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In vitrorates of gross and net oxygen production were measuredas a function of light intensity in some plankton communitiescollected from Bedford Basin, Nova Scotia, and in a monoclonalculture of Synechococcus. The rate of gross oxygen productionwas measured by a technique in which the stable oxygen isotope,18O, serves as a photosynthetic tracer Net oxygen productionwas measured by automated Winkler technique. The rate of communityrespiration in the light was then determined by the differencebetween gross and net rates of oxygen production. In the naturalpopulations examined, neither gross nor net oxygen productionrates were significantly inhibited at the highest light intensitymeasured (500–800 µE m–2 s–1) In a samplein which the dark respiration rate was small relative to themaximal rate of production [Pmax;sensu Platt et al (1980) JMar. Res., 38, 687–701] the rates of ‘light’respiration were 3 times greater. In two other communities,with high rates of dark respiration relative to Pmaxthe ratesof ‘light’ respiration were closer to rates of darkrespiration. In the Synechococcus clone, both gross and netoxygen production rates were inhibited at high light intensities.Rates of ‘light’ respiration were found to varyas a function of light intensity. The greatest rates of respirationwere measured in samples incubated at light intensities thatwere just saturating (100 µE m–2 s–1). Therates of 14C production were also measured as a function oflight intensity The photosynthetic quotients, based on 14C productionrates and gross oxygen production rates, average 1 9  相似文献   

Mesophyll resistance to photosynthetic carboxylation (r'm) wasused as a criterion for leaf integrity. It was measured, at25 °C, in the light, before and after periods of high temperature(3 h at 38 °C) in the dark. During the high temperatureperiods, respiration (RD) of attached leaves of Xanthium strumariumwas suppressed from 27%-36% by either low [O2] (1.04% or 0.21%v.v.) or high [CO2] (840 µl 1–1) in the ambientair. Neither treatment affected rates of RD or photo-respirationduring the second period at 25 °C. There was no significant increase of r'm when RD was not suppressedduring the high temperature treatment. When RD was suppressedat high temperatures, r'm increased from about 3s cm–1before, to about 26 s cm–1 after the high temperaturetreatment. The increase depended upon the degree of suppression. It is concluded that increased RD at high temperature in Xanthiumleaves is partly the result of an increase of energy demandingmaintenance. The subsequent rate of carbon dioxide fixationis reduced when this increase of maintenance-induced respirationis inhibited.  相似文献   

The temperature dependence of the efflux kinetics of labelledwater in isolated maize roots has been studied. The purposeof these experiments was to obtain the energy of activation,E (kcal/mole), of the rate-limiting step in this radial exchangeprocess under various experimental conditions. Estimates ofE were obtained from linear relations between ln{D'w} and thereciprocal of the absolute temperature; values of the apparentdiffusion coefficient, D'w, of labelled water in the root werefound from an analytical treatment of the efflux data in termsof a cylindrical diffusion model. The energy of activation forlabelled-water exchange in normal roots was 14.9 kcal/mole.The corresponding value for ‘dead’ (boiled) rootswas 3.9 kcal/mole. These values of E substantiate the view thatin normal roots the penetration of water across the membranesof the root cells constitutes the rate-determining step in theefflux whereas in ‘dead’ roots extracellular diffusionof water is the source of rate-control. Similar temperature dependence studies were performed on theefflux kinetics from normal and ‘dead’ roots treatedwith 10–5 M phenylmercuric acetate (PMA). The energiesof activation for labelled-water exchange in normal and ‘dead’roots under these conditions were respectively 15.5 and 5.3kcal/mole. Moreover, the results of the efflux experiments onPMA-treated roots were considered to indicate that this inhibitorproduces an alteration in some structural aspect of the rate-controlling‘membranes’.  相似文献   

A series of experiments was conducted to assess net CO2assimilationand growth responses to waterlogging of grafted and seedlingtrees in the genus Annona. Seedlings of A. glabra, A. muricataandA. squamosa L., and scions of ‘Gefner’ atemoya(A. squamosaxA. cherimola Mill.), ‘49-11’ (‘Gefner’atemoyaxA. reticulata L.), ‘4-5’ (‘Priestley’atemoyaxA. reticulata), A. reticulata grafted onto either A.glabra, A. reticulata orA. squamosa rootstocks were floodedfor up to 60 d. Soil anaerobiosis occurred on the third dayof flooding. Seedlings ofA. glabra and A. muricata, and thescions ‘49-11’, ‘Gefner’ atemoya, andA. reticulata grafted onto A. glabra rootstock were consideredflood tolerant based on their ability to survive and grow inflooded conditions. Scions of the normally flood-sensitive A.reticulata, ‘Gefner’ atemoya, and ‘49-11’tolerated root waterlogging when grafted onto the flood-tolerantspecies, A. glabra. In contrast, flooding of A. squamosa seedlingsand rootstocks, and A. reticulata rootstocks greatly reducedgrowth and net CO2assimilation rates, and resulted in 20–80%tree mortality. Stem anatomical responses to long-term flooding(12 continuous months) were assessed in seedlings of A. glabraand A. muricata, and trees of ‘49-11’ grafted ontoA. glabra. Flooded trees developed hypertrophied stem lenticels,particularly in A. glabra, and enlarged xylem cells resultingin thicker stems with reduced xylem density. Flooding did notincrease air spaces in pre-existing xylem near the pith or inxylem tissue that was formed during flooding. Thus, flood tolerancedid not involve aerenchyma formation in the stem. Copyright1999 Annals of Botany Company Flood tolerance, net CO2assimilation, photosynthesis, stem anatomy, shoot growth, anaerobiosis, Annonaceae.  相似文献   

The uptake rate of carbon and nitrogen (ammonium, nitrate andurea) by the Microcystis predominating among phytoplankton wasinvestigated in the summer of 1984 in Takahamaira Bay of LakeKasumigaura. The Vmax values of Microcystis for nitrate (0.025–0.046h–1) and ammonium (0.15–0.17 h–1) were considerablyhigher than other natural phytoplankton. The ammonium, nitrateand urea uptake by Microcystis was light dependent and was notinhibited with nigh light intensity. The K1 values were farlower than the Ik values. The carbon uptake was not influencedby nitrogen enrichment. Microcystis accelerated the uptake rateby changing Vmax/K s value when nitrogen versus carbon contentin cells declined. Nitrate was scarcely existent in TakahamairiBay during the summer, when Microcystis usually used ammoniumas the nitrogen source. However, the standing stock of ammoniumin the water was far lower than the daily ammonium uptake rates.Therefore, the ammonium in this water had to be supplied becauseof its rapid turn-over time (–0.7–2.6 h).  相似文献   

The effects of exposure of up to 2 h with sulphur dioxide ona range of plant species was observed by measuring changes inthe rate of net photosynthesis under closely controlled environmentalconditions. Ryegrass, Lolium perenne ‘S23’ was thespecies most sensitive to SO2; significant inhibition was detectedat 200 nl l–1. Fumigations at 300 nl l–1 also inhibitedphotosynthesis in field bean (Vicia faba cv. ‘Three FoldWhite’ and ‘Blaze’) and in barley (Hordeumvulgare cv. ‘Sonja’). No effect was detected inwheat (Triticum aestivum cv. ‘Virtue’) at concentrationsup to 600 nl l–1 SO2, or in oil-seed rape (Brassica napuscv. ‘Rafal’) except at 800 nl l–1 SO2). Recoverycommenced immediately after the fumigation was terminated andwas complete within 2 h when inhibition had not exceeded 20%during the SO2 treatment. Key words: Sulphur dioxide, short-term fumigation, photosynthesis  相似文献   

Effects of coupled solute and water flow in plant roots withspecial reference to Brouwer's experiment. Edwin L. Fiscus. p. 71 Abstract: Line 3 delete ‘interval’ insert‘internal’. p. 73 Materials and Methods: line 6: delete ‘diversion’ insert ‘division’ line 9 equation should read Jv=Lp PRT(C0C1). 74 Last line of figure legend: 10–1 should read 10–11. 75 Line 11: delete ‘seems’ insert ‘seem’. le 1 column heading—106 should read 1011. 77 delete ‘...membrane in series of...’ insert ‘membranein series or...’ Delete final paragraph.  相似文献   

The apparent diffusion constant, K, derived from profiles ofradioactivity during labelled sucrose translocation, is temperature-dependentwith a Q10 of 2.9 in Pteridium. This value is similar to thoseobtained by other authors for mass transfer rates. The behaviourof K with temperature supports a translocation mechanism ofthe ‘activated-diffusion’ type and is consistentwith the Canny and Phillips translocation model which also suggestsa basis for the 25-30° C temperature optimum in translocation.  相似文献   

Diel patterns of photosynthate biosynthesis by Antarctic freshwaterphytoplankton growing under the variable but continuous sunlightof summer were found to be similar in many respects to thosereported from other aquatic environments where light/dark periodsalternate. Lipid synthesis by freshwater phytoplankton in LakesVanda and Fryxell predominated during periods when solar radiationand photosynthesis were most intense; the inverse was generallytrue of the protein and polysaccharide fractions. The majorphotosynthetic end-products in both lakes were protein and polysaccharide,which together accounted for 60–81% of the total cellularcarbon incorporation. Less than 4% of the carbon was incorporatedinto lipid in Lake Vanda; >12% appeared in the lipid fractionin Lake Fryxell. The Lake Fryxell populations showed evidenceof photoinhibition of complete photosynthesis during ‘midday’when irradiance was most intense. Ik values, computed from thephotosynthesis irradiance relationships in Lake Fryxell, corroborateother studies suggesting that the phytoplankton populationsin permanently ice-capped Antarctic lakes are among the mostshade-adapted yet reported.  相似文献   

Motivation: Although the outbreak of the severe acute respiratorysyndrome (SARS) is currently over, it is expected that it willreturn to attack human beings. A critical challenge to scientistsfrom various disciplines worldwide is to study the specificityof cleavage activity of SARS-related coronavirus (SARS-CoV)and use the knowledge obtained from the study for effectiveinhibitor design to fight the disease. The most commonly usedinductive programming methods for knowledge discovery from dataassume that the elements of input patterns are orthogonal toeach other. Suppose a sub-sequence is denoted as P2P1P1'P2',the conventional inductive programming method may result ina rule like ‘if P1 = Q, then the sub-sequence is cleaved,otherwise non-cleaved’. If the site P1 is not orthogonalto the others (for instance, P2, P1' and P2'), the predictionpower of these kind of rules may be limited. Therefore thisstudy is aimed at developing a novel method for constructingnon-orthogonal decision trees for mining protease data. Result: Eighteen sequences of coronavirus polyprotein were downloadedfrom NCBI (http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov). Among these sequences,252 cleavage sites were experimentally determined. These sequenceswere scanned using a sliding window with size k to generateabout 50 000 k-mer sub-sequences (for short, k-mers). The valueof k varies from 4 to 12 with a gap of two. The bio-basis functionproposed by Thomson et al. is used to transform the k-mers toa high-dimensional numerical space on which an inductive programmingmethod is applied for the purpose of deriving a decision treefor decision-making. The process of this transform is referredto as a bio-mapping. The constructed decision trees select about10 out of 50 000 k-mers. This small set of selected k-mers isregarded as a set of decisive templates. By doing so, non-orthogonaldecision trees are constructed using the selected templatesand the prediction accuracy is significantly improved. Availability: The program for bio-mapping can be obtained byrequest to the author. Contact: z.r.yang{at}exeter.ac.uk  相似文献   

Nutrient-sufficient cultures of a Trondheimsfjord (Norway) cloneof the marine centric diatom Skeleionema costatum (Grev.) Clevewere grown at 75 µmol m–2 s–1 and 15C at24 and 12 h daylength to study diurnal variations and the effectof daylength on pigment and chemical composition, photosyntheticparameters, dark respiration rates and scaled fluorescence excitationspectra (F), the latter used as estimates for the absorptionof energy available to Photosystem II. Specific growth rateswere 1.06 and 0.56 day in 24 and 12 h daylength, respectively,while dark respiration rates were generally 85% of the net growthrate. The Chla-normalized photosynthetic coefficients PBm andaB were {small tilde}20–25% higher in continuous lightthan at 12 h daylength, while the Chla:C ratio was {small tilde}15%lower (0.051 versus 0.061 w:w). Thus, the carbon-normalizedcoefficients Pcm and ac were <11% lower at 24 h than at 12h daylength. The maximum quantum yield max, the Chla:C ratioand F differed negligibly, as did the light saturation indexlk, the N:C ratio and the ratios Chlc:Chla and Fucoxanthin:Chla. PBm and lk did not exhibit diurnal variations at 24 hdaylength, and varied within 23% of the daily mean at 12 h daylength.Predictions of the daily gross photosynthetic rate based ondata for a given time of the day should thus not be >10%in error relative to an integrated value based on several datasets collected through 24 h. max was 0.084–0.117 mol O2(mol photons) for gross oxygen evolution. However, ifused in mathematical models for predicting the gross and netgrowth rates (i.e. the gross and net carbon turnover rates),‘practical’ values of 0.076 and 0.040 g-at C (molphotons), respectively, should be employed. Correspondingly,values for aB and PBm should be adjusted pro rata. 1Present address: College of Marine Studies, Sjmannsveien 27,N-6008 lesund, Norway  相似文献   

Effects of a series of artificial mixings of part of the watercolumn of a limnetic enclosure (‘Lund Tube’ C, BlelhamTarn, Cumbria) upon the rates of net change in the standingpopulations of selected species of phytoplankton are described.Increase of Sphaerocystis and Anabaena was relatively fasterunder the ‘quiescent’, stratified conditions ofunmixed columns whereas mixing generally favoured the net increaseof diatoms (e.g., Fragilaria) or, at times, of Oscillatoria.The sequences corresponded closely to supposed successionalpathways, which are thus suggested to be naturally regulatedby seasonally-changing physical characteristics of the watercolumn. Performance characteristics of the mixing apparatusand a mathematical expression of the net rate of change in naturalFragilaria populations are appended.  相似文献   

A consistent set of equations has been written to describe thenet rate of algal 14CO2 uptake (and where appropriate respirationand photosynthesis) which take into account separately complicationsdue to respiration of the labelled photosynthetic products andthe recycling of respiratory CO2. Written specifically intothe equations is the concept of ‘new’ and ‘old’carbon, the coefficient q is used in the respiration model toallow for the differential respiration of organic material fromthe ‘new’ and ‘old’ carbon pools. Analyticalintegrals have been found for respiration and recycling models,and the behaviour of the models studied over periods of 12 h(i.e. up to 70% of the intrinsic generation time). The rateconstant for respiration has a greater effect on the behaviourof the recycling than the respiration model. Over short timecourses (up to 30% of the intrinsic generation time), the effectsof respiration and recycling on net 14CO2 uptake are quite distinct,especially at high P/R ratios, and not complicated by assumptionsover the value of q. Although the value of q will have a time-dependentsecondary effect on the modelled total carbon-specific respirationrate, this was found not to give rise to major problems of interpretation.Beyond 50% of the intrinsic generation time, the separate treatmentof respiration and recycling in the models becomes less satisfactory.It was concluded that the present equations, which are not constrainedby mass balance considerations, would not be appropriate fora model that combines the two processes. The pattern of recyclingat low P/R values is identified as one of the major uncertaintiesin producing models of 14C uptake. The effect of the releaseof dissolved organic material can be anticipated in a generalway. The models have been used to define an experimental strategyto establish the separate effects of respiration and recyclingon the time course of net 14C uptake. The initial rates givethe clearest resolution of the two processes and it would appearthat with photosynthetic rates in the region of 1 day–1,incubation periods up to 3–6 h would be suitable to determinethe importance of recycling in controlling net 14C uptake. Withthe present models, only in the absence of recycling could theeffect of respiration be studied and the value of q established.  相似文献   

The thermal dependence of enzyme kinetic parameters has beenpresented as an indicator of species’ thermal optima andtolerance limits. Previous studies suggest the relationshipbetween temperature and the apparent Michaelis–Mentenconstant (Km) of an enzyme system can be used to predict wholeplant success at specific temperatures. The apparent Kmfor glutathionereductase (EC; GR) (oxidized glutathione as substrate)extracted from leaves of American sloughgrass (Beckmannia syzigachneSteud.), tufted hairgrass (Deschampsia caespitosa L.), tallfescue (Festuca arundinaceae Schreb. ‘Titan’), andmaize (Zea mays L.), was determined over a range of temperatures(1–40 °C). For all species, minimum apparent KmforGR was observed at 1 °C, and Kmvalues increased as temperatureincreased. The apparent Kmvalues differed among all speciesat the lower temperatures (1–15 °C), but were similarat higher temperatures. The enzyme from tufted hairgrass hadthe lowest apparent Kmat low temperatures (<15 °C), followedin increasing order by American sloughgrass, tall fescue andmaize. Our experimental system failed to reproduce thermal kineticwindow profiles similar to those reported elsewhere. With respectto the enzyme systems reported here, results suggest that thesecool-season grasses can be ranked as more to less eurythermicwithin the temperature range from 1 to 15 °C. Copyright0000 American sloughgrass, Beckmannia syzigachne Steud., tufted hairgrass, Deschampsia caespitosa L., tall fescue, Festuca arundinaceae Schreb. ‘Titan’, Zea mays L., plant competition, temperature stress, kinetics, Michaelis–Menten constant (Km), glutathione reductase  相似文献   

ROBSON  M. J. 《Annals of botany》1982,49(3):321-329
Simulated swards of each of two selection lines of Lolium perennecv. S23 with ‘fast’ and ‘slow’ ratesof ‘mature tissue’ respiration were establishedin growth rooms at 20/15 °C day/night temperatures and studiedover four successive regrowth periods of 46, 30, 26 and 53 daysduration. The ‘slow’ line outyielded the ‘fast’,both in harvestable shoot (above a 5 cm cut) and in root andstubble. Its advantage increased over successive regrowth periodsto 23 per cent (total biomass). Gas analysis measurements onthe entire communities (including roots), during the final regrowthperiod, showed that the ‘slow’ line had a 22–34per cent lower rate of dark respiration per unit dry weight.This enabled it to maintain its greater mass of tissue for thesame cost in terms of CO2 efflux per unit ground area. Halfthe extra dry weight produced by the ‘slow’ line,relative to the ‘fast’, could be attributed to itsmore economic use of carbon. The rest could be traced to a 25per cent greater tiller number which enabled the ‘slow’line to expand leaf area faster (though not at a greater rateper tiller), intercept more light and fix more carbon, earlyin the regrowth period. Lolium perenne L., ryegrass, respiration, maintenance respiration, tiller production, simulated swards, canopy photosynthesis, carbon economy  相似文献   

On page 235, Table I: Equation (1) for Node 4 should read ‘A/Ac=0·840+0·0006Ac;Equation (2) for Node 4 should read ‘A=0·89Ac’and Equation (2) for Node 5–10 should read ‘A=0·813Ac’.  相似文献   

Five Gladiolus cultivars, namely ‘Aldebaran’, ‘BrightEye’, ‘Illusion’, ‘Manisha’ and‘Manmohan’, were exposed to 1 and 2 µg l–1sulphur dioxide to test their relative-sensitivity toleranceto the pollutant Plants were fumigated experimentally for 2h daily Foliar injury symptoms were observed first in ‘Manisha’followed by ‘Aldebaran’ and ‘Illusion’at the higher dose Photosynthetic pigments and leaf extractpH were significantly decreased, particularly in ‘Manisha’and ‘Illusion’ Overall disturbances in the plantmetabolism due to SO2 treatment led to retarded growth of plants,as evident from decreased shoot length and phytomass valuesThe order of sensitivity of the five Gladiolus cultivars toSO2 was as follows, with the greatest first Manisha, Illusion,Aldebaran, Bright Eye, Manmohan Cultivars, Gladiolus, sensitivity, sulphur dioxide, tolerance  相似文献   

The effect of tetraploidy on leaf characteristics and net gasexchange was studied in diploid (2x ) and autotetraploid (4x) ‘Valencia’ sweet orange (Citrus sinensis (L.)Osb.) and ‘Femminello’ lemon (Citrus limon (L.)Burm. f.) leaves. Comparisons between ploidy levels were madeunder high irradiance (I) in a growth chamber or low total Iin a glasshouse. Tetraploids of both species had thicker leaves,larger mesophyll cell volume and lower light transmittance thandiploids regardless of growth I. Mesophyll surface area perunit leaf area of 2x leaves was 5–15% greater than on4x leaves. Leaf thickness and mesophyll cell volume were greaterin high I leaves than low I leaves. In high I, average leafarea was similar for 2x and 4x leaves, whereas in low I it was30% greater in 4x than in 2x leaves. Nitrogen and chlorophyllconcentration per cell increased with ploidy level in both growthconditions. The ratio of chlorophyll a:b was 25% greater in2x than in 4x leaves. When net CO2assimilation rate (ACO2) wasbased on leaf area, 4x orange leaves had 24–35% lowerACO2than their diploids. There were no significant differencesin ACO2between 2x and 4x orange or lemon leaves when expressedon a per cell basis. Overall, lower ACO2per unit leaf area oftetraploids was related to increase in leaf thickness, largermesophyll cell volume, the decrease in mesophyll area exposedto internal air spaces, and the lower ratio between cell surfaceto cell volume. Such changes probably increased the resistanceto CO2diffusion to the site of carboyxlation in the chloroplasts. Cell volume; chlorophyll; irradiance; leaf thickness; nitrogen; photosynthesis; ploidy; Citrus limon ; C. sinensis ; ‘Valencia’ sweet orange; ‘Femminello’ lemon  相似文献   

Muschinek, G., Alscher, R. and Anderson, L. E. 1987. The sensitivityof light modulation of enzyme activity to arsenite and sulphiteand of photosynthetic induction to arsenite is determined bya cytoplasmic gene—J. exp. Bot. 38: 1069–1075. The membrane component of the light modulation system was moresensitive to arsenite and to sulphite in the Pisum cultivar‘Nugget’ than in the cultivar ‘Progress No.9’. Likewise, the induction phase of CO2 fixation wasmore arsenite sensitive in chloroplasts isolated from ‘Nugget’plants. Sensitivity was controlled by a cytoplasmic gene. Key words: Induction, light modulation, arsenite sensitivity  相似文献   

The levels of purine and pyrimidine nucleotides in suspensioncultures of Catharanthus roseus were determined 24 h after stationary-phasecells were transferred to fresh complete (‘+Pi’)or phosphate-deficient (‘–Pi’) Murashige-Skoogmedium. The levels of ATP, GTP, UTP and CTP were from approx.3 to 5-fold greater in the cells grown in ‘+Pi’medium than in the cells grown in ‘–Pi’ medium.The levels of almost all other nucleotides were slightly higherin the cells in ‘+Pi’ medium. The rates of de novoand salvage biosynthesis of purine and pyrimidine nucleotideswere estimated from the rates of incorporation of radioactivityfrom [14C]formate, [2–14C]glycine, NaH14CO3, [6–14C]orotate,[8–14C]adenine, [8–14C]adenosine, [2–14C]uraciland [2–14C]uridine. The results indicated that the activityof both the de novo and the salvage pathway was higher in thecells in ‘+Pi’ medium than in the cells in ‘–Pi’medium. The rate of degradation estimated from the rate of releaseof 14CO2 from labelled purines and pyrimidines indicated thatdegradation of uridine was significantly reduced in the cellsin ‘+Pi’ medium, but no significant difference wasfound in the degradation of adenine, adenosine and uracil. Thepossible role of Pi in the control of the biosynthesis of nucleotidesand in the degradation of uridine is discussed. Catharanthus roseus, Madagascar periwinkle, suspension culture, inorganic phosphate, nucleotides, purines, pyrimidines, biosynthesis, degradation  相似文献   

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