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目的 摸底二级以上医疗机构公共卫生工作的组织方式,并对其设置公共卫生职能科室的必要性进行讨论。方法 检索北大法律信息数据库查找相关政府文件,梳理医疗机构设置公共卫生相关科室的要求。对发文要求设立公共卫生科室的省份和对比省份的163家医疗机构进行问卷调查。结果 原卫生部要求500张床位以上的医疗机构设立预防保健科,2003年以后部分省份发文要求二级以上医疗机构设立疾病预防控制或公共卫生科。72.5%的发文地区医疗机构和39.8%的未发文地区医疗机构设立了公共卫生相关科室,二级以上公立医疗机构设置公共卫生科室对公共卫生职责的承担有促进作用。结论 二级以上医疗机构应当设置公共卫生职能科室,以促进公共卫生职责的落实。  相似文献   

旨在探讨流行病与统计学人才在医院科室管理中的价值与需求。对北京大学肿瘤医院共计218人进行问卷调查,研究对象包括来自16个科室的临床医生85人,技师/护士97人,行政管理人员36人。调查结果显示:77.06%的调查对象认为非常需要流行病与卫生统计学人才,62.84%的调查对象认为应该在科室内部单独设置此岗位。1年内,临床科室医生平均求助10.0次,接近非主系列的6倍。研究表明,医院科室对于流行病学与卫生统计学人才有一定的需求,临床科室医生对于该专业人才需求度较高。  相似文献   

目的:通过对哈尔滨市10家综合医院手术室护理人员绩效考评现状研究,发现存在的问题,为医院手术室护理人员绩效考评体系的改进提供有价值的参考.方法:采用现场问卷调查和专家访谈法了解手术室护理人员绩效考评现状.结果:通过对目标手术室182人的调查显示:在二、三级医院中开展护理人员绩效考评的医院所占的比例分别为71.43%和82.73%,其中有67.98%的医院护理人员绩效考评工作与其他科室的考评指标相同,缺乏专门性.被调查者中有60.34%的护理人员认为科室的绩效考评指标不合理、有61.24%的护理人员认为科室护理人员绩效考评工作留于形式,并有大部分护理人员对科室的绩效考评指标不满意,占总人数的62.29%0结论:哈尔滨市10家综合医院手术室护理人员绩效考评现状调查数据显示:手术室洗手护士与巡回护士通用一套考评指标,指标没有体现出不同护理岗位的特点,其内容不能够全面、合理的覆盖两个不同岗位的关键工作目标、职责与内容;绩效考评缺乏科学、规范的管理;绩效考评与其他人力资源管理工作相脱节;绩效考评结果应用单一;绩效反馈不够.  相似文献   


????? 目的 从目前医师承担的工作量出发,得出临床科室医师配置的理想值。方法 本研究以工作量测算法作为核心研究方法,采用自编临床科室医师工作量调查问卷作为工作量测算工具,并使用Excel、SPSS17.0统计软件对有效问卷工作量进行统计分析。结果 调研科室共展开床位3 006张,目前医师数为744人,应配医师1 091人,需增加347人;从病床医师比来看,医院当前的病床医师比手术科室为1:0.23、非手术科室为1:0.27,均未达到1978年卫生部颁布的标准1:0.30;而调研结果显示,要满足医院目前的工作量需求,手术科室的理想病床医师比为1:0.37,非手术科室为1:0.36。结论 临床科室医师人员配备亟待补充。


目的 分析重庆市县级及以上医院投入产出效率,为科学制定卫生资源配置规划提供可靠依据。 方法 收集1 027所县级及以上医院投入产出数据,采用描述性分析、数据包络分析进行评价。结果 总体有效医院为13所(占10.2%),纯技术有效医院为19所(占15%),规模有效医院为13所(占10.2%),非规模有效医院中,113所为规模收益递减(占99.1%)。各经济圈中,渝西经济走廊医院平均总体有效率最高(0.655),库区次之(0.609),都市经济圈最低(0.577)。各级别医院中,三级医院平均总体有效率最高(0.774),一级医院次之(0.660),二级医院最低(0.556)。结论 重庆市县级及以上医院投入产出效率不高,应合理控制医院规模,提高管理水平和医疗服务质量,形成中小型医院特色,建立健全医保制度,全方位提高医院效率。  相似文献   

目的 了解全国三级医院信息中心设置情况及其技术人员配置现状。方法 通过网络调查问卷的形式,由国家卫生计生委规划与信息司网络直报系统挂表,各调查单位独立完成并填报,填报者以各地区二级以上医疗机构信息科或信息中心的相关人员为主。结果 1 008家(71.8%)三级医院设有独立的信息科或信息中心科室,东、中、西部地区的三级医院信息科或信息中心设立情况的差异有统计学意义(P<0.05),信息中心人员的年龄段集中在31岁到50岁之间,学历以本科为多,331家三级医院信息中心无卫生统计人员,446(44.2%)家无系统研发人员。结论 东、中、西部地域三级医院信息科或信息中心的设立不均衡,且卫生统计专业人才缺乏,高学历人才少,系统研发人员不足。  相似文献   


目的 了解我国二级以上医疗机构公共卫生工作的运行保障现况。方法 对4个省进行实地调研,对180家二级以上医院和587位医院公卫人员进行问卷调查。结果 (1)上报医院公卫全职人员平均3.32人,平均年龄42岁,男女比例1:3,硕士研究生以上学历占6%。公卫人员中护理专业人数最多(占37.65%),公卫专业人数较少(占18.4%),70.4%的人员都是由临床转岗至公卫。(2)二级以上医院公卫工作补偿机制尚未建立。(3)信息化建设与目标有一定差距。结论 建议制定医院公卫人员配置和准入标准,健全医院公卫人员专业职称晋升体系,建立科学的公卫服务补偿机制,促进信息的交流共享。



目的 了解县级医院医生遭受医院工作场所暴力的流行特征并分析原因,提出相应的防范策略,降低医院工作场所暴力事件的发生。方法 使用自拟问卷对我国东、中、西部地区共90所县级医院进行问卷调查,其中有效问卷5842份,有效收回率为81.91%。结果 县级医院医生暴力总发生率为69.38%;logistic回归分析结果显示,医生的性别、年龄、教育程度、月平均收入、所在科室与工作年限是医院工作场所暴力的影响因素。结论 暴力的发生率偏高(主要特征),建议相关部门加大对医院工作场所暴力的干预,维护医院正常秩序,为医生提供良好的工作环境。


目的 评估护士精神薪酬满意度现状,为准确制定护士激励政策提供依据。方法 应用护士精神薪酬满意度量表(Psychological Reward Satisfaction Scale,PReSS),采用方便抽样方法,在哈尔滨市辖区内抽取5家三级甲等医院538名护士进行问卷调查。结果 目标医院护士精神薪酬满意度平均得分为(4.11±0.71)分,其中来自护士长的精神薪酬满意度(4.14±0.76)分,高于来自医生的精神薪酬满意度(4.07±0.80)分;不同科室、职称护士精神薪酬满意度差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 目标医院护士精神薪酬满意度水平较高;护士长对护士薪酬满意度影响较大;提示护理管理人员应努力提升自身管理能力与领导魅力,以提高护士的精神薪酬水平,激发其工作动力。  相似文献   

甲型流行性感冒(Influenza type A),简称流感,是由甲型流行性感冒病毒(Influenza A viruses)引起的急性呼吸道传染病。近百年来,已发生多起世界性大流行,夺取了数千万人的生命。流感病毒广泛存在于各种鸟类,感染多种动物,通过动物体内基因重配或突变,创造出适应人类受体的新型毒株而使人感染致病,甚至引起流行。因此,流感也是一种动物源性传染病。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo ascertain hospital inpatient mortality in England and to determine which factors best explain variation in standardised hospital death ratios.DesignWeighted linear regression analysis of routinely collected data over four years, with hospital standardised mortality ratios as the dependent variable.SettingEngland.SubjectsEight million discharges from NHS hospitals when the primary diagnosis was one of the diagnoses accounting for 80% of inpatient deaths.ResultsThe four year crude death rates varied across hospitals from 3.4% to 13.6% (average for England 8.5%), and standardised hospital mortality ratios ranged from 53 to 137 (average for England 100). The percentage of cases that were emergency admissions (60% of total hospital admissions) was the best predictor of this variation in mortality, with the ratio of hospital doctors to beds and general practitioners to head of population the next best predictors. When analyses were restricted to emergency admissions (which covered 93% of all patient deaths analysed) number of doctors per bed was the best predictor.ConclusionAnalysis of hospital episode statistics reveals wide variation in standardised hospital mortality ratios in England. The percentage of total admissions classified as emergencies is the most powerful predictor of variation in mortality. The ratios of doctors to head of population served, both in hospital and in general practice, seem to be critical determinants of standardised hospital death rates; the higher these ratios, the lower the death rates in both cases.

Key messages

  • Between 1991-2 and 1994-5 average standardised hospital mortality ratios in English hospitals reduced by 2.6% annually, but the ratios varied more than twofold among the hospitals
  • After adjustment for the percentage of emergency cases and for age, sex, and primary diagnosis, the best predictors of standardised hospital death rates were the numbers of hospital doctors per bed and of general practitioners per head of population in the localities from which hospital admissions were drawn
  • England has one of the lowest number of physicians per head of population of the OECD countries, being only 59% of the OECD average
  • It is now possible to control for factors outside the direct influence of hospital policy and thereby produce a more valid measure of hospital quality of care


目的 分析我国中医医院ICU现状,为提高全国中医院ICU总体水平提供依据。采用表格问卷调查形式,收集分析全国三级甲等中医医院ICU的资料。结果 ICU平均床位数为(20.7±10.3)张,占医院总床位数的2%;88%为综合ICU,12%为专科ICU;床位平均使用率为84%。呼吸机、床旁多功能持续心电监护仪、血液净化仪与纤维支气管镜平均数与ICU平均床位数比值为分别为0.69、1.02、0.09与0.07。ICU医生与护士配置平均人数与ICU床位数比值分别为0.69与1.7。大多数中医医院ICU能够独立开展常见器官功能监测及功能支持。结论 我国三级甲等中医医院ICU大部分规模及性质、设备配置和技术开展情况基本上符合指南要求,但人员配备未达标,核心医疗指标尚有较大进步空间。


BackgroundThe COVID-19 pandemic has greatly altered the practice of cardiac electrophysiology around the world for the foreseeable future. Professional organizations have provided guidance for practitioners, but real-world examples of the consults and responsibilities cardiac electrophysiologists face during a surge of COVID-19 patients is lacking.MethodsIn this observational case series we report on 29 consecutive inpatient electrophysiology consultations at a major academic medical center in New York City, the epicenter of the pandemic in the United States, during a 2 week period from March 30-April 12, 2020, when 80% of hospital beds were occupied by COVID-19 patients, and the New York City metropolitan area accounted for 10% of COVID-19 cases worldwide.ResultsReasons for consultation included: Atrial tachyarrhythmia (31%), cardiac implantable electronic device management (28%), bradycardia (14%), QTc prolongation (10%), ventricular arrhythmia (7%), post-transcatheter aortic valve replacement conduction abnormality (3.5%), ventricular pre-excitation (3.5%), and paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia (3.5%). Twenty-four patients (86%) were positive for COVID-19 by nasopharyngeal swab. All elective procedures were canceled, and only one urgent device implantation was performed. Thirteen patients (45%) required in-person evaluation and the remainder were managed remotely.ConclusionOur experience shows that the application of a massive alteration in workflow and personnel forced by the pandemic allowed our team to efficiently address the intersection of COVID-19 with a range of electrophysiology issues. This experience will prove useful as guidance for emerging hot spots or areas affected by future waves of the pandemic.  相似文献   



Limited data are available on disease characteristics and outcomes of children with 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus infection (pandemic H1N1 influenza) who have required hospital admission.


We reviewed the charts of 58 children with pandemic H1N1 influenza admitted to a large pediatric hospital in Ontario, Canada, between May 8 and July 22, 2009. We compared risk factors, severity indicators and outcomes of these children with those of 200 children admitted with seasonal influenza A during the previous 5 years (2004/05 to 2008/09).


Children with pandemic H1N1 influenza were significantly older than those with seasonal influenza (median age 6.4 years v. 3.3 years). Forty-six (79%) of the children with pandemic H1N1 influenza had underlying medical conditions; of the other 12 who were previously healthy, 42% were under 2 years of age. Children admitted with pandemic H1N1 influenza were significantly more likely to have asthma than those with seasonal influenza (22% v. 6%). Two children had poorly controlled asthma, and 6 used inhaled medications only intermittently. The median length of stay in hospital was 4 days in both groups of children. Similar proportions of children required admission to the intensive care unit (21% of those with pandemic H1N1 influenza and 14% of those with seasonal influenza) and mechanical ventilation (12% and 10% respectively). None of the children admitted with pandemic H1N1 influenza died, as compared with 1 (0.4%) of those admitted with seasonal influenza.


Pandemic H1N1 influenza did not appear to cause more severe disease than seasonal influenza A. Asthma appears to be a significant risk factor for severe disease, with no clear relation to severity of asthma. This finding should influence strategies for vaccination and pre-emptive antiviral therapy.Influenza causes significant morbidity and mortality in childhood.1 Infants, young children and people 65 years of age and older account for the highest rates of influenza-related hospital admission.2 Earlier case series of 2009 pandemic influenza A(H1N1) virus infection (pandemic H1N1 influenza) reported small numbers of children3,4 or did not present data on children separately.5 A recently published series that included 122 children confirmed typical influenza-like presentation, reported a high prevalence of underlying medical conditions (60%, including asthma in 29%) and described the need for intensive care in 20% and mechanical ventilation in 10%.6 A previous comparison of children with pandemic H1N1 influenza and those in previous years with seasonal influenza included only children considered to have died of influenza.7In this article, we present our experience with children admitted to hospital with pandemic H1N1 influenza. Our primary goal was to describe the demographic characteristics, clinical features and markers of severity of illness of these children. Our secondary goal was to identify risk factors for severe disease or poor outcome by comparing these children with those who had been admitted in previous years with seasonal influenza.  相似文献   



GPs play a major role in influenza epidemics, and most patients with influenza-like-illness (ILI) are treated in general practice or by primary care doctors on duty in out-of-hours services (OOH). Little is known about the surge capacity in primary care services during an influenza pandemic, and how the relationship between them changes.


To investigate how general practice and OOH services were used by patients during the 2009 pandemic in Norway and the impact of the pandemic on primary care services in comparison to a normal influenza season.


Data from electronic remuneration claims from all OOH doctors and regular GPs for 2009.


We conducted a registry-based study of all ILI consultations in the 2009 pandemic with the 2008/09 influenza season (normal season) as baseline for comparison.


The majority (82.2%) of ILI consultations during the 2009 pandemic took place in general practice. The corresponding number in the 2008/09 season was 89.3%. Compared with general practice, the adjusted odds ratio for ILI with all other diagnoses as reference in OOH services was 1.23 (95% CI, 1.18, 1.27) for the 2008/2009 season and 1.87 (95% CI, 1.84, 1.91) for the pandemic influenza season. In total there was a 3.3-fold increase in ILI consultations during the pandemic compared to the 2008/09 season. A 5.5-fold increase of ILI consultations were observed in OOH services in comparison to the 2008/09 season. Children and young adults with ILI were the most frequent users of OOH services during influenza periods.


The autumn pandemic wave resulted in a significantly increased demand on primary care services. However, GPs in primary care services in Norway showed the ability to increase capacity in a situation with increased patient demand.  相似文献   



Southeast Asia has been the focus of considerable investment in pandemic influenza preparedness. Given the wide variation in socio-economic conditions, health system capacity across the region is likely to impact to varying degrees on pandemic mitigation operations. We aimed to estimate and compare the resource gaps, and potential mortalities associated with those gaps, for responding to pandemic influenza within and between six territories in Asia.

Methods and Findings

We collected health system resource data from Cambodia, Indonesia (Jakarta and Bali), Lao PDR, Taiwan, Thailand and Vietnam. We applied a mathematical transmission model to simulate a “mild-to-moderate” pandemic influenza scenario to estimate resource needs, gaps, and attributable mortalities at province level within each territory. The results show that wide variations exist in resource capacities between and within the six territories, with substantial mortalities predicted as a result of resource gaps (referred to here as “avoidable” mortalities), particularly in poorer areas. Severe nationwide shortages of mechanical ventilators were estimated to be a major cause of avoidable mortalities in all territories except Taiwan. Other resources (oseltamivir, hospital beds and human resources) are inequitably distributed within countries. Estimates of resource gaps and avoidable mortalities were highly sensitive to model parameters defining the transmissibility and clinical severity of the pandemic scenario. However, geographic patterns observed within and across territories remained similar for the range of parameter values explored.


The findings have important implications for where (both geographically and in terms of which resource types) investment is most needed, and the potential impact of resource mobilization for mitigating the disease burden of an influenza pandemic. Effective mobilization of resources across administrative boundaries could go some way towards minimizing avoidable deaths.  相似文献   

目的 了解广东省三级医院护 理人力资源的配置现状,探讨更合理的配置对策。方法 自行设计问卷,对广东省21个地市的76所三级医院护理人力资源数量、护理人力资源内部结构、人员流失、支持保障系统情况等现状进行研究分析。结果 8所(13.33%)医院未成立临床支持中心; 23所(38.33%)医院普通病房实际床位总数与普通病房护士总数比不达标;职业性别比例严重失衡,男性仅占2.61%;34岁及以下护士占76.38%;大专及以下学历占78.61%;高级职称占4.65%;近年离职比由3.62%上升至5.08%。结论 广东省三级医院护理人员非护理工作负担较重;人力资源总量相对不足,队伍结构欠合理;护士人力流失逐年增加。建议优化三级医院护理人力配置,重视临床服务指标,建立并完善后勤保障系统,积极开展护士岗位改革等是适应社会高速发展需求和护理学科专业化的重要举措。  相似文献   

ObjectivesTo compare the use of three electronic medical records systems by doctors in Norwegian hospitals for general clinical tasks.DesignCross sectional questionnaire survey. Semistructured telephone interviews with key staff in information technology in each hospital for details of local implementation of the systems.Setting32 hospital units in 19 Norwegian hospitals with electronic medical records systems.Participants227 (72%) of 314 hospital doctors responded, equally distributed between the three electronic medical records systems.ResultsMost tasks listed in the questionnaire (15/23) were generally covered with implemented functions in the electronic medical records systems. However, the systems were used for only 2-7 of the tasks, mainly associated with reading patient data. Respondents showed significant differences in frequency of use of the different systems for four tasks for which the systems offered equivalent functionality. The respondents scored highly in computer literacy (72.2/100), and computer use showed no correlation with respondents'' age, sex, or work position. User satisfaction scores were generally positive (67.2/100), with some difference between the systems.ConclusionsDoctors used electronic medical records systems for far fewer tasks than the systems supported.

What is already known on this topic

Electronic information systems in health care have not undergone systematic evaluation, and few comparisons between electronic medical records systems have been madeGiven the information intensive nature of clinical work, electronic medical records systems should be of help to doctors for most clinical tasks

What this study adds

Doctors in Norwegian hospitals reported a low level of use of all electronic medical records systemsThe systems were mainly used for reading patient data, and doctors used the systems for less than half of the tasks for which the systems were functionalAnalyses of actual use of electronic medical records provide more information than user satisfaction or functionality of such records systems  相似文献   

Background and objectiveDuring the COVID-19 pandemic, a strict population confinement was decreed in Spain. In a situation of health crisis and health system saturation, knowledge of pathologies whose treatment cannot be delayed is of great importance for the correct management of resources and processes. The objective was to determine the influence of the COVID-19 pandemic and the strict population confinement on hip fracture incidence in Spain.Material and methodSystematic review following the PRISMA guidelines. Search in Pubmed and Chocrane Library on 11/11/2022: hip fracture and COVID-19 and Spain.ResultsSix studies met the inclusion criteria, 50% showed a decrease in the hip fractures incidence during strict population confinement (all in Comunidad de Madrid hospitals), and in the other 50% there were no differences (all in other region hospitals). It was constant that hip fractures, either did not decrease, or decreased much less than the rest of fractures during the period of strict population confinement, increasing their relative number with respect to the total admissions in orthopedic surgery and traumatology.ConclusionsThe behavior of the hip fractures number during the strict population confinement decreed by the COVID-19 pandemic has not been symmetrical in all regions. To design and implement contingency plans in the event of a pandemic situation, these data must be taken into account in order to properly plan material and human resources.  相似文献   

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