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A soil bacterium capable of utilizing fluoranthene as the sole source of carbon and energy for growth was purified from a seven-member bacterial community previously isolated from a creosote waste site for its ability to degrade polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons. By standard bacteriological methods, this bacterium was characterized taxonomically as a strain of Pseudomonas paucimobilis and was designated strain EPA505. Utilization of fluoranthene by strain EPA 505 was demonstrated by increase in bacterial biomass, decrease in aqueous fluoranthene concentration, and transient formation of transformation products in liquid cultures where fluoranthene was supplied as the sole carbon source. Resting cells grown in complex medium showed activity toward anthraquinone, benzo[b]fluorene, biphenyl, chrysene, and pyrene as demonstrated by the disappearance of parent compounds or changes in their UV absorption spectra. Fluoranthene-grown resting cells were active against these compound as well as 2,3-dimethylnaphthalene, anthracene, fluoranthene, fluorene, naphthalene, and phenanthrene. These studies demonstrate that organic compounds not previously reported to serve as growth substrates can be utilized by axenic cultures of microorganisms. Such organisms may possess novel degradative systems that are active toward other compounds whose biological degradation has been limited because of inherent structural considerations or because of low aqueous solubility.  相似文献   

一株拮抗辣椒疫霉的假单胞菌的分离与鉴定   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
从甜椒根际土壤中分离到一株对辣椒疫霉(Phytophthora capsici)具有强拮抗作用的假单胞属(Pseudomonasspp.)菌株GP72,研究其拮抗性表明,对多种植物病原真菌均有很强的抑制作用。对该菌株进行形态特征、生理生化、Biolog GN、(G C)mol%含量测定及16S rDNA序列分析,鉴定为绿针假单胞菌(Pseudomonas chlororaphis)。特征为单细胞,极生单个鞭毛,不能利用聚β-羟基丁酸盐,能够较强地利用Biolog系统95种碳源中的45种作为底物生长,较弱利用其中的6种底物,与绿针假单胞菌(Pseudomonas chlororaphis)的相似性达到98%,相似指数为0.72。用热解链方法测得基因组DNA的(G C)mol%含量为65.1mol%。以16S rDNA序列为基础构建了包括13株邻近种属细菌在内的系统发育树,其中与模式致金色假单胞菌的同源性最近。  相似文献   

Pseudomonas sp. strain PH1 was isolated from soil contaminated with pharmaceutical and dye industry waste. The isolate PH1 could use m-aminophenol as a sole source of carbon, nitrogen, and energy to support the growth. PH1 could degrade up to 0.32 mM m-aminophenol in 120 h, when provided as nitrogen source at 0.4 mM concentration with citrate (0.5 mM) as a carbon source in the growth medium. The presence of ammonium chloride as an additional nitrogen source repressed the degradation of m-aminophenol by PH1. To identify strain PH1, the 16S rDNA sequence was amplified by PCR using conserved eubacterial primers. The FASTA program was used to analyze the 16S rDNA sequence and the resulting homology patterns suggested that PH1 is a Pseudomonas.  相似文献   

Though many microorganisms that are capable of using phenol as sole sourceof carbon have been isolated and characterized, only a few organisms degradingsubstituted phenols have been described to date. In this study, one strain ofmicroorganism that is capable of using phenol (3000 ppm), 4-aminophenol(4000 ppm) and 4-acetamidophenol (4000 ppm) as sole source of carbon andenergy was isolated and characterized. This strain was obtained by enrichmentculture from a site contaminated with compounds like 4-acetamidophenol,4-aminophenol and phenol in Pakistan at Bhai Pheru. The contaminated siteis able to support large bacterial community as indicated by the viable cellcounts (2 × 104–5 × 108) per gram of soil. Detailed taxonomic studies identified the organisms as Pseudomonas species designated as strain STI. The isolate also showed growth on other organic compounds like aniline, benzene, benzyl alcohol, benzyl bromide, toluene, -cresol, trichloroethylene and o-xylene. Optimum growth temperature and pH were found to be 30 °C and 7, respectively, while growth at 4, 25 and 35 °C and at pH 8 and 9 was also observed. Non growing suspended cells of strain ST1 degraded 68, 96 and 76.8% of 4-aminophenol (1000 ppm), phenol (500 ppm) and 4-acetamidophenol (1000 ppm), respectively, in 72 hrs. The isolation and characterization of Pseudomonas speciesstrain ST1, may contribute to efforts on phenolic bioremediation, particularly in anenvironment with very high levels of 4-acetamidophenol and 4-aminophenol.  相似文献   

【目的】以苯、甲苯和苯乙烯为唯一碳源,从工业石油废水中筛选苯系物降解菌,分析其降解特性,探讨底物间相互作用对降解情况的影响。【方法】经生理生化和16S r RNA基因分析进行菌种鉴定,采用顶空气相色谱法测定苯系物含量,通过细胞的疏水性、乳化能力、排油圈及透射电镜观察分析菌株降解特性。【结果】经鉴定该菌为Pseudomonas putida,命名为SW-3菌株。最适降解条件下,单位菌体对苯、甲苯和苯乙烯的最大降解速率分别为0.072、0.035和0.019 g/(L·h),苯系混合物的总降解率达79.99%。底物降解实验表明,苯可促进甲苯和苯乙烯的降解,而苯乙烯则能抑制甲苯的降解。菌株的吸附、摄取和降解特性的研究发现,菌株SW-3在自身分泌的表面活性剂的协助下以耗能的方式运输苯。【结论】菌株SW-3具有产生表面活性剂和降解苯系物的能力,且底物间的相互作用能够显著影响菌株对不同底物的降解。  相似文献   

Since diethylstilbestrol (DES) interrupts endocrine systems and generates reproductive abnormalities in both wildlife and human beings, methods to remove DES from the environments are urgently recommended. In this study, bacterial strain J51 was isolated and tested to effectively degrade DES. J51 was identified as Pseudomonas sp. based on its nucleotide sequence of 16S rRNA. The quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase and isocitrate lyase were identified to be involved in DES degradation by MALDI–TOF–TOF MS/MS analysis. In the presence of 40 mg/l DES, increase of the genes encoding quinoprotein alcohol dehydrogenase and isocitrate lyase in both RNA and protein levels was determined. The HPLC/MS analysis showed that DES was hydrolyzed to a major degrading metabolite DES-4-semiquinone. It was the first time to demonstrate the characteristics of DES degradation by specific bacterial strain and the higher degradation efficiency indicated the potential application of Pseudomonas sp. strain J51 in the treatment of DES-contaminated freshwater and seawater environments.  相似文献   

一株高效广谱染料降解细菌的分离鉴定及其脱色特性初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
从土壤样品中分离到一株高效染料脱色菌株N-4,根据形态学特征及16S rDNA基因序列分析,该菌株初步鉴定为Leucobacter sp.。利用表面响应法(RSM)对菌株N-4脱色活性深蓝K-R的主要因素进行优化,实验结果表明,菌株N-4脱色K-R的最优条件为:湿菌量10 g/L,染料浓度222 mg/L,硫酸铵1.5 g/L,果糖3.5 g/L,最佳脱色率为100%。此外,实验证明其对多种染料均具有较高的脱色效率。同时,考察了金属离子对染料脱色效率的影响,其中K+、Ca2+、Mg2+、Ba2+、Mn2+等对脱色具有促进作用,而Ni2+、Cu2+、Hg2+对脱色具有明显的抑制作用。  相似文献   

A filamentous microorganism, morphologically similar to the cyanobacterium Arthrospira, was isolated from Mangueira Lagoon in Brazil, from which Arthrospira has not previously been isolated. Random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) comparison with the standard Arthrospira platensis strains LEB 52 and Paracas indicated that the organism isolated was an Arthrospira isolate, which we denominated strain LEB 18. The RAPD analysis showed conserved sequences which indicated that the three strains belonged to the same genus, and were all Arthrospira species, but there were sufficient differences between them suggesting that they were separate strains. The strain LEB 18 was cultivated in undiluted Zarrouk medium and in 60% and 20% (v/v) Zarrouk medium diluted with sterilized Mangueira Lagoon water (MLW) using illuminance rates of 32.5, 45.5 and 58.5 micromol m(-2) s(-1) according to a complete 32 factorial design with a triplicate central point. The strains LEB 52 and Paracas were cultived in the conditions central point. Our new isolate produced the highest specific growth rate (Umax = 0.22 d(-1)) in 60% Zarrouk medium diluted with MLW and illuminated with 58.5 micromol m(-2) s(-1) and the highest protein content (86.0% w/w).  相似文献   

Isolation of a Pseudomonas stutzeri strain that degrades o-xylene   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A Pseudomonas stutzeri strain capable of growing on o-xylene was isolated from enrichment cultures. The organism grew on 2,3- and 3,4-dimethylphenol but not on 2-methylbenzyl alcohol, o-tolualdehyde, or o-toluate. P. stutzeri was not able to utilize m-xylene, p-xylene, or 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, but growth was observed in the presence of the corresponding alcohols and acids. From the Pseudomonas cultures supplied with o-xylene, 2,3-dimethylphenol was isolated and identified. When resting P. stutzeri cells were incubated with 2,3-dimethylphenol, the reaction mixture turned greenish yellow and showed spectral properties identical to those of the 3,4-dimethylcatechol meta ring fission product. Catechol 2,3-oxygenase was induced by growth on o-xylene or on 2,3- or 3,4-dimethylphenol. The suggested hypothesis is that the first metabolic steps of growth on o-xylene involve the direct oxygenation of the aromatic nucleus, followed by meta pathway reactions.  相似文献   

【背景】通过实施多轮次微生物采油,华北油藏产出液菌浓达到了106个/mL以上,油藏内部已经形成了较稳定的微生物发酵场,从其中筛选出能够乳化降解原油的微生物,并在地面对其进行扩大培养,然后再应用到微驱油藏,以进一步提高微生物采油实施效果。【目的】筛选乳化降解原油性能良好的菌株,对其进行多相分类学鉴定和性能评价。【方法】利用原油为底物筛选乳化降解性能良好的菌株,通过形态特征观察、生理生化测定、16S rRNA基因序列分析等确定菌株的分类地位。通过乳化能力、降解率等方法确定菌株的原油乳化降解特性。【结果】从华北油田采集的地层水样品中分离得到一株乳化原油的菌株BLG74,经多相分类鉴定表明其是土壤堆肥芽孢杆菌(Compostibacillus humi)的新菌株,亲源性99.6%。该菌株的生长温度为30-60℃ (最适温度45℃),pH6.5-9.5(最适pH7.0),NaCl浓度0%-7%(质量体积比)。菌株BLG74在玉米浆培养基中培养,其发酵液的表面张力为56.3 mN/m,乳化力约95%,在初始原油质量浓度0.5%、温度45℃的条件下培养20d,对原油的降解率可达40.8%。【结论】菌...  相似文献   

A lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-defective (rough) mutant of Pseudomonas aeruginosa PAO was isolated by selection for resistance to the LPS-specific phage E79. The LPS of this mutant, AK-1012, lacked the O-antigenic side chain-specific amino sugar fucosamine as well as the core-specific sugars glucose and rhamnose. Using this strain, we isolated and characterized a phage, phi PLS27, which is specifically inactivated upon incubation with LPS extracted from rough mutants of P. aeruginosa PAO. phi PLS27 was found to be a Bradley type C phage and was very similar to coliphage T7 in a number of properties, including size, buoyant density, mass, and the number of structural proteins.  相似文献   

一株产纤维素酶菌株的分离、鉴定及产酶特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
【目的】筛选并鉴定一株产纤维素酶的菌株,初步探究该菌的产酶特性,为综合利用纤维素筛选菌源。【方法】在常温条件下,采用滤纸培养基对菌种富集,采用CMC-Na初筛纤维素降解菌,采用LB培养基分离纯化菌株,经形态学、生理生化特征试验、16S r RNA基因序列测定等分析筛选菌株的系统分类地位。单因素试验确定培养时间、培养温度、初始p H及Na Cl浓度对筛选菌株产酶活力的影响。【结果】从腐烂的玉米秸秆中分离出一株在常温下产纤维素酶细菌KZ-2,根据菌落形态特征、生理生化特征鉴定以及16S r RNA基因序列分析,初步鉴定KZ-2为肠杆菌(Enterobacter sp.),为潜在新种。产酶条件实验显示:该菌使用产酶发酵培养基120 h产酶量达到最大值,在25–35°C、初始p H 4.5–5.5、Na Cl浓度1.0%–2.0%范围内为最佳产酶条件,在最适条件下酶活可达80.93 U/m L。该菌株所产纤维素酶最适反应p H为7.0,最适反应温度为50°C。【结论】KZ-2是一株具有降解纤维素能力的细菌,在常温下即可分泌纤维素酶,并且该菌株为潜在新种,具有潜在的开发价值。  相似文献   

Summary A cellulolytic bacterium was isolated from leaf litter. Its nutritional characteristics and most of its morphological features closely resemble those of ATCC # 482, which is considered to be the type species ofCellulomonas flavigena (Stackebrandt and Keddie in Bergey's Manual of Systematic Bacteriology). However, when stationary phase cells from cultures using a minimal medium containing an excess carbon and energy source are compared, a very prominent morphological difference is manifest. Phase contrast microscopy and transmission electron microscopy indicate the presence of large swollen polar structures in the type species. The absence of such structures from the new isolate and the production of large amounts of an extracellular polysaccharide indicate that it is a new strain ofCellulomonas flavigena.  相似文献   

A bacterium that utilizes cyanide as a nitrogen source was isolated from soil after enrichment in a liquid medium containing potassium cyanide (10mM) and glucose (1.0%, w/v). The strain could tolerate and grow in potassium cyanide at concentrations of up to 25mM. It could also utilize potassium cyanate, potassium thiocyanate, linamarin and a range of aliphatic and aromatic nitriles. The isolate was tentatively identified as Burkholderia cepacia strain C-3. Ammonia and formic acid were found in the culture supernatant of the strain grown on fructose and potassium cyanide, no formamide was detected, suggesting a hydrolytic pathway for the degradation of cyanide. The cyanide-degrading activity was higher in early and the stationary phase cells. Crude cell extracts of strain C-3 grown on nutrient broth exhibited cyanide-degrading activity. The characteristics of strain C-3 suggest that it would be useful in the bioremediation of cyanide-containing waste.  相似文献   

Pseudomonas aeruginosa AC869, a 3,5-dichlorobenzoate degrader, is a mouse pathogen and has a reported 50% lethal dose (LD50) of 1.05 x 10(7) CFU when given intranasally to C3H/HeJ mice (S.E. George, M.J. Kohan, M.I. Gilmour, M.S. Taylor, H.G. Brooks, J.P. Creason, and L.D. Claxton, Appl. Environ, Microbiol. 59:3585-3591, 1993). AC869 was serotyped as O6 when grown in CD-1 mouse cecal and lung mucus but could not be assigned an O serotype when grown in Luria broth (LB). After growth in mouse cecal mucus, a less virulent mutant, AC869-11, was isolated from AC869 by using bacteriophage E79, which adsorbs to the O side chain of lipopolysaccharide (LPS). AC869-11 produced significantly less O antigen on its LPS than AC869 when grown in mouse lung and cecal mucus. The mutant also produced half the amount of exoenzyme S and 16-fold less extracellular protease than AC869 and was more sensitive than its parent to a number of antibiotics when grown either in LB or in mouse lung mucus. AC869-11 had ninefold higher LD50 than AC869 in CD-1 mice when administered intranasally. AC869-11 was found in the lungs, small intestine, cecum, and large intestine in numbers at least 100-fold below AC869, 3 h after intranasal exposure of mice to a sublethal dose of the two strains. Moreover, AC869-11 induced a decreased pulmonary inflammatory response relative to AC869. In contrast to AC869, AC869-11 did not translocate to the mesenteric lymph nodes, liver, and spleen following a sublethal dose. Despite attenuation, AC869-11 grew as well as AC869 with 3,5-dichlorobenzoate as the sole carbon and energy source. However, although AC869-11 survived in 3,5-dichlorobenzoate-contaminated soil as well as AC869 for 1 week, it failed to survive as well thereafter. These results suggest the possibility that mutations that lead to pulmonary attenuation of P. aeruginosa in mice also lead to weakness in the environment, despite such mutants maintaining the ability to degrade toxic substances under laboratory conditions.  相似文献   

Phage H22 was isolated from sewage using Pseudomonas aeruginosa NCTC 8505 (serotype 0:3) as the host. Although not O-specific, this phage was found to have lipopolysaccharide (LPS) as a receptor. The broad host-range and lack of O-specificity of the phage suggested that its receptor site was in the core region of the LPS. Phage H22 had a Bradley type A structure. It was unaffected by chloroform and diethyl ether, and was stable between pH 5 and 8 and in the temperature range 0 to 60 degrees C. The adsorption rate constant was 14.6 X 10(-9) ml min-1. The phage had a latent period of 43 min, with a rise time of 18 min and a burst size of 6. The adsorption of phage to whole cells and LPS occurred over a broad pH range. Maximum adsorption occurred at 50 degrees C and pH 7.5 in the presence of 0.001 M Ca2+.  相似文献   

Isolation of a Pseudomonas stutzeri strain that degrades o-xylene.   总被引:8,自引:8,他引:0       下载免费PDF全文
A Pseudomonas stutzeri strain capable of growing on o-xylene was isolated from enrichment cultures. The organism grew on 2,3- and 3,4-dimethylphenol but not on 2-methylbenzyl alcohol, o-tolualdehyde, or o-toluate. P. stutzeri was not able to utilize m-xylene, p-xylene, or 1,2,4-trimethylbenzene, but growth was observed in the presence of the corresponding alcohols and acids. From the Pseudomonas cultures supplied with o-xylene, 2,3-dimethylphenol was isolated and identified. When resting P. stutzeri cells were incubated with 2,3-dimethylphenol, the reaction mixture turned greenish yellow and showed spectral properties identical to those of the 3,4-dimethylcatechol meta ring fission product. Catechol 2,3-oxygenase was induced by growth on o-xylene or on 2,3- or 3,4-dimethylphenol. The suggested hypothesis is that the first metabolic steps of growth on o-xylene involve the direct oxygenation of the aromatic nucleus, followed by meta pathway reactions.  相似文献   

A novel beta-lactamase enzyme produced by a strain of Pseudomonas paucimobilis is described. The enzyme differs from other recorded beta-lactamases from Gram-negative aerobic bacteria. It was constitutive, and had the characteristics of a penicillinase. One single band of beta-lactamase activity at pI 4.6 was seen on iso-electric focusing. The enzyme had a molecular mass of 30 kDa. The beta-lactamase was strongly inhibited by tazobactam, sulbactam and clavulanic acid but not by the thiol residue inhibitors p-chloromercuribenzoate and p-chloromercuriphenylsulphonic acid, or by metallo-enzyme inhibitors. Plasmid DNA was not demonstrable, suggesting that the enzyme was chromosomally encoded.  相似文献   

In this study, we consider the use of hydrocarbon-degrading bacteria that degrade trans-stilbene as a novel approach for synthesizing potentially bioactive hydroxylated stilbenes. A trans-stilbene-degrading bacterium, MN2, was isolated from activated sludge through enrichment culture, and identified as Pseudomonas fluorescens using conventional techniques. Degradation of trans-stilbene by this strain yielded two metabolites that had significant antioxidant activity.  相似文献   

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