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Insulin binding and tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor have been measured in the liver and muscles of rats fed or submitted to a 72-h-fasting. In both tissues, insulin binding increased in fasting rats. In liver, the ability of insulin to simulate receptor tyrosine kinase activity greatly unpaired during fasting, but remained unchanged in muscle. The change during fasting of the insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity of the insulin receptor is specific to certain tissue.  相似文献   

The first step in insulin action consists in binding of the hormone to specific cell surface receptors. This receptor displays two functional domains: an extracellular alpha-subunit containing the majority or the totality of the hormone binding site and an intracellular beta-subunit possessing insulin-stimulated tyrosine kinase activity. A general consensus has been reached in favour of the idea that this receptor enzymic function is essential for generation of the metabolic and growth-promoting effects of insulin. Concerning the mechanism of transmembrane signalling, we like to think that interaction of insulin with the receptor alpha-subunit triggers a conformational change, which is propagated to the beta-subunit and activates it. The active receptor kinase leads then to the phosphorylation of cellular protein substrates, which are likely to belong to two broad categories, those generating metabolic effects of insulin and those resulting in growth-promoting effects. The phosphorylated and active substrates then generate the final effects of insulin.  相似文献   

A model of insulin-receptor down-regulation and desensitization has been developed and described. In this model, both insulin-receptor down-regulation and functional desensitization are induced in the human HepG2 cell line by a 16 h exposure of the cells to 0.1 microM-insulin. Insulin-receptor affinity is unchanged, but receptor number is decreased by 50%, as determined both by 125I-insulin binding and by protein immunoblotting with an antibody to the beta-subunit of the receptor. This down-regulation is accompanied by a disproportionate loss of insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis, yielding a population of cell-surface insulin receptors which bind insulin normally but which are unable to mediate insulin-stimulated glycogen synthesis within the cell. Upon binding of insulin, the desensitized receptors are internalized rapidly, with characteristics indistinguishable from those of control cells. In contrast, this desensitization is accompanied by a loss of the insulin-sensitive tyrosine kinase activity of insulin receptors isolated from these cells. Receptors isolated from control cells show a 5-25-fold enhancement of autophosphorylation of the beta-subunit by insulin; this insulin-responsive autophosphorylation is severely attenuated after desensitization to a maximum of 0-2-fold stimulation by insulin. Likewise, the receptor-mediated phosphorylation of exogenous angiotensin II, which is stimulated 2-10-fold by insulin in receptors from control cells, is completely unresponsive to insulin in desensitized cells. These data provide evidence that the insulin-receptor tyrosine kinase activity correlates with insulin stimulation of an intracellular metabolic event. The data suggest that receptor endocytosis is not sufficient to mediate insulin's effects, and thereby argue for a role of the receptor tyrosine kinase activity in the mediation of insulin action.  相似文献   

The action of lysine as an antidiabetic agent was examined in human volunteers. Eight patients with type 2 DM were orally supplemented with L-lysine hydrochloride 1 g/day in two doses along with antidiabetic tablets (glyciphage or chlorformine), for a period of two months. Periodically their plasma fasting sugar and insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity was measured in their monocytes. Eight normal healthy volunteers served as controls for comparison of receptor tyrosine kinase activity. Insulin receptor tyrosine kinase was isolated from monocytes by immunoprecipitation and the activity was determined using exogenous substrate poly glu-tyr (4:1) and radioactive ATP. Phosphorylated peptide was separated by electrophoresis and quantified using a liquid scintillation system. The enzyme activity was significantly low (22074 +/- 1728 dpm/ml immunoprecipitate) in subjects with diabetes when compared to non-diabetic control group (50,775 +/- 3597). Lysine treatment enhanced the enzyme activity by 31% in patients with diabetes and decreased their blood sugar by 27%.  相似文献   

The cDNAs encoding the normal human insulin receptor (HIRc) and a receptor that had lysine residue 1018 replaced by alanine (A/K1018) were used to transfect Rat 1 fibroblasts. Lysine 1018 is a critical residue in the ATP binding site of the tyrosine kinase domain in the receptor beta-subunit. Untransfected Rat 1 cells express 1700 endogenous insulin receptors. Expressed HIRc receptors had levels of insulin-stimulable autophosphorylation in vitro comparable to normal receptors, whereas A/K1018 receptors had less than 1% of that activity. Stimulation by insulin of HIRc receptors in situ in intact cells led to phosphorylation of beta-subunit tyrosine residues and activation of tyrosine kinase activity that could be preserved and assayed in vitro after receptor purification. In contrast, A/K1018 receptors showed no such activation, either of autophosphorylation or of kinase activity toward histone. Cells expressing HIRc receptors display enhanced sensitivity to insulin of 2-deoxyglucose transport and glycogen synthase activity. This increased sensitivity was proportional to insulin receptor number at low but not at high levels of receptor expression. A/K1018 receptors were unable to mediate these biologic effects and actually inhibited insulin's ability to stimulate glucose transport and glycogen synthase through the endogenous Rat 1 receptors. Expressed HIRc receptors mediated insulin internalization and degradation, whereas A/K1018 receptors mediated little, if any. Endocytotic uptake of the expressed A/K1018 insulin receptors was also markedly depressed compared to normal receptors. Unlike HIRc receptors, A/K1018 receptors also fail to undergo down-regulation after long (24 h) exposures to high (170 nM) concentrations of insulin. We conclude the following. 1) Normal human insulin receptors expressed in Rat 1 fibroblasts display active tyrosine-specific kinase, normal intracellular itinerary after endocytosis, and normal coupling to insulin's biologic effects. 2) A receptor mutated to alter the ATP binding site in the tyrosine kinase domain had little if any tyrosine kinase activity. 3) This loss of kinase activity was accompanied by a nearly complete lack of both endocytosis and biologic activity.  相似文献   

Tyrosyl phosphorylation is implicated in the mechanism of insulin action. Mutation of the beta-subunit of the insulin receptor by substitution of tyrosyl residue 960 with phenylalanine had no effect on insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation or phosphotransferase activity of the purified receptor. However, unlike the normal receptor, this mutant was not biologically active in Chinese hamster ovary cells. Furthermore, insulin-stimulated tyrosyl phosphorylation of at least one endogenous substrate (pp185) was increased significantly in cells expressing the normal receptor but was barely detected in cells expressing the mutant. Therefore, beta-subunit autophosphorylation was not sufficient for the insulin response, and a region of the insulin receptor around Tyr-960 may facilitate phosphorylation of cellular substrates required for transmission of the insulin signal.  相似文献   

HTC rat hepatoma cells were transfected with human insulin receptor cDNA to a level of 40,000 receptors/cell. In these cells, as well as in nontransfected cells, insulin stimulated the uptake of alpha-aminoisobutyric acid. Two monoclonal antibodies directed against the human insulin receptor alpha subunit, like insulin, stimulated amino acid uptake in transfected HTC cells, but not in nontransfected HTC cells. The antibodies, in contrast to insulin, failed to stimulate insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity, both in intact transfected cells and in cell free extracts prepared from them. These data suggest, therefore, that activation of insulin receptor tyrosine kinase may not be an obligatory step in all of the transmembrane signaling mechanisms of the insulin receptor.  相似文献   

Following insulin administration to intact rats, the insulin receptor kinase activity of subsequently isolated cell fractions was significantly augmented. Of interest was the observation that the endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase displayed four- to six-fold greater autophosphorylation activity than that of plasma membrane. Surprisingly, the endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase displayed a decrease in beta-subunit phosphotyrosine content compared with that seen in the plasma membrane. These observations prompted the suggestion that insulin receptor tyrosine kinase phosphotyrosine dephosphorylation mediated by an endosome-specific phosphotyrosine phosphatase(s) yields activation of the endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase. In a previous study we examined the effect of subsaturating doses of injected insulin. In this work we evaluated insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity and phosphotyrosine content in plasma membrane and endosomes after a receptor-saturating pharmacological dose of insulin (150 micrograms/100 g body weight). At this dose the phosphotyrosine content per receptor was reduced compared with that seen earlier at insulin doses of 1.5 and 15 micrograms/100 g body weight. Endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase was greater than that seen at the lower nonsaturating insulin doses. Furthermore, endosomal insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity exceeded that of the plasma membrane, despite retaining about the same phosphotyrosine content per receptor. These data are consistent with the view that insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity may be regulated by a particular pattern of phosphotyrosine content on the beta-subunit wherein both activating and inhibitory phosphotyrosine residues play a role.  相似文献   

Modulation of rat brain insulin receptor kinase activity in diabetes   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Insulin receptors from rat brain regions were studied for insulin binding and receptor associated kinase activity, in alloxan induced short-term and long-term diabetes, and insulin induced hypoglycemia. Insulin receptor activity was assessed by [123I]insulin binding, and basal as well as insulin stimulated kinase activity of the receptor, expressed as phosphorylation of the synthetic peptide poly (Glu-Tyr (4:1)). Regional distribution pattern elicited the highest binding and kinase activity in the olfactory bulb. Diabetes caused a significant increase in the kinase activity. The data suggests that brain insulin receptor kinase is regulated differently compared to peripheral tissues and supports the concept of an active brain insulin receptor in vivo.  相似文献   

Six years have now elapsed since efforts to establish heterologous cell expression systems for studies of the human insulin receptor were begun. As is apparent from the results summarized in Figs. 1 and 2, a significant number of studies have been devoted to the analysis of receptor mutations, both experimentally derived (i.e. by mutagenesis) and those identified in human patients, as well as to the generation of soluble derivatives of the major functional domains of the receptor for use in biophysical studies. While it is certainly clear that these methods can be expected to yield an ever-increasing body of data concerning insulin receptor structure/function, it is equally apparent that attention to a number of basic experimental limitations inherent in these approaches will be required to resolve a number of fundamental questions and disagreements concerning particular receptor mutations. Given the level of interest in the insulin receptor that has persisted over the past several decades, one expects that these efforts will be forthcoming, and that our understanding of this complex transmembrane receptor will, with time, improve.  相似文献   

Cells of the wall-less ("slime") strain of Neurospora crassa possess specific high affinity insulin binding sites on their cell surface. 125I-labeled bound insulin was not displaced from these cells by insulin-like growth factor II (IGF-II), and was only weakly displaced by IGF-I and proinsulin. Cross-linking of 125I-labeled insulin with N. crassa cells using disuccinimidyl suberate resulted in the labeling of a single band of ca. 67 kDa m.w. on a polyacrylamide gel. Two proteins of ca. 66 and 59 kDa m.w. were purified from detergent solubilized plasma membrane preparations by passage over an insulin-agarose affinity matrix. Antibodies against an autophosphorylation site on the human and Drosophila insulin receptors (anti P2) immunoprecipitated a single phosphoprotein of ca. 50 kDa m.w. from detergent solubilized plasma membranes, which possessed protein tyrosine kinase activity when histone H2 was used as substrate.  相似文献   

To explain the insulin resistance induced by catecholamines, we studied the tyrosine kinase activity of insulin receptors in a state characterized by elevated noradrenaline concentrations in vivo, i.e. cold-acclimation. Insulin receptors were partially purified from brown adipose tissue of 3-week- or 48 h-cold-acclimated mice. Insulin-stimulated receptor autophosphorylation and tyrosine kinase activity of insulin receptors prepared from cold-acclimated mice were decreased. Since the effect of noradrenaline is mediated by cyclic AMP and cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase, we tested the effect of the purified catalytic subunit of this enzyme on insulin receptors purified by wheat-germ agglutinin chromatography. The catalytic subunit had no effect on basal phosphorylation, but completely inhibited the insulin-stimulated receptor phosphorylation. Similarly, receptor kinase activity towards exogenous substrates such as histone or a tyrosine-containing copolymer was abolished. This inhibitory effect was observed with receptors prepared from brown adipose tissue, isolated hepatocytes and skeletal muscle. The same results were obtained on epidermal-growth-factor receptors. Further, the catalytic subunit exerted a comparable effect on the phosphorylation of highly purified insulin receptors. To explain this inhibition, we were able to rule out the following phenomena: a change in insulin binding, a change in the Km of the enzyme for ATP, activation of a phosphatase activity present in the insulin-receptor preparation, depletion of ATP, and phosphorylation of a serine residue of the receptor. These results suggest that the alteration in the insulin-receptor tyrosine kinase activity induced by cyclic AMP-dependent protein kinase could contribute to the insulin resistance produced by catecholamines.  相似文献   

Insulin action and aspects of the insulin-signaling pathway have been studied in the heart although the direct regulation of the heart’s insulin receptor has not been explored. This study describes the first purification and characterization of the mammalian (rabbit, rat and bovine) heart insulin receptor. The rabbit heart IR showed maximum insulin binding of 18 μg/mg (~1 mole insulin/mole (α2β2) receptor) and a curvilinear Scatchard plot with a high affinity KD for insulin binding of ~4 nM at optimal pH (7.8) and NaCl concentration (150 mM). The insulin receptor tyrosine kinase activity was stimulated by insulin, Mg2+ (half-maximum response at ~5.6–10.6 nM and ~8.5 mM, respectively) and by the physiological polyamines, spermine and spermidine. The stimulation by Mg2+ and the polyamines occurred with and without insulin. These characteristics of the heart insulin receptor provide a mechanism for regulating the activity of the receptor’s tyrosine kinase activity by the intracellular free Mg2+ concentration and the polyamines in the absence and presence of insulin.  相似文献   

The tyrosine kinase activity of a chimeric insulin receptor composed of the extracellular domain of the human insulin receptor (IR) and the intracellular domain of the chicken IR was compared with wild-type human IR. The degrees of autophosphorylation, phosphorylation of IRS-1, and in vitro phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate after stimulation by human insulin were similar to that seen with the human IR. We conclude that the insulin resistance of chickens is not attributable to a lower level of intrinsic tyrosine kinase activity of IR.  相似文献   

The insulin receptor purified from skeletal muscle of patients with non-insulin-dependent diabetes mellitus (NIDDM) displayed a 25-55% reduction in insulin-stimulated autophosphorylation and tyrosyl-specific phosphotransferase activity relative to controls. This decrease was not explained by alterations of muscle fiber composition, insulin binding affinity or capacity, or the Km values for ATP; the lower kinase activity was entirely attributed to a decrease in the Vmax of the enzyme. Phosphorylation sites in the beta-subunit of the control and diabetic receptor were identified by tryptic digestion and reverse-phase high performance liquid chromatography. Autophosphorylation occurred primarily in two regions of the beta-subunit: the regulatory region containing Tyr-1146, Tyr-1150, and Tyr-1151, and the C terminus containing Tyr-1316 and 1322. Autophosphorylation of the regulatory region at all three tyrosyl residues (tris-phosphorylation) appears to be necessary to activate the receptor kinase (White, M. F., Shoelson, S. E., Stepman, E. W., Keutmann, H. & Kahn, C. R. (1988) J. Biol. Chem. 263, 2969-2980). The receptor from NIDDM patients showed a decreased level of tris-phosphorylation of the regulatory region which was closely associated (r2 = 0.97) with the decreased kinase activity. In contrast, weak associations were found between kinase activity and the bis-phosphorylated forms of the regulatory region (r2 = 0.51) and the C terminus (r2 = 0.35). Therefore, the reduced formation of the tris-phosphorylated regulatory region in the diabetic receptors suggests that a defective autophosphorylation cascade leading to tris-phosphorylation of the regulatory region may cause, in part, the reduced insulin-stimulated kinase activity of the insulin receptor in muscle of NIDDM patients.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of incubation of intact cells with insulin on insulin receptor kinase activity. Following exposure of rat adipocytes to insulin, cells were solubilized and insulin receptors purified by specific immunoprecipitation or by insulin affinity chromatography. Kinase activity of the receptors, as measured by phosphorylation of histone 2B, was then determined. Insulin treatment of the cells resulted in a 10-20-fold increase in histone kinase activity of the subsequently isolated insulin receptors. The insulin effect was half-maximal at 3 s and maximal within 15 s of exposure, was dose-dependent (EC50 = 21 ng/ml), and was rapidly reversible following dissociation of insulin from the cells. The insulin effect in intact cells on insulin receptor kinase activity could be partially reversed in vitro by dephosphorylation of the isolated receptors by alkaline phosphatase. It is proposed that: in intact cells, insulin causes alterations in insulin receptors, such that their kinase activity toward non-receptor substrates increases; increased insulin receptor kinase activity following insulin stimulation in intact cells is, at least in part, the result of an increased phosphate content of the receptors; and effects of insulin on insulin receptors in intact cells can be preserved during receptor isolation and thus can be measured in a cell-free system.  相似文献   

The insulin-like properties of anti-insulin receptor antibodies (P95 Ab) that have been characterized as being directed against the receptor beta-subunit, were studied as probes to assess the interrelationship between insulin action and receptor phosphorylation. When tested on intact cells, P95 Ab mimicked insulin effects. On isolated fat cells, they stimulated 2-deoxyglucose (2-DG) transport and lipogenesis and the P95 antibody maximal effects (173 and 232% of the control values, respectively) represented about 50% of the maximal effects elicited by insulin (317 and 475% of the control values). On cultured Zajdela hepatoma cells (ZHC cells), P95 Ab also mimicked insulin action on the incorporation of [U-14C]glucose into glycogen (158 and 207% of the control value for antibody- and insulin-treated cells, respectively). In all cases the antibody effects were dose-dependent, specific and, when maximal, were not additive with those elicited by insulin. When tested in a cell-free system, P95 Ab faithfully reproduced insulin action on the phosphorylation of the receptor beta-subunit. The maximal antibody and insulin effects (317 and 328% of the control value, respectively) were not additive. P95 Ab were also equally potent as insulin to stimulate the receptor-mediated phosphorylation of an exogenous substrate (365 and 379% of the control value in P95 antibody- and insulin-treated receptors, respectively). As well, P95 Ab proved as able as insulin in stimulating the tyrosine kinase activity of the receptor (89% of the hormone effect) when the activation was carried out in vivo. Taken together, these results are consistent with a role for the kinase activity of the insulin receptor in mediating the action of insulin.  相似文献   

We measured rates of protein synthesis in vivo in subcellular fractions (soluble, myofibrillar and stromal fractions) of the heart and the gastrocnemius from rats after fasting or under hypoxic conditions (i.e. atmospheres containing 5% or 10% O2). Such interventions are known to inhibit protein synthesis under some circumstances. The recovery of tissue protein after fractionation was 80-100%. The proportions of protein present in the soluble and stromal fractions were different in the two muscles. The rates of protein synthesis in the myofibrillar and stromal fractions were less than those for total mixed tissue protein, whereas the rate for soluble protein was greater. Both fasting and moderate hypoxia (10% O2 for 24 h) inhibited protein synthesis in the gastrocnemius. In this tissue, the synthesis of the myofibrillar fraction was apparently the most sensitive to inhibition, and this resulted in some significant increases in the soluble-fraction/myofibrillar-fraction protein-synthesis rate ratios. In the heart, fasting inhibited protein synthesis, but moderate hypoxia (10% O2 for 24 h) did not. The rate of protein synthesis in the cardiac myofibrillar fraction was again more sensitive to fasting than were the rates in the other fractions, but it was not as sensitive as that in the gastrocnemius. Under severely hypoxic conditions (5% O2 for 1 or 2 h), protein synthesis was decreased in all fractions in both tissues. These results suggest that the rates of protein synthesis in these relatively crude subcellular fractions vary.  相似文献   

H-35 rat hepatoma cells were labelled with [32P]orthophosphate and their insulin receptors isolated on wheat germ agglutinin (WGA)-agarose and anti-(insulin receptor) serum. The incubation of these cells with 10 mM-H2O2 for 10 min increased the phosphorylation of both the serine and tyrosine residues of the beta subunit of the insulin receptor. Next, insulin receptors were purified on WGA-agarose from control and H2O2-treated H-35 cells and the purified fractions incubated with [gamma-32P]ATP and Mn2+. Phosphorylation of the beta subunit of insulin receptors obtained from H2O2-treated cells was 150% of that of control cells. The kinase activity of the WGA-purified receptor preparation obtained from H2O2-treated cells, as measured by phosphorylation of src-related synthetic peptide, was increased about 4-fold over control cells. These data suggest that in intact cell systems, H2O2 may increase the insulin receptor kinase activity by inducing phosphorylation of the beta subunit of insulin receptor.  相似文献   

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