case of E135 nodules.Western blot analysis using a "nodule-specific" antiserum revealedthat most nodulins could be detected in 3-week-old E135 nodules,but a 35.5-kDa nodulin disappeared after 5 weeks and severalnovel peptides ranging in molecular weight from 26 to 31 kDaappeared after 6 weeks in E135 nodules. The activities of glutaminesynthetase, glutamate synthase, alanine-pyruvate aminotransferase,sucrose synthase, and phosphoenolpyruvate carboxylase increasedduring development of Sparkle nodules, but such increases werenot found in E135 nodules after 5 weeks. These results showthat the nodules of E135 begin to develop normally but differfrom those of Sparkle within 4 weeks, indicating that, duringearly stages of nodule development, the protein compositionand activities of enzymes involved in carbon and nitrogen metabolismare not regulated by the presence or absence of nitrogenaseactivity. (Received February 26, 1993; Accepted May 19, 1993)  相似文献   

【目的】bHLH转录因子数量众多,能够广泛参与植物的生长发育和逆境胁迫等过程。本试验以蒺藜苜蓿R108为材料,初步探讨MtbHLH25基因的功能。【方法】通过PCR扩增技术从蒺藜苜蓿中克隆MtbHLH25基因和启动子,构建酵母表达载体并用LiAc转化法转移到Y2H Gold酵母菌株中进行酵母自激活检测,构建亚细胞定位载体并通过冻融法转入农杆菌EHA105,菌液注射到烟草下表皮细胞后利用SP8激光共聚焦显微镜观察,通过实时荧光定量PCR技术研究MtbHLH25基因的时空表达水平。【结果】(1)从蒺藜苜蓿中成功克隆出MtbHLH25基因和启动子,该基因总长882 bp,共编码293个氨基酸。启动子序列分析发现其包含了ABA、MeJA、GA和SA等响应元件。(2)进化树结果表明MtbHLH25蛋白与蚕豆和长柔毛野豌豆中bHLH蛋白高度同源。(3)亚细胞定位结果显示MtbHLH25蛋白定位于细胞核。(4)酵母自激活检测结果显示MtbHLH25蛋白具有自激活活性。(5)表达分析结果显示,MtbHLH25在蒺藜苜蓿根、茎、叶、花和果实中均有表达,其中在根中表达水平最高;外源SA、MeJA、ABA、GA以及盐胁迫使MtbHLH25基因表达量都呈下降趋势,推测SA、MeJA、ABA、GA以及盐胁迫对MtbHLH25基因的表达起到负调控作用。干旱胁迫能够显著诱导MtbHLH25基因表达量的上升,说明该转录因子可能在干旱胁迫中起到正调控作用。【结论】MtbHLH25基因可能对盐胁迫敏感,在干旱胁迫中可能发挥正调控作用。此外,MtbHLH25蛋白具有自激活活性,对下游启动子调控的报告基因可能具有激活作用。  相似文献   

A DNA fragment containing the RP4 mob function, as well as the gentamicin and spectinomycin resistance genes, was inserted by gene replacement onto the megaplasmid 2 (pM2) of Rhizobium meliloti 0540 (Inf EPS), resulting in PG101 (Inf EPS). The self-transfer of pM2 and the mobilization of pM2 by plasmid RP4-4 were investigated during conjugation between PG101 and R. meliloti 2526 (Nod). In filter conjugations, pM2 was readily mobilized by RP4-4. In addition to this, the self-transfer of one megaplasmid (pM) was detected at a frequency of 3 × 10−7. Bacteria isolated from the nodules of alfalfa and coinoculated with strains PG101 and 2526 showed that pM2 was mobilized at a frequency of approximately 7 × 10−5. Bacterial cell numbers were too low in the nodules for detection of the self-transfer of pM2 to occur. No pM2 transfer was detected in the inoculum. A comparison of the transfer frequencies for the various conjugation conditions revealed that pM2 transfer occurred as frequently in the nodules as in filter conjugations. These results indicate that the nodule creates conditions for gene transfer that are comparable to optimal laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to characterize Rhizobium isolates obtained from root nodules of ineffectively nodulated, field-grown alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants. The purpose was to determine if these isolates possessed characteristics which would explain either their ineffectiveness in N2 fixation or their apparent ability to tolerate the moderately acid soil conditions from which they originated. Isolates were characterized by analysis of growth rate, 39°C tolerance, acid production on conventional media, and symbiotic performance. All isolates were ineffective in N2 fixation on alfalfa, and they contained one or more anomalous characteristics. These included either slow growth rate, lack of 39°C tolerance, or lack of acid production on conventional media. Infectiveness tests on a broad range of legumes revealed that the isolates formed root nodules on M. sativa, Medicago lupulina L., and Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) Savi. (common bean). These results provide evidence that, in some situations, ineffective nodulation of M. sativa in the field may be due to the presence of promiscuous, native Rhizobium species.  相似文献   

This study was initiated to characterize Rhizobium isolates obtained from root nodules of ineffectively nodulated, field-grown alfalfa (Medicago sativa L.) plants. The purpose was to determine if these isolates possessed characteristics which would explain either their ineffectiveness in N(2) fixation or their apparent ability to tolerate the moderately acid soil conditions from which they originated. Isolates were characterized by analysis of growth rate, 39 degrees C tolerance, acid production on conventional media, and symbiotic performance. All isolates were ineffective in N(2) fixation on alfalfa, and they contained one or more anomalous characteristics. These included either slow growth rate, lack of 39 degrees C tolerance, or lack of acid production on conventional media. Infectiveness tests on a broad range of legumes revealed that the isolates formed root nodules on M. sativa, Medicago lupulina L., and Phaseolus vulgaris (L.) Savi. (common bean). These results provide evidence that, in some situations, ineffective nodulation of M. sativa in the field may be due to the presence of promiscuous, native Rhizobium species.  相似文献   

该研究从香蕉中克隆了一个水通道蛋白(AQP)基因MaPIP2-6。序列分析表明,MaPIP2-6基因开放阅读框(ORF)为849bp,编码282个氨基酸。多序列比对和进化树分析表明,MaPIP2-6基因所编码的蛋白与其它植物中AQP蛋白具有较高的一致性,并且与水稻OsPIP2-6的亲缘关系最近。亚细胞定位表明,MaPIP2-6基因定位在细胞膜上。实时荧光定量PCR分析表明,甘露醇和高盐胁迫处理下,MaPIP2-6基因在巴西蕉和粉蕉中的表达趋势基本一致,在处理早期表达量轻微下降,随后被诱导并达到最大值,然后下降;在低温和ABA处理下,MaPIP2-6基因在巴西蕉和粉蕉的表达趋势相反,低温处理47h时,巴西蕉的MaPIP2-6表达量显著降低,而粉蕉无显著变化,但在其他时间点,巴西蕉的表达量无显著变化,粉蕉显著降低。ABA处理下,MaPIP2-6基因在巴西蕉被诱导,而在粉蕉被抑制。研究认为,MaPIP2-6可能参与了非生物逆境胁迫应答,为进一步研究MaPIP2-6基因的功能鉴定了基础。  相似文献   

赤霉素2-氧化酶(GA2ox)通过2-β-羟基化作用产生失活的赤霉素,进而调节植物体内的赤霉素的活性水平。前期,本研究在烟草侧枝发育突变体转录组数据中,发现一个赤霉素2-氧化酶基因,其表达水平与野生型相比存在显著差异,命名为NtGA2ox1。为了更好地研究该基因在烟草侧枝发育中的作用,本研究从普通烟草中分离克隆了NtGA2ox1基因。通过测序分析该基因的编码及全长序列,发现NtGA2ox1基因含有2个外显子和1个内含子,编码一条长度为379个氨基酸的序列。同源进化分析表明,该基因在多种植物中存在同源序列,特别是茄科植物。组织特异性表达分析发现,NtGA2ox1基因在烟草的各个生长阶段均有表达,其中,在花和根中表达量较高。同时,激光共聚焦显微镜结果表明,YFP-NtGA2ox1融合蛋白在细胞质和细胞核中有很强的荧光信号,表明NtGA2ox1蛋白很可能定位于细胞核和细胞质中。本研究为进一步研究赤霉素调控烟草侧枝发育提供了理论依据。  相似文献   

人类生殖相关新基因的定位和组织表达   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
罗阳  于秉治 《遗传》2003,25(6):633-636
基因定位对研究基因之间以及基因与疾病之间的相互关系具有重要意义。应用辐射杂种细胞系技术(RH)对我们克隆的人类新基因HBRP(Human BSP-Related Protein)进行了染色体定位,结果将该基因定位于19q13.2~13.3,同时应用生物信息学方法在人类基因组重叠片段数据库进行该基因的定位,结果相吻合。研究证明,RH技术具有快速、精确、简便等优点,是基因定位研究中一强有力的技术。同时通过RT-PCR方法研究了HBRP基因在人体各组织中的表达分布,结果显示该基因在睾丸、肠、肾、肝、脾、胃、胰腺组织有较高的表达,而在检测的脑、肺、骨骼肌、心肌组织中表达较弱。 Abstract:Gene localization is significant in elucidating the interaction between genes,gene and diseases.Using radiation hybrid (RH) technique,we cloned and localized a novel gene,designated human BSP-related protein (HBRP) on 19q13.2~13.3,in line with its localization in data bank of overlapping fragment of human genome through bioinformatics method.It is suggested RH is rapid,precise,simple and powerful in gene localization.In addition,we detected the expression and distribution of HBRP in human tissues by RT-PCR.The results showed HBRP was highly expressed in intestine,kidney,liver,spleen,stomach and pancreas,whereas lowly in brain,lung,muscle and heart.  相似文献   

Nodules of Alnus glutinosa (Alder) were exposed to excess 15Neither before or after detachment from the plant. The solublenitrogen compounds were extracted from the nodules and the extractsfractionated by chromatography on an ion exchange resin. Theamino-acid composition of the extracts was thus determined,and it was confirmed that citrulline is the predominant amino-acidpresent, being accompanied by smaller amounts of aspartic, glutaniic,and -aminobutyric acids, arginine, and other constituents. Thehighest atom per cent, excess 15N always found in glutarnicacid and the next highest in citrulline or aspartic acid. Ammoniacontained a smaller proportion of 15N than these compounds andarginine showed only very small enrichment. When the citrullinewas degraded to ammonia and ornithine it was found that theammonia liberated was richer in 15N than even glutamic acid.The significance of these findings in relation to the fixationand further metabolism of nitrogen by the alder nodule is discussed.  相似文献   

将含有硫霉素环化酶基因的重组质粒p6BCl2转化变铅青链霉菌(Streptomyceslividans)TK24,含有p6BCl2的转化子细胞抽提液分别与琉霉素生物合成阻断变株Y,发酵液以及纯化的Y。中间产物经过体外共培养可产生活性物质.化学分析表明与Y,发酵液混合后产生的是硫霉素,与纯化的Y。中间产物混合产生的是一种不稳定的活性物质。说明硫霉素环化酶基因在S.lividans TK24中得到了表达,其产物以Y。中间产物为底物并弥补了Y,中的缺陷。对p6Bcl2中4.5kb外源片段进行了限制酶酶切分析,建立了酶切图谱.利用含硫霉素环化酶基因的S.Lividans TK24转化子体外转化Y,的应用体系,将硫霉素环化酶基因定位在0.9kb Hinc I—Pst I片段上,并证明了硫霉紊环化酶的活性与IPNS同源片段无关。以上实验为进一步研究琉霉素环化酶基因的结构打下了基础。  相似文献   

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