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J F Houle  E C Friedberg 《Gene》1999,234(2):353-360
Xeroderma pigmentosum complementation group G (XPG) protein is a junction-specific endonuclease which is indispensable for nucleotide excision repair (NER) of DNA in eukaryotes. Recent studies have hinted at a second, essential function for the XPG protein in higher eukaryotes. We undertook a comparison of the amino acid sequences of multiple XPG orthologs to determine if a motif or domain could be identified that is conserved uniquely in higher eukaryotes. A search of current databases allowed us to retrieve complete amino acid sequences for the human, mouse and Xenopus XPG proteins, and for two yeast orthologs. We also identified an incomplete Drosophila open reading frame (ORF) that was a good candidate for the XPG protein. We cloned a complete Drosophila cDNA for this ORF and examination of the primary amino acid sequence suggests that this cDNA encodes the Drosophila ortholog of XPG. A comparison of all six orthologous polypeptides reveals the presence of two previously unidentified conserved domains. One of these is unique to all four higher eukaryotic sequences. Conceivably this domain evolved to support the essential function of XPG protein.  相似文献   

The complete amino acid sequence of human retinal S-antigen (48 kDa protein), a retinal protein involved in the visual process has been determined by cDNA sequencing. The largest cDNA was 1590 base pairs (bp) and it contained an entire coding sequence. The similarity of nucleotide sequence between the human and bovine is approximately 80%. The predicted amino acid sequence indicates that human S-antigen has 405 residues and its molecular mass is 45050 Da. The amino acid sequence homology between human and bovine is 81%. There is no overall sequence similarity between S-antigen and other proteins listed in the National Biomedical Research Foundation (NBRF) protein data base. However, local regions of sequence homology with alpha-transducin (T alpha) are apparent including the putative rhodopsin binding and phosphoryl binding sites. In addition, human S-antigen has sequences identical to bovine uveitopathogenic sites, indicating that some types of human uveitis may in part be related to the animal model of experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU).  相似文献   

The specificity of the ubiquitin degradation system is regulated through interaction between individual ubiquitin-conjugating enzymes (E2s) and multiple ubiquitin-protein ligases (E3s). Here we describe the characterisation of a novel gene (ARIH1) that encodes the human homologue of Drosophila ariadne which interacts with the E2s, UbcH7 and UbcH8 and represents a component of an E3 complex. Three PACs (189N19, 142P17 and 179H7) were isolated that contain this gene. Using these PACs as probes, we mapped ARIH1 to human chromosome 15q24 by fluorescence in situ hybridisation (FISH). Sequencing of the ARIH1 PACs showed that the gene has 13 introns. In addition, we isolated two PACs (345D8 and 571P19) containing the mouse orthologue (Arih1) of ARIH1. The intron-exon structure of Arih1 was identical to ARIH1 and the proteins demonstrated a 98% identity at the amino acid level. Furthermore, comparison of Drosophila ariadne with ARIH1 indicates an identity at the amino acid level of 70% and introns at 3/7 identical sites. The high degree of homology demonstrated by the mouse and human orthologues of Drosophila ariadne indicates an important, conserved biological function, consistent with a putative role in ubiquitylation.  相似文献   

Like the immunoglobulin Igh-V and Igk-V gene families, the human or mouse TCRV gene families may be grouped into subfamilies displaying >75% nucleic acid sequence similarity among their members. Systematic interspecies sequence comparisons reveal that most mouse Tcr-V subfamilies exhibit clear homology to human TCRV subfamilies (>60% amino acid sequence similarity). Homologous pairs of TCRV genes in mice and humans show higher sequence similarity than TCRV genes from different subfamilies within either species, indicating transpecies evolution of TCRV genes. Mouse and human homologues show conservation of their relative map order, particularly in the 3' region and a similar sequential and developmentally programmed expression. When the V regions from both species were analyzed together, local length differences and conserved residues in the loop regions were revealed, characteristic of each of the four TCRV families.The alignment data reported in this paper have been submitted to the EMBL nucleotide sequence database and have been assigned the alignment number DS23485. The data are available by the EBI FTP server and file server  相似文献   

Recent genetic analysis of the Drosophila dachshund (dac) gene has established that dac encodes a novel nuclear protein that is involved in both eye and leg development. In the Drosophila eye, dac expression appears to be controlled by the product of the eyeless/Pax6 gene. In order to analyze the Pax6 pathway in vertebrates we have isolated and characterized the cDNA and genomic clones corresponding to the human and mouse homologues of Drosophila dac. A full-length human cDNA encoding dachshund (DACH) encodes the 706 amino acids protein with predicted molecular weight of 73 kDa. A 109 amino acid domain located at the N-terminus of the DACH showed significant sequence and secondary structure homologies to the ski/sno oncogene products. Northern blot analysis found human DACH predominantly in adult kidney, heart, and placenta, with less expression detected in the brain, lung, skeletal muscle and pancreas. A panel of human cell lines was studied and most notably a large proportion of neuroblastomas expressed DACH mRNA. Mouse Dach encodes a protein of 751 amino acids with predicted molecular weight of 78 kDa that is 95% identical to the human DACH. RNase protection analysis showed the highest Dach mRNA expression in the adult mouse kidney and lung, whereas lower expression was detected in the brain and testis. RT/PCR analysis readily detected Dach mRNA in the adult mouse cornea and retina. Dach mRNA expression in the mouse E11.5 embryo was observed primarily in the fore and hind limbs, as well as in the somites. Received: 9 February 1999 / Accepted: 19 April 1999  相似文献   

The complete structure of the human transferrin gene is presented. This gene has a total size of about 33.5 kb and is organized in 17 exons separated by 16 introns. The chicken ovotransferrin gene has a size of 10.5 kb and is also organized in 17 exons and 16 introns. The analysis of the structure of the two genes confirm, at the gene level, that transferrins originated by a gene duplication phenomenon. Finally, the existence of a new member of the transferrin family, a human transferrin non-processed pseudogene is demonstrated.  相似文献   

Formation of the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) network requires homotypic membrane fusion, which involves a class of atlastin (ATL) GTPases. Purified Drosophila ATL is capable of mediating vesicle fusion in vitro, but such activity has not been reported for any other ATLs. Here, we determined the preliminary crystal structure of the cytosolic segment of Drosophila ATL in a GDP-bound state. The structure reveals a GTPase domain dimer with the subsequent three-helix bundles associating with their own GTPase domains and pointing in opposite directions. This conformation is similar to that of human ATL1, to which GDP and high concentrations of inorganic phosphate, but not GDP only, were included. Drosophila ATL restored ER morphology defects in mammalian cells lacking ATLs, and measurements of nucleotide-dependent dimerization and GTPase activity were comparable for Drosophila ATL and human ATL1. However, purified and reconstituted human ATL1 exhibited no in vitro fusion activity. When the cytosolic segment of human ATL1 was connected to the transmembrane (TM) region and C-terminal tail (CT) of Drosophila ATL, the chimera still exhibited no fusion activity, though its GTPase activity was normal. These results suggest that GDP-bound ATLs may adopt multiple conformations and the in vitro fusion activity of ATL cannot be achieved by a simple collection of functional domains.  相似文献   

We have cloned a 12 kb DNA segment containing human mu gene and its flanking sequence from human fetal liver DNA library using mouse mu gene as a probe. Partial nucleotide sequence determination shows that the cloned DNA contains the sequence encoding human mu chain. This is the first constant region gene of the human heavy chain that is cloned. We have compared human and mouse mu genes by heteroduplex analysis and Southern blot hybridization. The results clearly show that not only the sequence encoding the CH4 domain but also the 5'-flanking (S mu) sequence is conserved between human and mouse mu genes, suggesting that the nucleotide sequence in the S mu region has an important biological function, presumably a recognition signal for the class switch recombinant as proposed previously.  相似文献   

Regions of the mouse and human genomes with strong homology to the Drosophila engrailed gene have been identified by Southern blot analysis. One mouse engrailed-like region, Mo-en.1, has been cloned and partially sequenced; homology with the engrailed gene is localized to a 180 bp engrailed-like homeo box and 63 nucleotides immediately 3' to it. The protein sequence this region can encode includes 81 amino acids, of which 60 (75%) are identical with those of the putative translation product of the corresponding engrailed sequence. These data suggest that Mo-en.1 represents a mouse homolog of a gene of the Drosophila engrailed gene complex. Mo-en.1 has been mapped to chromosome 1, indicating it is not linked to other homeo box sequences that have been mapped in the mouse genome. Analysis of poly(A)+ RNA extracted from teratocarcinoma cells and whole mouse embryos demonstrates that the conserved homeo box region of Mo-en.1 is expressed differentially during mouse embryogenesis.  相似文献   

Five peroxiredoxin genes have been identified in Drosophila melanogaster on the basis of a genome-wide search. Three of the genes (DPx-4156, DPx-4783, and DPx-5037) fall into the 2-Cys subgroup, while the other two (DPx-2540 and DPx-6005) belong to the 1-Cys subgroup. Using cDNAs, all five were expressed in E. coli and the purified recombinant proteins were shown to reduce H(2)O(2) in the presence of dithiothreitol. The three 2-Cys Prx were also shown to be active in the thioredoxin system and were, consequently, classified as thioredoxin peroxidases. Antisera raised against the DPx-4783 recombinant protein crossreacted with all family members and recognized protein species of the predicted sizes (22-27 kD). All five family members, when individually overexpressed in Drosophila S2 cells, conferred some resistance to H(2)O(2) treatment, as measured by cell viability. Functional diversification of the Drosophila peroxiredoxin family members was suggested by two lines of evidence: (i) the patterns of mRNA accumulation varied for the different genes during development and (ii) recombinant proteins fused to an epitope tag and overexpressed in Drosophila cells, differed in subcellular localizations--three proteins occurred in the cytosol, one was localized to the mitochondria, and one was found to be secreted.  相似文献   

Meta-analysis of human and mouse microarray data reveals conservation of patterns of gene expression that will help to better characterize the evolution of gene expression.  相似文献   

S-antigen (48-kDa protein) is a soluble protein of the retina and the pineal gland that is believed to play an important role in the visual process. S-antigen is involved in the regulation of the activity of rod photoreceptor-specific cGMP-phosphodiesterase (cGMP-PDE). The activity of this enzyme has been shown to be deficient in the retina of the rd mouse, which is affected by an autosomal recessive disease characterized by degeneration of the photoreceptor cells. The abnormal cGMP-PDE activity could result from, among other things, a lesion in the enzyme itself or in any of the proteins that regulate it, such as the S-antigen. We have used a mouse cDNA clone for the S-antigen to map the corresponding gene, Sag, to mouse chromosome 1 near Idh-1. Since the rd gene is located on mouse chromosome 5, our results suggest that Sag is not the site of the rd mutation.  相似文献   

Ov-serpins are intracellular proteinase inhibitors implicated in the regulation of tumor progression, inflammation, and cell death. The 13 human ov-serpin genes are clustered at 6p25 (3 genes) and 18q21 (10 genes), and share common structures. We show here that a 1-Mb region on mouse chromosome 13 contains at least 15 ov-serpin genes compared with the three ov-serpin genes within 0.35 Mb at human 6p25 (SERPINB1 (MNEI), SERPINB6 (PI-6), SER-PINB9 (PI-9)). The mouse serpins have characteristics of functional inhibitors and fall into three groups on the basis of similarity to MNEI, PI-6, or PI-9. The genes map between the mouse orthologs of the Werner helicase interacting protein and NAD(P)H menadioine oxidoreductase 2 genes, in a region that contains the markers D13Mit136 and D13Mit116. They have the seven-exon structure typical of human 6p25 ov-serpin genes, with identical intron phasing. Most show restricted patterns of expression, with common sites of synthesis being the placenta and immune tissue. Compared with human, this larger mouse serpin repertoire probably reflects the need to regulate a larger proteinase repertoire arising from differing evolutionary pressures on the reproductive and immune systems.  相似文献   

Mutations in the Drosophila tolloid (tld) gene lead to a partial transformation of dorsal ectoderm into ventral ectoderm. The null phenotype of tld is similar to, but less severe than decapentaplegic (dpp), a TGF-beta family member required for the formation of all dorsal structures. We have cloned the tld locus by P element tagging. At the blastoderm stage, tld RNA is expressed dorsally, similar to that described for dpp. Analysis of a tld cDNA reveals three sequence motifs: an N terminal region of similarity to a metalloprotease, two EGF-like repeats, and five copies of a repeat found in human complement proteins C1r and C1s. tld sequence is 41% identical to human bone morphogenetic protein 1 (BMP-1); the closest members to dpp within the TGF-beta superfamily are BMP-2 and BMP-4, two other bone morphogenetic proteins. These findings suggest that these genes are members of a signal generating pathway that has been conserved between insects and mammals.  相似文献   

Süsens U  Borgmeyer U 《Genome biology》2001,2(5):research0017.1-research00177


Germ-cell nuclear factor (GCNF, NR6AI) is an orphan nuclear receptor. Its expression pattern suggests it functions during embryogenesis, in the placenta and in germ-cell development. Mouse GCNF cDNA codes for a protein of 495 amino acids, whereas the four reported human cDNA variants code for proteins of 454 to 480 amino acids. Apart from this size difference, there is sequence conservation of up to 98.7%. To elucidate the genomic structure that gives rise to the different human GCNF mRNAs, the sequence information of the human GCNF locus is compared to the previously reported structure of the mouse locus.  相似文献   

The Drosophila zeste gene and transvection   总被引:25,自引:0,他引:25  

Hermansky-Pudlak syndrome (HPS) consists of a set of human autosomal recessive disorders, with symptoms resulting from defects in genes required for protein trafficking in lysosome-related organelles such as melanosomes and platelet dense granules. A number of human HPS genes and rodent orthologues have been identified whose protein products are key components of 1 of 4 different protein complexes (AP-3 or BLOC-1, -2, and -3) that are key participants in the process. Drosophila melanogaster has been a key model organism in demonstrating the in vivo significance of many genes involved in protein trafficking pathways; for example, mutations in the "granule group" genes lead to changes in eye colour arising from improper protein trafficking to pigment granules in the developing eye. An examination of the chromosomal positioning of Drosophila HPS gene orthologues suggested that CG9770, the Drosophila HPS5 orthologue, might correspond to the pink locus. Here we confirm this gene assignment, making pink the first eye colour gene in flies to be identified as a BLOC complex gene.  相似文献   

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