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When subjected to molecular study, species of digeneans believed to be cosmopolitan are usually found to consist of complexes of species with narrower distributions. We present molecular and morphological evidence of transcontinental distributions in two species of Apharyngostrigea Ciurea, 1924, based on samples from Africa and the Americas. Sequences of cytochrome c oxidase I and, in some samples, internal transcribed spacer, revealed Apharyngostrigea pipientis (Faust, 1918) in Tanzania (first known African record), Argentina, Brazil, USA and Canada. Sequences from A. pipientis also match previously published sequences identified as Apharyngostrigea cornu (Zeder, 1800) originating in Mexico. Hosts of A. pipientis surveyed include definitive hosts from the Afrotropic, Neotropic and Nearctic, as well as first and second intermediate hosts from the Americas, including the type host and type region. In addition, metacercariae of A. pipientis were obtained from experimentally infected Poecilia reticulata, the first known record of this parasite in a non-amphibian second intermediate host. Variation in cytochrome c oxidase I haplotypes in A. pipientis is consistent with a long established, wide-ranging species with moderate genetic structure among Nearctic, Neotropic and Afrotropic regions. We attribute this to natural dispersal by birds and find no evidence of anthropogenic introductions of exotic host species. Sequences of CO1 and ITS from adult Apharyngostrigea simplex (Johnston, 1904) from Egretta thula in Argentina matched published data from cercariae from Biomphalaria straminea from Brazil and metacercariae from Cnesterodon decemmaculatus in Argentina, consistent with previous morphological and life-cycle studies reporting this parasite—originally described in Australia—in South America. Analyses of the mitochondrial genome and rDNA operon from A. pipientis support prior phylogenies based on shorter markers showing the Strigeidae Railliet, 1919 to be polyphyletic.  相似文献   

Higher systematics within the Digenea, Carus 1863 have been relatively stable since a phylogenetic analysis of partial nuclear ribosomal markers (rDNA) led to the erection of the Diplostomida Olson, Cribb, Tkach, Bray, and Littlewood, 2003. However, recent mitochondrial (mt) genome phylogenies suggest this order might be paraphyletic. These analyses show members of two diplostomidan superfamilies are more closely related to the Plagiorchiida La Rue, 1957 than to other members of the Diplostomida. A recent phylogeny based on partial cytochrome c oxidase I also indicates one of the groups implicated, the Diplostomoidea Poirier, 1886, is non-monophyletic. To determine if these results were robust to additional taxon sampling, we analyzed mt genomes from seven diplostomoids in three families. To choose between phylogenetic alternatives based on mt genomes and the prior rDNA-based topology, we analyzed hundreds of ultra-conserved genomic elements assembled from shotgun sequencing. The Diplostomida was paraphyletic in the mt genome phylogeny but supported in the ultra-conserved genomic element phylogeny. We speculate this mitonuclear discordance is related to ancient, rapid radiation in the Digenea. Both ultra-conserved genomic elements and mt genomes support the monophyly of the Diplostomoidea and show congruent relationships within it. The Cyathocotylidae Mühling, 1898 are early diverging descendants of a paraphyletic clade of Diplostomidae Poirier, 1886, in which are nested members of the Strigeidae Railliet, 1919; the results support prior suggestions that the Crassiphialinae Sudarikov, 1960 will rise to the family level. Morphological traits of diplostomoid metacercariae appear to be more useful for differentiating clades than those of adults. We describe a new species of Cotylurus Szidat, 1928, resurrect a species of Hysteromorpha Lutz, 1931, and find support for a species of Alaria Schrank, 1788 of contested validity. Complete rDNA operons from seven diplostomoid species are provided as a resource for future studies.  相似文献   

Cercaria sevillana is the cercaria larval stage that infects the gonads and the digestive gland of its first intermediate host, Nassarius reticulatus. In this study the decapodous crustacean Carcinus maenas was used to determine if it would serve as second intermediate host in the parasite's life cycle. The latter hypothesis was based on the knowledge that C. maenas is the second intermediate host of several other digenean species. After dissection, it was possible to observe encysted metacercariae in the antennal glands of the green crab. After biochemical excystment, the metacercariae were processed for light and scanning electron microscopy. The morphological features observed led us to conclude that this species was a microphallid fluke, and it was identified as Gynaecotyla longiintestinata. To establish a possible relationship between C. sevillana and this metacercariae, the ITS1 region was analyzed. Thus, DNA was extracted from C. sevillana and from the cysts isolated from the antennal glands. The ITS1 region was amplified and sequenced, and the alignment clearly demonstrated that the cercaria and the metacercariae belonged to the same species, G. longiintestinata.  相似文献   

On the bases of morphological and life history studies, flukes of the subgenus Paralaria from Minnesota mustelids were identified as Alaria (Paralaria) mustelae Bosma 1931. Alaria (P.) canadensis Webster and Wolfgang 1956 and A. (P.) taxideae Swanson and Erickson 1946 are synonyms of A. mustelae (new synonymy).  相似文献   

We report a species of diplostomid fluke recovered from 3 carcasses of wild Korean raccoon dog, Nyctereutes procyonoides koreensis, in Korea. A total of 107 diplostomid flukes were recovered from the small intestines of Korean raccoon dogs, which were obtained from the Gangwon Wildlife Medical Rescue Center. Worms fixed with 10% neutral formalin were subjected to microscopic observation and those fixed in 70% ethanol were used for molecular genomic analysis. The worm was divided into 2 separate parts, forebody and hindbody, with a total length of 3,020–4,090 (3,855) μm and a width of 1,210–1,770 (1,562) μm. The boat-shaped forebody has a pair of characteristic tentacular appendage, 2 suckers, holdfast organ, and vitelline follicles. The oval to cylindrical hindbody has reproductive organs. The ovary was round or elliptical and located in the anterior of the testes. Two large testes were slightly segmented and tandemly arranged, occupying almost half of hindbody. The short uterus contained a relatively small number of unembryonated eggs sized 130–140×85–96 μm. The partial sequence of 18S rRNA of this fluke was consistent with Alaria alata. Based on the morphological and molecular characteristics, the diplostomid flukes recovered from the small intestine of Korean raccoon dogs were identified as A. alata (Digenea: Diplostomidae).  相似文献   

The Oriental neotenic net-winged beetles attracted attention of biologists due to conspicuous large-bodied females; nevertheless phylogenetic relationships remain contentious and only a few species are known in both the fully metamorphosed males and neotenic females. The phylogenetic analyses and morphology of larvae and adults provide data for investigation of relationships and species delineation. Platrilus Kazantsev, 2009, Platerodriloplesius Wittmer, 1944, and Falsocalochromus Pic, 1942 are synonymized to Platerodrilus Pic, 1921. Platrilus hirtus (Wittmer, 1938) and Pl. crassicornis (Pic, 1923) are transferred to Platerodrilus Pic, 1921. Platerodrilus hoiseni Wong, 1996 is proposed as a junior subjective synonym of Falsocalochromus ruficollis Pic, 1942. Platerodrilus is divided in three species-groups: P. paradoxus, P. major, and P. sinuatus groups defined based on the shape of genitalia and molecular phylogeny. The following species are described: Platerodrilus foliaceus sp. n., P. wongi sp. n. (P. paradoxus group); P. ngi sp. n., P. wittmeri (P. major group), P. ijenensis sp. n., P. luteus sp. n., P. maninjauensis sp. n., P. montanus sp. n., P. palawanensis sp. n., P. ranauensis sp. n., P. sibayakensis sp. n., P. sinabungensis sp. n., P. talamauensis sp. n., and P. tujuhensis sp. n. (P. sinuatus group). P. korinchiana robinsoni Blair, 1928 is elevated to the species rank as P. robinsoni Blair, 1928, stat. n. The conspecific semaphoronts are identified using molecular phylogeny for P. foliaceus sp. n., P. tujuhensis sp. n., P. montanus sp. n., P. maninjauensis sp. n.; additional female larvae are assigned to the species-groups. Diagnostic characters are illustrated and keys are provided for P. paradoxus and P. major groups.  相似文献   

The separation of Clinostomum complanatum Rudolphi, 1814 and Clinostomum marginatum Rudolphi, 1819 has long been unclear. Recent data confirm the validity of the junior species, C. marginatum , by ~ 1% differences in its 18S rDNA sequences. We collected adults and metacercariae of C. complanatum and C. marginatum and found reliable morphological differences in the genital complex at both developmental stages. In addition, we identified basic morphometrics (distance between suckers, body width) in metacercariae that may be useful for discriminating the species. The morphological differences were supported by the comparison of sequences of internal transcribed spacers of ribosomal DNA and of the mitochondrial gene cytochrome c oxidase I (COI) from 39 specimens. In 36 specimens, the average divergence between the species was 7.3% in ITS and 19.4% in COI sequences. Two specimens from North America and 1 from Europe had sequences that did not allow them to be clearly allied with either species.  相似文献   


The Proterodiplostomidae Dubois, 1936 is a relatively small family of diplostomoidean digeneans parasitising the intestines of reptilian hosts associated with freshwater environments in tropical and subtropical regions. The greatest diversity of proterodiplostomids is found in crocodilians, although some parasitise snakes and turtles. According to the most recent revision, the Proterodiplostomidae included 17 genera within 5 subfamilies. Despite the complex taxonomic structure of the family, availability of testable morphology-based phylogenetic hypotheses and ancient hosts, molecular phylogenetic analyses of the group were practically lacking. Herein, we use novel DNA sequence data of the nuclear lsrRNA gene and mitochondrial cox1 gene from a broad range of proterodiplostomid taxa obtained from crocodilian, fish, and snake hosts on four continents to test the monophyly of the family and evaluate the present morphology-based classification system of the Proterodiplostomidae in comparison with the molecular phylogeny. This first detailed phylogeny for the Proterodiplostomidae challenges the current systematic framework. Combination of molecular phylogenetic data with examination of freshly collected quality specimens and re-evaluation of morphological criteria resulted in a number of systematic and nomenclatural changes along with a new phylogeny-based classification of the Proterodiplostomidae. As the result of our molecular and morphological analyses: (i) the current subfamily structure of the Proterodiplostomidae is abolished; (ii) three new genera, Paraproterodiplostomum n. g., Neocrocodilicola n. g. and Proteroduboisia n. g., are described and Pseudoneodiplostomoides Yamaguti, 1954 is restored and elevated from subgenus to genus level; (iii) two new species, Paraproterodiplostomum currani n. g., n. sp. and Archaeodiplostomum overstreeti n. sp., are described from the American alligator in Mississippi, USA. Comparison of the structure of terminal ducts of the reproductive system in all proterodiplostomid genera did not support the use of these structures for differentiation among subfamilies (or major clades) within the family, although they proved to be useful for distinguishing among genera and species. Our study includes the first report of proterodiplostomids from Australia and the first evidence of a snake acting as a paratenic host for a proterodiplostomid. A key to proterodiplostomid genera is provided. Questions of proterodiplostomid-host associations parasitic in crocodilians are discussed in connection with their historical biogeography. Our molecular phylogeny of the Proterodiplostomidae closely matches the current molecular phylogeny of crocodilians. Directions for future studies of the Proterodiplostomidae are outlined.


The Cyathocotylidae is a globally distributed family of digeneans parasitic as adults in fish, reptiles, birds and mammals in both freshwater and marine environments. Molecular phylogenetic analysis of interrelationships among cyathocotylids is lacking with only a few species included in previous studies. We used sequences of the nuclear 28S rRNA gene to examine phylogenetic affinities of 11 newly sequenced taxa of cyathocotylids and the closely related family Brauninidae collected from fish, reptiles, birds and dolphins from Australia, Southeast Asia, Europe, North America and South America. This is the first study to provide sequence data from adult cyathocotylids parasitic in fish and reptiles. Our analyses demonstrated that the members of the genus Braunina (family Brauninidae) belong to the Cyathocotylidae, placing the Brauninidae into synonymy with the Cyathocotylidae. In addition, our DNA sequences supported the presence of a second species in the currently monotypic Braunina. Our phylogeny revealed that Cyathocotyle spp. from crocodilians belong to a separate genus (Suchocyathocotyle, previously proposed as a subgenus) and subfamily (Suchocyathocotylinae subfam. n.). Morphological study of Gogatea serpentum indicum supported its elevation to species as Gogatea mehri. The phylogeny did not support Holostephanoides within the subfamily Cyathocotylinae; instead, Holostephanoides formed a strongly supported clade with members of the subfamily Szidatiinae (Gogatea and Neogogatea). Therefore, we transfer Holostephanoides into the Szidatiinae. DNA sequence data revealed the potential presence of cryptic species reported under the name Mesostephanus microbursa. Our phylogeny indicated at least two major host switching events in the evolutionary history of the subfamily Szidatiinae which likely resulted in the transition of these parasites from birds to fish and snakes. Likewise, the transition to dolphins by Braunina represents another major host switching event among the Cyathocotylidae. In addition, our phylogeny revealed more than a single transition between freshwater and marine environments demonstrated in our dataset by Braunina and some Mesostephanus.  相似文献   

The cercaria of Bucephalus minimus infects the digestive gland and gonads of its first intermediate host, the edible cockle, Cerastoderma edule. Light microscopy (LM) and scanning electron microscopy (SEM) of the cercaria showed a tail formed by a central stem, with 2 long contractile arms presenting distinct morphological surfaces. The encysted metacercaria naturally infected the flathead grey mullet, Mugil cephalus. The cysts found in the heart, liver, and spleen were shown to be identical by the internal transcribed spacer (ITS 1) sequence and morphological features and were associated with encapsulation, recruitment of cell infiltrates, and presence of melanomacrophages and adipose tissue. To establish the life cycle, we compared the ITS1 sequence in an adult from the known definitive host, Dicentrarchus labrax; encysted metacercariae from the liver, heart, and spleen of M. cephalus; and a cercaria from C. edule. With this comparison, we determined that they had a 100% similarity. Therefore, the ITSI sequence data clearly indicate that these 3 parasitic stages belong to the same species, i.e., B. minimus.  相似文献   

Cercaria cerastodermae I, a digenean parasite of Cerastoderma edule, was recorded for the first time in the Atlantic Ocean off the Iberian peninsula. Sporocysts were present in the hemolymph of the digestive gland, gonad, gills, and foot of the mollusc. Most of the cercariae present within sporocysts were encysted as metacercariae. The corresponding adult stages were obtained after experimental infection of several Diplodus sargus artificially reared in fish farms and that had previously been protected against natural infections. Numerous adult specimens of Monorchis parvus were collected in Diplodus annularis along the French Mediterranean coast. Comparison of wild and experimental adults allowed the adult stage of Cercaria cerastodermae I to be identified as M. parvus. Another monorchid, Monorchis monorchis, a parasite of Spondyliosoma cantharus, was found in the same Mediterranean area and compared with M. parvus. Additionally, ITS1 nuclear ribosomal DNA sequences of C. cerastodermae I and of the adults collected in naturally infected D. annularis and S. cantharus were obtained. Sequence data indicate that C. cerastodermae I corresponds to the adult of M. parvus found in D. annularis and is clearly distinct from M. monorchis found in S. cantharus.  相似文献   

Three nucleotide data sets, two nuclear (ribosomal internal transcribed spacer regions 1 and 2, ITS1 and ITS2) and one mitochondrial (cytochrome c oxidase subunit 1, CO1), were analysed using distance matrix and maximum likelihood methods to determine the inter-relationships amongst the four species attributed to the genus Ichthyocotylurus Odening, 1969. Sequence data obtained from all gene loci investigated supported the position of Ichthyocotylurus variegatus as a species discrete from Ichthyocotylurus platycephalus. Phylogenetic analyses yielded congruent trees, with I. variegatus isolates comprising a common clade to which I. platycephalus constitutes a sister taxon. Ichthyocotylurus erraticus and Ichthyocotylurus pileatus were found to demonstrate a similarly close inter-specific relationship. The greatest intra-generic divergence occurred in the CO1 region (16% variability), with resultant disparities in three to eight encoded amino acids. PCR amplification yielded multiple ITS1 products for all Ichthyocotylurus spp. Analyses of equivalent-sized amplicons showed 5.4% intra-generic variation and several point mutations between I. variegatus isolates from different geographical localities and from different piscine hosts. The ITS2 locus was extremely conserved, with less than 1% variation between species. No intra-specific variation was recorded for any CO1 or ITS2 sequences.  相似文献   

The small planorbid snail Gyraulus cf. laevis (Alder) from Lake Myvatn in Iceland was found to emit large-tailed cercariae with 19 collar spines, and three-spined sticklebacks Gasterosteus aculeatus L. were infected with metacercariae of a species of Petasiger Dietz, 1909. Comparative sequence analysis using ND1 mitochondrial DNA sequences revealed that the rediae and cercariae are conspecific with P. islandicus Kostadinova & Skirnisson, 2007, recently described from an isolated population of the horned grebe Podiceps auritus (L.) at the lake. The redia, cercaria and metacercaria are described and compared with related forms.  相似文献   

The adult monorchiid, Postmonorcheides maclovini Szidat, 1950, digenean parasite of the Patagonian blennie Eleginops maclovinus (Cuvier) (Eleginopidae) from Puerto Deseado (47° 45′ S, 65° 55′ W), Argentina, was characterized and its life cycle elucidated. P. maclovinus is the only species of the genus Postmonorcheides, proposed by Szidat (1950) from Tierra del Fuego province (~ 54° S), Argentina. This digenean uses the Patagonian blennie as definitive host, and the intertidal bivalve Lasaea adansoni (Gmelin) (Lasaeidae) as both first and second intermediate hosts (metacercariae encyst inside sporocysts), being the first record of this clam as intermediate host of trematode parasites. The cercaria may, in addition to encysting in the sporocyst, emerge and presumably infect other intermediate hosts. This is the second report of a monorchiid species with metacercariae encysting inside the sporocyst. Adults were found parasitizing the fish stomach, pyloric caeca and intestine with a prevalence of 100%; sporocysts with cercariae and/or metacercariae were found parasitizing the gonad of the bivalve with a prevalence of 2.78%. The cercariae possess a well-developed tail and eye-spots are absent. The ITS1 sequence from the adult digeneans found in the Patagonian blennie, identified as P. maclovini, was found to be identical to the ITS1 sequences obtained both from sporocysts containing cercariae and encysted metacercariae found in L. adansoni.  相似文献   

Molecular evidence is interpreted in the light of morphology to examine the validity of several species of Haematoloechus described as Mexican endemics. Internal transcribed spacers 1 and 2 and 28S ribosomal genes were sequenced for 11 isolates. Phylogenetic analysis of separate partitions and combined databases was conducted. Results were analyzed, in the light of morphological evidence. Haematoloechus macrorchis is proposed as a junior synonym of Haematoloechus longiplexus. Haematoloechus pulcher is a sibling species with Haematoloechus complexus in Lerma wetlands. In Mexico, Haematoloechus medioplexus is distributed along the east coast coinciding with the distribution of Rana berlandieri. The sister species of H. medioplexus is Haematoloechus coloradensis, sharing the distribution of the uterus as a synapomorphic character. Haematoloechus illimis is more closely related to H. medioplexus and H. coloradensis than to H. complexus. It can be distinguished by the distribution of the uterus, lobed ovary, and testes.  相似文献   

The effectiveness of tebufenozide applied against the adult, egg, and larvae of codling moth, Cydia pomonella (L.), was evaluated. Significant reductions in fecundity and egg hatch occurred after 1-h and 24-h exposures of females and 24-h exposures of males-only to residues in plastic plates. A significant reduction in egg hatch was also found after a 1-h exposure of males. The ovicidal effects of tebufenozide in field trials did not significantly differ for eggs laid on residues or treated topically. Corrected egg mortality exceeded 95% for cohorts laid <130 degree-days after sprays were applied. Fecundity and egg hatch were measured after either a 24-h exposure of moths or a 10-d exposure of moths and eggs on apple trees. Significant reductions in both fecundity and fertility occurred compared with an untreated control up to 7 d in the 24-h assays and accounted for 60-70% fewer larvae produced per mated female. The mean numbers of larvae produced per mated female after the 10-d exposure were reduced 100-75% in assays started on day 0-21 after the spray application compared with the untreated control. Fecundity was significantly reduced for 7 d and egg hatch was reduced for the entire 21-d test period in these trials. Residues had a 14-d half-life on apple foliage. Residues applied to foliage or to foliage and fruit did not significantly increase the proportion of uninjured fruit compared with the untreated control in bioassays where neonates were placed on foliage 10 cm from fruit. However, the proportion of injured fruits with shallow stings versus deep entries was higher on the treated versus the untreated plants. Field applications of tebufenozide reduced fruit injury >90% when applied early during emergence. Plots treated after the beginning of egg hatch had a larger proportion of injured fruits with shallow larval feeding.  相似文献   

Aim The angiosperm genus Cryptotaenia (family Apiaceae, tribe Oenantheae) exhibits an anomalous distribution pattern, with five of its eight species being narrow endemics geographically isolated from their presumed relatives. We examined the monophyly of the genus and ascertained the phylogenetic placements of its constituent members in order to explain their distribution patterns. Location Eastern North America, eastern Asia, the Caucasus, southern Italy, Macaronesia and Africa. Methods In total, 173 accessions were examined for nuclear rDNA ITS sequence variation, representing nearly all major lineages of Apiaceae subfamily Apioideae and seven species of Cryptotaenia. Sampling of tribes Oenantheae, Scandiceae and Pimpinelleae was comprehensive. Phylogenetic analyses included Bayesian, maximum parsimony and neighbour‐joining methods; biogeographical scenarios were inferred using dispersal–vicariance analysis (diva ). Results Cryptotaenia is polyphyletic and includes three distant lineages. (1) Cryptotaenia sensu stricto (C. canadensis, C. japonica, C. flahaultii and C. thomasii) is maintained within tribe Oenantheae; C. canadensis and C. japonica, representing an eastern North American–eastern Asian disjunction pattern, are confirmed to be sister species. (2) Cryptotaenia elegans, endemic to the Canary Islands, is placed within Scandiceae subtribe Daucinae along with two woody endemics of Madeira, Monizia edulis and Melanoselinum decipiens. The phylogeny of these Canarian and Madeiran endemics is unresolved. Either they constitute a monophyletic sister group to a clade comprising some Mediterranean and African species of Daucus and their relatives, or they are paraphyletic to this clade. The herbaceous/woody genus Tornabenea from Cape Verde, once included in Melanoselinum, is not closely related to the other Macaronesian endemics but to Daucus carota. (3) The African members of Cryptotaenia (C. africana, C. calycina and possibly C. polygama) comprise a clade with some African and Madagascan umbellifers; this entire clade is sister group to Eurasian Pimpinella. Main conclusions Elucidating the phylogeny of the biogeographically anomalous Cryptotaenia sensu lato enabled hypotheses on the biogeography of its constituent lineages. Cryptotaenia sensu stricto exhibits a holarctic distribution pattern, with its members occurring in regions that were important glacial refugia. The genus probably originated in eastern Asia and from there dispersed to Europe and North America. For the Macaronesian endemic species –C. elegans, M. edulis and M. decipiens–diva reconstructs either a single dispersal event to Macaronesia from the Mediterranean/African region, or a single dispersal followed by a back‐dispersal to the mainland. The radiation of Tornabenea from Cape Verde followed a second dispersal of Daucinae to Macaronesia. Woodiness in Melanoselinum/Monizia and Tornabenea, therefore, is a derived and independently acquired trait. The African members of Cryptotaenia are derived from an ancestor arriving from the Middle East.  相似文献   

Members of the genus Clinostomum Leidy, 1856 are parasites that mature in birds, with occasional reports in humans. Because morphological characters for reliable discrimination of species are lacking, the number of species considered valid has varied by an order of magnitude. In this study, sequences from the DNA barcode region of cytochrome c oxidase I (CO1) and/or internal transcribed spacer (ITS) from specimens from Mexico, Bolivia, Peru, Brazil, Kenya, China and Thailand were analysed together with published sequences from Europe, Africa, Indonesia and North America. Although ITS and CO1 distances among specimens were strongly correlated, distance‐based analysis of each marker yielded different groups. Putative species indicated by CO1 distances were consistent with available morphological identifications, while those indicated by ITS conflicted with morphological identifications in three cases. There was little overlap in sequence variation within and between species, particularly for CO1. Although ITS and CO1 distances tended to increase in specimens that were further apart geographically, this did not impair distance‐based species delineation. Phylogenetic analysis suggests a deep division between clades of Clinostomum inhabiting the New World and Old World, which parallels the distribution of their principal definitive hosts, the Ardeidae.  相似文献   

Macroderoides minutus n. sp. is described based on specimens collected from the Florida gar (Lepisosteus platyrhincus) from Orange Lake, Alachua County, Florida. The new species is the ninth recognized species of Macroderoides and is morphologically closest to Macroderoides flavus and Macroderoides typicus. It differs from both species in having a smaller body, ventral sucker larger than the oral sucker, substantially lower body length to width ratio, fewer and larger eggs, and other characters. A comparison of sequences of nuclear rDNA (partial 18S, complete ITS region, and partial 28S) of the new species, with sequences of 5 other Macroderoides, convincingly supports the status of M. minutus as a new species. Molecular phylogenetic analysis, including all North American Macroderoides species except for Macroderoides parvus, has demonstrated the presence of 2 distinct clades, 1 including Macroderoides spinifer + (Macroderoides minutus n. sp. + Macroderoides texanus) and the other including Macroderoides trilobatus + (M. typicus + M. flavus). The tree topology suggests that the similarity in body proportions among M. minutus n. sp., M. typicus + M. flavus is not a result of close phylogenetic relationship. It has also revealed for the first time the phylogenetic affinities of M. flavus, which is the only North American member of Macroderoides that switched from holostean fishes to teleosts.  相似文献   

Naidoo Y  Karim T  Heneidak S  Sadashiva CT  Naidoo G 《Planta》2012,236(4):1215-1226
This study was initiated to characterize the distribution, morphology, secretion mode, histochemistry and ultrastructure of the glandular trichomes of Ceratotheca triloba using light and electron microscopy. Its leaves bear two morphologically distinct glandular trichomes. The first type has long trichome with 8-12 basal cells of pedestal, 3-14 stalk cells, a neck cell and a head of four cells in one layer. The second type has short trichome comprising one or two basal epidermal cells, a unicellular or bicellular stalk and a multicellular head of two to eight cells. There is a marked circular area in the upper part of each head cell of the long trichome. This area is provided with micropores to exudate directly the secretory product onto the leaf surface by an eccrine pathway. The secretory product has copious amount of dark microbodies arising from plastids which are positive to Sudan tests and osmium tetroxide for unsaturated lipids. The secretion mode of short trichomes is granulocrine and involves two morphologically and histochemically distinct vesicle types: small Golgi-derived vesicles which are positive to Ruthenium Red test for mucilaginous polysaccharides; the second type is dark large microbodies similar to that of long trichomes with low quantity. These two types are stored in numerous peripheral vacuoles and discharge their contents accompanied by the formation of irregular invaginations of the plasmalemma inside the vacuoles via reverse pinocytosis. These two secretion modes of long and short trichomes are reported for the first time in the family Pedaliaceae. The long trichomes have more unsaturated lipids, while the short trichomes contain more mucilaginous polysaccharides.  相似文献   

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