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Two genes encoding gas vacuole proteins in Halobacterium halobium   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Summary The archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium contains two related gas vacuole protein-encoding genes (vac). One of these genes encodes a protein of 76 amino acids and resides on the major plasmid. The second gene is located on the chromosome in a (G+C)-rich DNA fraction and encodes a slightly larger but highly homologous protein consisting of 79 amino acids. The plasmid encoded vac gene is transcribed constitutively throughout the growth cycle while the chromosomal vac gene is expressed during the stationary phase of growth. Comparison of the nucleotide sequences of the two genes indicates differences in the putative promoter regions as well as 35 single base-pair exchanges within the coding regions of the two genes. The majority of the nucleotide exchanges in the coding region occur in the third position of a codon triplet generating the codon synonym. The only differences between the two encoded proteins are the exchange of 2 amino acids (positions 8 and 29) and a deletion of 3 amino acids near the carboxy-terminus of the plasmid encoded vac protein. The genomic DNAs from other halobacterial isolates (Halobacterium sp. SB3, GN101 and YC819-9) were found to contain only a chromosomal vac gene copy. There is a high conservation of the chromosomal vac gene and the genomic region surrounding it among the halobacterial strains investigated.  相似文献   

Most halobacteria produce gas vesicles (GV). The well-characterized species Halobacterium halobium and some GV+ revertants of GV- mutants of H. halobium produce large amounts of GV which have a spindlelike shape. Most other GV+ revertants of H. halobium GV- mutants and other recently characterized halobacterial wild-type strains possess GV with a cylindrical form. The number of intact particles in the latter isolates is only 10 to 30% of that of H. halobium. Analysis of GV envelope proteins (GVPs) by electrophoresis on phenol-acetic acid-urea gels showed that the GVP of the highly efficient GV-producing strains migrated faster than the GVP of the low-GV-producing strains. The relative molecular mass of the GVP was estimated to be 19 kilodaltons (kDa) for high-producing strains (GVP-A) and 20 kDa for low-producing strains (GVP-B). Amino acid sequence analysis of the first 40 amino acids of the N-terminal parts of GVP-A and GVP-B indicated that the two proteins differed in two defined positions. GVP-B, in relation to GVP-A, had Gly-7 and Val-28 always replaced by Ser-7 and Ile-28, respectively. These data suggest that at least two different gvp genes exist in H. halobium NRL. This was directly demonstrated by hybridization experiments with gvp-specific DNA probes. A fragment of plasmid pHH1 and a chromosomal fragment of H. halobium hybridized to the probes. Only a chromosomal fragment hybridized to the same gyp probes when both chromosomal and plasmid DNAs from the low-GV-producing halobacterial wild-type strains SB3 and GN101 were examined. These findings support the assumption that GVP-A is expressed by a pHH1-associated gvp gene and GVP-B by a chromosomal gvp gene.  相似文献   

Halobacterium halobium contains two gas vacuole protein genes that are located in plasmid pHH1 (p-vac) and in the chromosomal DNA (c-vac). The mutation frequency for these genes is different: the constitutively expressed p-vac gene is mutated with a frequency of 10(-2), while the chromosomal gene expressed in the stationary phase of growth is mutated with a frequency of 10(-5). The difference in the mutation susceptibility is due to the dynamics of plasmid pHH1. p-vac gene mutations are caused (i) by the integration of an insertion element or (ii) by a deletion event encompassing the p-vac gene region. In contrast, c-vac mutants analyzed to date incurred neither insertion elements nor deletions. Deletion events within pHH1 occur at high frequencies during the development of a H. halobium culture. The investigation of the fusion regions resulting from deletion events indicates that insertion elements are involved. The analysis of pHH1 deletion variants led to a 4 kilobase pair DNA region containing the origin of replication of the pHH1 plasmid.  相似文献   

Lysates of cell envelopes from Halobacterium halobium have been separated into four fractions. A soluble, colorless fraction (I) containing protein, hexosamines, and no lipid is apparently derived from the cell wall. A red fraction (II), containing approximately 40 per cent lipid, 60 per cent protein, and a small amount of hexosamines consists of cell membrane disaggregated into fragments of small size. A third fraction (III) of purple color consists of large membrane sheets and has a very similar composition to II, containing the same classes of lipids but no hexosamines; its buoyant density is 1.18 g/ml. The fourth fraction (IV) has a buoyant density of 1.23 g/ml and contains the "intracytoplasmic membranes." These consist mainly of protein, and no lipid can be extracted with chloroform-methanol. Fractions I and II, which result from disaggregation of cell wall and cell membrane during lysis, contain a high proportion of dicarboxyl amino acids; this is in good agreement with the assumption that disruption of the cell envelope upon removal of salt is due to the high charge density. The intracytoplasmic membranes (IV) represent the gas vacuole membranes in the collapsed state. In a number of mutants that have lost the ability to form gas vacuoles, no vacuole membranes or any structure that could be related to them has been found.  相似文献   

Partial DNA sequencing of a genomic clone of the archaebacterium Halobacterium halobium, which hydridized with an avian v-myc probe, showed especially the presence, in the organism of one of the conserved regions through myb, myc and adenovirus E1a oncogenes. The archaebacterial deduced amino acid sequence displayed significant homology with the v-myc gene product. In accordance with the partial DNA sequencing which assured a sufficient homology to have similar epitopes, a protein having a molecular weight of 70,000 and possessing high antigenicity with a polyclonal antiserum against avian v-myc protein was isolated and purified from H. halobium extracts. The purified v-myc like protein stimulated in vitro DNA synthesis carried out by the alpha like DNA polymerase of H. halobium.  相似文献   

Expression and inheritance pattern of two foreign genes in petunia   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
Transgenic petunia (Petunia hybrida Vilm.) plants were obtained from Agrobacterium-mediated shoot apex transformation. Studies at the phenotypic as well as molecular level established both the presence of the NPT II (neomycin phosphotransferase II) and GUS (-glucuronidase) genes and their level of activity. Twenty-nine primary transformed plants showed varying patterns of phenotype expression of both genes. NPT II and GUS expression in 7 primary plants over a 4-month interval showed varying levels of gene expression within and among individual plants. All primary transgenic plants were self-pollinated and backcrossed to establish the inheritance patterns of both genes. Mendelian and non-Mendelian inheritance patterns for both genes were observed. Analysis of the progeny showed poor transmission of the foreign genes through the pollen especially when two or more bands were present in the Southern hybridization. Most plants whose progeny segregated in Mendelian ratios for either the NPT II or GUS gene had just one copy of the gene. In this study where both foreign genes were examined in both self and test crosses, no transgenic plant showed Mendelian patterns of inheritance for both foreign traits.Department of Plant Pathology and Microbiology  相似文献   

A second slow-cycling retinylidene protein, in addition to slow-cycling (sensory) rhodopsin (SR), can be bleached with hydroxylamine and regenerated with all-trans retinal in photosensory signaling Halobacterium halobium membranes. Flash photolysis shows this protein undergoes a photochemical reaction cycle characterized by photoconversion of its ground state (lambda max 480 nm) to a species with lambda max less than or equal to 360 nm, which thermally regenerates the 480-nm species with a t1/2 of 260 msec at 25 degrees C, under conditions in which SR photocycles at 650 msec in the same membranes. Mutants characterized with respect to their phototaxis behavior are identified which contain SR and the 480-nm pigment, the latter ranging from undetectable to a concentration equal to that of SR. Receptor mutants lacking all phototaxis sensitivity lack both of the photochemically reactive proteins. The mutant properties contribute to an accumulation of behavioral and spectroscopic evidence that the 480-nm pigment is a second sensory photoreceptor in H. halobium. NaDodSO4-polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis of [3H]retinal-labeled membrane proteins from the mutants indicates SR and the 480-nm pigment contain distinct chromophoric polypeptides differing in their migration rates. The data implicate polypeptides of 25,000 Mr and 23,000 Mr as retinal-binding polypeptides of SR and the 480-nm protein, respectively.  相似文献   

Poly-3-hydroxyalkanoates (PHAs) are synthesized by many bacteria as intracellular storage material. The final step in PHA biosynthesis is catalyzed by two PHA polymerases (phaC) in Pseudomonas putida. The expression of these two phaC genes (phaC1 and phaC2)was studied in Escherichia coli, either under control of the native promoter or under control of an external promoter. It was found that the two phaC genes are not expressed in E. coli without an external promoter. During heterologous expression of phaC from Plac on a high copy number plasmid, a rapid reduction of the number of colony forming units was observed, especially for phaC2. It appears that the plasmid instability was partially caused by high-level production of PHA polymerase. Subsequently, tightly regulated phaC2 expression systems on a low copy number vector were applied in E. coli. This resulted in PHA yields of over 20 of total cell dry weight, which was 2 fold higher than that obtained from the system where phaC2 is present on a high copy number vector. In addition, the PHA monomer composition differed when different gene expression systems or different phaC genes were applied.  相似文献   

目的:为提高抗真菌肽CGA-N46表达量,对该基因多顺反子表达进行研究.方法:以pEASY-Blunt为克隆栽体,以“pET-30a rbs序列-起始密码子-CGA-N46编码序列-终止密码子”为外源片段,利用同尾酶Nhe I、Spe I和Xba I,构建了含有上述外源片段1、3、5、8拷贝的重组载体pT-CAN46、...  相似文献   

Halobacteria spontaneously reverse their swimming direction about every 10 s. This behavioral pattern is transiently disturbed upon stimulation through sensory photosystems of different spectral sensitivity. As a result of stimulation, a single swimming interval is either prolonged (attractant response) or shortened (repellent response). Thereafter the cell returns to its autonomous reversal rhythm, i.e., it quickly adapts. Method are presented to determine the lifetime of repellent as well as of attractant cellular signals at the site of signal integration, using particular stimulation programs. Independent of the photosystem through which the signals were generated, the total lifetime of a repellent signal was 1.3 s. The decay of the signal was rapid during the first 100 ms and slow thereafter. The lifetime of an attractant signal was about 4 s and likewise did not depend on the photosystems. The degree of methylation of membrane proteins was increased by attractant stimuli and decreased by repellent stimuli. Inhibition of protein methylation by homocysteine was accompanied by a slowdown of the decay of both the repellent and attractant signal. A mutant strain with an increased demethylation also gave increased signal lifetimes. A lowered Ca2+ concentration, which activates methylation in vivo, led to shortened signal lifetimes. Methylation is proposed to be the mechanism which limits the signal lifetime and thereby allows the cells to adapt.  相似文献   

Two closely related cDNA fragments, named pTC14-1 and pTC14-2, encoding C-type lectins were cloned from the budding ascidian Polyandrocarpa misakiensis by means of the polymerase chain reaction. The amino acid sequence deduced from pTC14-1 was identical to that of a 14-kDa calcium-dependent galactose-binding lectin, TC-14, that had been purified from this species. Between the two clones, nucleotide sequence similarity was 90%, whilst that of the deduced amino acid sequences was 82%. The cDNA inserts of these clones hybridized weakly with each other. Antisense RNA probes prepared from these clones gave intense hybridization signals on Northern blots of the W strain, but very weak signals on those of the other strains. Therefore, both clones were suggested to originate from the W strain, but from two separate genes, since the base substitution was scattered throughout the entire translated region. The amount of TC14-1 mRNA increased during bud development, and peaked at 36 h after separation of the bud from the parental body wall. At this stage, extracellular matrix containing TC-14 lectin developed in the mesenchymal space around the morphogenetic region of the bud. There was much less TC14-2, than TC14-1 mRNA at every stage of bud development. TC14-1 and TC14-2 mRNAs were detected on Northern blots of RNAs from adults and growing buds, suggesting that these genes can be used as the earliest markers of budding in this species.  相似文献   

Expression of dibenzothiophene-degradative genes in two Pseudomonas species   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
The genes encoding dibenzothiophene (DBT) degradation in Pseudomonas alcaligenes strain DBT2 were cloned into plasmid pC1 by other workers. This plasmid was conjugally transferred into a spontaneous variant of Pseudomonas sp. HL7b (designated HL7bR) incapable of oxidizing DBT (Dbt- phenotype). Acquisition of plasmid pC1 simultaneously restored oxidation of DBT and naphthalene to the transconjugant, although the primary DBT metabolite produced by transconjugant HL7bR(pC1) corresponded to that produced by wild-type strain DBT2 rather than that from wild-type strain HL7b. Inducers of the naphthalene pathway (naphthalene, salicylic acid, and 2-aminobenzoate) stimulated DBT oxidation in transconjugant HL7bR(pC1) when present at 0.1 mM concentrations but had no effect on wild-type strain HL7b. Higher concentrations (5 mM) of salicylic acid and naphthalene were inhibitory to DBT oxidation in all strains. DNA-DNA hybridization was not observed between plasmid pC1 and genomic DNA from strains HL7b or HL7bR, nor between authentic naphthalene-degradative genes (plasmid NAH2) and either plasmid pC1 or strain HL7b, despite the observation that the degradative genes encoded on plasmid pC1 functionally resembled broad-specificity naphthalene-degradative genes. Transconjugant HL7bR(pC1) is a mosaic of the parental types regarding DBT metabolite production, regulation, and use of carbon sources.  相似文献   

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