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Previous studies have suggested that the binding of mouse glucuronidase to endoplasmic reticulum membrane is stabilized by the membrane protein egasyn. Using a radioimmunoassay for egasyn, we have now examined the inheritance of egasyn levels in mice. Mice of the ibred strain C57BL/6J, which have normal levels of microsomal glucuronidase, contained 56±10 g egasyn per gram of liver. Mice of the inbred strain YBR, which carry the Eg 0 mutation resulting in the absence of microsomal glucuronidase, did not contain detectable levels of egasyn. The F1 progeny of these two strains contained intermediate levels of egasyn, 25±4 g egasyn per gram of liver. Progeny from the backcross of these F1 animals to YBR were distributed equally into two discrete phenotypic classes. One class lacked both egasyn and microsomal glucuronidase, while the other class contained 25±3 g egasyn per gram of liver and contained normal levels of microsomal glucuronidase. Thus egasyn levels are determined by the Eg locus and show additive inheritance. These results suggest that the Eg gene codes for egasyn and that it is the inability to produce egasyn that results in a deficiency of microsomal glucuronidase in the Eg 0 mutant.This work was supported in part by USPHS Grant GM-19521.  相似文献   

Mouse beta-glucuronidase has a dual intracellular localization, being present in both endoplasmic reticulum and lysosomes of several tissues. Previous studies demonstrated that the protein egasyn is complexed with microsomal but not lysosomal glucuronidase and that a mutant lacking egasyn is deficient in microsomal, but not lysosomal, glucuronidase. By means of a recently developed radioimmunoassay for egasyn, the relationship between microsomal glucuronidase levels and egasyn levels has been examined in various adult tissues, during postnatal development in liver, and after androgen induction of glucuronidase in kidney. The results indicate that the relative availability of egasyn determines the balance between glucuronidase incorporation into membranes and that into lysosomes.  相似文献   

In vitro studies have shown that acetylcholine-induced vasorelaxation is mediated by endothelium-derived relaxing factor/nitric oxide (EDRF/NO). EDRF/NO is synthesized from L-arginine by an enzymatic pathway that is inhibited by L-NG-methylarginine. To assess whether EDRF/NO also mediates the vasodilating action of acetylcholine in vivo, we have investigated the effect of L-arginine and L-NG-methylarginine on the hypotensive response to acetylcholine in the anesthetized guinea pig. L-arginine prolonged the duration of the depressor response to acetylcholine and L-NG-methylarginine decreased it. However, neither L-arginine nor L-NG-methylarginine modified the magnitude of acetylcholine's hypotensive effect unless the blood pressure was previously elevated by infusion with norepinephrine. Thus, de novo synthesis of nitric oxide from L-arginine contributes importantly, but not exclusively, to acetylcholine's hypotensive effect in the guinea pig. Furthermore, the concentration of circulating L-arginine may influence the duration and magnitude of acetylcholine-induced depressor responses under normotensive and hypertensive conditions.  相似文献   

The concentration of insulin in portal vein blood decreases 50–60% in fed or fasted rats as they age from 12- to 24-months. The binding capacity of purified hepatic plasma membrane for insulin decreases approximately 60% as rats age from 2- to 24-months, whereas the dissociation constant for insulin is not altered. It is proposed that these factors may contribute significantly to previously documented examples of age-dependent modifications in liver enzyme regulation.  相似文献   

The β-glucuronidase activity of mouse kidney proximal tubule cells increases rapidly after administration of dihydrotestosterone. Several inbred mouse strains show an approximately fourfold greater response in enzyme activity than the majority of strains, although both groups have similar uninduced kidney glucuronidase activity. This difference is maintained throughout a three-week induction period. It is not accounted for by a difference in any of the physiological parameters (e.g. hypertrophy, inducer specificity, enzyme secretion) associated with enzyme induction. The difference is specific to glucuronidase; assays of other androgen-indueible enzymes showed no difference between the two groups. Induction does not involve a change in enzyme structure since basal and induced glucuronidase have identical thermal stability and immunochemical reactivity.Rates of enzyme synthesis were determined by assaying the incorporation of radiolabeled leucine into antibody-purified glucuronidase. The rate of enzyme synthesis increases after induction, and the more rapidly inducing strains have a correspondingly greater increase in the rate of enzyme synthesis.The inducibility difference between the two classes of inbred strains segregates as a single Mendelian trait in both backcross and F2 progeny. Recombination studies with a coat color mutation closely linked to the enzyme structural gene and with a mutant of the enzyme structural gene altered in electrophoretic mobility showed that the inducibility gene, called Gur, maps in the region of the glucuronidase structural gene. Tests in heterozygotes showed that the Gur locus acts cis, affecting only the rate of synthesis of glucuronidase coded by the structural gene residing on the same chromosome.  相似文献   

Telomere dysfunction induces two types of cellular response: cellular senescence and apoptosis. We analysed the extent to which the cellular level of telomere dysfunction and p53 gene status affect these cellular responses in mouse liver using the experimental system of TRF2 inhibition by a dominant-negative version of the protein (TRF2delta B delta M). We show that the level of telomere dysfunction correlates with the level of TRF2delta B delta M protein expression resulting in chromosomal fusions, aberrant mitotic figures and aneuploidy of liver cells. These alterations provoked p53-independent apoptosis, but a strictly p53-dependent senescence response in distinct populations of mouse liver cells depending on the cellular level of TRF2delta B delta M expression. Apoptosis was associated with higher expression of TRF2delta B delta M, whereas cellular senescence was associated with low levels of TRF2delta B delta M) expression. Our data provide experimental evidence that induction of senescence or apoptosis in vivo depends on the cellular level of telomere dysfunction and differentially on p53 gene function.  相似文献   

Infections with human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) and the closely related monkey viruses simian-human immunodeficiency virus (SHIV) and simian immunodeficiency virus (SIV) are characterized by progressive waves of immune responses, followed by viral mutation and "immune escape." However, escape mutation usually leads to lower replicative fitness, and in the absence of immune pressure, an escape mutant (EM) virus "reverts" to the wild-type phenotype. Analysis of the dynamics of immune escape and reversion has suggested it is a mechanism for identifying the immunogens best capable of controlling viremia. We have analyzed and modeled data of the dynamics of wild-type (WT) and EM viruses during SHIV infection of macaques. Modeling suggests that the dynamics of reversion and immune escape should be determined by the availability of target cells for infection. Consistent with this suggestion, we find that the rate of reversion of cytotoxic T-lymphocyte (CTL) EM virus strongly correlates with the number of CD4(+) T cells available for infection. This phenomenon also affects the rate of immune escape, since this rate is determined by the balance of CTL killing and the WT fitness advantage. This analysis predicts that the optimal timing for the selection of immune escape variants will be immediately after the peak of viremia and that the development of escape variants at later times will lead to slower selection. This has important implications for comparative studies of immune escape and reversion in different infections and for identifying epitopes with high fitness cost for use as vaccine targets.  相似文献   

Food availability and pond desiccation are two of the most studied factors that condition amphibian metamorphosis. It is well known that, when food is abundant, organisms undergo metamorphosis early and when they are relatively large. The capability of anurans to accelerate their developmental rate in response to desiccation is also common knowledge. These two variables must act together in nature, since we know that, as a pond dries, the per capita resources decrease. We conduct an experiment to evaluate the effects of desiccation and food availability separately and in combination in tadpoles of the painted frog (Discoglossus pictus). We demonstrate that food deprivation leads to slow growth rates, which delay metamorphosis and produce smaller size and weight. The capability to accelerate metamorphosis when facing a drying pond is also confirmed, but, nevertheless, with factor interaction (when the pool is drying and resources are scarce) the capacity to respond to desiccation is lost. In addition, slow drying rates are shown to be stressful situations, but not enough to provoke a shortening of the larval period; in fact, the larval period becomes longer. We also demonstrate that the interaction of these factors changes the allometric relationship of different parts of the hind limb, which has implications for the biomechanics of jumping. Due to low mortality rates and an adequate response to both environmental factors, we expect D. pictus to have a great invasive potential in its new Mediterranean distribution area, where lots of temporary and ephemeral ponds are present.  相似文献   

Inside out and right side out vesicles were used to study the sidedness of Ca binding to the human red cell membrane. It was shown that these vesicles exhibited only a limited permeability to Ca, enabling the independent characterization of Ca binding to the extracellular and cytoplasmic membrane surfaces...  相似文献   

Elevated seawater pCO2, and in turn ocean acidification (OA), is now widely acknowledged to reduce calcification and growth of reef building corals. As with other environmental factors (e.g., temperature and nutrients), light availability fundamentally regulates calcification and is predicted to change for future reef environments alongside elevated pCO2 via altered physical processes (e.g., sea level rise and turbidity); however, any potential role of light in regulating the OA-induced reduction of calcification is still unknown. We employed a multifactorial growth experiment to determine how light intensity and pCO2 together modify calcification for model coral species from two key genera, Acropora horrida and Porites cylindrica, occupying similar ecological niches but with different physiologies. We show that elevated pCO2 (OA)-induced losses of calcification in the light (G L) but not darkness (G D) were greatest under low-light growth conditions, in particular for A. horrida. High-light growth conditions therefore dampened the impact of OA upon G L but not G D. Gross photosynthesis (P G) responded in a reciprocal manner to G L suggesting OA-relieved pCO2 limitation of P G under high-light growth conditions to effectively enhance G L. A multivariate analysis of past OA experiments was used to evaluate whether our test species responses were more widely applicable across their respective genera. Indeed, the light intensity for growth was identified as a significant factor influencing the OA-induced decline of calcification for species of Acropora but not Porites. Whereas low-light conditions can provide a refuge for hard corals from thermal and light stress, our study suggests that lower light availability will potentially increase the susceptibility of key coral species to OA.  相似文献   

BACKGROUND: Individual plant cells are encased in a cell wall. To enable cell-to-cell communication, plants have evolved channels, termed plasmodesmata, to span thick walls and interconnect the cytoplasm between adjacent cells. How macromolecules pass through these channels is now beginning to be understood. RESULTS: Using two green fluorescent protein (GFP) reporters and a non-invasive transfection system, we assayed for intercellular macromolecular traffic in leaf epidermal cells. Plasmodesmata were found in different states of dilation. We could distinguish two forms of protein movement across plasmodesmata, non-targeted and targeted. Although leaves have generally been considered closed to non-specific transport of macromolecules, we found that 23% of the cells had plasmodesmatal channels in a dilated state, allowing GFP that was not targeted to plasmodesmata to move into neighboring cells. GFP fusions that were targeted to the cytoskeleton or to the endoplasmic reticulum did not move between cells, whereas those that were localized to the cytoplasm or nucleus diffused to neighboring cells in a size-dependent manner. Superimposed upon this non-specific exchange, proteins that were targeted to the plasmodesmata could transit efficiently between 62% of transfected cells. CONCLUSIONS: A significant population of leaf cells contain plasmodesmata in a dilated state, allowing macromolecular transport between cells. Protein movement potential is regulated by subcellular address and size. These parameters of protein movement illustrate how gradients of signaling macromolecules could be formed and regulated, and suggest that non-cell-autonomous development in plants may be more significant than previously assumed.  相似文献   

The class II fusion proteins of the alphaviruses and flaviviruses mediate virus infection by driving the fusion of the virus membrane with that of the cell. These fusion proteins are triggered by low pH, and their structures are strikingly similar in both the prefusion dimer and the postfusion homotrimer conformations. Here we have compared cholesterol interactions during membrane fusion by these two groups of viruses. Using cholesterol-depleted insect cells, we showed that fusion and infection by the alphaviruses Semliki Forest virus (SFV) and Sindbis virus were strongly promoted by cholesterol, with similar sterol dependence in laboratory and field isolates and in viruses passaged in tissue culture. The E1 fusion protein from SFV bound cholesterol, as detected by labeling with photocholesterol and by cholesterol extraction studies. In contrast, fusion and infection by numerous strains of the flavivirus dengue virus (DV) and by yellow fever virus 17D were cholesterol independent, and the DV fusion protein did not show significant cholesterol binding. SFV E1 is the first virus fusion protein demonstrated to directly bind cholesterol. Taken together, our results reveal important functional differences conferred by the cholesterol-binding properties of class II fusion proteins.  相似文献   

Time- and dose-dependence of the formation of the different cytoplasmic hormone-protein complexes were studied in the rat liver after administration in vivo of [3H]cortisol or [3H]dexamethasone and compared with the stimulation of RNA polymerase B and induction of tyrosine aminotransferase and tryptophan oxygenase. No correlation could be found between formation in vivo of any of the five cytoplasmic hormone-protein complexes found and stimulation of RNA polymerase B activity or enzyme induction. After administration of [3H]cortisol, different metabolites of cortisol could be demonstrated in the isolated hormone-protein complexes. No time- or dose-dependence of the metabolite patterns could be observed after application of hormone doses that were in the range of the biologically active doses. After administration of [3H]dexamethasone, the same hormone-protein complexes were observed, which contained, however, the injected steroid instead of metabolites. These results seem to indicate that the cytoplasmic binding components present in the rat liver are enzymes involved in the metabolism of the glucocorticosteroids and that dexamethasone binds to these enzymes as a substrate analogue.  相似文献   

Specific binding of reduced [35S]glutathione (GSH) was measured using a crude membrane fraction of Hydra vulgaris (attenuata). The specific binding shows both rapid displaceable and nondisplaceable components. Rapid displaceable binding accounted for 20% of the total specific binding. Data from saturation binding experiments indicates half maximal total specific binding occurs at 2 microM GSH which is similar to reported EC50 values from behavioral experiments. Calcium is required for displaceable binding of GSH to the putative receptor. Oxidized glutathione (GSSG), an antagonist of the GSH-activated feeding response, and S-methylglutathione (GSM), an agonist of the feeding response, inhibit the binding of radiolabeled GSH to the putative receptor. Glutamate, a putative competitive antagonist of the GSH-activated feeding response in hydra, does not inhibit the specific binding of radiolabeled GSH to the receptor and must therefore block the feeding response by a mechanism other than competitive inhibition.  相似文献   

The clinical benefit of PGE1 in erectile dysfunction in men is well proven, while other species including non-human primates show almost no response. The reason for that difference is still unclear. We examined PGE1 binding in human surgical material (n=27) and from transsexual surgery (n=7) as well as rhesus (n=10) and cynomolgus monkeys (n=8) corpus cavernosum tissue. Erection was judged after intracavernous injection of PGE1 in men (10 microg) and in monkeys (5 microg). Human corpus cavernosum shows high- (binding capacity 24.7+/-3.3 pmol/mg protein) and low-affinity (binding capacity 77.4+/-7.3 pmol/mg protein) PGE1 binding sites. Oestrogen (3 mg/day) for more than one month before transsexual surgery decreases receptor density significantly. In rhesus and cynomolgus monkeys no high-affinity binding could be detected, while they respond on PGE1 with slight tumescence only. These findings indicate a significant correlation between corpus cavernosum PGE1 receptor density and the erectile response.  相似文献   

The binding of deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) to the outer membrane of Escherichia coli was examined. The amount of DNA found to be bound to outer membrane was low and was estimated to be about 0.4% of the total DNA. Treatment of cells with chloramphenicol or rifampin caused a disassociation of the apparent DNA-outer membrane complex. The results presented here suggest that the binding between membrane and DNA is specific and involves a membrane protein having a molecular weight of 13,000.  相似文献   

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